The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 24, 1822, Image 3

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’ ftafeannat): MO.KD IV MORN IMG June, 24. c cidtnl. —A gentleman who lodges at Col. Jman's Mansion House, fell from the third window on Saturday night last, and altho’ •h injured, yet no bone was fractured, ad accident proved much less serious than ht have, been apprehended. it appears he had risen from his bed, and seated him ;n the window to enjoy the refreshing ze and in that situation h* had fallen asleep ras precipitated to the ground from a height bout 40 feet. _ FROM OUll COTiKESPO\D:;XTS. . of the Charleston Courier, City Gazette, and. Mercury, June 2l— noon FROM HAVANA. ■ the schooner Mechanic, riant. Maflett, ar ed tills morning in 6 days t'r ,m Havana, re received from our Correspondent., papers ihe ICth inst. Piracy , “is still in the full tide of success experiment,” on the coast of Cuba ‘ The ■nchbrig Clnu'l-riinlla.-.n.e, from ItUrr, and British brig Hebe front London, have a-ri iat Havana, after having br.en robin and of their ire cargoes, by three jiraUvsl cru.c* s, off rar Key- . erbal accounts ny the >i chantc, represent >interior of Cuba to 1. .• far from quiet—the *1 extravagant rumors w, re daily po. it: c r iation, but it was l.ecesssrv to envoi tain ll:em tli much caulioh j trilhuujjh it wa-evident •y were not entirety destitute ot f. unebttion. jur Havana paoers'j contion a translation of ; correspondence between l,e Spanish Min er t Washington, aiili lile Won. Jfhn Q tiucy l!M, Secretary of Stave, on the ackuowl. ct-meut by the tfr.ited Stales, of the Jude ndence of vile Spa ish American Provinces. Ihc enti-e regimen’ of < ‘alalopia, left Ha a oa the tdh lust udder convoy of a Spanish rate, for the relief of the tort ol St J-.a.t de h wl.iJ.i comma-ids the city of Mexico, and o which t . ‘ H yahsts retired when the re iniU . e . Hit V Macedonian, had sailed from uus .oat if days before the Mechanic ,eU S. iuig Enterprise, Lieu” Kearney, w anchor off the. Mere, when she came out be late news at Havana horn Old Spain. jj juom cur cork <spo.\’disnt. (Jfi; e of the lloziun .iaveriiter, ) Monday June 10. 5 Wehavebeen Obligingly iui . Mvd by a gcn unu who arrived it: the brig IV-ruer, Icatt*. with the folic wi s, mercantile int .-rma in \ few cftlw particulars hc been .:n ----ipiteii o* oilier arrivals. “The notice of suco u large exportation of icie in Europe, trill n.> doubt be c>,.st Sing to m prtifonn i statesmen among us, who have en apprehending so many evil con -tq tences ns the gieat dr on oi’ the precious metals, mi the a estern 10 the eastern worid I lie rrent has noiv sc.. the oilier way. 1 ins is thine new, however, foi trom 1810 to 1313, len silver was high ii* England, and so ich wanted Foe mi: sidics. payment ot'troops the continent, .a.c.—the exportations ot ver coin and both from ill. Trait til :> and China, f-*r England iv.-e very large ; obaoly during die whole f t that period, not s than 15 IctsO millions of dollars ” Current at CuicutUi, lab 14.—Sugar, it Uenares, none ; u - - jr'-od, Ui epuvity, 812 I,per matim! sdo ordu.ari, li; Sai’petre, Ist ility, 5 I’d #6 4 ; do. id do 4 8 a 5 ; Cotton, ewedfor shipping, , Ba;J 8- crop i-a> her ’imlant, and price talhng—s..'iie so.mi liii;;- lilts had been m<? to t, gtr /.d, and more uldMutv * the event o’ it fibinr in Cal tUor advancing id K giaaa. rite prices i; lisa Were too tow i;■ admit o* o.- being scat thaiquartet I'm* G. 2. 1-in 14 oe-.r (V ib j tree and vTSmted’by ’heE. 1 Coin'any ; i'k tee goods,liigit; lrt*go, m>M ma-ket; . good, 2d quality. 25’i \ 263 po .. acral, vo y lie in market; do. mi idiiog aid v ; 5 to 240; do. very-inferior, l!>s a 2<i:. pfn i:d part oi the crop stopped ; >t -n Vie. t lods, scarce and high—the mamriac -.rcr hi ig nearly ceased malting Huai - . Fore:,. .?. n ie finer cottcu fabric-. hav- ieen I->r sou .