Newspaper Page Text
Is published near Whitaker-street, on the Bay,
everyday tor cig .t mouths and three times a
week for the remaining’ four months in the year,
t eight dollars per annum, if paid in advance,
or t*x dollars if paid after the expiration of the
year. No subscriptions are received for a period
less than six montits, for which f've dollars are
The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country
is published to meet the arrangements of the
mail, three times a week at five ikillahs per an
num, if paid in advance, or eibiit dolls us per
annuui if not paid during the year.
Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are
published in both papers the first time, for 75
cents, and continued in the city paper, unless
otherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation’
—Advertisements over twelve lines charged in :
the same propoi lion.
When an Advertisement is sent to the office i
•without any number of insertions being expres
sed n.the face of ihe order, it is understood,
that the advorriser wishes it continued until fur
ther notice. Therefore, all Advertisements
which are not originally limited to a certain num
ber-of’ use rtions, are continued and charged un
til an order for discontinuance is received. Ad
vertisements not continued oftener than once a
week, are charged for each insertion, the same as
anew advertisement.
Lands for Sale.
TT1 T ILL be disposed of at a low price and on
▼*’ accommodating terms, a valuable tract of
land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha river
4 miles above the town of Darien, formerly the
property of Vlr. Wm. Joyner. The tract consists
of 1190 acres, 2*20 of which are cleared and im
proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses —
There are about 800 acres of first quality tide
land, suitable for the culture of Uice, Cotton or
Sugar; the remainder high land, with an exten
sive knowl fine elevation on which the se tle-
Dient is made.
The land is well timbered, and from its conti
guity to a market, will, in its clearing, instead of
incurring produce profit by the sale of
6hingles and other lumber, the proceeds of which
must far exceed the expences of the labor. This
tract is one of Hie olclcai suryey sand consequent
ly tiest selection of Kiber Swamp land, with an
excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of
culture—having a beautiful scite for a residence
and located at an agreeable distance from the
town of Darien, for purposes of business or plea
sure. Terms and a more particular description
may be known on application to ’
march 14 dG2 No. 1, Commerce Row.
THIS Establishment well-known for some
time past, havingbeen thoroughly repaired
and many extensive additions made to it, is a
gain opened for the rocommodation > f boarders
—lt i3 in a healthy and airy part of the city, and
is well calculated for giving comfort and ease to
who may patronize the establishment. The
proprietor can at any time accommodate pri
vate families, having spare rooms Car-that pur
pose. •
Travellers Jtml constant boarders will be well
attended to, -as good c'tables and hostlers have
been procured—and the eating establishment
will at all times be furnished with the very best
viands the market canaflbrd. The bedding is
of the first order and attentive servants are pro
cured to provide every comfort that can-be had.
for those who may caJUbr them. In the liar
Hoorn the best of Liquors will be furnished; —
and in the readiiig room department, to thosi
who wish food for the mind, papers from every
quarter of the U..ited States Will be found The
.subscriber"trusts from the endeavors he shad
make, to render every individual comfortablr
who may patronize the Georgia Hotel, that he
will receive a share of pie public pw milage.
. liujnnt Church Vynare.
april 27 Ira
Soap. Candies Oil , &c\
FIFTY boxes.brown SOAP, landing and will
be sold low—apph to
.Who has alt’i for sale,
40 boxes Spermaceti (Jan Ultra
St) cases .Sv-teet 0.1
50 hbls suinHrfihe Flour
20 boxes Vi, 1 Choc’file (ilakcr’s brand,
A few bides Plua! (> rks
Do. packages \pothecaries Poxes.
