Newspaper Page Text
lls published near Whilaker-street, on the Bay,
| every day for eight months and three times a
I week for the remaining four months in the year,
■at *:out KCLL iUS per annum, if paid in advance,
I ( . r rE! i dot. nits if paid after the expiration of the
lyetr. Wo subscriptions are received for a period
■jets than six months, {or which are
|ch’ T e -h \ .
| rLe SAVANNAH MUSE* : M for the Country
Ip published to meet tlie arrangements of the
■mail, three tirnesa week at ftte hollars per an-
Inira, if paid in advance, or kiorx dollars per
■annum’ if not paid during the year.
I Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are ’
■published.,ip both papers the first time, for 75
Iceuts,’ and continued in the city paper, unless
■otherwise ordered, at.3B cents each continuation
I—Advertisements over twelve lines charged in
■the same proportion.
I When an Advertisement is sent to the office
■without anv number of insertions being expres
sed n the face of the order, it is understood,
■that the advertiser wishes it continued until fur
■..|,eP notice. Therefore, ail Advertisements
are not originally limited to a certain num
■ber of insertions, are continued and charged un
■ til an orderfer discontinuance is received. Ad-
I Tertisements dot continued oftener than once a
■ iveek, are charged for each insertion, the same as
■ anew advertisement.
I Lands for Sale.
■ h'ITILL be disposed of at a low price and on
lIV accommodating terms, a valoab'e tract of
I hid on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha river
Hailes above the towm of Darien, formerly the
■property of Mr. Win. Joyner. The tract consists
■of 1190*acres, 260 of which are cleared and i p-
H proved with the ordinary Plan, a* lot. Ilnu-i •---
■ There arc about 800 acres of first (j.iau'y tide
HhiiiLsuitable, for tlie culture ot Bice, Cotton or
the remainder high land, with un ex'en
■jveknowl fine elevation on ‘vhicti the se tie.
■pent is made.
■ yhe land is Well timbered, and from its conti
■giiitrto a market, will, in its clearing, instead of
■ncurringexpepse, produce profit bv the s-de of
■Shingles and other lumber, the proceed.’ i.i v. lr :’i
■mat far exceed the txpences of tlv i.ibnr. T"us
■ri.u is one of the oldest survey sand eonsefju
■v fast selection of* sliver Swamp land, with an
■Excellent pitch of tide, to:. 1 ■ species el
■jiihure having a beautiful sen “ for a residence
Hm<! located at an agreeable disfatice tnn the
Howl of Darien, for purposes of busi-iess or plea
Hare. Terms and a more pr.-iit.i'.:*)• desenptio’
Hnsy be known on application to
■ march 14 d62 No. I, Commerce Bow.
establishment well known fir sen,.
■$ time past, having • -m, th u ought;- fr- ..i.v
extensive additions made to it. U a-
openeri for the rcu.c.iaio-utiion f lie ir le: - :.
a htwhhy and airy part of the city,
well calculated for giving cums , i. and e.-sc <•
patronize, the establishment. The
can at any time acmm.iiMate pri-
Hhite families, having spare rooms fur that pur
■ Travellers and consta .t boarders will he we!!
■Mended to, as good stables n.-td it Mtlets bav>-
procured—and the eat‘tig estaV'r t-insr*
all times be suns s') • i wot. du vx.-y be-t
■iamls the market can afford t‘hc beu,ling i>
Hf tlie first order and sttentive ‘crv.i.i’.s are pr-i.
provide-every comfort that cum he had
those who may call for Hum. It the bat
■loom the be* 1 , of ijkju jra will be furnishedj—
Had in the reading mom depot tme.' f to those
■ho wish food for ‘he mind, pvt -a L—m every
of thy United States viT be found ‘fit*.
■Kbscriber'trusts from the erd.-tvor*- he h:;b
ry is -Muid .vn.l.rtalde
■homay- e.- ; • 11.-t !, *h>t h.
■Brrccelvl pfriiep-i i : c p., “•-mge.
