The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 24, 1822, Image 2

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THE MUSEUM. ■ ■'*■ -ii ——— ■■ , Fiom Bracebridge Hall, byWashiugt'n Jr vine. THE STOiiM SHIP. Tn'thf* goiHcn aga'-of the province of the New Netherlands, when it was under the Bwsty *>t Van Twiller, otherwise calied .Walter *he Doubter, the people of ti*e Maiihattoes were alarmed, one sultry afternoon, just about tue time of the sum mer solstice, by a tremendous storm <>t thunder and lightning. The rain descend ed iu such torrents as absolutely to spatter up and smoke along the grouo . It seem c and as if toe-thunder rattled and roared over ti.e very roofs of the houses. The lightning was seen to play about the church of St. has, and to strive three times in vain, to strike its weather-cock. Garret v un H. rue’s new chimney was split almost from top to bottom, and Doifue MilJe bergec was struck speechless from his bald taced mare, just as he was riding into town. —ln a word, it was one of those unpara lelled, storms that only happen once within the memory of that venerable per suaage,known in all towns by the appella*- tion of* the oldest inhabitant.” Great was the terror of the good old wo men oft he Manhattoes ; they gathered their children together and took refuge in the cellars, after having hung a shoe outlie iron point of every bed post, lest they should attract the lightning. At length the storm abated ; the thunder sunk into a growl and the setting sun breaking from under the fringed borders of the clouds, made the broad bosom of the bay to gleam like a sea of molten gold. The word Was given from the fort that a ship was standing up the bay. It passed fro n mouth to mouth, and street to street, & soon put the little capital in a bustle. — The arrival of a ship, in tlmseearly times of tiie settlement, was an event of vast impor tance to tiie inhabitants. It brought them news from the old world, from the land ot their birth, from which they- were so com pletely severed. To the yearly ship, too, they loose dfor their supplies of luxuries, i*f liner/, of to iaforts, and almost if necea saries. The good vrouw could not have her new cap, nor new gown, until ihe ani val of the ship ; the artist waited for it for his'tmU; the burgomaster for his pipe ami pupply of Muiluods ; the school b"y for iiis top and marbles; and the lordly I Midholder for tha br cks with which lie was to build his new mansion. Thus every one, rich and poor, great and small looked o il. for tiie arrival of “ The snip,” It was the great yearly event of the town of New Am sterdam; and from one end of the year to the other, the ship—the ship—was the Continual topic of con variation. The news from the fort, therefore, brought ail the populace down to the batte ry, to fie mid tiie wished for sight. It was not exactly tile time when she had been expected to arrive and the circumstance Was a matter of some speculation, Many were the groups collected about the batte ry. Here and there might be seen a bur gomaster of slow and pompous gravity, giving his opinion with great confidence,! to a crowd of old women and idle boys.— ‘ At another place was a knot of old weather; beaten fellows, win Ind been seamen or! fishermen in their times, and were great authorities on such occasions ; these gave different opinions, -and caused great dis putes among their several adherents. Hut t!;e in an m.jt looked up to, and followed, and watched oy the crowd was Haris Van ifeit, a i old D itch sea captain retired from service, the nioucul oracle of the place.— He reconnoiiered die ship through an an cient telescope, covered with tarry canvas, hummed a Dutch tune to himself, and said nothing—hum, however, from Hans Van It od a.ways more weight with the public than a speech from another man. In the mean tune the ship became more distinct to the naked eye. She was a stout, round, Dutch budt vessel, with high bow j and poops and bearing Dutch colours. The evenin',; sun gilded fi-fr bellying canvas, as she came riding over the long waving bil lows. T.te sentinel who had given notice nf her approach declared, that he first gm <si*hl of he’ when she was in the centre ofj t'ia bay ; nud that she broke suddenly up- ; on hil sight, just us if she had come out of tiie bosom of the black thunder cloud.! The by-slanders looked ut flans Van Holt j tii see” what.Us w.