Do cases men’s Summer Shoes, &el
. , april 10 93
STHIE subscriber offers for sa'e the plantation
k! whereon lie pow resides lying on Cowpen
creek, in Effingham county, thirty eight miles
from Savannah, containing four hundred and six
ty acres o* Land, about thirty or forty of
Oak and Hickory ;
About seventy under cultivation and in good J-e
----pair, with two dwelling houses, and other convfcl
nierd out buildings, calculated for a plantation—
a well of very good water, and an orchard con
taining upwards ofthree hundred apple trees,all
young. Any person wishing to purchase such
a plate will do well by apply ing soon, as tli.e
t.otna “ih ue low. Apnlv to
may 13 —3t* Effingham county.
Saratoga and Ralls town Mine*
rail Spring Waters,
*TWARR\NTKD of ihe. first quality, just
receiv'd from Messrs. Lynch St Clarke,’
i per brig Hope, and for sale by
Shaild’s buildings, Savannah
tray 13 13
Prime Grech Coffee § N. O.
1 Sugar.
40C bag* prime green Coffee
*23 hhdsN. O Sugar selected forthis mar
200 b’ds N E. Rum
400 hi!* N. O. Flour.
applvd'J E WILLIAMS O’ C.
ay 13 IU
Paints , Oil, Window Gtass tyc
H AS received per ships Garonne, General
Carrington, Corsair, and brig I’anthea, an
additional supply of the above articles, viz;
500 kegs London and l.iverp'ol White Lead,
ground in oil, in 28,56, and 112 lb kegs
100 kegs Spanish Brown, ground in oil
100 do Vecitlan Red do
l'l*i cio Yellow Ochre do
100 do black Paint • do
5 “j gallons L usted Oil
150 do Spirits Turpentine
50) do Lamp Oil
odd boxes American, English, French and
German tt iudow Glass, assorted, from
7 by 9 to 12 by 18
Together with a general assortment of Paints
•and Pai iters Articles, which will he sold on ac
jeommoduing tern s at his Paint Store in Wlrita
.ki-r street, ntar Col Shelmuu’s Mansion House
10 bis first quality Albany Ale
anvil 96
Mayers § Hamilton.
HAVE received per ship Garonne, a fresh
supply ofCLOTHING, suitable for the sea
son—consisting of
Sheppards best blue cloth Coats
Super and extra super blue and blk do do
blue, olive, brown and-mixt Frock do
“ olue, and green Coatees
Seersucker, Cotton, Florentine and blk Rotti
bnzett do
White and.di'ob, Russia Drilling Pantaloons
do and brown Linen do
do black anil drab dalteen do
Black silk, lambletl and Uombuett do
Blue stripe, Seersucker and Florentine do
Clotli and Cassimcre do. of all colours
Black silk Florentine and Valenlia Vests
White and figured Marseilles do
Round Jackets, Duck ‘Browsers, Linen and
Cotton Shirts, Colton Drawers, Stockings, Sus
penders, —and almost even article in their line.
The above goods are made in tiie latest fashion
and best workmanship at their Wave House, in
New-Yoi k, and are offered for sale at their store
corner of Whitaker and Bryan-streets, (oppo
site J. t’enHcid X; Co’s ) at the New-York pri
—also —
A few cases of Hats manufactured by Hamil
ion N. Brush, and warranted equal io any in
this city, containing,
Gentlemen’s drat* anil black beaver lluls
Imitation do do large brim
Brab Russia do—Castor do
Wood ‘s do Youth’s do—Children’s fancy do,
1 case Siik Umbrellas—for sale as above
sbril 19 sn93
Hyde’s Soap.
FOUTY-six boxes Hyde’s white and I’ro'-vn
Soap,’ received pf sell Gen.lackrtin, from
the manufacturer at llaltimore, by whom the
subscriber will be constantly supplied.
april 23 ni Hunter’s buildings.
Notice to Travellers.
PF.RSOVS travelling to Augusta by the way
of Mill Hav,-n and Coutteau’s, will keep
up the old road from Jucksonhcroiight, 2 miles
and three quarters, and .then take the light
hand rood, as the former road which takes oil
at Jacksoobormigh, is stopped up, and a sign
is put up at the forks of the road. .
