The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 11, 1822, Image 1
PUBLISHED DAILY BY COSAM EMIR BAKTLET. THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM Bg published near Whitaker-stree.t, on the Bay, Hy e ,y day for eig t months and three times a remaining four months in the year, Hr txaHT dollars per annum, if paid in advance, H r rt> - dollars if paid after tiie expiration of the Bear. No subscriptions are received for a period Bfss than six months, for which five dollars are Barged. ■ The S AVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country B published to meet the arrangements of the Bail three times a week at five dollars per an- Biirn, if paid in advance, or eisut dollars per Bami’n if not paid daring the year. B Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are Bublistwd in both papers the first time, for 75 Bents, and continued in the city paper, unless Btherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation B-Advertisements over twelve lines charged in Hie same proportion. BdVhen an Advertisement is sent to the office Bithout any number of insertions being ex pres- Hi the face of the order, it is understood, Biat the advertiser wishes it continued umil fur -8,.r notice. Therefore, ail Advertisements are not originally limited to a certain num- Her of insertions, are continued and charged un- Hln order for discontinuance is received. Ad- Hertisements not continued ofteuer than once a Beek, are charged for each inser.-.n. the lame as n lV advertisement. __ i | Lands for bait .* ■riTILL be dispose and of at a low price and on HiV accoßßßodating terms, a valuable tract of Hwl on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha river ■ miles above the town of Darien, formerly the Bropcrty of H*”- Wm. Joyner. The tract consists ■f ii9o acres, 200 of which are cleared and im- Brovedwith the ordinary Plautat> Houses— Bhele are about 800 acres of first ii:>.iby title j Bnd, suitable for the culture of Rice, Coti-.a nr I Bigar; the remainder high land, with an exlen- Biveknowl fine elevation on which the se'tle- is made. . B The land is well timbered, and from its conti- Bity to market, will, in its clearing, instead of Bering expense, produce profit by the sale of Shingles an<l other lumber, the proceeds of which Hits: far exceed the* expences of the labor. This B-rr is one of the oldest surveys and come ;uent- Bf best selection of River Swamp land, with an Bxccllent'pitch of tide, suitable to any species of ■tiltnre —having a beautiful sCite for a residence Bwl located at an agreeable distance from the Burn of Diirien, for purposes of business or plea- Bure. Terms and a more particular description Buv be known on application to If GEORGE SCHLEY, B march 14 d62 No. 1, Commerce Row. GEORGIA HOTEL. PHIS Establishment well-known for some I time past, having been thoroughly repaired ad many extensive additions made to it, is a jia opened for the rccommodatioti of boarders -It is in ft healthy and airy part of the city, and i well calculated for giving comfort and ease to II who may patronize the establishment. The iroprietor can at any time accommodate pri ate families, having spare rooms for that pur lose. ’■Travellers and constant boarders will he well Intended to, as good stables and hostlers have icen procured—and the eating establishment rill at all times be furnished with the very best fiands the market can afford. The bedding is. if thie first order and attentive servants are pro fited Ho provide every comfort that can he ha or those who may cail for them. In the liar loom the best of Liquors will he furnished; — nd in the reading-room department, to those iho wish food tor the mind, papers from every [uarter of the United States will he found The mbscriber trusts from the endeavors he shall aske, to fender every individual comfortable tho may patronize’ the Georgia Hotel, that he fill receive ashore pf .the public patronage. HENRY BUFOltl.), Baptist Church Square. ajwil 27 lm Travelling fr. North to South PROM four to six new, comfortably construe. ed'four wheel vehicles, drawn by lour horses er.cli, and driven by sober and careful Stivers, will set out from Trenton in New-Jer •ey ‘to Savannah via Augusta in Georgia, on or tbfut the 15th of September next. The route trough Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Caroli fas, will be confined as much to the neighbor hood of the mountains, as the good roads thro’ die country will allow. The journey will be leisurely taken, so as to consume from four to lire or even six,weeks, dependent somewhat on tlie indication of the persons who