Newspaper Page Text
* — ‘ * I
From the .Vra Mvriilly Jllagacitie'.
At Number One dwelt captain Drew,
Ocorge Henson dvilt at Number Two :
(The street we’ll riot now mention)
The latter aiunn’d the King’s Bench bar,
The former being lamed in war,
Sung small upon a pension.
Tom Tllcwit knew them both—than lie
None deeper in the mystery
Os culinary knowledge;
From Tuttle soup to Stilton cheese,
Apt student taking bis degreese
In Mrs ItundeU’s College.
Benson to dine invited Tom:
Frond of an invitation from
A host w ho “ spread” so nicely,
Toro answer’d ere the ink was dry,
“ Extreme!) happy—“come on Fri*
Day next, at six precisely.”
Blcwit, with expectation fraught,
Drove up at six. each savoury thought
Ideal turbot rich in.
But, ere hejreach’d post,
lie saw a Haunch of Ten’son roast
Down in the next-door kitchen.
<• Hev! Zounds! vhat’a this ? a haunch at
Drew’s !
1 mlist drop in : I cant refuse:
To pass were downright treason ;
To cut Ned Benson’s not quite staunch;
But the provocative —a lnunch !
Zounds 1 it’s the first this season !
* Ven’son, thou’rt mine! I’ll talk no more,”
Then, rapping thrice on Henson’s door,
“John, I’m in such a hurry !
Do tell your master that my aunt
Is paralctic, quite aslant,
I roust be off for Surry.*
Now Tom at next door makes a din
‘ Is Captain Drew at home ?!— ‘ B alk in’—
• Drew, how d’ye do ?*— ‘ What! Hie wit?’
‘ Yes, I—you’ve ask’d me, many a day,
To drop in, in a quiet way,
So now I’in come to do it,’
l?m very glad you hare,* said Drew’,
•I’ve nothing but an trish atew— ’
Quoth Tom (aside) ‘No matter;
c’Twont do—my stomach’s up to that,—
’Twill lie by, till the lucid fat
Conies quiv’ring on the platter.’
•You see your dinner, Tom,’ Drew cried,
•No but I don’t though,’ Tom replied :
•I smok’d below,’-’ What ?>_‘VenV,n-
A haunch’—‘Oh! true, it is not mine;
Mv neighbour has some friends to dine ’
‘Your neighbour! who?’—‘George Benson.
‘His chimney smoaked; the scene to change,
1 let him have my kitchen range
While his was newly polish’d;
The Ven’son you observed below,
Went home just half an hour ago:
I guess it’s now demolish’d.
Tom, why that look of doubtful dread ?
Come help yourself to salt and bread,
Don’t sit with hands nnd knees up;
Hut dine, for once, off Irish stew,
And read the ‘Dog and Shadow and rough.
When licit you open jEsop.’
