Newspaper Page Text
price Cunrrct
S ets. {£ etr.
COTTON sea-island per pound 24 30 }
upland do 11} 15
Selections, prime 15 15}
RICE 100 lbs 2j 3
‘TOBACCO Georgia leaf lb 5 6
cavendish Ist qua! 30 35
richmond 12 16
FLOUR country bai-re! 6} 6}
richtn. phila. and bait. 7 7}
akxandria 6 6 50
CORN bushel 90
BACON lb 10 11
REEF no. 1 barrel 950 10 50
n0.2 6} 7
BEESWAX Jb 33 34
BOARDS northern 1000 11 12 dull
pitch pine 10 12
IIRANDY cognac 4th prf gal 150 1 65
peach none
BREAD navy bbl 2 250
pilot 350 4
MUTTER Ist quality U> 20 23
2d quality 10 12
CANDLES georgia mould lb 30 23
northern do 12 13
spermaceti 40 45
CHEESE best 11 12
CHOCOLATE boston no. 1 lb 22 ne sale}
COFFEE best green 29} 31
2d and 3d qualities 28 29
DUCK rnssia Ist quality bolt 22
2d quality 20
3d quality 14
ravens 12
fHX olland J fat 90 95
’ country 38 40
GINGER Tace tb no sale
IRON russia and swedea ( 450 5
LARI) £ l “
LEAD bar 8
MACKEREL boston no. 1 bbl 9 TO
no. 2 6 50 7
• no. 3 4 75 5
MOLASSES gWon 34 36
NAILS cut assorted lb 7} 8
wrought 12 14
OIL, sweet bit 9 10
sperm S a 125 150
fish 60 75
BARER wrapping ream 56 63
FEPPER 21 22
PIMENTO ( scarce) | 28 30
FORK prime bbl 10}
mess 13 Id 50
PORTER london dozen 250 325
POWDER diipont keg 6} 7
Chelmsford 7
RAISINS muscatel fresh box 3}
bloom do 3
RUM jamaica 4th proof gal 100 1 5
v/est-india 2d and 3d 65 70
new-england 36 40
SALMON no. 1 . . bbl 18
SALT liverpool ground buekel 50 55
turks island 30 none
BEGARS Spanish box 16 17
SHAD Connecticut mess bbl none
liortb-oaroliha 4 6
SHINGLES 1600 250 4
SHOT assorted lb 10
SOAP turpentine lb 3 10
STAVES w. o. 1000 16 20
red oak 12
‘STEEL german 100 ibs 17
blistered 12 13
SUGAR havana white 100 lie 14 15
brown 8} 9
muscovado 9} 10}
new-orlcans 9} 11
loaf lb 18 24
lump rather dull 16 17
TALLOW lb 16 17
TEA hyson • lb 85 95
WHISKEY (scat-ee) gat 36 38
WINE madeira. g ai 275
teneriffe 110 125
United Stales Bank 102 to 105}
Wank State of Georgia *O, sale dividend off
Planters* Hank 78 dull
Darien do 58 sales
Steam Boat Company, 290div’d on, no sales
Insurance do no sales
j ßoston, May 22.
A cai is duw pending before the U. S.
Circuit Court in this Diatrict, eery inter
esting to the impoi ting merchant, which
will probably be.decided on Friday 31st
inst. The question arises on a construc
tion of the collection law of 1818, relating
to the duty of the Collectors aril Apprais
ers. One point to be determined, is,
whethci’ the Collector, before he issues his
warrant for the appraisement or examina
tion of any articles imported, to the*hp
praisers of the U. States, appointed under
that law, shall not have reasonable cause
to suspect that a fraud upon the revenue is
intended to be committed f—The practice
of the U. States is first, to examine all
goods imported, liable to pay ad valorem
do tv, and then, if they see cause, to report
their unfavorable opinion to the Collector
ns to the invoice cost. Upon this opinion
b*ing communicated, the Collector au
tlwirixea an appraisement of the articles (a
third person being included in the warrant)
end their award is considered as final.—
Under this practice, it is evident that the
United States appraisers, upon whose ori
ginal judgment the enquiry has been made,
cannot proceed on tfe* warrant as unbiased
judges. We understand Judge Stort pro
nounced a f-}l I opinion against the proprie
ty of this course of proceeding.
