The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, May 20, 1822, Image 2

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F(om the Boston Gazette.
Mary Fcller vs.> TvctCru.
This was a suit brought before the Sii
preroe Judicial Court, for a breach of triar
riage contract, the damages being laid at
js3ooo dollars. The action was tried on
Tuesday last. The plaintiff lives at Stough
ton, and the defendant at Canton in the
county of Norfolk. The principal facts in
evidence were as follows: Mary Fuller
the plantiff, lived in the house of Elijah
Atherton, in Stoughton, in the year 1819,
and in,October there was a militia muster
and a ball in the evening, where Tucker
the defendant was introduced to her at his
desire. —Being pleased with her he hand
ed her to supper, and afterwards would
have offered to accompany her home; but
observed he should have considered it an
ihsult upon so slight an acquaintance. The
following Sunday, Tuctter, who lived three
or four miles off, went to visit her at Mr.
Atherton’s, having enquired about her, and
ascertained the respectability of her char
acter where he continued his attentions
for three 01 four months, us often us onceaj
fortnight. She afterwards went to her
grandfathers Stephen Briggs of Stoughton.
The employment of the plaintiff in the
house of Mr. Atherton was to make straw
bonnets-; she was aft'erwanls a domestic.
In January 1820, Jarvis Glover
the sister of Marv Fuller, who lived with
them more than a year after they commen
ced house.keeping, from January 1820, to
April 1821. During this period, the de
fendant visited her, carried her to h's fa
ther’s and his sister’s houses and to a wed
ding. She did not permit the attentions of
any other young men. He spent evenings
alone in he house aad remained In a late
hour. Went, to frequent balls with her,
and carried her to his uncles, saying it was
a family visit, which he made once ayur.
lie said to Mrs. Surah Dunbar, who live
in Canton, whom he took in a chaise, in the
summer of 1820 that she was married as
he intended to be, that fall or the next.—
She understood, he meant to be manied to
the plaintiff, whom she had hemd he was
_ _ . ... ... • . . i
He observed to Polly Tucker at the
Wedding of Charles Tucker, that lie tvas
as much married as Charles was —the. cere
mony only war wanting. The plain tiff had
made preparations for housekeeping—had
tl >tlu?4 made up, bed quilt, &c.
The defendant's attentions now gradual
ly couled. One Sunday after noun, he call
ed at Mr. Glover's and heard that Mary
had gune to the Univejrsalists meeting—
Tucker then said to Mijs. Glover she
might think it strange he had not called
before; that he intended to have come the
Sunday previous, but it stormed. On
Thanksgiving evening of ISCO, the defen
dant went to a party with young Atherton
and Holbrook ; but never hud heen with
any other person previously. At the last
ball, Mr Kinsley was sent by the plain
tiff, to sea if the defendant would call on
her before he went away ; he saul he was
going away early in the inoniiiig, and could
Hot. Mary wanted Kinsley to wait upoi
her home, who raid he would see Mr.
H'ucker ard tell him. Kinsley however
wynt with her and ske told him Tucker
Iw.'H rfaid to her that lie would accompany
her home before he had gone with another
lady. i-Siio tub! the defendant that she
went with Kinsley and would return witli
Tilt? -eAriet produced upon Miry bv this
doserlion oj l’ucker, was visible; “she
gried :-v<>ry ri‘g’t,” •: lost her bloom”
seemed td lic; in a decline,” and was evi
dently very..unhappy, cast down an dejec
ted. Mr. Elijah Athei tcKi, in may 183:1,
t Iked wuih Tucker and askatl for and cx
plauasiou of bis conducl. IF. seemed to
decline an answer, but said he did mu like
her going to the “ Universal Meethjg.” In
tha previous Marc!) Mr. Jarvis Glover call
ed u; nq the defendant, with a letler from
the i’lawitilf, to know why he had left her :
he would not converse much—said the
goii)g was bad, tliu he had beer, hurried
b it he would come soon.