* -A
The science of legislation is like that of medi- j
cine, in one respect, that is, far more easy t
point out u hat will do harm, than what will do
good. “.Ve quid nimio,” therefore, is perhaps as
quite as safe a maxim for a Solon, ns for ail Hip
pocrates, because it unfortunately happens that a ]
good law cannot operate so strongly for the
amendment, as a had law for the depravation of j
the people; for it is necessary, from the nature of f
things, that laws should be prohibitory, rather ,
than “remunerative, and act upon our fears, rather |
tl- .n upon our hopes. Pains and penalties’ are
far more cheap and feasible modes of influenc
ing the community, than rewards and encourage
ments; therefore, if a law should strongly recom
mend habits of justice, industry, and sobriety,
such a law would be feebly obeyed, because it|
lias little to offer, but very much to oppose; it has 1
to oppose all the vicious propensities of our na
ture; blit if through oversight or indiscretion, a
law should happen to connive at, or to tempt the
subiect, to habits of fraud, idleness, or inebriety,
such a law, inasmuch as it falls in with all the vi
cious propensities of our nature, would meet with
a practical attention, even beyond i ts own enact
ments, and produce -work* of supererogation on
‘he side of delinquency; fertile road to virtue is
j* rugged ascent, to vice a smooth declivity,
ci'.is Jssccnsns nrcm.” To strengthen the above
positions, all the bearings of the Poor Laws up
on society night be fairly adduced; most of their
enactments operate as a bounty upon idleness,
a iff! as a drawback upon exertion; they take from
independence its proper piide, from mendicity
its-sahibly shame; they deprive foresight of its
faii'jfewaro, and improvidence of its just respon
sibiTuy. They act as r constant and indiscrituina
tinir invitation to the marriage feast, crowding it
with guests, without putting a single dish upon
the table; we might affirm that these laws now in
dicate a quite contrary tendency, and arc begin
ning to remove the dishes, although they still con
tinue to invite the guests: for there ar,- numerous
instances where the paralyzing pressure of the
poor rates has already begun to produce its own
vereeswy and final consummation—Me non-culti
vation of the soil.'*
* Before a corrmbtee of the house of com
mons. some fearful evidence was lately adduced,
which went to prove the alarming fact that, in
some cases, particularly in ‘he neighborhood of
large manufacturing towns, estates had not been
cui'ifatcd, as being utterly unequal to meet the
rouble demand of rates, and of rent. Our late
political ffgrcuits, Mr. Pitt felt the necessity, but
shrunk, from die difficulty ts cleansing the Jhi
!g<tan stable of the poor lows. The most effec
tual mode of assisting the poor, must be the de
vising of some source of employment, that shall
enable them to assist themselves. But, it unfor
tunately happens that unless this employment be
profitable to those who find the capital, it will not
long be serviceable to those who find the indus
try; and how to devise adequate employment for
the labourer, that shall at the same time repay
the capitalist, is the grand arcanum we want to
get hold of, “A c labor hoc opus est.” Our inex
haustible treasures of coal, and of iron, have
made the steam power so available, and so acces
sible, that there seems to be no assignable limit
to the improvement of our machinery. But to
permit our own machinery to be exported, is a
bont as wise as to hammer swords upon our cSWn
anvils, to be employed against ourselves; •* in list
trot fubriiata est machitia muros.” It is impossi
ble to deprive Englishmen of their spirit of en
terprise, and of invention, or of the power of
their ingenuity, and their habits of industry; bXit
our machinery is the embodied result of all these
things put’ together, and, in this point, the expor
tation of our machinery, is to deprive us of much
of the benefit of those high qualifications stated
above; thus it is that the powers of our own heads
liijy ultimately p U'ilyze the luboars of our oiwi
hands. The gigantic and formidable dilemma of
the present day is this; three orders of men are
vitally necessity to the existence of the state, for
our national independence is triune, resting upon
the welfare of the agriculturist, the manufactur
er, and the merchant. But the misforlue is, that
the agriculturist wants one state of things oppo
site to, and destructive of the interest of the
other two; for the agriculturalist must have
high prices, or he can no longer meet the heavy
demands upon land ; but the merchant and
manufacturer are equally anxious for low prices
at home, to enable them to compete with the
foreigner abroad. Now, inasmuch as it is chief
ly from our superiority in machinery, that we
arc still able to command a preference of our ar
ticles in foreign markets, notwithstanding the
state of high prices at home, it follows that the
means by which that superiority is preserved,
should be most jealously guarded, and like a
productive patent, kept, as far a* possible, ex
clusively to ourselves. So unbounded is the
power of machinery, that 1 have been informed
that raw cotton is brought by a long and expen
sive voyage to England, wrought into yarn, and
carried out to India, to supply the poor Hindoo
with the staple commodity for his muslins of the
finest fabric : and this yarn, after having per-
Ibrmcd two voyages, we can supply him with at
a cheaper rate than the Hindoo himself can spin
it, although he is contented with a diet of rice
and water, and a remuneration of about one pen
ny per day. And I have heard a lace manufac
turer in the west of England affirm, that one
pound of raw cotton has been spun by machine
ry into yarn so fine, that it would reach from
London to Edinburgh.— Lacon
“Envy, if surrounded on all sides by the
brightness of another's prosperity, like the
scorpion, confined within a circle of fire,
will sting itself to death.”
