The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 04, 1822, Image 3
£>auannat): TUESDAY MOIiJYIJYG, June 4. “XiT’interesiing’ libel case was tried in the U. S jrcuit Court now in session in Boston on iiJay and Saturday last. The plaintiff was T Sewell, of Washington, (l). C.) and that efendant Mr. John Choate, merchant of tins j jjy. The plaintiff alleclged that the I’ost Mas- j at Washington had received anonymous j tera from the town of Essex, in this State, j ailing the plaintiff by the hardest names and . nputing to him the worst of crimes, and char-; e j the defendant with giving publicity to j i, eJC letters bv depositing them knowing their j intents, in tile Boston Post. Office. The proof j ,f this was the testimony of Mr. Wild and Mr. j lolmes, n the Post Office, which went to es- Mishthe faci, that letters addressed to W. A. ,q- had been delivered to Mr. John Choate •, ’yV A< y Cos. was the address to which a reply la the anonymous letters received in Washing. jn was to be directed.) In contradicton of the j estimony of Mr. Holmes and to show that he i,ad made a mistake in the person of Mr. Choate, was the testimony of Mr. Norris, a cartman, who *vore that he had taken a certain letter address toW.A. y Cos. out of the Post Office, but did not as Mr. Holmes supposed, deliter it to M-- john t hoate. Upon these facts after able argu. nents by the counsel in the case, and animpar yj c h, rg e from Judge Story, the case was given to the Jury about 12 o’clock on Saturday fore- 1 noon. Yesterday at the opening of the Court, the Jury returned a verdict of JS'ot Cuiltu.—lhc. Pit. 22<i April. Ycsteulay Afternoon, the North Cro lioa, “4 gun ship, left her anchorage, op posite the Navy Yard, anil was towed down the Delaware, towards Chester, by the steam boat Superior — Freemans Jour. NKW-YORKL, May 24. Capt. Copeland, of the schr. Jane, Irom Heuvitaa, has favored us with the loiio'.v- estracr from his journal. i lie J :nc was taken charge of at Neu ritas on the 28di ult. by the U. S schrs. Grampus and Alligator, for toe put post of assisting in capturing pirates. <• We left Neuvitas same day, and on the 30th fell in with four piratical vessels, (two of 80 tons, one of 20, and one of 15 mas,) lying under Sugar Key, with the Mglish brig Cherub, from Buenos Ayres for Havana, having a cargo of jerk beef, which they bad captured tlie day previous. They had taken out about. 20 tons of the cugo, and nearly destroyed the inside ol the vessel in search of money, and i! 1 -tt eat el the crew, whom they were making as girt in discharging the cargo, with drawn cutlasses over them, and occasionally st;i- 1 king them. It was their intention toj burn the brig, and pul all the crew to; death. A prize crew was put on board the j Citetcb, and ordered lor Havana. We then chased the pirates, one of which was loaded with beef, got ashore, and the crew escaped—we got her oil’ and took posses sion of the vessel —then pursued the te-t, two of which, (the largest) got on shore One of them we burnt. Having then gar. aground,in live feet w ter. we were oblig ed to lighten to get oft", and leave live other two vessels, with about 180 men on board. Neither the Grampus, nor Alligator could ■ render any assistance in such shallow wa-| ter. Next morning, found the pirates had : got off their large schr. and again pursued ! her ashore ■; previous to which they hove overboard considerable of their plunder, j We saw several sails thrown over—we| were unable to approach nearer than two! miles of the schr. ashore, an£ hauled off in to nine feet water. When tlr*y gt off> with cables, fired another shot at us, and j hoisted the tri colored flag, at the main ! half mast. Hot their cowaidice would ot permit them to come out. We ex changed about 20 shot with them. As it was not prudent to send in our boats against them in consequence of their small sthbimer being afi iat and could play around the boats with her small four poun