may become passengers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for ffe above described journey, can do so by ap plying to the Post-master at Savannah. Prior *S V in the choice of seats will be regulated by numbering the first applicant one, which will entitle that person to the first selection, and so vs to the i ss t An entire carriage can be taken tp oy engaging the number of seats, mat’ 2S h|]26 insurance against Fire • Till’. -Etna Insurance Company, Hartford, w 'd insure houses and buildings, merchan *2% furniture, and other property, including vessels in the port, their cargoes, &c. againsi i,ss or damage by Fire, for any term from one ftioiith to one or more yea's , The conditions, which are moderate, may be fc’rtwn on application to the subscriber, who is t 'i'!iori?.ed agent, and is empowered to issue policies without the delay incident to other a £,rk' es nature. he company undertake in all cases to pay . * ll “ amount of the actual loss, provided it 0068 -not exceed the amount insured. The premiums are reasonable, and should offer a ‘ ron ? inducement to any person having pro psrty at hazard to place it in security. w m y 28 26 S. M ANTON. @To Let , One of those Tenements in the rear —-of Col. Shellman’s boardingshousc — The be low and possession can be obtained a, p or further particulars, apply a’ Museum office. tha 6—7 / THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM. Faints , Oil , Window Glass §c AUt.Ut.TUS CORNWALL, HAS received per ships Garonne, General Carrington, Corsair, and brig Panthea, an additional supply of the above articles, viz; 500 kegs London and Liverpool White Lead, ground in oil, in 28,56, and 112 lb kegs 100 kegs Spanish Brown, ground in oil 100 do Veritian Red do 100 do Yellow Ochre do 100 do black Paint do 500 gallons Linseed Oil 150 do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Lamp Oil 300 boxes American, English, French and German Window Glass, assorted, from 7 by 9 to 12 by 18 Together with a general assortment of Paints and Painters Artic'es, which will be sold on ac commodating tern s at his Paint Store in Whita ker street, near Col. Shetman’s Mansion House .” ALSO, 10 bis first quality Albany Ale april 23 96 13ILKAPER THAN EVEN i _ I Just opened at the most reduced prices, at I'ETEft DRKGE’B Three doors south of the Post Cjjice. 70 pieces fine quality Oznaburgs, at IJ§ cis per yard | 100 do extra do Strchtz do at 14cts Plain and striped Russia drill, of the first quality, j&l nr yd jnia Summer cloth, for coats and panta loons. 62 £ cl- pryd French Russia drill of all colours Superfine 6-4 cotton cambric, 12 yards for m Fine Men,s white and coloured Sox, 3 pair for ° dollar Ladies white silk Stockings 50 pr pair Gentlemen’s elastic long silk Hoze $3 100 ps fine and extra Irish Linen from 50 cts to sl, full 4-4 wide 10 cases extra quality water proof broad k narrow brim beaver Hats §7 50 7 do second quality from 2 to Js4 ALSO, 30 PACKAGES Os Ike most fashionable GMtleman and Servant’s Summer clothing made in the newest style. Con."'Sting of Searsucker, Russia drill, white Jane French N&nkeenet, Canton and Nankeen Crape Blue and black Florentine Bombazine and Camhlel Pantaloons Searsucker, Gingham and Bombazine Tound Jackets Rombarette. Bombazine Searsucker Ging hams and Plane! Coatees English Florentine, white, coloured and Va lencia Wcstcoats Fine and extra fine Linen and Cotton Shirts with and without frills Servants corderoy round Jackets and Pan taloons of all sizes Marino blurts and draws for Summer Flannel d® do A great quantity of fine and extra fine, Gen tlemen’s fashionable Coals do single and double mill’d Pantaloons of all sizes and colours A great quantity of Duck Trowsers and Shirts for Laborers. B3 aririi 13 Mahogany Furniture , Pianno Fortes, Curled Hair Matrasses Feather Beds, Chairs sc. THE Subscriber has removed his Cabinet Furniture to his new More in Whitaker street opposite-Col. Shelmans Mansion House, where he offers for Sale on accommodating ■ erms a large and full assortment ol Cabinet Furniture of the best quality consisting of the following articles, Side Boards, with and without Liquor Gases Sets of Dining 1 ables, single do. Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany pier Tables, with marble tops, Card Tables Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta bles, with and.without glasses Rosewood and Mahogany work Tables do do Writing do Secretaries. Book Cases, Bureaus Double and single Wash Stands, Piano Stools Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs Curled Maple do, Basewood do High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Field do do do Mahogany do Field do do do Curled Maple do Field, do Looking Glasses Pier and Mantle do Dressing do of every description piano Fortes, the newest Music, &c. Double and single curled hair Matrasses,, do do feather Beds of the best quality A large assortment ol Chairs. 