The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, February 08, 1855, Image 3

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For the S. Watchman. COLLEGES. The exercises of Davidson College, N.C. are suspended in consequence of a difficulty between the students and Faculty; cause—the suspension of an undergraduate, which the students think unjust, and most probably as in most similar instances, they are right. Just laws must be sustained, but if his ex pulsion results from caprice, or the grati fication of the malignity of certain ones of the Faculty, as is sometimes the case, and usually of the most contemptible non-entities in it, let them rebel, and stand by their principles. The startling word of Reform, has thundered at the gates the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford in England, and we will find in American Colleges, that enquiries wilt continue to be made, as to their just government, and the fitness of Professors. The furego’ng appears in the Banner of to-day. One who is a subscriber to your paper, and who is also a parent, wishing to preserve order in his family, would be pleased if you would rebuke the man who encourages rowdyism in boys. Parents ought to be cautioned against receiving such nn editor’s slang into their families. Davidson College is a Presbyterian School under the man agement of wise and pious men, who know what is right better than boys. Feb. 1, 1855. U# We publish the above not only as an act of courtesy to the writer, but be cause we think his views are just. In this “ fast’’ age, ther e is a spirit of in subordination abroad among the youth of our country, which bodes no good to themselves or to society in general.— It is the duty of e\ery patriot and phi lanthropist to frown down this sp rit.— The only hope of the continuance of rational liberty lies in obedience to law and constituted authorities. An unruly, disobedient bog con never make a good man. We want our youthful readers to stick a pin here. Since our last issue, a considera ble quantity of cotton has. been brought to market, and sold at from 5 to 7 cents. We think our planters are acting wisely in selling. It is better to sell at a com paratively low price than to leave debts unpaid, and wait for an advance, which may never come. We hope, therefore, that the entire crop will be sold at once, and drive the grim monster Hard Times from our midst. Ice! Ice!—On last Thursday, such of our citizens as were au fait in the beautiful art of skating, had a glorious time, we are told, at Carr's mill-pond, which was frozen over for two or three heavy loss, days. We regret exceedingly that our LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER AFRICA. COLUMBIA, Feb. 1. The steamer Africa has arrived at Boston. LjThe ^London Times gives au awful picture of the condition of the English troops in the Crimea, only 14,000 fit for duty, other corps reduced in the same proportion. It thinks the army will be annihilated unless an un expected stocks of fortune intervenes. The French riflemen have obtained possession of an importantpo-dnear Bal- aklava, driving the Russians back with f£^=*Payup! Pay up! T HE undersigned most earnestly requests all persons indebt-d to the late firms of Chkijtt, Kiuli fit Burnt*, and Christy & Kbuka—as also those owing him individually—to Pay up at once: Many of these claims have been outstanding along time, and all must absolutely lie settled without delay. He trusts that a sense of right ami justice will lead every one indclittd to settle up immediately. If. how ever. it shall turn out that he is mistaken in this, he will be forced, however reluctantly, to “ try what virtue there is in” law! jaulS J. U. CHRISTY. Holloway s Ointment and Pills, certain Remedies for Bad Legs, Sores and Ulcers —Henry Read of Brooklyn, New York, (35) suffered for nearly eight years mnilignant character, aud terribly swollen. He hail consulted a number of medieal men who were unanimous in their opinion, that amputation of the limb was the only thing likely to save him, and even then his re recovery was dubious as his health was so much shattered. The lem of a limb to a man at this period of life was too great n sac rifice, and he refused to submit to the operation. He used Holloways Ointment aud Pills for nine weeks, and the leg is A despatch from Odessa says: the engagement, prc«nlod us frompanici-i I™*i„ a go^ order ^ ^ Rill and C. W. «fc H. R. J. Long; I3g”Distinguished Physicians, well known Mo cl' ts, respectable Apothecaries, and hundreds of others, bfcur testimony to the goo 1 effects of Stabler’s Anodyne Cherry Espcl orant in Coughs, Colds, and diseases . f the-Lungs anu Throat generally. There is : c empiricism In its preparation. Articles wliif.: . rc well knov. n and highly appreci ated by the entire medical fecal y. alone en ter