Newspaper Page Text
4 |4
... r 1 ‘"J ‘ ■■•■■ —■ —•— -K®r- *• .
C[>t Davis, from Leghorn, informs, tha*
„ ccoU nts from the Morea, to March. sth,
haJ reac etl that place. The report which
. J( | prevailed of an engagement between
t |j e Turkish ar.d Grecian fleets, was ineor
ject. i 1 vva<, hfiowo at Leghorn that war
i,.,,} been declared, but the Russian and
Turkish armies were concentrating on the
froatie#*--‘^ r -
UTICA, May 14-
Eriz Canal Navigation. —Arrived,
,ince our last 63 baots ,nd 4 rafts, with
tj-23fi barre's flour, 597 do. salt, 904 (] O .
P.,rk, 563 bo. ashes, 47 do. beer, lbs. hams,
do. lard; 900 do. butter, 1250 bushels
wa'ar tinF*. 3535 do. wheat, 246 do. corn,
48408 feet boards, 9359 iln. timber, 7534
•slio'is whiskey, 49 tons gypsum, 140 box
es clhss, and a variety of other articles.
r|ea*ed, same time, 52 boats, with 2?7
do. household good*.
Thirty-four boats registered since our
The following Commercial undersbn
relative to the trade with the U. S
e?id3 between the men hnnts at Surinam,
,jiido.3y be of impcrtacceta our merchant*
\. Nat. Jidv.
. PARAMARIBO, Jan. 18.
We, the undersigned merchants, having
!t.!3 iay met to takeiutoconritierarion the
necessity of a dopling measures for the re
j :f of several grievances which haw utlen
c<tl our speculations in American cargoes, decided and agreed on the f dluving
resolutions, binding ourselves, as wc do
hmby, in good faith si;*i i ooor strictly to
adhere to the seme in the eu- chaes of all
cargoes from that u viz .
A'd. f.* ‘l ost the masici, tt closing the
!iie of his cargo sh il fa*.s: fui 1 a ji\e up fur
ir.serticn in the contract, all and every ar
ticle appertaining! to .hec f i r ge of his ves*
ael; that he shall bind himselt to deliver
tie whole, and in the event of failing to do
so, or shall it ever be established that he
disposes or retails any part thereof, he s!.li
fuifeit his chance Isa retort, cargo i r ri< t
less than four months nor more si:;
months, according to the extent of the vio-
Istion of the clause 5 he its fur ho- to be o
bliged te secure far tile nwrciiasti (he ;..
s. of auy and all dsc wbnn
any be on board belonging tc trim sell cfli
cers or crew, under the .-.tur penalty.
1 Art. 2. The expenses of e- {• tog and
■charing at the customs to be famished by
Htiie merchant, he debiting the same to -he
■ Art. 3. The quantity arid quality of me
■laies to be accepted or rejected bv a i • -
Hr.n sent in the punt by the ma-t. r or lac-
Hicrfor that purpose, and on no plea tviat*
Ha'i l ’ shall any allownce be made by the
Htarchant for any alleged inferiority of
■ijialfty or deficiency in quantify on the ar
■nvHl of the pent in town ft being nevet-
Htheless understood, that the navigable risk
Hits'* with the merchant.
■ We further engage to use nil convenient
■diligence in gaining information of any
Baiater or crew that may be clandestinely
Bending any part of hia cargo, reporting
B.c nine to he or taey concerned
M Signed.
9 Unizil.—-Bahia paper- , r ceivf ti ft*.Pn*-
Ban,‘o the 3d April, com. iur mb mated
Bddress from the L’oWici! Ri dt Ja-mi-
B: the King end ( 01 res, setting flirt l the
Bhsoos v.hich induced thorn li suspend
Bie execution of the decree requiring the
Bi-tien ol the Prince fVy ! in Europe, and
Braying for the revocation t-f that decree,
B'is stated, that the. re*isv;b . i rise jjrintfe
■so: !.i have reduced Jiiav. * to its
Boiam: : subjection to the -.i.rohe
•:'! volri have received ail the grievaoce-
Bl’‘C’i Um; hi vtofcre existed TheCoan-
Btel reprr; .••'t her, should the decree be
it tvrH i >ad to civil r.ur ‘ the
Be union ofliAzi* fV,. . .it tv
Bn'*stable. A ofth4
Be country • nv .’ v s,.i’d in Jhc expose,
Bliii'li as f ‘!!.*vs
B‘ere wc'.glily aiuiju ; * -etio-is
>blige this |-y:t 1 and . ‘ i.oitutional
Bfetpleto rsqut.s,. H. R K. the mince lie
■teat to suspend his P> ;.i>r h
until your M ’o,-;-
••?informaiion t.f tho :*•• stale of things,
decide whr.t the best, interests of the
required. In the name ofti;.? nm-
B le ,v ® Pwy your Majesty to -r • •/.. ■ .;, c d e .