, ,'.iv 4 §nj
Lamp Oil and Spermaselti
600 gallons Spevmacctti Lamp Oil in barrels
and tierces, of a superior quality
25 boxes Spermaceiti Gandies, from J How
•and, jun. & co’s manufactory, New-Yotk, just
leceived and fur sale wholesale and retail by
may 13 13
- _—- ~a...
Corn , Flour, $ Bacon
The Garg , of the sloop KoXanna from Fred
erickburgh fur sale by GALL fj rIOY i‘.
inav 13 13
Glebe Artichoke.
1 alsify or vegetable Oyster
Nasturtium or no ck Capers
Water, Musk. ■ and Cwntelone Melon
Long and short Cucumber, Cayenne i‘ep;i
Flower Seeds
Also, lately from Germany,
An assortment of
garden seeds,
In small parcels, which they oiler to sell
wholesale on low terms
J.ateUj by the Belvitlere —
An assortment of FLOWER POTS.
And on consignment,
Several Carnation Pinks, Hoses, and other
ornamental Shrubs. - •
march 28 74 OEMLh.R Sc POSEY.
To Planters.
* Few sample Ploughs from the mapiifncto
nL, G of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various
pattfetnS, are just received and will he said low,
apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr.
jan 16 sh§ Hunters buildings.
A General Assortment of
Drugs, Patent Medicines,
~ Surgical Instruments,
VND all oilier articles usually found in Drug
Stores. All such GARDEN SEEDS as the
season demands, and will produce in the Knell
en and Flower Garden.
An assortment of F-. JAYER POTS.
And on Consignment,
An assortment of Ornamental Shrubs, Carna
tion Pinks, 6’c.
N. 11. Ail the above mentioned articles are
warranted. april 27—5100
Lemons and Raisins.
boxes Lemons
IpcO 30 do Raisins, landing from brig Hope
and for sate by L. II SAGE LO.
may 13 c!3
Vrench G00d.3.
jITjHE subscribers have just teceived direct
from France via Nqjv-York, an assortment
which they offer wholesale at a moderate ad.
vance—among them arc ;
Double twilled Imperial Stripe*
Do do mixt Jeans
Fancy plaid Ginghams
Asserted colors Vigonia Cassimcvea .
Double width Bombazeea
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Galloons
Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons
Silk Stockings anil Gloves
Half silk Hose
Green, blue, white, pink & black Florences
Do ■ do do du do Satins
Black, blue and assorted colors Sewing Silk
Silk Braids, thread Dices
l adies ICiqand Castor Gloves
Gentlemens superior Beaver Gloves
Dressed and undressed linen Cambric
Linen cambric I landkevehiefs
Muslin Bands for Colieretts
Canton Fringes, floss & marking Cotton
Violin Strings, gilt edge Pins
Itead and I onto brushes
Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Powder, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the May.
april 22 and
J UST received from New.York, lb he dispo
sed of at the New-York prices, the follow
ing articles:
Super super blue and black close body Coats
Second quality do.
White and colored plain & ribb’d Russia .Drills
Bombazette, Bombazeen
Canton and nankeen Crane
Canton Camlet, Seersuckers
White and brown Linen
Vigon'iq, Cassimere, French NmikecneU
White and Striped Jeans
Yellow and blue NaukeCh
Florentine Pantaloons
Round Jackets and Coatees, same as above
Black Florenlin, Pekin Silk
Marseilles and ToHmtt Vests
Plain anil frilled linen anu'cottoß Shirts
Linen and Cotton Drnwerg
Gentlemen’.-, Hats Imitation Beaver do
Shots, Boots, and every other article that may
be called for in his line
For sale by JOHN I. SE I ZE,
april 16 Ca 90
JOHN V. sfrZtT
x SAVING engaged Mr James Wilson (well
a l knowing as a'first rate workman) to cut
and superintend his work, will as here to tore
carry on the Tailoring Bunnesi in all its branch
Deltas on hand, just received from New
Superfine blue and black. Cloth 4
Vigouia Caasiinere. Marseille*
Tcainot.aiut L'<.kn- SitfVesting i
Seersuckers, Ginghams
Canton Camblet, Bombzeenes
Canton and Nankeen Ciape
French Bombazeen
Striped ami white Jesus
Plain and ribb’d Russia Dr.Us
Which \vill be made up-at the shortest notice
and in the most fashionable etyle.