There never hail beeu any quarrel be
tween Mrs. Giovceand the plaiutilf about i ur any thing else. There had!
b'on some dispute about her now bonnet,!
which Mr. French’* daughter had got and’
T:ie defendant makes machinery—has
property not precisely known. Ilis father
died not long since. Ilis estate did not
exceed 1000 dollars. He has twenty-six!
dollars a month fur warps, besides his
This was the evidence fur the plain lift', I
and the points in defence were, Ist. thatj
. there was no promise proved, and 2d, that |
the habits and customs in the country, in s
such case* were different front those of cities
and that such intimacies as have beeu prov
ed, me common and do not imply a prem
ise of marriage : Jldiun A.’insley, Esq. said,
. that young tnep would pay their addresses,
10 or 15 years before they would be mar
ried, and sometimes they would not be
married at all. He thoughf either party
might break ofl’, if they could do better;
he knew several such instances. Young
wo nen of l6or 18 years would be tnoiti-
Ued if they had not an attendant; but
when £5 or SO they are more considerate.
The dismissal a> often conies from the fe
male, as the desertion from the mate. The 1
contract of -marriage is seldom rfduced 1
to writing except in letters.
Eiijah Atherton testified that the young’
men visit <§* pass their evenings with young
women i without beiog engaged ; but alter
such attentions far a year two, it is not
considered honoiable to leave the girls un
less for somej-eason.
Several witnesses were to testify so con
versations willi the plaintiff Amity Mor
ton swore that many had visited her in the
spring of 1821, aid said they never had
made any preparation for marriage. After
the breaking off, witnesses said to Mary
that if he had left her, she would riot care
about it. Mary observed, she should not
either, if she had as good a home as wit
Eliza Taylor, heard Mr. Glover say,
alter a party at Christmas in 1820, that
Mary would go to the devil with N. Atliei
ton, then she would lock him up. Wit
ness, did not think the Plaintiff would be
sorry to have Atherton, though Tucker had
left her.
Z. Capen, walking with Mary, heard her
say,*he engagement she did not c&rcabout;
but it was his having desertedher after
having addressed her s long. She
said she had nut a piece of patchwork, in
the world and never had.
Eleanor Glover, heard Mary say that
there were other scamps in Canton as well
as Tucker—that she would go to the Uni
| versa list’s meetings as long as there were
jany ; that she had granted him his dismis
sal and was glad to get rid ol him so.—
j Heard Mr. Giover say lie did not think
!David (the defendant) would marry her,
At wo months before he discontinued his vis
its. Courtship often takes place without
marriage. Every young man visits the
girls. Other testimony was introduced
with regard to the Plaintiffs visit to the
Defendant’s father, and remaining some
davs in consequence of a storm in Janua
ry the roads being bad—anti also with le
gard to defendants’s p.roperty.
Churchill for the defence, considered
the question, of the evidence necessary to
produce the implication of a promise, and
enlarged upon (he testimony in the case
with ability. Webster for the Plaintiff
confined himself to the same question, ami
insisted upon the proof of the promise from
concatenation of circumstances. He made
a speech of great force and effect. The
case was submitted to the Jury, and the
next day th y returned a virdict for the
Plaintiff—damages 750 dollars*
C|UST received “the Boston Handel and
ky Haydn Society Collection of Church Music,
being a selection of the most approved Psalm
and Hymn tunes; togetherwi-h many beautiful
extracts from the wovks Mozart,
Beethoven, and other eminent composers, never
before published in this country. The whole
harmonized for three and four voices, with a fi
gured bass from the organ and Piano Forte.”
The above work was compiled and the Music
harmonized by Mr. L. Mason, of this city. It
contains all the fine tunes we. have been accus
tomed to hear in ntir churches, and is calculated
1 to furnish ladies who play the Piano Forte, with
’ an extensive variety of Sacred Music
t The following recommendation was written
i by the late Mr. Abel, and is abundantly sufficient
j to extol its merits;
Having Critically examined the msmiseript co
py of “The I.andd and ‘‘aydn Society Police
-1 tion of Church Music,” l feel % pleasure in ssv
>jmg that the selection of tunes is not onlyjmli-
I ciouslv made, but (he parts are properly arrang
ed—the Hass is correctly figured, and in no in
s'ancc are the laws of counterpoint and thorough
Bass violated, as is the case m most American
Musical Publications.
