The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, September 14, 1822, Image 4
Drug Chemical Warehouse, At thvCorner of Whitaker and Congress sheets, Shad's Buildings. FRVNCIB J. LAY, OFFERS AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Genuine Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, etc. ARRAN FED Fresh, aiul of Ilia first qua -1 V lity, at the Lowest prices. Amongst which arc- , A utimony crude Ehubarb root Alcohol do powdered Aloes soct. do heput Red P'rci pirate Arrow root, t% .-,is seed Hose water, Rosin Assufetida, Alum Host i.f'lion Angelica root Mum elastic, Spatulas Angostura bark ? ->iles anil a eights A' l ua fof'is Marble mortars A nG:ooni.d wine Composition do Iron do - Arsenic Iv.;ry rejection pipes Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes do nitrous, do tarianc Syringin quarts in boss do sulphuric do pints, do pints Bark, yellow, do red do tnale and female do pale, do in quill Congress & spring watr Balls Capcva Lemon acid do Garni a, d/> Peru Soda pow ders do Tolu Saits of Lemon Barbados tir Cologne water.. Borax ref and Wash hails Burjilndv Pitch Windsor soap Bole Armenia Try sparent do Beeswax yellow Liquid do do white Low s perfumed do Brimstone roll Naples da do ref*d Pomatum in sticks Caster Oil American do in pots assorted do do W India Bose water Castor lliissia Lavender do Camphor ref‘d Fancy vials Calomel ppt Essences ass’d Ca ttlia ides, dopulv Sal Ammonae (jummoitiile flowers do Volatile ’ Canefla alb. do soda Caraway seed do Uochelle . Cardamon seed do Tarter Caxcurilla bark do Epsom Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber Castile soap white d<> Niter refined do colored Sulut Arsenic flours Cloves, Cochineal Sots Ammonia Colti ono root, da powd do hartshorn Chalk prepared do LavendercompnVl Coriander Seed do Wine Cream Tartar pulv ‘ do cantphor Corrosive sublimate do Nit Utile Carmine Sassafras bark Const rve i pse i Sassaparilla Saits’ ic Lunar Sponge fine, docoutse Dragons blood Saffron Spanish Digit ties do English I fivers powders do American Ensnm salts Eng. Savin, si nna Alex Killer sulnh Ergot Spermaceti Elderl issnms Snake root Yirg* Emery tint# do xenekH, squills do No 1,2 and 3 Sturt x. salts hartshorn Elixir pXrtgoi'tC Stigar i .ead do vitriol Syrup squills Extract uicuter do simple do gen •; i, do Lead Tart Emetic, Tapioca Flour sulphur TinCt Vines cjinpu’tl do benzoii do M*. rrit, Flaxseed Fennel do do v .durian Filings ate 1. do Iron do sna _ e root Frankincense do Assafistid.6 Glauber sails do Benzoin comp'd Galls Aleppo do Cantharhjes Calbaivon, Ginseng do senna . Oolil I'hload do Uitubavb Gentian root do bark htixhams Glass At. Urn my do P ‘ruviaii bark r race do Opium d>> castor do powdered do Muriat Iron Grains paradise d<> Colombo mitt Gum ammoniac do Kino, do Jalap ito si uegal tin guiac, tin \ alevtan do at abte. do powd do Gentian comp’d do, kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled do tragacanib do squills tlti guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root do shellac, do Copa Vitriolatated Tartar do masi. at Vitriol white, do blue g unboge do green „ scamony Patent medicine &c tlclehtire black Batemans drops do waive British Oil Hie-ra Picra Essence peppermint Honey, do of squills Stoughton* bitters It .limans anodyne Godfrey's conltal Isinglass Steers Opodd toe Ipecacuanha or hippo Turlingtons bails Jalap, Juniper berries Dalbey scarminative Laudanum Dalis Elixir t iuuorice root, Ilflrlciri oil or mctlccu* do pow dered, do ball mentum do refined Oil Worlnseed Lime water, I.ead do Pills, Lees New London Magnesia Lump do do ‘* intiham do powdered do Andersons do small square do Hoopers do calcined do Calomel Manna tlake, do sorts do Opium Mezereoit, Musk Prussian Blue, t 2 & 3 Mustard seed, Mace Fig blue, Rings yellow Nutmegs, Nux