■* of the 20th Scpte^ t r ;„ & t, then-bv
mPH Brozn the pe,-v- j0 of H.R.H-m
- ,lie w *il not want a centre of union or
BV"'"?P o ‘nt. and that she may not be de
■],t t,:t? <'dy guarantee of her liberty
H-t Ore prosperity.
conclusion, sire, we swear in the pve-
Ki A /*jesty and tiie whole world,
V.., raz,! * vvishes oivly a constitutional
and that an implacable war
Wa r, 3:oiost any other o:tempted
Ki v; . Ir, !’ osed upon her. lirrzil requires
Kt” KPg 'q ! 'oi to those ol Po tugal—slie
■ ; * WUj sovereign—eqally free—
sß q®dly independent.
B 3m ,i:i 1- Mercantile .tde. of Mai)
■Muftis favored with the
B*- ig® ck^ p - a letter, dated Lima,
f The ship George, arrived at Valparaiso,
land sold most of her cargo. The Gen-
Hand also arrived there, sold part of her
cargo, and will pioceed hither with the re
sidue. Neither the ship Asia, nor the
brig Gustavus, have arrived here. The
Constellation frigate arrived the day be
fore yesterday from Mollendo, and in co.
with her, the brig Macedonian, with some
! sii k goods on board—capt. Smith remained
jat Arequipa to conclude his business. Tne
| schr. Amanda has arrived from Valparaiso,
with wheat and goods, but the wheat and
flour are not very saleable, as American
Hour is preferred, and its present price is
14 to 15 dollars, on board. The scarcity
of moles operates against the sale of wheat,
and besides, the export duty from Chili,
and of import here, bring it to eight dollars
the fanega. There are few articles that
can be exported from this country. Cottons
are of pretty good quality, but the price is
rather high, and the sale in Europe not so
steady as that from the U. States.
“The state of this country improves.—
The enemy’s force decreases daily, and it
would be easy to have the whole upper Pe
ru, if an expedition were sent there. There .
sre 12 vessels now embargoed to carry
troops, but it is not known when they will
rxil, nor to what part of the coast.
11 The Peruvian vessels of war, consist
ing of live, (a corvette, two brigs and two
schooners) lave sailed under the orders ofli
Admiral Blanco, to blockade the port'sii
from Mollenda to Cobja, the former place, ji
1 believe is in about. 18 south latitude, and ,1
the latter in 23 1-2. The force isnotsuf-lj
ficient to enforce a blockade, and posstblyjl
Commodore Hardy may make seme diffi
culty on account of it. But as yet, he has I
done nothing.”
We have bven favored with the perusal
of a file of the Gibraltar Chronicle, as late
a- the 27th of March, but do uot discover
any more recent advices from Spain than
we have had previously received from Li
Ine U. S. f,:ate Constitution, captain
Jones, the loop Ontario, capt. Chauncey,
a:'d lha schr. Nonsuch, Lieut com. Turn
er, arrived at Gibraltar on the 7th Varch,
in five days from Port Mahon. On the 24th,
the Constitution and Ontario sailed for Ca
di/.. ihe Nonsuch departed tor Port Ma
hon on the £2d. The Asia, in 52 dsvs IV.
La Vara Cruz and the Havana, had arrived
‘safe in Cadiz with her convoy, having
jthirty thousand dollars on board.
button Gan.
Prom Ike N. V. Mercantile Adv. 20th but.