- ars underooldfoy Britisu ii.aoiii’ cures—ti.e portalion cjH/fach uuo 1 ‘airnUa f..r 1821 56 packages,iiod prnt.nb’.v I. 4is it rich H'eintothe oth;r PreFJercies —sc- log upon 6 average, at a very fair profit i'iio cm ftp lion ofthis article ss well aa British tV d * and metals, is'.increasii’g rapidly in fin ha and the neighboring colonries. I'e give a ii- v nil facilities to this trade, he (lave:n il’ Gen llliaddespatclied{MGraft; vd <. a mission Siaiii and Cochin China, to eo ibii-h more innate and friendlv relations with those cotia es. Opinhi, sa. rs. 43W> per cites’, no do. ind at this price, as i;. wa. expected to gj ver atthe company's sale, w hich wou’d ‘alee iteon the Ist March— he. crop had Fa‘ieu #rt oflhe usual rjuantit) ■ ot 550 ettes’s Us on London, 21a 2 2 per sa. rupee; Com n.v’s 6 per cent, loans, 13 <o 18 premium; lerest oFMoney on personal sccurits, 4 *.ii 5 tcent; do. do on deposits ofC. mpany’s pu ri_4do per ann ; Dollars, Spanisn, 2u6 4 j.t r idO. The import into Calcutta of gold ?n ! ter coin and bullion Fir 1821, was sa. rs. 21, 1)076, equal to Spanish Dollars, 10.311,207, ls “ Company had shipped from Bengal lor ‘gland, in silver coin and bullion, ra. rs. 10,000, *> “early Five millions of Spanish Dollars, and Hfartls of two millions of dollars from the ler Presidencies. Some rent ttances had also en iijiile on private account. The difficulty in finding remittable articles England, had induced several l:i v ge ships to to Sumatra anil Penang, to load with Pepper England— large orders Pail been sent down lava to purchase Coffee of the coming crop, the nterebants of Calcutta. A ship had been despatched by the Bengal t'ernmentin search of a supposed Rock in e Bay of Bengal, the “Bale Cotton Rock,” e existence of which has been doubted by my, but nothing hud been heard from her. a ’ul l)ogs. —A scricua accident took a "e yesterday, in Btoadway, near the corner brand street, in cn,nseque:c<- of the freedom he city enjoyed by the swinish multitude young lady, genteely dressed, was crossing •Street, When a dog started a large hog. ’ch ran up behind her, and threw tip her I_, sot)iat her fiend struck the curb-stone, en^"T r P en - several inches. She wits ta , “ a neighboring gentlema;;* i tv ? ,: >y senseless for m-at'twolhcurs; but re Mtontion was kindly paid tO-flei* wr j to state that she will pro’ nuly recov- ■ Eirfc Cqmmertial JUh'iriist” J'.snt 13. WASHINGTON. June 14. The Commissioners for the adjustment of claims under the Florida treaty, met on the j Ith inst. the day to which they had adjourned on the 11th of March last. M White and Mr. Tazewell only being pre ent, they adjourned, without entering ini •usiness, until Wednesday, when t! , an. *! of the third Commissioner, Mi . Kin completed the Board. Having fixed ti the hour of meeting at ten o’clock, the Board then adjourned. Ort Thursday they proceeded to dispose of the new memorials, which had been filed in pursuance of their last or ders, the number of which, we understand, considerable exceeds five hundred, thus makingthe whole number of memorials filed mors than sixteen hundred. The ex luninatio'i of the new nismurials will proba bly occupy the Board fur three Weeks or a month ; whether they will eiucr upon any otherdivisioi) of their labors at the expira tion of flint lime, or allow further time to the clai n ita's, by adjournment to some hurt erday, is not y ~i known. We appre hend, bowi*ver, that, as the mere reception or rejection of memorials forms but the smallest part of ther laborious duties, they ; will fnd thamselvecompelled very aoon to shut the and uir against nil procrastinators, and proceed to the evaluation of the vo luminous documents in support of the se veral claims. Intel. Boston. June 10. No other intelligence hss been received by the Ship Pack-.