Newspaper Page Text
i*ri : I
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*- r : ‘ ‘.jf: - * -~r>- Tn
p-ir •by w. Cloudy—-Showers in the
tVilsO H.w.
\\ f|79 s. by w.|
p 6 76 ‘ clear
7, 876 w. s. w. Cloudy and heavy with
A 12 79 s. by k. S early in the morning. 9. “
677 by e. “
30 876 w. sr.xv. Clear
4 31 n. “
5 84 W'. “
6,81 “ Thunder and lightning.
’ 8 77 a.
31 4 82 a. w.
582 s. by e.
.1 80 s
8” 83 s. Clear
32 12 89 sby K .f
j 390 sbv w “
I 687 s.•
j 8 32 s'w* ‘
S3 I 12 91 s
3375. by xv “
683 axv Shower in the evening
‘* 8 87 s xv Glear
34 12 88 .
3 99 “
6|77 “ thunder .and lightning
The following excellent parody on “ Though
hove is warm awhile ” is from a satirical poem
which lately made its appearance in New-York
tailed “An excursion of the Dog Cart,” li\ an
imprisoned debtor, from the pen of CROAKER,
as the Editor of the Stateman avers,
Though soup is warm awhile,
Soon if grows cold;
Keeping will make it spoil,
When it grows old.
Richest of food and wine,
With Freeedom once were mine;
Rut now in jail I pine,
When poor and old.
O who can patient prove,
Thus pressed by care!
Can those who freedom love,
Confinement bear ?
O it is hard to be;
Shut up to starve, like me,
ilnl since ’tis fate’a decree,
Welcome despa r!
raota the sava yx a a nm-iuicAX.
i7nr cuLTU/tE.
SAVANNAi |, April, 22, 1822.
To John P. VTluampsox, Esk..
Chairman us the Hoard of Commissioners of
Health and Dry Culture.
Incompliance with a resolution passed by
tiie honorable the Mayor and Aldermen of
tiie city of Savannah, requiring an immedi
ate inspection of plantations subject to the
.fry culture contract, and a report on the
Mine on the 22d inst. the day fixed for Ihe
meeting of your honorable board, your de
,puty agent from the shortness of time, and
excessive rains, lias Only been able to take
a view of the following plantations. He has
carefully inspected the same and reports as
follows;-—On the’inspection of Mr. Joseph
Sides’ plantation commencing on the Au
gusta road, at Musgrovc Creek, he found the
cultivated part of the plantation on the
south west side of Musgrove Crtek, above
the Saw Mill planted in corn, tiie surface
very wet and part of it boggy, ow ing to tho
ditches being too small and shallow. lie
found all Ihe gates of the small trunks,
drawn up, apparently drawn on the mor-i
ning of his inspection; the dams very low
and fa! 1 on each vide; on the top of the!
bank leading down Musgrove’a Creek to the,
oUI Saw Mill,he found the weeds and bush-j
es chopped down and the small breaks in
T ;ese (lams partially mended, but not suffi
cient to repel spring tide. In the unculti
vated part above Mr. Stiles’ causeway, he
found many places where the tide washed
or ran over the banks, the banks had been
broken in several places, and Mr. Stiles’
Lands were at that time stopping them.—
The ditches were vfcry s.nall and shallow,
and the sm face of the land very boggy, the
trunks foul, small anil in very bad order,
and should that part us the plantation not
be placed in better order than it is at tins
time, it is (he Opinion of your deputy agent
it vyitl be very injurious, to the health of
the city. Part of these uncultivated lands;
are kept for a pasture for cattle and hors-j
es, and on that part, there is little or noth*]
•iitg done. !
