The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 11, 1822, Image 2

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Kept at Savannah, from June 4 to June 10.
hT ~ :
£ c ° g £• REMARKS.
ir ‘ O ~
881 s. by e. Light Show ;rs
4 12 88 b. clear
38” s. g. e. cloudy
CBS _ _
880 .by w. clear
5 12 84 s'. • “
3 84 “ “
6,83 w light, and rain at night.
6 883 *. w Cloudy
12 87 “ clear
382 w. n w. heavy shower Th. and Li.
6 83 n cloudy
876 ke cloudy &. heavy R. at night
7 12 77 en r. light showers
378 e. bv v clear
6 79 k “ __
8 ~9 w Clear
8 12 85 w a w “
3 88 s w “
687 tv. by . *• __
I 885 w clear
9 112 90 ‘.v s w
391 s. w
1 92 * w .
* 887 “ vr I “ Clear
10 12 93 nsw
q3 91 w (light showersklightning
683 s ! Cloudy.
“She had no thought of him spar 4 .,
The idol or lier s arec! hear*,
The hope of life’s lor.j pilgrimage.
The light, the blessing of her -e!
Hut hope is like the rainbow’s form,
Dying in tears and bom in storm;
And all must fe l wh t p flowers
Are joys we deem’d, mast truly ours.”
“Mas, life is a weary voyage, made
Mid storms and rocks, with just a sun ray sent!
To lure us on and leave us.”
Down swept the gaiiiered water over rocks
Which broke at times the column's lonming
Darkening amid the snow-white froth, it swept
Like an all conquering army, and an arch
Os sparkling hues that in the sunbeams played
Seemed to unite it with the sky which hung
Above all calmness an t re.;n>3't. The blue
Ethereal, soft and fiaiuless, well b -aecrn’l
A heaven we- deem the dv.’cUrf>£ place of
Dvwtuvaids it rushed; the tall green pines
• that hung
Upon the cliffs beside, were covered o’er
With silver sprays there s ; jod those sUtelv j
Braving the furious storm, as the proyd mips
Os Greece, when Greece w**s glorious, stood
and braved
The tyrant’s menace and defied the yoke.
It reached the plain below; a crystal lake
Became its dwelling, where the damping
flad lost all memory of its former strife.
The willyws grew around, and that pale flow
cr ,
The water-lily floated on its face.
‘i he halcyon plumed bis azure wings, nor fear
A cotrflng storm and in the midst an Isle
Hose hke ablest shrine to the guardian power
Oftiia 4 sweet scene. It was a little spot
i haded by gloomy firs and lighter birch:
Here the wild strawber-y shed its first white
■Amt the dove built her nest, while the soft
Sighing amjd the graceful arches, gave
Tiie only answer to her muramritiga.
Two once dwelt h re, a Mother and her Child:
She was a widow, and had deeply drunk
The cup of bitterness. Bn’ woman bears
The storm, man shrinks from, unrepiningly.
At length the one to whom her love had been
A light mid darkness died, and she was left
In cpldnc,ss and unkindness: but one link
Prill bound her to the earth; there was a smile j
Hove gladness to her wounded heart, a voice
Os joy and consolation, one who mails
1 life very precious to her—the young bird,
Her own sweet nestling, yet tooyoungtoknow
AVhut clouds hung o’er him—Quiet came at
The mourner found a little lone retreat
Where she might rest her feet—this isle
Became herlmme. Her child grew up
A hope and blessing to her:—she was proud
To hear that when he joined his young com
Ko foot was fleet as his. no hand could send
The arrow so unerringly, and none
Po lightly and so fearlessly could scale
The height whereon the the eagle dwelt; ami
Th < \ai|,to feel how she was loved! He seem
ed ♦
To iive hut for her. When with boyish pride
He dared the ventm oils path the others feared,
If chance lie saw his mother’s cheek grow pale,
The meed was left unwon. One morn he went
in his light skill; and promised to return
us evening fel ; but when the sun sank down-
The air was thick with clouds, and the fierce .
I’ou-ed in its angel 1 o’er the waters, loud
The thunder rolled, and the red lightnings
Their fiery warnings. High upon a ruck
She r ised afire, —the lightning .struck the
She marked it not —the rain beat on her head,
H was unl'elt—but wilh the agony
t )i’ hope expiring, still she led the Same
ly.iy rolled the clouds away, and sick at heart,
She looked towards the shore, he floated there,
I!crown beloved child!—With one wild shriek,
She threw herseh'towards him, and the waves
Cipaed on them undivided!