ders, we thought it prudent to haul off lor tl;e night, and watch them. Pat a sail heaving in sight, gave chase to leeward fia returning to Sugar Key, found that the pirate sclis. had escaped. We then pro ceeded for Havana and Matanzas —saw nothing but a sloop, which the Grampus tok possession of, no person being on i *rd. It was supposed she had neen ta ken by pirates, and the crew murdered, u-iug stained with several spots of blood. (• I the 12th inst. the latie was restored in the command of. capt. Copeland. Was Gen oil Matanzas, under convoy of the co. in 1 .it. P. 6, lung. 80. Je Alligator lied the sloop, and a patriot brivateer, her prizes, and was bound to -hyletiton, and thence to this port. she above piivateer was the Colombian -t tned flvlir, Cinegas, which was taken 1 uni her commander by the mutiny of her c [ ev, ’ 1 while lying at flagged Island, and * forwards retaken bv the Alligator off Nmita*. A letter received by-tlie Jane, says that ® rm S die affair oft’Sugar Key. “every 1 </“!cer ami man on-board, Irom the captain ” hie buctr.r, determined to die with each “, h ' : ’j l,l their zeal on the occasion. Capt. gave great satisfaction to capt. ij° n d>e other officers,Mr. Barney, * ,>ft, anß. Mr. Samuel Storkton, Mr \ en ’ a,l d Mr. Harden, for ids general ‘cportinent, and the coolness and resolu. n winch marked his whole conduct.” From (he Br.Limore .Morning’ Chronicle. THE SPY. The following Review of The Spy is co pied from a London paper, the True Bri ton. The 9rv, a Tale of the Neutral Ground, referring: tosome particular occurrences during the Ame rican War, and portraying American Scenery and Manners, G. Sr W. B. Whitaker, 3 vols.: 12 mo. London, 1822. Price 1/. Is. If the inhabitants of Europe, have hith erto thought that the art; trade or mystery of novel writing was exclusively their own,! they must now be prepaieil to expect a fall ing off in this article of commerce, as cer tain American capitalists have embai ked | in the trade, and with very fair pr ospects! of success. The author of the work be-j lore us, taking a hint, most probably, from’ the popularity of “Wavevly” anil subse quent works of the same writer, has cun-j trived to excite in his readers a very strong, tie gree of interest for all his principal char-! ; acters. I’lrat of Sitgreaves, an able but j | eccentric army surgeon, is particularly good, land, we think, altogether new. We have ! some lighting, or rather skirmishing, much j patriotism ouich love, and much loyalty, ’ er J judiciously combined in the compass ;ot one thou and pages. The point of time, | too, ii, v. e'i chosen, the contest between the mother cou dry and her colonies, is still j calculated to rouse our feelings, but feelings jof a nature nitre refined than those which | inflamed the b-cn-ts of the ardent loyalists |and enthusiastic patriots at tin* time allud ded to} lime has done a gieas deal, notwith standing recent events, to allay animosities ot. both sides; time has s’ ill something to do in this good work. # Jllancut nostros pa enra nepotes. But the time is 1780, the scene West-Chos ter county, in the province of New-Ymk anil the principal actors are a family of the name of Wharton; the father a moderate royalist; his son a captain in the British ser vice; Iris two daughters, one a royalists the other a republican; colonel Weilmore, B itish officer; Major Duowoodie, captains Latvfon anil Sitv’letou, and Dr. Sitgreaves, of the American army; a gentleman of the name of Harper, whose character is involv ed in mystery riil nearly the close; and last, though nc3 the least important or least in teresting, Harvey B rch. the spy. Young Wnarton is taken in his father’s lo use with in tiie American lines, in disguise; and af ter effecting bis escape, ip re-taken and con demned to die, but escapes once more by the contrivance of Harvey Bird;, who, though retained as a spy by Sir Henry Clin ton, is secretly a friend to the Americans; but, on