The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 03, 1822, Image 1

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published by cosam EMfR BARTLBT the savannah museum Mished near IVhitaker-street, on the Bay, ,P Srtbr eight months and three tunes a re !Z for the remaining four months in the year, e T u , lt .tAs per annum, if paid m advance, ; if paid after the expiration of the f V No subscriptions are received for a period fssthan six months, for which vb are The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country ; .Mished to meet the arrangements of the !f tl !ree timesa week at five noet-uts per an -1111 ’ ;f naid in advance, or eight hollars per f Lis” ordered, at 38 cents each continuation Advertisements over twelve,lines charged in anAdvertisement is sent to the office ■, ~nv number of insertions being expves 'f°n the face of the order, it is understood, A the advertiser wishes it continued until fur -1111 .Ire Therefore, a!! Advertisements he . r , U not or finally limited to a certain twin- X. ”•> ‘*t’ r;- f,n order for discontinuance is received. Ad ‘‘Aments not continued oftene” than once a S “re charged for each insertion, the same as , new advertisement. *~~~~No!ice and Pa a Hon. rraiIEBEAS 1 have been informed <hat John W and Peter Mitchell of his have bv sundry deeds recent; mortgaged and assigned to divers persons either their mdi <„ a. il creditors, creditors of the late firm “> Cat no Ln & Mitchell, or others, all nr sundry- the nleriv and estate, both real an 1 personal o fleSfi™. as well as their own individual ornperty and estate, consisting together of Mines, lots, lands, stores, Wharves, negroes, i. c Shnah and Darien in Georgia, or the neigh bo,-hood thereof, and elsewhere noth then u terest or share in the stock Os the lower steam mill near Darien, and sundry shares in the U. • and other banks, as well as sundn debts due to them in various places, besides , amis, i... negroes, &c. in the territory ot F ovd-i. [SparticuL’lv'one large tract of lan > bought of Forbes Si Co- tying between t .<-* rimrs Si. Marks and Appalachicola in the territory of Flo-ida aforesaid. These are hereby to caution the public agains. purchasing anv part of the said property or es tate so conveyed, or any property, belonging ,u the said Carivichan & Mitchell,or either o. tie n, 5 .,l Wold prior mortgages on the part thereof; which ire on record in the registry m Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in S. C. ande j iitahle liens on all the property o. said John Camoclian and Petpr Mitchel .. \\ Cl!ki* f • C. June 11 To ihe Public. CJ. C'BNOCHAn ami r- MM-CrtKLT,, “re ly sorry to be again brought before the ;rt dx, j by a second notice ot Mr. Chris’ ;eV nr. ( undoubtedly claims against th in. Wj • i acn finally liquidated on the decision of the suit now pending, they will try to satisfy as soon as possi ble thereafter. . . The deeds under which Mr. CU is‘te claims an exclusive right to all the real and persona- es tateof Comochan XfitchetJ, a-e e6n<KLerel inlurma’, unjust arid illegals : I icp T liev i.a e been brought and are still before the court, and other deeds have been executed amt ---enro-d, conveying the prope t.y.for the use of all their creditors, Mr.