The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, May 20, 1822, Image 3
i*Tn* JliOA’VAr MORjYr.VG, May 20. JVavy. —Captain Dowses has been appointed to the command of the American frigate Guer riere, now lying at Norfolk. The Baron de Lederer is officially recognised by the President of the United States. Consul of the Grand Duke of Tuscany for the states of N. York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ma ryland and Virginia. William Wyer, Esq. is also officially recogniz ed Vice Consul of Denmark for the state of Lou isiana, to reside at New-Orleans. Baltimore Pat. South ■ ‘7 me vie n Market. —lnformation has been received in this city, it is said, of the failure of the crops in Brazil and La Plata, and a conse quent rise of bread stuffs in their ports, as srles i cf flour at fifteen dollars onboard, clear of char- i ges, had taken place, and higher prices were an - ! ticipated. As is rationally suggested in the Morning Chronicle, the recognition of the inde- ’ prudence of the South American states, connect ed with the new regulations of trade there, will probably cause a rise of our staple produce in .their markets. — ib. Mr. Gallatin. —It is stated that this gentleman is expected to arrive home in the month of June. relations, says the Washington (Pa ) Exapiin- j er, on the authority of a letter from Fayette countv, have received advices from him, that he’ would sail from France in April. His house at New Geneva is preparing for his reception.— ib. \ Exchange Transactions at Baltimore, 9. A ms.. Considerable stir was made in tire mat keta, in . consequence of the advices which reached Bos ton from Liverpool in 25 days; but w - cannot state that the prices of F our were affected b it at the clme of ’chang hours. Between ■to end 1000 bbls. Howard-street Flour were sold a 6 r o, and sundry parcels ot Susquehanna a. 6 50. • “Wharf Flour remained stationary Indian Corn has experienced asm II decline, and some ear were'sold at 7b cents pcrbushel for yejlov and rS for white. The good effect of advertising lost money, ■was fully exemplified yesterday. A young n.-.u brought to our office two bills of fifty do’ each, advertised as being lost in our paper ye;, terday morning. We regret we did not learn i the name of the person who has so fully’ proved himself an honest man. Ilereceived a reward, of 20 dollars from the owner.—Ah:. Aclv. AVehaveexamined an American.Leghorn Hat manufactured on Long Island now placed in the store of Messrs. Gardiner and A an Antwerp, in Broadway, near Coiirtland-street, and consider j it one of the finest specimens we have seen. It i is, we understand, the .econti attempt of the* voting lady who manufactured the Washington! hat; and, in Conjuration with ‘he various others that have been produced in several parts of the j country, shows vvbar we might expect from the inuuStrv aud ngenuily of our countrywomen, if! a scheme could be devised fim establishing, on | a large scale, a manufactory of this expensive ar- i tide, -V. Y.Adn . j To the Editors of the .V Y Mercantile Jtdvertmr. j It is proper the public should know that the jntjori'y oi the American Hebrew Families, andj their descendants in this city, and many vlioi have emigrated from-Other countries, have no P’.irticip tion in ;he establishment of the Society. j Mentioned iu the article in your paper yesterday, j headed “ Communication and that they hold ‘ no intercourse with the persons there named as , President and Treasurer. Every Editor throughout the United Stales,! y.'ho may re-puldj*h the “communication,” it is, hoped will copy this note. A.v Amsiucan. PIRA | E3. By the brij J i E-tburn, capt Earl, arrived at this po. last evening; in 18 days from St. Bartholomews, we learn, that on -the 19th April Ut*t, the decree by the court of St. Barthtdoii’ tvs, was passed on Jive men and a boy; that had wantonly attacked bn Amciican schr. called the “ Ame; icani for the purpose of robbing inti murdering the captain, crew and a passenger and bad succeeded in getting alongside, and shoot ing one of the crew, when, by some fortu fcute means, their boat sheered ofl", which ■taused the escape of those persons on hoard j ■from a horrid and untimely fate. It wasj ■'ell known that the passenger had on board i ■a few thousand dollars in cash. Thepi-j B'des were sentenced, with the exception j yUheboy, to DEATH; the boy bung \j Btoioor, is to receive fifteen pair of wiis.’ B 11 '! a banishment fur life. The nd dAt'i- zeal of the governor and his office is, ■ n this occasion, is worthy of the highest ■raise j particularly the town rnq r, M. Vaasuin, who went in pursuit f •ii. m; bu s | ■ l!: superior sailing and management l ■hur boat, favoured their escape ho ;', him. to be regretted that tho leaflet of this ■apl was mortally wounded, as it Ims de- Brned the government from t.icing this Jackest of crimes to its extent fie having oppressed in his last moments,that h*‘ cmhi ■•pheate many more if he wished !! He ■ ce ‘ v l his wound from the musket <d one ■ the sailors 0,1 board e.f Mr. j\larca:l’* B| ir - hie *’ Model.” Mr. M. having intel-’ B>; nce of their being out, went immediate-1 H m pursuit,and appreiicndml tliein. An; W'uo sn readily undertaken as this was! ■ -,,r - -d. merits the highest praise. It is H' v cver us such a nature as ought to call the j ■ftnion of evcjry good citizen, as a duty ■‘‘oiaent on them to aid a government I, lsla fl to whom they ought to be well Sentinel. ’ IN SENATE, May 7. The following resolution, submitted yes terday by Mr. Parrott, was also taken up and agreed to: Resolvtd, That the President of the U-! nited States be requested to cause to be i laid before the Senate at the contmence- , inent of the next session of Congress, the • amount of all sums of money collected, un-! der the authority of any law, or laws, of j the state of Georgia, (to which the assent! of Congress may have been given,) impos ing a tonnage duty on ships and vessels in ; tiie ports of Savannah and St. Mary’s, anil i the manner in which such sums of money have been expended. The following resolution, offered yester day by Mr. Benton, was taken up and a ■jrt ed to, viz: Resolved, That the President oftheU-j I nited States be requested to communicate ! to the Senate at the commencetncnt of the | nest ession ot Congress, any information i | whir ■ may he in the possession of the guv ;ermr<ant derived from special agents or o ! ih-rv/is'q shewing the number, value, and • i/Sifion of • e copper mines on the south < ■ ■ ■•? of Luke Superior, the names of the -nan tubes who claim them, the practi- I I ability *.f extinguishing their title, and the ;roivLi: advantage which’ may result to the K'“ public from the acquisition and work ing of these mines. louse of Representatives — May 4. Mr. Tavlor submitted the following or iier, which was adopted : Ordered. That the Clerk of this House catt-c to he prepared and priutend, for the l ve of the members, a list of all business ten.lining undetermined, which by the ex- 1 sting rule, is to be resumed and acted up on nt the next session >f Congress, desig nating bills, reports, and resolutions, com- Ird. from those laid upon the table. Mr, Chambers culled (or the considera .if a bill fiom the Senate to authorize | .L: selection of a suitable place for a Na-: liona! Armory u the western waters ; bat i ;the refused to consider the same. THE RIP IIAPS. ] w jvuil ‘r, f urn t!ie committee appoint* ‘■?.! • * \s 32tj April lass, to enquire into r ■ between the War Department ...d If. .is Mix, of the 25ih July 1818, and j nit t .•.'!