this occasion, acts from motives of private friendship. The honorable attach ment of Dunwoodie to the younger Miss! ! Wharton, and the dishonorable views of ] col. WeMmere upon the elder, are mixed | up with military business of the drama, and | (lie drno’iment of course is made to c-orres- I pood in both. After a great variety of in cidents, some few of them pci haps almost bordering on the incredible, poetical justice is fairly distributed—the guilty punished, and the virtuous made happy. The Inst chapter is a kind of postscript, and iri it we lesrti that, after a chasm of thirty foui years, Birch the spy was killed in 1814, be tween the lines of the British and Ameri can Iroops engaged in Canada, when a | tificate in Washington’s hand writing, found j on Birch’s body, proved that, the pretended spy of tiie British general had always been | the real one of the American commander in chief. | Though it is easy to discover the country |of thew iter, even if lie had not mentioned j it in his preface still it most be confessed, j that iti Iris political observations, and in his | account of the disorderly conduct, of the partisans on brtli sides, there is every ap-j pearance of impartiality. Mis character! are well drawn, and we may safely S3V of him, that he has not commenced his ptofes -ion without a competent -hare of that kind of stock which is necessary to form an ac compli died novelist. The general tenor of the incidents, and tire scenic descriptions, are so interesting, that it is probable every one who peruses it will, like ourselves, feci gratified that it had come under his eve.— j Eur our own part, we shall he happy to be come more in'imately acquainted “with the same learned Theban,” Yesterday, Mr. Hooper, who has chargei of the canal locks, near tiie Pennsylvania! Avenue, had a little boy, about six years old, drowned in the canal, the child’ hat!; been missing from the early part of tliej afternoon, when about six o’clock its pa-j ten's became uneasy, and the probability of its having fallen in the canal where it had been playing, occasioned a search when its body was discovered : the feel ings of its mother who was present, were truly distressing on the occasion, and touched many of the spectators, who wit nessed ber despondency, with a lively sympathy. All attempts to restore anima tion proved unavailing.— Kush. Gaz. ‘i he Democratic Press says,” wc are in formed that the President has exercised his influence,and is using personal good of fices to prevent the contemplated clupl be tween Col. Cumtning anil Mr. McDuffie. The interference does credit to the Presi dent. We hope it may prove effectual. Contains Jorix Rogers, Isaac CiiAVNcy and David Porter. Commissioners of the Navy Board,arrived at Norfolk fr. Wash ington on the 524th ult. BRACEE RIDGE IIALE. We have seen tiiis work from the pen of oui admired countryman; IRVING; but have not read it. It is beautifully printed, In Mr. Van Win kle’s best manner, with his best type and paper, after the English style—“a meadow of margin, with a rivulet of matter ” The price for two thin Volumes, mostly of pure white paper, is only Five lio'lars —which, wc presume, is con sidered quite reasonable in these plentiful times, when the Hanks are discounting so liberally. Not withstanding, however, that we live in Wall-st. j w e cannot afford to but’ it—of course we casnot read it—and further notice cannot therefore be taken, unless the main obstacle is removed. ,Y. York Com. AJv. At Salem an infant, aged nine months, lately crawled into a tub of water, in the absence of its mother, and was drowned. At Philadelphia, a few days since, a child 15 months old, went to j a pot of boiling water, and upset it upon her, anil was dreadfully scalded. Mothers should he | more particular with their children. Suildet. Death. —By the ship Asia; from Ss'-an-1 nah, we learn that capt. Barry, laie Commander of that ship, died yesterday morning, by the bursting of a blood vessel. A’. T. pap. An English brig cruising in the offing if PenoHinaquan is staled to have captured a 1 fishing boat off L’Etang belonging l‘> -Messrs j Hard on & Manning.