Newspaper Page Text
MOJ\I)JIY MGlrjriJVG June,- 17
By the Ship Cotton Plant, we have received
New York, papers up to the Bth inst. from which
we have made some extracts.
We copy the following’ article from the Mil
ledgeville Recorder of Tuesday last. Andin re
ply thereto, we would only remark, that the
statement of Mr. Kopkins’ return and voluntary
surrender to the civil authority, .is undoubtedly
true. Mr. Hopkins, on his arrival iri this city
from England, immediately placed himse'fin the
custody of the Sheriff of Chatham County. The
report, therefore, that Mr. Delyon, claimed and
received, of the governor, the reward! of five hun
dred dollars,/*)- apprehending him —we think may
well be questioned. The high character Jt hon
orable feelings of our sheriff, would not have
permitted him to receive a reward for appre
hending a man who voluntarily placed himself
inhis custody. And had such a demand been
made, jvotild our governor have countenanced it?
We cannot doubt but our sheriff, will contradict
the report.
In a paper * few weeks back, we mentioned
the volant ary return & surrender to the civil au
thority, of Col. John L Hopkins. Notwithstand
ing this is the fact, the deputy Sheriff . f Chat
ham county, (Col. H. delivered himself to the
Sheriff of that county) demanded, and received
from the Governor, the reward of §SOO, which
had been offered for his apprehension. Is this
right? Ought a Sheriff or his Deputy whose
peculiar duty Pis to apprehend state criminals,
to receive a reward for bringing to prison, a man
who voluntarily surrenders himself ? Oh
aliame 1 where is thy blush ?”
Mr. James I.lutd has been-chosen hv the Leg
islature of Massachusetts, to fill the vacancy ir.
the Senate of the I). States, occasioned b the
resignation of Mr. Otis. He had 34 votes of 38
in the : enate, and 119 of i3O in the House of
. It is said that Government is about laving the
keel of a line of battle ship at Philadelphia, cal
culated for 140 guns,
The New York Daily Advertiser of
Saturday Bth inst. contains an extract of a
letter from Washington, stating that a
i'lmimerciai Treaty had been signed at
thatplacg by M. Hyde de|Nauvii.LE, Min
is, er from France, udU the Hoii. John
QuincEy Adams, Secretary of State.
New-York, June 6.
, Accounts have been received at Fredericks
iurg. via St. Bartholomews that the Blacks in
the island of Uuaduloupe had made an attempt
to rebel, but had been ultimately subdued. It
appears that this attempt was seconded by cer
tain of'the inhabitants cf St. Bartholomews, us
two French frigates had arrived there from Gua
daloupe, the officers of which obtained permis
sion of the Governor to search the houses of the
people of colour, where they found a large
quaittity of arms and ammunition, which was to
have been forwarded to Guadalo rp. for the use
of the conspirators. Os those in whose houses
Atm, were found, a part were confined in prison,
andthe remainder sent to Guadaloupc for trial.
In consequence of this inscrrcc ionary attempt,
none but American Vessels were permitted to
dear out at the latter place.— Commercial Adv.
Fire. —Between 5 and 6o ; clock yetterday af
tarnaon, an explosion of gunpowder took place
at Vanxhall Garden, in a building used for pre
paring Fire Works, Vue building was immedi
ately eneloped in flames, wliich commumcateu
to the dwelling house of Mr. Gilbert Coutant
and Mr. Jacob iichurernan, thenc • to the store
of Mr. Coutant, winch with three buildings in
the rear were all consumed. Ahhougb rue pro
perty destroyed was valuable, yet we nave to
communicate a more distressing eXent. A per
*®n hy the name of Mullen, employed preparing
the powder, was killed by the explosion.— lbid.
NEW-YOliK, June 8.
