The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 20, 1822, Image 3
<- WUm%ST) ir -UOiINI.VG June, 2Q- m Ve have been politely favored with N. York Kers up to the 12th. Contents are generally ■uteresting. | COMMuSICATFD j Euitoii — In publishing in your paper of; - last past, the Expose of E. Brin- j H,n, a citizen of France, relative to the affair ■the French ship Apollon, arrested on the I Hi) February 18 30, when lying at anchor in Heign water, not for having violated the laws ■ this country, but under the frivolus pretext, Ht the master of said .ship, had perhaps, the Hrntion to violate them You said, “that al- vehement, it was the effusion of a Hriguer who had to complain of the severities H the laws.” Hermit me to observe, sir, that a foreigner, the laws of .a foreign land, which it is incumbent duty to respect cannot complain Htheir severity, when impartially administer- Hit is not against the severity of the law Mr. Hingenn complain in his explanation of facts, Ht a K l, ' nst arbitrary, &c. unlawful proceedings, H means of which he has suffered very heavy Hs, awl has beet, deprived of his property for ■ore than six months —you will convince your ■aders of this, if you be so kind as to announce, ■,, on the 18th inst. his honor J udge J. Cuyler, ■., bv a formal decree in this case decided that, ■ere was no ground to arrest the ship Apollon, ■at her owner i entitled to recover damages Htlcosts, and therefore has appointed five res pectable and upright merchants of this city, to ■sess damages. I. I. E. I NE'Y-YOTvK, June 10. ■ Cm. Van Tecnasrhir has become very popular ■ Post Master at Albany. The regulations and ■rdcr which tie has introduced, are raud to equal ■lose of any office in the Union --and every ho ly at ilbany are now pleased will the appoint* lent, except those who wanted Uie office them ■elves.—Cent. Adv. ■ Treat*, with France. —lt is again announced ■hat a Commercial Treaty between the U. States ■nd France, has been concluded ami signed by ■lr. a dams, oil the one part, and M. lie Neuville, ■reach Minister, on the other.— ib. I Mr. Itenj. I'. B- Tibbeta of N. York, has pre. ■enter! to Union College Library, an elegant hot ■tressed copy of the Vulgate iiible, in French, in p2vo!s. 8 vo. containing 300 plates, and bound in ■the richest style. I ‘Fitnvtniscr., June 4. I Since the interruption to the sound steam-boat piie, the packets between this port and N. York ■are reaping a g ldcn harvest Ht* learn thet one ■which arrived*here on Sunday from New York, IbroiL. ht seventy passengers. .)Vr J ftf riggiag Sliilis. —Lieut. Allktt, of the Navy has devised a plan by which ships’ standing rigging may be taken down and again replaced in part or in Whole, in port or at sea, with gaeat facility and W'l'out disturbing the topmasts or yards, winch is particularly beneficial: as it enab'es Uie mariner in a gale to .'ej|tace a ■ lost shroud with as much ease as be can replace j any article nf runnuv, rigging. It also saves} much injury to tile masts heads and to the rigging,; which both art subject to by placing the eyes of j the'shrouds ands ays over the must beads. For this'valuable improvement lieut. Allen has re ceived a Fateni from the President under the great seal oi tiie U. tates, and the new ship John Weils, ’;as ben rigged on his plan. She now lays at'Curiae s Ho- k, •♦out of Cherry-street, i where ship owners, ship hail.’ :r\ tne members | of tne Marine Society, and all others interested | in national bn--rovemerits, arc invited to c 111 and inspept this rene wed display ot Human intel lect. ■ Ctmutiive Barron, —It hsvii g beer, mention ■ edt’ua Cum. Bavrun was talked of for the cow ■ mand of tiie North i;a oiina 74 —or that lie is to ■ have cl large of a Naval Depot in Vi.'gui- Hia, the Richmond Enquirer seems strongly ■to doubt the probability of either arrangement ■ for says the editor, another shaft has been sped H against the Commodore. ‘Ve have before us a ■ pamphlet just published til iVash.ngt in, contain* H ing the‘'Proceedings of the General Court Mar ■ tail convened for the trial of Commodore James I l!arron,&c. Stc. of the U. states’ ship Chesapeake, Ihi die month of January, 1308.” The title page ■ bears the oigntficaid infonnati n, ‘-Published bu Hmlr af the Navy Department ‘ With the Ell* ■ qtiirerwe ask— why are the e proceedings to be ■ raked un from tlieir ashes? is .t to snow mat no ■ oblivion, no forge tfulness, is to extend to them — I but that Barron is to be eternally ostracised irony ■ die confidence of his governmeu..? We presum ■ td that the Court at N. York would have been de- I twsiveof his fate; but it appears ali uus was un* 1 important. His fate was sealed, not at Copen ■ hagen, or Pernambuco, but in tiie Chesapeake. I Good T.mcs. —A printer at the westward of ■ Boston, informs ins readers tlict “ I'rue/i will ao ■ pear next week,” wnether for the hist n . e in j I bis paper, h e does not say; and an eastern book-. I “•tiler announces that he Lasjusi receiv ed ‘a fresh I supply of Ilapjiiuens ’ E PmiADEtruiA, June 10. | The report in the advices from Buenos Ayres, Ia junction of part es die Colombian troops I V ith those of gen St Martin, is probablyfoun- I dedon the movements o: tiie forct-3 which were I Jhider the command of gen. Sucre in Guayaquil. I ibe regiment of Numaulia whieiijoui dS.. alar- I hnsoon aiter his arm i in i'ru, are all Colom bians, or Sambos of Venezuela. IVe learn that Buenos Ayres papers, that an interview was to take place between Pres.dent | Bolivar and Gen, St. Martin, ami it was supposed j hou a- take place in the province of Partos. | ’-Aurora, j Earthquake. —On the hight of the Bth May, 30 minutes past 12 o’clock, a severe shock of an earthquake was felt at St. Jago de Cuba, which lasted about 30 seconds, and was so severe as to injure the buildings, the walls of some of which fell; in some instances, tables being thrown over, I glass broken, S-.c. The inhabitants fled into the streets expecting another shock would take nlace out there was no return of it ss lute as the 12tli Lettersfrom S. America mention that Some of our manufacturers are highly approved there.— It is said Waltham Cotton Cloth h is been imitated in England and shipped to this country with the same stamp. The same remarks have been made of Wilmington Stripes. Extracts ofa latter from an American gentleman at Valparaiso, to his-friend in this city, dated January 29, 1822. “ The Patriots have continued success full in all their operations; and have completely put down their opponents.— Sm Martin is now Director or Governor, of Lima—t-stili Patriots cannot agree among themselves, San Martin wishes the lleet to be under the direction of the Patriots of Peru ; bit Cochrane will not consent to it, which has caused some little difference be tween the two governments. San Martin must ultimately submit to that of Chili.— Tiie war appears to be at an end in this part ot the wot Id, and the prospect is, that in a short time.a considerable business will be tlotie. The English are flocking here and large qualities of goods are arriving dai ly. Four English ships with full cargoes arrived this week ; they do not go to Li ma, on account of the heavy duty of 80 per cent, which amounts to a prohibition. This country at present is in a vety dis tressed condition, owing to failure of the crops. There is not enough wheat raised this ison, for of the city I'd Si. Jago. ThertWil not be enough s3v -*d to the country for seed another year. The inhabitants of Peru, are also in a very distressed state. Bread was selling in Li a s'lort time since, at fi ‘e dollars a pound The Government of'Linmi have contrac ted with, the English here lor large quanti ties of wheat, a great portion of which. I am informed, will be procured from the U ultcd States” BOSTON June 6 A boat containing a pleasure party of five ladies and two gentlemen, on YVednes jduy, (last week,) was accidentally overset ; in a pond in the town of Sutton (Worcester county.) YY'e are extremely sorry to state that lour of the females were unfortunately ‘rowned, viz.: Misses Mary and Hannah j Marble, Nancy Tenny/aml Adalioe Lom ibarri. The gentlemen and one of the la j dips saved themselves, by holding on the sides of the boat. The victims were from IG to 20 years of age, and belonged to 1 - iwA.fif J:h • .roiili.'xnectable families in j that part of the country, j The Bodies were not found until the fol | lowing Friday, although strict search was in ul” for them by several inhabitants.! They finally resorted to the expedient of fi iug some field pieces ot artillery over the water, vvhHi had the customary effect, j of raising the bodies to the surface. On S itui-iv thay were buriml •* ith much so lem.’TiTv, and a serin-m was delivered over the b elies in the Meeting-H tuse, by the Bev. Mi. Mills. The full owing is a description of a -hip lately launched- Humorous as it is, there is a little envv at the bottom of it—the ship in question being really a superior one, and owned bvan enterprising citizen. A*. V. Daily Adv. An elegant ship was lately launched from a ship yard of this city. For beauty ,<f model, excellence of woi kmanship, and qualify of timber this ship cannot be equal led She is 800 tuns bv carpenters msa - treinenf, but it. is confidently expected that she will carry 1800 tons “with ease, and with the wind fee, will sail 19 miles per hour, iler timbers are of the best Lignum vitae,i nd every other partis live oak, except the deck which is mahogany, inlaid with Rosewood. She is caulked with raw silk, which is found to answer better than oakum, and renders the ship more buoyant. She is coppered even with the gun wales, and upon anew principle.— We"understand she takes but with her a imall machine invented by our ingenious fellow countryman, Mr. Kedhefftjr of Philadelphia, which is expected to combine the Pillowing advantages, vii :—lt will trim the yards, hand and reef the sails, harpoon sharks, pipe all hands to grOg, cook (he captain’s dinner, heave the tog, cut the anchor and tar the rigging. A sumptuous banquet was prepared on board, to which were invited the Mayor and C->r oration, all the clergymen of the city and several “strangers of distinction.” We understand that 2000 extra hands were emm-red to assist in the launc *. At the time’appointed, she glided majestically in fo her destined element. Grace in her steps, Heaven in her eye And all her moti-n, dignity and love ! OXFORD. (N. Y.) May 20. Sinzulnr Truf. A footman, a few days since, Raveling font this village, ani. a f.*w miles from it. came in contact with sevnl young cattle in the public road, and not having a very conscientious idea rfmeumenuum. took them into his pos sesion, drove them directly past the house of their owner and sold them at a short distance further n, put the money in his pocket and escaped. From the Greenfield (N. Y.) Herald, i Interesting Work.—We have partially examined the manuscript sheets ofa work, entitled, of the Military opera tions ir, the Northern Campaign of 1 777 including full details of the battles and skir mishes between the American and British Armies, until the surrender of Gen. Bur g >yne, with remarks, illustrated with plgns of the principal actions.” Tlieau-, ‘hor is Gen. Ep. litity ,of Deerfield. From j our knowledge of his ability to prepare a! work of this kind, we were satisfied that j it could not fail of being coriect, useful arid highly interesting.