(j^ h amed Immediate!;/ four or five Journey
men Tailors. None need app'v but those who
can come well recom'vemied as to skilfulueas.
april 16 §s 9 )
FROM the subscribers on the 19th instant, a
Saddle, Bridle and Martingale ; a liberal
reward will he given op apprehension of the
thief or on delivery of the above articles to
april 23 96
N. 11. HART
Has just received the fallowing articles, viz :
FEW pair rich Cut quart and pint DECAN
Straws plain double flint figured and fluted
Tumblers ■ i-
Do do do do do Wines and Cordials t-
Do do - do do do Goblets ‘i< ;<><>;-
Ice Criam, Sweetmeat t Lemonade Glasses
With a number of other articles which will be
disposed of vet v low and mav he examined"at”
HOUSE, Baniai'd-su-ett.
may 2 4
C. C. Griswold, & Cj.
Offers for utile at Taylors’ tohc.rf.
65 bbls prime Reef
15 do Mess Pork
44 do Ale .
29 casks Shot assorted sizes
31 firkins Goshen Butter
40 kegs Richmond Tobacco
20 kegs hose Nails
2 elegant Gigs, with plated Harness,
rryty 2 104
Stock & Produce broker.
rtrXHK subscriber will attend to the purchase
f. and sale of STOCKS, PRODUCE MER
CHANDIZE of every description, at a moderate
Hull Zi Hoyt’s BuiUlivgt, on the Bay.
march 4 fit’ f ■
Fresh ’teas. ~
Gunpowder Tea—ship Huntress’s cargo
Imperial do—ship London I rader’s do
Do. do—ship Heaver’s cargo
just arrived at JCerv-Yurk.
H- - ni do—ship Ontario’s cargo
Y.’ Hyspn do—ship 1 luntress’s cargo
Souchong do—ship Beaver’s last cargo
Selected expressly for families —for sale by
A few firkins choice Goshen Hairy BUTTF.U
and LARD. march 28-74
Corn afloat.
2300 bushels CORN, just received and for
sale by HALL & HOYT,
may 2 l n 4
i Notice
IS hereby given, that the left hand -halves of
ten_ime hundred dollar not?"; of
the United States, signed by W. Jones, Presi
d.*nt, and- Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers
and tenor described h-low, were placed in the
post-office ;it Phil add p Ilia on the evening-of tin I
loth December, 18C(J, inclosi and in a letter by J
S. AG Hobson, to Joshua IVlfcnc at Savannah n
Georgia, winch letter was never received; aim
ax the entire mail of the 14 h Dec. from . Ffiila
delpiiia to Savannah miscarried, life belief i
that the said letter and notes wi re stolen c
lobbed from the mail. Application having befcn
made to the bank by the subscriber fin- thepap
ment -d the whole of said nous, ail persons
concerned arc requested to take notice.
Jan. 1,1817 A 1-170 favor of OS*,i -t glut
“ A 936 •• J Houston 100
“ l! -903 < IOC
“ Dll-52 < Pfl.ip lvO
“ C 4C5 AV Ruth, jr.