-Christie include.,l. a<’ irmt any trust or reservation beneficial to 0. A ‘l or their families, and if this be not agreed >l’- , * hat must nevertheless apptar tan - and. equitable to tiie public and ail wh > have a sense of justice. The Trustees under the Kite deedsare auxnus to sell the lands in Florida, alluded to in tin- no tice of Mr. Christie, and to apply the proceeds, to the immediate payment ot part of Ins de mand, and deposit a sufficiency thereo to covers all iiis claim, sub ject to i he decision of the courts —but his opposition to any reasonas.e sale, as one interest ed in his own right, whilst injuring all parties concerned, must be liorne.until a sale can be made under an orde of court. june 11 t>7 The Savannah Library, 18 OPEN for the .1 Hi very of 800 l is, on Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday, from 4to 6 o'clock P. M. ■*- Tha fallowing (Forks hav ° been lately received, Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, by Miss Aik in. Memoirs of the Court of King James 1. by Miss Ailcin. 1 The Life of Mary Queen of Scots, by George Chalmers F 11. S. Memoirs of tie- Life of William Pitt, by George i omliiie, 1). D F. If. S. The life of Wasleyfby Robert Southed esq. Memoirs of Thomas riolcroft, written hur.- self Sketches of the life and correspondence of Maj. Gen N. Greene, by Judge Johnson of- outh Carolina. KTi'ock’s Sermons T.iS Pirate, by the author Wavevly. The Fortunes of Nigel do. do. The Spv. \ The Lollards. Retrospection. Helen ile Touron, by Madame do Sow za. The Vaanpyre by Lord Byron. Cain do” Sardaaapalus, do. Ihe'l wo Foscari do. ■’ dmson’s Journey.from India to Engl an.l, f*o heating’s Travels through France ai.J ppasn to Morocco. Mor’er’s second journey through Persia. Parry’s journal of a voyage for the discovery of a North West passage from the Alluuiic to the Pacific, Sc Latest numbers of the North-A merican, quar terly, and Edinburg Reviews, Porl-lolio, Atlieneuin, &c. aug 10 Notice. j WILLIAMS offers hisservief. to gA the friends of the late firm of E. Wi.lfims “•Co. in the transaction of Commission at Savannah. augß 70 , Fifty Dollars Reward. 8 5 AN-Wv’aY, a Negro Man, by the name ol t S WILKS, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high black complected, round full faced, remarks bly well built, square round.shoulders with good set of teeth, about 28 or 30 years of age, has been accustomed to follow the boating busi ness between this and Augusta, and is well known in Savannah, and formerly belonged to Robert Isaacs, lie may probably have changed 1 is name or endeavor to puss for a free man. Any person or persons who will deliver the said Negio to the Subscribers in Savannah shall re ceive fifty dollars reward,or if they will lodgt him in any jait in this state or in South Carolina so that the subscribers may get him, shall re ceive forty dollars reward by applying to the subscribers, as the said negro belongs to the subscribers at this time. 8. J. BRYAN $• BROTHERS. june 7 ds3s The Augusta Examiner and Charleston Cour ‘■rare requested to mbfi-h tiie above twice k seek for tw > month; and forward their sc counts to this office for collection. Recent Publications UF.CEIVKII r.Y THOMAS 1 ONG ft ORTH, Johnson’* fjuwe A FOREIGNER’'’ OPINION OF PNG! xn. Englishmen, Englis’ women, l .ngli h M e in Oomesti.- ‘.i ‘e, krt-- n 1 Arlisis, 1 itera ture, < ritici nr., Education Unive-ties, Ciergi, Sectarians, Nobility, Parti-s, I'.ii’.cst l.iu lawyers, Merchants, Com ..ore, Charities* Fashions, Amusements, and a variety of otl.e’ ‘•ifi>ri-.sting iut ji cts, including, ir.ern rials of a t urea i art, comprised in a series of ire” i. .. I narks daring a vesideuce of two years in Ocat Britain bi Christian Augustus U ttleib Geode ranslated from the Geitnan by Thomas Home, Ivol.'g J 25. SKETCH OF or o ENGLAND, by a New Englaml Hun 2.voU g 2. THE !• FiTUVFiS OF NIGEL,!? vote §2. LACON, or many things in a fe'.