—But he has ex ceeded our expectations, and has collected and put together, in a neat and per .picu ous manner, a much greater number of ini potant facta and incidents relating to this eventful period of our history, th.mi are to be found in any of the Books that have jet been published. The Montreal Herald relates a mrtan choll y catastrophe in the family of the liev. Asa Meach} who, it is said recently remov ed from Canterbury, Connecticut, to Hull, on Grand,or Ottawa river. Mr. M. had carried part of his family to that place in the winter season, and passed through Mon'real with the remainder on the 20th ult, to join his family, anticipating a happy meeting after his toils:—But dis tressing to relate, on Wednesday the 22t1, as his wife, his second son, and two youngest children were crossing a small creek to make a visit to the fuinily of P. VV right Esq, they were unfor tunately ‘timed over, ami thrown into the River and all drowned. The bodies of Mrs. Meach and the two youngest children were found soon after. Singular fact relative to Leeches. A respectable gentleman of our acquaint ance who had lately occasion for the appli cation of leeches, inconsequence ol a se vere bruise, was assured nf the following Let by the female who attended him on the occasion. Although the detail may be re volting to our feelings, the circumstance deserves to be recorded, as illustrative of the natural history of this singular anim al, Another gentleman had previously employed this woman, who obtains her live lihood by the application of leeches, from whom he purchased eight. Upon viewing the wound for which they v.erc intended, she observed that eight would be qui e enough for iais purpose ;and to her aston ishment, instead of allowing the leeches to suck as usual, until they foil on from repletion, he very deliberately cor their tails off with a pair of scissors ; notwith standing which, they continued to adhere as before, whilst the blood passed through them in an uninterrupted stream. We should not have ventured to state so in gular a phenomenon on any authority, but sue]) na W** nf JfV\o ionable nature ; and we cannot avoid obser ving, in conclusion, that, in the faculty of continuing to extract after their tails are cut oil, the common leech bears no small affinity to some of those state leeches, call ed ministers, who, after retiring from pub lic duty,continue to draw from the public purse the ample means of enjoying otium cum digojtate. London paper. ifeU) Port of Savannah. ARRIVED. Ship Vulcan, Heed, New-York, 6 ds to A Rich anls, consignee. Sloop Enterprise, Brmvnlcll, 1 day fm Beau fort in ballast to I Cohen. Sloop Mary, Munro, Charleston, 1 day, molas ses, coffee, slate &c. to I. Cohen, F. Harrison, : Duhamel and Auzc, O. Taft, Baker and Minton, jC. Bolton, and Butler & Scranton. Pastengert, , Mrs- Campbell, Messrs. Tines, Harrison and I.a j Koche. Came out in co. with brig Angelina, Merritt, for New-Orleans. Steam Boat Commerce, Bowman, fm Hamburg for Charleston, passed here o’clock r. m. on j Wednesday: freight 6SO bales of cotton, with to bacco, flour, CJc. having on 15 passengers so. Sa vannah and 24 for Charleston.—Run aground at Canoc-gut, and lay thereuntil 11 on Monday morning. The Altamalia, Davis, not being able to cr ss that bar, left with tow-boat No 20, cot ton, 3 o’clock on Sunday evening tor Savannah, Passed the Samuel Howard, Talhnadge, on Mon day in Bender’s cut, clearing the river: the Oc mulgee, Sisaard, in long reaches on Tuesday, and the Altamalia on Wednesday morning at Poor-Robin. Sloop Two-Sisters, Wing for New-Bedford, went to sea this day. BALTIMORE, June io.— Ar. brig John T. O. M. Massacott, 10 days fm St. Thomas. Coming through the sail Roc- Passage. Charles Dring, one of the crew belonging to New London lell overboard and was drowned. Sclir. Scott, , from Savannah. Cl’d brig Edward Foster* Atweil, Rotterdam. PHILADELPHIA, June 10.—Arr. ship Hec tor Gillcnder 1 35 ds fni Liverpool Brig Dorcas Binn Ulackstone, 10 ds fm St. Andrews + Schr Svlvia, Nye, 22 ds fm St. Jago. CTd—Ships Unicorn, M’Kowan, Liverpool; Pennsylvania, He wes, Rio Janeiro. . Below.—Ship Tnited Stotes, Lucct, fin Trim dad (Cuba.;) sclir. Pegasus, Taylor, irom Au* Oayes. NEW-YORK, June 10.— Air. brig Gen. Jack- ; son, Tilyon, fm M bile, (May 12) and 25 ,1s fm thn Point. 