Newspaper Page Text
Is published near Whi taker-street, on the Bay,
•very day lor eight months and three times a
week for the remaining four months in the year,
at MOH-r noLLAns per annum, if paid in advance,
or Tts D’tLtATts if paid after the expiration of the
year. No. subscriptions are received for a period
less than six months, for which tivx dollars are
The 9AVANNAII MUSEUM for the Country
‘ls published to meet the arrangements of the
ntail, three times a week at nv* dollars per an
num, if paid in advance, or kiout dollars per
annum if not paid during the year.
Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are
published in both papers the first time, for 75
cents, and continued in the city paper, unless
otherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation
—Advertisements over twelve lines charged in
-Abe same proportion.
When an Advertisement is sent to the office
” without any number of insertions bein expres
sed on the face of the order, it is understood,
that the advertiser wishes it continued until fur
ther notice. Therefore, all Advertisements
which are not originally limited to a certain num
ber of'nsertions, are continued and charged un
til an order for discontinuance is received. Ad
vcrtisemeiits not continued oftener than once a
week, are charged for each insertion, the same as
anew advertisement.
Lands for Sale.
VkriLL be disposed’of at a low price and on
If accommodating terms, a valuable tract of
land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha ru cr
4 miles above the town of Darien, formerly the
property of .Mr. Wm. Joyner. The tract consists
of 1190 acres, 200 of which are cleared and im
proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses—
There are about 800 acres of ft rat quality tide
land, suitable for the culture of Rice, Cctron or
flugar; the remainder high land, with an exten
sive knowl fine elevation on which the
ment is made. .
The land is weH timbered, and from its conti
guity to a market, will, in its clearing, instead of
incurring expense, produce profit by t he sale, of
Shingles and other lumber, the proceed; of which
I must far exceed the expences of the labor- 1 his
I tract is One of the oldest surveys and cmse.Ttent-
I ly best selection of River Swamp land, witih an
I excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of
|'culture— having a beautiful scite for a residence
I an;’ located at au agreeable distance from the
I town ofUtirien, for purposes of business or plea-
I sure. Terms and a more particular description
I may be known on application to
march 14 dS2 No. 1 Commerce How.
THIS EWablishment well-known for some
time past, having been thorough?} - repaired
mil many extensive additions made to it, is *•
f*in opened for the rcc'Uiimi'dation of boarders
—lt is in a healthy and airy part of the city, and
is well calculated for girifig fcotirfort and ease to
all who may pttroniie the establishment. Tin?
proprietor ctn at any time accommodate pri
vate families, having spare room* for that pur
Travellers and constant boarders will be well
attended to, good stab'es and hostlers have
been procured—and the csting establishment
will at all times he furnished vritn the very belt
viands the maaket can chord. The bedding is
of the first ovatir ittui attentive servants are pro-,
enred to provide every comfort that can be had.
for hose vrlto may call for.them, lit the liar
Kcom the h;st of Liquors will be furnished; —
and in the department, to those
who wish food for the min l, papers from every
quarter of t!v Unit*-l siutes willte'fowid The
subscriber trusts from the endear ors. he shah
make, to render every individual comfortable
wlm may patronize the Georgia Hotel, that lie.
will receive ashai'e of the poblic patronage.
H!‘> r'Y BUFORD,
Baalist Com eh Sqitnr:.-
april 27 In
Hyde's Soap.
FOHTY-my h- - xes Hyde’s white Brown
Soap, received per sell Gcn.Jack.ton, from
the manufacturer at Haiti mot c, by whom tne
Rihscriiier will be constantly supplied.
Daniel oarney, Jr.
spill “3 ill Hunter’s buildings.
Notice to Travellers.
jjfittSO ,S travelling to. Augusta by the way
BT of Mill Hav.-n and Coutteai’u, wd 1 keep
VP the old road from Jacksonboroughv, 2 miles
•ad three quarters, and then take the tight
Bund road, as the former road winch takes,oil
BUucksonborough, is stopped up, and a sign
BMW UK at the forks of the road.
■ may 4 §;ii
§ or FEU roll SALK,
B A Genera’ Assortment of
I Drills, Talent Medicines,
I , Surgical Instruments,
HA all other articles usually found in Drug
HO- Stores. All such GA UDF.N SEED*,as the
demands, aim w ill produce in the Kitch-
H* n andylowcr Garden.
■ A ‘> assortment of P., )'VRR POTS.
jH , And on Comignmmt,
Ari assortment ofOrnamental Shrubs, Carua
y 0 p iuli, y c .
