Newspaper Page Text
from the Catskill Recorder.
A poim has been recently published in Eng
land, entitled ‘'ltaly.” It contains descriptive
sketches of the country of the Italians, and re
flections upon the present political condition of
the people. ’ The poem is attributed (from con
jecture solely) to Mr. Southey. Amongthe epi
sodes, is the following: in which arc the outlines
of a storv, that, doubtless, is familiar to most of
eur readei'3.
If ever you should come to Modena
(Where among other relics you may 8
Tassoni’s bucket —but ’tis not the true one)
Stop at a palace near tbe Reggio-gate,
Dwelt in of old by one of the Donati.
Its noble gardens, terrace above terrace,
And rich in fountains, statutes, cj presses,
Will long detain you—but, before you go,
Enter the house—forget it not, I pray you—
And look awhile upon a picture there.
’Tis of a lady in her earliest youth,
The last of that illustrious family;
Done by Zampieri—but by whom I care not.
He, who observes it—ere he passes on,
Gazes his fill, and comes and comes again,
That he may call it up when far away.
She sits, inclining forward as to speak,
Her lips half open, and her finger up,
As tho’ she said “Beware!” her vest of gold
’Breklered with flow ers and clasped from head to
An emerald atone in every golden clasp;
And on her brow, fairer than alabaster,
A coroivet of pearls.
But then her face,
So lovely, yet so arch, so full of mirth,
The overflowings of an innocent heart—
It haunts me still, iho’many a year has fled,
lake some wild melody!
A feme it hangs
O’er a mouldering lieir-loom, its companion,
An oaken chest, half eaten by the worm*,
lint richly carved by Antony of Trent,
With scripture stories from the life of Christ.
A chest that came from Venice, and had held ‘
The ducal robes of some old ancestor —
That by the way—it may be true or false—
Rut don’t forget the picture; and you will not
When you have huard the tale they told me
She was an only child—her name Ginevra,
The joy; the pride of an indulgent father;
And in her fifteenth year became a bride,
.Marrying an only son, Francesco Doria,
Her pley mute from her birth, and her first love.
Just as she looks there in her bridal dress,
She was all gentleness, all gaiety,
Her pranks the favorite theme of every tongue.
But now the day was come, the day, the hour;
How, frowning, smiling, for the hundreth time—
The nurse, that ancient lady, preached decorum;
And iu the lustre vfh’er youth, she gave
fir.? hand, with her heart hut, to Francesco.
Great was the joy; but at the nuptial feast,
When all sate down, the bride herself was Want
Nor was she to be found! Her father cried,
**’Tis but to make a trial of our love!”
And filled his glass to nil; but his hand shook,
And soon from guest to guest the panic spread.
’Twas but that iartant she'had left Francesco,
Laughing and looking Lack, and “ring still,
Her ivory tooth imprinted on his finger,
flat now, alas, she not to be found;
,Nur lkv>m thathour could any thing; he guessed,
But that she was not!
Weary of his line,
Francesco few to Venice, and, embarking,
Flung it away in battle with the Turks.
Donati lived—and long might you have seen
An old man wandering rs in quest of t'enaething,
Something he could not find--he knew not what.
When he was gone, the house remained a while
Sjilent and tenantiew— then went to strangers.
Full ftf-.y 3'ears were past. md all forgotten,
When eo an idle day, a day of search
M 5 this old lumber in the gallery,
That mouldTing chest was noticed; and ‘twas
By one .* young, as thoughtles as Ginevra,
•• Why not rfemo’ e it from its linking place?”
s-soon as said; bui on the way
It burst, i .ell, audio, a skeleton,
Vi h here and there a pearl, ?.n emerald stone,
A golden clasp, cl ping a sin 4<; gold.
All eise bad ptrial.ed—saves .ved.ui.g rmg,
Afiil a snian seui, her mother’s legacy,
jrl i ; wen with a name, the name of both,
T. ere then she had found her grave,
V/i tli'n that chest had she concealed herself,
Fluttering “ illijoy the happiest of the happy;
When a spring-lock, tliat lay in ambush there
Fastened her down forever.
The following d 1 sprit was addressed by the
liuke of Gordon, to Mr. Coutts, on his marriage
with Miss Melon:
An Apple, vve know, caus’d Adam’s disgrace,
Who, on its account, was from I’aiadise dnv’n,
Rut yours, my dear Tom, is a happie” case,
For you’r by a Melon transported to Heav’n !