■ JiiiOtiit Vhu> ch Square.
■ MifdAs Soap.
- boxes Hyde’s white and Brown
HT Slip. retelyfc.i per sch. C.m Jack-'oi, tror*
matijjfacturer at ’ }’•••..timme, by whom the
will be cot vtantly a..polled.
■ jiivNlLL. CARNEY, Jr.
.Hunter’s buildings.
■ ‘Notice to Travel tees.
■JJp. >11)0NS trsve'd,to Augusta by the way
HT ui AXftl Hrv u >’.)dCjuttea:’’ ; , k op
the old ft -J from Jacksonborough,, :. ro:!t
----dire.-. is.iartietH, a-id then take the ugh*
VNu), as the former road which >;.kes ot
is stopped up, and a styj i
put tip at the forks of the roa i.
H’ ®a.v i §r.j
A Genera? Assortment of
Drugs, Fa tent Medicines,
Surgical Instruments,
AND Ml Other articles usnallv found m Drug
S'u-res. All such GARDEN SEEDS a; the
!a Wondemands, and will produce in the liitch
m and Flower Garden.
An assortment of F-. JWER POTS. ‘
And on Consignment ,
An assortment of Ornamental Shrubs, Carna
wn Pints, y c .
All the above mentioned articles are
•Arrantcd. april27—+loo
‘pßflEF,;months after date the undersigned
, r,i Wi ” application atthe Planters’ Dank
the State of Georgia, for payment of a * T nte
!, V the said Dank, the left ha'id half of
Von hasbeen lost_No. 551, value SSO, sign
'd John Bolton, Pres’t.
Happiness ,
ALP, f or Ore grave and the gay, by the
a,| thor of *No Fiction,” 2 cols. Just
flteived, for sale by
_ , , K Johnscn’s Square.
WSV la
Paints. Oil , Window Glass §c
g AS received tier ships Garonne, General
* ® Carrington, Corsair, and brig Panthea, an
additional supply of liie above articles, viz;
SJO kegs London and Liverpool White Lead,
ground in oil, in 28,56, and 112 lb kegs
100 kegs Spanish Brown, ground in oil
100 do Venitian lied do
100 do Yellow Ochre do
ldO do black I’aint do
5 i0 gallons Linseed Oil
150 do Spirits Turpentine
500 do Lamp Oil
300 boxes American, English, French and
German Window Glass, assorted, from
1 7 by 9 to 12 by 18
Together with a general assortment of Paints
and Painters Anic'es, which will be sold on ac
commodating tern s at bis Paint Store in Whita
ker street, near Col. Sheiman’s Mansion House
10 bis first quality Albany Ale
april 23 96 v
Just opened at the most reduced prices, at
Three thors south of the Po3i Office.
70 nieces fine quality Oznabutgs, at l.’J c s
per yard
100 do extra do Strelitz do at 14cts
Plain and striped itussia drill, of the first
quality , g; pr yd
\ igonia Summer cloth, tor coats and panta
loons, C2J cts pr yd
French Itussia drill of all colours
Superfine 6-4 cotton cambric, 12 yards for
. m
Fine Men,s white and coloured Sox, 3 pair
for ad vilar
Ladies white, silk Stockings §1 50 pr pair
Gentler t il’s ef.stic long sill: tloze
10!, ps fim Snii extra Irish Linen from 50
cts to §l. fuH'4-4 wide
10 ca es t-1 i quality water proof br >d 6
narrow brim heaver H its fj” 50 ! r<> ’
7 dc second q ality from 1 to S4
Os the must fashionable Gi ntieutait and
Servant's dwnmer clothing made
in the newest style.