*, from Canton, which vessel sailed from Whampoa, on the Bth of j February last, than that the difficulties be-! tween the Chinese authorities and the Brit j .sh Supercargoes stiil continued unsettled. Bart of the Company Ships hud left the river. A deputation of the Hong Mer chants had been down three different times to the British fleet to treat with the Super cargoes, without success, and they intend-; ed to prtweed a fourth time. The British merchants we understand: place the dispute on the ground, that the! evil complained of was done bv a Govern- 1 rnent officer, who is beyond their authority ! or cpntrouj, for which, as a trading compa ny, they are riot and cannot be responsible.! They thereto! e refer the Chinese Govern- i inent to tiic Iving of Great Britain for re- j dress. In the tneafi time before they can ieturn to Cantoh, limy requite, as a per sonal security, that the Vice-Roy should, under his own hand, grant them full pto-j lection from annoyance,on account ot the; alleged infraction of the municipal laws of the country. It is supposed the Governor ofCanton will finally yield to the condition offered by the B: itisli Supercargoes. Cape. Uomttin. —lf appears to ojccife stir puse at some places iri the North, that the I \\ intltnill at this place it not ilpgfrnycd. It is rather more surprising that the United .States have never turned their attention to the subject at all. _lt should be known that a mark of -mme kind is absolutely r ecessa ry on so difiicuit and tlangerous a coast.— N w tdestroy tile Windmill vvuultl be to dt stray, to a ceitain degree, the means o| ■iecu- ity To allow it to remain, however, the skeleton of a mill, without any wings, would hit to confirm the i 1!u• io• •by which it is ofteu taken For ilie Charleston Light* House. The Legislature of this state, therefore, with a proper regard for the lives of our citizens engaged in commerce, ordered a cross ‘n ba placed upon the mill, which we understand will spenlily be > f feek'd. Cli r. Courier 21. st. COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT. We have been politely favored by Messrs. 11.-.zekiah Cluggct if Sun, agents for the under , writers at Lloyd’s, with the following very inter esting particulars relative to particular average, which we hasten to publish for the information , of those concerned. “Ltoia’s, April 10 1922. “Gentlemen, “l am directed by the committe for man* ’ Affairs of Lloyd’*, to send to you tite annexed recommendation relative to particular Averaga ; which they request you will cuiisiJf. as part of your instruc tions, and give publicity to the same, for the information of the merchants and oth ers concerned at your place. I am, gentlemen, your very humble ser vant, JOHN BENNETT, Jr.l Messrs. 11. CjuAgoet & Son, Baltimore, A* gents for the Underwriters at Lloyd’s. In couaequence of the great increase if claims for particular Average, the Commit tee recommend, that in future/ when an A gent is railed upon to survey damaged j Goods, he should require the presence at !micli survey, of the Master of the Vessel Ib* which they have been imported, who is to sign the Certificate of the damage. That in case ot refusal of the Maslcr to aitentl, or that he be prevented attending, he ii to be informed, that such refusal or alleged cause of prevention, is to be noted by the Agent, which his required to do, upon any Certificate he may grant; and in all Hurts where it is customary to discharge Goods in!o Liththers, or Craft, under the juris diction of the Custom House, or otherwise, the Agent reqiured to ascertain whether the person in charge of auch Lighter, or Craft, has demanded of the Master, or Mate of tb- Vessel discharging, a Certificate of, or himself stiver a receipt expressing any ap parent damage, or defects in the Goods de ffvered over to him and where such proves to b- the case, die Agent is to make a note of .he same upon Ids survey, and procure the original, if