To all tlie lovers of sacred music, 1 cheerfully
recommend it as a work in which taste, science
• and judgment arc happily combined.,
, F. L. ABF.L.
Savannah Professor of Music.
The work is also highly recommended by G.
K. Jackson. Mus. Docter, of boston.
may 14 ,il l C. VJ. CHF.XK.
i IVlnskey.
iBiD HMDS'. Whiskey
50 b'ds do
Landing and for sale I>v
may 13 Id
HUBS Muscovado Sugar,
For sale by
nay. 13 13
Me, c?c7”
Landing from j.'ujV Augimta and .Moaning Star, j
! IIBLSj. Ale, L:r> - arid Bevrige brand
i 2flCo baskets Siiiina Table Salt
100 lbs New-York cured Hams’
20 qr :asks Sweet Malaga Wine, warrant-1
ed pure as imported^
30 bbls Ale, U Dunlop’s brand
30 do Whiskey
20 do N Gin
10 casks ChesKc
50 Tubs ami-18 firkins flutter
15 M. first quality Spanish Segars
15 hb Is Newark Cider
Mass and prune Pork
Mess and prime Beef, and a general as
sortment of Groceries and Provisions.
Far salt by
may 13 3t .
Hay, Outs and Fotuiocs.
ft ft fcuiidl;s 1 av
SASJ 400 bushels Oats
* 95 bbls Potatoes
Landing from sloop Einilv and for sale by
may 13 13
1 caution all persons from taking or receiving
any note of hand that may be offered, and
made payable to Thomas G.-Walker, as I have !
never received the value of said notes, !
may 9
Just opened at the most reduced prices, at
Three-doors south of the Post Office.
70 pieces firtequality 12J cts
per yard
100 do extra do Slrelitz do at 14 cts
Plain and striped Russia drill, ol the first
qualitv, gl pr yd
Vigdnki Summer effithfifor ooa’? and panta
’ loons, 62i cts pr yd
French Russia drill < f all colours
Superfine'6-4 cotton cambric, 12 “yards for
v g6J o .
Tine Men.s white and coloured Sex, 3 pan
for a dollar
Ladies white silk Stockings gl 5C pr pair
Gentlemen’s chiistic long viik ittfzfe $2
100 ps fire am! extra Irish Linen from 50
cts to gl, fob 4-4 wide
10 cases extra quality water proof broad &
narrow brim beaver Hats g 7 50
7 do second quality from 2 to §4
Os the must fashionable Gentleman and
Servant’s Summer clothing made
in the newest style.
Consisting of
Searsucker, Russia drill, white Jane
French Nankeenet, Canton and Nankeen
Blue and black Florentine Bombazine and
Camblet Pantaloons
Scavsur.ker, Gingham and Bombazine,round
Bomhazette, Bombazine, Searsucter, Giug
bamsand Plan'd Coatees!
English Florentine, white, coloured and Va
lencia West coats
Fine and extra fine Linen and Cotton Shirts
with and without frills
Servants corduroy round Jackets and Pan
t; loons of all sizes
Marino blurts and draws for Summer
Flannel do do
A great quantity of fine and extra fine, Gen
tlemen’s fashionable treats
do single am! Double mill’d Pantaloons of all
sizes and colours
A great quantity of Duck Trows are and Shirts
for Laborers, 83 - april 13
Sugar, Gin. •Mackerel. <Vc.
©(£)(D DHLS’ No 3 Mackerel
11)0 Lb!;- Bfuscovndo'bugar ~
20 hbds do do
10 pipes Holland Gin
70 boxes bunch R.dtins.,
V, dm Ship .Mount Ft r:icn,
33 j .-asks Cut Nads* assorted s.ics.
The cargoes nj li ( e schr Scott and s'orp Eliza,
6000 bushels prime Maryland CORN.