“ D -73 *• C Ridings lou
May2o, 1318 a 1358 “J- Peale, jr. 10:,
“ C .797 -•- 10”
“ 1> 1679 “ . • 10U
“ D 1535 •< 10(-
*r>ril s , firiS2 ‘
ALL persons having demands against the es
tate of James Pelo, ‘ale of South. Carolina,
deceased, are requested to render them prop
erly attested according to law, ami those in
debted, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned qualified iidiriinisini
trix. MARY A. l’l.TO.
liuo-ch 12 r ■ 60
months after date-application, will be
* made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Bryan county for liberty t<> sell the Real Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 9,n*
PERSONS desirous of disposing of Lands in
Monroe, Houston, sin! Henry Counties,
and lands in the Counties generally, of the two
lasi Land Lotteries, will please give information
to the subscriber by tetter, post paid, through
tqe medium of the post office, stating the low
est price for such, will promt.tiv he answered
fob 16 38 __ DAVID POI.OCK.
Take Notice. ,
NINE months sflerdate, I shall apply to the
linn, the Judge of the nferiur Court
Chatham County, for leave to sell he-reales
late of W.G Knot-, and for the benefit of the
heirs* ad creditors of said deceased
-Z, -
fOIIRF.E months after date the undersigned
r. will make application at the Planters’ Hank
ofthe State of Georgia, for payment of a Note
issued by the said Turk, the left hand half of
which has been lost—No. 551, value s££>, sign
ed John Ballou, Prcs’t.
Joshua Milne.
inarch 13 fulfil
ALL persons having demands against the e ■
late of Ceiete Ann M Coy, late of Suvan
nah, deceased, aie requested t-> present theni
to ihe subscriber.
S. C. GREENE, -IdtuM'r.
april 10 nf* 85
jfQHHF.E months after date, application will
<IA he made to the Har kof the Stato <( Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No 403, fi-r
fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost
april 4. • nif3o
Notice. ,
’JjNIE subscriber is now ready to receive tlu
f . Citu Taxes for le present year The 18
■gest wdl be chised on l he 25th of next month,
whe;i executions will he Haded against ail de
faultyr&- JOHN I. ROHE UTS,
City Treasurer.
april 27 IC9
’JMIF. Subscribers again united their in
t terert in business tinder the firm of
Savannah, May Ist. ini ...
Dearborn’s Patent Balances,
OF al! sires, constantly for sale bv
nov >5 % 9
Boston Glass.
JUST received per ship Mount Vernon, an
invoice of GLASS WARE and WINDOW
GLASS, consisting of
Quart and pint mol’d Decanters
do do do Pitchers
Pint and j pint do TumhJerS
do ’4 do ship do do
do. |do flint do Flasks”
Imp. welted Table fl’ines, fluted
do Cjstfoot do do fringed
Tumble! Bowl do . do do
do do AVelfedfoot do do
Glhstor Bowl Table do fluted
S2 boxes of 8 by 10 Chelmsford Glass
• 8 do 12 by 14 do do
G do II by 15 do do
12 do 12 by 15 do do
For sale by
may 15 1 i ;
jrpHE cargo of schooner Helena, for sale bv
may !4 If
No., 120 ..Ycl. S.S
-By Tinker ;md Minton,
On the first Tuesday in June next, will be sold
in fiont of tile Court-House in Savannah, be
tween the usual hoqrsj
The Unit dings on Lot. No. (40)
arren M aid, in said pit v, together with tie ur
expired term of the lease of said iot, being the
remaining pjipt of the of U.fD S on, dee.
Sciil by Virtue of an order of the hen. ihe Ir.fc
nor Court of Chatham County, by order of the
administrator. Terms cash.’ april 6
Superior Court.
Chatham County Chambers,
18th April, 4822.
Samuel Howard,’ p ■ i>- wfJ r.
‘ vs. < Bill original ar.J a.
Bank of Darien, ct. si. 5 . needed
TWOnf the defendants in the above case,
* viz. ‘I he l*i esident of tiie. fku.k of Darien,
(representing said Bank) ami the Cashier ofthe
3;‘id Bank, reside without this comity, winch
fart is verified by affidavit of complainant,-*
ft is ordered, i fiat o. pics of said hill be tr.ins.
milted bv the Sheriff.of Chathain coliofy to the
Sheri!} of Mclntosh £nuntv, u here tiie said de.