No part of this plantation above the Saw|
Mil* on Musgrove Creek, can in his judge-j
meat be considered in a state of ihy cul
t ire, and very heavy rains and high titles will
mat e it much wor„e without immediate at
t,.niton. On taking a view of the part of:
the plantation between tlie old Saw Mill |
ami old Rice Barn, he found it planted in
cotton and the surface of the land as dry
as the wet weather would admit; the ditch
es foul and wanted much work. There was
much water about the Saw Mill, which if
not let off, will become stagnant and in
warm weather produce disease. This can
be effected with a little labour the dams are
very flat and foul, and require considerable
to get them in order, to repel the
hioh spring tide. The uncultivated aquares
supposed to contain sistv acres, bounded
by Savannah river and Musgrove's Creek,
be found in a very |>ad state, he could not
examine the river bank in any other way
turn by taking an inside dstn to the rive*-,
advanced up the rivers dam a short dis
tance. to his great surprise lie found a break
in the river dans, he supposes to be at least;
70 fvet wide, ihrou. h which the tide ebbs $’
llowhjhc could not proceed further up ini
I consequent of this large break arid could
he have pajSetl that place, lie was informed
there wasiseveral more small ones which
would intfrupthis progress. lie could not
proceed ay further up on this dam in con
sequenceof the vast quantity of briars,
canes an'scrubs that were growing on the
river bail. He then turned his course to
take a v(w of the lower end of the river
dam, am found several places where the
title wasjed over the bank, one of those
places bp been raised, but not sufficiently
high to l>ep out the tides—in attempting
to procejd down he found it impossible in
conseqnjnce of the matted growth of bri
ars and lushes of every description; he was
also interned that there were many small
breaks p that part of the dam leading down
the rivejto Musgrove’.s Creek, nearTwigg’s
wharf lit. This part of the land is under
no kindiif cultivation and the title ebbs and
flows o*r it; the ditches in as bad order as
might le expected and nothing done to
them, she surface is very wet anti boggy,
and no ranks whatever in this part. His
not haing the names of the different
squares causes him to designate the plan
tation i this way. Tire twenty acres lying
west of the city formerly occupied and
leaded I ’ George Miller, and contracted
for by Vm. Scarbrough as trustee fora
compart, seems much neglected. The
bank bo ruled by Musgrove’s Creek, is ve
ry rnun exposed to the back water and
tide. Nothing appears to have been done
i there ti s season. The ditches are very
‘foul ant) filled up in consequence of stocks
, |of all kikds being suffered to leed thereon.
|The suntans very wet.
I The ilitward dam at Doctor Bayard’s
plairfatim on the margin of the back river,
he endeavored to examine, but could no;
satisfy hfttself as to its real condition, ow
ing to thj extensive growth of canes, bri
ers, and throbs which have taken posses
sion, and render it impassable—with some
difficulty he passed some distance on the
inside margin, audconluded from its mois
ture and the frequent leaks lie observed
that all those parts hid from his view most
want repiirs—he discovered several pla
ces where the water tan over the darn
which he considered dangerous and requir
es immediate attention. In the hack river
bank he found one large trunk but no gate
to prevent the ebbing and flowing of the
tide. In progressing round he saw seve
ral old trunks, but no gales to any of them.
The ditches vety foul. The river bank
of the square next to Mcssman, and lying
in the south east corner of tins plantation
he wished to examine, but found italso in
accessible from the growth of canes, &c.
The plantation seems entirely neglected,
there is no person living on it. Three
squares appear to have been in a gulden
and corn last season, and appear to be
dry. The trunks are in bad order, ditches
foul and want veht. The remainder lying
fallow, and the suiface only dry in the
high parts. Should the banks and ditches
of this plantation remain unattended
during the ensuing summer months, the
rapid growth on this tract will preclude a
farther inspection of the most material
IUCHAIID ROWELL, n. i. and. cl
Savannah, April £.7, 1822.
From tue same to the same.
On taking a view ot the plantation, be
longing to the estate of Ganeral James
Jackson, now occupied by James llurrfor,
ihe fount! the banks in tolerable good order,
but grown up with thick growth of weeds ;
j the trunks few, hut in good order. The
ditches very foul and much filled up and
I want vent.’ Four squares, are plantrd in
cotton and two in corn. One of the
squares planted in cotton, nearest to the
settlement wet, owing to the ditches being
too shallow and foul. Oo the square op
posite the settlement, there appears to be
little or nothing done this season. The
other five squared arc dry ; the ditches and
dams of this plantation! are foul, but the
manager promised me to have them attend
ed to immediately after he had finished;
planting. The canal of this plantation
ought to be dug at least two feet deeper so
as to take the surplus water two feet from
:he ditches and the upper part of the
plantation. The land formerly occupied
by VV. C Wayne, adjoining Dr. Haig and
jibe estate of Gen. James Jackson, seetns
entirely sbandoned. The plantation of
jjames Bilbo, he tounil seven squares cul
jtivated, three planted in corn and four in
icottnn. The surface of the land dry, the
outward bank sound trunks in tolerable good
oitler. The dams very weedy, and hands
cleaning them. The ditches foul and want
considerable vent. The manager of this
(plantation promised to keep hands at work
|on the dams until he gets them all in good
order, and so soon as he has finished plan
ting the crop, the ditches should be atten
ded to. In justice to Mr. Bibo, except the
foulness of the dams and ditches, this plan
tation is in good ordei.
