The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, February 01, 1855, Image 4

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JOHN H. CHRISTY, PLAIN AND FANCY Book and Job Printer, « Franklin Job Office,” Athens, On. •», All work entrusted to his cars faithfully, correctly and punctually executed, at prices correspond- JanlS ln« with the hardneMof the time*. tf c. B. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. neer the Store of Wilson A VeaL Jan3 PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale A Retail Dealers in Groceries, Dry Goods, hardware, shoes and roots, April 6 Athens, Ga. MOORE & CARLTON, stiici i:r SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. April No. S, Granite Row, Athena, Ga LUCAS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN dry goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, 4e. Ac. No. 2, Broad Street. Athena. WILLIAM G. DELONY, attorney at law, Office over the atoreol Win M. Morton A Son Will attend promptly to all business entrust ed to his care. P Athena, April 6 p. c. LANGSTON, Attorney at Law, CARNESriLLE, HA. Iwnncn.—C. Peeples, Esq. ) Athens W. L. Mitchell, Esq. j Col. B.F.Hardeman, Lexington, Samuel Freeman, Esq. Xewnan Gabriel Nash, Esq.Danielsville J. S. PETERSON, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, DEALS ALSO IN fancy hoods, perfumery, and paper HANGINGS. SION OF THE MAMMOTH BOOK, Corner of Broad Street and College Avenue, opposite the Newton House, Athki**, Ga. FERRY & CO. fTlulu alt and Retail Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, Between Dr. Longs' and Peterson’* corner, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. P. A. SUMMEY & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple Goods, Hardware, Crockery, and all kinds of groceries, Corner of Wall and Broad streets, Athens NEW FALL GOODS, FULL SUPPLIES. William Shear, (Augusta. Ga.) H AS receded from New York his Fall sup plies of fancy and staple Dry Goods, em bracing a large and splendid assortmenMuit- able for the fall ana winter season, among which &T6 Rich fancy colored, silks, of new and beauti ful styles; plain black silks, in great variety of style and of superior quality; Rich Paris printed Delaines and fancy all- wool Plaids; Lupin’s col’d, white and black Msrinoes and plain col'd Delaines; a very large supply of small figured all-wool prin ted Delaines for children, of new and beau tiful styles; English and American Fancy Prints, hi a great variety of styles; superior Scotch fancy Ginghams ot new and beautiful winter styles; Elegant French Embroideries, embracing Ladies’ collars, chemisette, undersleeves and handkerchiefs, of new and splendid styles; Ladies’ black and colored Cloth Cloaks and Talmas, of the latest styles; Ladies’ rich em broidered and plain Paris silk velvet Cloaks; A large supply of ladies’, misses and chil dren’s Hosiery, of the best make; Ladies’ and gentlemen’s superior Gaunt’et Gloves; Ladies’ and misses merino Vests; gen tlemen’s and youth's silk and merino shirts and drawers; Superior Welsh, Saxony, gauze, silk-warp and heavy Shaker Flannels; superior Eng lish colored Flannels for ladies’ sacks; Eng lish and American Cotton Flannels of extra quality; A very large supply of Mourning Goods, for ladies’ nse, of superior quality; Superior 12-4 linen sheetings and pillow case nnens; superior 8-4 and 10-4 table damask and diapers, som3 or extra quality; rich d i- mask table cloths and napkins, some of extra size; Scotch and birdseye diapers, extra fine, for children’s wear; heavy Scotch Diapers and Huckabacks for towelling; Superior whitney and merino blankets, of extra size and quality; snpr crib blankets. Also a great variety of other seasonable ar ticles, suitable for family and plantation use. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. W. S. especially solicits a call from his long coutinued friends and patrons, and assures them that no exertion on hia part shall be wanting to supply them with the latest and most desirable styles of goods at the lowest prices. Novl6 NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, At Greatly Reduced Prices! LUCAS & BILLUPS A RB now receiving a large and handsome assortment of all kinds of goods suited to this market, and offer great inducements to those wishing to purchase. They have Ladies’ Dress Goods. Consisting of Merinos, Cashmeres, Bomba zines, French and English Muslin DeLaines- Blaok Alpaccas, black Canton cloths, mourn ing crapes, English crapes, new styles plaid silks, handisome plaid cashmeres and delanes, plain black silks, all qualities, French cam bric, calicoes, ginghams, *c. A large and handsome lot of Winter Shawls, Gloves, Ho siery. nett shirts, Ac. of every style & quality, MILLINERY ARTICLES. Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, and all kinds of trimmings. A large assortment of GENTLEMEN’S DRESS GOODS, Cloths, cassimeres, vestings, and all kinds of goods for men’s, boy’s and children’s wear, that are called- for. Men’s and boy's Hats, caps, boots and shoes. Also, ladies and miss es’ shoes and gaiters of all styles. A large assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY MiU Irons,Snmt Machines, Mill Saws, Blaok smiths Tools, Farmers’ Tools, Rifle and Shot New Firm and New WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, etc. <kc. Mandeville & Talmadge TTAVE just returned from NewYork.with J-L a large and beautiful assortment of the above named articles, which they will sell cheaper than can be. purchased elsewhere A great variety of rich Jewelry of the latest style—Broaches, Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, gold guard and fob chains, gold PenB and Pencils, gold and silver Bncklea, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of col'd Glasses; Warranted sterling silver table, dessert and teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles dually kept in a Jewelry store. The superior advantages which the sub scribers possess over those unacquainted with the business, in purchasing directly from the manufacturers and importers, and being practical jewelers, renders them capable of properly judging the value of all they pnr chase and recommend to the public. In the department of Watch and Jewelry Repairing, we are determined, by careful and neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to merit the approbation of the public favor. An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest stple, always on hand, from Beveuty-five cts. to one hundred and seventy-five dollars—all B. J. LONG, TT EEP constantly on selected stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Window Glass, Putty, $c. £c. Also, dealers in French, English and Ameri can Chemical), Drags, Medicines, Per fumery and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchants and all others can depend upon their orders meeting prompt attention, upon the most accommodating terms. Their goods will be warranted as repre sented. January, 1854. Guns. Saddles, bridles, harness, sole and up- warranted perfect time-keepers. A. S Mandevii.le, | W. A.Talmadge. Corner of Broad street and College Av. one door east ofPeterson's bookstore. Dec 22,1854. per leather, springs, axles, and a general as sortment of carriage trimmings, stage hames and traces, Oil cloths, carpetings, mattings, rngs, bolting cloths, die. Also, a large lot of Groceries. Sugar, coffee, salt, mol sses, syrup, tea, they offer at the lowest market prices, either for cash or on approved credit. Oct 12 No 2 Granite Row, Athens 1 NOTICE. W E are still offering at our old stand, a 1 trge stock of - GL> CD !ljDE33q comprising ALL KINDS USUALLY KEPT IN THIS MARKET, which we are daily offering at low prices. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods at the market price. Call ai*d see us. Janl3 PITNER & TNGLAND. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SSZ MILLENERY, &C. TLfRS. VONDERLIETH would respectfully 11L inform the Ladies of town and country that she constantly keeps on hand, at her store on College Avenue, four doors below the post office, a large and well selected lot o LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Millinery Article*, ike. to which their attention is respectfully in vited. As she is determined to sell low, she trusts the Ladies will give her a call before purch using elsewhere. v STOVES, STOVES! C OOKING and Office Stoves, in great vari ety, constantly on hand, at low prices,by April 18 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. The American’s Friend. CHILDS’ Patent Double-Circular SAW-MILL, T HE suberiber having purchased the right to the above Patent tor the South, is pre pared to furnis this IMPROVED SAW MILL SHOES! SHOES! A LARGE and well selected lot of Gents and Ladies’ Shoes, for sale low, by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. Farmer’s Cradles. QCYTHE Blades, Grass Scythes, Reaphooks k) and Scythe Snathes, for sale by April 13 p. A. SUMMEY & BRO. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. T O the Citizens of the United States: 1 most humbly thank you for the immense pat ronage which you have bestowed upon my Flour! Flour! A LARG E lot of superfine and extra family Flour, in sacks and extra barrels, for sale by p. A. SUMMEY & BRO. W. H. & J. TURPm, (Successors to W. H. Turpin,) QFFER to Physicians, Planters, Merchants NEW CLOTHING! T HE undersigned are now' receiving and opening their Saving Stock ot Ctotkmg, at their old stand, oposite the Post-Office on college avenue, Athens, Georgia, where they will be glad to see all of their friends and customers, and any one who wants to buy ISPGOOD AND CHEAP^fj WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE ANB RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, And Newspaper and Magaiint Agent. DEALER IN MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMPS, VINE CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, *C. tin. a, Collage Avenue, Newton House. Athene, G> sign of •• White’s University (look Store.” Orders promptly filled at Augusta rates. to any one at short notice. He lias had one ^otiagc wmc yo ntatirnr that I ^ and the public at large, a choice and well of these Millsin operation near Greenesbo- * American Citizens* assorted stock of Drugs anl Medicines, Oils, ro,’ Green country, lor the last ten months, T'ain L aU thaf concern Paint8 ’ Dye-stuffs, Glass and-Putty, Brushed which has fully equalled expectatation. It and that I entertain for all tha co cerne If description, Straw Brooms, Spirits Subsciberto undertake to introduce it into I living, intending to establish mysell among E. VONDERLIETH, Draper and Tailor, College Avenne, Athens, Ga.