vomica Drop Lake, No I elf 2 Opium, orange peel Flake white, Garmine • Osytnel squills Ivory blaca, lamp do Oil pennyroyal Indigo Spanish do turpenti e Biack Lead, red do do tansey, do olive Litharge do peppermint ’I ern de senna do spearmint, do savin Caster Oi , in plna.s do rosemary Peragoric do do brigaiiium Laudanum do do cinnamon Antimoi.ial wine do do wi.nn seed linct Itbunarb do do Lavender do Assafatnla do do wormwood ia,s t ,‘° do minis seed Sweet Oil do do jumper do do Cloves do camphor do cf almonds, do LemonS do hartshorn do do bergamot do sweet Niter do do sassafras do turpentine do do hemlock Calomel do O Fennel J.-lnp t 0 do Spruce Tartar F.meite do do Witttergrccn . 15 u ' >TtLKS do Vitriol W.nebitters QiV.tmeu’ mere do Balsicon do Sweet Niter do Cerate do Turpentine and SinApie Sweet Oil do Red percipiUta castor do X, r.nauiah Flies American and W I i*hk root, Pearl Ashes Vearl Barley 9to , ne s doU.ten-i£ t&i&ia | do rasp’d Quicksihw do lavender Ess Lemon Clown do do Etair-’ Calc’d Magnesia Bergamott Fpsom salts, rhubarb Spring Lancets Peruvian bark Tooth instruments Chellenhar salts Bougies, Galla pots Hcirvs calc’cl magnesiaMacaboy su If Stomachic bitters Liquid blacking Worm Lozenges French do Aromatic Toothpaste Black sealing wax Hiuckleys remedy forKcd w afers, ass’d do the piles Tooth brushes com Fever Powders do silver wire 3 and Thompson’s eye water, row s large and small Cupping and Trepanlng Patent Itch ointment instruments Ref’i, liquorice Male oiul female silver do in boxes, do com catheters Patent spi ing Trusses White b ather skins common do Eng. mustard by the lb. Durable Ink ip canisters Red ink powder Ground Ginger, race do Black do Pillboxes Cloves,cinnamon Vat on ks, bottle do Balm Quito Wax tapers Churches cough drops Nmenbergh do for coughs,colds,con- Patent sumptions, asthmas, Thumb I.sheets &c \ c do common Cephalic snulij for ca d Clew leys tarrhs. Shipmans Harden Seeds, assorted, in boxes. A t-'O A general assortment of Surgical Instruments , Shop Furniture, Finals assorted, from half dram to 8 az \c. djt\ All those who wish to purchase, will please call li'.d ■ xamine for themselves, jan l i>.i ii- ;( .ti i. it. ANIJIiV’S, Hemiine nit Rheumatic Salve. rMilts well approved remedy, has been by ’ many repeated trials found to excel all olh r- ns yet offered to Ihe public, for the cure of dl sorts of UlieuJi.aiism; its efficacy in giving s'.eedy relief in t bis complaint, is astonishing! not only in easing the pain, bui in dissolving tlie coagulated 1\ inpfc which fixes itself on va rious parts, anti by continuing to remain station ary, produces incnreablo lameness Moreover] it is an excellent remedy to allay the bain of the tloi t, Paralytic Pain, help local Palsy, obviate tlangrene, remove the Cramp, the Tonlh-Ache, md the Crick in the back, it is superior to al most every other iqndication for burns & scalds, tnd if applied immediately, extracts the fire al most instantaneously It infallibly cures bruis es and sprains, broken breast, sore nipples, ul cers and sores. It in good for the mumps, sore throat, the hooping cough, the piles, and any kind of pain or ache. Whc'o mercury has been used and by reason of a cold .becomes fixed (as it commonly does) ii the joints, by which means a joint swells, is | stiff and painful, by aophing the Anti-lfheinna mc Salve, one may expect to be relieved in aj ‘hurt time; however, in some very cbstiratej . uses, or of long standing, the warm-bath may i>e'bad recoursb to with advantage, previous t. using the Salve The author being well know n in the trest rnnit and cure of Hlieumntisn., assures the pub lic, that neither mercury nor any of ts com ; ound.;, in any shape whatever, mu* any i.igre-j dient injurious to health, enters the compost.! turn of the Anti-Rheumatic Salve, which is