practicable, or a copy of such certificate, to accompany tlm W.i --erß he may furnish ; and he is further desi- l rpf t t ., aiOridrc and notify. Whether auj.j and what Goods were laden un deers. j j Prices at Havana, Suns .I—Trice; £3 3-4*4 12 1-2; Fiour, (Phil. Balt &c.) 14 a 13; N Or leans, do 13—a large supply on hand, stow sales; Lard, 13 als ; Hams, 14 a 18; Coffee, 22 a23 cts; assorted Sugars declining, and prime par cels selling at 4 a 5 1-2: Whites alone, 6 1-2; Molasses, 5 reals per keg. Exchange on Eng ttd, 16 per cent advance ; on the U. States, 3 es cent advance. Chester, (Penn.) Jure 8. ‘ By the report of Mr. Bucliainian, it np. [•••am that John Smith, late marshal of Pennsylvania, received more than seventy thousand dollars, cf militia fines— all ,il which lie has pocketed; This sum—this enormous sum, lie had in his hands for years without being called upon by the Treasury to pay it over. What has Mr Smith done with this money ?—lias he real ly spent grOjOOt) in seven years ; besides an item of £3OOO lor which he is a defaulte.-, on another account ; and Ail his fees into the bargain? How will the treasury ixon- Crate itself from the. charge of criminal ne gligence or more criminal collusion ? What confidence can the people have in a Depart ment so administered. If such buid faced robberies, & to such an amount, are only brought to light now, after having been committed years ago, have we not reason to fear that there other and grosser bawls ‘behind tiie curtain yet veilt and fiom the pub lic eye I Are there not connected with this busi ness of militia fines, other delinquents, morally as culpable, but who may have pocketed only a li-w thousands, who ought to be exposed? Will the people take op this subject, or, shall we say—Poor fellows, it is a pity to disturb them, it would be hard after bring permitted to make use cf the public money for so many years, now to compel them to refund it! Village Record. WHEELING,(Va.) June t Country Produce. —Since the river open ed in the spring all the wagons that have arrived here with merchandize for the coun try have received back loads We are cre dible informed that at least fifty tons of ginseng, and seventy five tons of hogs iavd have. be (, n sent from this place to Philadel phia and B ;!timore. We ate unable to form my estimate as to ‘he quan ity of oth er produce that has been sent eastward and ‘in boats to New-Orleans, but we think il > tin* balance of trade is net” against us, ir | will not be long s >. j The season thus far has been remarka |b!e line : grain of every kind looks well in ;thi* neighbot hood, and is unusually for [ ward j The steam boat Comot on her way from j Louisville to this place, abut lo miles be* liow (lallipolis, on the 15th nit run against ‘a snag and sunk ; none of her freight was I lost, and not much of it injured. JW w England. —A i English gentleman j lately travelling through New England, ; thus speaks fi’ that s*>c{Ln of the union. | (l 1 ar/ive.d here (Montreal) on the Ist |instant. The country I traveled through, I found well worthy, of seeing. The scen ety in general is very rugged and wild, and the industry and perseverance of the in habitants, conspicuously evinced in their mounting up gradually to the tops of their hills, with their enclosure?and cultivation. The expei tness, particulaily, w ith which they ue the plough, in their rough and rocky mountain#, is very striking, and I think the majority of the counties in O'd England might be tangld many useful les ! sons from vour New England practices, in that respect.” , LAW HE PORT. Si\ and 8:h IKI/iD- JUSTICE CO (JUT. Present— Justice Cunningham. Miller ~) vs Tom pkins. J This was on action for Trover, (o recov er the value of a Goose, l’lie Plaintiff sta , ted and proved that the wifeof the ilelen daut tuck the Goose Irom a vacant lot near the Plaintiff’s house, and carried it