“Vice stings U 9, even in our pleasures
but virtue consols us, even in our pains.
Sugar, Gin. Mackerel. bsc.
©<D<D HBI.S. No 3 Mackerel
100 bills Muscovado Sugar
201, bds do do
10 pipes Holland Gin
70 boxes bunch Raisins.
from Ship Mount Vernon,
33j .asks Cut Naits, assorted sues.
The cargoes tj the tchr Scott and sloop Eliza,
0000 bushels prime Maryland CORN.
For sale by
may 13 13
*3 New -England Tale,
OR Sketches of New-Kngland character and
manners, just received by
ALSO Johnson square.
A supply of 2d, 3d, 4th octave and plain
and mounted D Flutes may 20
HAS the honor to inform tne public tl at lie
will teach the l’isno, Spanish Guitar, Vio
lin, and sacred Music. He tunes Pianos and
will also teach the French Language and Draw
ing. He will attend at the academies and
schools in town if called upon. Apply at mrs
Gigan’s Uichr.rdson’s Square, near the public
baths. may 28 *c 26
Brandy Sj Gin.
10 pipes Cognac Urandy of the most approv
ed brands.
3 pipes superior Holland Gin. For sale on
liberal terms. BAKER & MINTON,
may 21
Shot ami Bar Lend.
48 casks Shot, assorted from mould to No.
10 casks Bar lead, landing from ship Geor
gia, for sale bv
may 21 a
Lemons, Raisins , &c.
15 boxes fresh Sicily Lemons, in fine order
30 do do Muscatel Raisins
50 casks cut Nails, assor.ed sizes
200 reams wrapping Paper
30 bbls. N. E Rum
100 do Whiskey
Fwsale by S. B. PARKMAN.
may 23 c
At Private Sale.
bb,s ’ “ diskey
o cases superior Straw BONNETS.
J. B. HERBERT &. Cos.
may 25 24
Drafts on New-York,
FOR sale by
17 may 17
Bills on New-York,
For sale by
may 23 22
Just Received,
liy the brig Francis from Providence :
4 bales of
Domestic Goods,
Consisting of
Plaids, Stripes, Shirting, sheetings and Checks
of good quality, which will be sold low. Apply
may 13
Call & Judge for Tours elves.
ft ft, dig subscriber’s China Glass and Earth
-1 emoare House, will be closed by the 15th
next month, country merchants, town grocets
and the citizens generally, should not let this
opportunity escape of supplying themselves
with any article in the above line at such
As will be off ered them at his establishment,
may 23 22 N. H HART.
Jlarnard-st. Marshall's Building's.
JJarien Jlank Stock ,
may 6 7
At Private Sale.
A Negro man abou 25 years of age, a first
rate field hand and a jobbing Carpenter
ALSO—3 ses Straw Bonnets
J. B. HERBERT & Cos.
T. C. Hayward,
lias for sale just received.
A lot of Furniture, consisting of Beanveatis,
Secretaries, Card-Tables, Fancy and Com
mon Chairs, &c. Also, 20 Trunks of gentle
men’s line Boots, and an assortment of Shoes,
which will be sold low. may 20 dl9
Specie and Pimento.
Spanish Milled Dollars
VjJ 50 bogs Pimento, for sale by
may 2 7 25
A Fifty Dollar Note of the Bank of Darien.—
The finder will be suitably rewarded by leav
ingthe same at the store ofL. 11. Sage &. Cos.
may 27 25
J. W. Votticroy.
YHTAS just received per brig Telegraph, from
UU N York,a handsome assortment of Ladies’
and Childrens’ Shoos viz :
200 pair Childrens’ Morocco Boots and
200 do Ladies’s Morocco Slippers, Grecian
100 do figured Denmark Slippers
100 do do white do do
100 do plain black do do
Which will be sold low for cash only,
may 29 27 c
JS*etv Summer Goods.