*ild my to his report, —. Hans Van Pelt screwed Ids mouth close# together ami said nothing ; upon which m me shook their heads, and others shrug ed their sh. uldcrs. The shin was now repeatedly hailed, but made no reply, and passingly the fort, stood on up the Hudson. A gun wa. broueht to bear on her. anJ, with some dif ficulty loaded and fired by Halts Van Pelt, the g m'is.M not being expert iu a tiller/, Tim shut seemed absolutely to pass th-cugb tho ship, and to skip along the water on die m'ler side, bit no notice was taken of it. Wnat was strange she had all her sails set, and sailed right against wi: and and tide, which were both down Ihe river. Upon this Hans Van Pelt, who was like wile’ hi tin r master, ordered hit boat, and set off to board her : but after rowing two or three hours he returned without success. Sometimes ho w-old get witnin one or two; hundred varth of her, and then, io a twink ling, she would be half a mile off. Some taid ft was bi 4 ea?i3e his oarsmen who were rather horsy X s’-ort winded, -topped eve ,a then to take breath. & spit on their hands ; W tKis.'it is probable, was a mere scandal. He gut near enough .however, to see the crew, who were all dressed the Dutch style ; the officers in doublets and high hats and feathers. Not awo and was spoken lv any one on board ; they stood a9 motionless as so many statues ; and the ship seemed is if left to their own govern ment. Thus she kept on, away up the ri ver, lessening and lessening in the evening sunshine, until she faded from sight, like a little white cloud, melting away in a sum mer sky. The appearance of this ship threw the governor into one of the deepest doubts that ever beset him in the whole course of his administration. Fears were entertained for the security of the infant settlements on the river, lest this might be an enemy’s ship in disguise sent to take possession. The governor called together his counsel repeatedly to assist him with their conjec tures. He sat ia his chair of state, built of timber from the sacred forest of the Hague ; and smoked his long jasmin pipe ; and lis tened to aii that his counsellors had to say, on a subject about which they knew noth ing; but in spite of all the conjecturing of the sagest ami oldest heads, the governor still continued to doubt. Messengers were despatched to different places on the river; thry returned without any tidings; the ship had made no port.— Day after day, and week after week elap sed, but she never returned down the Hud son. As, however, the council seemed so licitous for intelligence, they soon he ! it in abundance. The captains of the vJHjs seldom arrived without bringing soifcffe port of having seen the strange ship, at dif ferent parts of the river.’ Sometimes neai the Pallisadoes; sometimes off Grotton point; and sometimes in the Highlands; but she wa9 never reported as having been seen above the Highlands. The crews of the sloops, it is true, generally differed among themselves in their accounts of these ap paritions; but that may have arisen from the uncertain situations /n which they saw her. Sometimes it was by flashes of a thun der storm, lighting up a pitchy night, and giving glimpses of her careering across Tappaan Zne, or the wide waste of Ilaver straw Bay. At one moment she would ap pear close upon them, as if likely to run them down; and would throw them into great bustle and alarm, when the nest flash wobld show her off; always sailing against the wind. .Sometimes in quiet moonlight nights, she would be seen under some high bluff of the Highlands, all in deepshadow, excepting her top-sails glittering in the moon-beams, By the time however that tiie voyagers would reach the place, there would be no ship to be seen; and when they had passed on for s-oine distance, anil look ed back, behold! thare she was again, with her topsails in the moon-shine! Her appear ance was always just after, or just before, or just in tiie midst ot unruly weather; rind she was known by all the skippers and voy agers of the Hudson by the uume of “the storm ship.” These reports perplexed the governor and Ills council more than eve ; and it would be endless to repeat the conjectures and opinions that were uttered on tee sub