. Err sale by
may 11 1 1
Mahogim y Fumitu re,
Picnvm Fortes, Curled Hair .Matrasses
Feather Beds, l.lwirs dfc.
rTtllF. Subscriber has removed bis Cabinet
jp_ Furniture to his new More in Whitaker
street opposite Cos! Shetniars Mansion House,
where lie ofltia for Sale on accommodating
terms a large and full assortment of
Cabinet Furniture
of the best quality consisting of the following
Side Hoards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining ’J ablcs, single do.
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany
Pier Tables, with marble tops, Curd Tables
Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and without glasses
Rosewood and Mt.h ‘gai.y work Tahles
do do Writing do
Secretaries. Book Cases, Bureaus
Double and single V. ash Stands, Piano Stool,
Mu.ic Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Curled Maple do, Haaewood do
High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Field do
do <lo Malio;tany do Field do
do do Curled lUplt do field do
Lot,king Glasses
Pi. r and Mantle uo
Dressing do of every description
Piano Fortes, lte newest Music, £.c.
Double and single curled hair
do do feather lleds <,f the best quality
A large assortment cl Chairs.
may 10 If
Stone Ware, Cider , &\
TOY the brig Native and sloop Oliver Wclcot,
w'e liave i eceived and for sale :
180 boxes of (Superior Cider
1600 gallons of Jugs and Jars
And mutual on hand
A general assortment of
Which will be schl low.
No. 23, Bolton’s Range.
may 13—lw __
Cutler Shot, Sc.
C. GRISW OLD &. Cos Taylor’s Building,
9 bb!s Hess Fork
44 do Ale
26 firkins prime Goshen Butter
20 casks shot assorted sizes
40 kegs Richmond Tobacco
2J do Rose Nails
2 elegant Gigs with plated Harness
25 bundles Day may 13
For Sale,
dust received from Jioston and JCtnt- York, by
thip Mount Vernon and trigs Hope if Ann,
300 bundles first quality Hay.
100 bags Oats, and * *
50 b'4s first quality Potatoes,
chests Souchong Tea,
bbls Flout’, bv
Jones'Lower incurs
may 13 13 J
Cut Nails and Brads.
100 casks assorted ftom 3to 20 landing from
ship Rising States from Providence, and for = d c
b . v N. B WEED L CO
msv 13—n§
Groceries. ■?7
100 hints, p ime Sugars
-50 bbls. „ do
120 bags St. Domingo Coffee
100 bids.’Whiskey /
70 bids, and 20 pipes N. E. Gi l
50 hbds. Jamaica arid N.O. Rum
15 West India do
20 pipes ! olland Gin
30 <io Cog nac Brandy ’
40 qy. casks Ter.eriffe Wind
60 do Mah’ga .urd Cut vent M’ius
10 pipes ai'd i'i'f pipes CJnsu-y Wine
20 bids, t.l.r ■ Brandy
, 90 boxes T ‘”. Crndlvs
75 do‘ fc $] ;;• •y'-i'-i do
100 boxes •no
10 cl--- •■ r-a “i boxes Ilyson Ta
ooii - on Porter
40 bids Mess Pork
400 qr. boxts Spanish Scgnrs
25 boxes white ‘ avnnn Sugars
50 kegs mnm’.fac.tnred Tobacco
20 boxes Cotton Cards
150 bbls. F : oin*
50 do Loaf Sugar
3U finds. MoUsscs
For sale by
may 15 nil 5
Candles. A’. P. 11 inn, &'c.
SO boxes best mould Candles, assorted sizes
35 bbls. >'. E. Rum
10 hhds. 2d, 3? and 4th proof St. Croix Hum
3 hluis. JSitneica do wan anted pure
20 qr. cast s sweet Malaga M ine
50 boxes Hunch Muscatel Raisins
lUO do and half boxes No. 1 Chocolate
12 i bis, superior Cherry t candy
l)o do Cordials
Half bbls. Mackerel
An invoice of Ford’s Playing Cards
For sale bu bAM’L. STODDER,
Taylor’s II barf.
may 15 -h
Just Lee Freed,
fly the brig Francis from
4 bales of
Domestic TJocds,
Cpns:s[lijg f
Plaids, Stripes,°birting', heelings awl Checks
of good quality, whicli wiJlbe sold low Apply
may 13
Kelt ripfcred Gjicoh.