oiler- j ed to the public not as a cure all, but as no ox- j cedent and as an excellent and safe remedy for external application, ile reties on the Salve to i ecotntnend itself. No sea ve>se! should be without this very vl table Salve, and all families ought always to keep it iti their houses Certificate of Hr Thomas Fitch, No. 1.27 North Ninth Sh eet, Phil-adelphia. I the Subscribe r, a regular practitioner in Physic ami Surgery, now a citizen anil inhabit ant of the City of Philadelphia, do certify ami say, that 1 have examined lfocter Pierre 1.. Hrandin’s Genuine Anti-Rheumatic Salve, and and having had it in my family, and for the good and .benefit of the pub’ic, I do recommend it and particularly to those who are afflicted with the complainte for which its Author recom mends it. In fafth ct which, 1 have signed ‘.he present Certificate ties day, October the “24tli 1815 Signed, THOMAS TItCH. W itness, Frier fi'.n. Gamier. Certificate of David . lyres. I David Ay B,do hereby testify, that l have been much troubled with the (ironical IJ'iieu i matism, or Wandering Uout for years, hearing of Dr. Pierre E Brainlm’s Genuine Anti-Rheu* matic Salve, l bought a small box for trial, and finding it gave me immediate relief, and answer ed mv purposes better than any tiling of the j kind as yet offered tithe public, induced me to j buy one of his large boxes One of my daugh-! lersfor some time was sorely afflicted with Biles breaking out in various parts cf her body, and were very troublesome to her, she applied the said salve (as directed) to her biles, in a few if.inutes her biles were easy, and in a short time cured. Therefore from the g>od that I ami my family has received from Dr. P. E. li’sGeti liiue And Ahe lunatic Salve, i freely recommend it to the public, wishing my fellow creatures to be relieved as I have been, considering the saul save as far as my knowledge will admit, to be an excellent, safe and extraordinary remedy for external application, and doubt whether any other cun surpass it In faith of'which! have signed and delivered the present certificate ii: presence of Peter \Vm Gautier. Signed, DAVID AYRES. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1815. To •w hich are added several other certificate from respectable persons that accompany the Medicine. A fresh supply of the above genuine ointment just received direct from the Patentee per the ship General Carrington, and for sale by Francis j. lay, Agent. Coiner of Congress and ll hitaker-sts. ..hand's Buildings, .Savannah. npril 26 Drugs, Medicines , Dye Stuffs. I.tRANCISJ LAY having just received an in -5’ voice offresh Medicines, Re. offers them to holeuiie or retail dealers enthe most moder ate terms. —viz. Gum Opium, Gum Camphor Castor Oil, Borax,lndigo Ipecacuanha, or Hippo Henry’s calcined Magnesia Cream of Tartar, powdered Jalap Lees New’-Loudon Pills Jantlfords Hark, Calomel, Cantharides Sweet Oil, Ess* nee Spruce together with a general assortment of every ar ticle in the Druggist hue —all warranted to be of the best quality N.B Povaicians prescriptions, family and sea Medicine Cliesis, put up with matness, ac. curacy and despatch. ji'.ne 7 M Halm of Qjiilo, Jf\ FUESIi supply just received by th ship Augusta, and for sale by * FRANCIS J. LAY VALUABLE LATENT FAMILY MEDICINES. /FRANCIS J. LAY, Agent for Dr. Isaac Thompson, JS'evj-London, i f Cottn.j fITJAS just received and on hand tiie follow- Jri,] ing, al! of w hich have been in use for a number of years past, in almost every part of the Unit* and States: have been highly patronis ed by people est be first respectability . and :r approved of by those who have had occasion t ii.ake use of'lhtm, for the cure of . those disor ders for which (hey are severally calculated. Dr Lee's Genuine ( Windham) pUliuus T ills, Universally knnwn and