Consisting of
Swarsucker, Russia drill, white Jane
French Nankeenet, Canton and Nankeen
Crape. (J
Blue and black Florentine Bombazine and
Ca ruble t Pantaloons
Si-arsuc.ker, Gingham and Bombazinejfonnd
Bomi>, Bombazine, Searsucker, Ging
hoins and l-'ianel C a lees
Engiii-b Floreniine, white, coloured and Ya
lencia Westcoats
Fine and * xtra fine Linen and Cotton Shirts
with and without frills
Servants corderoy rotind Jackets and Pan
ml, inns of all sizes
Marino Shirts and draws for Summer
> Flannel do do
A gt eat quantity of fine and extra fine, Gen
tlemen's fashionable ~’oa‘s
do single and double mill’d Pantaloons of ali
sizes and colours
A great quantity of Duck Trowsers and Shirts
for Laborers. 88 april 13
Mahogany Furniture,
J'ianno Fortes, Curled llair Matrasses
Feather Hens, Chairs Sfc.
‘T : KE Subscriber has removed his Cabinet
$ Furniture to his new-Store in Whttakei
•; “cet opposite Col. Sh-imans Mansion House,
will., e he oilers for Sa'e on accommodating
lu ms a large and full assortment of
Cabinet Furniture
if the best quality consisting of the following
articles, .
Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases
S>-t9 of Dinin'g 1 ables, single do.
Si das and Couches* Rosewood anil Mahogany
Pier fables, with marble tops, Canl Tables
Tea Tables, tifcakfast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and without glasses
llosewood and Mahogany work Taolea
do do Writing do
} Secretaries. Hook Cases, Bureaus
Double and single Wash Stands, Piano Stools
Mr ic Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Curled Maple do, Basswood *lo
High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Field do
do do Mahogany do Field do
do do Curled Maple do Field do
Looking Classes
Pit-rand Mantle do
Dressing do of every description
Piano Fortes, .he newest Music, &c.
Double and single curled hair Matrasses
do do feather B-.-ds of the beat quality
A large assortment oi Chairs.
ir.ay 10 J- 1
Corn, Flour, liar on
The Cargo of the sloop lioxamm IromfFred
enckbui-gli far sale |iy lIACL £•? HO\ l.
-r.a- 13 13 ‘
Lamp Oil and Spermacetti
500 gallons Spernacetti Lamp Oil in barrels
and tierces, of a superior quality
25 boxes Spermaretti Candies, J Mow
land. iun. b co’s manufactory, New-\ork, just
received and for sale wholesale and Fl.
may 13 1-3
grnflE cargo of schooner Helena, for sale by
L. H. SALE c 4 LU.
mav 14 14 ..
© iT\ ‘f\ b,,s|,els v rime Cor , n
o S©2)c,,g.,
b, jylo 13
JUS T received from New-York, to be dispo
sed of at the New-York prices, the follow
ing articles:
Super super blue and black close boily Coats
Second quality do.
White and colored plain & ribb’d Russia Drills
Itoinbazette, Ilombazeen
Canton and nankeen Crape
Canton Camlet, Seersuckers
White and brown Linen
Vigonia Cassimere, French Nankaenett
White and Striped Jeans
Yellow and blue Nankeen
Florentine Pantaloons
Round Jackets and Coatees, same as above
.lllack Florentin, Pekin Silk
Marseilles and Toilnett Vests
Plain and frilled linen and cotton Shirts
linen and Cotton Drawers
Gentlemen’s Hats, Imitation Beaver do
Shoes, Boots, and every other article that may
he called for in his line
For sale by JOHN P. SE IZE,
april 16 §s 90
SLAVING engaged Mr. James Wilson (well
I B knowing as a first rate workman) to cut
and superintend Ins work, will as heretofore
car'-y on the Tailoring Business in all its branch
He has on hand, just received Item New-
Superfine blue and black Cloth
Vigonia Cassimere, Marseilles
Toilinet and l’ekin silk Vestings
Seersuckers, Ginghams
Canton Cumblet Botrihreenes
Canton and Nankeen Crape
French Bombazeen
Stripad and white .leaps
Plain and ribb’d Russia Drills
Which will be made up at the shortest notice
and .in the most fashionable style.