into its composition. The Diarrhea Cor dial is atto prepared with the same scientif ic skill and care. Its benificiai effects in diseases of the bowels have been remarka ble. Over 500 physicians, who have been made acquainted with the recipes of these popular remed|p| have been pleased with them, and only spoken of them in terms of unqualified praise. If you have a cough or any disease of the Lungs or Throat give the Diarrhoea Cordial, make use of it with confidence, and mark the result. See dcs- cr’ptive pamphlets, to bd had gratis of the agents. Price of each, only 50 cents per bottle, or six bottles for $2 50. E. H.Stabler & Co. proprietors-, wholesale Druggists, Baltimore. For sale by C. W. <fe R. R. J. Long, Athens, at.-l by druggists generally. paling in this healthful amusement; for i for ‘“"sporting the Russian reinforce- if there is any recreation of our boyhood . ln the i, cspila i 8 the wounded allies that we now feel a greater fondness for are dying so fast that it is found liecet- thau all others, it is skating. The sary to transport the invalids to Malta ithens Ice Company,we observed, were or ^, n 8^ n ^- _ , . , . . » | 1 be Bologne Gazette says that much busy in laying in a supply for next sum- doubt } , as b £ en espre8sed J in Berlin if ?r - } Russia and Austria agree relative to the : freedom of the Danube Protectorate Our Superior Court is now in principalities. -JudgeJackson j ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. CORUECTKD WEEKLY, BY PITNEB ASD ENGLAND ATHENS, FEB. 7. Bagging (Gunny) yd 18 to ‘20 Bale Rope, per lb 14 Li Manilla Hope *’ “ ............. 25 ■lagging Twine: 25 I’avtiu Side*. 8 Hams 10 “ Shoulders 8 Lard 10 Butter.. ........ 12 Tallow 10 Tallow Candles 18 Sperm do.. 45 Star do. ............. 30 Coffee Rio .................... 14 Coffee Java... ... 15 Tea loo Rice ....... 8 Sugar,Brown 3 “ Clarified................. 10 “ Crushed 12$ 12j “ Loaf..... 12£ 14 Molasses, per gal................ 33 N. O. Syrup 40 Sail, per Bushel 80 Salt,Liverpool Sack .........._.225 Steel, Cast 21 German ... .......... 15 Blister ... 10 Spring.. 10 25 30 10 12 10 12 15 12 20 50 35 15 16 125 8 12J 10* The rumored changes in the En- VVe think it nrobable that it g lish Cabined are denied The Paris Burse declined 3-8 on the ; receipt of the lates news from the East. St. Petersburg pates of the 11th ult session at Watkinsv.lle presiding. will not adjourn before the last of next! week—inasmuch as the failure of the fall term, and other causes,have occasion- state that a pacific tone prevailed in ed a considerable swelling of the political circles, docket, both civil and criminal. For the Southern Watchman. Mu. Eihtok : Sometime since there appeared in your columns an article up on ;!;e construction of a new bridge,which 'is much wanted in place of the present crazy structure,which isa iisgrnce to the town and county. Allow me thus late to continue the subject, having been prevented from doing so before by the pressure of business. The enquiry would arise, Where shall the site of the new bridge be ? I submit the following, hoping by so doing to draw out some val uable suggestions upon a subject which should be kept before the public. Sonic thirty or forty yards farther up*llie stream (from the old bridge) is a ledge of rocks ; le f this be the base of a stone "pier; upon the opposite side erect the other; upon these cons.ruct a self-sup porting bridge, the span of which may not be m«.re than three hundred feet; there will yet remain the branch to cross, which is of small moment, being fordable here. The neck of ground between is sufficiently high to furnish much mate rial for constructing piers, &,c. The bridge will be much shorter, and the old one can be used during the construc tion of the new,if it stand so long. These are nut the only advantages. By run ning the road from the bridge across the • branch, directly up the hollow, so on, past the spring, just beyond the Depot: here pass under the Railroad track (which is sufficiently elevated for that purpose) into the old road, we have a gradual inclined plane instead of the heavy hills for wagoning from town.— The land upon the oilier side will then be valuable for building lots; and Carr’s mill wiii be accessible from the neck between the Oconee and branch, which is not now the case. Plans for the bridge can be given, if desired. M. E. 880 AGENTS WANTED!! One (or every County iu the SUNNY SOUTH, To sell the Most Splendid Hi-tory ever published, Entitled, THE NEW WORLD. In two volumes bound in one, BY HENRY Jl. BROWNELL, A. M. I N presenting this work to the public, the publishers believe that they are supplying tbor will re-write lb we will lay the case before our readers. We are in favor of especially, by the people at large. No other i .. „...t i) i i work, much less any other single volume, law and order, and always ready to coutain9 the coinple / e anJ ( . xteU( T ed view of frown down mob violence—more espe- undue American history which is here pre • n , . __ t. ' seu*ed. The-plah ar.J execution of the took cially where the sufferers are helpless arc eatin . ly ‘ eff . lhe an - an „ ement of the Ur We rceived, a week or two since, i . I a communication setting forth the parti culars of an outrage committed on the premises of respectable but defenceless women—a widow and her daughters— which has been mislaid. We intended to have published it in our last. If the au Iron, common size .... ....... 