W - have been politely favored with the
tul'-i... in- extract of a letter, dated
Lima ‘December. 18. —‘-The ship George
arrived at Valparaiso, and sold most of her
cargo there. Tne Gen. Hand had alsoar
rivi-d there, sold part of her cargo, and will
proceed hither with the residue. Neither
the *>h.jj Aisa, nor (he Gusiavus, have arri
ved here. The Constellation frigate arriv
ed the day before yesterday from Mollen
rlo, and in company with her, the brig Ma
|re lonian with some silk goods on board
I Capt. Smith remained at A rezuiua to con
clude his Dusiness. The schr. Amanda has
I arrived from Valparaiso, witli wheat and
goods, but the wheat and flour are not very
saleable, as American Sour is piefered,
and its present price is 14 to gIC on board.
The scarcity mules operates against the
sale of wheat, and besides, the export defy
from Chili, and of import here, bring it to
R 8 the funega. There are few articles tha’
can be expm ted from this country. Cot
tons are of pretty good quality, but the
price is rather high, and the sale in Eu
| rope not so steady at that from the United
: States.
! “ The state of this country improves.—
i The enemy’s force decreases daily, and it
J would be easy to have the whole ot Upper
Peru, if an expedition were sent there.—
| There are 12 vessels now embargoed to
I carry troops, but it is not known when they
I will sail, nor to what part of the coast,
“ The Peruvian vessels of war, consisting
of live (a corvettee, two brigs and two
scars.) have sailed under the orders of Ad
miral Bianco to blockade the ports from
Mellenda to Cobijo, the former p'ace, I be
lieve is in about 18 South latitude, and the
latter 22£ The force is net sufficient to
enforce a blockade, and passible Commo
dore Hardy may make some difficulty on
account of it. But as yet, he has done
Prom the Dumfries Herald.
A personage, who described himself as
r* General Sarsfield Liickn, Viscount Kilt
maltuck ir. Ireland, a peer of France, nd
8 descendant of Charlemagne,*’ presented
himself before the Magistrates ol Bow-st.
Office, on Saturday morning, and solicited
a few shillings to enable him to proceed
011 important business to Wexford, lie
wore an oh! brown surtout, and a scrap ot
dirty white ribbon fastened to one of the
button holes, a black velvet waistcoat pow
dered with tarnished silver jleurs delis,
and an ancient well worn chapeau bras ,
surmounted with a fringe of black feathers;
e carried under his arm a large roll of
writings, and all his pockets were stuffed
with tin cases, pocket books, and bundles
<>f paper. He said he was a native of
Wexford in Ireland and had spent the. last
Seven years in Paris, where Ids cousin,
Louis XVIII, some months ago created
him a Peer of Frnuce, but before he couid
procure his patent, the, new Ministry came
into power, ami being himself an avowed
Liberal, his qspccted honrs wer withheld
, from While endeavoring to obtain re
• dress for this act of injustice, he heard that
his father had died at Wexford, leaving
• immense property, and that his sisters had
: administered to the will, and possessed
themselves of that to which he was the
rightful heir. Upon receiving this intel
ligence, be quoted Paris very hastily, and
had proceeded thus far when his linances
were exhausted, and he was under the ne
cessity of making this application for as
sistance from the Magistrates to complete
his journey. Sir R. jJirnie said, he w on
dered his Royal Cousin had not furnished
him with the means of prosecWlng his
journey. “ Sir ! I scorned to trouble him
at all on such a pallhry subject,” replied
the General with much warmth ; and then
stated that 10 satisfy his coach hire from
Dover to London, he had given up hi*
working tools.” “Your working tools!”
said the Magistrate ; “and pray may I ask
what trade your Lordriiip follows r”—
“ No trade in the world at all,” replied the
Genera! ; “ I aiu not the person tube after
following trades. The tools lam specking
about are what I used in some of the
graatest inventions the World ever saw,—
I have invented an happaratus for extract
ing stone, and gravel from the blather,
without any operation at all. I luivejn
vented a machine for fishing u; vessels
that may have foundered at sea, as aisy
las fishing up an oyster; and I have invent
jed another machine for making accouche
ment the most aisy thing in existence—a
i mere flea-bite to the most tender body ima
ginable!— And it was partly these inven
tions, indeed, that brought ine to this coun
try now, because I did not choose lu give
foreigners the benefit of them. I —Kir U-
Birnie.—Well, Sir, it may be all very
true, hut, unfortunately, we have no funds
with which to forward your journey in a
manner suited to the dignify of a descen
dant of Charlemagne, and I am afra.d you
must lind your way to Wexford as ell as
you can wit limit our aid. The applicant
said lie was sorry he had troubled the ma
gistrates, and should press his request no
farther. He bowed, and placing his huge
cocked hat on his head with an air if dig
nity he walked out of the (slice.