A lawyer once jeeringly asked a q>taker, if he
could toll the difference between also and like
wise. ‘Oves,” stud tbo Quaker pertly, “Erskine
is * great lawyer; his talents are admired by even
one-, you *re * lawyer /*v, hut iwt Uk^-wiJc,
From Edinburgh Papers received at this
There is a portrait of Shakspeare, in the
possession of a gentleman of Dublin, which
contains an inscription indicating that it
was presented by our immortal bard him
self to Ann Hathaway. The following is
a copy of an original letter also sont to
this young lady by Shakspeare w hen he
was 27, and site 19 years of age; she af
terwards became his wife :
Deeresste Anna—As thou haste alwaye
founde mce toe mye worde moste trewe,
soe thou shalt see 1 have stryctly kept mye
promyse. I pray you perfume tiiys mye
poore locke withe tliye balmy kisses, forre
thenne indeede shall kynges themselves
bowe ande paye homage toe it. Ido as
sure thee noe rude hande bathe knottidde
itte; tliye Willy’s alone hath done the
worke. * Neytherre the gyldedde bawble
that envyronnes the heade of Majestic, noe
norre honourres most myghte, woulde give
mee halfe the joy, as dide thysse mye lit
tle worke forre ihce. The feelinge thatte
didde neereste approache untoe itte, was
thatte which commethe nygheste untoe
God, me'eke and gentle Charytye, forre
thatte virtue, 0! Anna doe I love, doe 1
clierryshe the inne mye hearte ; forre thou
arte as a talle cederre stretchyng forth its
branches, and succouryinge the smallere
plants from nyppinge wintercor the boys
terouse wyndes. Farewelle ! To-morrowe
bye tymes, I will see thee; till thenne a
“ Sweet love, thynne everre.
Press for the Blind. —A journal, print
ed at Geneva, thus announces a very inter
esting invention :— ’ A lady, deprived of
her sight from birth, but distinguished for
her wit, her talents, and good temper, con
ceived that it might be possible to commu
cate her thoughts to her family and friends
by means of printing, if some skilful me
chanic would invent for her a press, and
give her the necessary instructions to make
use of it—the application and patience for
its accomplishment becoming afterwards
entirely her own. She addressed herself
to our countryman, Mens. Francois Huber,
the celebreted historian of the bees, to whom
she had the advantage of being related ; in
addition to which a community of misfor
tune (for he also is blind) increased the in
terest he had in gratifyiug her request.—
Thereupon, his own genius, and that of bis
servant, Claude Lnchet, a man endowed
with the highest degree ot natural talent
for mechanics, were strongly excited.—
They went *o work, and the press was in
vented ; and was finished by Claude, who
sent with it a collection of types to the a
miable suggester of the plan, who soon
made herself mistress most completely of
this invaluable means of communicating
her ideas. We have seen a letter of S3
l.ncs, addressed to her happy benefactor,
composed and printed by herself with com
mon ink, without a a literal error, or a sin
gle typograpical irregularity.”
I.ONDFN, April 20.
The King’s visit to the Continent. —The
foreign journals are full of accounts of pre
parations for the reception of the Kiiig of
England in various parts of the continent,
especially Germany. His Majesty will
visit Cologne, Benn, Coblentz ; there cross
the Rhine to inspect the almost impregna
ble fortres* of Ehrenbreitstein, Jouannis
burgh, the seat of Prince Metternich, Wi
eabaden, Frankfort, (anti in that neighbor
hood continue a day or two with his sister
the Princess of iiesie .ombonrg) Darm
stadt, Manheicn, IKidelburg, (to see the
great tun,) Ludwigsburg, Stutgard, (where
with the Queen Dowager of Wurtemburg,
late Princess Royal of England, he w ill re
main some time, not having seen her since
she left her home ;) from thence to Ulm,
cross the Danube, and pass through Augs
borgh to Munich 5 afterwards over the
plain of Hohenliiiden to P.tssau, or go a*
once to llegenshurg, to visit the father of
Princess Esterhazy, and there embark on
the ’• dark rolling Danube,” for Vienna.—
It is said Itis majesty has expressed a wish
to stop at the fine city of Lentz, also at
the noble convent at Molk, of which a cor
rect description is given by Dibbin, in his
biographical and picturesque Tour ; also
to inspect the fine min in which the lion
hearted Richard’was confined. The Mar
q i? of Hastings, who is on his return
oir. government in India, has been ap
pointed Ambassador to Austria. He does
not come here, but is expected to meet the
King of England at Vienna. The sports
and pastimes in preparation by the Empe
ror of Austria, 19 reported to be on a scale
of uncommon tnagnificpne : alt the petty
princes and inferim Kings in Germany
will assist at these banquets. His Majes
ty has promised to visit the principality of
Esterhazy, iii Hungary, and return by way
of Prague, Toplitz, and Dresden. Should
the state of the road permit, he will go
from thence to Berlin, and take Ilanover
in his way home. Paris is included in the
tour, but in what stage of it is not yet de
termined.— Morning Chronicle.