6 7 i icli wide 7 Baud — 7 Nail rod. ... — .— ..—. 8 Sheet 8 35 60 90 237 26 16 12 12 6 8 8 10 9 V -MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! -*> ’ s f ’* , jj Si 'SI ''>331 3 Can be fnmd the largest nssortim ut of MEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered iu this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS: Trunks, \ &Y\ses, Carpet-Tiags ant\ Umbrellas, Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the article* we have on hand, but would cordially welcon c all to Qcj-comc aud examine for themselves, females. various European Provinces under their re spective national heads, and the subdivision rf’.ll u ■ ,i • ’ of jhese into separate Colonies aud States— ^TGiainstdl continues high in this due ’ cbrouol ,, ric ^ ordcr being ..reserved- market. Those who have it for sale, had better come along now’, if they arc coming at all.” When any com modity has reached the highest price possible, then is the time to sell—inas much as any change that may take place will, it is thought, make it of peculiar value as a book ».f reference, and greatly facilitate a clear and accurate knowledge of general history’. Also, THE OLD WORLD. ■ In two volumes bound in one, By Henry Howard Beowseli., A. Mr, . , . , Comprising an account of the foundation, issute to be a decline. It is bad policy .m-ogressaud decline of the most celebrated to hold back grain for an advance, until Umpires, States and Nations, from the earliest i_ . , -i period to the present tune—of their wars, what is left by the ruts, mice and w’eevil conquests and revolutions— of religious dis will only command in the spring one- ’ scusion acd persecution—of (he gradual ex- , i tension of freedom and civilization—and the half of what it could have been sold for final settlement of political relations on their present basis. These books comprise a complete history of the Would, in four volumes bouud in two. The character of the illustrations in these volumes are of higher and more magnificent standard than Inis ever beeu attempted here tofore. being from designs by Darley, Bil- articles &LC to Mr Wm N White of bugs, Wallin and Doepler, and elegantly articles, otc., to mr. win. n. vvime, oi colored,(except the portraits,) with from this place. Mr. W. is no stranger in five ti nine different tints, true to nature, , . , , ° _ i so ns to impart a close resemblance to well- this community, having been know’n for finished paintin during the fill and winter months. It will be seen by advertisement that our friend Peterson has disposed of his stock of books, stationery, fancy- years past as an intelligent, enterprising These works are printed from new and . handsome type, also on paperof extra quality and energetic bookseller. lie has now . ns regards texture and permanency, and conv ipjg" Science Never Errs.—W here science is based upon a sound principle, error must abide its fullest test aud will lose itself in the crucible of truth. The correct chemi cal principle on which Bogle,s Ilyprion Fluid is based and its corresponding ac tion on the growth of the hair, proves its composition to be established on the most indisputable pcysiological data. Thousands have cured themselves of baldness by its use—myriads have preserved their hair through employing it, and none have adopt ed it without profit and pleasure from its ef fects. Sold in Athens by C, W. <fc H. R. J, Long pjg~ Worms.—As this is the season of the year when worms are most formidable among children, the proprietor!, of M'Lane’s Vermifuge beg leave to call the attention of parents to its virtues for the expelling of these annoying and often fatal enemies of chil dren. It was invented by a physician of great experience in Virginia, who,-'after having used it for several years in his own practice, and found its success so universal, was induced at last to offer it to the public as a cheap but certain and excellent medi cine. It lias since become justly popular throughout the United States as the most efficient Vermifuge ever known, and she de mand lias been steadily on the increase since its first introduction to the public. Sold in Athens by Drs. Smith a Hill. #3~LOOK !