fh e United, Slates vs. The’Vice President
Ihe United States’ District Court met yes
terday morning pursuant to adjournment,
* or the purpose of concluding the abo \-
Mjise, Robert Tillotsun, esq. U. S. Dis
hift Attorney, summed up on the part of
hie pronecution, in a long and elaborate
tpeech, Altdr which (about 2 o’clock) judge
•an Ness delivered a short but impressive
charge to the Jury, in which he commented
j*pofi the fact of the Vice President having
been held up to the world as a public de
uhlter; which said he is not considered as
a common debtor, but implies a want of
•horal rectitude. He then adverted to the
circumstance of his having been acquain
. “ f ith the defendant in the morning of
hslite, when all was sunshine, but he nuw
Ku * n ‘‘hew him in the evening of that life
Mien hi s circumstances had materially
■ ai )g<hJ. He then proceeded to instruct
“is jury on several points in the case, and
unearned by observing, that if they should
scide on a verdict in favor of the Vice
r*t|ilent,, it should be a general verdict—
’. a ’ l3 > if it appeared to them that he (the
, ice ’’resident) had produced evidence of
•aiinr equal to the balance alleged to be
uchyimjj to the United States, their ver
should be to that effect. He at the
) ,ne time observed that if the jury were of
Jicioa that Government was indebted to
‘*n in a larger amount; they might, as itidi
uls sign a certificate to that elfect,
ni.!| t ‘ Vou ,u, t> however, be recorded,but
s'. ut some future day, be of service to
h ;WPresident.
Ihe Jury came into court at a quarter
3 hve o’clock, and rendered a general
r let in favor of the defendant. They at
Asame time gave a certificate fora ba
which they considered as justly due
.r 0l “J® Government to (he Vice-President
8136,793 97.—Gazette.
The Superior Court of Richmond Coun
ty, closed its sitting on Saturday last. Dur
ing its term, David Wray, charged with
the murder of Phoeby Thomas, was tried,
found guilty of wilful murder,and sentenc
ed to be hung—the execution of which to
take place on the first Monday in July
After the verdictof guilty wss pronounc
ed, Mr. Holt, fur the prisoner contended’
that by the act of 1320, to alter and amend
the Penal Code, the punishment of death
was abolished, and fine and imprisonment
substituted in place thereof, but his opin
ion was superceded by that of the court,
which took until the next morning to ad
vise, and decided that there was no law bv
which the common law was repealed—and
that for tlii3 offence, the punishment of
death is prescribed by the common law.
John Hunter.lindicttd for Larceny, was
also tried, found guilty, and sentenced to
four years imprisonmet in the County Jail,
and a fine of oue hundred dollars.— Au
gusta Herald, 11 th inst.
Letters have been received from Valpa
faho, dated the 19th and 20th Feb. last,
which state that the Franklin 74 was in
that port, aud the Constellation frigate was j
expected From Lima.
The American informs us, that on Wed
nesday, a sail-boat called the Delight, was
upset near the middle of the North River,
opposite Hoboken, in which were a young
woman arid five young men.—The boat, be
ing partially loaded with stone, sunk im
mediately, and before any assistance could
be given from the adjoining shores, the
young woman and three of the young men I
had sunk to rise no more. One was saved j
by swimming, and the other by a boat that 1
came io his relief when nearly eShausted.l
— AT. Y. Gaz. V I
Miraculous preservation, —On Friday
last we published from a Philadelphia pa
per, an account of the loss, on the 23d of
May, of the schr. Lttle William, Capt. A
a VVelden, of this fort She was capsi
zed about seven o’clock in the morning, in
a sudden squall, and almost instantly fil
let! with water. The stern boat was got
alongside, and the cnplain and hands got
into her; and after remaining by the wreck
two hours, they left it, and shaped their
course to the westward, and on Saturday
the 23th were picked up by captain Wes',
of the ship Tuscarora, and carried into
Philadelphia. At the time of the Little
William’s upsetting, Antonio Gundell, ar
Italian gentleman passenger, was in his
birth, uud was supposed to have perished,
but it gives us pleasure to learn from tne
following account, that he was fortunately
taken l om the wreck at three oVh-ck
afternoon of the day she. was upset, and
has arrived at Portsmouth, (N. K.)
“Forlsmoui/t , May Si.
“Arrived, the sciir. Harriet, Winkley,
from St. j. lin-., (P. II.) May 23. at half past
3 P. M. last. 37 30, long. 69 27, fell in
with and took from the wreck of schr. Lit
tle William, from New-York, bound to St.
Barts, Mr. Antonio Gundell, the only per
son on boaid, the vessel having been thrown
on her beam ends at seven o'clock in a
squal', and captain VVelden anti all hands
ist. Mr. Gundell w sin the cabin when
‘he vessel capsized, and was prevented by
the water from going on deck for three
hours, still the masts and deck were swept
aWay and the vessel righted.”