The next point to be determined, is
whether the award of the appraisers U to
iio considered so conclusive, as to be un
alterable by any tribunal ? This is the
main question ; and it arises in the case of
the U. States, vs. John Tappan and others.
\Ve shall endeavor to obtain, and shall pub
lish a brief outline of the facts, and the
opini *n of the ‘learned judge upon so im
portant a question to the mercantile com
t'r-oiM JSetUscin’e London Metgazijt
The evening was glorious, and light thro’ the
Play’d the sunshine, the rain drops, the birds
and the breeze;
The landscape outstretching in loveliness, lay
On the lap of the year m the beauty of May.
For the queen of the spring as she passed down
the vale,
Left her robe on the trees and her breath on the
And the smile of her promise gave joy to the
And flush in her footeteps sprang herbage and
The skies like a banner in sunset unroll’d
O’er the west threw her splendor of silver and
But one cloud at a distance rose dense, and in
Till its margin of black touch’d the zenith and
We gafced on the scene while around us they
When a vision of beauty appear’d on the cloud;
’Twas not like tlie sun, as at mid day we view,
Nor the’ moon, that rolls mighty thro’ starlight
and blue.
Like a spirit it came in the van cf a storm!
And the eye and the heart hail’d its beautiful
For it look’d not severe, like an angel of wrath,
But its garment of brightness illum’d its dark
In the hues of its grandeur, sublimely it stood,
O’er the river, the village, the field and the wood
And the liver, field, village and woodlands grew
As concious they gave and afforded delight. J
’Twas the bow of Omnipotence, bent in His
Whose grasp at creation the universe spann’d;
’Twas tbe presence of God, in a symbol sub
Mis vow from the flood to the exit of time!
Not dreadful, as when in the whirlwind he pleads
When storms are his chariot and lightning his
The bleak cloud of vengeance his banner un
And thunder his voice to a guilt stricken world.
In the breath of his presence, when thousands
And seas boil with fury and rocks burn with fire;
And the sword and the plague-spot with death
strew the plain.
And vultures and wolves are the graves of the
Not such w as the rainbow that beautiful one!
Whose arch was refraction—its key-stone the
the sun;
A pavillion it seem’d with a Deity graced,
And Justice and Mercy met there and embraced.
Awhile an and it sweetly bent over the gloom,
like Love o’er a death couch, or Hope o’er the
Then left the dark scene, whence it slowly re
As Love had just vanish’d or hope had expired.
I gazed not alone on that source of my song ;
To all who beheld it, these verses belong.;
Its presence to all was the path of the Lord ‘
Each full heart expanded, grew warm, and ador
Like a visit—the converse of friends—ora day.
That bow from my sight pass’d forever away;
Like that visit, that opnverse, that day—to my
That bow from remembrance can never deparat.
‘Tis a picture in memoir distinctly defined,
With strong and unperishing colours of mind,
A part of my being beyond my controul,
Beheld On that cloud, and transcribed on my
The following extract from a N. York
paper of Friday hat, will give us some
i Jea of the immense value of canal naviga
Canal Navigation. —The following is
given as the arrivals at Utica by the Erie
Canal, during the week previous tothe 21st
inst.—6s boats and four rafts, with 6243
bbl*. Flour, 692 do salt, 964 do bark, 320
do ashes, 12,300 lb*. Hams; 9530 bushels
of lime, 4366 do Wheat, J 0346 bbls.
Whiskey, 20,000 feet Board*, Flax, But
ter, Lard, See. as usual.
Cleared same time, 50 boats, with 222
tons merchandize, household goods, &c.; 27
boats registered since our last.
The editor of the Albany Register, says
the popular current ia now running in fa
vor of Solomon Southwick for Governor—
and stop it who can. We stand pledged
to shew, that ha .has been made the victim
of to subserve the ambitious
views of upstart tyrants, Let his enemies,
then, who are also the enemies of the peo
ple come on with weapons of calumny and
persecution. They shall be met at every
step, and the Plebian candidate—the real
republican candidate of the middling in
terest— sh ll come out of the crucible, like
gold, seven times ponied*
Sugar, Gin, Mackerel. Bjc.