Kbeneier Jackson’s plantation he found
the trunks in good order the dams over
grown with weeds, the ditches foul, but
orherwise in good order. Eighty acres im-
proved, and the manager promised to have
the ditches and banks all hoed and cleaned
out as soon as possible. The surface of
this plantation is dry. The upper part of
Win. .Mein’s plantation, formerly called
Mosstnan’s, he found two hundred acres in
.cotton; forty in corn, and eighteen in rice
He found the surface dry, but the ditches
fuul, the banks weedy. The trunks of this
jpaitof the plantation in good order. The
(lower part of the plantation called Delay’s
Point, be found in bad order. On the back
river dam he saw several places, where the
tide run over the dam, inconsequence of
the bank being tread down by the stock of
the plantation. The trunks are in bad or
der, he found three with no gates to them,
the tide ebbed and flowed through them and
kept the surface very wet. The manager
of this plantation informed him that lie
did not know that the partcalled Belay’s
Point was included in the contract, as lie
had not long been on the place, and that
he would put bands immetiialy to repair
the dams and trunks, and have the ditches
and darns in good order. From exertions
he saw making lie believes that the whole
es this plantation will he very shortly in
the order that is required.
RICHARD ROWELL, and. i. and. c
Sugar*, Gin. Mackerel. £jc.
BBLS. No 3 Mackerel
100 bbls Muscovado Sugar
20 lil ids do do
10 pipes Holland Gin
70 boxes bunch Raisins.
From Ship .Mount Vernon,
S3o jasks Cut Nails, assorted sizes.
The cargos ; oj the schr Scott and sloop Eliza ,
6000 bushels prime Maryland CORN.
For sale by
may 13 13
Ji New-England Tale ,
OR Sketches of New-England character and
manners, just received by
ALSO Johnson square
A supply of 2J, 3d, 4th octave and plain
and mounted D Flutes may 20
J I AS the honor to inform toe public tl at lie
IS 1 will teach the Piano, Spanish Guitar, Vio
lin, and sacred Music. He tunes Pianos and
will also teach the French Language and Draw
ing. Me will attend at the academies and
schools in town if called upon. Apply at rms
Oigan’s Hi chsrdson’s square, near the public
ba.lis. may 28 *c 26
Brandy fy Gin.
19 pipes Cognac Brandy of the most approv
ed brands.
3 pipes superior Holland Gin. For sale on
liberal terms BAKER &. MINTON.
may 21
Shot and Bar Lead.
48 casks Shot, assorted from mould to No.
10 casks Bar Lead, landing from ship Geor
gia, for sale by
may 21 o
Lemons , Raisins. &c.
15 boxes fresh Sicily I.etnons, in fine older
30 do do Muscatel Raisins
50 casks cut Nails, assor ed sizes
200 reams wrapping Paper
30 bbls. N. E Rum
100 do Whiskey
Forsale by S. B. PARKMAN.
may 23 c
At Private Sale.
fltTiffA bbls - whiskey •
viykLr 3 cases superior Straw BONNETS.
J. B. HERBERT & Cos.
may 25 24
Drafts on New-York,
FOR sate by
17may 17
Just Received,
By the brig Francis from Providence :
4 bales of
Domestic Goods,
Consisting < f
Plaids, Stripes,Shirting, ‘ heetings and Checks
of good quality, which will be sold low. Apply
may 13
Bills on New-York,
For sale by
may 23 22
Call £? Judge for Yourselves.
I b the subscriber’s China Glass and Earth
-1 e'inure House, will be closed by the I.sth
r.ext month, country merchants, town grocers
and the citizens generally, should not let this
opportunity escape of supplying themselves 1
with any article in the above line - at such
As will be ottered them at bis establishment.
may 23 22 N. H HART.
Barnardst. Marshall's Building's
flarien Bank Stock ,
may 6 7
Jit Private Sale.
,4 Negro man abou 25 years of age, a first
/Jl rate field hand and a jobbing Carpenter
ALSO—3 scs Straw Bonnets
J. B. HERBERT & Cos.
T. C. Hayward ,
Has fir sale just received,
A lot of Furniture, consisting of Beaureaus,
Secretaries, Card-Tables, Fancy and Com
mon Chairs, tsc. Also, 20 Trunks of gentle
men’s fine Boots, and an assortment of Shoes,
which will be sold low. may 20 dl9
Specie and Pimento.
fflVlfTV'fTk Spanish Milled Dollars
50 bags l’imento, for sale bv
may 27 25
A Fifty Dollar Note of the Bank of Darien.—
The finder will be suitably rewarded by leav
ing tiie same at the store of L. 11. Sage St Cos.
may 27 25
J. W. Pomeroy.
yTT| *S just received per brig Telegraph, from
I fo&al N York.a handsome assortment of Ladies’
and Childrens’ Shoes viz :
200 pair Childrens’ Morocco Boots ami
200 do Ladies’s Morocco Slippers, Grecian
100 do figured Denmark Slippers
100 do do white do do
100 do plain black do
Which will be sold iuw for cash only,
may 29 27 c
New Summer Goods.