home. The next dry the Plaintiff came to Jlhe house of the Defendant, and demanded his Goose, which was in “durance vile.” The Plaintiff identified hi*. Goose, by a private mark on the webb of the fight loot, being the only artificial mark on the Goose, as designated by its forme owner, of whom il ’ was purchased in March last. Ihe Defen dant contended that it w'as his Goose, and had been entiqpd from his llork by a Gan* der of Mr. Ttiylot’s who sold Plaintiff the Goose in March; that in addition to the private mark, a part of the heel was also cut off, a'nd therefore he had only reclaim ed his own property. After the testimony being gone through with, it was proposed th at the I bintiff’s Gander, an J the Defendant’s Gander should be brought into Court, and the Goose also, and to which ever Gander the Goose should attach herself, so should the juclg ment of the Court be, either for i lamtifl or Defendant. , , . The Defendant objected to this experi ment, because the ground o! his action, was the enticement of the Goose by the Gan der, from her original allegiance, and it was natural that the charm’.woulil be equal ly powerful.’ The case was postponed for furiher,consideration; it being a difficult point for lawyers to decide, whether t iej Liser domesticus disposed to he of the j firce natures could be placed in a situation, Lminupromas. I’rior to the final decis-, 1„„ of the case, much black letter learning . ir,• it i9 preMimod. will be displayed. Me ’ shall notice the day of trial. Georgetown, D. C. May 4. Avery novel and highly laughable trial came on in our Circuit Court on Thursday last, Nancy Swann, a lady of colour, whose mighty powers of witch craft made “de black nigers, and do poor mhite trash” tremtrie, was indicted for prac tising in and upon one Peter Belt, in tlie peace !of Gotland the said United States, then anti there being, feloniously, wilfully and of her r ‘ lice aforethought did make an assault, & tha ’ the said Nancy Swann with a contain hot poker ; which she in her right hand then and there held, I wilfully, and of her malice aforethought, did push at:d thrust down the throat of him. the j said Peter Belt; and of her further malice i aforethought, did then and there drench the i said Belt with a certain pungent liquid; and of j her further mahee aforethought, did prick and i stick the said Peter Belt in iiis body, thighs and I legs, with a certain flesh fork, which she in her hands then and there field ; by means of said pushing and thrusting with the hot poker afore said ; and of the said drenching with the. pun gent liquid aforesaid; and of the said pricking land sticking with the flesh fork foresaid, the , said Peter Belt on the said tenth day of January iin the year ot our I.ord one thousand eight liun jdrtd and twenty-two, at the County aforesaid,] j died against the peace and government of the I United Slates. Miss Nancy, if not a weird sister, certainly re-j semblcd those “charmers so closely as to make the likeness very striking, and however scepti cal the learned court and jury might have been with respect t. > her being absolutely a bow fide witch, vve maintain it to be next toimpbssihic for them to look Miss Nancy in the face and die mi believers. Miss Susan Johnson, a very discreet ebony lady of about thirty-five, daughter in law of Peter Belt, deponed that she was present at this celebrated ceremony of fire burn aiul caul dron bubble, and that poor innocent Peter smpi cioned he hud been hurled by Mary Belt, his wife, who according to Mrs. Johnson’s notions was not a “ discrctiwed v/omuti,” and consequently had received sundry chastisements from said Peter Ijelt. Peter it would appear could not gel over the idea, that lady Belt “ drugged bis posset” and was therefore unwilling thas ‘she should minister farther unto him ; either that she could rot do too much for her husband, who had so