The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, May 20, 1822, Image 4
Xlvu” Chemical \v arehouse. *Jf the Corner of Whitaker and Congress sheets, Shad'sßuildings. FRANCIS J. LAY, OFFERS AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Genuine Lings, Medicines, Perfumery , etc. ARK ANTED Fresh, and of the first qua t t lily, at the Lowest prices. Amongst ■which are^k Antimony isracle Rhubarb root Alcohol do powdered Afoes soct. dohepat Ued Percipitale! Arrow root, A unis seed Rose water, Rosin Assufctida, Alum Rust ofTron Angelica root Gum elastic, Spatulas * Angostura bark S'-ales and weights Aquafortis Marble mortars Antimonial winej Composition do Iron do Arsenic Ivorjr rejection pipes Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes do nitrous, do tariaric Syringin quarts’ in boxs do sulphuric r do pints, do J pints Dark yellow, do red do mate and female do p’ide, do in quill Congress & spring watr Malls Capeta Lemon aci,l do Canada, do Peru Soda powders do Tolu Salts of l^emon Barbados tar Cologne w ater Borax ref'd Wash halls Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap Bole Armenia Transparent do UeciWax yellow Liquid do do w hite* Lows perfumed do Brimstone roll Naples do do ref’d Pomatum in sticks Caster Oil American do in pots assorted do do W India Rosewater Castor Russia Lavender do Camphor ref 1 Fancy vials Calomel ppt Essences assM Canthruides, dopnlv Sal Amrrityiiac Cammonulc flowers Jo Volatile •Oanclla alb. do soda Caraway seed do Rochelle Cardamon seed do Tarter Oascarilta bark do Epsom Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber Castile soap white do Niter refined do colored Solut Arsenic flours Cloves, Cochineal Sjts Ammonia Colombo root, do powd do hartshorn Chalk prepared do Lavender compil’d Coriander aeed do Wine Cream Tartar pulv do camphor Corrosive sublimate do Nit. Dole Carmine Sassafras hark Conserve roses Sassaparilla Caustic Lunar Sponge fine, do course Dragons blood (Saffron Spanish Digitales do English Dovers powders do American Epsom salts Eng. Savin, senna Alex Ether sulpli. Ergot Spermaceti Elder blossoms Simke‘rnot Virg Emery tine do seneka, squills do No 1, 2 and 3 Stores, salts hartshorn Elixir paragoric Sugar I read do vitriol Syrup Squills Extract neuter do simple do gtnliau, do Lead Tart Emetic, Tapioca Flour sulphur Tiuct Aloes compil’d do benzoin do Myrrh, Flaxseed, Fennel do do Valerian Filings steel, do Iron do snake root Frankincense do Assatcelula Glauber salts do Benzoin comp’d Galls Aleppo do Catillturidea Galbaniun, Ginseng do senna Gold Thread do Rhubarb Gentian root do bark huxhams Glass Antimony do Peruvian bark Ginger race do Opium, do castor do powdered do Muriat Iron Grains paradise do columhoroiit Gum ammoniac do Kino, do Jalap do Senegal do guiac, do Valerian do arabic, do powd do Gentian comp’d do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled do tragacantli do squills do guac, do Myrrh Viierian root do shellac, do Cop a Vitriolatated Tartar do mastich Vitriol white, do blue do gamboge do green do scamony Patent medicine ife Helebore black Batemans drops do white British Oil Hiera Picra Essence peppermint Honey, do of squills Stoughtons bitters Hoffmans anodyne Godfrey’s cordial Isinglass Steers Opodeldoc . Ipecacuanha or hippo Turiingtons balls Jalap, Juniper berries iJalbtva carminative Laudanum Dalis Elixir Liquorice root Harb in oil or medeea do powdered, do ball mentum do refined Oil Worniseed Li ne water, Lead do Pills, Lees New London Magnesia Lump do do Windham do powdered * do Andersons do stflsll square do Hoopers do calcined do Calomel • Manna Hake, do sorts do Opium Mezereon, Musk