-- .vords, ad Tressed to those who think, by the. Uev C. C Colton, S vole 75 each. \I Ai)UiN •,! tale by ‘lrs Opie, 1 vol gi. !>• Ti i! A’.idll A L TIM RS, or the Eim-l of Fa nan in .even hooks founded oil the IT lv Sc. ip -.urtts I vol g 1 B\.!{ A'-'DP.F.W WIf';.LIE of If.::* I k. by tin an Imr of “A ii’ jls ..; .h Pa.i h” 2 v .§i 75. THE VIC U( O’ IVEk. a t le by the Withoi •if ••'!"•. ttiiiiah On-iient” lie MIN 8’ :V L hOV K from the Ge; man of “Ur di e” ty G . rge Soard, 1 vol g! (TIE T - ; USE or ,viid ir. m .f the Moun • am, a tfausGtion <•! ‘‘l.e 8o!ii:,i:e !> by A! Le •\Tci>i :c D’Arliii -iiirt, 1 vol To oents. ‘.!• PIT-'-! a iaie for th--. s’ave and ilu r-'.ij •’ vote hi I ’ T!'E M A Ii II.F ANTIOCH, a Dramatic ‘din by the Rev ft. i! Mil-nan, 1 voi SOcts. ll!> UNl’iiu ! U .ATE LOVERS, or wan in.s’.inc*-; ol (in glided youth, a i‘ <ti• g a, st res ‘if ‘V,s-.(..-oi • n n s a .and misfortunes arisn g I. ■man iii'.ej gence of imprudent attachments, j i vol 75 c THE I .O; LAUDS, talc, founded oivthe per ■ cu: ions whr. il marked ti.c early part of the •if eeuth cene-rv, by the author of “Mysiery pi i ty rears •• >!>’’ an*! of “Lakhorpe or fuller, for lines” 2 vote £ ’. ALSO A f-eslr minp . of sai'er or and ermmon LET TER anl VAkllT -G PAPER aiig 8 70 t .. -<> w Pub iea tin ns, Utic ivc ; ver Urit, Ceylon, bv TIL M A ■ LONGORTH. LIGHTS and -i •’ ■ \D' : > ■ • S’ of Sc ttish i if.-, a se lects'n •••"! th: papers of die Lite Arthm Austin. HE U >'"GAI)E,Ma slated Fiom the l'renoh f ‘ Vi einpt ! >’Aiiinccui':. ailhor ol i ■‘■■, oe wild ‘wan of tk * mmutuiit. — .87 jve ‘ s ,:>c. on MINERALOGY and f.EOLO,;yj design and *or the use of ivuniis— f, r pc *>iis attending l:ctu -c*. on Tit so snh j -cis -and as a Companion for travellers h the United States, fiv Parker Cleveland, professor f m:i‘lie natics and nsltiral plrdoso- I.; jv and brc’.ii ron till- • .■‘rr S!id ssnrralo gin !) >wii G iiege—2 vote. BVo ge r-.e second <.-.’•’ n ‘s cu.mmuiorc Porter’ •Journal ‘•(? Cm ,<e made to the pacific oc-iui in the U S. fn.;.;ie Essex, in the years 181 —l3 am! T —2 vois, Bvo g 4. aug 2ti 78 • IMP OR T.JNT ME IPS! wr HAVE just received frtim N> w-Ynrk, by the y. arrival ’ if tile sh ; s AugU'Aa am'. Savanndi am’ brir fiiignai, a general assortment of DRUGS, fresh and wholesome I r is unnecessary ilia! 1 iliouid detail ihe whoie. hut I cannot refrain iVs m assu.-i- <my friends that among them i ■ a comph-ta park of French Ai-lditr,, tuidhis lam nnwn to be a skilful engineer, I trust that 1 shall both have custom and practice. J. I! IKP-THFIOT. ofj- Dr. D. from h : s practice in the Wes; India l aiids, ands aim the experiei ce that lie ha : ac quired from a tongtesidence in this country, and uaiticniarly in the uu. rtuiuite year ot lb-* , confidently appeals to die patronage of his fel low i ifi cd;s. aug 3 70 ‘Prime Pork, prime green Coffer JVes'/t t round blour, Holland Gin, Su l irnf, Mndcen l aral V. K Ham. jw us’l’ received per schooner Hope & Esther, S 23 tierces—and 70 bags pi wnc green tof.<.e 20 pipes Holland Cain, sup. (jualny 22 hhi's muscovado Sugar Per brig I'anthea, 200 bhlsfVpsli ground Flour 100 do prime Fork, NT. city inspection Pee schr Ariadne. 200 hbls new Mackerel, No 3 ~i liTii M K Ruin rJIJCky . HB'tllE'iT s. *:o. aug 3 _ 05 . „ _ blanks For Silk xt f’m Offl-'tc THURSDAY MORNING—OCTOBER 5, 1822. I he subscriber respectfully submits to the public the following PROPOSALS, For publishing at ATHENS, in the State of Gear, gin, anew -weekly paper, to be Le entitled the ATHtiNEUjtt. 