29th, lat 23 40, came up with part of a fleet of vessels that came out of Havana under convov of the U. S. schr. Shark. Swedish brig Neptunes, ‘ ,a f b ®^’ 7o ‘lf, “?. m Gottenburg. Spo e May 19,41 42, lon 57, ship Alexander, fm N. York for Liverpool. Tune 12.—Arr. ship Citizen, Porter, 9ds from St! Marys. June 3, off Cape Ibttens spoke schr. Tri al!,fm Bermuda, bound to Kdenton NC. Brig Agenoru, Mauran. 9 ils fm Matanzas. Brig Patriot, FairclnU, 16 ds fm Gurrrcoa.- Markets dull and no produce: I orto Bello sai lto (be blockaded by 14 sail of small craft; one Spa 15 ’ isli brig of 20 guns and 1 frigate lying in Curac coa. Cl’d—Ship Washington, Dennison, N Orleans BOSTONr.lune s.—Arr. English brig- Fame Nicolson, 74 ds fin Sunderland. Cl’d ship St. Peter, Hollr.nd, St. Peterslmr brig Syren, Nichols, Gottenburg. June 7 — Ar. brig Hindu, Gardner, 130 ds , Calcutta. I Barrington, JV. S. May 13—A gentleman, who j has just returned fin the Sea Tala'ids, has handed ,us tiie following, which he says he found in a jeatnp: “March 29, the Morning Star, of Boston, I for Halifax, struck on the Soldier’s Ledge, beat over and sunk. The crew landed on one of the Mud Islands, and were taken offby a vessel bound to St. Johns, N. B. April 3.” SALEM, June 7—Ar new brig Sylph, Page, fm Ipswich. Cl’d—Ship Friendship, Meek, South-America. NEW-BFDFORD. June 3.—Ar brig Horatio, Snow. 47 ds fm Itio Janeiro. Sloop Mercy, Bolles, Savannah. NEWPORT, June 6—The aevenue cutter Vi gilant, capt Cnhoone, boorded on the sth inst the schr. Harrhoney, of Barnstable, 121 daysfm N. S. Shetland, with 840 skins, and 90 bis oil bound to Nantucket. The passengers in the COMMERCE, from Hamburg landed at Savan nah,Jtender to capt. Bowman,- and to Mr. Shultz the proprietor, who was on board; their respect ful thanks for their politeness and kind attention. june 20 45 For Charleston , The regular Packet Sloop S&ISK MARY, Brown master— will sail on SUNDAY NEXT.— Fwr height or passage, having handsome ac commodations, apply to capt. Brown on board at Exchange Wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN. june 20 45——c For Nc7C-York, The Regular Packet Ship COTTON PLANT, M Faih matter— will sail on SUNDAY NEXT. For freight or passage, apply on hoa*'d, or to GEO GORDON, june 50 42 c For Darien. The schr. DECATUR, D Truman, master, will sail tomorrow, wind and weather permitting For Freight or passage, having good accommodations. Apply to the master on board at Boltons wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN. june n 0 M 5 NOTICE. ‘ SpHE subscribers will cluse their business on 4A the first July for the siuni- er momlis— persona wishing to furnish themselves with a supply of S OAF AM'D CAM DIES, Will do well to call previous to that time. It is request* and that all demands against the concern may be presented for payment Those indebted will please call and settle the same. L. BALDWIN &. CO. FOE SALE AS ABOVE, 50 bbls. N. E. Rum (Boston) ~ hois tv". i Mackerel Savannah and Northern Candlts No 1,2, and Z Soap Fancy do june 20— -45 Deal Rye high proof Whiskey. A FE W barrels ‘.his superior article just re ill celved from tiie Pensylvania Mountains, by TUFTS Si REED. june 20 d45 Hills on New-York, FOR sale by C. C. GRISWOLD Si CO. june 20 45 Hair Matrasses. a FRESH supply of the above articles which q\ j-pe warranted to be very superior and are particularly recommended as very beneficial to health. For sale by J. W. MORRELL, In Whitaker-stieet, Opposite Col. Shelroahs Mansion House. june 20 45 ■ Piano Fortes. TMIE subscriber has remaining on hand a few Piano Fortes, manufactured by Gibson & Davis —the reputation of which need no com -nenls ; and if not sold in a few days will be re turned to the manufacturers. J. W MORRELL, Whitaker-street, opposite Col. Shelmans Mansion House. inne?o 45 __ For Sale, GiTIWO prime Negro MEN, valuable field 11 hands, will be sold low, if immediate application is made J. B. HERBERT SI CO. june 20 45 Gin ami tamp Oil. 100 bis Mason’s India Point Gin 11 casks SI 10 bis Lamp Oil 5 pipes Holland Gin For sale by BAKER & MtNTON. June 17 s*42 ___ ~ JV. O. and St. Croix Sugar. 