used throughout the U nited States as j family M dicine. ‘i lie fame ol these Pills has Become so great, that many have attempted toco nterfeit them—to guard against this, the propii tois have procured asterdiype label, anil end. ox of genuine Lee’s Pills will hereafter be en losed in one ot these labels, with these won* on the sides: “Lee’s Genuine Wmdham Itihoiß Pills,” and on tlie end of the label the words (‘Samuel Lee, patentee, and I Thompson, ageit and joint preprietor;” and should any be off red for sale without said la >el on them, thq purchaser may be apprised •that the\ are coumrfeit. Dr. Thompson's Celebrated V.ije Water, For the cure of iijlained and sore eyes of al most every descriltion This valuable prepar- | ation comes highlyyecommended from the most respectable soured. Price 50 and 25 cei.ts a boMle llr. Rtnvsm’s Genuine Itch Ointment, A certain and salt cure fir that disagreeable; complaint, as wes as other eruptions of the j kin Price 37 J guts a box. Thompson's .Iromutlc Tooth , Paste, For whitening ajd preserving the Teeth—it fnay be used w'itqthe greatest safety. Price j SO cents a box Specific Bmps for the Tooth , Jlche, Which, in aim,ostevery cuse, give instant relief in that distiessindcomplaint. Price SfJ cents a lirtttle. \Cooley's Vegetable Elixir , For coughs, astlirjas, consumptions, &c.—A ve ry Valuable medickie in those complaints. Price 50 cents a bottle, i— -11,90 Dr llrife's Jsmutic Fills, I For C'U.lis, coldsj as.hmus, consumptions, Sic. ! Thus- Pills give -jnmediate case in all usthniKs, difficulty of hrcaliirg, hoarseness, catarrhs, Sic. while the gentle, expectoration they promote discharges those Obstructions that occur in the glands, acrimony that arises, su'd every species of congealed phltgni. Prepared by W.T Con way. Pric< gi. Dr. Jndersm's Cough Drops A most vatuabb medicine for coughs and onsumpticus. Rice gl. Prepared by James Meilen, Hudson, i Y Dr. II ilfe's Botanical Drops. T’nese Drops ate a most certain remedy for the scurvy, sit. Aitiioiy’s fire, scrofula, leprosy, tall rheum, scahtu-ad, pimpled and carbuucied faces, foulfesteriigs.eftiptions, fe verso res, sore legs, sore eyes art ulcers, and every disorder arising from an ir.pure state of the blood anil juices—and superior to any other medicine lor spring physic, frepared by W. T. Conway.— Price’ s) L Dr. . udlers Asiatic Lenative, Fur Fain. This Medicine s a never failing remedy for the tooth ache, htd ache, and other diseases; is patented by tip United Stales, and recom mended as a mosivaluable medicine by those who have experhneed i*> good effects, Pre pared by the patentee, Ezekiel Audler, cf New York. Price gl. I he above valmble Family Medicines will be sold wholesale, onreta’d, at the corner of Con gress and Whi taler- streets, Shadd’s lirfildings, Savaiiiiah, feb 5 lihsunatism Cuved. JUTT received* fresh supply of that justly celebrated Dr P F.i Brandins genuine Anti Rheumatic Salve, fur ail rheumatic affections. The above higltb esteemed medicine stands preeminent—its siperior efficacy has been at tested to by a nuaber cf very respectable per soils, who have Ren laboring under that dis tressing disease It is now offered for sale di rect from the pabntee bv FRANCIS J I,AY, Druggist, sole igent, corner o! Congress and Whitaker streets,Suvanr..ih. ji.n 22 *f* liogers’ Vegetable Pulmonic Detergent. K SOYF.REII.V re medy for coughs, catarrhs, ii asthmas aiw consumptions. In a ehmate so variable a s oirs, where the changes of tin wr ather are Iredtently sudden and unexpected and where consuns live symptoms are so vety prevalent it is hghiy recommended No n edi cir.e perhaps thft has ever been offered to the public has ; rovul more successful in all affec tions of the lings than Dr. Rogers's Vegitalde Pnimonie Decedent. A quantity of the above valuable