Prussian Blue, 12 & 3 Mustard seed, Mace lig blue, Kings yellow Nutmegs, Nux vomica Drop Lake, No I U 2 Opium, Orange peoi Flake white, Gamine Oxymcl squills Ivory blaca, lamp do Oil pennyroyal Indigo Spanish do turpehti e Black Lead, red do do taiiscy, do olive Litharge do pepperuiiiit Terri de senna do spearmint, do savin'Caster Oil, in phials do rosemary Peragoric do do origaiitum Laudanum do do cinnamon Antimonial wine do do worm seed Tinct Rhubarb do do Lavender do Assafcetida do do wormwood Rais capevia do do annis seed Sweet Oil do do juniper SptsLavend, com. do do Cloves do camphor do do almonds, do Lemon j do hartshorn do do bergamot do sweet Niter do do sassafras do Turpentine do /do hemlock Calomel do f> Fennel Jalap do tin Spruce] Tartar Emetic do do Wintergreen iw bmtles, do Vitriol Wine bitters G/Li’nsent mere Spts hartshorn do Ralsidon do Sweet Niter do Cerate do Turpentine and Simple Sweet Oil do <*cd percipit&te castor do do Spanish Flies American and W I Pink root, Pearl Ashes Spanish wiring pear! Barley Rot ton stone Powdered tin Pumice do Piaster mercurial Powdered blue do Burgundy pi(cb Copperas do Adhesive Vermillion, Chinese do strengthening do Eng. do L’ achy lon Verdigris, Irish Glue do gum, do blistering in vixi.s, uaasla Ess cinnamon do rasp’d Quicksilver do Lavender i Ess Lemon - Clown do do Evans Calc’tl Magnesia Rergamaitt Epsom salts, rhubarb Spring Lancets Peruvian bark Tooth instruments Cheltenham salts Bougies, Galla pots Iler.rys calc’d mkgnesia.M acaboy sniff Stomachic bitters Liquid blacking , Worm Lozenges French do Aromatic Tooth paste Black sealing wax Hinckleys remedy fcrßcd wafers, ass’d do the piles Tooth brushes com Fever Powders dir silver wire 3 and Thompson’s eye water, row s large and small Cupping and Trepaning Patent Itch ointment instruments llef*d Liquorice Male ond female silver do in boxes, do com catheters Patent spring Trusses White leather skins common do Eng. mustard by the lb, Durable Ink in canisters Ued ink powder Ground Ginger, race do Black do Pill boxes Cloves, cinnamon Vial corks, bottle do Balm Quito Wax tapers Churches cough drops Nutenbergh do for coughs,colds,con- Patent sumptions, asthmas, Thumb I.ancets &c f, c do common Cephalic snuff, for ca do clew leys tarrhs. Shipmans Garden Seeds, assorted, in boxes. ALSO A general assortment of Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture, Phials, assorted,from half dram to .18 oz, #c* All (hose who wish to purchase, will please call and examine for themselves. jan 1 Paints, Oil, Window Glass, &c. subscriber keeps constantly for j sale, at his store in Whitaker-street, nearly opposite Col. Shellman's Mansion House, a large am! general supply of Paints, Painter s’ Jr tides, Window Glass, Varnishes, Oils, dfc. Which he offers at wholesale anil retail, at the lowest prices for cash, produce or approved paper—vi/.. 400 kegs London ground white Lead, in 28, So, and 112 lb kegs 100 kegs American do 100 do Spanish Brown 100 do Yellow Ochre 100 do Venetian Red 50 do Black Paint, 20 do Verdigris 500 gallons Linseed Oil, in bbls and tierce 2to* do spermaceti Lamp Oil 100 do Spirits Turpentine 60 do Copal Varnish 50 do Japan do 60 do Rosin Jo 20 packages Gold and Silver Leaf 3 ions Whiting, 1 do Paris White 50 lbs Chrome Yellow, 100 do blue Smalts 200 do Dutch Pink 50 do Chinese Vermillion, 500 do red Lead 300 do powdered Litharge 2 hhds English Lamp Black, in Ilb $ lb and i lb papers 30 boxes 10 by 12 English Crown Window 6 do 11 ”16 do do [Gla>v 6 do 11 ”18 do do do 6 do 12 ”15 do do do 2 do 12 ”16 do do do 4 do 12 ”18 do do do 4 crates do do do 40 boxes 10 ” 12 French Glass 10 