We copy iVotn Niles ’ valuable “Princi
ples and Acts of the Revolution” the sub
sequent authentic extract from the Boston
Gazette of 1774.
The following is an authentic copy of a
letter which was lately thrown into the
camp, with the following direction :
To the Officers and soldiers of liis ma
jesty's troops in Boston.
“It is more than probable that the King’s
standard will soon be erected, from rebel
lion breaking out in this province, it is
proper that you, soldiers! should be ac
quainted w ith the authors thereof, and of
all the misfortunes brought upon the pro
vince; the following is a list of them—-
6&muet Adams, James Bowdnio, Dr.
Thomas Young, Dr. Benjamin Church,
capt. John Bradford, Josiah Quincy, Maj.
Nath*l. Barber, Wm.Molineaux, John Han
cock, William Cooper, Dr. Chauncey,
Dr. Cooper, Thomas Cushing, Joseph
43reen!eaf and W m. Denning.
“The friends of your king and country
and of America, hope and expect it from
you, soldiers, the instant rebellion happens,
you iviU put the above persons immediate
)bf to the sword, destroy their houses and
; plunder their effects : it is just that they
! should be the first victims to the mischief
i they hare brought upon us.
(sign eh)
Jl friend to Great Britain and America.
“P. S.—Don’t forget those trumpetois of
; -(edition, the pi inters, Edea A* Gill and
! Thomas.”
With what just pride, must those pro
bribed patriot.*, after the consummation of
j,that great revolution, to the accomplish*
1 meet of which they had devoted all that
j made life estimable, have reviewed the
‘perils they had encountered and the victo
jry they had achieved. An oblivion of the
principles and feeling at our glorious re
volution, is the political vice of our latter
days. Can we think these illustrious pat
riots, (and for aught they knew) Martyrs,
were on a bed of cose*, when designated
byname, a raurdeious band of hirelings
was commanded to put them to the sword,
destroy their houses, and plunder their ef
fects ? Letth * mind susceptible of patriot
ic feelings carrj itself back to a pe
riod like this, and then retain for (he nation,
who sanctioned these murderous plans, all
the charity it can.
The ,c sainted patriots” however, ‘* tri
umphed” llon*,r proudly delights to re
view their acts, and the persecutions they
end n ed: aad patriotism throw laurels on
their tciitib*. The “trumpeters of sedition
too, the. printers, the managers of that
mighty engine, which a political Archi
midcs alone wants to move t> e political
■world, are r,ot forgotten. One t least sur
vives. The pigmy proscribes (the comman
ders of * hi* majesty’s troops”) have ming
led with their native dust, unknown, or
remembered only to be despised; while the;
fame of the persons to be “put to the
sword” flourishes in ail its bloom and
freshness and fragrance, the pride of a
rising nation, and the lesson of a world.
From t’ie Spectator—No. 509.
“ Tobias Hobson, (Hobson was the car
rier between Lntulott ar.d Cambridge—at
the latter place he erected a handsome
stone conduit, and left sufficient land for
its maintenanca forever—lie died in the
lime of the plague, H3BO, in the eighty
sixth year of his age,) from whom we have
die expression, was a very honorable, man, j
for I shall ever cttli the man so who gets]
an estate honestly. Mr. Tobias Hibson j
vas a carrier ; and, being a man of great
abilities and invention, and one that saw
where (here might good profit arise,
though the duller men overlooked if, this
ingenious man was the first in this island
who let out hackney horses. lie lived
in Cambridge ; and observing that tiie
scholars rid hard, his manner was to keep
a large stable ol horses, with boots,bridles,
ant) whips, to furnish the .gentlemen at
once, without going from cjdloge to college
to borrow, as they have done since the
death of this worthy man. I say, Mr.
Hobson kept a stable of forty good cattle,
always ready and fit for travelling; but,
when a man came for a horse, he was led 1
into the stable, where there was great
choice ; but he obliged him to take the
horse that stood next to the stable door ;
so that every customer was alike well
served according to his chance, andeverv
horse ridden with the same justice ; from
whence it became a proverb, when what
ought to be your election wav forced upon
you, to say, “ Hobson’s • choice.” This
memorable man drawn in fresco at an inn
(which lie used) in Bishopgate stieet, with
an hundred pound bag under his arm, with
this inscription upon said bag r
“ The fruiful mother of a hundred more.”