—four doors from the Post Offico. April 6. the lumber districts in the Sooth generally. A glance at the improvements combined in these machines, cannot fail to convince every person of their superiority over any other Mill now in nse. The Subscriber is also prepared to famish, on short uotiee and reasonable terms, En- giues of any power, put up by the best of workmen. Also, MARSH & NICHOLS’ PATENT T. BISHOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, April 6 No. I, Broad street, Athens. W. H. H. WHITE, Merchant Tailor, April 6 Broad Street, Athens you, which I have now done, by taking pre mises in New York. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 88, corner Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y PURIFICATION OF THE BLOOD AND Liver & Bilions Complaints. The Citizens of the Union suffer much from I disorders of the Liver and Stomach, scarcely | terms. Merchants will find it to their inter est to look at onr prices. All articles war ranted to be as represented. Give us a call | and satisfy yourselves. Augusta, Junel 5 SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Henry D. Weed, Pres.—Jno. R. Wilder, See. T HE above Company is row prepaied to take Fire eisk* in this place, and the adjoining counties, on avorabie terms. Apply to 8. J. MAYS, Agrnt. JAMES M. ROYAL, HARNESSBAKEBt H AS removed his shop to Mitchell’s old Tavern, one door east of Grady A Nich olson’s—where he keeps always on baud a general assortment Qf articles in his line, and is always ready to fill orders in the best style. Jan 26 tf FOE SALE. O NE hundred and sixty-five acres of Land, much the larger portion heavily timber ed, not over two miles from Town. Five or six hundred acres, adjoining Mr. Wm. Mat- _ ... ... , . _ - . thews, six miles from town—a large body in G R1ST MILL, for Corn or Wheat. These any are free from the influence of these des- the woodg . nnd the houso and lot on which Mills will grind more, with less power than I tructive maladies, hence life wears fast. The | t j, e subscriber lives. The whole, or any por- any other now in use,'and can be run by I fair sex, perhaps the handsomest m the I will be sold on reasonable terms, either steam or water. Price from $175 to I world, up to a certain period when, distros-sj Jan 19 R. D. MOORE. #250, according to size. ing to say, many lose their teeth and good C3*” Orders addressed to the Subscriber, I looks, while yet in the heyday of life. Such I GEORGIA—Clarke County. will be promptly attended to. | sad evils may be effectually remedied by con-1 YTJ’HEREAS, James M. Ridgeway, and Mr. John Stevens, John Libby, and Henry I tinually keeping the blood pure, and the Liv-1 Y\ John N. Ridgeway, apply to mo for Let- Libby are my authorized Agents to transact I er and stomach in a healthy action,when life I ters of Administration on the estate of Nel- any business in the above line. I will flow smoothly, and resemble plants in a I 80n Ridgeway, late of said county, deceased, jy Farther information can bo obtained I congenial clime, where an eternal springap-1 These are therefore to cite and admitmh from me or my Agents; or from Messrs I pears to reign. As it regards the preserva I a jj and singular the kindred aud creditors of Gleen & Daniel, of Woodstock, Oglethorpe tion of the human lrame, and the duration of sa ; d j ecease j t to be and appear at my office county; or from Brooks & LeRabour, Greens- life, much may be effected, and i say fear l ou or before the first Monday in March boro,’Greene coup t Ga., wbo have my Mills lessly, that health nd h.ecan be prolonge 1 uoxt „bew eause, if auy they have, why in operation: foryears beyond their ordinary limits. I 8a j d jitters should not then be granted to tho HENRY STEPHENS. it Holloway’s Pills are taken to purify the 1 Grccnesboro,’Ga. April, 6 1864. 