B: All tlie above mentioned articles are
■'“‘Rated. april27—*loo
months niter date the undersigned
will make application at the Planters’ ll'ink
|wt!\e State of Georgia, for payment of a Note
■jj!'* by the said liank, the left hand half of
■>eh has been lost—No. 551, value £SO, s^n
■ Joh '> Bolton, Pres’t.
■ fulfil
,lv . Happiness ,
TALR for the grave and the guv, by the
■*2 author of No Fiction,” 2 vols. Just
I fortsle by
1 . . Johnson’s Square.
Faints , Oil, Window Glass £jc.
HAS received per ships Garonne, General
Carrington, Corsair, and brig Panthea, an
additional supply of the above articles, viz;
500 kegs London and Liverpool White Lead,
ground in oil, in 28,56, and 112 Lb kegs
100 kegs Spanish Brown, ground in oil
100 do Venitian Ked do
100 do Yellow Ochre do
100 do black Paint do
500 gallons Linseed Oil
150 do Spirits Turpentine
500 do Lamp Oil
300 boxes American, English, French and
German Window Glass, assorted, from
7 by 9 to 12 by 18
Together with a general assortment of Paints
and Painters Artic'es, which will be sold on ac
commodating tern.* at his Paint Store in Wliita
kersireet, near Col. Shelman’s Mansion House.
10 bis first quality Albany Ale
april 23 96
Just opened at the most reduced prices, at
Three doors south of the Post Office.
70 pieces fine quality Oznabuigs, at 12$ c‘s
per yard
100 do extra do Strelitz do at 14cts
Plain and striped Russia drill, of the first
quality, gt pr vd
Vigonia Summer cloth, for coats and panta
b ona, 62$ cts pryd
Frenrh Russia drill of all colours
Superfine 6-4 cotton cambric, 12 vards for
S6i ‘ „
Fine Men,* white and coloured Sox, 3 pair
for a dollar
Ladd s white silk Stockings gl 50 pr pair
Gentlemen’s dastic long silk Hoze g J
100 ps fie and extra Irish Linen from 50
cts to gl. full 4-4 wide
10 cases extra quality water proof broad St
narrow brim beaver Huts g 7 SO
7 do second quality from 2 to g 4
Os the most fashionable Gentleman and
Servant's Summer clulhing made
in the newest style.
Consisting of
Searsuckcr, Russia drift, white Jane
French Nankeenet, Canton and Nankeen
Blue and black Florentine Bombazine and
Csmblet Pantaloons
Searsucker, Gingham and
Botiibazette, Bombazine, Searsucker, Ging
hams and Plane! Coatees
English Florentine, white, coloured and Va
lencia Westcoats
Fine ami extra fine Linen anu Cotton Shirts
with anal without frills
Servants con-leroy round Jackets and Pan
taloons of in 1 sizes
M irino shirts atv'-i draws for Summer
Flannel do do
A great quantity of ft'it* a, nl extra fine, Gen
tlemen's fashionable ‘-oats
do single and double miff’d Pantaloons of all
sizes and colours
A great quantity of Uuck TroWver* and Shirts
for Laborers. 83 april 13
Mahogany Furniture, Fortes, Curled llair Matrasses
Feather Beds, Chairs sc.
vpHE Subscriber lias removed His Cabinet
• * Furniture to his new Store in Whitaker
, t opposite Col. Shelmans Mansion House,
whore lie oilers tin’ Sa'c on accommodating
terms a large and full assortment of
Cabinet Furniture
, fthe best quality consisting of the following
Side Boards, ‘ith and without. Liquor Gases
Sots of Dining Tables, single do.
Sofas and ‘Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany
I'ier Tables, with marble, tops, Card fables
Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and without glasses
Rosewood and Mahogany work Tables
do do Writing do
Secretaries. Rook Cases, Bureaus .
Double and single Wash Stands, Piano Stools
M i ic Hook Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Curled Maple do, Basewood do
High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Field do
do do Mahogany do Field do
do . do Curled Maple do Field do
Looking Glasses
Pier and Mantle do
Dressing do o! every description
Piano Fortes, the newest Music. &c.
Double and single curled hair Matrasses
do do feather Beds of the best quality
A large assortment of
may 10
J -
Corn , Flour , $ Bacon
The Cargo of the sloop Huxanna fromft'red
erickburgh for sale by ItALL ii 1105 I.
m\ 13 13
Lamp Oil anti Sperniacetti
500 gallons Spermacelti Lamp Oil in barrels
and tierces, of a superior quality
25 boxes Spermacetti Candles, from J How
land. ion. & co’s manufactory, t, ', w -^°. r . k * ; USt
received and for sale wholesale and retail by
may 13 *•?