5 J. Vs. MORRELL. may 10 Bacon The Cargo of the sloop Itoxanna from’Fred erickburgli for sale by HALL if HOY 1. mav 13 13 t . Lamp Oil and Spermucetti Candles. 500 gallons Spermacetti Lamp Oil in barrels and tierces, of a superior quality 25 boxes Spermacetti Candles^ from J How land, jun & co’s. manufactory, NVw-lork, just received and for sale wholesale and reiail by AUGUSTUS CORNWALL. mav.l3 !"■ ~ cornT p bushels prime Maryland Corn, ; ®rt©\B/'S/cargo ofschr Gustavas, tor sale b JOHN lathßOP. may 13 1 ■” ‘ The Library, IS open for the delivery of Books, Monday Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o clock t > SO dec 10 TUESDAY MORNING—JUNE 11, 1822. C. Kelsey § Cos. Have received by the brig Hope and other late cr rivals, PLAIN and striped Russia Drill Elegant Crape Dresses * Plaid and striped Silks Levantine and Florence do Black Silk Camblet Black and colored Canton Crape* Valentia Vest shapes Black and plain Si k ILlkf's India and German Flag do lil’k. blue and col’d Kalian Sewing Silk Long and short yellow Nankeens Russia Sheetings Imitation do Aten’s and women’s white cotton Hose Comtnomaud superfine Calicoes Irish Liners, v hole and half pieces Book, Mull audJackonet M j lins White and colored Cravats Linen Cambrics and Long Lawns Domestic Shirtings do Sheoifogs do Plaids and Stripes Madapolar, and Power Loom Shirtings Thread and Bohinet Laces Worked Flounces * Coilarst Lauds Striped and plain Ginghams Wiute Jeans and Svtteens Cuttor. Striped Cotton Florentine Blue mixed .satinets Common ai.d superfine Broadcloths do do Ca.-;i meres Silk Umbrellas and Parasols Gilt Coat and Vest Buttons Pearl do Tortoise Shell Combs Imitation do Black and white Silk ITose do do do Gloves Beaver and tiucksin do Black and white Italian Crapes Black Florentines, French and ndia White Merseilles Vesting Apt on Checks Plain anil figured Lustring Ribbons Black Velvet do Msdrass Handkerchiefs Worked Muslin Dresses 4-4 and 6-4 Milinets Straw Bonnets Oznaburgs German Rolls Cotton Bed Ticking Brown Linens Rombazettes, plain and figured With a variety of other GOODS, which arc offered for sale cheap for cash or approved paper, mav 18 ns§ 18 French Goods. *tHE ~ hscr>ber> have i ..s f i direct U, from France via New-Yorl", an assortment of FRENCH GOODS if PERFUMERY. which they oiler wholesale at a moderate ad. vance—among them are : Double twilled Imperial Stripes Do do mi\t Jeans Fancy plaid Ginghams Assorted colors Vigouia Cassimercs Double width Bombazeen Tapes and Bobbins • Ribbons and Galloons Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons Silk Stockings and Gloves Half silk Hose Green, blue, white, pink 8c black Florences Do do do do do Satins Black, blue and assen ted colors Sewing Silk Silk Braids, thread Laces I,adies Kia and Castor Gloves Gentlemens superior Beaver Gloves Dressed and undressed linen Cambric Linen cambric Handkerchiefs Muslin Bands for Colleretts Canton Fringes, Hoss Sc marking Cotton Violin Strings, gilt edge Pins Head and Tooth Brushes Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Powder, etc. BLANCHARD, BROTHERS Bc. CO.. Anderson’s Building on the Bay. april 22 and Groceries. 100 hhds. prime Sugars 50 bbls. do 120 bags St. Domingo Coffee 100 bbls. AVltiskey 70 bbls. and 20 pipes N. E. Gin 50 hhds. Jamaica and N. O. Rum 15 West India do 20 pipes . H ollan 3 Gin 30 do Cognac Brandy _ 40 qr. casks Teneriffe Wine 60 du Malaga and Current W ine l 0 pipes and half pipes Canary Wise 20 bbls..Cherry Brandy 90 boxes Troy Candles 75 do Spermaceti do 100 boxes Soap 10 chests and 20 boxes Hyson Tea 30 casks London Porter 40 bbls. Mess Pork 40Q qr. boxes Spanish Segars 25 boxes white Havana Sugars 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco 20 boxes Cotton Cards 150 bbls. Flour 50 do Loaf Sugar 30 hhds. Molasses P 0 7% talc LAWRENCE If THOMPSON, may 15 ufls For Sale. VTJUILDING Stone, Lame, l’otatoea and Clar iSJ et, in demijohns and casks, by _ C. DELCHAMPS, may 23 and 22 Mousin'* Wharf. Rutter Shot , sc. (7*. C. GRISWOLD 8c Cos Taylor’s Building, v,y> offfsit FOB saUE: 9 bbls Mess Pork 44 do Ale 26 firkins prime Goshen Butter 20 casks shot assorted sizes 40 kegs Richmond Tobacco 20 do Rose Nails 2 elegant Gigs with plated Harness 26 bundles Hag tttay 1* Notice IS hereby given, that the left hand In