8m. blood according to tho rules laid down for gy Nisbett & Levy, of Macon, D. R. health contained in the directions which ac- Torbet.of Columbus, and E. H. Hancock, company each box, of Athens, well known Machinists, will turn-1A case of we akness and DEBILITY, of Their stock has been selected from the best manufacturers in New York, and being bought near the close of the season, they were bought from eight to twelve per cent, cheaper than those bought earlier in the season. We therefore confidently believe that we will sell you goods a little cheaper than you can buy the same article at auy other store in the place. Our stock consists of all kinds of MEN’S WEAR, Such as Black and Fancy colored ’Frock and business Coats; Black aud fancy colored Cassimere Pants, and all kinds of black thin Coats and Pants; Also brown Buff and White Linen Coats and Pants; Also a general variety of Vests of all the different kinds; and a good assortment of BOYS’ CLOTHING. Also men’s Shirts auddrawers, undershirts, silk and gauze; Shirt collars, and collar boxes, Stocks, Cravats, and Handkerchiefs, Cotton and Linen; Half-hose; Linen, Silk and Kid Gloves, of all kinds; also Portmonies, ind silk Purses, and Hair, Hat and Coat Brushes, and pocket and coarse Combs; also a good assortment of Gingham and black and colored Silk, and Umbrellas and Carpet Bags, and Tranks. We have constantly on hand the very best chewing Tobacco and fine Cigars, a good as sortment. We inviteall buyers of the above articles to call and see us and let us show you our goods. WILSON A VEAL. May 4 NEW TAILORING HSITAlBILOSiaiEQ SETUP* T HE undersigned, so long and favorably known in Athens and vicinity, having taken the Store No. 5, College Avenue, (west side,) Is now receiving and opeuing the most rich and brilliant STOCK OF GOODS, — For Gentlemen’s Wear. Ever before offered in this market; com prising superfine black aud fancy cloths and cassimeres superfine French doeskin, cas simeres, black and fancy colors, for pants and vests, embroidered most superbly with silk and gold and pearl, something entirely new and very desirable, to which attention is especially invited. Heavy ribbed Beavers and other goods for OVERCOATS, Willbe receired in due season. VESTINGS, In great variety, cousisting of cashmeres, elegantly embroidered grenadines, satins, and silks of a great variety of colors, richly figured; and velvets plain and embroidered. Also a full stock of Collars, Shirts, Drawers,Suspenders, Handkerchiefs and Hosiery. Returniughis grateful acknowedgements for the uniform favor, and good will maifest- ed toward him, voder other circumstances, he flatters himself 'hat his past experieuce in cutting, and his present deternftnation to please, will insure for him a reasonable share of patronage. All the work cut at his establishment will be executed i j the neatest manner and the most fashionable style. WM. GARVIN Of the late firm of W. H. H. White, A Co. August 10, 1864 ish either of the above mention Mills. F. H. Hancock Also constructs Water and Horse PoweVsfoi the above Mills, and is prepared to semi work men to any part of the country to put them in operation. Athens, May 25 BLANKETS! BLANKETS! pairs superior white and colored 1UU Blankets, for sale low by T. Bishop di Son. Nov2 NAILS! NAILS! TJl ULL assortment of the best brands, just T received and for sale low by T. Bishop A Son. Nov2 A FISH! FISH! FISH! E XTRA No. 1 Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Codfish and sealed Herring, just received by Nov9 t. bishop a son. PRESERVES. C HOW-CHOW and Ginger—freah supply on hund. Nov« D. N- J UD80N. Extra Sugar-House Syrup. F RESH supply just received and for sale by T. Bishop A Son. Oct 19 NOTICE. T HE subscriber wiii be absent from Athens until the first of January, and as he de sires to close up the business of the estate of lion. Charles Dougherty, deceased, as speed ily as possible, those indebted are warned again to come forward and make payment Aflsr the lOlh of January next, he can al —ays be found iu Athens. N. L. BARNARD, Adm’r with the will annexed. Athens, Nov 9, 1854. SAULTKR & IYY T their old stand, near the FranklinHouse, . Aihens, Ga. are better prepared than ever heretofore to meet the wants of the tra velling public. Those wishing to hire Coaches, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, or Saddle Horses, are invited I all to no purpose ; and had given mjseit up i ^ allv 'interesting during'the forthcoming to give them a call—as they have finer Coach- to despair, when I was at last recommended J Th wiu occupy a middle ground be es and better stock than at any time hereto- to take yonr Pills. Afler using them for i ween the hastily wiitteu news-items, crude fore, while their Drivers are as careful as can three months, the result is that I am now in speclllat ; on8 an J flying rumors of the daily anywhere. better health than I have been for eleven I j^A riial and tha ponderous Tome of the ^J“At the same time their ferns are as years past, and indeed as well as ever I was future h5storian Written after the living good as the best. R. Saunter, Z. Ivy. | in my lite, 1 oa are quite at liberty to make intcre3t and exc j t ement of the great political this known for the benefit of others. I re- evunf9 t j, e t ; me s j,all have passed away. It main, Sir, yours respectfully, is to’thsse Periodicals that readers must look ™ JOHN JOHNSON for t ^ e j real ] y intelligible and reliable These celebrated Pill* ate wonderfully effica hiBtor _ of current events, and as such, in ad- ctous in the followinq complaints:— Bad Legs Contracted and Lumbago Bud Breasts Stiff Joints Piles Burns Fistulas Rheumatism Bunions Goat SaltRheam Glandular Scalds Swellings Sore Nipples Sore Throats Skin Diseases Scurvy Sore Heads Ulcers Wounds Sold at the Establishments