BY the ship Georgia, just arrived from Liver- (
poof, tire subscribers have received a vari
ety of seasonable articles, which with those
recently received from England, wake their
assortment of
more extensive and general than usual, an
w ill be sold at moderate advance and tong creen
for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW St Cos
Crates Crockery ware and tea China
i London Porter in pint am! quart butties
Casks Glassware, Sheet Iron, the. &.c.
mav 20 2m
Corn, Lemons, &e.
4,000 bushels Corn
40 boxes fresh Lcirv.ns
15 bbls. Ale ]
40 kegs 1 a:il
20 do Goshen Butter
Just received undfor rale by
L. H. SAGE fc? CO.
may 22
Tufts cS* Reed,
Have just received for stile,
130 bbls. Aiwnhaden Pish
50 bbls Mess Pork
10 do Prime do
20 libds. Sugar
15 pipes 4th proof Brandy
20 puncheons Jamaica Rum
3 pipes Scieily Madeira Wine
20 qr. casks Teneiiffe do
20 do do Malaga do
20 bbls old New-Orleans Rum, 4th proof
10 bbls Boston Rum
50 bbls. India Point Gin
50 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugar
50 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
15000 pounds Bacon
2UU b ixts Fayetteville and Charleston Can
100 dozen Beer’s Axes
2(1 do do IR.lfhet’s
100 kegs patent cut Nails
10 casks flooring Brads
20 casks (latent and mould Shot
20 boxes Hyson Tea
10 boxes Whittemore’s No. 10 Cotton Cards
200 qr boxcs-bpAnisii Segars
With many other articles in (lie grocery line;
at wholesale or retail at low rates, and on tire
most liberal terms may 30 28 and
Sugar and Molasses.
13 hnds. Muscovado Sugar
45 bbls do do
18 boxes brown Havana do
? do white do do
32 hhds. Molasses
90 bbls. do
Landing this day from schr. Levant from Ha
vana For sale by HALL & lIOYT.
may 13
Salt Moat.
FOR sale on board the brig Huron, laying- at
Johnstons lower wharf, 4000 bushels Liv
erpool SALT, ill quantities to suit purchasers
Apply to A. L. MOLYNEUX.
may 20 19
copartnership of Hoag & Jitters expir
-1 ed on the loth inst. by mutual consent.—
Those having demands will p.ertse present
them fin” payment; and those indebted will cal!
and settle their accounts with either of the
may 23 22
Cut *Nfiils.
fi fr'-y'jt'v Kegs Patent (hr Nails, from 3d to
201, assorted sixes, .jus’ received
per ship Mount Vernon, capt. Itawson, from
llostoii, for sale by
may 14 cf
Salt petered Bacon.
Vi [JST received from Washington County, 3000
; Qj lbs. of Jordan’s prime salt petered Bacon —
! superior to any thing of the kind in this market.
may 15
Drafts on Boston
A T 30, CO, and 90 days, for sale by
tnsy 15 c 16
Bills on England & N. York ,
For sale by
may 17 3t 17
For Sale,
TAVO lots of N. O. Sugar, mostly prime it
will be sold in lots to suit purchasers.
A tew half ami quarter pipes white Wine, re
maining on hand.
may 20 d§ 19 .T.&C. BOLTON.
For Sale,
( TWO Mulatto Women, on,e about 25 years
I of age with a child about 6 years old, ami one
! about 23 years of age, both good house ser
! vants. Apply to
| nay 28 and RAKER Sc MINTON.
JYindow Glass, §c.
Afresh supply of Window Glass of assorted
. sizes, from 7 by 9, to 12 by 18—Also, sashes
of all sizes, glazed or unglazed— For sale low by
may 13 13
“•e-c&r . ..
Pa ssengers / p r Eng hi n d.