5N a community of Freemen, and where a disposition to patronise Literature and Sci ence is. extensively manifested the importance of a well conducted Newspaper, mtisi, if ne generally understood; ami among! a reading pcojile, such a paper can hardly fail I of being acceptable That the All.eneuni will be a paper of this description, it miglr perhaps! he deemed presumptuous to assert; but so lari as the efforts of the Editor can render ii useful, so far as persevering industry and attention can insure success to his undertaking—so far, at least, the subscriber can pledge iiimself, tlmt he m ill endeavor to render I is paper ynilli ihe growing importance of Athens, where the flourishing University of the State is loca ted, and surrounded, as it is, by an intelligent and ‘■ eahhy neighborhood, has induced a benef that no place in the upper co a try oresci teil a more inviting opening for the establishing a new weekly paper—and the influence of tills opinion has led to the present proposals, and h. subscriber flatters himself, that, in the lit*- end patronage of an enlightened community, ■ s undertaking will receive an approving sanc tion. And \i hilt: his own exertion.: will be per. m vtringly employed to furnish a paper which thud he use-fill to his supporters, he will ven ture to hope that his column: may be diversified ’■v the <:.".a:.ional communications--ofsuch scien >>!i>’ an laerary f.ionds-as maybe disposed, •!iroU"*i this uiediuin, to ad iit-u, and benefit the community. To r ..;Xe his paper useful, wBl be the propri etor s princihrt) aim ; and in the furtherance of d"’ ,tji- !S>ne will en<h av: rto give the earliest Foreign and Domestic, with such .-..-t.ons (ifGi ngressional mat er, when the Na tional Leg■-tbit'tre are in session, as his limits •• ill allow—together -. ith sucfi original or se ..veted i’olitical Cpmmun!Uior.<q or Moral Es ;iy:. ,is have the public good'in vieft, and are fro-.: from r.ersoirtii'ies : but to i.rticles intended merely to y,.a iiy revengeful fe dings, and to provoke or continue personal contests, no place Will be given. Anil though in judging of those the editor mat-’ occasionally err, i> is to be ho ped * hat no improper motives nay be supposed to influence his decision, inasmuch as the right • f rejecting, a- well us >.?inserting communicu ti'iiis, must tie reserved to himself. As an editor it ill h his interest—as it wifi be, under tl circumstances, h'.s i,di lution— io give geneial satisfaction. Fr in the line ot impartial duty, he will endeavor not to depart; am. none shall have cause to arouse him • I vol iiHiai ii- giving a heedless oflcocu to a single in dividual F will Scarcely be necessary to say, that the political complexion of the Atlieneuin will be Republican 111 this ago if iigiit and knO” ledge,. • nd in this cniiiitry, none oilier ought loask, m oil'd be expected to receive, public patron ugt. UONDITIC-N'S. The Atheneum will be; published a week, on a supi’i'-roMil sheet,am 1 iV.-livered to subscri bers or forwarded by mail, at Three Dollars a year, payable in advance,, or Four Dollars,- ii payment is deferred to the end of the year. 11l subscriptions v- ill b -for one year ,n lea t, and till a discontinuance is directed. No paper iiseontiiiued, except it the option of the editor, until ali dues are paid! 1 Advertisements will b inserted at the usual rates. disposed to encourage the under taking, .are requisled to the ‘aim: by ,h fi’ rt of Septenfx:r,.i:” it is cnnttmplatbd to issue the first number earlv in Urntrimi'li. TEN J AMIN BUAN'FLY. (j-‘f Editors tof newspapers in Gsoi-pug in e re quested to give the above slew insertionii. Augusta, June 23 55 Lund.'; for Sale. n> t%7iLLh.s disposed of at la low price and on