XpllE cargo of I by
may 14 14 - ——
Sej bushels prime Maryland Corn,
ryE<jJvi/ca.go of s'dir Gn.uvas, tor sale
b ” JOHN LAT**flOP.
tuay W
JUS r received from New-York, to be dispo
sed of at the New-York prices, the follow
ing articles:
Super super blue and black close body Coats
Second quality do.
White and colored plain & ribb’d Russia Drills
Uombszette, Bombazceif
Canton and nankeen Crape
Canton Camlet, Seersuckers
White and brown Linen
Vigonia Cassimere, French Nankeenett
Wliite and Striped Jeans
Yellow and blue Nankeen
Florentine Pantaloons
Round Jackets and Coatees, same as above
Black Florentin, Pekin Silk.
Marseilles and Toilnett Vests
Plain and frilled linen and cotton Shirts
Linen and Cotton Drawers
Gentlemen’s Hats, Imitation Beaver do
Shoes, Hoots, and every other article that may
be called for in his line
For sale by JOHN P. SETZE.
april 16 §s 90
HAVING engaged Mr James Wilson (well
knowing as a first rate workman) to cut
and superintend his work, will as heretofore
carry on the Tailoring Business in ell its branch
He has on hand, just received from New
Superfine blue and black Cloth
Vigonia Cassimere, Marseilles
Toilinet and Pekin silk Vestings
Seersuckers, Ginghams
Canton Camblet, Bombzeene*
Canton and Nankeen Crape
French Bombazeen
Stripsd and white Jeans
Plain and ribb’d Russia Drills
W hich will be made up at the shortest notice
and in the most fashionable style.
Uj’ H unted Immediately four or five Journey
men Tailors. None need apply but those who
can come well recommended as to skilfutness.
april 16 ss9o
Boston Glass.
UST received per ship Mount Vernon, an
invoice of GLASS WARE and WiNDOW
GLASS, consisting of
Quart and pint mol’d Decanters
do do do Pitchers
Pint and i pint do Tumblers
do \do ship do do
do ido flint do Flasks
Imp. welted Table Wines, fluted
.do Castfoot do do fringed
Tumblei Bow! do do do ‘
do do Weltedfoot do do
Oloslor Bowl Table do fluted
32 boxes of 8 by 10 Chelmsford Glass
8 do 12 by 14 do do
6 do 11 by 15 do do
12 do 12 by 16 do da
For sale bv
may 15 15
French Goods.
TfoHE subscribers have just leceived direct
4JL from France via New-York, an assortment
which they offer wholesale at a moderate ad.
vatice —among them are :
Double twilled Imperial Stripes
l)o do mint Jeans
Fancy plaid Ginghams ,
Assorted colors Vigonia Cassimerea
Double width Bombazecn
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Galloons
Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons
Silk Stockings and Gloves
Half silk Hose
Green, blue, white, pink & black Florences
Do do do do do Satins
Rtack, blue and assorted colors Sewing Silk
Silk Braids, thread Laces
Ladies Kid and Castor Gloves
Gentlemens superior Beaver Gloves.
Dressed and undressed linen Cambric
Linen cambric I landkerchiefs
Muslin Bands for Colleretts
Canton Fringes, floss & marking Cotton
Violin Strings, gilt edge Pins
Head and Tooth Brushes
Cologne, Hose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Powder, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the Bay.
april 22 and
IS hereby given, that the left hand halves of
ten one hundred dollar notes of the Bank of
the United States, signed by W. Jones, Presi
dent, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers
and tenor described below, were placed in the
post-office at Philadelphia on the evening of the
13th December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J.
S.fiG Hobson, to Joshua Milne at Savannah in
Georgia, which letter wa* never received; and
as the entire mail of the 14*li Dec. from Phila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, the belief is
that the said letter and notes were stolen or
robbed from the mail. Application having been
made to the bank by the subscriber for the pay
ment of the whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are requested to take notice-
Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor of C S West gIOO
n X 936 “ J Houston 100
B 903 “ “ 100
1) 1052 “ P Seip 100
a c 426 “ W Rush, jr. 100
D 773 “CP Iddings 100
May 20,1318 A 1868 J-Peale, Jr. 100
a C 1797 ■ “ 100
„ D 1679 “ “ 100
D 1535 •* ** 100
april 8 fidßß .