—A". 1 • Loin. Jd. i Biot.— Several Irishmen, employed a9 dig- i ty ers in the navy yard, Lharleston Mass, and armed with clubs, pick axes, ike, made an attack on the deputy sheriff of that place on Monday last, for the purpose of compelling him to relinquish some cattle belonging to one of their countrymen, which had been legally attached The Sheriff received some injury, but in con sequence of the interference of Capt Hull lie finally succeeded in defeating the inten tions f “the rioters. — ib. Canal Loan—The New York State Bank and the Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Bunk at Albany, have taken the canal loan of six hundred thousand dollars at a premium of one and a quarter per cent on a six per cent stock. Several other offers were made for part of the stock but none for the whole except the two Banks mentioned.— ib. Robber}!. —Last evening some villain got into the office of Doctor lvline, in Jatnes st. and b oke open the desk and took there from Bank Notes to the amount of about fifty dollars. The robber entered theback door, while the Doctor was comfortably seated in the front door.— ib It is stated on good authority that the di-tinguisbed French General Le Feb re Desnouttes, was one among the Passen gers that unfortunately perish Kt l at the time of the shipwreck of the ship Albion. Fort of Savannah, ARRIVED, Sloop Mary, Monroe, <8 hours from Charles ton, with a full cartro, to I. Cohen consignee, E. Bliss £;? co Tanner and Wooilbndge. Brown and Overstreet, Gatidrv and Dufaure, A Corn wall. J. Harper, W. P. Bowen, J. Southwick and co. Hal! & Hoyt and J. B. Herbert Sr co. Pas sengers Miss Lippett, E. Hill and J. B. McLen nan. Pole Boat Dolphin, 20 days from Louisville, with 110 bales cotton, to Laurence and Thomp son, A. Low & Cos. Wm- Schley, W. Itattey. Below, schooner Wallace, from Havana. Slep Massasoit. for Liverpool, ami brig Fran ces for New-York went to sea this morning l NEW-VORK, Mit 24.—CIV ship China. Whit tlesey, Valpariso: Virginia, Reeve, Monte Video; brigs S. Carolina, Johnson, St. liiomas; Two Marys Coffin; Mobile; Betsev Bordeaux; schrs. I Ann Marie; Summers, Wilmingtm; Juliet, Jobn- Ison,Norfolk;Constitution Sparling, St. Andrews. ’ Arr. ship Jason, Cox, 50 days from Amsterdam. The J. was tie’atned from the 29th ot lan. to the 2d of April by contrary winds fr the westward in that time experienced many severe gales of wind. Ship Voltaire, of Philadelphia, fr Batavia, was lost on the Texel. Ship Massachusetts, of Boston, was lost on the north side of the Texel, on the 10th March, car go lost. . Ships William Penn and I.cda of Baltimore, were drove on shore, on the South M alh A brig frN York, capt. Neil, was drove on shore and will he lost, cargo saved. Brig Swan, Wheelwright, of Newrmrvport, and bound fr Nieu Dieppe for Amsterdam, was \ totally lost with her cargo, 15 mi os fr the Texel ! Roads, all hands saved. May 4, lat. 42, 8, long. pool. May 6, lat 42 12, long 51 34, spoke slop ! Nestor, fr N. Y’ork, bound to Liverpool. ! Ship Asia, Russell, late Barry,6 ds fr Savannah, j Ship Amelia. Crane, arr hence at Charleston, 18th inst. May 32d, lat 36, 50, spoke ship Savan nah, White, fm N York for Savannah. Brig Holla, Harrington, 6 ds frn Savannah. Brig Abeona, lllinn, 13 ds fm Matanzas. Brig Belvidere; Richards, 5 dsfni Savannah. Brig Orion, Mayhev, (ot Rochester,) sds fm Savannah. Brig Nymph. Briggs, 18 ds Fin Mobile. On the 18th inst. off Cape Fear, passed a brig standing towards N. Yo k, with ED in her sail. _ Sclir. Jane, Copeland, 23 ds fm Neuvitas. In March last, during theequinoxtal gale, the French ship Active, rn on shore and was totally lost — crew and cargo saved. The A. was fm Havana for Neuvitas, with troops. Sclir. Echo, Saunders, 7 ds fin Savannah. ALEXANDRIA, May 23.