ject. Some quoted cases in point of ships seen ofl‘ the coast of New-Engiand naviga j ted by witches and goblins. Old Hans Van Felt, who had been inure than once to the D itch colony at the Cape of (food Hope insisted that this must be the Flying Dutchman, which had so long haunted Ta ble Bit', but being unable to make port, had now sought ahotlivr harbor. Oliit‘l3 suggested that, if it really was a superna tural apportion as there was eve* v natural reason to believe, it might he Hendrick Hudson and his crew of the Half Moon who it was well known had once run aground in the upper part of the river, in seeking a northwest passage to China.— This opinion had very little weight wiiu the governorjhut it passed current nutof doors. hat! already been reported that Hendrick Hudson ami his crew haunted the Kaatskill Mountain; and it appeared very reasonable to suppose that this ship | might infest the river where the enterprise was baffled—or that it might bear the sha dowy crew to their periodical revels in the mountain. Oilier events occurred to occupy the thoughts ami doubts of the sage Woutei and his council, and the t?torm Ship ceas ed to be a subj.’ct of deliberation at the board. It continued, however, to be a mat ter of popular belief and marvellous anec dote throughout the whole time of tire Dutch government; ar.d particularly just before the capture of N*-iv Amsterdam, and the stjbjugalion of (he province by the English squadron. About that tidie the Storm Ship was rgpeadtedly seen in the Tappaan Zoe, about We'ehawk, and even as far down as Hoboken, and her appearance was suppos ed to be ominous of the Approaching squall in public a flairs, and the downfall of Dutch domination. Since that time we have no authentic ac counts of her, though it is said she still haunts the Highlands, and cruises about Point no-Point. People who live along the river, insist that they sometimes see her in summer moon-light; and that in a deep, still midnight, they have heard the chant of her crew, as if heaving the lead; but signs anil sounds ore so deceptive along the moun tainous shores, and about the wide bays and long reaches of this great river, that Icon s fess S have very strong doubts upon the, subject. Ualm of Qjiiln, FRF.SH wipplv just received by the ship Augusta, and fur sale bv I FRANCIS J. LAY- j I John Luthrop Cos. Hunter’s Wharf. OFFER FOR SALE, 4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn 100 bundles Hay 40 hhds. prime Muscovado Sugar 75 bbls best double refined do j 50 pieces Inverness Colton Bagging 50 kegs Larcl SO bbls. prime Beef, New-York Inspect.on 10 birds. 3d proof Neutral Rum 10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards 3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeira Wine 30 bbls. Glauber Salts 100 boxes No. 10 and 12, Window Glass .June 1 30 Lemons fy Mackerel. 40 boxes fresh Lemons SO bbls No 1 Mackerel 30 hlfdo do itist landed and for sale bv NEWMAN ft BLAIR Moore’s Wharf. june 14 _e4o Uncoil, Corn, §c. 30,000 pounds assorted Bacon - 60'J husliels Corn 100,000 American Segars Now landing from sloop Resolution and for sale by I’ALMES & ROE. june 14 dlO Real Rye high proof Whiskey. 4 FEW barrels this superior article just re xjl ceived from the Pensylvania Mountains,bv ‘1 UFTS ft REED. “ june 20- r!45 Hair Matrasses. AFRESH supply of the above articles which arc warranted to be very superior and are particularly recommended as very beneficial to health. For sale by J. W. MORRELL, In VVhitaker-ftaeet, opposite Col. Shelmaiu Mansion House, june2o 45 Piano Fortes. /EMIE subscriber has remaining on hand a fe v I’iano Fortes, manufactured by Gibson $r Davis —the reputation of which need no com ments ; soil if not sold in a few days will be re turned to the manufacturers. J. W. MORRELL, Whitaker street, opposite Col. bhelirmns Mansion House, june 20 45 Fo r Sale, QTpWO prime Negro MEN. valuable field 4S. hands, will be sold low, if immediate application is made J. B. HERBERT & CO. june 20 45 JV. O. and St. Croix Sugar. 10 hhds prime N O Sugars 15 hds do St Croix do $5 bis do do For sale by BAKER N MINTON. June 17 542 Mackerel § Herring, 1- 0 barrels No 3 M .ckcrH 200 boxes liigby Herring Landing from sloop Income, and for spit by A MORGAN june 14 tdtO Dearborn's Patent Balances, OF all sizes, constantly for sale bv T C HAYWARD novlo 9 MOLASSES. 