VS t T ST rceer.'ed from Washington County*, 3020
‘lyl !bs. of Jordan’s prime Salt petered Bacon—
superior to any thing of the kind in this market
mav 15
. Grand Lodge of Georgia,
■ Members of t-”e Grand Lodge of (it or
vJL gia and the several Lodges under its ju
risdiction by 4 heir proper R-presentutives ft*:;
hereby r. quer/cd to aft nd a Quarterly Cm
muni cation of the same, to he hr id at the Grand
Lodge J Fill in Ito City of Savannah, on SAT
URDAY’ die Ist day of June next, at 11 o'clock
A. M.
By order of the Rt. Worshipful Grand Master
\YM P. BLURS, Ur end Her.
tgj’ The Augusta Chronic:;-, Washington
News and Milied.’i ville Journal, are requester!
i to insert the above three time*. and send their
accounts to the Kepublica:. Office,
nay 16 1G
Cut Nails.
Kegs Patent Cu* Nails, from 3d to
20d, assorted sixes, just received
per ship Mount Vernon, capt. Kawson, from
Boston, for sale by
may r 14 cf
Leghorn Hats. l*c. j
4 eases Leg , *’m H ts. assorted Nos.
2 do sup. Cambric Prints
1 English built CURRICLE,with harness com-1
plcte —For sale by
may 16
Saddlery Ware- House.
‘JiItHE subscribers have just rccived per ship
i* August,a, in addition to their general assort
ment of Saddlery Ware,
Ladies and Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles
and Corn h Harnesses,
With various assortments of
Which they offer at reduced prices for cash ori
to in acceptances.
Gilder'* Building's, north. side Market- Square.
may lo dl7
Darien Dank Stock.
may 6 J
1011 Ml
I yy*OUND on Wednesday morning last on the
|la bay, a Silver Table Spoon. The owner can
hear from it, by calling iX Uii3 office,
may 17— e
3000 bushels Virginia Corn—For sale by
-33 hhds. prime retailing New-Orleans SU
GAR niay 11 o
Ten Dollars Deward.
jTT ANA WAY from the subscriber on the Bth
A A EGJiO IVEMCII named Sarah,
about 40 years old, formerly the property of
John Berry of Effingham county. Abe is of a
right complexion and very talkative, and well
knMn.bwt town, having lived last year with
Mr. “lhomas Garnett, and been accustomed to
work about town. .She is supposed to be lurk
ing ao.out iS'pringhiil or Y'aniacaw. ‘J'he above
reward viQ be paid on proof to conviction of
her being- harbored by any white person, or five
ot her delivery to me,
may 14 d*
THF. firm of Lillibridge, Corbett if Tyner, was
dissolved my mutual consent on the 26th
day Jan. Oliver M. Lillibridge is authorised to
settle the concern.
For If arcs, I
fThe British brig ALERT, iV*
viii commence . .1
few days and have quid: cftspatcii. Ford fl
of 251) bales Cotton, apflfy to * **■
• • MUEIt V'upuM
(Jtj'-NciUttf Cap 1 .. McDmigall, . ov, wilt tie hccdunUlile tor „rv y.' s
11 acted by the crev. H
_ Foi Greened:. I
d*r.U,<*x‘r. Liu ‘;,; R < .
of her cargo-y et pge<l, v. ;;j
immediate dispavc.i. i’ .’ frcighi of • ■ ■
apply 1° ‘ JAe). ll."itKill it'’
april 27 IC3 ■
For Xuv-Yovk and J
Packet ’.trig TOLL\, ■
v. id'.v ,-iv on j
fi next. For freight or passage, havintraß
aecommqd'itioiis, apply to the cunt. ( ...