BY the ship Georgia, just arrived from Liver
pool, the subscriber have received a vari
ety of seasonable articles, which witn those
recently received from England, make their
assortment of
more extensive and general than usual, an
will be sold at moderate advance and long a eat
for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW &Cos
Crate 9 Crockery ware and tea China
London Porter in pint and quart bottles
Casks Glassware, Sheet Iron, &c. Ac.
may 20 2m
Corn, Lemons,
4,000 bushel* Corn
40 boxes fresh Lemons
15 bbls. Ale
40 kegs Lard
20 do Goshen Dntter
Just received and for sale by
L. H. SAGE & CO.
may 22
Tufts § Heed,
Have just received for sale,
130 bbls. Manhaden Fish
50 bbls. Mess Pork
10 do Prime do
20 lihds. Sugar
15 pipes 4th proof Brandy
20 puncheons Jamaica Rum
3 pipes Scicily Madeira Wine x
20 qr. casks TencrifFe dr. ‘
20 do do Malaga do
20 bbls. old New-Orleans Rum, 4th proof
10 bbls Boston Rum
50 bbls. India Point Gin
50 bbls. Loaf and. Lump Sugar
50 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
15000 pounds Bacon
200 boxes Fayetteville and Charleston Can
100 dozen Beers Axes
20 do do Hatchet’s
100 kegs patent cut Nails
10 casks flooring Brads
20 casks patent and mould S-hot
20 boxes Hyson Tea
10 boxes WliittemoreYNo. 10 Cotton Cards
200 qr. boxes Spanish Segars
With many other articles in the grocery line;
at wholesale or retail at low rates, and on the
most liberal terms. may 30 28 and
Sugar ami Molasses.
13 hhds. Muscovado bugar
45 bbls do do
18 boxes brown Havana do
2do white do do
32 hhds. Molasses
90 bbls. do
Landing this day from schr. levant from Ha.
vana. For sale by HALL In HOYT,
may 18
Salt JPloat.
FOR sale on board the brig Huron, laying at
Johnstons lower wharf, 4000 bushels Liv.
erpool SALT, in quantities-to suit mircliasers.
Apply to A. L. MOLYNEUX.
may 20 19
Cut Nails.
ll rtjVfT* Ke S* Patent Cur Nails, from 3d to
iivJi/VSiy £od, assorted sizes, just received
per ship Mount Vernon, capt. Rawson, from
Boston, for sale bv
may 14 cf
Salt petered Dacon.
r|U ST received from Washington County, 3000
QJ lbs. of Jordan’s prime salt petered Bacon —
superior to any tiring of the kind in this market
may 15
Drafts oil Boston
AT 30, GO, and 90 davs, for sale by
may 16 c lb
liitls on England & JV*. York.
For sale by
may 1 7 3t 17
For Sale ,
TWO lots of N. O. Sugar, mostly prime f
will be sold in lets to suit purchasers.
A few half and quarter pipes white Wipe, re.
maining on hand.
may 20 d§ 19 .1. & C. BOLTON.
For Sale,
TWO Mulatto Women, one about 25 vears
of age with a child about 6 years old, and one
about 23 years of age, both good house ser
vants. Apply to
may 28 <! BAKER h MINTON.
JYindow Glass , sc.
Afresh supply of Window Glass of assorted
sizes, froi ■ 7 by 9, to 12 by 18—Also, sashes!
of all sizes, glazed or unglazed—For sale low bv
may 13 ij
Tj. It. Saxe ik Cos.