“ Whatever tradesman will trytheex
pnriifMMit, and begin the il.nv after you 1
publish tins my discourse to treat his cos-;
turners ail alike, and all reasonably and!
honestly, 1 ensure him tire some success.”;
The following is Dr. Moore’s estimate of the’
number of Indians ii> the U. states:—
In the New-England nine tribes 2247 souls. In
New-York ten tribes, 4840 souls. In. Pennsyl
vania 30 years ago, 3 tvibfcs, 1300 souls, in num
ber at this time not known. In Ohio, 1.5 tribes,
2047 souls. In Michigan and the N. AV. Territo
ry, 36 tribes, 27,480 souls. In Indiana and Illi
nois, 14 tribes, 15,522 souls. Southern Indians
east of the Mississippi, 20 tribes, 66,487 souls.—
The total number east of the Mississippi, 20
tribes, 120,393 souls. North of the Missouri and
AVest of the Mississippi, 13 tribes, 4'1,350 souls.
East of the Kocky Mountains to the Mississippi
and between Mlsieuri and Rcrl River, or west of
tire'Mississippi to die Rocky Mountains, 36 tribes,
105,021 souls. Between Red River and the Ri
ver del Notre. 42 tribes, 205,021 souls. West of
the Rocky Mountains, 87 tribes, 142.600 souls.—
Whole numbers West ofthe. Mississippi 337.341.
Total number of the V. States besides about
5000 in Florida, *n(l 10 tribes (number not known)
inhabiting the Upper Mississippi, 457,642 souls.
CA. Courier.
i Summer Hats ts Clothing.
npBE subscriber has just received by tiie la
test arrivals from New-York and Charles
ton, the most fashionable Hals and Clothing,
winch will be sold at tost and charges, conse
. quently great bargains may be had lour doors
ast ofthe City Hotel.
30 dozen men and boy’s Straw Hats
4 casts fine drab broad brim Hats
Extra line broad and narrow brim do
And a great quantity of fashionable summer
gal meats
Colisistng Camlaits, Concnn, Florentine
with sattin, blue Searsuckers, white and colorV.
drab colour and while .lanes.
Black, blue, green, Brown, I.iloque, Bomba-
and Searsuckers
English Florentine, fashionable Stripe Val
eucia l’oilenett, black, blue and buts Cassi
ni ere Vests
Extra Vest of England blue and black dress
15 trunks fine and extra fine plain ana
frill’d Liner. Shirts, of all sizes.
A great quantity of Ladies’ and tlemens’ Silk
and Cotton lloziery
Four pair line Gentlemens’ Socks can be had
lor one dollar.
The very best quality can be had at the most
reduced prices 13 cents.
Negroes Summer Cloathing.
Silk Umbrellas
At two dollars and fifty cents.
Pavillion Gauze.
Blue, white and green at two dollars a piece.
A few boxes Prunes, at three dollars and fif
ty cents PEI Ell DREGL.
june 6 S3
The NewYork Slate Company have on hand
a large and excellent assortment of the first
quality Slate at the following .reduced prices
12 inch 4 75 A
14 do 6 l
16, 18, 20, 7 fl' er 99uare
-22 &24 8 J
Orders left with the Subscribers, will be Fur
nished immediately.
june 5
Call & Judge for Yourselves.
A S the subs-., ihe ‘ China Guts and En. tii-’
jLenwere House, will he closed by the 15th
next month, country merchants, town grocers
and the citizens generally, should, not let this
opportunity escape of supplying ‘hemstives
with any article in the shove line at such
As will be offered them at his establishment.
may 23 22 N 11. IIART.
Humani st, jfars/uill’s Building's.
Cut Nails.
f.fSVft Kegs Patent Cu f Nails, from 3d to
2Cd, assorted sizes, just received
per ship Mount Vernon, capt. Rawson, from
Boston, for sale bv
may 14 ej-
Dearborn's Patent Balances,
OF all sizes, constantly for sale hv
nor 15 § 9
Drafts on New-York,
FOIt sale by
17my 17
Savannah Marine ft Five In
surance Company.
meeting of the Stockholders of this co
£iA is called on business of particular im
portance to them ; and a punctual attendance
is desired, at the office of the Company on
WEDNESDAY 12th inst. at 12 o’clock pre
fly order of the Board of Directors.
if. W AVNE, Sec’vy.
june 5
L. 11. Sage ft Cos.
3000 bushels Corn
30 this. Ale
lUO do Mcjs and prime Beef
20 do Mess Pork
20 qr. casks Malaga Wine
30 pipes (-in
100 boxes Soap and Candles
50 bbls. Loaf Sugar
20 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
25 do Lard
20 bbls. Navy Bread
10 thousand Delpino Scgars
100 do Common do
100 kegs Crackers
50 bbis. Sugar
With a general assortment of
june 1
Ji New-England Tale ,
Oil Sketches of N'ew-lingland character and
manners, just received by
ALSO Johnson scpiare
A supply of 2d, 3d, 4th octave and plain
and mounted D Flutes may 20
Brandy § Gin.