do 7 ” 9 American Glass, branded Bristol 10 do 7 ” 9 do do Elliott i£ Cos. 10 do 8” 10 do do Bristol 10 do 8” 10 do do Elliot & Cos. 20 do 8” 10 do do Peterborough 10 do 8” 0 do do Cincinnati 5 do 9” 11 do do Bristol 5 do 9” 11 do do Elliot W Cos. 40 do 10 ”12 do do Bristo 10 do 10 ”12 ilo do Elliot &Cos 16 do 10 ”12 do do Peterborough £0 do 10” 14 do do Elliot & Cos. 1 do Large Picture. Glass Flake White Steue Ochre White Lead, dry Spruce do W hite Chalk Yellow do powd’d Kings Yellow Gamhago Patent do Carmine Orange Orpiment Prussian blue No. 1 Englisc Verm lion Blue Paint Drop Lakes, Pose pink do Venliiter Venetian Ued, dry Powder blue Red Chalk Distilled Verdigris Ivor; black, Blue do Blue Vitriol Black Lead Fench do dry Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi’ ter Purple Brown Mineral Green Terra de Sienna French do do do buret Olympian do Turkey Umber Copperas English iloj Glue Rotten Stone Pumice Stone Gold Bronze Rosin Copper do Sand puper Dutch Metal Putty nisll Brushes Paint Brushes assorted Fine Camels Bair \ at- Sash Tools do do Tools White-wash Brushes do do Pencils Scruhbin do Japan Gbld size Sweeping! do Oil do do lleartn do Pallet Knives Dust do Gum Copal Clothes do do Shellac Shoe do do Arabic Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead Orders from the country will be thankfu y received and punctually attended to AUGUSTUS CORNWALL N. B. All sorts of Colors prepared for use, and directions given for using them if require..., jan 1 1 Oemler & Posey, AT THEIR MEDICINE AND SEED STORE, Comtr of Broughton and Jefferson-streets, OFFER FUR SALK, A GENERAL assortment of DRUGS, PA TENT MEDICINES, SURGICAL IN STRUM ENTS, and all other art icles usually found in Drug Stores. In addition to their former assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, they have lately received Dwarf Marrowfat * ” Green Imperial ” White Prussian VPEAS ” Blue do ” Early Charlton Green Nonpareil ” Long Pod l Broad Windsor Canterbury KidneyJ White and purple Ilrocoli Cabbage Seed Ice Tennlsball, White Cosa- Magnum Honum Coss Silesia and brown Dutch Lettuces And varijus pot herbs, all warranted. feb?J 47 VAIJIABLR PATENT TJIMILY MEDICINES. . , FRANCIS J. LAY, Agent for Dr. ‘lsaac Thompson, Aeno.London, C Cornu J nrAS just received arid on hand the follqw uU iiig, all of which have been in use for a number of years past, in almost every part ol ihe United States; have been highly, patronis ed by people of the first respectability; and ap approved of by those who have had occasion t make use of them, for the cure ot those disor ders for which they are severally calculated. Dr. Lee's Genuine (Windham) Billiuus Pills, Universally know n and used throughout the U nitid States as a family Medicine. The fame of these Pills has become so great, that many have attempted toccunterfeit them —to guard against this, the proprietors have procured asteroiype label, anil each box of genui lie Lee’s Pills will hereafter be enclosed in one of these labels, with these words on the sides: “Lee’s Genuine Windham Bilious Piils,” anil on the end of the label the words “Samuel Lee, patentee, and 1. Thompson, agent and joint proprietor;” and should any be offered for sale without said la ud on them, the purchaser may be apprised that they are counterfeit. Dr. Thompson's Celebrated Eye Water, For the cu'c of inflamed and sore eyes of al most every description. This valuable prepar ation comes highly recommended from the most respectable sources. Price 50 and 25 cents a bottle. Dr. Bateson's Genuine Itch Ointment, A certain and sale cure for that di* agreeable complaint, as well a3 other eruptions of the skin. Price 37$ cents a box. Thompson's Aromatic Tooth Paste, For whitening and preserving the Teeth—-it may be used with the greatest safety. Price 50 cents a box. Specific Drops for the Tooth Jlclie, Which, in almost every case, give instant relief in that ilistieasing complaint. Price 37$ cents a bottle. ‘Dooley's Vegetable Elixir, For coughs, asthmas, consumptions, &c.