10 hhds prime N O Sugars 15 lids do St Croix do J 5 bis do dd For sale by BAKER & MINTON. june 17 542 . NOTICE. rsv URING the absence of the Subscriber <LL/ Messrs. J. B Uurbert SI Cos, are theire a gents THOMPSON & BONNEY. june 17 ni42 New Hooka. tjTfIHE Martyr of Antioch a dramatic poem by IX ‘lie Rev. H. H, Milman, price 50 cts. BRACER RIDGE H ALL. Practical observations on Midwifery by John Uumsbotham. Received and for sale by THOS. LONOWORTH. [Johnston Square. jue 14 4R AUCTIONS By Baker 6j .1 Union, MIS I)AV, 2Uh msl ai i.aii pa.i 10 o’clucL, at their Auction Store A UKKStIAI ASSMir.MtV'l’ Os GROCERIES. 3 pipes Cognac Brandy 2 do Holland Gin 4 IPiils K.O Sng-ir 5 do 4th proof Jamaica Rum 2.5 bbls hroftn Havana Sugar 30 do New-Orleans do 25 do Northern Gin And at ll o’clock, in Store, A-- *SOHT!KSiT or DRY GOODS . 2 cases Nuns Threads 1 do white Russia Drills 1 bale black Hnmhazetts 2 cases black Italian Sewing Silk 1 do Duck Fdntalobiis 1 do blue Nankeens june 20 45 TIUS DAY, the 20th inst. at 11 o’clcok Will be sold before our store, One pair Carriage Horses. jurie 19th 45 By John Shirk Jr. TOMORROW, v\ t instant, at 11 o’clock.’ will be sold in front of his Auction Kooiri, No 2, Commerce Row, a g .ncra', assortment of Liquorß & Groceries. 3 pipes Hollnnd Gin , •5 do Domestic Brandy 1 hhd N E Rum j 20 bbls very superior Gin 75 reams Wrapping Paper 30 bbls first quality Sugar 20 fn kins good Butter 30 bbls Philadelphia Beer 60 hampers Irish Potatoes 50 Windsor Chains 10 kegs Cordial—various kinds . 50 whole and half boxes Soap 20 boxes Raisins 20 boxes Candles, 4s 5s and Ss 400 boles Table Salt 15 do Chocolate No.l 1200 wt Bacon, £cc. Ac. ALSO 1 Gig and Harness X excellent Saddle Horse june 20 45 By Georgeh Schley, ON FRIDAY, 21 inst. at 11 o’clock. Will be sold at his store suxtinr ARTICLES OE MERCHANDIZE. —ALSO— j t Gigatid Harness nearly new and ofgood quality 2 Horses, one accustomed to Harness the other to the Saddle, june 19 45 Jly J. It. Herbert s Cos. On SATURDAY next, 22dinst. will be sold at Bolton’s upper Wharf, at 11 o'clock, FOUR HOUSE FRAMES, Ready for putting up, of the following dimen sioro, two 20 bv 30 feet, ■ 18 hv 28 and on 16 ;by24 ; they can be examined any (lav ‘ efore the day of sale, at Holton’* upper wharf Per seus desirous of building will find it tlieir inter est to attend the sale. Terms, a credit tilltfre first of next January far approved indorsed tes june 20 45 c7c Grihold & Cos. j Taylor's Building's, dFFEI JIO OR SALE: i9 casks Shot sizes 34 kegs superior qradity 29 bundles Hat* 7 18 casks Rose*’ ils 1 elegant Gi; plated Harness A few firkinaf. ashen Butter june 8 /= i — —— . a— Tellr & Van Voorhis j - Market Square ‘.. OFFER FOR SALE 40 bbls of N Gin j 15 firkins Goshen Butter 2 pipes cognac Brandy f 3 hhds of Jam, Rum —ALSO— A general assortment of domestic Goods • Groceries june 7 035 Happiness, A TALE for the grave and the gay, j, v *(, author of * No Fiction/* 2 ve’ jg. j ugt received, for sale by THOS. LONGV.voRTfi may 13 a** o** 0 ** aafr by hhdi ’ prime rctaili ’ ,ff ‘Aolasses. 80, LAWRENCE & THOMPSON, june 11 m* * 250 bis Whishey “ 200 kegs Lard 30,000 pounds Bacon Now landing and for sale bv .. LAWRENCE & THOMPSON, june 12 tS9 Notice. JJS hereby giv’- n to defaulters, who hare been u ne “ ** ”. Regimental Court of Enquiry held °f t |p e an d sth inst. for default at the drill ot Vicers on the 20th and parade on the 2lst of May—that executions will Issue on the 15th inst In the interim their fines will be receiv ed, snd costa will be saved to them. WM. BELCHER, juneli 37 Clk. lat.Hegt. G. M. Situation Wanted. BY a gentleman, either in an Apothecary Store, or in any other avocation that would give him support during the summer. Res pectable references (if required) can be given. A line addressed to E. C- and left at this office, will indiscriminately and peremptorily be at tended to. June 19 44