CCj 'll'anietl fmmeiUutety four of five journey
men Tailors. None need apply hut those who
can come well recommended as to skilfulness.
april 16 Cs 90
liouton Glass.
FUST received per ship Muunt Vernon, an
in voice of GLASS WARE and WINDOW
GLASS, consisting of
<iua- • and pint mol’d Decanters
do *do do Pitchers
Pint and j pint Jo Tumblers
do ido ship do do
do |do flint do Flasks
Imp. welted Table wines, fluted
do Castfoot do do fringed
Tumblei Bowl do do do
do do Weltedfoot do do
G’ostor Bowl Table do fluted
33 boxes of 8 by 10 Chelmsford Glass
8 do 12 by 14 do do
6 do 11 by 15 do do
12 do 12 hv 16 do do , ~
For sale bv
may 15 15
French Goods.
iTjiHE subscribers have just received direct
LA from France via Now-York, an assortment
of french goods a perfume nr,
which they offer wholesale at a moderate ad.
vance—umo ig them are :
Double twilled Imperial Stripes
Do do mixt Jeans
Fancy plaid Ginghams
Assorted colors Vigonia Cassimeres
Double width Bombazeen
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Galloohs
Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons
Silk Stockings and Gldves
Half silk Hose
Green, blue, white, pink & black Florences
Do do do do do Satins
Black, blue and assorted colors Sewing Silk
Silk Braids, th Laces
Ladies Kid and Castor Gloves
Gentlemens superior Beaver Cloves
Dressed and undressed linen Cambric
Linen cambric Handkerchiefs
Muslin Bands for Colleretts
Canton Fringes, floss & marking Cotton
Violin Strings, gilt edge Pins
Head and Tooth Brushes
Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Powder, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the Bay.
april 22 and
■ Notice
[S hereby given, that the left band halves of
ten one hundred dollar notes ofthe Bank of
the United States, signed by W. Jones, Presi-
J'-nt, and Jona Smith, Cashier, ofthe numbers
and tenor described below, were placed in the
oost.-oftice at Philadelphia on tlie evening ofthe
13th December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J.
5. & G Hobson, to Jrshua Milne at Savannah in
Georgia, which letter was never received; and
as the entire mail oi the 14th Dec. from Phila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, the belief is
that the said letter and notes were stolen or
robbed from the mail. Application having been
made to the bank by tlie subscriber for tlie pay
ment of the whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are requested to take notice
Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor of C S West gloo
a 936 “ J Houston 100
n 903 “ “ 100
“ D 1052 “ P Seip 100
< c 426 W Rush, jr. 100
1) 773 •- C p hidings 100
May 20,1818 A 1868 “J- Peale, Jr. 100
c 1797 “ “ 100
“ I) 1679 “ “ 100
D 1535 “ 100
april 8 -j-idß2
AEL persons having demands against the es
tate of James Peto, late of South Carolina,
deceased, are requested to render them prop
erly attested according to law, and those in
debted, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigri. qualified administra
trix. MARY A. PBTO.
inarch 12
Travelling fr. Norik to South
FROM four to six new, comfortably construe
ed tour wheel vehicles, drawn by four
burses each and driven by sober and careful
drivers, will set out from Trenton in New-Jer
sey to Savannah via Augusts, in Georgia, on m
about the 15;.h of September next. The route
through Pennsylvania, Vi'-ginia and tin- Caroii
nas, will be confined as much to the neighbor
hood of the mountains, as the good roads thro’