v* accommodating terms, a valuable tract of land on Lewis’ Greek and mi the Altamaiia river -1 miles above the town of Darien, formerly the property of Mr. Win. Joyner. The tract consists T 1190" acres, 200 of which, are cleared and im proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses— There are about 800 acres ot first quality tide iaiid, suitable for the culture of. Rice, Cotton or Sugar; the remainder liig'li r.uid, with an exfen ivi. knowl fine elevation oh which the se ! tle* ■iient is made. The land is well timbered, and from its conti juitv to a market, will, ip its clearing, instead of incurring expense, produce profit by the sale of Ui'.igk-s and other lumber, the proceeds of winch must fur exceed the expences of the labor. ‘I his tract is one of the oldest surveys and consequent iy best selection of iliver Swamp land, with an excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of cult ‘ire —having a beautiful scite for a residence and located at an agreeable distance- from the town of Darien, for purposes of business or plea* stive. Terms and a more particular description mav be known on application to } gEOKGE SCHLEY, march 14 d62 No. I. Commerce Row. Sugar, Coffee, tfc. 100 bags prime Green Coffee 20 superior St Croix Sugar 5j <io iianpi.a Muscovado (io 20 bags Pimento 5 pipes Cegnac Brandy / 5 Ls ,io and 5 qr casks Fico Madeira Wine 50 bis prime Beef . oqij ids f edi Baltimore Flour. For sale by HALL HOVT. sept 5 83 Douglass & Sorrel. Offer for Sale. 200 bis sup. Halt Hcward-st. Flour 2 ) pipes Holland Gin 50 Ids Northern do 20 bhds Muscovado Sugar 10 bis Loaf ! 100 bags prime Green Coffee 10 pipes Colmlnar Wine 10 sei-oons - punish Tobacco Spanish <ligars in halt and qr. boxes Oil cloth carpeting, vai ions patterns ; Wire Sifters, assorted sizes 1 Window glass of ail sizes. sept 7 GEORGIA, > By ElilJAi. HAKS-.U WBEIITZ COOSTT. f Clerk Courfiof (bdv-Ln V* RS. CLARISSA HOADLIfY, ad.nin.str . *■ u lux of all and singular the goods and chat eL, rights and credits, which wet.e o< Ucrmoo ! V e ol said county, deceased, applies lordisnussmn from her said administration ■ * • ~|iT heSe are - ifioiefore, to cue and admonish • their object ions. , t h . ey, : avc ’ , " ,f y fit Ric,-b:)rt,u:r||, i2 1 ‘!?. r ' me Prescribed :>v lav- ; - K rwis, i hersvd!". r - ■“ li S Mty “UU be dismissed from ner said admimscraimn. : | <1 . l s; ! p e ” 0 hanti and seal thiseigliteerdl | jdu of .March, m tiie year of our I.uid one thou. ,:saml eight hundred and L Af?i ,- KL JAM BUiEiqc.c 0.1.0. april 15 bh” dm Notice 1 3 hereby given, that. ,e left bard halves o: a ten <ute hundred dollar notes of tin: Ranh of the United States, signed by V. .Jones, I'n-si • d-nt, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbd-a and tenor described,b“low, were it, ,!■. PhHt-o at !'!nladclphi.t„ n toe wv.ung i.fiih, lo,h December, 1820, inclosed in a teller In J ”’ * ‘ lohson, to Joshua Milne at Savnnm.ii u Georgia, winch letter wan never received; anil as Hie entire mail oftheHih Ded. from Phila (iCiplou to Savannah miscarried, the belief is that the said letter and notes were stolen or robbed from the mail. Application having been mane to the bank by the subscriber for ti*e pay nie"t whole of said notes, all .unions concerned are requested to take notice. (Signed) JOSHUA MILNE. Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor of US’ West gIOO A 936 j Houston 100 “ U 903 1> 1052 “ P grip i,o “ G 426 AV Hush, jr, 10-i “ U 773 ; c !> Iddings Vic May 20,1813 A 1863 J-Feale, jr. lOi/ “ G t 797 “ J) 1679 “ io,, “ 13 1535 “ “ 100 s 1000 fid 1 :2 Notice. * jjY’IRE!