medicine has just been received direct from the patentee, ad for sale bv FRANCIS J. LAY, Druggist and Chvmist, Chad’s buildings cor ner of Congress anil Wbitaker-sts. Savannah, ju'y 2 5i BUG DES TRtIYING TINCTURE. “Tir'dßutrin's soft ”es torer balmy sleep, He like the ivorld, his r eady visit pays Where fortune smiles ; the wretched heJorsr.kcs SiV.ift on his and siniy pinions files from bed With Bugs infested ; and gilds the Couch Os Prudent house wife : After the most minute research ar.d experi ments made on its efficacy, Dr. Berthelot now: confidently assures the public, that he has in vented a mixture which will most infallibly des troy those unwelcome disturbers of our repose, b\ applying it to the furniture which they infest. There is no danger in its use, and it is perfectly free from ung* atefui smell. As Dr. B. is desirous Uiat which he now offers to suffering humanity may r- comraend itself bv its use, lie abstains from all panegyric too often accompanying the most contemptible nos it rums. June 12 38 In Council , Maisci: 2f, 122. A COMMUNICATION from the Medii I Sco cicty was laid before the board ant read bearing date, January 19, 192.1. Win reupon resolved that the corntritini ition! from the Medical Society of this city in ft ilion ! to the act of the iasl l.fcgt ‘ature for the sup- j j pression of Quackery be rec.ived and tty the : ‘same he published as is required by law, n all I the Gazettes in tab city. Attest M. MYEBS.dc. j AN ACT To establish a tribunal to enquire into the jntdi fications of persons ctftiming to prnc;iri>?e dicine, burgery, U midwifery, within,f tnty of Savnnuth, and to grunt cc itbi-.atcs p’ the sunr e if f uud properly Ciialifit and Whereas, it'appears by a ii-en.u'rial q (lie Mayor aqd AldoTii. r. of tl.e city of -itrajia'., that the good people of the t;.H city, es pecially tiie poor At illiterate people tin ivi.tfito suflered'heretofore:umcftevi’ from th vdt i t proper laws to'iegu'aie the practice of ! surgery, ami midwifery therein, tb cjise quence of which want- has been the indisc* -Tin- i at* and arrogant pretensions and undwrt.ilsngs | of main unlearned and empirical person to practice therein in the said nr ■: And wiiof.-s I aotiod policy and a proper regard for the truths : uud lives of the citizens of a coo’inercial, p*hu. j lou , and grow ir g cit;. rt-rpire that the !egp*a-i ture should guard against sitclt att evil foithc ‘ future: I § 1 Be it therefore enacted h v the-senateiod ; jhpnsoof representatives if the state of Cior igia in general assembly met, and it is lienlry U nacted hy the authority of the sumo, x'iiatihe j Georgia Medical Society (stab'ishecl in the v jof Savannah, shall be. .invested with am! tos | eased ..f'full powef* sod authoiity to exumiie, ! inquire into, invest'gate, and detemtihe on h ■ t professional qualifications, attainmei !s, ard :u ----| pacities of all ..r.d every person or persons ciarn [ ingtoprac! ice wide uth limits fthe said city the i paid arts of medicine, sir gory and tnid-vifey, I or in any two or one of them, and to gent cerln- j cates of qualification under the common sifci j of the said secie’y, or, if there be no. romtnin seal, undei the signs mamic! of.their -r.:ii- j dent and secretary, to him, her, or their.•’ cUiitniiigaiid makim- application tlievefor, if,! by a majority of said society, he, she or <l;|v shall be deemed dulv ‘earned and qualified. Atdj it shall be the ditty • I the members * f the ‘■isd , society, when application ibidl he made b rtiyl person or perrons fiirhis, her, or their examini- i tion to the end afl't'cEJid, to convene at tiutri customary place of rr.u fig, and to dct-iik-: upon the applirant’s tmiitjoi, within ton ih.inj after they shall have been snmroo-ed to ronvcic t by their twesident, or i:i hi3 absence, sicknets or other inablit;, by the pet'jon or pers-m*- dk- J charging hi:. -I'i'iea, rif ‘here be no* any such ! person or persons, after they shad have beensuir moned by their secret rv Aid it shall he'll? dntv es the said president, person or persoie performing bis duti* s, or 1 ■. cretary, to summo i each and even member of the said society, b> a • written citation, expressing the object of tin meeting, the liamt or names of the oppii-ait i oi’ applicants, ar.d flic dsv f she examination, v ithin Veil days after th.