Ihe country will allow. , The journey will he
leisurely- taken, so as to consume from four to
five or even sixjweekv, dependent somewhat on
the inclination of the persons who ma;. become
Those who are disposed to engage seats for
the above described journey, can do so by ap
plying to the Post-master at Savannah.. Prior
i-y in tlie choice of scats will be regulated by
numbering the first applicant one, which will
i ntiile that person to the first selection, and so
onto the last. An entire carnage can be taken
up by engaging the number of seats,
may 28 h!i26
C. Kelsey § Cos.
Have received by the brig Hope anil otter late ar
5 3LAIN and striped Russia Drill
1L El- gant Crape Dresst s
Plaid and striped Silks
Levantine and Florence do
Black Silk Cumblet
Black and colored Canton Crapes
Valenti* Vest shapes
Black and plain Siik lldkf’s
India and German Flag do
Isi’k. blue and col’d Dalian SewirtgSilk
Long .ukl short yellow Nankeens
Russia Sheetings
Imitation do
Men’s and women’s while cotton Hose
Common’and suptrfine Calicoes
Irish Linens, whole and half pieces
Book, Mull and Jaekonet Muslins
White and colored Cravats
Linen Cambrics and Long Lawns
Domestic Shirtings
do Sheetings
do Plaids and Stripes
Madapolan and Power Loom Shirtings
Thread and Uobinet Laces
Worked Flounces
Collaret Hands
Striped and plain Ginghams
White Jeans and Satteens
Cotton Cassimeres
Striped Cotton Florentine
.Blue mixed Satinets
Common and superfine Broadcloths
; do do Cassimeres
\j S-lkUinbrellas and Parasols
Gilt Coat and Vest Buttons
Pearl do
Tortoise Shell Combs
Imitation do
Black and white SilkHosij 1
do do do Gloves
Beaver and Bucksin do
Black and white Italian Crapes
Black Florentines, French and ndia
White Merseilles Vesting
Apron Checks
Plain and figured Lustring Ribbnn3
Black Velvet do
Madrass Handkerchiefs
Worked Muslin Dresses
4-4 and 6-4 Miliuels
Straw Bonnets
German Rolls
Cotton Bed T icking
Brown Linens
Bombazettes, plain and figured
With a variety of other GOODS, which are
offered l*>r sale cheap for cash or approved
may 18 . ns§ 18
>TinREE months after date, application will
be made to the Bank ofthe Stale of Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for
fourteen shares Stock, tlie original being lost.
april 4 * nifSO
•’'JPHIFz Subscribers h.-v-e again united their in-
IL terest in business under the firm of
Savannvh, May Ist. m{
Insurance against Fire’
THE JEtna Insurance Company, Hartford,
will msure houses and buildings, merchan
dize, furniture, and other property, including
vessels in the port, their cargoes, &c. against
loss or damage by Fire, for any term from one
month to one or more yeai s.
The conditions, which are moderate, may be
known on application to the subscriber, who is
authorized agent, and is empowered to, issue
policies without tlie delay incident to other a
gencies of this nature.
The company undertake in all cases to pay
the full amount of the actual loss, provided it
does not Exceed the amount insured The
premiums are reasonable, and should offer a
strong inducement to any person having pro
perty at hazard to place it in security.
nw 2F 96 S. MANTON.
For Sale.
rOUILDING Stone, Lime, Potatoes and Clar
is et, in demijohns and ca3ks, bv
may 23 and 22 Mongin'i Wharf.
Butter Shot, S?c.
©. C. GRISWOLD & Cos. Taylor’s Building,
orrsaroKsasß :
9 bbls. Mess Pork
44 do Ale
26 firkins prime Goshen Butter
20 casks shot assorted sizes
40 kegs Richmond Tobacco
20 do Rose Nails
2 elegant Gigs with plated Harness
25 bundle® Hay may 13
No. 181 ....... Vot. 28
aitittotts! ■’
__ sMminislratoAfi Notice.
£ IHL sUbsrCliber has been uppoioved by the
Court of; Ofditiarv‘of Scriven County, *d
v"iimti-ator of the estate and cliccts of Mix.
f.ncy / hoiiias iteceareil, iu*e of said comity, amt
I avin|j befell (jniilincd as sucli, iro recjuesls all
persons who may be indebted to the said Lucy
1 hoiiias, so jnalfe payment to lutßseU, and those
who have demands against her, must present
iliem to him legally attested, at hi3 residence in
the county of Scriven.