®©(D BBLS. No 3 Mackerel
100 bbls Muscovado Sngar
20hhds do _do
10 pipes Holland Gin
70 boxes bunch Raisins.
From Ship Mount Vernon,
330 iasks Cut Nails, assorted sizes.
The cargoes oj the schr Scott and sloop Eliza,
6000 bushels prime Maryland CORN.
For tale by -"S ■'■ ■ ■• ■ ■ ■
may 13 13
A New-England Talc,
OR Sketches of New-England character and
manners, just received by
ALSO Johnson square
A supply of 2d, 3d, 4th octave and plain
and mounted D Flute* may 20
Mr. J. J. HE ULAN,
HAS the honor to inform tne public that he
w ill teach the Piano, Spanish Guitar, Vio
lin, and sacred Music. He tunes Pianos and
will also teach tbe French Language and Draw
ing. He will attend at the academies and
schools in town if called upon. Apply at iws.
Gigan’s Richvrdson’s square, near die public
baths. may 2S *c 26
Brandy § Gin.
10 pipe* Cognac Brandy of the most approv
ed brands.
3 pipes superior Holland Gin. For sale on
liberal terms BAKER & MINTON,
may 21
Shot and Bar Lead.
43 casks Shot, assorted from mould to No.
10 casks Bar Lead, landing from ship Geor
gia, for sale bv
may 21 o
Lemons , Raisins , &C.
15 boxes fresh Sicily,Lemons, in fine ordar
30 do do Muscatel Raisins
50 casks cut Nails, assorted sizes
200 ream 9 wrapping Paper
30 bbls. N. E. Rum
100 do Whiskey
For sale by S. B. PARKMAN.
may 23 c
At Private Sale.
iSsU'H/ 3 cases superior Straw BONNFT9.
J. B. HERBERT 8c Cos.
may 25 24
Drafts on New-York,
FOR sale by
17 may 17
Bills on New-York,
For sale by
mar 23 22
Just Received,
By the brig Francis from Providence :
4 bales of
Domestic Goods,’
Consisting of
Plaids, Stripes,Shirting, •'heetinS* and Checks
of good quality, which will be sold low. Apply
may 13
Call Judge for Yourselves.
kS the subscriber’s China Glass and Earth
en-.uare House , will be closed by the 15th
next month, country merchants, town grocers
and the citizens generally, should not let this
opportunity escape of supplying themselves
with any article in the above line at such
heoucex) bates
As wili be ollered them at his establishment.
may 23 22 N. 11. HAHT.
Barnard st. Marshall’s Building’s •
Darien Bank Stock ,
WANTkn by Baker tc MINTON,
may 6 7
At Private Sale.
A Negro ntan abou 25 years of age, a first
rate field hand and a jobbing Carpenter
ALSO—3 ses Straw Bonnets
T. C. Hayward ,
Has for sale just received,
A lot of Furniture, consisting of Ucaureaus,
Secretaries, Card-Tables, Fancy arid Com
mon Chairs, Ac. Also, 20 Trunks of gentle
men’s fine Hoots, and an assortment of Shoes,
which will be sold low. may 20 dl9
Specie and Pimento.
r|7FVffVir\ Spanish Milled Dollars
50 bags Pimento, for sale by
rilay 27 25
AF;fty Dollar Note of the Bank of Darien.—
The finder will be suitably rewarded by leav
ing the same at tbe store of L. H. Sage 8c Cos.
may 27 25
J. W. Pomeroy.
EAS just received per brig Telegraph, from
N. York,* handsome assortment Os Ladies’
and Childrens’ Shoes viz:
200 pair Children*’ Morocco Boots and
200 do Ladies’s Morocco Slippers, Grecian
100 do figured Denmark Slippers
100 do do w hite do do
iOO do plain black -do do
Which will be sold low for cash only,
may 29-^—2f o
Salt petered Bacon.
T| UST received from Washington County, 3000
QJlbs. Os Jordan’s prime salt petered Bacon —
superior to any thing of the kind an this market
may 15
Drafts on Boston
AT 30,60, and SO days, for sale by
may 16 c 16
Bills on England & N. York,
For sale by
may 17 3t 17
For Sale,
TWO lots of N. O. Sugar, mostly prime if
will be sold in lota to suit purchasers.