A person calling himself Mr. V* inter,
| and assuming the manners of a gentleman,
{some time since applied at a house in
iSouthampton Street, Strand, which Mr.
Holt, the Barrister, was going to quit, in
order to become a tenant, and at length
fixed on Saturday to give a final answer,
when he said he should bring two or three
ladies with him to inspect it. Oiders were
given to the seivants, if the family were
from home, to accommodate the party with
the best drawing room ; and at the appoint
ed time the gentleman called, and after|
asking if the ladies were come, and being
[answered in the negative,said, he supposed
| they would soon arrive, and was shewn up’
jstairs. He observed, he expected a gen
jtlcinan to call, whom he requested might
be shown into a room 0:1 the same floor. —
[Soon after a gentleman did call, who prov
ed to be a jeweller, with a valuable assort
ment of goods; when Mr. Winter was
shewn to him, and after inspecting the ar
ticles for some time, he selected four gold
watches, value 100F which lie begged the
jewellei’s permission to take into the uext
room, to show some ladies ; this of course
was granted, when Mr. W. walked into the
room, took lii hat, and decamped. The
[jeweller waited till his patience was ex-[
liausted, when he rang the bell, and stated
the case to the servant, who of com so could
give no satisfactory account of the swind
ler. it is needless to add, that no ladies
ever called, nor has any thing since been
heard of Mr. Winter.
iMk Port °f Stmmmh. sff§
Cfj* JU Arrivals since our last.
The sloop Caroline Delano, from this port,
arrived at New-York in 4 days.
The schr Washington, Mason, from this port,
has arrived at Darien, in 4 days.
The sloop Good-Intent, Allen, cleared at Da
rien for this port, on the 30th.
A brig from Baltimore, bound to this port, an
chored in Hampton Roads on the I9th.
QfT The Better of the
Ship MOUNT VERNON, for Liverpool, will
be closed This Evsxino, at 6 o’clock, at the
counting-house of
June 1 39
For Baltimore ,'i The regular packet Sloop
Vyiko, master, will meet with dispatch—for
freight or passage having good accommodations
apply to the capt on tour.l at Jones’ upper
wharf, or to
IVho have for sale on board raid vessel.
500 bushels Maryland White Com
50'bbls Herrings
15 boxes Codfish
3 dozen Wire Sifters
June I 30
John Lathrop £5 Cos.
Hunter's Wharf.
4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn
100 bundles Hay
40 hhds. prime Muscovado Sugar
75 bbls best double refined do _
50 pieces Inverness Cotton Ragging
SO kegs Lard
30 bbls. prime Beef. New-York Inspection
10 hhds. 3d proof Neutral Rum
10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards
3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeira
30 bbls. Glauber Salts
100 boxes No. 10 and 12, AYiniorr Glass
Jape I——4lo
\ Coffee, Sugar and New Shad .
135 bag? prime Havana Coffee
S lihds Muscovado Sugar
49 bbls 110 1 ■)
32 half bats no if. New Shad
34 bbls no 2 j)
Landing and for sate bv
Who hare in Stgre,
50 bbls WKi'e’s best Oio
50 do relined Sugar
f>o do kiiii dried Corn Meal iff superior quid
40 ps42 inch brown Inverness Coitou iiagj.pii,r
iO pipes Coliiienar Wine
Window'(.lass assorted sizes
A few dozen of Wire St ives
Spanish and Am. St ipes in hlf. Sc qr. boxes.
June 1 3t 30
L. Ti. Sage (Jo.
3000 bushels Corn
30 bbls. Ale
100 do Mess and prime'Beef
20 do Mess Fork
20 qr. casks Malaga Wine
30 pipes 1. in
100 boxes Soap and Candles
50 bbls. Loaf Sugar
20 kegs No. 1, Tobaceo
25 do laird
20 bbls. Navy Bread
10 thousand jlelpino Segars
100 do Common do
100 kegs Crackers
50 bbls- Sugur
With a generri assortment of
jttne t
Planter’s Bank.