Stone Ware, Cider, fyc,
‘Till Y the brig Native and sloop Oliver \V6lcot,
ID we have received and for sale ;
180 boxes of superior Cider
1600 gallons of Jugs and Jars
Anti as usual on hand :
A general assortment of
Which will be sold low.
Ji4. 23, Belton’s Rang?.
miy 13—lw
Sugar, Gin. Mackerel.
BRLS. No 3 Mackerel
100 bbls Muscovado Sugar
20 hhds do do
10 pipes Holland Gin
70 boxes bunch Raisins.*
From Ship Mount Vernon,
330 uasks Cut Nails, assorted sizes.
The cargoes oj the schr Scott and sloop EHia,
6000 bushels prime Maryland CORN.
For sale by
may 13 13
.1 Mew-England Tale,
OR Sketches of New-England character and
manners, just received by
ALSO Johnson square
A supply of 2d, 3d, 4th octave and plain
and mounted D Flutes may 20
HAS the honor to inform tne public tl at he
will teach the Piano, Spanish Guitar, Vio
lin, and sacred Music. j lie tunes Pianos and
will also teach the French Language and Draw
ing, He will attend at the academies and
schools in town if called upon. Apply at mrs.
Gigan’s Kichcrdson’s. square, near the public
baths. may 28 *c 26
Brandy § Gin.
10 pipes Cognac Brandy of the most approv
ed brands.
3 pipes superior Holland Gin. For sale on
liberal terms. BAKER Si MINTON,
may 2l
Shot and Bar Lead.
48 casks Shot, assorted from mould to No.
9. ,
10 casks Bar Lead, landing from ship Geor
gia, for sale bv
may 21 o
Lemons, Raisins , &c.
15 boxes fresh Sxily Lemons, in fine order
30 do do Muscatel Raisins
50 casks cut Naife, assorted sizes
200 reams wrapping Paper
30 bbls.N. E. Rum
100 do Whiskey
For sale by S. B. PARKMAN.
may 23 c
DURING my absence I have appointed Mr.
John Hunter, my attorney,
M Trivate Sale.
ft drum blj!s - vvi!iskey
il'Siw'JJ/ 3 cases superior Straw BONNETS.
J. B. HERBERT & Cos.
may 25 24
Drafts on Mew-York,
FOR sale by
17may 17
Just Received,
By the brig Francis from Providence :
4 bales of
Domestic Goods,
Consisting of
Plaids, Stripes,Shirting, sheetings and Checks
of good quality, which will be sold low Apply
may 13
Bills on Mew-York,
For sale by
may 23 22
Call & Judge for Yourselves.
I i> the subscriber’s China Class and Earth
* ensnare House, will be closed by the 15th
next month, country merchants, town grocers
and the citizens generally, should not let this
opportunity escape of supplying themselves
with any article in the above line at such
As will be ottered them at his establishment.
may 23 22 N. H. HART.
Bar%/rdst. Mars sill’s BniUUng’s-
Darien block,
may 6 7
At Private Mtiile.
A Negro man aboil 25 age, a first
fl. rate iield hand and a Carpenter
ALSO—3 ses Straw BonrWs
J. B.
T. C. Hayward,
Pas for salo just received,
A lot of Furniture, consisting of Beaureaus,
Secretaries, Card-Tables, Fancy and Com
mon Chairs, &c. Also, 20 Trunk* of gentle
men’s fine Bools, and an assortment of Shoes,
which will be sold low. may 20 dl9
Specie mid Pimento.
Spanish Milled Dollars
50 bags Pimento, for sale by
A Fifty Dollar Note of the Bank of Darien.—
The finder will be suitably rewarded by leav
ing the same at the store of L. H.Sage 8c Cos.
may 27 25
J. IV. Pomeroy.
TjTAS just received per brig Telegraph, from
Wl N York.a handsome assortment of Ladies’
and Childrens’ Shoes viz :
2UQ pair Childrens’ Morocco Bouts and
200 do Ladie9’ Morocco Slippers, Grecian
.* ties
100 do figured Denmark Slipper*
100 do clo white do do
100 do plain black do do
Which will be sold low for cash only
may 29 £7 c
Meiv Summer Goods.