*- application .-G:i!l Imvi been made to him or them: Prtm’ided aiwagn, that prior to the examination of'any arid ever*, applicant, tht- members of the r-t *i s- ch t’ shaff {severally take a clircn oath, ’o be administered by tlu- may or or any alderman of Hie city of 8a jvaonah, well, truly, and impartially u -xamioe and decide upon the attairim no; and (pultfica. I lions of the applicant orapj'licants, and t>. g;:; >, certificates ;f qualification to hin>, her. or tin tn. if, in their judgments, he, she, or they shah Ir. found duly Icar’hed and qualified, to practice in the said arts of surgi-ry, medicine and mi uv To ry, or in any two or one of liter,': And provided also, that in their ex .initiation die said society shall be restricted and confined to th'o investiga tion cf professional Attainments and capacity aloe, without regard to an former nr present professional or moral vcputa*ior, s:.d shall not at any time require as a test of qualification, or any di grre of evidence there f. th't any applicant should have obt;.ine<) a diploma from any'nr d*- cal college or university, or should have studied thereat, or elseubei e § 2. And be it further enacted by the antiirri ty ‘aforesaid, ‘That if, alter application halt have been made, agreeably t<> the provisions of thi act, the President of said society, or other per son or persons, performing 1 is duties, or iheie being no such tiers-on nr persons, if the sccl■e>: , .- s os said society rhall refuse, or shall delay till after ttie time heretofore ‘nrescri'.ed to issue summons for convening the members, or it he or they shall appoint a day lor the*l eouvei':}*, | the members, or if he or they shall appoint u day for their convening more re ote th.i the tenth day from the day of the date of the cita tion, the person or persons • piling may sever.. ally institute an action or suit at law in t c •u ----pericr or, Inferior cou ts of the county of Chat ham, rg-ninst the said President, or person or. persons performing bis duties, or against the ecre r yto recover damages against himo* ‘hem, in his or tlieir individual capacities, for Irs I ■ r their refusal or delay, or improper appoint ment. And if after being sumrnored to convene, tiie said society shall fail to and > so on the day ap pointed in die citation or afterwards on an ad journed day, but a clay within the time hereto i fore prescribe*! for their convening, or ir, l.a\ - | ing convened, they shall severally fail to take | die oath aforesaid, o- having, taken such oath, shall fail to proceed to the cxamiation iifcrc ! said, and to a decision thereupon or if the said ] society shall in any respect violate the provis i ie:.j es this act, it shall be the duty of the Judge < t tiie Superior court of the county of Cliit ham, upon the ipetition of the party injured, setting forth any such failure or violation and supported l>* If.s affidavit ofthe truth of sue*, j.eti tiott, to grant as a mattered’ right, a writ of.,*:ire t'acias, directed to the president and members of said society requiring them to shew cause at the next term of the said court, why their charter or act of incorporation should not be deemed forfeited. A copy of this and of the petition shall be served upon the president or secretary, and if the allegations be denied, an issue shall be joined, and the facts