A few half and quarter pipes white Wine, re
maining on band.
may 20 d§ 19 J. 8c C. BOLTON.
For Sale,
TWO Mulatto Women, one about 25 years
of age with a child about 6 years old, and one
about 33 years of age, both gcotl house ser
vant*. Apply to
may 28 and BAKF.R 8c MINTON.
Window Glass , fyc.
Afresh supply of Window Glass of assorted
sizes, from 7 by 9, to 12 by 18—Also, sashes
of all sizes, glazed or nnghreed—For sale low by
may 13 13
L. JI. Sage Cos.
3000 bushels Corn
30 bbls. Ale
100 do Mess anti prime Beef
20 do Mess Fork
20 qr. casks Malaga Wina
30 pipes Gin
300 boxes Soap and Candles
50 bbls. Loaf Sugar
20 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
25 do Lard
20 bbls. Navy Bread
10 thousand ’Delpino Segars
100 do Common do
100 kegs Crackers
50 bbls. Sugar
With a general assortment of
june 1
For tale by
June 3——22
Corn, Flour and Bacon.
3500 bushels prime while Corn, in bulk and
5000 lbs. of Georgia sal: pet red Bacon
40 bbls Flour
Also—sugar. Coffee, Whiskey, Gin, &c.
Which are offered for sale low, by
may 29
Landing from brig Almira ,
431 bags Sugars, of a superior quality
17 hhdfi- Muscovado do
40 CRses fresh London Mustard
3 pipes rUrd Dupey 8c Cos. Brandy
For sale by
may 29 27 n*
Corn Afloat,
2500 bushels Virginia Corn on board the sloop
Two Sisters at Taylor’s Wharf
111 Store,
20 bbls Beer (Law and Beveridge's brand)
10 do do R Dunlop’s do
10 do Newark Cider
15 do Pilot Rread
20 tubs and 10 firkins Goshen Butter
15 M Spanish Segars.
For sale by
may 29 3t S7
: John Lathrop § Cos.
Hunter’s IFharf.
4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn
100 bundles Hay
40 hhds. prime Muscovado Sugar
75 bbls best double refined ao
50 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging
50 kegs Lard
30 bbls. prime Beef, New-York Inspection
10 hhds. 3d proof Neutral Rum
10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards
3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeira
30 bbls. Glauber Salts
100 boxes No. 10 and 12, Window Glass
June _ 30
Coffee, Sugar and New Sha^
135 bags prime Havana Coffee
8 hhds Muscovado Sugar
49 bbls no 1 T
32 half bal* no 1 C New Shad
34 bbls no 2 j
Landing and for sale by
Who have in Store,
50 bbls White’s best Gin
SO do refiuad Sugar
80 do kiln dried Corn Meal of superior qual.
40 ps 42 inch brown Inverness Cotton Bagging
10 pipes Colmenar Wine
Window t Glass assorted sizes
A few dozen of Wire Selves
Spanish and Am. Segars in hlf. £c qr. boxes.
June 1 St 30
Irish Potatoes.
A few hampers of the above just received
duA from Belfast, (via Charleston) and in ex
cellent orderfor sale by the subscriber.
june 4 ■ —35 eoc*
Selling off at Cost.
QrnHE subscribers will sell their remaining
Stork ofCI.OTMNG, consisting-of Wool
ens and thin goods at cost Those wishing ar
ticles in their line, will find it their advantage to
call, as their business for the season, will be
closed on the. 15th. By which time those in
debted are requested to settle their bills.
E. L. y i. WHITLOCK.
jifn4 S2 At
• i Passengers for England.
*C*r The fine coppered and well known
Can handsomely accommodate a few moro
passengers, and will be ready for ie a about the
15th of this, month. Apply to capt. Varnutu
on board, at Williamson s Wharf, or to
June 3 22 _ _d_ i
~~ For Ndiv-York, ~~
*£)|r The regular Packet and copper fasten.