Worthy <s* Observation. —On Sunday af
ternoon, while Sol v. as throwing down up
on, he city his heated rays, we observed a
dark heavy shower ot rain piling from
(he state ot New Jersey across the south
west part of Stateb Island. In the evening,
another gust of wind, rain, lightning and
•hinder was seen crossing the Hudson,
from West to East, All was clear and
tranquil in this city. Yesterday morning
the wiisd was Northerly, weather clear; we
found that the trees on our Battery were
literally blackened with wild pigeons, driv
en” no doubt, by a north wind _ into this
part of the state. The sportsmen were on
tiptoe, but a wholesome corporation law
saved the lives of many of those winged
fugitives.— id.
The suit of the United States against
Daniel D. Tomkins, Vice President ot the
United States, commenced on Monday, in
the United States District Court, before
.the Hon. William P. Van JVess, and was
not concluded when this paper went to
press. The examination of witnesses was
concluded yesterday, and Mr. lomkins
commenced” the summing up this morning
himself, and was followed by J. O. Hoff
man Esq. whom we left speaking at 2 o’-
clock Mr. Emmett is to close the argument
for the defendant. Tillotston, District At
torney, lor the government.’
This suit, we learn from the Gazette,
was commenced at the request of the Vice
President, who it is sain claims as balance
in his favof of upwards of half a million of
dollars, originating in his official duties du
ring the late war.
From the Augusta Chronicle,
THKJi rmcjiL.
We learn from unquestionable authority,
that Mr. Hewitt has purchased the entire
interest of Mr. Young in the ward robe,
books, property, scenery, of his south
ern theatre and will leave this platle in a
few days for Philadelphia, New York and
Boston in order to engage a itew Company
—From his indefatigable industry and pub
lic spirit, we anticipate far tho ensuing sea-
- son, a Theatrical Company, strong iij hd
• ent, industrioss in tlveir profession, and
respectable in private life.
Tort of Savamleih. \£||>
JlTtRIVKif* ~ —
Ship Rising State, Pearce, 6 days from Provj.
deuce with an assorted corgo to Orray Taft, eon
’ signee. Rathburn St Andrews, George Ncwhall.St
i Master- .
j Ship Cotton-Plant, Fash, New-York, 6 days’
| to G Gordon, owner, E Coppee, S Wright, J
Houghton, H Campbell, A Evans, J Meigs, A G
Semmes, Johnston & Hills, J 15 Creamer, S (1 &
•T Schenk, H $ Atwood, A B Fannin &.co J An
j deraon & co.—Passengers, Messrs Hogg and
j Ham.
Brig Francis, Foster, 74 hours from Philadel
phia with an assorted cargo to Nichols St Neff,
consignee, Perryh&f wright, W. T. Williams,
Johnston & Hills, JjDelohamt., St Bulloch St Dun
woody. Spoke on the 13th inst. brig Amey, fr
Matanzas, for New York.
P.rig Native, Cole 5 da l s from New York; to 1
Hall Zi Hoyt, Ji St C. Bolton; W. Taylor & Sim,]
N B Weed, id co J Anderson & co. T Dowel Cf.
co. Butler|& Scranton ASt E Wood J\V Mor
rell, I Cohen, A B Fanning St co. F. Bliss St co
Cantalou St Lamar, Gaudrv & Defaure, Geoge Me
Coe, W T Williams St to order.
Brig Hero, Gifford, Philadelphia, 4 davs, to
Perry Sc Wright owners, Tufts'St Reid, VV Ear
vin, C Biddle, It St F, Stiles, and 15 amphell.—
Passenger, C Esnard. Saded in company with
the brig Fi ances, for this port.
Schr Leander, Baker, Boston, 25 days, with a
! full Cargo of mackerel, to E Williams &. co con
signee?!. Spoke on Tuesday, ship Com Pern,
1 day from Charleston for New-York.
Offers cf the Courier, Gazette, and .Mercury,
June 15—noon.
Arrived, schr Bee, Taggart, Karracna, U days
] with coffee, segars and fruit. The schr Lady’s
: Delight, Young, for the United States, sailed
jsame day ; left no American vessels : on the'lth
] inst. lat 28 40 long 77 38, saw an American fri
gate steering east.
■chr Regulator, M’llhtmnyj Wilmington, N.
C. 1 uay.
Ship Saluda, Tinkham, NeW-Yoik—l3 days
on the voyage.
Ship Washington, Hoyt, New-York.