> ! e the same was made in pur >u,j.oc- e-i I. : and whether the said Mix be- hi v contract, and such othei facts aa < . -nay deem proper relative to . <wid etc * ■act, made a report thereon, which •■ was read, and ordered to lie on the table— | the eport concludes with the following re : solution: licsolved, That further appropriations •to be expended under the contract made •by the E-'gincerDepartment with Elijah I Mix, ought not to be made. MISSOURI LEAD MINES. A message was received from the Presi dent of the United Btnt'*s by Mi. Gauver | neur, his secretary, as follows : i To the House of Ihpresentaliivs. Tn compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 23d of A pril, tequesting the President of the Uni ted State- 1 to cause to be communicated to that House, certain information respec ing the lead m.nes of the state of Missouri. 1 [ herewith transmit a report us the feccreta jy of \Vur. James Monroe. Washington, May Ttii, 1822 six o’clock, p m—7th m.\y, 1822. The House met pursuant to adjournment, ami continued in session until a tew min utes | ist twelve. MINUTES OF THIS DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. House of Representatives, May 8. six o’clock, a. m.—Sill may, 1822. The House met, a quorum not attend ing. and it being intimated that tlie Senate did not meet until ten o’clock, the House adjourned to that hour. Ten o'clock. Jl. JR.—The House came to ohder and the journal of yesterday was read., BISCRIMINATORY DUTIES. Mr. Smith of Md. laid on the table the following: The committee of Ways and Means, to which wa? referred the President’s mes sage of the 21st instant, communicating se veral letters fiom Mr. Bagot, Mr. Anatru ther, and Mr. Canning in which they re monstrate on the part of the British gov ernment, against the duty imposed on roll ed bar iron, as violating the treaty made between the U. States and Gicat Britain, REPORT: r Tlia ihe committee regret that toe tew days remain* of the session, does not af ford time sufficient to give ihatsubject that consideration which its importance te quires, they therefore decline to express any opinion on its merits and recommend the subject to the early consideration ol the House at the next session. The following resolution was presented to the House, by Mr Mallary—Mr lay lor in the chair : . ~ Resolved That the thanks, of this House be presented to the Hon. Philip P Bat hour, tor the assiduity, promptitude and ability with which he has administered the duties Os the chair during the present ses l°This resolution was unanimously adopt ed. A ne°ro has heen apprehended and j committed to jail, charged with robbing ■several stores in Newburg ami Goshen. WASHINGTON MftyMO. Nathan Towson, late a Colonel in the Army, has been appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate, to be pay master General of the Army—The office he formerly held.—Nat. Int. j The frigate Potomac vvSs yesterday haul led up to her destined sjte, on the new plan invented by Commodore Rodgers. Tie success of the experiment lias been com plete ; and it is a matferof so general an interest, that we shall endeavor, in our next, to give such an account of it as may afford our readsrs an idea of its advanta ges.—lbid. Piy one of the acts of Congress gGOOO is! appropriated for the survey of tiie coast of Florida, under the direction of the presi dent of the U. S. This apporopriation grow out of the resolution which Mr. lliil, of Maine, submitted to that effect at an early part of the session. An accurate chart of that coast is a desirable object, in a mer- 1 cantile as well as naval point of viciv, cialiyasou- knowldge of it is at present so limited.— lbid. Escape from Prison. —Reiition Jerome a convicted Horse thief and an old offen der lately made Itis escape from Westches ter prison, by scaling the jail yaid wall. A vessel is bout sailing from Baltimore! with supplies and a few emigrants lor the American settlement of people of color at Cape Mesurado Commercially Important —Severn) gen tlemen have arrived in town from Wash ington, and state that therW is now a fair prospect that a Commercial Kresty vvijl s,.or. bp concluded between this coup try & France. JV*. Y. Gaz. 9t!i inst. The ship America arrived at New- York Bt!i in>t, sailed form Liverpool on the 7th ult. one day before the Mary Cath arine, at Boston. It is said that the author of “ The