Jyy&i e< l Hrig PANTHEA, Bradley n.aitn**-
W ill positively sail -m To-morrow 6.h mst
l'or freight or passage, having superior accuw.
modation, apply to the master onboard aibo!.
ton’s Wharf, or to
Jnne ? c
For Nrw-Yorlt,
The superior coppered and copptf
ctaacfastened packet CORSAIR, B. L. p P %
ter master, will sail positively on SUNDAY
NEXT. For freight or passage, having very
superior accommodations, apply to capt. I‘or.
ter on board at Taylor’s Wharf, or to
June 3
For Greenock ,
The fine coppered British Ship
Jilmtis Bell, master —having the greater p n
her cargo engaged, will meet immediate
patch—for freight oflOO bales co.ton or pas stft
apply to the captain on board, or to ”
JOHN 11. REID & Cos.
may 29 27
For Liverpool, Belfast, or Jfo.
t rr- _ , freight may of,r,
W The stanch British Brig
JBEiKk 9USAN, William Weymouth master
can carry about 500 bale* cotton, end will b&
despatched without delay, apply to
Who has for sale,
5000 Bushels Liverpool Salt
20 Chaldrons Coal may 28 d*26
Neither the Capt. nor consignee will be ac,
countable for any debt contracted by the crew
of the said vessel.
For Liverpool ,
vM The fine substantial Coppered Ship LI.
JSjg&VERPOOL PACKET, Birkett maiic—
having 500 bales in readiness to go on board
will meet with despatch. For freight cf
the remaiuder, or passage, having supenor ac
commodations, apply to capt on boaru, &t Johtt
ston’s upper wharf, or to
may 11 and
For New. York,
fiftT The superior new and fast sailing top.
-He. per fastened Packet Ship SAVAX.
NAH, Jsaas While, nartet —will Lave quick dis
patch, orpieight or passage, having elegant ac
commodations, apply to captain W. on bourdat
Jones’ upper-wl.arf, or to
may 29 27
For New-York,
The regular packet brig TELEGRAPH,
ifijPflp Snell, mnster—wi!; meet with dispatch,
for freight or passage, having good accommo.'.;-
lions, appjy to captain 8 on board at Jones’ up.
per wharf, or to
may 29 27
For Baltimore,
The regular Packet
JBro£bSloop PACKET, A. Tervilliger rr.txtit
Will have immediate dispatch. For freight ot
pa*s*ge, having good accommodations, apply t
capt. T. on boaid at Bolton’s Central Wharf, ot
may 30 HALL & HOYT.
For Boston,
The Schr.
To sail on Wednesday next. Having half hsr
cargo engaged. For the remainder or passage,
- -pply on board at Hunter’* Wharf, or to
may 30 29 Jane’s Building
For Baltimore,
The regular packet Sloop
Wiso, master, will meet with dispatch—for
freight or passage having good accommodation?
apply to the capt on board at Jones’ upper
wharf, or to
Who have fir sale on beard said vessel.
500 bushels Mary land White Corn
SO bbls Herrings
15 boxes Codfish
3 dozen Wire Sifters
June 1 30
For Charleston,
££?” Sloop MARY. capt. Mnnro ;
3£ftac'Vill positively sail with dispatch. Fer
freight or passage, having excellent accommo
dations, apply on board at Bolton’s Wharf,
june 4 “2 c .
Regimental Orders.
Sivawxan, May 29.1832.
N election is hereby ordered to be hem
tfu the Exchange Long Room at 4 o’clock
m. on Saturday the Bth of June next, for a Lap
tain, first and second Lieutenants, and ersS.i.a
to the corps of Georgia Volunteers.
Tbe election will be superintendd eby ->
ices of the Peace,fand two freeholders, 01
majority of them, who will make return twre^
in conformity with the 7th section of the • -
itia Law of 1818. By order. „ .
, Snni Whit*, Coo
may 3D 28 Adj’t Ist Reg
Twenty Barrels Ale,
LANDING from brig Telegraph, ‘
by L. H. SAGE U Cos.
may 29 27
Planters Bank.
GMHE Board of Directors having declare-,
1 dividend of 3 per cent on the capital bt
of this Bank for the last six months, the
will be paid to the Stockholders thereof or
order, on and after Thursday 6th in * l
JOHN FLLQYD, Cashier Protu
june 4 23 4