—Ar. ship Fair Tri der Fletcher, Liverpool, 42 ds. May 6, lat 05, lon 7 1, spoke brig William &. iffi/a, Lictlieim, 18 ds fm Surinam, for Boston. Schrs. Victory, Hawes, Boston, 8 ds; George, Doane, do. 10 ils. RICHMOND, May 21—Arr schrs. Virginia, Beaston, N York; Leader, Knap. ilo. 6 ds; Marga ret Si Anieli 1 , Townsend, do; sloops Hardwaxe, Ingell, do; Planter, Frambers, Philadelphia. Cl’d sclir. Little William, G: gc, Boston, For Charlatan , ffiSr Sloop MARY. capt. Muro ; . positively sail with dispatch. For ■reiglit or passage, living excellent accommo dations, apply on oourd at. Holton’* Wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN; juoe 4 32 c Planters Hank. DIVIDEND NUMBER 19. I ‘S'HR Board of Directors having d..cfared a [ * dividend of 3 per cent on the capital Stor k of tiiis Hank for the fast six unmilw, Hi; same will bo paid to the Stockholm r> thereof vr ilion order, on and after Thursday Cth lust JOHN Fl-tOYi), Cuzhief iVviem. June 4 23 and Irish Potatoes. few hampers < f the above jtist received ftua from Bellas-. (via Charleston) and in ex cellent order for saio by the subscriber. W \i. URUTIINES. j me 4 32 coo* Selling off at Cost. sraHK subscribers wdl sell their i j ■JI Stork of Cl.O THING, consisting of Woo) i ens and thin goods at cost I!r se wishing ar j tides in their line, will find it ‘.it dr a.-lvanti*";: to j c.!!, as their business for the season, will be j closed on the i;slh. Hy which lime those in | debtfcd are requested to settle their bills E. E. £# J. WIIIfTOCS. 1 jnne 4 32 c j NuficK | ’ J*HE Co-partnership of Henry & Collins was 1 S dissolved on the 1-t inst. by mutual con sent. Persons having demand] against them) will present, them h r settlement to lienrge j Coilins, and these iiidebb <1 nil! please pay the i same to him, as he is duly authorised to re- j ceive the same. i THOM'S HENRY, GEO. COLLINS. june 4 32 cl John Lit throp Cos. Hunter’s Wharf. ! OFFER FOR SAI F,, 4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn 100 bundles (lay 40 lihds. prime Muscovado Sugar 75 bids best double refined do 50 pieces Inverness Cotton Magging 50 kegs Lard 30 bbls. prime Reef. New-York Inspection 10 hhils. 3d proof Neutral Ruin 10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards 3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeira Wine 30 bbls. Glauber Salts 100 boxes No. 10 and 12, Window Class June 1 SO Notice. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of delete Ann \1 ‘Coy, late of Savan nah, deceased, are requested to present them 1 to the subscriber. - S. C. GREENE, . hhnst'r. april 10 rrj* 85 I Coffee, Sugar and New Shad 135 bags prime Havana Coffee 8 hlids Muscovado Sugar 49 bbls no 1 V 32 half baU po 1 ‘ New Shad 34 bbls no 2 3 Landing and for sale by DOUGLASS is. SORRELL, | Who have in Store, 50 bbls White’s best Gin 50 do refined Sugar 80 <io kiln dried Corn Meal o f superior qual j 40 ps 42 inch brown Inverness Cotton Bugging ; 10 pipes Wine Window Glass assorted sizes A few dozen of Wire Slaves Spanish and Am. Segars in lilf. & qr. boxes, j June 1 ot 30 I. If. Sage £* Cos. OFFER FOR SALE, 3000 bushels Corn 30 bbls. Ale 100 do Mess and prime Beef 20 do Mess Fork • 20 qr. casks Malaga Wine 30 pipes • .in 100 boxes Soap and Candles 50 bbls. Loaf Sugar 20 kegs No. 1, Tobacco j 25 do Lard 20 bbls. Navy Bread 10 thousand Delpino Sega, s 100 do Common do 100 kegs Crackers 50 bbls. Sugar With a general assortment of GROCERIES. june 1 —— BILLS ©N NEW-YORK and BOSTON— Fur 6 ale by JOHNSTON &. HILLS, jnne 3 22 (. orn, Flour and Bacon. 3500 bushels prime white Corn, in bulk and bugs 5000 lbs of Georgia salt petred Bacon 40 bbls Flour Also—sugar, Coffee, Whiskey, Gin, Ac. Which are offered tor sale low, by FREDERIC SELLECK. may 29 Landing from brig Almira. 