10 pipes Cognac Brandy of the most approv
ed- brands.
3 pipes superior Holland Gin. For sale on
liberal terms. BAIvBU & MIN TO A.
may 21
John Lathvop Cos.
Hunter’s JVharf.
4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn
100 bundles Hay
40 hhds. prime Muscovado Sugar
75 bbls best double refined do
50 pieces Inverness Colton Bagging
50 kegs Lard
30 bbls. prime Beef, New-York Inspection
10 hhds. 3d proof Neutral Rum
10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards
3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeira
30 bbls. Glauber Saits
100 boxes No. 10 and 12, Window Glass
June 1 30
Coffee, Sugar and New Shad
135 bag* prime Havana Coffee
8 hhds Myscovado Sugar
49 bbls no 1 T
32 half bais no 1 (.New Sliad
34 bbls no 2 j
Landing and for sale bv
Who have in Store,
50 bbl* White’s best Gtn
50 do refined Sugar
80 do kiln dried Corn Meal of superior qua!.
40 ps 42 inch brown Inverness Cotton Bagging
10 pipes Uolmenar Wine
Window Glass assorted sizes
A few dozen of Wire Selves
Spanish and Am. Sugars in lilf. S- qr. boxes.
June 1 3t 30
Irish Potatoes.
f\ few hampers of the above ju3t received
acJk from Belfast, (via Charleston) and in ex
cellent order for saie by the subscriber.
june 4 32 eoc*
Selling off at Cost.
QTpHE subscribers will sell their remaining
11 Stork of CLOTHING, consisting of Wool
ens and thin goods at cost Those wishing ar
tides in their line, will find it their advantage to
call, as their business for the season, will be
closed on the 15th. By which time those in
debted are requested to settle their bills
june 4 32 c
-J 4
Shot and Cor Lead.
48 casks Shot, assorted from mould to No
10 casks Bar Lead, landing from ship Geor
gia, for sale bv *
may 21——B
19 030 wt. North Carolina Bacon. For sale by
Exchange wharf,
june 6 i34
3000 bushels Virginia Corn —For sale by
A . 30—
33 lihd*. prime retailing New-Orleans SU
GAR may 11 o
To Sent.
A SMALL house consisting of three rooms,
fk. in a pleasant a: and airy situation, rent low.
Enquire at tins office,
june7 85
.Yew Summer Goods.
BY the ship Georgia, just arrived from Liver
pool, the subscribe! s have received a vari.
eiy of seasonable articles, which wiiu those
recently received from England, make their
assortment of
IJ n Y GOO I) s
more extensive and general limn usual, an
will be sold I moiierutr; advance and long creiu
lor undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW St Cos
Al. SO,
Uiates Crockery ware and tea China
London Forter m pint and quart bottles
Casks Glassware, Sheet Iron, kc. Kc.
may 20 2m
® hi ids china ware selected particularly
this market, just received per ship Emily
and tor sale by
june 6 33
Bills on New-York ,
FOR sale by
C. 0. GRISWOLD Sc Cos.
mav 29 27
.it Private Sale,
TWO prime Negro Fellows, one a fiist rate
Carpenter, about 25 years old—sold for no
fault. The others first-rate Sail Maker, 22 ys
The above negroes will be sold low if early ap
plication is made to
apt il 24 J B. HERBERT &! CO.