OFFER For sale,
3000 bushels Corn
30 bbls. Ale
100 do Mess and prime Beef
20 do Mess Pork
20 qx. casks Malaga Wine
30 pipes (.in
100 boxes Soap and Candles
50 bbls. Loaf Sugar
20 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
25 do Lard
20 bbls. Navy Bread
10 thousand Delpino SegarS
100 do Common do
tOO kegs Crackers
50 bbls. Sugar
With a general assortment of
june 1
For tale by
jdne 3- 22
Corn, Flour and Bacon,
•>SOO bushels prime white Corn, in bulk and
5000 lbs of Georgia saltpetred Bacon
40 bbls Fiour
Also—sugar, Coffee, Whiskey, Gin, &c.
Which are oiieivd for sale low, by
may 29
Landing from brig Almira,
431 bags Sugars, of a superior quality
17 lihds Muscovado do
40 cases fresh London Mustard
3 pipes utard Dupey & Cos. Brandy
For sale by
may 29 27 r.y
- . I
Corn Afloat,
2500 bushels Virginia Corn on board the sloop
Two Sisters at Tailor’s Wharf
In Store,
20 bbls Beer (Law and Beveridge’s brand)
10 do do It Dm.lop’s do
10 do Newark Cider
15 do Pilot Bread
20 tubs and 10 firkins Goshen Butter
15 M Spanish Segars.
For sale by
may 29 3t 27
John Lathrop Cos.
Hunter’s Wharf.
4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn
100 bundles Hay
40 hhds. prime Muscovado Sugar
75 bbls be9t double refined do
50 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging
50 kegs Lard b
u 0 bbls. prime Beef, New-York Inspection
. 10 hhds. 3d proof Neutral Rum
10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards
3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeira
30 bbls. Glauber Salts
100 boxes No. 10 and 12, Window Glass
June 1 30
Coffee, Sugar and JYew Shad
135 bg prime Havana Coflee
8 hhds Muscovado Sugar
49 bids no 1
32 half bals no 1 CNew Shad
34 bbls no 2 jf
Landing and for sale by
- ff ho have in Store,
50 bbls White’s best Gin
50 do rctiittd Sugar
80 do kiln dried Corn Meal of superior qual.
40 ps 42 inch brown Inverntss Cotton BagcW
10 pipes Colmenar Wine 6 B
Window. Glass assorted sizes
A few dozen of Wire Se.vcs
Spanish and Am. Segurs in hlf. & qr. boxes
June 1 3t 30
Ir ish Potatoes.
IX few liampcrs of the above just received
XuL from Belfast, (via Charleston) and in ex
cellent order for sale by the subscriber.
WM. CltOTlIEttS.
June 4 32 eoc*
Selling off at Cost.
GfftHE subscribers will sell their remaining
41 Stork of CLOTHING, consisting of Woo l
i ens and thin goods at cost Those wishing ar
ticles in their line, will find it tlieir advantage to
call, as their business for the season, will be
closed on the 15th. By which time those in
debted are requested to settle their bills.
june 4 32 c
Passengers f jr England.
fcait The fine Wpeml shj V 1 e ;i fc liow
. Whip GEORGIA, “
Can handsormly sceonuv.oihtte a few more
passengers, and will he reauy for sea about i| c
Islh of this month. Apply to capt. Yanimn
on hoard, at \\ iiliariuon’s \\ iiarf, nr to
June 3 22 and
For New-l'or It, “
Ji&^ The ‘ ‘'iJ’riar Packet and copper fasten
cd B.t S FAN I DEA, Hrad&nSZ!:
om positively sail an To-morrow 6 h imt
For freight or passage, hV,„g superior ac ctim
nodal ion, apply to me mister onboard at lioi.
ron’s WLarfj or to
•lime c
For Nciv- York,
djlfV) Th<: superior coppered and conDei-
W&fea? tastP.w-fl packet CORSAIR, I). |„ p or •
ter master, will sail positively on SUXByy
M'.Xf. Pol freight or passage, having very
superior nc.-iunniodatioii*, apply t u C apt p J
ter on board ..t Taylor’s Wharf, or to *
June 3
For Greenock, ’
vjitMVv The fine coppered British Shin
dames Hell, master— having the greater p 3 , ‘
her cargo engaged? will m. et immediate ,V
: patch—for freight ol 100 K, esco ton or p M “
apply totne captain on board, or to
JOHN 11. REID k Cos
may 29 27 uo ’
For Liverpool, Tk.