Le tried by a jury emparnudlecl and sworn as in ether cases. It the allegationsof the petition be found to be true, or if they be admitted, and no good cause be shewn for the former failure or violation, it j sha 1 ba the duty of the court, upon application of the party injured, to appoint a day not more j remote titan ten days; on which the society shall j convene, and conform in every tiling to the re quirements of this act, and to the order for this purpose no return shall be received from said society but one of absolute compliance under oath of the President or- Secretary; which re j turn shall be filed in the clerk’s office within 5 days after the appointed day. On failure to 1 make such return, the Judge of said court shall, 1 in vacation, award a judgment of forfeiture bf the charter, upon application iis aforesaid; and [ exeeuffeu shall issue for costs as aforesaid, j §3. And he if further emitted fi. .*.. Ity aforesaid, That if iuy pci st , n .( . “ ! j ed a certificate, he. or si.t mt i ; ’ | examination, alter a lapse f'.j. iiif.-nihv'''? 1 ! shall i-e the r'niy of the- mi! ,oci t - j ! any number ot amputations. r.a c . i/ U ’ j each ivpnlicatifm to ii.s provi.; ons ( ,t j,, ‘’ ’ {and subject to at I its i* “p. tsit,ia.. ; . •’ the inG r. in between any two app'lica/^ I not iesa that SiXmontiis. ■ fi. And bek tuitlicr eractedhv the am’ jty aforesaid. That ifrfny person c c | practice in tiie muu arts, or .n anv i%.,,,, . * ; them, in the 5..i,1 city, shall prcJu -,. e t„ ‘’ [openly or rove:t’ , i.c-1 Ir’ in ‘ jlicateof qir.i.c.uiiij, it siuii 0.,* N : ;siicli i eis.mio iet.ov-.:r in any court cl .“ r ;cqtioy in this state, Ir i* r her i .os c , ‘ r ifi r H’t vices done vviihin the city of Sav i i.l iit be i•’ 11 twV i* -i V • *:; {j v j * I , i v v * Mil nr! Inersli;i o! uiicei--DiicKtcu uuJ j so.n Shall be moreover uth.e t.. proseruu” ‘ *'.( ‘.indictment in tlwj Cou t <-i Comma’ l*i,as,**- | Oyer End rartniner ct suid city, ~i q lB O’ ..stance f the mayor and aii mieu n", j said city, or if ay com on fipj . : Sends of prosecution ainsli !.•? gi-. en i. s i„ 0!i| “ j r..n„ss afisihg under the p - nal few sos ii., k. if lit she i. atunr.iMii’ tlitf mayor and u: U >,i ti* | die bon’d shall be given b; wme persm J ; under ili.'iirsawcttii.’i of authority, other*is”, v® |tliecomu>' h'fi i ‘ i r, and ,:p>./, the Erst {viction, the accuseil may tie iiiud by ItecW* !in a sum not cxcmtir.g . nm'i eil. iiai--, ; Ri j on ercli jtuliat ‘iueiiloovicimii, i:, sn;n i, o i L ; ; , iceeding two luiutlrei! *lt !.a:.-, besides costtf J proseCutioii in each cam: one hail of the ! sluill be i>! .into Lie Ueusury rfthe city j “a: mall, or to the e*iriu on iiitornicr, and *;, e other ) <ilf ilndl he eqtn. Iy divided i.tlv • r.vj,.. ‘Union Society and tire E- male Anjlum Itor the benefit of the orphan* and cuUlic* lof said societies. ! § 5 And he it further cjuwted iy ti.e author. ] ty aforesaid, ‘1 tint no ji.u t ol ti;i. uc;] i . S3 j construed as to effect any person or pen.....* I r.'iiv prac ising, or cidmingto prsclicz m th i said city, in toe sad art<*i’ in ill y two or ocr |of them, and now icsidiiig in the said city, . : j who shall be engaged in lie piaaiicc of the I same, or cf ary two or one f them therein, u j or before the lir-l Gay *>i Fei.uniryaexi | §6 And be it furihi r enacted by du-a’.tiio, i ri!y aforesaid, Tttii’ if tl.e Georgia Me.-iai gg. | oiety shall commiii.jc.tic to the Executive ii;. i partment of this date, on or before the said jti -t day of Febiuaiy next, their acceptance and I this act as an act-widtuuns* to their charter, ami tint v.i>i-y :ire wi ling to he bound by . s tom Jim a> and requirements, this shall from ttei.cis, forth commence ii: tut! an l compute rjoui^'iou, but othcrwne sbab <e totally null and voir. And be it also en'actcd, that the raidsci:/:tr shn')} before tin f.e I fir-t day o: l\:b. give lice ofthotriulda-Cuplitnee to the M-.yor %i Aldermen t f the sub: city of Savannah, v li .se duty it shall be to nt'.ke said acceptance ]<u by advertisement in s'! the j .thlic g i/.