BY the ship Georgia, just arrived from Liver
pool, the subscriber have received a vari
ety of seasonable articles, which with those
recently received from England, make their
assortment of
more extensive and general than usual, an
will be sold at moderate advance and long erecu
for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & Cos.
Crates Crockery ware and tea China
London Porter in pint and quart bottles
Casks Glassware, Sheet Iron, Sic. Sic.
may 20 2m
Corn, Lemons, §c.
4,000 bushels Corn
40 boxes fresh Lemons
15 bbls. Ale
40 kegs laud
20 do Goshen Blitter
Just received andfor salt by
L. H. SAGE & CO.
may 22
Tufts 6) Reed,
Have just received for sale,
130 bbls. Maniiaden Fish
50 bbls. Mess Pork
10 do Prime do
20 hhds. Sugar
15 pipes 4tli proof Brandy
20 puncheons Jamaica Rum
3 pipes Scicily Madeira Wine
20 qr. casks Tenerifle do
20 do do Malaga do
20 bbls old New-Orleans Rum, 4th proof
10 bbls Boston Rum
50 bbls. India Point Gin
50 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugar
50 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
15000 pounds IDcon
200 boxes Fayetteville and Charleston Can
100 dozen Beer’s Axes
20 do do Hatchet’s
100 kegs patent cut Nails
10 casks fl wring Binds
20 casks patent and mould Shot
20 boxes Hyson Tea
10 boxes Whittemore’s No. 10 Cotton Cards
200 qr boxes Spanish Segars
With many other articles in the grocery line;
at wholesale or retail at low rates, and on the
most liberal terms may 30 28 and
Sugar and Molasses.
13 hints. Muscovado Sugar
45 bbls do do
13 boxes brown Havana do
2 do white do do
32 hlnls. Molasses
90 bbls. lo
Landing this day from schr. Levant from Ha
vana. For sale by HALL &. lIOYT.
may 13
Salt Afloat.
FOR sale on board tot brig Huron, laying at
Johnstons lower wharf, 4000 bti3heli Liv
erpool SALT, in quantities to suit purchasers
Apply to A. L. MOLYNEUX.
may 20 19
‘JMIF. copartnership of Horn &. .Ta vis expir-
ed on the 18th inst. by mutual obusent.—
Those haling demands will please present
them for payment; and those indebted will call
and settle their accounts with either of the
fnav 2.1 22
Cut Nails.
Kegs Patent Cur Nails, from Id to
“>siw 20d, assorted sizes, just received
per ship Mount Vernon, capt. Lawson, from
Boston, for sale by
may 14 cj-
Salt petered Tlacon.
ST received from Washington County, 3000
lbs. of Jordan’s prime salt petered llacon—
superior to any thing of the kind in this market.
’ 1\ sELLECK.
may 15
Drafts on Boston
AT 30, 00, and 90 days, tor sale by
may 16 c 16
Bills on England & N. York.
For sale by
may 17 3t 17
For Sale,
TWO lots of N. O. Sugar, mostly primed
will be sold in lots to suit purchasers.
A few half and quarter pipes white Wine, re
maining on hand.
may 20 d§ 19 J. & C. BOLTON.
For Sale *
TWO Mulatto Women, one about 25 veal’s
of age with a child about 6 years old, and one
about 13 years of age, both good house ser
vant*. Apply to
may 28 and BAKER & MINTON.
Window Glass, §c.
Afresh supply of Window Glass of assorted
sizes, from 7 by 9, to 12 by 18—Also, sashes
of all sizes, glazed or unglazed—For sale low by
mav 13 13
Com and Flour.
5500 btißhels prime white Mtrylend CORN.
50 bbla bolted superfine Howard-st. Flour
On board schr. Hazard, for sale by
may 13 13
A LL persons having demands against the es-
XjL tate of Celete Ann M‘Ccy, late of Savan
nah, deceased, are requested to present them
to the subscriber.
S. C. GREENE, Adim'r.
april 10 nf* 85
/FYN the 17th inst. a red Morocco Pocket
Book, containing money, with many valua
ble papers, and of no service to any one but
the owner. Fifty dollar* will be paid on the j
delivery cf the mme with its content# at this j
cajw. ‘ may 2^
,sM\ The fine British:Sinn
James Fell, outstep —having the greater pa- 0
her cargo engaged, /will meat immediate
patch—for freight o£joo bales co-ton orfpassuV*’
apply to the captain bn board, or to 1
.5;. JOHN H. REID &tV.
may 29 - * 27
For Mew. York,
r£3: The superior new and fast sailing cor,,
“f -v* pr lustcfif.d Packet Ship SAVAN.