GEORGE POLLOCK, JlibMnihtialor.
way 21
Administrator ft Notice.
STjIIK anhscriber has been Kppoir.ted and
•4A qualified as administrator de hmiis lionot
ot the estate of ‘Jheopihis Thor.’ s deceased, late
of Scriven county, and he requests those per
sons who hnve demands estate to
present them to himself properly attested, and
such persons i.s are indebted to the deesased,
are requested to make payment.
GEORGE POLLOCK, *liLr.inUfr<itor.
rrav 9
Superior Court.
Chatham County Chambers,
18th April,, 1822.,
Samuel Howard, j :x iat-iitr.
▼a. p Bill original and a-
Bai'k of Darien, ct. al 3 mended,
the defendants in the above case,
3- viz. The President of the. Bank of Darien,
(representing said Bank) and the Cashier ofthe
said Bank, reside without this county, which
fact is verified by affidavit of complainant.—
It is ordered, That copies of said bill be trans
mitted by tlie Sheriff of Chatham county to the
Sheriff of Mclntosh count’-, where the said de
fend!'! ts reside, with instructions to serve them
on said defandunts, and make return of said ser
vice on said copies, to the Clerk ofthe Superior
Court of said county of Chatham, within thirty
days from this date ; and it is further Ordered,
that this Rule he published, and the defendants
appear and answer at the next Term.
Extract from the Minnies.
april 24. -jo
UfIF.RTT cot T TT. S Clerk Court of Ordinary.
It sJts CLARISSA HOADLEY, administer-’
• * * trix of all and singular the goods and chat
els, rights and credits, which v, ei e of Herman
lloadhy, lale of said county, deceased, applies
for dismission from her said administration :
These are, llieiefore, to cite and admonish
all persons cencerned. to file their obiections,
if any they have,.in my office, at Riceborough,
within the time prescribed by law; otherwise
the said Clarissa Hoadley will be dismissed from
her said administration.
Given under my hand and seal this eighteenth
day of .March, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-two.
s ] ELIJAH BAKER, c. c. o. t. c.
april 15 89*6m
T HE undivided half ofliie interest in the Da
8 rien Gazette is for sale —Terms liberal.
Por particulars, apply at the offiee to
april 23 9.5
•it Private Hale,
TWO prime Negro Fellows, one a first-rate
Carpenter, about 25 years old—sold for no
fault. The other a first-rate Sail Maker, 22 ys.
The above negroes will be sold low if early ap
plication is made to
april 24 J. B. HERBERT L* CO.
Tlie Library,
TTS open for the delivery of Books, Mondav
A Wednesday and Friday, from 4Tto 6 o’clo ck j
P.M 30 dec 13’
GEORGE SOMI.EY wishes to purchase
STATE JtAXKandlc..,
And has Jor sale,
100 shares Planters’ Bank Stock
30 do Steam Boat do
50 do Insurance do
may 14 14
Balm of (faiitO)
FRESH supply just received by the ship
*£& Augusta, and for sale by.
At his Drug and Chemical Warehouse, cor.
ner of Congress and Whitaker streets, Shadd’s
may 13 13
NINE months after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Bryan county for lihertyto sell the Real Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 9m*.
Take Notice.
‘VfINE months after date, I shall apply to the
l.xl Hon. the Judge of the nferior Court
Chatham County, for leave to sell he reales
tate of W. G. Enoe, and for the benefit ofthe
heirsa nd creditors of said deceased
L £ il-iiK
Hay 9 Lard.
bundles Hay
50 begs Lard
Landing from ship Morning Star, for sale by
may 13 13
Lost or Mislaid ,
i NOTE of hand payable on the first January,
/V. 1822, in lumber, drawn by Granville Bev
ille, in favor of William Camp, jun and en
dorsed, for eighty dollars. The finder will be ‘
liberally rewarded by leaving it with Mr. How
el, York-street, opposite Jno Gribbon’s.
The puelic is cautioned not to negociate for
said note, the pay ment being slopped.
may 6 c*