—Ave ry valuable medicine iu those complaints. Price 50 cents a bottle. Also Dr. llelfe's Jsmatic rills, For coughs, colds, asthmas, consumptions, &c. These Pills give immediate ease in ail asthmas, difficulty of breathing, hoarseness, catarrhs, Uc. wlule ihe gentle expectoration they promote and schurges those obstructions that occur in the glands, acrimony that arises, aid every species of congealed phlegm. Prepared by W.T. Con way. Price gl. Dr. Anderson's Cough Drops. A most valuable medicine for coughs and consumptions. Price gl. Prepared by James Mellen, Hudson, N. Y. < Dr. Rdfe's Botanical Drops. These Drops are a most certain remedy for the scurvy, St. Anthony’s fire, scrofula, leprosy, salt rheum, scald head, pimpled and carbuncleil iaces, foul festerings,eruptions, feYersores, sore legs, sore eyes ami ulcers, and every disorder arising from an impure state of the blood and juices—and superior to any other medicine for spring physic. Prepared by W. T. Conway Price SI. Dr. Audlcr's Asiatic Lenative, For Pain. This Medicine is a never failing remedy for the tooth ache, head ache, anil other diseases; is patented by the United Stu’es. anil recom mended as a most valuable medicine by those who have experienced its good effects IVe pared by the patentee, Ezekiel Au-.ller, of New York, l’rict gl The above valuable Family Medicines will be sold wholesale or retail, at the corner of Con giess and Whi taker-streets, Shadd’s Buildings, Savannah, ffb 5 JS'orivalk Academy. JT*HB Trustees of this Academy would beg 1 leave to recommend it to the attention of the public. U isu••der the superintendence of Mr lIiWLT puisTiiii, a gentleman of distin guished reputation as a scholar and instructor Students will be instructed in the various branches of Academic Education, and every at tention will be paid to their morals. Terms from 4to g 5 per quarter. Board in respectable families may be obtained at from gl 75 to g‘2 per week This Institution has been recently establish ed; the building is new and convenient, and delightfully situated in one of the most pleas ant and healthy villages in Connecticut. The ” inter Term commences the first Monday in November—the Summer Term, the first Mon day in May. Gentlemen desirous of further in formation are respectfully referred to Messrs. A lUCHAKDS, Esq ? c . ¥ SELLELK. $ Savannah WM LOCKWOOD, T CH VS (ill DON, W M ST JOHN, IV LOCKWOOD, >TVjuteas.j SYLV EATON, S. B Sr. JOHN, C. t ISSELL .Vqnvalk, Cotin. Jan 14,18J2. feb 19 42 , Rollock's Sermons. Apart of the edition of the above work is re ceived, and ready for delivery. Subscrib ers will please send for their books. S, C. & J. SCHENCK. may 14 , i Rum , flrandy, §c. RECEIVED per Augusta, Cotton Plant ar.d Native, 21 hhds 4th proof N O Hum 5 pipes Cognac Brandy A quantity of .Mahogany Plank, Boards and Teniers. At private sale, by J. B. HEP-BEET & Cos. may 14 14 To Let , One of those Tenements in the rear **4iM£,of Col. SUellman’s boardingshouse— The rent will be low and possession can be obtained immediately For Further particulars, apply at the Museum office. may 6—7 DR. PIERRE E. BKANDIN’S, Genuine Anti-Rhdumatic Salve. ’j 1 ins-well approved remedy, has been by I many repealed trrais found to excel all oth ers as yet offered to ii.e public, for the