Ives of ten hundred dollar notes of the Hank of the United Stater, signed by W. Jones, Presi dent, and Jona Smith, Cashier, of the numbers and tenor described below, were placed in the post-office at Philadelphia on the evening of the 13:h December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J. S U G Hobson, to Joshua Milne nt Savannah in Georgia, which letter was never received; and as the entire mail of the 14di Dec. from Pliila delplii.i to Savannah miscarried, the belief is that the said letter and notes were stolen or robbed from the mail. Application having been made tn the bank by the subscriber for the pa\ - went of the whole of said notes, all persons concerned are requested to take notice. * (Signed) JOSHUA MILNE. Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor ofC S West giOO “ A 936 11 J Houston 100 “ H 903 * 100 “ D 1052 P Seip 100 “ G 426 “ \V Rush, jr. lOu “ D 773 “ C V ladings 100 May 20,1813 A 1868 r < J-Peale, Jr. lon “ C 1797 “ “ lUO “ 1) 1679 “ D 1535 ** lOO glOOo april 8 fidß2 Notice. J fc|HRKE months after date, application will vi be made to the Bank of the State of Geor gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost. MARY SLF.IGIi. april 4 * nifSO .Notice. ’flllfi Subscribers have again united their in -1 tcrest in business under the firm of LAWRENCE ii THOMPSON JOSIAH LAWRENCE, WM. H. THOMPSON. Savannah, May Ist. ms Notice. ALL persons haying demands against the es tate of James Ptio, late of South Carolina, deceased, are requested to render them prop erly attested according to law, and those in debted, are requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersiguer qualified administra trix. MARY A. PETO. march 12 Notice. lITINE months afti r date application will be i_Y made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bryan county fur liberty to sell the Real Es tate of William Road, deceased. DAVID KENNEDY, Executor, march 14 9m* Take Notice. NINE months after date, I shall apply to the Hon. the Judge of the nferior Court Chatham County, tor leave to sell he reales late of W.G. Enoe, and for the benefit of th< heirs* ad creditors of said deceased 8. G TUBEADCHAFT, Jhlm’r. r_ NOTICE. ‘jjTHE subscriber requests that all those to 1 v hom lie is indebted will present their ac counts for payment previous to the 15th June next—and all those indebted to him will please call and liquidate their respective accounts, may 23 22 N. H. HART. Notice. r riHRKK months after date the undersigned 9 will make application at the Planters’ Bank ofthe State of Georgia, for payment of a Note issued by the said Bank, the left hand half ol which has been lost—No. 551, value gSO, sign ed John Bolton, Pres’t. JOSHUA MILNE, march 13 “fni6l Notice to Travellers. PERSONS travelling to Augusta by the way of Mill Hawn and Coutteau’s, will keep up the old road from Jacksonhorought, 2 miles and three quarters, and then take, the light hand road, as the former road which takes oil at Jacksonborough, is stopped up, and a sign is put up at the forks of the road, may 4 §ni Notice. I’HF. copartnership of Hoaq & Jarvis expir ed on the 18th inst. by mutual consent.— Those having demand! will plesse present them for payment; and those indebted will call and settle their accounts with either of the subscribers. MARK HOAG, JOHN M. JARVIS. may 23 22 .Notice. JS\ LL persons indebted to the late firm of iFmL Parsons and Lay Druggists, are request ed to make payment to either,of the. subscri bers, on or before the first day of July next Those persons that are delinquent, their ac counts will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection. ANSON PARSONS. FRANCIS J. LAY. may 39 27 NOTICE. ~ THE Co-partnership of Henry.Bc. Coffins was dissolved on the Ist fast. by mutual con sent. Persons having demand* against them will present them tor settlement to George Collins, and those indebted will please pay the same to him, as he is duly authorised to re ceive the same. THOMAS HF.NRY, GEO. COLLINS. june 4 ■■■’ 32 and Notice. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of Celete Ann M‘Cpy, late of Savan nah, deceased, are requested to present them to the subscriber. S. C. GREENE, Adnst’r. april 10 nf* 8$ No. lit Yol. S3 Auctions. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. % Baker H Minton. On the first Tuesd yin August next,.at 1’ o’clk before the court house in this citv, will be sold IV liars Lot No. 8, and the improvements there on Also, the lot ami buildings thereon, late in the occupancy of Patrick Stanton, deceased, situat ed in St James’, square, l.leathcote ward, sold by permission of the Hon. the. Inferior Court of the county oi Chatham. .. The above is the property of q! Patrick Sum ton deceased. Terms .cash. . By order of the Administrator. junel * By Baker and Minton, ’ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. On the first Tuesday in July next* will be scld in front of the Court-House in Savannah, be tween the usual hours, The Unildings oh Lot No. (40) Vi arren At aid, in said citv, together w ith foe un ekpired term of the lease of,said lot, bei g the remaining part of the estate of H. Heisonf dec. Sold by virtue of an order of the hon. the Infe. nor Court ot Chatham County, bv order of the administrator. Terms cash. ‘ april 6 . By George Schley ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. -*rriV l !* fi '?j Tue . S,lay in Au k"st next \V n " L b so,d attlie Court House in Savan f v nah, between the hours of ly snt i 0 clock, an undivided naif „f all that vahiabl. ZZiiT*" 0 "’ w 'J' h,he impi-ovemenu thereon in Chatham cty being die upper part of Islay I*.land and containing 775 acres, 489 of whu S are under dams now in the possession of Hut ft Rose Esq. bounded south by the estate of Gen. I bead, and on other sides by the Savannah nver, being formerly part of the real estate of brands .Levelt, and after a regular division allotted to heirs of John Levett, deceased, sold ov order of the honorable. the Justices of the. Interior Court of Chatham Com t> for tl S benefit of the heirs of said John Levett dec CHRISTINA LEVETT, Ad’nSS: by her attorney John Carnochaa. JOHN CARNOCIMN, Adm’r June 4 132 ol lhe John Administrator's Sale. PURSUANT toan order ofthe Hon the Jufc tices ot the Inferior Court of the county of sitting for ordinary purposes wifi be exposed fur sale at the Court House in the City of Savanhah, on the 4th day of July next between the usual hours, one Negro .Van and one .Negro Woman, part . f the personal pro per.y of John A, CSsey,.deceased. Ey order of the Administrator. j , GEOKCE SCHLEY, Auct June 4 n32 Administrator's Notice . sTJHh subsreriber has been appointed by the Court ol Ordinary of 3criven Countv, ad ministrator cf the estate and effects of Mr*. Lucy Thomas deceased, late of said county, and having been qualified as such, l;e requests all persons who may he indebted to the said Lucy Thomas, *o make payment to himself, and thus* aho ha\ e demands against her, must present them to him legally attested, at his residence hi Hie county of Scriven. GEORuL I'OLLOCK, Administrator , 21 Administrator's Notice. - AplIE subscriber has been appointed and qualified as administrator de boni9 non of of the estate of 9 hcjpilut ‘Vhomas deceased, late of Scriven county, and he requests those per sons who have demands against the estate to present them to himself properly attested, and such persons as are indebted to the deesased, are requested to make payment. GEORGE BOLLOCK, Administrator. may 9 Superior Court. Chatham County Chambers, ■ 18th April, 1822. Samuel Howard, \ tr. . > Bill original and . Hank of Darien, et. al. 3 mended. .'■ ■tWO of the defendants in the above case, i viz. The President of the Bank of Darien, ('representing said Bank) and the Cashier of the said Bank, reside without this count! j which fact is verified by affidavit of comph loan It is ordered, That copies of said bill he ,rans milted by the Sheriff ci Chatham county to the Sheriff of Mclntosh ccunty, where the said de fendants reside, with instructions tp serve then* on said defandants, and make return of said ser vice on said copies, to the Clerk of the Superior Court pf said county of Chatham, within thirty lays from this date; and it is further Ordered, eliat this Rule be published, and the defendants appear and answer at the next Term. Extract from the Minutes. JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk. april 24. j-o : GEORGIA, ? Hy ELIJAH BAK. R, LißEßrr COUNTY. S Clerk Court of Ordinary. V| KS. CLARISSA HOADLEY, adminislra -31 trix of all and singular the goods and chat els, rights and credits, which were of Herman Hoadley, late of said county, deceased, applies for dismission from her said administration : The*? are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, at Riceborough ■ within the t ime prescribed by law j otherwise the said Clarissa Hoadley will be dismissed froifi her said administration. Given under my hand and seal this eighteen* ? day of March, in the year of our Lord one thot sand eight hundred and twenty-two. [i. s.) ELIJAH BAKER, c. c. o. i. c. april 15 S9*6m Hay $ Lard. bundles Hay v£>>!4/ 50 kegs Lard ‘ Landing from rhip Morning Star, for sa v ‘• JOHN LATHROP fc Cos may 13 13