A LL persons haying demands against the es-
A. tate of James Peto, late of South Carolina,
deceased, are requested to render them prop
erly attested according to law, and those in
debtfcd, are requested to make immeduUejiay
mentto the undersigned qualified .adminwtra
(pij. MARY A. I’ETO.
marsh &
Travellingfr. North to toiith
1?ROM four to six new, comfortably enstrue
ed four wheel vehicles, drawn b four
horses each, and driven by sober andr&refid
drivers, will set out from Trenton in Nw-Jer
sey to Savannah via Augusta in Georgi; on or
about the 15th of September next. Th route
through. Pennsylvania,.Virginia and the’Jaroli
nas, will be confined a much to the neighbor
hood of the mountains, as the good roao thro’
the country will allow. The journey vill be
leisurely taken, so as to consume frommlr to
five or even six'weeks, dependent somediat on
the inclination ofthe person A who may Lconie
Those who are disposed to engage Rats for
the. above described jo.irney, can do soby ap
plying to the Post-mttster at Savannah. Prior
ity in the choice of seals will be reguUed by
numbering the first applicant, one, wlish will
entitle that person to the first selection and so
on to the last. An entire carriage can bi taken
up by engaging the number of seats,
may 28 h|)26
C. Kelseij Cos.
Have received by the brig Hope and other utc ar
PLAIN and striped Russia Drill 1
Elegant Crape Dresses
Plaid ami striped Sitka
Levantine and Florence do
Black Silk Camblet
Black and colored Canton Crape*
Valenlia Vest shapes
Black a.ul plain Silk Ildkff
India and German Flag do
Hl’k. blue and col’d Italian Sewing Silk
Long and short yellow Nankeens
Russia Sheetings
Imitation do
Men’s and women’s white cotton Hose
Common and superfine Calicoes
Irish Linens, whole and half pieces
Hook, Mull and Jackonet Muslins
Wliite and colored Cravats
l inen Cambrics and Long Lawns
Domestic Shirtings
do Sheetings
do Plaids and Stripes
Madapolan and Bower Loom Shirtings
Thread and Bobinet Laces
Worked Flounces
Collaret Bands
Striped and plain Ginghams
White Jeans and Satteens
Cotton CasMme.res
Striped Cotton Florentine
Blue mixed Satinets
Common and superfine Broadcloths
do do Cassimere*
SilkUmbiellos and Parasols
Gilt Coat and Vest Buttons
Pearl do
Tortoise Shell Combs
Imitation do
Black and white Silk Hose .
do do do Glove#
Beaver and Bucksin do
Black and white Italian Crapes
Black Florentines, French and mlia
White Merseilles Vesting
Apron Checks
Plain and figured Lustring Ribbons
Black Velvet do
Madrass Handkerchiefs
Worked Muslin Dresses
4-4 and 6-4 Milinets
Straw Bonnets
German Rolls
Cotton Bed Ticking
Brown Linens
Bombazettes, plain and figured v
With a variety of other GOODS, which are
offered for sale cheap for cash or approved
may 18 > ns§ 18
months after date, application will
be made to the Bank of the State of Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for
fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost.
april 4 * nifSO
rgXHE Subscribers have again united their in
terest in business under the firm of
Savannah, May Ist. mt
Insurance against Fire-
. T |NHE JEtna Insurance Company, Hartford,
I will insure houses and buildings, merchan
dize, furniture, and other property, including
vessels in the port, their cargoes, Ike against
loss or damage by Fire, for any term from one
month to one or more years.
The conditions, which are moderate, may be
known on application to the aubscriber, who is
authorized agent, *d is empowered to issue
‘policies without the delay incident to other a
gencies of this nature.
The company undertake in all cases to pay
the full amount of the aptual loss, provided it
does not exceed the stnount insured. The
premium* are reasonable, and should offer a
strong inducement to any person having pro
perty at hazard to place it in security,
may 28 26 S. MANTON.
For Sale.
Cf> UILDING Stone, Lime, Potatoes and Clar
iJQ tt. in demijohn* and casks, by
may 23 and 22 Mongin’s Wharf.
Butter Shot, fyc.
/jK. c. GRISWOLD & Cos. Taylor’s Building,
o rrtn eon saui :
9 bbls- Mess Pork
44 do Ale
26 firkins prime Goshen Butter
20 casks shot assorted sizes
49 kegs Richmond Tobacco
20 do Rose Nails
2 elegant Gigs with plat id Harness
25 bundtai Hay may
132 Ve L . £S
Administrator's Noth*.