cure of all sorts ofltheua.aus'n; its efficacy in giving! speedy relief in this complaint, is astonishing !; not only in easing the pain, hut in dhsolvnig j’ the coagulated I; nipli which fixes itself on va rious parts, and by continuing to remain station ary, produces incur cable lameness. Moreover it is an excellent remedy to allay tlje pain of the j Gout, Paralytic Pain, help loc;> Palsy, obiiatej Gangrene, remove the Clamp, the Timth-Acl.e, and the Crick in the back. It is superior (o al most every other application for burns & tcalils, and if applied immediately, extracts the fire al most instantaneously. It infallibly cutes bruis es and sprains, broken breast, sore nipples, ul cers and sores. It is good for the nuinfps, sou: throat, the hooping cough, the piles, and. any 1 kind of pain or ache, i When mercury has been used and L’y reason lof a cold becomes fixed (as it commonly dots) in the joints, by which means a joint sw ells, is stiff and painful, by applying the Anti Rhetlma lic Salve, one may expect to be relieved in a short time; however, in some very obstinate cases, or of long Standing, the warm-bath n.a; be had recourse to vviiu advantage, previous lo using the Salve. The author being well known in the treat ment and cure of Rheumatism, assures tl*e pub lic, that neither mercury nor any or* i'* 3 com pounds, in any shape whatever, nor any ingre dient in jurious to health, enters the compi,:.>l tion of the AntUHheuniutic Salve, which is offer ed to the public not as a cure nil, but as an ex cellent anil as art excellent and safe remedy for external application, ile relies on Lite Salve lo recommend iUi If. No sea vessel should he without this very val uable Salve, and all fan ilies ought always to keep it in their house;,. Ce.Uf cute of Dr. Thomas. Fitch, JVo. 127 A'ui th A’mth Street, DhiladelpUia. 1 the Subscriber, a regular practitioner in Physic anil Surgery, now a citizen and inhabit ant of the City of Philadelphia, do certify and say, that I have examined Docter I’i'erre E. Brandiu’s Genuine Anti-Rheumatic Salve, and and having had it in my family, and for the good and benefit of the pub ic, I do recommend it arid particularly to those who are afflicted with the complainte for which its Author recom mends it. In laitli of v. liich, 1 have signed the present Certificate this dav, October the 24th 1815 Signed, THOMAS FUG!!. Witness, I’eter /I'm. Gautier. Certificate of David .lyres. I David Ayres,do hereby testuy, that I have been much troubled with the Cronital lhieu niatism, or Wandering Gout for years, hearing of Dr. Pierre E Branilin’b Genuine Anti-Rheu matic Salve, 1 bought a small box for trial, and finding it gave me immediate relief, and answer ed my purposes better than, any thing of the kind as yet offered to the public, induced me to buy one of his large, boxes One of iqy daugh ters for some time was Sorely afflicted with Biles brrakmg out in various parts of her body, hi and w ere very troublesome to her, she applied the said salve (as directed) lo her biles, in a few minutes her bi.ts were.easy, and in a short time cured. Therefore, from the g sod that I ami my family lias received from Dr. P. E. B’s Gen uiue Anti-Ahetunatic Sitive, 1 freely recommend it o the public, vvisiiingjiiy fellow creatures to he relieved as 1 have been, considering the said saive as far as my knowledge w ill admit, to be an excellent, sale and remedy for external application, and doubt whether any oilier can surpass it In faith of which I have signed and delivered ihe present ctrlilicat'a in ‘presence of Peter Wm. Gautier. signed, DAVID AYRES. Philadelphia, Oct. 2>, 1815. To w inch are