lovingly beat her for her transgressions, or that being alive, he stood in her way towards a more suita ble match—by which of these two she was in fluenced, it ill becomes us to say; but were it not for that everlasting spirit of charity which pervades us, we should point blank declare that she was actuated by the latter. Be this ns it may however, these two black and secret mid night bags, Nanny Belt and Nanny Swan made j their appearance before Peter; and Nancy ar ! ranged matters for un tricking him—but Peter resisting the medicine to the last, recourse was had to a poker ot about five feet in length, (a spoon being an insufficient lever for Peter’s mouth) and the charmed medicine poured vi et a> mi* into his throat. They found it necessary also to tie Peter’s hands & feet, (he still protest ing,) while Miss Nancy amused herself with the delightful recreation of drilling eyelet holes in Peter’s leg', thighs snd feet, either with a view to let the spell escape, or in her incantations, she might have fancied herself pricking some nice breakfast biscuit. So it v/as, Nancy was so suc cessful, as to drive ofl Peter and spell near about the same time.— All the instruments of torture used were exhibited in court; and Mrs. Johnson the witness, admitted they were the most “ un su nes-'fullest ■weepins she ever seed. W hellvr Nancy had i; jpired the minds cf the lawyers with pity or with fear, least she should practice on them, we cannot pretend to say ; cer tain, however, she hau no lack of advocates ; and while the first two argued thelaw, the latter quo ted the gospel. Yet the jury treated the mat ter with tiie most unbecoming levity; and had not the speech of the gospel attorney been “prick ing, tliursting, and Full of purgent liquid,” God only knows what would have become of Witch Nancy. Verdict, guilty of manslaughter. Metropolitan. Fort of Savannah, ARRIVED. Sloop Cyntheia, Stone, 4 days from Darien, with Cotton to A B Fannin, Si co & T. Buttlcr, Si co CLEARED. Ship Dromo, Pollard, Liverpool, A Law *i co. Our Boston Correspondent Mr. Tvvliff, un der date of June 10, communicates the follow, ing:— Arr sloop Justina, Allen, N. (Means, 20 days. Spoke 20th nit. lat 26 21, 10ng,84 44, brig Hugh Wallace, fin Liverpool fur N. Orleans. Saw same day, steering the same course, an her;#, brig with the letters H. O. in her foretopsail. . Below, sebr Plato, Treadwell, St Milhaels, 40 ds. Brig Gov Carver, Ring, sailed 21j£ for St. Petersburg. Brig Mariner; lienee for Gibraltar, touched the 4th and sailed sameuuy. An Ame rican ship had put into Fayal, and was condemn cd as unseaworthy ; understood she was from Lisbon. CHARLESTON, June 13—noon.—Arrived, sebr- Mechanic, Maffett, Havana, 6 days. \p,y tie sell” Mechanic, arrived at Charleston.] HAVANA, June 1 .—Arrived rchrs. Tartar, Dennett, N. Orleans, 6days, with 52 passengers, which their agent is treating far, but has not ob tained. > •, j live o —Brigs Argo, Tate, Portland, 28days; Want, Niclmls, Teneriffe, 45 days , June 3—Schr Milo, Goodrich, N Orleans, 14 f J.viiff 11— Steam ship Robert Fulton, Barnard On the B'lt a French brig arrived, which was robbed on the 4th of all her cargo, off Sugar Key, together with papers, letters, be.— Ant! on the 9th an English brig called the Hebe, by the same pirates; she was hound here from London.’ The French brig was called the Charl 'Giiilaiime, bound here from Havre. It is sup rosed thev have taken from the two brigs about o>o > ()00 worth bt property. The pirates are three schooners, armed w ith one long brass 12 T> -’Under, and four 6 pourdars, which they took from the Spanish man of war brig which was cast away near that place; they arc manned with about 60 or 70 mtn each, and are said to be June 13.—Arrived big Spright ly Karron, 63 days; Brig Orion, Crotvford, 5 days; Brig Florida, Durrell, of Kennebunk, 20 i Hays- Schr Hope. Lefiis, 9 days; Seer Herald, chalker 2 davs; from Hartford, Ot.