100 hhds. prime retailing molasses. For sale by LAWRENCE R THOMPSON, june 11 atj Gin oml Lamp Oil. 100 bis Mason’s India Point Gin 11 casks ij 10 Ills Lamp Oil 5 pipes Holland Gin For sale bv BAKER & MINTON. june 17 5?;42 Bills on JVciv-York, TSOII sale bv C. C. GRISWOLD & CO. june 20 45 Happiness, TALF. for the grave mid the gay, by the v&Jbv author of “ No Fiction,” 2 rois. Just received, fur sale by ’ THOS. LONGWORTH, Julmsoit’s Square, may 13 13 .Merc Books. QTMIE Martyr->f Antioch a dramatic poem by ii the Rev. H. IL Milman, price 50 cts. ItItACKIIUIDGE HALL. Practical observations ou Midwifery by John Ramsbotbars. Received and for sale by THOS. LONGWORTH. Johnston fequare. juc It- 40 DRY GOODS. ‘• TjUST received by the Augusta, a fresh sup ] ply of the following articles. Parasols and Umbrellas, assorted . Irish Linens and Sheetings , Domestic Plaids and Shirtings Plaid Silks and Brilliantenes j India Satins and Levantines Crape Robes and Shawls ; 5 4 Bombazeen and Nankin Crape i Jaconet, Carr.bvic and mull Muslin j Brown Linens and Irish Diaper Drillings and Dowlas, &C. For sale by WM. INGLES ft CO. june 15 41 h Holland Gin. pipes Holland Gin, landing from brig ! Jw Abcoii*, andfor sa'e bv V. WILLIAMS fc CO. k Sugar, Coffee, &c. SEVERAL lots of New-Orleans Sugar* on** of which is very superior 14 bbls St. Domingo Coffee A few boxes fresh white Wine simi lar to Champaigtie For sale by J. ft C. BOLTON. june 22 ni47 SAMUEL 8'i;)2)!)T:?;7 Taylor’s Wharf, offers for sale, 3 hhds high proof, warranted Jam. Rum 9 de 2d and 3d proof St. Croix liuro 20 .boxes Sperm Candles 32 do bunch Muscatel Raisins 50 do No. 1, Chocolate / 22 half boxes do 15 bbls Cherry and Rose Cordials 30 kegs spiced Salmon, and 18 firkins fresh Goshen Butter, for family use june 22 i47 Superior Soda Porcders. few dozen of fresh Soda Powders, put uTA up in the best manner-in portable tin box es. equal to any in this city, and warranted to keep in ail climates. For sale low. ALSO, A fresh supply of Sc,lutz Powders, and Lynch anil Clark’s Soda Powders, direct from his manufactory, New -York, to he had at FRANCIS 3. I.AY’S Drug Store, corner of Congress and Whita kar-sts. Shadd’s Building’s Savannah, june2l 47 Mackerel. (py'jlst'FA bbls. Mackerel, No. 3 F or tlt !e by JAMES CONROY, Anderson’s Wharf. june 22 47 For Sale. 11/'fjV'RV'FA bushels white flint CORN, on ‘Xir board the brig Abeona—apply to lire Captain at Andersons wharf, or to E. WILLIAMS CO. june 20 46 Drafts on Charleston and NEVV-YOUK, at short sight For sale bv A. L. MOLYSAUX. june 21 Sir Andrew Wylie, of that Ilk, liy the Author of ‘-Annals cf tiie Parish” 2 vols, Just received and for saie by THOMAS LONG WORT 11. Johnston’s Square junelß 45 Notice. \UGUSTUS CORNWALL will Lave in state on the 20th hist, for a few n omhs previous to which a I persons having demand will present them, a* .1 all indebted are re quested to make immediate settlement, jure 13 23 Day and Corn. 50 bundles Hay landing from sloop Income IX STOZE 3000 bushels prime wh te Maryland Corn, lb, srle by. HALL U HOYT. june 14 40 P. McDermott, receved by tiie Ship Augus a !Vam New x-a-3 York. 12 half bbls. of beef. Put up ex presly for family use. june—i4l Earthenware bird* china ware selected particularly this market, just received per ship Emily and tor sale by JOHN LATHROP& june 6 33 Corn Afloat. 3000 bushels corn, Cargo of schr, Hamilton and Hiram. For sale bv june 14 JOHN LATHROP & CO. Hills oil Mew-York and Phila delphia, JJS4OR sale by T ‘ JOHNSTON & HILLS, jtine 19 h 44 Corn Afloat. 33|5?lTYTi bushals Baltimore CORN f or sale in lots to suit purchasers. Ap ply to PALMES St ROE. IS STOTIE. 15 lihds prime retailing 1 Tobacco June 19 4h 45 Cheese, Molasses, &c. I7INGLISH pine apple Cheese „! 