-.itcs *.f the said city, three times a week, f,i Uie q i,f on • colander month, 4 7 Andi” it further ensc'e.i hv t!.r acthii* .i'.y f/c said, That, m the <v. V I tin.. i. . mice by the said society of this art, agrees y b ’tin* aforesaid ..cctio:., thin act soldi continue • • tii the fiist dry of J notary, one thou-, nd cn;U hundred and twenty-six, and no 10-.giv Divii* Abamv, Speaker of the Mouse of llepres’ ntiif’. ,s M/.riinw Tai.hi>t, President of the Senate. Asserted to 25th l)*c. 18.1 Jom.v Cnmit, RoverP! i* Hi Si V h ’.! S)i Uii .*•) i , Os the Laics of Ike Slate of Georgia. ‘PM IK undersigned having conn acted to * ii. fur the state a certain number ofCi.p.ft now isuueprpostils for furnishing to these v.l.t tray b: come subscribers, a digest of titelaws >'f the state of Georgia, containing ail statutes at • the substance of resolutions of ajrti.eral wid public nature, and how in force, whirl) its. v 8 been passed in this state previous to the set’ # :f the general assembly of lb,ten it :• lf&f With occasional trq Innatel y notes and cimnfct* ing referenens, and a list of the statutes repo-b e,l tir obsolete. To tvliicli is ttdt-cl an append)?* contumlnjytk# constitutioh of the United States, the const** lotion of the.state of Georgia, as amended, t statute of frauds and perjuries, the habeas cor pus act, its. &c. with a copious ihctrx by t!.e a; poinuni.iit ar.d umlcMjie notlurity of the general assembly, by OUVEB If I'iUNCH, There are f< vv no. ignorant as not to knot that a work like this, if t eti tolerably tseettf* fd. mint. possess extrinsic value. Tlt e coiVifub Minn of this bookls allowed by compete:’.'. :es, to bp performed in a very masterly cs tier; ar.d the well known character td the s**• tletmin b se name it bears, forbi<l3 U*e ii*> of any <!•; * crency of industn or talent, tn tv* using he important service confided to hua ■the legislature. It is ociievetl that every (ban who can cv* veniently ouy tuts work ought to possess it, I* it bci.ot ves evuy citizen to have w. ‘ : knowledge cf ‘lie iav.s ofhis couniry. pinion expressed by Iflackstone is ceils*-'"’ correct, that “ As eveiy is inter* su** ‘■ the preservation of the laws, it is oicii” “- : upon every man l*’ be acquainted vvitb> ; - ut least, wilit which be is immediately cv ■’ cd ; lest he incur the censure as wed as bn vt nii nee, of living in society, without * >’ the obligations which it ia> a hint under’ coNnmoxs. ‘l i e book will be neatly joiotetlai ’ S|: 31 dally bound in large royal octavo v t- *’ ‘ . size equal to * logersoll’ Miccst of Uie * * tlie United States,” a ■'*. ..Til be fun*W-;• subscribers at the price that books sen * Philadelphia, to wi, 7 dollars pcrco v, 5 on delivery of the work: which will be i by November or December next. GK ANTI. AND & OLV Milledgeville.aoi'ii -9 Insurance against L'vti’ >./Etna Insurance (tompan)', Hal-’- 1 will Insure houses and buildings, nice dize, furniture, and other proper I .) ’ y M ‘. vessels in the port, their cargoes, t-c- and! • ( loss or damage by l ire, for any teini h'tn*. • month to one or more yeais. The conditions, vhiui are mode rate, rriVt’ known on application to the subscr>tev, v.I-•*’ 1 authorized agent, and is empowered * Ol policies without the dela v ’incident to oil;*, gencies of this natur®. The company undertake in all .cases tr, i' ; the full amount of the actual loss, pn-v . r ’> I does not exceed the amount uisii;r.i 1 premiums are reasonable, and should <S strong inducement to auv person having) “ perty at hazard to and in security, may 28 25 S S3 A NT 1 - ’