QrpHIS Bank wiil be shut on S VITKDAY tile
'll Ist June, for the settlement of the books of
the same, preparatory to declaring the semi-an
nual dividend oil Monday the third.
Therefore all paper falling diie on that day,
must be taken up on Friday.
may 25 c Cashier Protein
For New-l ork,
•r-ffJjJT The Packet
Sloop ESSEX —ltygers muter ■
Will sail the day after to-morrow (SUND AY.)
Eor freight or passage, having good accommo
dations. Apply to the master ou board at Ex
change Wharf, or to
may 31 i ISAAC COHEN, j
For Baltimore,
vSlasA The regular Packet
ia>ttS£.Sloop PACKET, A. Terwi/tiiftr mr.-ter
Will have immediate dispatch. For freight or
pas!ige, having good a IcoimnodidiuiH, apply to
capt. T. 011 bor i-d at Bolton’s'Central Wharf, or
may 30 HALL & HOYT.
For Boston,
The Schr
To sail on W ednesday ne.i t. Having half hei 1
cargo engaged. For the remainder O'-passage,
apply on board ut Hunter’s Wharf, or to
may 30 29 .Tone's liuildint*.
For Liver-nool. He!fast or ila
• .2* fnvjht may offer,
The stanch 15; itisli Brig
SUSAN, William Wevmoutli maste;.
can carry abhtp 509 bales cotton, and will be
despatched without delav. apply to
ll’.'to /.as for salt:,
5000 Bushels Liverpool Salt
20 Chaldmns Ooal may 28 <l*26
Neither the Capt. nor consignee v.ill be ac
j countable for any debt contracted by the crew
of tile said vessel.
Corn, Flour and Bacon.
3500 bushels prime w hite Corn, in bulk and
5000 lbs of Georgia sal petred Bacon
40 bbls Flour
Also—suga’, Coffee, Whiskey, Gin, Ice.
Which are offered for sale low, by
may 29
Landing from brig Almira.
431 bags Sugars, of a superior quality
17 lilid*. Muscovado do
40 cases fresh London Mustard
3 pipes otard Dupey St Go. Brandy
For sale hy
may 29 27 iH
Landing and fur iu!e,
30 bbl3 No. 1 Mackerel
20 do No 2 do
may 39 37 c
V McDermott,
YITjAS received by the sehooner Laura from
CkS Fhiiadcldhia, 12 half bbls. Beef and 4 of
Tongues, choice pieces, put up expressly for
family use, by W. SIiUSLER.
may 13
Corn Afloat ,
2500 bushels Virginia Corn on board the sloop
Two Sisters at Taylor’s Wharf
In Stow,
20 bbls Beer (Law and Beveridge’s brand)
10 do do R Dunlop’s do
10 do Newark Cider
15 do l’ilot Bread
20 tubs and 10 firkins Gusher, Butter
15 M Spanish Sugars,
for sale by
mry 39 3t 27
Flour & Com.
200 ’carrels Superfine Fluur
2450 bushels Maryland Corn.
Just received per sloop j’acket, and for sale
by may 3i> HALL It HOY f.
Lost or Mislaid ,
Anew green silk Umbrella, with the owners
name on it in three uifTerent places; who
ever may have found the same and will leave
it at this office will receive the thanks of the
tty J. IS. Herbert Cos.
Hirs DAY,’ Ist hist, at 11 o’cloch, v-ii-t
sold before ouhstorcj ’
10 hhds and 20 bis Sugar
20 fats Whisk’ -y
2o boxes Claret
10 bis dried Apples
2 crates Crtickerv,
3 cases Straw Bounds. Terms c -Ji.
June 1 50
On i LESDAA, 4lh hut. will be sold at the court
house in this citj,
A Negro VVum.ui, a gu.ul Cook,
Iwa (tigs uiul Harness. Terms cash
june I
f>y I};iker § Miiitint,
Go MON I) A 1 3J /list, at h It past 10 o’clock
Will be sold before our Auction Store,
A large assortment of
G 11 O C F U 1 E S.
And at 12 o’clock in store, a lar e assortment of
june 1
By J. B !icrbort 5j Cos.