10 hhds and 20 tierces Molasses 3000 pounds Hams 1500 do Newbolds do i‘oo begs Lard 5 pipes Cognac Tlrandv, (Scignette) 30 boxes white Havana Sugar 100 bblsprime Muscovado do 15 i* casks L. P, Teneriife Wine 10 111 Is Jamaica Ruin 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins Summer C indies, Soap, Crackers Rutter Biscuit, prime lleef, mess do Mess l’ork,rod & complete assortment of Groceries, by GAUDRY & DUEAURE. June 19 c 44 Tor Sale. The subscribers offer for sale, received by the Thomas Fowler, and other arrivals— -15- bundles prime //ay 50 boxes Cod Fish 50 bhls. Mackerel No. 2, 25 bbls. Reef 20 Pork 100 boxes Soap and Candles, from John Winsley’s Factory, Boston And a few ton Stone Ballast LEVISTON & CANDLER, ue 250 bis Whiskey 200 kegs Lard 30,000 pounds Bacon Now landing and for sale by LAWRENCE k THOMPSON, junc 12 c 39 {£pTlie sliip Three Sisters James Bell master, for Greenock, can stdi t I ’ tUO bales Cotton on freight if early apujikt on is made to tire master on board, or to’ ‘ 8 j - , 0 ~ JU. REID ft CO. june 19 44 lor Boston. ~ *“ Jj(M> The brig ABKOXA, T. Foster. Vt; JKZ-8& saii on the Ist of July next. Ft.r freiti? or passage, apply to the Captain on board'l, Andersons wharf, cr to ’ 1 E. WILLIAMS So CO june 21 46 | for Liverpool, ~~ Ship VALI AS, La fit. Land —has one half of her cargo re-.’., aurl now taking on board. She will |, e patched without delay—for freight, apply - u0 Wood, or JAMES DICKSON (j CO june 15 41 For Alexandria, Ora Fortin the Chesapeake. The j .'d* fast sailing schr HAMILTON aid j HIRAM, Capt. Turpin, for freight or paisM* l hawing excellent accommodations, applvtii 1 board at Ancicaux’s! wharf cr to JOHN LATHROI’& Cos. june 14 40 f r _. Passage far JY*. York. ; The fast sailing regular Packet I ‘-YliA'i Ship'GENERAL CARRINGTON, Thomas Wood r.unter— will sail on TUESDAY NEXT. For passage, having superior accon j modations, apply to capt. W. on board, at Junes* ! upper wharf, or to BALI, & HOYT. june 22 47i Hoots and Shoes. JOTIN B. W ICK, lias just ! t'ccivcd 1 trunk gentlemens’ fine morocco Boots . 1 do • do wax calf do 1 da cheap copper nail <j 0 1 do wooden pegs do I do fine morocco walking pumps 1 do fine Seal Skin do 1 do gentlemens’ calfskin slices 1 do do Seal 1 do Ladies black damask Sattin figured 1 do do colored cio do The above goods have been made to order and can be confidently recommended to be equal to any in this city, june 13 no 4-5 Landing from brig Almira^ j 451 bags Sugars, of a superior quality j 1/ hhds Muscovado do ! 40 r ises fresh London Mustard 3 pipes i’thrd FHipey St Cos. Brandy For sale by LAWRENCE & THOMPSON, may 29 27. n f Coffee Sugar 300 B ig* prime green Coffee .50 hhds do N. O. Sugar 50 do do Aiu. do For sale bv E. WILLIAMS & Cos. June IT 42 CHIME PORK, 37 Barrels Prime Perk, New York city in spection landing from Brig Native, ALSO, A few cask Linseed Oil for sale by ISAAC COHEN. Jnue 17 c 11 lieumatism Cured. JU~T received a fresh supply of that justly celebrated Dr. P E. Braiidins genuir.c Anti Rheumatic Salve, for all rheumatic affections. The above highly esteemed medicine stands preeminent—its superior efficacy has been at- CtsL and to by a number of very respectable per sons, who hate been laboring under that dis tressing di-.ease. It is. now offered for sale di rect from the patentee bv FRANCIS J. LAY, Druggist, sole Agent, corner of Congress and W hitaker streets, Savannah, june 22 47 MOTIVE. ‘3 HIE undersigned have disposed of their ■* Stock in Trade, corner of Jefferson and Statc-st. to 11. Champion. All persons having demands will please present the same, and a ! those indebted are earnestly requested to set tle their respective accounts. —They have at their Store, south sijje Market Square, a gen eral assortment of CHOICE GROCERIES, Together with nnv coons, & c . &c. Being thankful for past favours, they solicit from their friends and the public a continuance of the same. A. & J. CHAMPION. June 21 1.5-17 Walt & Smets HAVE removed to Pooler’s Dock, recently occupied by Messrs. Brown Si Overstreet, where they continue the Lumber, Factorage and Commission Business, jane 20 h 46 MO TICE. 4 id ME subscribers will close their business on iJL the first July for the sumr er months— persons wishing to furnish themselves with a supply of S/up Jt.YB CJMiLES, Will do well to call previous to that time. It is request; and that all demands against the concern may he presented for payment.- — Those indebted will please call and settle the same. L. BALDWIN’S; CO. FOR SALE AS A ROVE, 50 bb's. N. E. Ruin (Boston) bbls. No. t Mackerel Savannah and Northern Candlis^ No. 1,2, and 3 Soap Fancy do june 20——45 Shot and Bar Lead. 48 casks Shot, assorted Irom mould to No, 9. 10 casks Bar Lead, landing from ship Geor* gia, for sale b.v LAWRENCE if THOMPSON. mey Cl t> “ , ~