added several other cert ificates from respectable persons that accompany the Medicine. A fresh supply of the above genuine ointment just received direct from ihe Patentee per the ship General Carrington, and tor sale by FR.xNCIS J EAY, Agent. Corner of Congress and H hitaker-sls. had-Vs Buildings , Savannah. aprii 76 JYtw and Valuable Medicine. I);’ Mi l I.l’Ni’S COUGH DROPS. ‘S ’HIS new and elegant Baisam bids fair to X stand unrivalled m its merits, for Consump tions anil Coughs, and we boldly venture to as set t, that uo Medicine has ever gained so rr l h credit in so s’ oi t a time hs this composiiiou j scarcely a case occurs, but may be relieved b; the tin cly use of H, many having lately used it in seated consumptions with the most sui pris ing success, who were given up by the most skill ill I physicians in the country Many certi ficates of its efficacy accompany each bottle. This is to certify , that in June, 1818, I was seized \i ith a very distressing cough, pain-in inv side, great weakness ofthe Itings, and it com tinued until July, 1819, which confined me to the house, and part ot the time to my bed —1 had tried every thing as I thought, hut all in vain, I was at last induced to make trial of Dr .Metten's Lough Drops, which gave me immedi ate relief, increased my strength, and restored my former sleep. 1 can vvi'h the greatest con fidence recommend them to all who are afflicted with those complaints, as a very valuable medi cine. NANCY FOURNK, Hudson, A I” Dec 27,1819. For sale at Messrs. POUYAT & HOLLAND’S, Opposite the Exchange, Savannah. And also by WM. J. HOBBY, June 19 401>5 Augusta. JOB PRINTING-OFFICE. MlrmjßL .1 RAPPEL, ¥S7OULI) respectfully inform his friends and * the public at large, that he has furnished himself with a neat and general assortment of Plain $ (Ornamental Types, for the purpose of executing all work in the Job Printing Line, with neatness and despatch. As my expecta tions are not very great, the prices for i-hiwtin-s’ gene rally, shall be moderate the execution, neat and correct. By unremitted attention and exertionyit is also my intention to merit the pat ronage of a liberal public. PA MI*III.ETS and BLANKS of every des cription printed at short notice.. *• Merchants, booksellers, Public Ojficers, and all who order by the large quantity, shall have their Printing doxk, on satisfactory terms. C? All Orders for Printing handed to me per sonally or left at the Counting-Room of the Sa vannah Museum, Printing-Office, will meet with prompt attentions april JO PRIMPS DIGEST, Os the. Lines if the Stale us Georgia. iE undersigned having comikcied to print JL. for the slate a certain number of copies now issde prjiusals for furnishing to those who ! may beeline subscribers, a digest of the l-atv sos ; the state of Georgia, containing all statutes, and i the subs'ance of resolutions ul a general and public nature, and now in foice, which have been passed in this state previous to the session of the gci'.eral assembly ot December lߣu. W ith occasional explanatory notes ..nd connect i ing reference, and a list of the statutes repeal 'ed or obsolete. To which issdeil ah appendix, containing the constitution of the United biatcs, the coi sti lotion of the state ol Georgia, us amei.dej, the statute of frauds atm fidijmifcs, the habeas cor., pci act,6c. >.c. with a copious index Compiler! by the appointment and under tire authority of the general as.