On the first Tuesd v in August next, at TANARUS! o’clk
before the court house in tin- citt, will be sold
Wharf Lot No. 8, and the im provementt there
Also, thr lot and buildings thereon, la'e In the
occupancy of Patrick Stanton, deceased, situat
ed in St James’ square, Heaihcote ward, sold by
permission of the Hon. the inferior Court of the
county of Chatham. The abov eis the property
of tiie estate of Patrick Stanton deceased.
Tern s cash.
By order of the Administrator.
jure 1
.By Bilker and Minton,
On the first Tuesday ;n June next, will be sold
in front of tlu Court-House in Savannah, be
t\v eeii the usual hours,
The Fundings on Lot Vo. (40)
Warren Ward, in said city, together u itli the un
expired term of the lease of sahl lot, bciim- the
remaining part of the estate of H. 11. son,° dee.
Sold by virtue of an order of the lion , die Infe
rior Court of Chatham County, by order of the
administrator, terms cash. ’ ‘ apiil 6
Fresh Medicines , Dye Stirlfs.
SPICES, 4*5. M
TORANCI3 J. LAY—lias just received by
43? ‘he ships Garonne and o.her late arrival's
a fresh supply of Genuine Articles, w hich w-iil
he warranted of the first quality, and sold iow
ai his
Drug and Chemical Ware-House,
Corner of Congress and Whitakur-sUeets
Shaclds Buildings.”
AIIOKO.iT WHICH ASF. Spruce,'Powdered Ja’iap
Calomel, Tart Emetic
Ipecac in Hippo, powdered Cnhini’-s
Gum Opium
Anmuiuifl, G"m Kiwi
At i;li, lit iizi/ n, ( ur.i Gti.,e
Flowers Bvrtzoin, i’ertiviar. II a :k
Bail'um Honey, liarlem Oil
Godfrey’s Conlial, Sugar Lead
White Vitro;!, Compcsition Mortars
Glass Mortars, Castile
Syrenges iissorted. Dressed Skins
Rochelle Sails, English Epsom Sales
Common Saits. Ground Logwood
Stick Logwood, Copperass
A Hum, Pe-ai l Ash
Rotten Stone, Cream Tarter
Seidletz Powders, in tin boxes
Castor Oil, Sweet Oil
Oil Sassafras, Do Lemon
Do Worm Seed
Do Worm Wood,
Do i'an.sey’
Worm Lozenges, Sweet Spirits Niter
Hortshorn, Hallsem Cope via
Hops, Forceps, Evans Crown La ride t a
Gum Lancets, Spring Lancets
French Chalk, Flake White
Drop Lake. Nutmegs
Cinnamon, Muce
Cloves, Wax Tapers
Flax Seed, Tooth Powder
Tooth Paste, Tooth Brushes
Together with a general assortment of Shara
Furniture, Vials, patent Medicines, be. &c
may 29 27
State of G eorjria, ?
PERSONALLY came before me, one of the
Justices appointed to keep the peace, Jas.
Johnston of Savannah, and made oath, that, some
time in the year 1813, it having come to the
knowledge of this deponent that certain mali
cious, and. as this deponent then did S; now does
believe, false and unfounded charges had been
exhibited (by a person then unknown) against
Mr. George Horlbeck of said city, and that a
warrant had been obtain'd against him out of
the office of the late Gnfen It Duke, esq ; this
deponent did personally apply to him, the said
Duke, in the name and in the presence of said
Horlbeck, for a copy or perusal of the affidavit
(said Duke stating that there was one, and but
one, in his office against Mr. Horlbeck) which he
refused, as also to give up, on a demand by this
deponent immediately in subsequence made,
the name of the perso.i who had made said alii
davit, but consented to qua sh said wiiituut
(from an evident impression of the inability of
said affidavit) on the contradicto-iy testimony of
Mr Horlbeck alone ! Thi, testimony was accord
ingly given, and received by said jjyke in legal
form, and said warrant was accordingly quashed,
to the entire satisfaction of the deponent, who
verily then believed, and does now believe, that
the said charges were false, and such as have-,
with metaphoric propriety, often been called
“stabs in the dark.”
Sworn and subscribed before me, this 24th of
Mav, 1822.
Kollock'B Sermons.
Apart of the edition of the above work is re.
ceived, and ready for delivery. Subscrib
ers will please send for their books.
tnay 14 i