Tufts ft Deed ,
Have just received for sale,
130 bids. Manhaden Fisli
50 bbls Mess Pork
10 do Prime do
20 hhds. Sugar
15 pipes‘4th proof Brandy
20 puticheons Jama..* Rum
3 pipe® Scicily Madeira Wine
20 qr. casks Teneriffe do
20 do do Malaga do
20 bbls. old New-Oilean3 Rum, 4thproof
10 bbls Boston-Rum ‘
50 bbls. India Point Gin
50 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugar
50 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
15000 pounds Bacon
200 boxes Fayetteville and Charleston Can
100 dozen Beer’s Axes
20 do do Hatchet’s
100 kegs patent cut Nails
10 casks flooring. Brads
-20 casks patent and mould Shot
20 boxes Hyson Tea
10 boxes VVhittemore’s No. 10 Cotton Cards
200 qr. boxes Spanish Segars
With mapy other articles in the grocery line;
at wholesale or retail at low rates, and on tiie
most liberal may 30——28- and
Eu! ( . iU ,
£&, The fine coppered . -
Can handsomely acconm
passengers, and v. ill be itaiiy g, r ’
15lli of this month. Apply t 0 c ,'V’ 1
on board, at \\ iliiamson s V, > ur | ) ar: "’
ANIJitKW LO’.v’. cr.
June 3 23 .1 ‘ “ co
For Providence, ~
The Packet siim n
mSt EXPRESS, II Small,:, 1 V „
has a lit’} freight engaged, and win Vi
next week. For passage only, f t. :Iv ,V.V, J® ■
lent accommodations * pnly i,,, o nt *
a -Manton,
june n 55 “
For Liverpool , tolfasLoifa
man r,p. r
Tlies?#iV'h Rritisli
I SUSAN, William WeMnou;!, n, a ,
can carry about 500 bales cotton, um |
despatched without delay, apply;,, ,!t
’ JOHN lTp-gr
Who l.n.i for sole,
5090 Bushels Liverpool Salt
20 may TS r’,tc
Neither the Capt. nor consignee ’■;](
countable for anv debt contracted by J>
of tiie said vessel,
Poston Glass.
JUST received per ship Mount Verm
invoice of GLASS WAUL and VVINuOX
GLASS, consisting of
Quart and pint mol’d Decatife.M
do do do Pitchers
do Tumblers
do fdo ship do do
do do flint do Flasks
Imp. welled Table Wines, fluted
do Castfoot do do fringed
Tumbler Bowl do do r |„
do do Welledfoot do <i ,
Glostnr Bowl Table do fluu and
33 box. * of 8 by 10 Clielmstbrd (,ls 3
8 do 12 by 14 do fl,,
6 do 11 by 15 do
12 do 12 by 16 and > do
For sale by
may 15 is
Twenty Parrels Ale,
lANDING from brig Telegraph, and for*.
J by L.'ll. SAGfiyta
may 29 27
Planters Bank.
Board of Directors having declared
* dividend of 3 per cent on the capital St-jt
l bis Bank for the last six months, the sarr,
will he paid to the Stockholders thereof erihei
order, on and after Thursday 6th inst
. JOHN FLLGYD, CashierPrstm.
June 4 23 and
Salt petered Bacon.
J"JL received from Washington 30#
lbs. of Jordan’s prime salt petcndP.iwn
supenor to any thing of the in this .Mat
may 15
Drafts on Boston
VT 30, 60, amt 90 (lava, for s.tie by
may- 16 c 16
Bills on England & N. Turk
For sale by
may 17 3t 17
For Sale ,
TWO Mulatto Women, one about 2Jvrh
of age with a child about 6 years old, and ops
about 2 > years of age, both, good house ter
rants Apply to .
may 28 and BAKER & MINTOV.
Wind oh? Glass , ftc.
V fresh supply of Window Glass of assorted
sizes, from 7 hy 9, to 12 by 18— AKo,sashes
of all sizes, glazed or unglazed—For safe low br
may 13 13
For sale by
june 3 22
Corn, Flour and Bacon.
3500 bushels piime white bulks*
5000 lb 9. of Georgia saltpetred Bacon
40 bbis Flour
Also—sugar. Coffee, Whiskey, Gin, &c.
Which are offered for sale low, by
may 29
At Private Sale.
rtffYTV bbls. WHISKEY
3 cases superior Straw BONNFT*.
J. B. HERBERT ti Cos.
may 25 24
Dills on New-York ,
For sate by ,
may 23 22
Just Deceived,
By the brig Francis from Providence t
4 bales of
Domestic Goods,
Consisting of ,
Plaids, Stripes,Shjning, sheetings ana Cnee
of good quality, which will be sold low. .'?P’
may 13 .
Landing from brig Alnvfh
431 bags Sugars, of a superior quality ,
17 hhds. Muscovado do
40 cases fresh London Mustard
3 pipes .'tard Dupey Si Cos. Brand,y
For sale by
may 29 27 nf