Spy” Irs re-! ceived two thousand dollars profit from his very popular novel — Demo. Dreia. TURKEY AND RUSSIA. A letter from St fPetershurg dated; March G,contained in the Globe of April 3d, observes the question of war or peace depends upon the negotiation of M. de Taticliefl'at Vienna. This diplomatist is entrusted with the particular confidence of tlie Emperor Alexander, and has very full powers to hasten the negotiation, without the constant sending couriers backwards and forwards between Vienna and St. Pe tersburg, a distance of 680 leagues. ‘lhe Russian Cabinet demands a speedy and ca tegorical answer. The march ami main tenance of 150,000 men on the war esta blishment, has caused great and ex traordinary expenses quite disproportion ate to the revenues ol the empire. Tits Austrian and English ministers at the Rus sian Court have declared the neutrality nf'j those powers in case of war. And the! Russian Cabinet dn*,s not s<-em convinced of (he success of the negotiation of the two mediating powers ami the prepara tions continue with the same ardor. Or ders have been sent to tlie commanders in -hies and commanders of corps to be rea dy to attack upon the first signal. Ihe The toads were still impassable for artil lery, anc! this difficulty alone it is suppos ed has retardad the opening of the cam paign. It is affirmed that Alexander has made every preparation to go to Odessa; and that he only waits for the last dis patch from M. de Tatiehell. Besides, the evacuation of Moldavia and \V allachia anil the appointment of new Hnspodars, required by Russia, the de mand of an indemnity in money from the Porte for the expense ol the armament and marching of troop*, is supposed to be an insurmountable obstacle to adjustment. These expenses says the letter writer very significantly, and he seems to be otic in authority, are so enormous that Moldavia and Wallachia themselves would be an inadequate compensation. An article from Trieste dated March 14th, observes that letters from Co>fu from the friends of the Greek cause, confirm the news of tlie def eat of the lut kish beet. Price of Stocks at London, day,April 4.-3 per cent Consuls 79j $ i —5 per cent Navy annuities 103j—Ashes Ist Pot H. 14s. per cwt. Pearl 21. 2s—Cot ton bowed BJd. Ncw-Orlear.s 9d to 1 l£d. Liverpool Prices—Pot Ashes Ist 21-2s. to 21. 3s. (Boston nnu New-\oik) Pearl 21. 7s. to 21. Bs. Cotton (Sea Island) from Is. Id. to 2s. —Upland bowed 7h to 10$d. New-Orleans 8d to Is. _ ft is said that tlie Active frigate, Capt. Andrew King, is to proceed to Copenha gen, with the Order of the Gaiter, for the King of Denmark. Ireland. —We regret to notice, that mur der and outrage still continue to stair, a broad in some of the districts notwithstand ing the numerous awful punishments which have taken place. Several murders have been committed; some, indeed without any apparent motive but a brutal thirst lor destruction; others, it is imagined, troin the parties having given information, or •appeared on trials ot the insurgents. At Agen were circulated bulletins ot the victories gained by General Berthon, at the head of 20,000 men; and the fabricated doc uments also state that discontent is uni versal and that Paris is full of revolution. We learn Horn Clialous-sur-Marae, tnat seditious songs have been industriously circulated among the youth of the fcc.iool of Arts,. Fort of Savannah. \%M), ARRIVED, Ship Garonne, Mott, V days from New-A'ork, with an assorted cargo, to .1 Ln'hrop & co corl signe—s, W Fuller, :• (. Dunning, B Morrell, jun. V Cornwall, Bolton. Tl Smith 5k co Gibbs Ik \lexa >de , F J Lay. H Campbell Ccntalou W Lamar, Lawrence St Th'*mps,.u, J B Herbert f/co ~l Lathrop &co, J eigs T Bradlr, II S ■ Atwood J Koptlnan D Robert soil 8 It Gifford St co l‘ M'Dennot. Gandry & Pdf use, T IJutler St : co II M‘call, A 15 Fannin h co and Ihe masler. j Sehr Cygnet, Dean, S <hq s. from Tapahanock; | with corn to rail A ovt. Sloop Rapid, Berry, j day from St Augustine, in ballast, to Isaac Cohen—Left, the sloop Ann; Patterson, for Havana, to sail 2.M hist, and sloop Venus, for Charleston. If. r >. brig Sliark, capt Elton, left there on the 17th ,nst on a cruize. Below, a ship opposed to be the < aroline from New-Orlenns. j The sloop linyivham, 1G days from Boston for ; this place, passed Charleston bar or. Friday. Por Liverpool, drVul To sai l L tJ.