NAH, paug Whiti maslet —will have quick di*.
patch, offreig.V. lr passage, having elegant vr.
commodatious, apWy to captuiifW. on board
Jones’ upoer whuiß or to
may 29 27 *V
For Mew-York,
jßSvTlie regular px t brig TELEGRAPH,
Sjfath Snell. imutbir- *> 1 it .el w ; h disp-.t-*,*
for freight or passage, haring accommoda
tions, appjy to captain 3 on board at Junes’ m,
per wharf, or to
may 29 27
For Baltimore, ~~~”
i.fjß, The Schoolin’ CYGNET, f'apt Pen,
s+JUk will sail on Saturday next —for freight
or passage, apply to t’.ie captain cn bearcat’ upper wharf, or Cos
may 29 27
For St Augustine,
y4jfe{jji\ The fust shiiif.g Schr.
ADELINE, captain G > per ow—wr'l
meet with despatch, For freight or pasaif..-
havlng coo.l accommodations. •■p;.'o > and a
master on board at Bolton’s Wharf,
may 29 27 t*
For Boston,
The regular . c-ckei l’i l ■?
Benjamin Dyer, master, wi' l s;’ n Sunday iV:
2d jtme, weather permitting, i.r •
passage apply to the master on boa, . >■,
dersou’s wharf, or to
Who has for sale landing from said
70 bbls prime muscovado Sugar,
50 bundles liny
.11 co in StorC,
15 boxes fresh Lemons
30 do Raising
100 bbls Whiskey
100 do N E hum
2UO reams wrap ring Paper
• 100 boxes Cod Fish
40 hbo mess Reef
boxes Soap,; Candles, Cracker?,
may 28 c 26
For Liverpool ,
i he fine substantial coppered Ship L!
VERPOOL PACKET, Jlirkett matte*—-
having’ 500 bales in readiness to go o,n board
will meet with despatch. For freight <fi
the remainder, or passage, having superior ac
commodations, apply to capt on board, at Jol'.s
ston’s upper wharf, or to
ny 11 and
For Liverpool,
rr- Ihe Suocrior Packet Snip
and Howes, jun’r. Master,
will positively sail on SUNDAY 2d June, wind
permitting. This ship has a large cabin and se
parate dining room, both elegantly finished,
and hit nished expressly for a Liverpool Packet.
Her births are supplied w ith bedding; and eve
ry attention will he paid to the a< commotla'iou
:.f passengers. Foi terms apply on board, or
may 22 i
• For St. Marys
The giahcb schr. PHOEBE,
£s!Sa£ A Cummings, muster,
will sail for the above port on Thursday nex ; .
For freight or passage apply to the captain ca
board, or to $. M ANTON,
may 28 Rices yvhrf.
For New-York ,
jr£Xr The fast sailing Packet Brig
firaS*? LEVANT,
I I’m. Reebe master —will meet with despatch.
For freight or passage, having superior accom
modations, apply to capt B. on board, at Jones’
upper wharf, or to HALL ci HOYT,
For Boston,
The fast sailing Schr.
llenum Griffith master —will meet with despatch.
For freight or passage, having good accommo
dations, apply to capt. G. on board, at Bolton’s
wharf, or to * HALL <J HOYT,
may 18
Ilcgimental Orders.
Savaicxau, May 29. 382-.
X\ If election is hereby ordered robe held #*■
tXwk the Exchange Long Room at 4 o’clock
m. on Saturday the Bth of June next, fora Cap’
tain, first and second Lieutenants, and ensign
to the corps of Georgia Volunteers.
The election will be superintendd ebv 2 Jus
tice* of the Peace,|and two freeholders, or a
majority of them, who will make return thereof
in conformity with the 7th section of the Mil
itia Law of 1818. By order. White* Col.
mav 30 28 Adj’t Ist Her- OV_
IS oticc.
’ LI. persons indebted to the late firm o
Parsons anti Lay Druggists, are reques,
ed to make payment to eitherjof the subscri
bers, on or before the first day of July nest -
Those persons that are delinquent, their ac
counts will be put in the hands ot an attorue)
for collection. ANSON PARSON a.
N may 39 27
Bills on New-York,
I NOR sale by r
* C. C. GRISWOLD li Cos.
rnay 29 27
Twenty Barrels Me,
!*£*** f "”" brie Tc SK"eou“ ‘
may 29 27