*, Schr Au gustus L John, Britton 11 days; schr Maria. Can- Held, 2 days; sloop George-Washmgton, Atwood, 5 davs; sloop Thomas, Allen, 8 days; Schr Atloo, Woodsum, 4 days; from Saco, Onred“Ship Wilham-'l'hompson, Liverpool: West, Antwerp! Caronue, Mott;Savannah. AUCTIONS ■ I’y Valter s-PTa L‘ * s mst -it ‘laif past Jo o’cfa*k lit tiic.A* Auction Btore. Aof.yj?7lAta A e >f>JT>TFN-r n p UROCEtiI fiS. And at U o'clock, in Store, AS A.ssoirrMKTr qr * . Dili GOODS’ ON TCMMJA V, 25 h inst. at 11 o’clock, ut their Auction Store 2 sharps Steam Boat Stock 13 do Planter’* ,do Terms cash. June 24 43 . ity J. IS, Herbert & Cos. the first Tuesday in July next, will he sold !lle i^::Amor3- iWUSein Cil >* betwe ™ AN h (l> I! (} WOM XN, about n*S C i r ! * K 7 0t * a,:<l b .s worked ‘±\ h * U ': tl „ Also > ber child, a BOY, about 3 yfeais old- 1 urns Cash, j'.me 25 47 ...... J’ Herbert, & Cos. •V ill be sold on the first Tue sdayjn July nex I S van 1 !’ l !‘ e t l;oil|t H >ttse, the City n 1 * ‘’-tween the hours of 10 aidS o clock, the totlowxng property, sold tbr th e ‘’"Ti IV. f ‘ C, i' S Fsi.i, decased. ‘dc ~n Broughton a., ! L” i by the (No. 1) Kyle* tything, coiitaming sixty f-, -r >.. f,. r , A , . c * „ a aid, debth, together with all and ringniar the^buikl 1 mgs H„d improvements thereon. W squai'e? (W) V^Kp^Surch- V ' ,Z : Leab Mor ’ - ‘errns cash, % mortgage on t|, e preinises. The above proper- Lrur.m.l M „f,|„ h „E„^ b , juue 13 4j Notice. Jonathan Hockney, has been discharged from - em Tdoy, all persons are cautioned against count Ctl " e al ‘ y ln,sln<: ,B “ lU ’ llim on my ac • „. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL June 24 Northern Corn. OR sale on hoard blig Abeona, at Ander w son’s wharf 1000 bushels prime whim ; Corn at 90 cents Apply to ti. c master on locard. •junc. 24 l Fiauo Forte. UR Subscriber lias remaining on hand s <* superior Piano Fort, vihich he will des jp xe of at a reduced price if applied icr witldc a few days. „ • . ‘ ‘ Jw. MORKALL. i Opposite Coi. Shelhnnn's boarding house . june 24 ~~~sMTK ‘ PIIICRS REDUCED. The New-York Slate Company have en hand a large and excellent assortment of the find quality Slate at the following reduced pricee. 12 inch 4 73 X 14 do 6 \ 16, 18, 20, 7 > per square. 22 &24 3 , J Orders left with the subscribers, will beTur uislied immediately. JOHN LATITROP k CO. June 5 UMVKtISfTY OK GEORGIA, ? “ Athens, June 19, 1822. y rTHE examination of the present senior cliws 1 will begin on Monday the Sth July next, in the College Chapel, oh which occasion the Trustees of the University are particularly re quested to attend., The Parents and Guardians of the Candidates for Collegiate honors, and literary gentlemen in general are invited to be present ... , pp’l On Thursday, the first day of August, the Semi-Annual Examination of the Freshman Class will take place On Friday the 2d, the Sophomore Class will he examined.—On Satur day the 3d,, the Candidates for admission into College from the Preparatory School, will be examined—On Sunday the 4th, a Commence ment Se.rmon will be delivered in the Chapel. On Monday the sth, the Junior Class will be ex amined.—On Tuesday the 6th, the Junior Class will deliver original Orations, and on Wednes day the 7th, will be the Aiintal Commencement. By order, ANBURY HUT L, Secretary of the Vnivertity of Georgia. june 22 47 L. IL Sage § Cos. - OFFER FOR SALE, 3000 bushels Com 30 bbls. Ale 100 do Mess and prime Beef 20 do Mess Pork 20 qr. casks Malaga Wine j 30 pipes Gin 4 \ j 100 boxes Soap and Candles 50 bbls. Loaf Sugar 2Q kegs No. 1, Tobacco 25 do I-avd 20 bbls. Navy Bread 10 thousand Delpino Segars 100 do Common do 100 kegs Crackers 50 bbls. Sugar With a general assortment of GROCERIES* . june 1 ■■ . CORN. bushels prime Maryland Corn, CvJy > °f sebr Gustaras, for sate by JOHN LATimOF. may 13 13 ■ -