of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, NewYork, and Eradicator. M ARSHALL’S Magical Pain Eradicator, for curing Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings, Ac. is eminently superior to any other external remedy for these stubborn dis eases. All who have used it, can testify to its efficacy. For sale by W. H. A J. TURPIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Broad at, Augusta, Ga. an 1 l>y all Druggists throughout the State June! LOOK HERE! T HE undersigned have on hand a general assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. which they will sell low for cash or barter 0 ill and examine. April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. #150 to #200 per Month \ J WILL send instructions by which any person can make from $150 to #200 per month, without tra veling or peddling, and with tho smallest annul' no receipt of any kin *1 the above instrui ’ value, i of tbe tpital. Thivis I will for and all tbe arts vertised in the States, free ing me the smal aid. * LEY, Kingston, Res* Count/.Ohio applicants or to such other person or persons as the Court may think proper. Given under my hand at office, this 2d day of January, 1855. Jan. 11. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. TO THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. TEN YEARS STANDING, CURED BY HOL- | _ LOWAV,S PILLS. Copy of a Letter from Captain Eton John son. Astor House, New York, dated January 6th, 1854. To Professor Holloway, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y. Sir,—It is with tho most heartfelt plea sure I have to inform you that I have been restored to health and strenght by taking your Pills. For the last ten years. I ouffer- ed from a derangement of the Liver anti Stomach, and was reduced to such an extre mity that I gave up my Ship, never expect ing to go to sea any more, as I had tried eve-1 THE nt critical state of European af- rv Remedy that was recommended to me, but I f a ; rs w j|j re nder these publications ana- all to no purpose; t.nd had given myself up 1 - - • - ■ British Periodicals. |EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., l\ew York, con tinue to re-puhlish the following British Periodicals: 1. The Louden Quarterly, (Conservative,) 2. The Kdinh.irgh Review, (Whig.) 3. The North British Review, (FreeChurch,) 4. The Westminster Review, (Liberal,) A Blackwood's Edlhb’gh MagazineJTory J FOR SALE, A. desirable residence in the! Town of Athens. H AYING completed the handsome im provements on the lot occupied by the I late a. S. Hopping, I now offer it for sale, on reasonable terms. L . Persons wishiog to purchase, either fox I ~“ r1 ,*?’ n8 cash, good paper, or exchange for other desi- J able property, are requested to call and ex- f mine. F. W. LUCAS. Athens, July 6 tf BARGAINS! BARGAINS! history of current events, t dition to their well-established literary, sci entific and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. 63f Arrangements are now permanently made for the receipt of EARLY SHEETS from the British publishers,by which we.are enabled to place all our Reprints in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with the foreign copies.— Although this involves a very large outlay 244 Strand, London; also, by all respectable our part we shall continue to furnish the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through-1 Periodicals at the same low rotes as hereto W ISHING to reduce my stock, I have deJ f Tf*’ ™ = terrained to oiler my present large and f f J 1 ^ whole- p op an y cn0 0 f the four Reviews, valuable supply of St-mdard and Miscellanc-j ^ e i0 ® flhe P rincl P al Dru g M° uses ln the | For any two of the four Reviews, oux Literature, aud -staple and faucy Sta tioncry. At Greatly Rc&uceit Prices, to prompt customers, and lower still for cash, fg* Remember to call at the Corner. Nov23 tf J. S. PETERSON — ,, . ., .. . « , . For any three of the four Reviews ESTl here is a considerable saving by tak For nl f fcar of the Reviews, m &\i e ivI® 0 £ 8Ke <r* .l ■, . . ^ For Black wood’s Magazine. NJ>. Directions for the guidance of patients For Blackwood and three Reviews, in every disorder are affixed*to each pot. ' ~ January 11,1855. come aud see! Spring & Summer Groods. McWhorter*& erwin A RE now receiving and opening their sup plies of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Consisting of such articles as are usually kept in this market. Hardware, Crockery and Glass ; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes; Saddlery, fyc. And an endless variety of other articles, tao tedious to mention. All of which they offer extremely low, for cash or country produce. Their friends nnd the.public are respect fully invited to give them a call—examine their stock and prices—and if these suit, to patronize them liberally. Athens, April 20 ^ NOTICE. T HE subscribers are prepared to fill orders for nil kinds of BOBBINS, commonly used in our cotton factories. All done as good and cheap as can be had from the North. Address, P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. Athens, Ga who will attend to all orders, nnd tbe snip ping of the same. March, 1854. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said County. W HEREAS, Eleanor H. Lowery, formerly Eleanor IL Overby, guardian of Sarau ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P U R8UANT to an order of tbe Court of Or dinary of Clarke county, will be sold be fore the court house door of said county, on PER ANN $3.00 6 00 7.00 8,00 3.00 9.00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10.00 Payments to be made in all cases in ad vance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING- A discount of p er cent, from tLe above FOR SALE. A Cottage Residence, C ONTAINING eight good rooms, with closets, pantry, and dairy, Ac. A good kitchen. Bmoke-house, servants rooms, stable, carriage-house and other out buildings. The lot contains two acres, is well im proved, has on it a never-failing well, of as good cool water as can be had in Clarke coun ty, and a number of choice fruit trees. Situated in Cobham, town of Athens. Apply to C. S. OLIVER. Athens, Clarke county, Sept. 7, 1854. 3m CHEAPwFOR CASH. W E are receiving large additions io our stock of Groceries, Hardware and Staple Dry Goods, and offer our customers fuller and better assortment than ever be fore, at prices which cannot fail to give s»t isiaction. Nov2 T. A SON. SPRING S upon us in all its glory, and summer is 1 is fast advancing. With these seasons also come diseases peculiar to them, in the form of Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, aud worst of all. Ring Worm. The best remedy for such, and certainly the most agreeable, i s “ Mar shall’s Ring-worm and Tetter Lotion.” It will .certainly cure, and quickly—i< does not stain the skin, aud is an agreeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W. H. A J. TURPIN, Dealers in pure Family Medicines, JuuelS Broad street, Augusta, Ga. GREAT ATTRACTION! B EING desirous of consolidating my busi ness, I offer for sale that most desirable place at Athens. The tract contains 10(10 or more acres, seven hundred acres of which are woodland, which can be subdivided into many valuable pieces—having four or five water-powers, one on the river and one on the creek, with dam, race and house.all ready for business; with desirable residence, seve ral springs, and two wells of pure water.— The tract will be sold in whole or in part, to suit purchasers; and if not sold this year,will be offered at auction, at the Commeucement, in August, 1855. March 9 WM. A. CARR. <CMmyiq»a»acBaacck Artists’ Union. T sb American Artists’ Union would respect fully announce to the citizens of the Uni ted States and the Canadas, that for the pur pose of cultivating a taste tor the fine act* throughout the country, and with the view of enabling every family to become poesesaed'of a gallery of Engravings by the FIRST ARTISTS OF THE AGfi. They have determined, in order to create an extensive sale for their Engravings, and thus not only give employment to a large number of artists and others, but inspire ; among our countrymen a taste for works of art, to present to the purchasers of their S, engravings, when 250,000 of them are sold, 250,000 GIFTS, of the actual cost of $150,000 Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engrav- ^ ing therefore, receives not only an Engraving richly worth the money, but also a ticket which entitles him to one of the Gifts when they aro distributed. FOR FIVE DOLLARS, a highly finished Engraving, beautifully PAINTED in OIL, and FIVE GIFT TICKETS, will be sent ; or Five Dollar’s worth ot splendid Engraving* can be selected from the Catalogue. A copy ol the Catalogue, together with A specimen of one of the Engravings, can be seen at the office of this paper. For each Dollar sent au Engraving actually worth that sum, and a Gift Ticket, will imme diately be forwarded. AGENTS: The Committee believing that the success of this Great National Undertaking will be materially promoted by the energy and enter prise of iutelligent anti persevering Agents, nave resolved to treat with such on the most liberal terms. Any persun wishing to become an Agent, by sending (post paid,) $1, will receive by return of mail, a One Dollar Engraving, a “ GIFT TICKET,” a Prospectus, a Catalogue and all other necessary information. On the final completion of the sale, the Gifts will be placed in the hands of a Com mittee of the purchasers to be distributed, due notice of which will be given throughout the United States aud the Canadas. LIST OF GIFTS. 