-: TJiontb‘l after date, application will -A be made to the Rank of the Statu of-Oeor i-in for the renewal of Certificate No 408, for .uugteen shares Stock, the original being lost. MARY SLEIGH. nnril 4 ♦ n-j SO Notice. j INE months after date application will be i- made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es title of Wi'.liam Road, deceased. DAVID KENNEDY, Executor, march 14 9m* Gin , Pork. Raimis, Uz. It pipes Vlneaican iju 50 bhls prime Fork 4J boxes llai.sins 8 cases mens’ a,id boys’ black it dtab Hats Just received and for sale by julv 25 til AARON MORGAN. The Fortunes of Nigel BY the author of Wavwrly —2 Vo’s, g! 75 Rccieved by THOM VS LONG WORTH, agu- t 6 Notice. 5T HAVE appointed Mr Geo Coeiixs, my at £ toi-iu-y during my absence from this city S MAN TON. yiily 2 11.51 Summer Hals & Clothing. - I'M IK. balance of the Summer supply is jus. re* i| reived ami for sale, at cost, for the sea-on only —by FETERDREGK. A great quantity of supeyiiue Riiss! n . Drill Pantaloons, from < 6~ 50 to 35b plain and white striped Salt in ’’autaioonSJf from .§5 to •’ 5b Fine v.liite Linen Pantaloons 00 Extra fine blue and black llombazeeo l-anta louns B’ 00 Second quality 4 00 Extra quality Searsucktr and Jean Round Jackets . S 1 50 to 300 Black Florentine Vests —fashionable patterns from B-- 00 to 4 50 Extra quality white and col’d Marseilles Vests from SI 50 to > 00 Bbmbazeen Coatrrs i ! /6 00 to 9t O French Vigonia Goatees, ofall colours’ g 7 On Luten F ill bhirts &2 00 to 400 Linen plain Shirts i 25 to 4 0 - Four pair Cotton Socks for B l 00 Long Cotton Hose 0 50 French Vig nia Fantaloons 3 00 Black Silk Pantaloons ‘ 4 50 Gentlemens’ Straw Hats 1 50 Boys’Straw Ilals, broad brim _ I 25 Servants’ Corderoy S its gSOO to 600 Large sizes silk Umbrellas S- 5c Pavillion Gauze 1 ~2 A great quantity ofNegro’s clothing. /iilv 11 58 Crockery Ware % Negro Pipes 100 Crates, well assorted Crockery ware 100 Boxes Negro Tobacco pipes Landing from ship Lady Gallatin, from ..iver-, pool for sale by HALL o HOY 1. julv i3 Mrs. LIMBKHT, lean to inform her triends that she 9 lias returned to her former residence m State-street, (Brick House first door east ot Dray ton-street,) where she will rc-comn.eace her Seminwy on the first day of October. Reading, Writing, Grammar, Geography, Embroidery, Plain Writing, and the minor am. useful branches of EDUCATION will be taught bv her. She trusts to the approbatmn ot those who may be pleased to favor her with their pat* ronage, which she respectfully solicits. L. caw accommodate two or tlirec young Ladies ith Board, and the use of the Pi ano if required. sept 25 it 91 ’ Ka ID4 VtiiSe Jilmiufstnior-s Xctice. ul b ,s“T j the county i.f Scrtetnl ’ residence in j - v ., ROLLGC.’K, Administrator. ‘■ * . Idmi ni el rotor ’s Noli ce. II* 1 ;!? a S b ¥ ribt ’ ‘* been appoiu, ,! and • THu-^si” s V n "’f>re!nr dt- bonis non of L . atc 1 -e-ipilas Thomas deceased, kite 1 Brt ■ veil county, ami b.- request- those ter j'i.s who have demands against the eslale to p ej-enttnem to himself properly attested, and •ueZu?Tl“ r s <!tb,< ll 11lt ’ deesased, n e lcfjntited to mafro payment. . , I'-i.f.h, I'Ol./.OCK, Administrator. £>>.; ONI) VOi.VMR, i rSkt THOMAS I ON Worm, august 1 67 Fstentiah Oil of p^ruce. t•’ MALI, ii. voice <|’ th. K.:, , , ui oil of .3. Spruce-—just received and fm slt vuv by ’ 1- ff, K J lay, Corner of Congress and V hitaker stittta aug I 67 tmnnm-i, .-. ra r JI.