Icnilai ts uesi-Jc, with instructions to s< i-ve i!n:m
-m said defendants, and make return of said ser
vice on said copies, to the Ch rk of the Suneriog-
Court of said county of Chatham* within t.'.irry
days from tbisdiite ; and it is further Ordered,
that tliis Rule - published and the eefcndaiits
appear and answer at the next Term.
Extractfro:n Mevl/rijote*
april 24. jo
i.iiiHii rr tuesTT. S Cleih Court of Ordinary,
trix of ail and mi gular the golds and chat
el, rights and credits, which weie of Jtermon
Ihyfyey, late of said county, deceased, applies
for dismission frorti her said administration :
These arc, theicforr, incite and. admonish
all pci sens ceiicebtK il, to illq theiv objections,
if any they have, in my office, at Bicehorough,
within the time prescribed by law; otherwise
the said Clarissa 1 lor.dley wiii he dismissed from
her said administration.
Given under my hand and real this eighteenth
day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-two.
[ ELIJAH BARER, c c. o. i. c.
april 15
’IJAHE undivided half ofthe inter&st in the-Dg
5 rieu Gazett^E;. for sale—Terms liberal.
For particulars, apply at the offiee to
april 29 9>
At Private ‘ale,
jDWO piin e Negro T', one a Brnt-rntW
4 Carpenter, ahant... sya firs aJJ—sa.ld for r.-j
fault The other a firs*-rate Sail Maker, 22 ys.
The above negtrorfs will be sold low if early ar
plicalion is mach: to
af'fl J. : . ’ ERRF.RT £4 CO.
The l ibrary,
IS open for the delivery of Hooks, Monday,
Wednesday and Fridat fr m 4 :h 6-o’clvcfc,
M 0 ‘ dec 10
—v :
Window Glass, b-'c.
i fresh supply of ‘.Vindqw Gl ss of ported’
t sizes, from 7by9,t012 by 13 Also, sashes
of all sizes, glized pr unglazed— For sale low bv
nrr- 13 :3
Corn ami Flour.
• 500 bushels pr.i me ‘• lu t Atar}'le.,d CORN".
50 bbis itoward-st. J*iour
>n board schr. Hazard, fer sale by
it ALL & HOYT.
* may 13 13
Hay § Lard.
bitndles ;.'h>
41/Nlrf? 5-i, -.egs t .ard
lamding from ihu- Morning Star, for sale by
•IOHN LA I HHOP & Cos. ,
mayl3> • -15
———-■ ■ ■’ ii ■■ n i ■■ ■ - . -- - . i ,
C4EORGF. SCHLEY • i-aes topuschaSft
f STATE 11A.YJCand} ,
bAJtmv RAJi-K sstocks5 stocks -
And has for sate,
100 shares Planters’ Bank Stock
30 do Steam Boat do
50 ido Insurance da
|pay 14 14 •-
Balni of Quito,
£\ FRESH supply just received by the ship
Jf As Augusta, and for sale by
francis J. Lay-
At his Drug and Chemical Watehoiise, cm*,
ner of Congress aim! W hitaker stree's, S'hiidd’s
mm 15 13
P McDermott,
TjYJAS received by the sehooner Laura from
4S I’hiladeldhia, 12 half bbls. Beef and 4 of
Tongues, choice pieces, put up expressly Lr
family use, by W. SHUSTER.
• may 13 , ■ ,
& JRft iVFk bushels prime Maryland Co£h,
cargo of schr Gustavas, for sale
nay 13 T3
H \ TAI.E for the gtave and the gay, by the
author of “ N<* Fiction,” 2 vols. Just
. eceivcd, for sale bv
J'olinson’s SquaSf.
mnv 13 13
4 SMART Negro Roy, 14 or 16 years old, ft>
i\. litre, and punctual wages will be psiiL—
Enquire at this afflfcfct may ‘fVG