-ne. Che well known and fast sailing ship j ERIN, Win Day, mastek l'or freight or pas sage, having good accommodations, apply ou board at F.azer’s wharf, or to may2o 19s SAMUEL AVRIGHT. For fi*. York, Newport £j Fro vhlence. The regular packet sloop iJAPID, Per- StkfS’b ry, master, will sail in Ml 1 1 is week ; for freight or passage, havirg handsome accomjno elutions, apply to the master on board at the Exchange whutf, or to ISAAC COHEN, may .0 c For ifttw-Torh, ■ 7 The regular trailing packet ship GA RONXK John Mott, master. Her ca bin is very commodious ntd her • > >.ecom*dations tor passer.gcrs are not surpassed by any vessel in the t - d’ ; for freight or passage apply to captain Alotl on boarder to way 20 J H>J LATIIKOP £c co. Landintr ami F'oi Sale 10 boodle- I! \ Lov Neiv-York, The fas; sailing Packet Png’ if£J> I.EVANT, tVm. Beetle master will, meet with despatch. iFor freight or passage, having’ superior accom modations, apply to capt ts. on board at Jones’ ; upper wharf,or to HAI L & ,iOYT. I may 18 i ■ . ... ... ■ For Host on , iGE; Trie i.'ia K;ti im. Seltr. B&K ‘•< VAM-, Human Griffith iojferr-wiH meet w.ith despatch. For freight or passage, having good accommo dations, apply to capt. G. on board, at Holton’s wharf, or to MALI. id HOYT. may 13 __ Salt .[float. CSTOR sale on hoard the brig Huron, laying at 5 Johnstons lower wharf, 4000 bushel” Liv erpool SALT, in quantities to suit purchasers. Apply to A. L. MOLYNKUX. may 20 19 JV tit) Summer Goods. BY the ship Georgia, just arrived from Liver pool, the subscribe,s have received avari etyc.f seasonable articles, which with those recently received from England, make their assortment of DRY GOODS more extensive and general than usual, and v/ill be'sold at moderate advance and long credit for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW Sc Cos A’A AO, Crates Crockery ware and tea China London Porter in pint and quart bottles .Casks Glassware, Slice; Iron, Lo. &c. may 20 2m For Sale, TWO barrels of N. O. Sugar, mostly prime & will be sold in lots to sub purchusers. A few half and quarter pipcu white Wine, re maining on hand. may 2(> d§ !9 Jh C. HOLTON / j, Day ward, //ns f.r sale just reciiz-ri, A lot of Furniture, consisting of Beauieaus, Secretaries, Card Tables, Fancy and Com mon Chairs, &c. Also, 20 Trunks of gentle men’s line llnots, a:id an assortment of Shoes, which will be sold low. may 20 dIQ .1 New-England Tale , OH Sketches of New-Kngland character and manners, just received by THOMAS LONGWORTII, ALSO Johnson square A supply of 2d, 3d, 4th octave and plain and mounted D Flutes m '‘>’ Removal , 7IIE undersigned have removed to Helton’s upper wharf, the place for several years occu pied by the late firm of Taylor, Davis & I ay lor may 20 cl 9 HIM'VS & OVKU^FUELL Notice. DURING mv absence I have appointed Mr. John Hunter, my attorney. may 20 JAMF.S MAGLB To tlie Lovers ot Good Razors, I would recommend MauguinL Paten. Damascus Steel Razors, in preference to ail others - it is plain to be seen that by the make and construction of those Razors they ntust im prove in use, as the blade is cf the same thick ness. the tempe- must be the same all through ; it therefore nftver requires setting nothing more than a good strop. They are sold hy. L Qi-iuk, at the corner ot Whitaker and St. Juuan slrcets ’ ROMEO, N.B. I observe by an advertisement ot his that he will refund the cash to ail who are not perfectly satisfied. may 18 and I s McKee $ Ashbrooh, rsrjAVR just received at their Stable in V. est iIU broad-st a drove of , 20 Northen, Tennessee and Kentucky liOttSLS, Which’ they