-U ■. The Subscribers H-VVE received by LU- aov-ais 100 bundles Hay, Ist quality 25 lib’s Mackerel, No 2 25 do prune Retd I > lio prime Fork 1 100 i.o-.s Soap 6f Cardies— from Win* ship’s manufactory, Ii Mon 30 Hokes e.vceheiit (ml i |. le pieces Dues, fit for fn.tii Put ves sels I.KVISTONB& camu F.a, Hunter’s Ik irk Mti/i <liars. july 27 65 s Notice. iVf n JV * n}:AT and Messrs. J. B. IfEnnEiii? 1 hi. in. Cos will act as Attorneys fi-r the sub scribers during their absence from this city. E. WILLIAMS 6i CO. july 9 57 Lamp Oil. f | , HE customers cd A Corn-all can be con stantly supplied with the best Lamp Oil, oil application toC Cunuur, opposite inly 56 Dr. Lee’s rjen 11 ine Windham li it*HIS i ills, ’ Or, FA JULV Fill SIC. 6BNIIF.SK celebrated Fills i.avt tieen in extent B B.vo use fo>- ah-tit thirty years, and lime m w become (lie most common Family Vltdicii.e of any in he Uui’- i! s ates. The very gr t reputati.n these. Pills have gained al- over'the U. State , West-Indies :;mj elsewhere, has induced certain persons tn make and vend other ’’ills, which thev call’s Pills, and lie. ar fu-n iff ts the genuine’s Windham Fills. Ihe proprietors have lately all’ 11, they hope, an effectual step to guard Lh r-iihlir against bring imposed on by the spurinus Fills. The direction paper which goes wit ) each box of the genuine Fills, is al ways signed b>. Charles Lee cd Windham, and on the outside if the envelope is Perkins’ Mereo’- lype Label, and also .an extra Label, printed \yiih red ink, and which is signed by Isaao Thompson of New London in Ins owr hand-smi ling. If piii-cba'jers will be carefifl to noiicA liiesc “Tens” they will be sur: of obtaining Uni genuine Lees Fills, bill not otherwise. These valuable Fill :>- e particularly service aide in Uihous nil yells to Fevers, autumnal Fe vers, the first stages Fever Ague, -worms in Chil li) en, Jaundice, Headache, and may always be u sed to advantage whenever a Cathartic medi cine is m cessaiy. From a sense of duty to the public, as well as to the Proprietors of the Genuine Fills, 1 do hereby warn tiie Public against certain per sons of the name of Crosby, who are said to he travelling the country in all directions and offer ing for sale Spurious Pill-, as genuine Windham Lets Bilious Fills. I find these men have had the audacity to state that they are inv agents. 1 have long known their characters too well.— They arc not, nor ever liaye been agents of mine, nor have they ever been entrusted by me with any of said Fills E>- iy person on inspection will notice that the Fills they offer, hf ve not on the outside of the wrapper the ‘‘Tests” printed in Red Ink and signed by me in my own hand, writing, and that tiie Bills of Direction to the spurious Fills are not signed by Charles Lee, us the genuine ones are. The printers in the western and southern states could not confer a greater favor on their customers, than giving this advertisement a few insertions, as the rood citizens of those stutetT are much imposed on with spurious Lee’s Pills. Those printer* who do not feel willing to insert it gi titis shall be alio 1 ’ ed one dollar for inserting the same a few times in their papers, and will be paid on presenting their bills to me or any of my authorized agents ISAAC THOMPSON. Wholesale Vender and Joint Proprietor. New London Sept. 1822. The above Pills can always be had genuine of’ Francis J. Lay on the same terms as of the f’ro prietois—where also may be had Dr. Thompsons celebrated Eye IValer. Notice COUNCIL will at its meeting on the third day of October next, proceed to the election of a Port Warden for the City of Savannah to fill the vacancy occasioned by the dece;ise of John H. Ash, Esq.—-Candidates will leave thru ap plications with WM. .MOREL, c, o. pro tem. sept 24 199