-fai.bly, by O LIVER II PItINCE, There are few so ignorant as r.c.t to km:i ; that a work like this, rr even toierabiy oxrcwG erl, miif-t'possess extrinsic value, in J eentpif. a!ion of this book is allowedUy conipeteat jiiis ges, lo be pevloimetl iu a very lusslArly liiaiw ner ; and the wed known chay a ctfer of ihe gem ‘tlenian w hope name it bears, forbids the idea of any deficiency l't ini|ut.Uh or talent, in exe cuting the irnpoitunt CSIYtCfc confidtil to him (y the legislature. His htlieved that every man wl.b can. ciat-a vei-ieutly Duy work might to possess It,- ‘d cause ii heiiooves.eYery citizen to have some 1 .'knowledge of” the laws olios country. Then* j'u:ion expressed by Hiackstoue is certainly’ that “ As V every man is interested ill the ation ot the laws, it is incumbent upon every’ il,a ” to acquainted with those at leJst, vvitn tvNuh he is irntyicdutely concern ed ; lest he incur t. I *® censure as veil as incon venience, of living iu oocieiy. Writliodt kiH/y.ii,g the obligations which u bt)s him under” CONDITION!*, The book will be neatly printed and sub&tAft. lialiy bound in large royal octavo Volume, m size equal to “ Ingersoll’s Digest ofthe Laws of the United Stales,” and will be furnished to subscribers at the price that books seil for in t’hilailelphia, to w it, 7 dollars per copy, p>>iyabkc on delivery of the work: which will be readv by Noveri.ber or December nexth GRANT LAM) & ORME. Millcdgeville,aprii 29. - . t ‘ ■* vA - NEW fs7^fb/5/L i i//nV7’ H KEE y ASIIBItOOK. Respectfully inform the citizens of s&- . vannah that they have opened their new S 1 ABLE in B est Hmail-street, opposite the residence of Judge Charlton, where they will keep constantly on hand tilt- best prowndcr the market affords, wilh careful Hostlers to at tend to all horses iutrusedto their care. They trust from unremitted attention :uid skilful man ageinent to merit a part ofthe public patronage —-Charges are low, and Drovers particularly will find it to their advantage bv calling Horses anil Carriages are kept constantly on hand to lii.-e, and any Express business will be intended to w ith fidelity and great promptitude may 6 1 m - i-- ■ ■ . ; - - t *W Lost or Mislaid , i NOTE of hand pay able on the first January, % 1822, iii lumber, drawn by Granville Bev i)le, in favor of William Camp,’ fun- and en dorsed, for eiglui dollars. ‘Hie finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it with Mr. Ho’.r el, York-street, opposite Jno Gribbon’s. The public is cautioned not to negociate for said note, the payment beinc stopped. WILLIAM CAMP, Jun. may 6 c* Prime Negroes for Sale k ■BMa ONE FAMILY, A Wench about 32 years old. A mulatto Boy, ab. eight months do A Girl, ab. 14 years do ANOT ER FAMILY. A weneb about 18 years do - A mulotto Boy, about 12 years do A black Boy, about 13 years do A prime fellow, Bricklayer, ab. 40 do All of the above negroes are sold for no fault* the owner wishing to invest their value in other property —they have good characters. The ti tles are warranted ; they are considered valua ble, as knowing all the requisite duties required of good house-servants. Apply to J. B. HERBERT ii CO. may 10 Fresh Medicines , &c. FRANCIS J. LAY. Has just received per ship .iugifsta and brig ITtlpr, INUhSII Sweet Oil Castor Oil Mowers benzoin Powdered Hark Cloves Salts Lemon Ipecac or Hippo Powdered Jallap ltegiiales Cum Arabic do do powdered Tart. F.metic Lunar Caustic Coarse snd fine Sponge Composition Morters Oil Turpentine. Roger’s Vegetable Pulmonic Petergen- Dress Skins Adberive Plaster Red Precigit“.te Gorosfve Sublimate Clyster Pipes Senna Manna I- inglass. JMedecated Vinegar CardainotbSoed P.lm Bark’ Hops Mace Nutmegs Milk of Roses, lie Ztc. , v , Warranted of the first quality anu for sa, '|‘v’ his Drug and ChemEoa! Ware-house, corne * Congress and Whitaker streets, Sltadd so l iugs Savannah, april 18 - iT