l.loo.e’sWharf,orto t. MAN'lovM
fl ha dips for cab- , I
Landing from said ves <•! • B
50 bbls. (SojlthheM CdN I
20 bbls. fresh BEER ■
mrv 14 I
For Liverpool. ■
The Superior Packet Shi*> ■
J HpWSs, jnn’r. Master. S B
coppered and cupper fastened, will be
without delay—For freight r.■ pa-- sage, fan-tH
extensive and furnhhed iicc- iniuoduiicns, an.B
an board at Bolton’s central wh-./f or t 0 ‘■
may 13 13 B
— - ■
For Liverpool, B
Tlie-fmc substantial coppered S’lntß
PACKET, /tiri: ~ /
having 500 bales in readiness to g 0 on p-u-.M
will meet with despatch. For fveigl.t ■
the remainder, or passage, having suyt .p B
commodatioha, apply to capt. oil Un; n. ,'nlH
ston’s upper wharf, or to ■
rtiAy tl and ® ;
i ~
For Providence, S
Ship UHION, a first rate. r,s*B
Janies Jfratte/l marl -c— will i.u-ct i.l
tv ; .ace. For freight of lUO fades under decß
or passage, having handsome sccnnnnot'mionsal
apply to the master on board, or to
S. MANTON, Rice’s Vfharf
may 10
For NcwA ork.
■ The fine Bliip MORNING STAR,cap
’ efkdA* Bnrttn-ir, Caving part of her cm go v
gage’d U ii! meet with dispatch - -For freighti
passage apply on board at Aneimix’s vlimfor
may 13 13
For Jfew-Fork,
The fast sailing regular packet B
C. Cole Master,’ Will mc
v i h iuimcfi. ate dispatch, fin freight o’ passij
having grid accommodations* apply to cap
ft, on boiud at Jones’s upper wharf, or to
For Greenock,
Jyhi%\ The fme capnered British Shin
- ,;4 : ;r/X THREE SISTERS,
t James Pill waster —will commence
diatcly, and wdl meet witli immediate despatch.
For freight or passage, apply to Hie cant, oi
hoar i, orto JO K H. KEIO & CO.
may 15 15
’ For Unltimore ,
7 lie fast sailing Schr. GUSTAVES,
fiif&i Capt. Kelly —will meet with despatcli-
I’aving part of her cargo engaged. Fa 1
freight of the remainder, or passage, apply c:
board at Anciaux’s Wharf, or to
Hunter’s Building’s.
may 15
For Norfolk and Jin'-throve, 8
The Staunch new Sloop ELIZL I
wl Copt. Morton —will sail on SEND'? I
NEXT. For freight or passage, apply to tie I
master on board at Anderson’s Wharf, or to I
may 15 > I
Drafts on Nezv-Ycvk, I
SAOR sab “by
and ‘ JOHN H. REID & CO. I
may 17 17
Hills on England & JV. t ort ,
For sale by
may 17 3t 17
Drafts on Heston
AT 30, GO, and 90 days, for sale by f
may 16 c 3 0
The Subscriber
TTNFORMS Uie-Public that lie has opened ’ •
Goods at the Corner, in a line with
- Building j end oppnsi'e Mr. I‘ati'f ’
Store, it cor.s-sfs of .Mango p>S Bama'cn?, Sit’d
Scdrgils beat quality f risers, Portable
ing Cases, Cloth, Hair, Flesh and Teeth - rr f
es, Taney Engirih Soaps of (he best qu- 1 ■
’Letssar, Russia f< Antique Oils, LpCie’- :,, o--
Elastics, liressing and Fine tooth Conr.--.', ’
Powder Rouge Needle Books, Si'.uft *>"-
Tapers &c. •’ . ,
N. B. a handsome assortment < I I' 1 ?-’ J
pels, Bonds, Ffi’/.etts, Curls which will nBl
- low as lie intends Selling oat to ■' r0 “':‘
to New-York on the Ist- cf June. T.a0.0
Gentlemen wishing to give him their 0i...
before bis Departure w ill Please to r.ppo
above, and tiig S;ric'?st atlentiou paid 10
bv their Most ebt. Seuvsud.
may 70 11
For Sale,
2POO bushels CORN and 3030 bis Baco’
SO bbls superfine Flour
-I.U libcla Molasses
With a general assortment <>l Gmeeriej.
Apply to FREDERIC Shl.Le.-b
Bills on New-York,
At C 9 days Sight for Sale as above-,
m ay 7 8