Ship Gov. Hawkins, Scvbert, Philad 5 days.
Sllip Atticus, esfeoat, New-York, 25 days
NEW-YORK, June 5--Gl’d steam boat Con
necticsit. Bunker Newport; schr. Warromongas,
Hill, Bermuda.
Arr. ship Six Brothers, Williams, 33 days from
Slr.p Chase, Baxter, 12 ds fm St Croix.
Schr. Hnvticn, Smith, 14 rig fm St I'lionuts.
NEW-VO UK, June 7.—Ar ship Sarah Lou
isi;*, Colver, 4S ds fin Lisbon. Left at Lisbon,
ship Dehor'll, Gray, of Savannah, for Faya!, in 6
or 7 ds.
Brig Clarissa Ann, Greene, of N Orleans, “.7 ds
fm Greenock. In kit 41 JO, long 1 48, fell in with
five islands of tee.
Brig Levant Beebe. s_dsfin Savannah.
Schr. Emigrant, Prince, 8 dsfm St Andrews.
Cl'd—ships Radius. Finning', Liverpool: Cot
ton Plant Fash, Savannah; brig Vamacraw, ltates,
Liverpool; schr Jane, Copland, West Indies.
BOSTON, June 4.—Ar. brier Mercury, Evans,
G<*'it'ei*i>Hrgv!ac£ from 5J rl s Spoke
14th olt. lat 401, lon 50, and English brig from
London for N. York.
For New-York,
AaPiC The fast sailing Racket Brig
V ( ale master —will sail on Wednesday next,
I >r freight or pasit.;e having good accoinmoda
tiofs apply to Capt. C. on board ut jones upper
wharf or to
jnne 17 42 HALL A HOYT
tor Newport ty New-Bedford,
The packet sloop
A Wing, master —will posetively sad the JBth
inst lVr light freight nr passage having good ac
comodations apply to Capt iV. on bo *f<l or to
June 17 i42
For Providence.
Ship RISING ■ TAKS, capt. Pearce,
AC-fijkb. Will sail with despatch for freight or
passage having good accommodations apply on
board at Rices wharf or to
June 17 c 42
For Providence,
slou b Resolution, c*pt. Brown,
NkMf. will sail with dispatch for freight or
passage apply on board at Rices wharf
junel7 42
37 Barrels Prime Pork, New York ciiy in
spection landing from Brig Native,
A few cask Linseed Oil for sale by
Jnuc 17 c
Coffee Sugar
300 Hags prime green Coffee
50 Sihds do N O. St gar
59 do do Muj. do
For sale by
june 17 42
URING the absence of the Subscriber
•!£/ Messrs J B Hurbert & Cos. are theire a
june 17 ni42
Gin and Lamp Oil.
100 bis Mason’s India Point Gin
II caslts if 10 his Lamp Oil
5 pipes Holland Gin.
For sale by
N. O. and St. Croix Sugar.
10 Ithds prime N O Sugars
15 lids do St Croix do
J. 5 bis do do x
For sale by
1 juno 17 #43
Exectots Dtpartnext, Ga. ?
I _ Midedgevil’e, sth June, I?,!!. )
Notwithstanding the act of the last Legislature
. to alter the Constitution of this state, .so as for
the people to have the electing of Governor,
has been published nd distributed with the
laws it is deemed proper hv the l’xcuiiv,; } tr
bring the subject of said alteration ’o the'jSjbn
side rati on of every citizen more imediately pre
ceding the next election of members Who wi!
have the determining whether the said altera
tion shall be adopted or not:
It is therefore Ordered that the said adt he pub
lished three times in each of the Gazette us this
(Attest,) E, M OOD, Sec'ry.
An act
To alter and amend the 2d section of the se
cond article .of the constitution of the State of
Whereas, the 2d section of the 2d article of
the Constitution, is in the following words ;
“ The Governor shall be elected by the Gen
eral Assembly, at their second annual session,
[sifter the rising of this convention, and at every
[second annual session thereafter, on the second
day after the two houses shall he organized and
competent to proceed tojbusiness,,,;—--fiidiwhetr
as, the said section requires amendment :
lie it therefore enacted by the Senate tend House
of Jiepresentntire* of the State of Georgia in Gen
eral Assembly met, and it is hereby’ enacted by the
authority of the some, that as soon as this act shall!