U fell IE subsreriber has been unpointed
xA Court of Ordinary of Striven tv\,.
I unistrator >f the estate and effixt* of’ C
l.ucy I homes decease-l, late of said county, nr.';,
having been qualified as such, he requests all
perstms who may be indebted to the said L.ucy
Thomas, to make payment to hiwsjelf, and those
who have demands against her, must, present
them to him legally attested, ut his residence in
die county of Striven.
GEORGE POLLOCK, Administrator.
s'tty 21
Ji mi nistra tor's No tice.
‘4 FI HE subscriber has been appointed and
■•A qualified as administratorde bonis nonet
of the estate of ’1 heopilus Thomas deceased, late
of Scriven county, and lie requests those per
sons who have demands against the estate to
present them to himself properly attested, and
such persons as are indebted to the deceased,
are requested to make payment.
GEORGE POLLOCK, Administrator.
mav 9
/Superior Court.
Chatham County Chambers,
18th April, 1822.
Samuel Howard, m Eiiui-rr.
v- > Bill original and a-
Bank of Darien, et. al. j mended.
MDWOof the defendants in the above cue,
1. viz. The President .of the Bank of Darien,
(representing said Bank) and the Cashier of the
said Bank, reside without this county, which
fact is verified by affidavit of complainant.
It is ordered, That copies of said bill lie trans
mitted by the Sheriff of Chatham county to the
Sheriff of Mclntosh countv, where the said de*
f’cndai ts reside, with instructions to serve them
on said defandants, and make return ofsaidsei>
vice on said copies, to the Clerk of the Superior
Court of said county of Chatham, within thirty
days from this date ; arul it is further Ord erect,
that tills Rule be published, and the defendants
appear and answer at the next Term.
Extractfrom the Minutes. ,
. JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk,
sprit 24. jo
i. IB hurt COUNTV. S Clerk Court of O’dinary.
iv t trix of all and singular the good* and chat
els,rights and credits, which weie of Uennon
Hoadley. late of said county, deceased, applies
for dismission fiom her said administration :
These are, theiefore, to cite and admonish
all persons cencerned, to file their obieetions,
if any they have, in ipy office, at Iliceborough,
within ihe rime prescribed by law i otherwise
the said Clarissa Hoadley will be dismissed from
her said administration.
Given under my hand and real this eighteenth
dsy of March, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-two.
[l.b ] ELIJAH BAKER, c.c.0.1. .
april 15 89*6m . .
11HB undivided half of the interest in the D
. rien Gazette is. for sale—-Terms liberal.
For particulars, apply at the offiee to
april 22 95 •
At Private Sale,
-'lxWO prime Negro Fellows, one a first-rat 9
1. Carpenter, about 25 years old—sold for no
fault. The other a first-rate Sail Maker, 22 yg.
The above negroes will be sold low if early ap
plication is made to
april 24 J. D. HERBERT LI CO.
The Library,
IS open for the delivery of Books, Monday
Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock,
P. M 30 dec Id
, i Stocks.
GEORGE SCHLEY wishes to purchase
STATE B.iNKand'tc,
DARIEN BANK 5 Stocks *
. And hat Joe tale,
100 shares Planters’ Bank Stock
30 do Steam Boat do
50 do Insurance do
may 14 ,14 ,
Halm of C(iiito ,
£\ FRESH supply just received by the ship
Augusta, and for sale by
At his Drug and Chemical warehouse, cor
ner of Congress and Whitaker streets, Shadd’a
may 13’ 13
, Notice.
NINE months after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Heal Es
tate of iVilliam Road, deceased.
march 14 9m*
Take Notice.
NINE month* after date, I shall apply to the
Hon. tlie Judge of the* nferior Court-
Chatham County, for leave to sell he reales
tate of W.G. Enoe, and for the benefit of the
heirss fid creditor* of said deceased.
■f 69
Hay Lard.
rfaffTk bundles Hay
5U kegs lard
Landing from ship Morning Star, for sale hi
may 13 13
Lost or Mislaid,
A NOTE of hand payable on the first January,
1822, in lumber, drawn by Granville Bev
ille, in favor of William Camn, jun and en
dorsed, for eighty dollars. Tbe finder will be
liberally rewarded by leaving it with Mr. How
el, Yorfe-street, opposite 3110. Gribbou’s.
The public is cautioned not to regcciate far
said note, the paymentbeing stopped.
my 6 c*