431 bags Sugars, of a superior quality 17 hhds. Muscovado uo 40 cases fresh London Mustard 3 pipes otai'd Dupey St Cos. Brandy For sale by LAWRENCE 6f THOMPSON, may 29 27 n* Corn Afloat, 2500 bushels Virginia Corn on board ti e sloop Ttvo Sisters at Taylor’s Wharf In more. 20 bbls Beer (Law and Beveridge’s brand) 10 do do K Dunlop’s do 10 do Newark Cider 15 do Pilot Bread 20 tubs and 10 firkins Goshea Butter 15 M Spanish Segars. ’ V For sale by GIBBS St ALEXANDER, may 29 3t 27 _ AUCTIONS By John fchiefe Jr. At 11 o'clock this foionoon, will t#eVoM iij ,’, M,, t “f hts Auction 1- ihiNo 2 Ciii.i’< ■’“ >W N 1! ” a sonment of Liquors and CtowiiK-.. o pipes mauuiactoicu i.ia.iJy f pipes hoi. Gin 2v lusts best i.i rhi rn Gin 4 * hamper hid. Potatoes re.ims \v jp. r 1 ■ COUOII ‘;ok.g, |,.igsL„i-d ‘ *j boxes hard Caudles Js ■A) MlXe-S t iitltt .-.On I 2 ) h(ix-;, h.’o nn R . . s 10 Casks paie t 500 bu.v. n tal.le s It 10 kegs it.itli ,■ 15 In xes Negro 1 ir*-n -o \.hole hah h.-xrs Chocolate sic ik ■ G nditums c.. h ondcbvtiy Jhiic 4 32 % J. Si. Herbert & Cos. THIS DAY, 4f!i, m ill be setjdat tfie uourt house in this city, .-t -’legro um-ui, ( ;00 | {< j , r ALSO, .’ o and Harness. Terms cash j june 1 By B!;er & SI in ton !Ou TimrsiV. fit; i„ front of their iu/ ii-Oti biore a,i nssi rnj.e t of* OJiftCERIES. \ ■ lml at * 2 ,n . n large assortment of Pry Goods, y ’ i tne 4 “J ADMINISTU A TOlty Tji LE. ‘ , By Baker Minfon. On the first Tuesday in August next, at U o’clk Wharf Lot Th “‘■' bu will on" 4 * 8 ’ a " r 1:C l;r ‘P ruVe ®ents there- I Also, the lot and buildings thereon, late in th jocimpancy °f Patrick 8^, )tom deceased situat ’ ■id m St James square, Meathcote ward, r>ij (> v I permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court of tbs l I Z y iA Clw * h!,,n - The a bove is the property ot the estate of Patrick Stanton deceased. ‘ ‘ 1 erms cash. . By order of the Adi dnistrator. June 1 By Bilker and Minton, .a .i ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Cnthe first Tuesday in Jnue next, will be sold win ’ D° f the ( (? urt ‘ ,louse Savannah; be. tween the usual hours, The Buildings on Lot No. (TO) W an-en V.’ard, in said city, together with the uu exptred term of the lease of said lot, beinr the remain,ng part Os the estate of H. Me, son, ° dec! Sold by virtue of an order of the lion, the infe rior Court of Chat luim Countv, by order of the j administrator. Terms cash. april G j % George Schley ADMINISTRA TOR’S SALE. ru ‘!f ,lav ' in August next. \\ IS b Mw i ‘ e i- l„. i. ’ ‘. V ,' 1 ’ ‘k h ‘itr> <h !; [ijjj (> | Hut., an nii.livideil nulf ,f .1) . ~ ! !,la,lcl autl coi,lai„i„ f . i> 77j 1 of la F ! 1 . b p ui, <l south hy tile estate of Gen j . \ lj 4-V |i, Adnt’rx. J ’ bn bar,u,chan. JOHN CaRNOCHAN, Adm’r ‘ june 4 132 ll ‘ e ,ate ’ John Levett * A dmin is Ira tor's Sale. PifcS of 5.! i°it nor<l o' ofu,c llon i * lie Jus ,n. , V, Inferior Court of the-countv of Cluthani sitting for'-ordinary | urposes wiii be eximsed for saw at tl.e Court House in the City •of b.vanuah, iii tn c 41], j. (V f , J w"*’ 1,0U “* 0ne ’ X ‘ e^u Man and ’ m I ?'f’ ~an ts tl,e i iel£ onal pro pci tj of Joan A. Casey, deceased. ‘ I y order of the Administrator. GEORGE SCiII.EV, Auct. june 4 n32 Stills on New-York. BAOR sail, fy *’ „ C. C GRISWOLD fc Cos. imv 99 ;.7 Mackerel. I.iLniltng and/or i.tie, oO bbls No i Viackeiet £0 do No ’ io MITCHELL & BARTLETT. may 39 2? c Stove Whre. Cider, frc. yO Y t’ne brig Native and sloop Oliver Wolcot. vre have received and for sale: 180 boxes of superior Cider 1600 gallons of Jugs and Jars And as usual on hand : A general assortment of I (iIiOC&RIES, Which will be sold low. CLAGUOUN & BASSETT, No. 23, Bolton’s Range. may 13—Iw —— —■ Flour & Corn. 200 barrels Superfine Flour 2450 bushels Maryland Corn. Just received per sloop Packet, and for sale ! by may 3t) HALL tk HOYT. The Subscribers OFFER for sale, just landing by late arrivals, Hay—boxes Cod fish, good quality Loaf Sugar Boston Mess Beef Do. No. 1 Bright yellow Soap, anil Candles from the manufactory I’hilaJclphia Flour N. Y. Pork and Heef I F.VTTONE & CANDLER. PPtil 13