have passed, agreeably to the requisitions of the i
constitution, the following’ amendment shall Ik
adopted in lieu of the said section’
The Governor shall be elected by persons
qualified to vote for members of the General As
sembly, on the first Monday in October, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and twcSlty three, and on the first Monclav in Oc-
tober, in every second year thereafter, until such
time be altered by law ; which election shall he
held at the place of holding general elections in
<ne several counties of this state, in the same
i manner as is pi escribed f r the election of mem
bers of th General Assembly. The returns of
every election for Governor, shall he sealed tip
by the presiding justices, sep rately from other
n. hints, directed tc the President of the Senate,
[and the Speaker of the ‘’otise of Representatives,
and uanSmi’ ted to his excellency the Governor,
or the person exercising the ofii'-e for flic
t me being, who shall cause the same to he laid
before the Senate, on ‘he day after the two Hou
ses shall have been organised, and by the Senate
sent to the House ‘of Representatives.—The
Members of each Branch of the Generis! Assent
blv, shall convene in the Representative Cham
bers on the same day that the returns are laid be
fore them ; aud the President of the Senate and
Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall
open ami publish the returns in presence of the
General Assembly, and the person having the
majority of the whole number of the votes given
in shall be declared duly elected Governor of
this tate, but if no person have such majority,
then from the persons having the two highest
number of tluAyites, the General Assembly slv.l!
elect immediaUly, a Governor by joint ballot ;
andin all cases of election of'Governor by the
General Assembly, a majority of the votes of the
Members present shall be necessary for a choice.
Contested elections shall be determined by both
Louses of the General Assembly, in such man
ner as shall be prescribed ly law. •>
Spekcr of the House of Representatives.
T .... v.r ‘ r :.w .
Aslented to, 21st December, 1821.
JOHN CLARK, Governor.
State of Georgia.
By his excellency John Clark, Governor snd
Commander in Chief of tiie Army and Navy,
of this State, and of the Militia thereof.
Whereas, in and by an act of tiie Legislature
of this state, passed 21st December, 1821, enti
tled An Act to regulate the future elections
of Members of Congress in this state,” it is de
da’ ed “ that so scon as his excellency the Gov
ernor shall obtain the. law of Congress fixing the
ratio of Representatives to be elected for the
Naiional Legislature, agreeably to the late cen
sus, it shall be his duty to issue his proclamation
announcing the numbe- of Representatives this
state is entitled to;” and whereas the Congress
of the United Stales have by an act for the ap
portionment of Representatives among the se
veral states according to the forth census, pas
se 3th March, 1822, declared that the State of
Georgia after the third day of March, 1&23, shall
be represented in the House of Representatives
of tiie U. States by seven representatives.
1 have therefore oper to issue this
my proclamation, hereby announcing that at the
next annual election for members ot the Legisla
ture, and every two years thereafter until alter
ed by law the citizens of this state shall be enti
tled to elefct seven Representative to represent
them in the Congress of the United States.
Given under my hand, and the great seal of
the State, at tile State-House in Miliedge
ville, tins sixth day of June, in the
yesr of our Lord, onethousand eight hun
dreJ if twenty-two, and in the forty-sixth
year of the Independence of the United
States cf America.
By tiie Governor.
Ab.ixk Hxhmosd, Secretary of State.
‘y The Editors of Gazettes in this state arc
requested to give to the above three insertions
in their respective papers.
P. McDermott,
TTTi.AS veceved by the Ship Augusta from Wew
iTJ York 12 half bids, of beef. Put U p ex .
pies!) for family use.
aUST received by the Augusta, a fresh sup
ply of the following articles.
Parasols and Umbrellas, assorted
Irish Linens ar; t Sheetings
Domestic Pl aids and Shirtings
Plaid Silk sand Brillianteres
India ?j\tins and Levantines
Crape R ibes and Shawls
5.4 Uombazeen and Nankin Crape
Jaconet, Cambric and mull Muslin
Brown Linens and Irish Diaper
Drillings and Dowlas, Ac.
For sale by ...
june 15 41 h
Bills on New-York.
T sight for sale by
june 13 *34
rjT. Croix snd Muscovado Sujrars in hhds
0 tierces and bis. of prime quality now land
ing and for sale by HALL & IIOY f.
june 14 40
U'titer mid Minton.