100 Marble busts of Witshinglon,) *, n rtAA at $100, j $10,000 100 marble busts of Clay, at do. $10,000 100 “ Webster, '.0,000 100 *' Calhoun, 10,000 50 elegant Oil Paintings, in splendid jrilt frames, size 3x4 ft each $100, 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2x3ft $50, 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly col’d in oil, rich gilt frames, 24x80 inches each, $10, 10,000 elegant steel plate Engravings, col'd in oil, of the Washington Mon ument, 20x26 in. each $4, 40.000 237,000 steel plate Engravings, from 100 different plates, now in possess ion of, and owned by the Artists’ Um ion, of the market value of from cts to $1 each 41,000 1 first-class Dwelling, in Slstst, N. Y, 12,000 22 buildiug lots in 100 and 101st sts N. Y. city, each 25x100 ft deep, at 1000 22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 sq ft in the suburbs of New York city and commanding a magnificent view of the Hudson River aud Long Island Sound, at 500, 60,000 20 perpetual loans of cash, without in terest or securi'y, of $260 each A perpetual loans of 100 $each 10O “ “ 50 250 “ « 20 “ 2,000 “ “ 6 “ Reference in regard to the real estate, F. J. Visscher <fe Co. Real Estate Brokers.N. York, rders, post paid, with mouey enclosed, to b« idreased, J. W. HOLBROOKE, Sec. Oct 12 605 Broadway, N Y. EdP The engravings in the catalogue are r. iw ready for delivery. 5,000 6,000 5.000 Schnapps. T HE pure unadulterated article of Schiedam Schnapps, imported by B. Lieber, may be had of the utidersigded. who have been ap pointed agents in this city. The public may rely on the purity of this importation. In purchasing be careful to notice the name of 3. Lieber on the label. W. H. 4 J. TURPIN, Agents, June 14 Broad st, Augusta, Ga- 5,000 5,000 6,000 5.000 10,000 L AMP and TRAIN OIL.—Bleached Winter and Fall Sperm Oil, and a superior arti cle of Train Oil, by the barrel or gallon. W. H. 4 J. TURPIN, J14une Druggists, Augusta.O" RICE. A FRESH and good article of Rice always on hand at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S. April 13 PRESERVES—Ginger and Chow-chow X Preserves, and all sorts of PICKLES,for sale by P. A SUMMEY & BRO. TIN! TIN! C ONSTANTLY on band, a large aud well assorted lot of plain, fancy and Japanned Tin-ware, at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S April 13 POWDER. E XTRA blasting and Rifle Powder, a large lot. English and American gun caps^for jnle by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. FRESH LOBSTERS, SHAD, SAL- MON AND MACKEREL. I N hermetically-sealed cases, just received by Nov9 t. bishop * bon. THE IMPROVED C^WnAer Straw Cutters C UT all kinds of feed with great facility, and are not liable to get out of repair.— We have just received a small lot of them, which will be sol i low. Oct 19 T. BISHOP 4 SON Coacli'Making and Repairing. JAMES B. BURPEE, A T the old stand recently occupied by R. S. Schevenell. offers for sale a lot of superi or articles of his own manufacture, at redu ced prices—consisting oi Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for any thing in his line thunkfuUy received and promptly executed. .jSS“Repairing done at short notice and on reasonable terms. FRESH GROCERIES. E XTRA Rio, Laguira, Cuba and old Gov’t .Java Coffee, Sugars of all kinds; Pepper, Spices, Ginger, Maccai oni, Pickles and Mas tard, just received aud for sale low by Nov2 T. BISHOP 4 SON T. BISHOP & SON WILL continue the W AREHOUSE and Commission business at the same stand, and will attend to the sale or storage of Cotton nnd other pro duce, with promptness and dispatch, &ml on the most reasonable terms: Athens, Ga., Aug. 31.1854. 6mo TOOLS. B LACKSMITH’S and Carpenter’s Tools, in great variety, for sale by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO SACKS SALT, large size, and lM prime order, for sale low by Dec. 6. T. BISHOP A g 0 N. NOTICE. T HOSE indebted * ) us fc will please c.’d and” f K °° k a ^ on “ ts - cash or note; and th ™ ^V hem ’ eUke , r:> ' sKr-Sa J”-d 13 PITNER & ENGLAND BLANKETS & NEGRO CLOTHS,, TW , T .^ WILLIAM SHEAR RICH CARPETS AND CURTAIN T)ebfectfully invites the attention of! MATERIALS. H planters to his large supply of Negro I TT/ILLIaM SHEAR (Augusta) has receir- Blankets and Negro Cloths, which he is pre-1 ! r ed from New York a large supply of pared to sell at very low prices. Nov 10 English Brussels Carpets of the best quality? and of new and elegant styles; English Vel- Overby, guardian of Sarah I ? r ® t Tuesday in March next, during the [price* Vui be allowed to clubs ordering di- A. L. Overby .minor of Thomas Overby,deceas- leg , al “ our * * f sale ’ 1 “act of Land )*;«-1 reot from L. Scott & Co. four or more copies ed, U desirous of obtaining Letters Diamissory 12^ 8 dower excepted) whejeon Thomas Jf. of any one or more of the above works. Thus: ‘ »«:.! j:—I Epps, late nf said county, decent, resided from said guardianship— , -- .... . - It is therefore, upon the application of said , > t, ? ae ? f h,a dea th, containing two hun guardian, ordered by the Cpurt, that all per-1 dre “ nin «y- B «v'en and one-third acres, sons concerned, appear at the regular term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in March next, to show cause why said guardian should not be dismissed from said guardian ship. A true copy from tbe minutes of said court, rooro or less, about two miles from Wntkins- ville, on which is a comfortable dwelling- house and other necessary outbuildings. Also at the same time and place, will be sold one negro man, by the name of Jim, about fifty years old. AU to be soldastLe property of at a regular term thereof, held this 8th day of Bald