ofi'er for sale at reduced prices. They will be warranted in ever}’ respect, may 18—n AUCTIONS i y John SMck, Jr. TIIISOAY, 20tli| inat. at 11 o’clock, will Sc sold in front ofhis Auction Room, No 2, Con! nierce row, a large anil crencral assortment and Groceries , Among which are in part, viz 6. pipes imitation Rraudy 4 clo Holland Gin 3 Ithdft. Jamaica Rein oo bbls. Smlthfiidd Gis 2tt kegs Butter, Ist and 2d qottlity 20 do superior Hogs Lard 10 qr. casks Malaga Wine 15 bbls. Ciller and Beer • 40 bbls. prime Beef j boxes Table Salt j 25 halt boxes yellow Snap 10 whole do do <lo 25 boxes Candles, 5 andS's 15 bbls. N. O Sugar 2 botes bloom Raisins, he. f'V Conditions—cash on delivery, may 18 TIB? DAY 20;h _ inst. at 11 o'clock pVe cisely, will be sold in ff'ont ofhis Auction Room, | No, 2, Commerce liovy : 60 kegs best English white Lead, ground io Oil 20 kegs do do . black do do in oil 20 do do do patent green clo in do sdo do do red do in do Condttior.3 made known on the day of sale. THiS DAY 20th inst. at hah’ rast 11 o’clk, precisely nil; be sunt in trout of h i Ai.etinn Room No. 2 Commerce Row w ithout It*serve. One Dray and pair Horses’ Conditions Cadi. • : By. Baker Afinton, THIS DAY 20th inst. at half past 10 o’clk; in their Auction Store— A large assortment of OHOCERTES. And at 12 o’clock in Store, a general SsscH'- litent of DRY GOODS. itiay 17 C. Kelsey § Cos. Ham received by n-e b ty Hope and other late e". rrual*. PLAIN and striped Russia Drill Elegant Crape Drosses Plaid and striped Silks Levantine and Florence do lllack Silk t’rtnblet Hlack and colored Cor.ton Crapes Vest sfuiprs Hlack and plain Silk Hdkf’s India and German Flag do Ul’k. blue and col’dliafian Sewing Silk Long and short yellow Nankeens Russia Sheet ings Imitation do Alen’s and women’s white cotton Hose Commonjand supyrfine Calicoes Irish Liner.s, w hole and half pieces Hook, Mull and Jaekonet Vluslius While and colored Cravats Linen Cambrics and Long Lawns Domestic Shirtings j do Sheetings do Piaitia and Stripes Madapt)’an and Power Loom Shirting Thread and Bobir,e* Lsccs Worked Flounces Collaret Bands Striped end plain Gingharrs White Jeans and Salteens Cotton Cassitr.eres Striped Cotton Florentine Flue mixed Sa'inets Gomaien and superfine Broadcloths do do \ Cassimeres SilkUmbretlsa and Fafrasols Gilt Ooat and Vest By tons Pearl <to ’i’ortoi n Shell Combs Imitation do Black and white Silk Hose do do do Gloves Beaver and Hucksin do Black and white Italian Crapes Black Florentines, French and India White Rtcrseilles Vesting Apron Checks plain and figured Lustring Ribbon? Biack Velvet do Aladrass handkerchiefs Woikcd Muslin, Dresses 4-4 and 6-4 Milinets Straw lloimats Oznaburgs German Rolls Cotton Bed Ticking Ilrown Linens Uombauettes, plain And figured With a variety of other GOODS, which ar ■ offered for sale cherp for cash or approve:! paper. • ‘ , may 18 ns§ 18 Sugar and Molasses. 33 lilids. Muscovado Sugar 45 bbls do do 18 boxes brown Havana do *1 do vd)iie do do 32 lihds. Molasses 90 bbls. do Landing this day from schr. Levant from IT.’ vana. For sale by HALL & lIOYT. may 18 _ 150 Dollars Reward. rcTSauEREAS, a person calling birtself Snm” XjkJr \Vilay, but whose real name is Du >■’ Doniiegan, has been for some time past, end voring to inveigle and seif, in the neighborin’ of Camden and Columbia, several negroes . longing to different persons. The above ward will given to any person who mil app’ bend the said Donnegan, and lodge him in m ms! and give the subscribers informs.’ r 'hereof liutingan is about 5 5 feet 8 or ir dies high, thick set, of a dark complex - , round full face, dark eyes, is a blacksmith trade, speaks slow and stutters a little, is ba dressed, and is very fond of spirits ; it is a. he is making for Savannah, by Augusta. THOS. BRIGGS, JOHN WHITAKATL may 18 .■ ■■*-’-- ■ ■ Notice. aS the absence of tli- so iscriber, his Inrun’ will be continued un<b r the mnnagematiJ his Attorney Georgc- R. Cuaimmy ■ „ may 18 U. CAMPBF.I.T