On MONDAY, 17lh inst. at half past 10 o
their Auction Store, a general assortmen
’ And at 11 o’clock, in Store, an assortment
Dry Goals,
_jcne 17 c
Positive Sale.
fiif J. D Herbert & Cos. ‘
Will he sold on Telfairs wharf on Wednesday
the 19tl. inst. without r. serve
50 hhdsprme muscovado and N. Orleans
SUGARS—Trims at time cf bale.
Sale at >il o’clock.
june 17 o’
Dissolution of CopHi-tsiLTsliip.
- ‘HE firt;. of 1 aft if Sidi.kts, SasmniHiU, anil
* R. Suh-yt & Cos. August,i, was dissolved on
tirsj,; es Jumyjiy mutua 1 agpcmeiit,.
ihe business ni the form co- wifi he settled by
O, 3'aft, in Savannah, and of the tatter by A Sib
!<*};,. Iff August?, Who are duly authoriscti to close
die same.’
All’ifiose who may have demands against ei
ilher of the late firms will present diem as above
: for liquidation, and ail these indebted are also
earnestly called upon for a settleitrent.
june 15 c4l
Notice. •
”14111'. silh*criber intends continuing business
t. in Savannah on his own account, and offers
his services to bis friends and the public, a3 a
General Commission Merchant,
And solicits a share of their patronage.
june 15
New Hooks.
ASH!E Matter of Antioch a dramatic poem by
imL ‘he Rev II II Milman, price 53 cts.
Piactical observations on Midwifery byjuhn
Uamsbotham. Received anti for sale bv
Johnston Square.
juc 11 40
Day and Corn.
30 bundles Hay landing from sloop Income
3000 bushels prime white Maryland Corn, for
sele by. ,
june 14 40
Mackerel ify HerrUig.
lfO barrels No 3 Mackerel
2UU boxes Digby Herring
Lauding from sloop Income, and For sale by
june 14 ?diO
Hay and Oats.
ICO bUHSA- • ‘ ViSy*” *—4—-•—v-i
----bOul ‘Ushcis Cuts. Fdr sale bv
Jones’ upper wharf.
june L3 c(34
AY F ener *l assortment of Fruit of the elioi
cest kind tor sale by
t Bourdon.
Corner of Broughton and Bull sts,
junelS c 34
“'fir’d.Suture’s soft restorer balmy sleep,
lfe, like the -world, Ids ready visit pays
Where fortune smiles ,- the wretched heJnrsakSs
Snifi on hi and wny pinions flies from bed )
With Hugs infested ; and gilds the Cauch
Os Prudent house wife .-
After the most minute research and experi
ments made on its efhcaey, Dr. Berthelot now
confidently assures the public, that he has in
vented a mixture which will most infallibly des
troy those unwelcome disturbers of our repose,
b; applying it to the furniture which they infest.
There is no danger in i's use, and it is perfectly
free from ungi ateful smell.
As Dr. B. is desirous that which he now offers
to suffering humanity may r commend itself by
its use, he abstains from “ail t. at panegyric too
often accompanying the most contemptible nos
June 12 38
PlfVdlers Bank.
DtVlDElil) XUMBER 19
’ of Directors having declared a
■* divided 0 f 3 p er cen t on the capital Stock
°f this, n al f or the last six months, the same
paid to tlie Stockholders thereof or their
(> ,rder, on and after Thursday 6th inat.
JOHN IT.LOYD, Cathier Protem.
june 4 33 and
Fringe Knittings &c.
i~i ADIKS and Gentlemen are respectful!}’ in
formed that all kinds of knitting, such as
Fringes and
Can be done opposite Mr. John Gribbon’s in
june 11 <i7
Receiver Tax Returns.
rsa ATRACT of an act passed at the last meet-
JUirig of the legislature.—“And be it fur
ther enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the
like Sum of thirty one and a quarter cents shall
be levied and collected, after the first day of
January next, upon c*ery hundred doilars
value of stock, owned by any individual of this
state, in the Bank of the U. S : provided noth
ing herein contained shall be so construed a
to require the Auctioneers .of Darien and St
Mary’s to pay more than twenty five dollars.’
AH agents and owners of the stock subject to
this tax will take notice—assented to 25th De
cember, 1821.
ADAM COPE. n. t. n e. c.
june 8 fh3s
Ji Great Bargin.
r\ fine female HOUSE SERVANT, warant
ed character. Apply at this office.
june 11 *7