We, *
ifTC T ANARUS, . , ft? freight mm;
Jaf\ Tilt stanch British Brie J
SUSAN, William Weymouth mater
carry about 50,7 hNb-s cotton, an d wi|j£
despatched without oelay. apply to
Ono t.ns for sale,
5JCm.i Bushels Liverpool Salt
20 Chaldrons Coal may 28 d*26
Neither the Capt. mm consignee will be a -,
countable for any debt contracted by the crew
of the said vessel.
Por Liverpool,
i " lne substantial copperM Shin IJ.
hsv mg 500 bales in readiness to g 0 on hoard
tWem e? i W,lh ,les P atch - For freight if
tl e remamder, or passage, having superior ac
commodations, apply to capt. on board, at John
ston’s upper wharf, or to
may U__ d JOIINSTO * & HILLS.
For New. York,
ffii * ,e superior new and fast sailing cop.
J .ftC per fastened Packet Ship SAYAN.
• “if, P aa c White, master —will have quickdis
pa'eh, or,freight or passage, having elegant ac
commodations, apply to captain W.on buaidat
Jones upper wharf, or to
may 29 27
For N ere-York,
The regular packet brig TELEGRAPH,
JraTAfit Snell, master —will meet with dispatch,
tor freight or passage, having good aecoir,r.on.v
; t >ns, appiy to captain S on board at Jones’ up
per wliart; or to
may 29 27
For Baltimore,
The regular Packet
JSSSfcSloop PACKET, Jf. Terwilliger master ■
” ill have immediate dispatch. For freight or
passage, having good accommodations, apply to
c.tpt. T. on board at Bolton’s Central Wlutif, or
may 30 HALL St HOYT.
For Boston,
vFy4\ ’l lie Schr.
to sail on Wednesday ne.rt. Having half her
cargo engaged. For the remainder (• pawje,
apply on board at Hunter’s Wharf, or to
may 30 29 Jane’s Uvildin;.
tFor Baltimore,
’File regular packet Sloop
‘Vino, master, will meet with dispatch—for
freight or passage having good accommodations
to the capt on toarl at Junes’upp
wharf, or to
W ho have for sale on board said vessel.
SO(J bushels Alary land White Corn
59 bbls Herrings
15 boxes Codfish
3 dozen Wire Sifters
June 1 so
For Charleston,
jtoOr Sloop MARY. capt. Munro ;
ill positively sail with dispatch- T
freight or passage, having excellent accojintio*
dations, apply on board at Bolton’s Wharf, and
in up 4 32 c „
Regimental Orders.
Sj.vax.vai!, May 29. IS--. _
N election is hereby ordered io be helu *■
the Exchange Long Room at 4 o clim> f
m. on Saturday the Bth of June next, fora UP
tain, first and second Lieutenant?, and
to the corps of Georgia Volunteers.
The election will be superintemld eliy
ices of the Peace,’and two fret holder* n.
majority of them, who will make return isle *,
in conformity with the 7th section ol the - •
ilia Law of 1818. By order. _ .
Stfei.f. White, hoi.
may 30 28 Ad/’t Ist Reg. G. ”
Twenty Barrels ,
I’ ANDINti from brig Telegraph, and forsw
j by L. 11. SAGE sis to
rn ay 29 27
Planters Bank.
r 3*HE Boat'd of Directors having diclarf'i
I dividend of .3 per cent on tho capital
of this Bank for the last six months, the s’ •
will he'paid to the Stockholders thereof or re
order, on and after Thursday 6tli inst.
JOHN FLLOYD, C(ttbU r Ft Jr’
june At 23 and v