LCT The fine coppered and weft known
dtfJj- Ship GEORGIA,
Can itamlsom* ly accommodate a few more
passengers, and will be resoy fwrs£a il bout the
15th of ibis month. Apply to cupt. Varnum
on board, at Williamson's Wbarf, or to
June 3 22 and
For Neiv-York,
Tlie regular Packet and copper fasten
'd Brig PAN Il! LA, Bradley rrid'Ctr- .
p.iditiviJy sail on Tuesdday 6m mst
I ‘n freight or passage, having superior accotu.
o oda nm, apply to the master on board at ii u (.
ion’s W'.isuf, or to
June 3 c
l or Netv-York,
.AwSnTUc superior coppered and copper
fastened packet COUSAIR, D L. por,
ter roaster, will sail positively on SUNDAY
NEXT. For freight or passage,,hiding very
superior accommodations, apply to cupt. l'ec
lerun board at Taylor’s Wharf, or to
(J. C. GUIs WOLD & CO.
June 3——
For Greenock ,
The fine copDercd British Shi;)
&S& THREE BISTERS, Bell , master —having the greater _
her cafgo engaged, will meet immediate
patch—for freight oflOO ba esoo ton or passaa-t
apply to the captain on board, or to 8
JOHN 11. REID & Cos
may 29 27
For Liverpool , Belfast, or Ha.
vre, *
rfE ry.i , , fright mag of y t
yjrsaX t ’ ,c starch TL itnJi Brig
S&fc SUSAN, William Weymouth master
can carry about 500 bales cotton, and will L“
despatched without delay apply to
U fn. fu’e,
5090 Bushels Liverpool ball
20 Chaldrons Goal mav 28 .1*26
Neither the Capt nor consignee will be ac
countable for any debt contracted by the crew
of the said vessel,
For Liverpool,
WMnb Tile flue substantial coppered Shin LI.
VERPOOL PACKET, Birkctt master
nav mg 000 bales m readiness to go on board
will meet with despatch. For freiyln <f
the remainder, or passage, having superior vs.
commodations, apply to capt on board, at John*
ston s upper wharf, or to
may U—d JOIINS ™N & 1111.L3.
■£•£ T,,e superior new and fast sailing cop
itSr per fastened Packet Ship SAVAN.
\AII, White, master—w ill have quick dis
pa*c li, or.treiglu or passage, having elegant ac
commodations, apply to captain W. on boardat
Jones’ upper wharf; or to
„ HALL id. HOYT,
may 29 27
rrr . For New-York,
dfjiy T }” gular packet brigTELF.GRAP IT,
Snell, muster — w r i'l meet with dispatrh,
I-r fr.-igi.t or ge, having g.iofl act or.iu.oi::t
tions, appiy to captain 5 on board at Jones’ up
peK wharf; or to
may £9 27
For Baltimore,
The regular Packet
Aij.MwSe Sloop PACKET, Tev~oilHger matter :
Will have immediate dispatch. For freight or
passage, having good accommodations, apply to
capt. T. on board at Bolton's Central Wharf, or
ma y 30 MALL & HOYT.
For J’oston,
The Schr.
Io sad on Hrdnetdny next. Having half Iff
cargo engaged. For the remainder or passage,
apply on board at Hunter’s Wharf, or to
may 30— .9 Jane's Quitting.
For Baltimore,
Tlie regular packet Sloop
Wing, master, will meet witii dispatch—for
freight or passage having good accommodations
apply to the capt on boar.l at Jones’ upper
wharf, or to
H ho have for sale on board said vessel.
590 bushes Maryland White Corn
5b bh’s Herrings
15 boxes Codfish
3 dozen Wire Sifters
June 1 SO
IRegimental Orders.
SavasT3\h, May 29.18~2-
N election is hereby ordered to be held w
i&Ja the Exchange Long Room at 4 o’clock ?■
m. tin Saturday the Bth of June next, fora Cu ‘
•ain, first and second Lieutenants, and ensign
to the corps of Georgia Volunteers
The election will he superintemid eby
tices of the Peace,‘and two freeholders, or 1
majority of them, who will make return tlierrm
in conformity with the 7th section of the M*>”
itia Law of 1818. By order. ,
St ibis Whits, Col.
mav 30 ?8 AdTt Ist lh g
.Notice. , ,
S\ LL persons indebted to the late fim* °*
S&nL Parsons and Lay JJruggisls, are re<g ie
ed lo make payment to either.of the su
tiers, on or before the first day of Julyncx
Those persons that are delinquent, their v
counts wiil be put in the hands of an attor .
for collection. ANSON PAR3O* •
may 39 27
Twenty Barrels
y ANDING from brig Telegraplu and^or^
may 29 27 __
Corn and Flour.
3500 bushels prime white Marylem p joUf
50 bb's bolted superfine Howard s •
On board schr. Hazard, jjqYT- (
may 13 13