deceased, for the benefit of his heirs and ’uitinry, 1855. I creditors. Terms, credit till the 25th. of De- janl 1 ASA M. JACKSON Ordinary. cember next,with note and approved security. J ' janll WM. EPES, Adm’r. BOOKS! BOOKS! J NOTICE. A LLacceunts hereafter made with cither T SHALL apply to the Ordinary of Clarke of the undersigned, will bo considered 1 County, at the March Term next of VL*55 k e *? h garter, and must Court of Ordinary, tor leave to sell the then be closed by cash or note. . groes belonging to the estate of Evalio Nov9 tf J. 8 PETERSON, WM. N. WHITE. the ne- 54^ Evaline S. Thurman, deceased. DecU JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, Ex. SEALED-UP OYSTERS, FRESH RAISINS. S l/LTANA, or seediest*, and Malaga Rais* j THRESH aud pickled, Lobsters, salmon, ins, of the new crop, cheap for cash, ft J? Mackerel, 4c. new receiving, by k DecSl DN.JUDSON. Dec 21 D. N. JUDSON’s. ;any< ■ Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9: four cop ies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30, and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, through Agents, Free or Postage. When sent by man, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty-four Cents a year for “ Black- wood,” and but Fourteen Oents a year for each of the Reviews. . . ... Remittances find commnnications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Pub lishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 64 Gold Street, New York. N. B L; S. &Co. have recently published, nnd have now for sale, the “.■Farmer’s Guide,” by Henry Stephens, of Edidburgh, and the late Prof. Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, complete la 2 'ols^ royal oetavo, con taining 1600 pages, 14 steel and 600 wrod engravings, price, in mnslin binding, $6. Hf This work is not the old “ Book of the Farm,” lately resuscitated and thrown upon the market. Blasting Powder and Safety Fuse. W ELL-Diggers and Miners can find the above articles, at wholesale and retail at LUCAS 4 BILLUPS.’ Oet 26 No Granite Row OCONEE MACHINE WORKS, ATHENS, QA. T HIS establishment is now prepared to re ceive and execute orders tor making and repairing All kinds of Machinery. Mill work, Steam Engines, &c, |3f“ Hands will be sent to any part of the country, for the purpose of repairing steaiu engines and other machinery, or putting up Mills, 4c. Childs’ patent Double Circular saw-mills are manufae tured at this ostablishmen t. We also bnild Horse-Powers for the same, and furnish hands to put them in operation. The mills are warranted to cnt5000 feel of inch plank per day; The Machine Works aro situated in the building above the old “Athens House,” Broad Street. £. H. HANCOCK. Athens, June 29,1854. Agent vet Carpets, of new nndspiendidstyles'.three’ ply, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets; Rich. Cheneille Rugs to match the carpets. Printed Crumb Cloths, in patterns and by’ _ the yard; Rich colored Damasks and Delaines' ^DPEBldR QUALIIIE8_QF GI£8' and some at Very low prices; embroidered Union Oii Company. ritHE U NION OIL CO. beg leave to call at JL tention to the prepared at their works, for machinery of all kinds, as well as for Curriers, Paiuters and Wool-spinners. T ese oils have been in uae in all the various departments for which they are prepared, and constant use for more than three years, and highest approba tion of Engineers and others, the Company have so enlarged their works os to be able to meet the.inorcased demand for theirOila.— Also, “Mineral White Paint,” superior to most Lead paints, equal to Zino, equally du rable, and less in price. AU order! for oils and paint of uniform qualities promptly sup plied, and warranted to be as represented. Office of the Company, No.100 Race Street above 3d, Philadelphia. Novl6 S. NEWELL, President. N.B. Our oils warranted not to.chill, and particularly adapted to Railroad usee- RICE! RICE! A new supply good Rice, 14 lbs. to the $, at Dec? I. 31. KENNEY’S. THE BEST BRANDIES, W HISKEY, Wines and other Liquors,that have ever been in Athens, now on hand and for sale cheap for cash, by Dec21 D. N JUDSON; Muslins for curtains, by the .yard. Window Shades., of beautiful styles; superior Fur**- ture Dimit'es and fine Cotton Fringe*. Gilt Cornices, Curtain Bands, qnd brass: and pil- ted Stair Rods. The public are respectfully, invited to oall and examine the assortment. Nov 16 GEORGIA—Clarke County. W HEREAS, Rowan McRee applies to me for Letters of Administration on the re spective estates of John McKee and Isabella McRee, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish , all and singular the kindred and creditors of ^ said deceased to shew cause, »f any they have, at my office, on. or before the first Monday in February iiext, why said Letters should not then be grunted to the’applicant, or to such other person or perrons as the Court may think proper. Given under my hand,at office, this 1st day of January, 1855. jani ASA M. JACKSON. Ordinary. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A choice article “Holt’s best, at Dec7 I. M. KENNETS.