«=£$ REYNOLDS & BROTHER, (Ooer Sansom de PittariTs,) BO )K AND JOB PRINTERS, ATHENS, OA. Invite the attention of the public to their preparations for PRINTING, in all its de partments. They are prepared for the execution of Bills, Circulars, Cards, Tickets, Pamphlets, d:c, and arc Printers of Cobb's Repors . Sept. 21, 1354. ly' R. & B. a very large assortment of articles in bis line—unusually large, since lhe union of the two establishments—and prise over 2500 pages royal octavo, with numerous and diver.-ified colored engravings bound in embossed black morocco leather ] binding with tipped corners. To men of energy and business tact, this the public may calculate on finding al- offers an tinparalled chance to do a good busi most any thing they want, from ditninu- ness by engaging a.n agency for these im tive toy-books and cheap novels up to 1 P orta nt works, which are sold only hy sub learned works on law, medicine; gg-For particulars address the publishers and theology, and a gentleman courteous DAYTON & WENTWORTH, New York, and obliging, always ready to wait on them. r LOST, N Athens, on Saturday last, two Notes of Hand—one on D. N. Jut Ison, in favor of G. L. Williamson,for *100-due one day after date, and given about the 1st of January, 1854—with a credit of $2.50cts. The other for $68 and some ceuts, given by W. P. <fe Castings 5 6 Nails, per Keg 6 7 Powder, Rifle,. — 65 70 Blasting 550 60 Lead ...... ...... . 10 12-i Shot, per Bag 250 275 Cotton per Bale... ; 5 7 Flour per bbl 900 loo Wheat per Bushel 125 135 Corn “ “ 90 100 Meal “ 90 100 Oats “ “ 50 00 Rye “ “ 75 100 Indigo,Spanish .— 125 150 Madder lb 16 25 Copperas. ...... 4 5 Blue Stone 18 20 Oil, Linseed -— 137 150 *• Lamp, Winter 150 175 “ “ Fall 10U 125 “ Train 90 400 White Lead, Keg 25 lb 225 250 Glass,Bax 8by 10 275 300 Mackerel. No. 3 bbl .... 1200 1400 4 hlris No. 2 1100 1200 “ ^ bills No. 2 400 450 Beeswax 20 22 Feathers 35 40 Wool .................... 25 80 Tobacco ... — 25 40 Yarn perbale, 4C buuclies 85 85 “ Retail 90 90 Osnaburgs,per Bale...... 9 10 “ Retail.. to 11 Shirt "ug J, per bale 84 9 “ Retail.... 9 10 Just Received, L ARGE additions to onrstock of GROCERIES, ....INCLUDING.... Sugars in great variety, Choice new-crop Rio Coffee, Fine Northern Cheese,Jj New Raisins, iu whole, half and quarter boxes, Now English Currants, Soft-shell Almonds, Pearl Starch, A good assortment of Candh-s, jau25 T. BISHOP A SON COFFEE, COFFEE. C HOICE Coffees and Sugars, on cash terms cljeap, at febS J. M. KENNEY’s SYRUP, SYRUP. H AVEMEYER’S finest and common N. 0. Syrups, at feb8 KENNEY’s. REMOVAL. • MORE & CARLTON H AVE removed to No. 7*, Granite Row, Athens, Ga., where they will be pleased to wait upon all their old friends and hosts of new onct They have on hand a very complete assort ment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which will be sold at prices corresponding with the hardness of the times. ftWCall and examine the stock. Athens, Feb 1 tf GUARDIAN’S SALE. W ILL be sold before the court house in Watkinsville, Clarke county, ou the first Tuesday in March next, all that tract of land, lying on both sides of Middle river, adjoining the Princeton Factory, aud known as the place formerly owned by the late Mr.William Williams. The whole tract coutains about six hundred acres. That portion of it lying on the west side of the river will be sold sep arately, and tbat on the east side will be sold in two lots, as it is divided by the road. The tract on the north side of the Watkinsville road includes the valuable dwelling-house aud other improvements recently occupied by Mr. George Williams. Sold pursuant to an order of the Ordinary of Elbert county, as the property of thecliil dren of George Williams, and for their ben Athens, April 13,1854. TENTH GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION or THE ART UNION SOCIETY 500,000 Gifts VALUED AT 8300,00011! Certificates for this Year, O'vE DOLL-1 J ’ T HE members ot the Art Union Society, on tit* oc casion of this the tenth distribution of tbs WORKS OF ART Accumulated by the Society during tlio past year,would respectfully call the attention of Its natrons to the fact that, being about to remove to the buildings in course ot erection for the Society in the city ot Washington,they will add the real estate and otiier landed properly be longing to tlio Society, to the DISTRIBUTION FOR THIS YEAR. At the last meeting of the Society, it was determined to nsDUcx the certificate of sitare tor this Grand Enter- piisctu one dollar each, thinking thereby that it will be the means of a more general diffusion of the works oi artists tbronghout the country, and will enable the Socipty to extend their labors for the ad vancetnen t of the ARTS AND SCIENCES In this country. The certificates of shares will be issued at Ore Dollar, accompanying which each purchaser will receive free of charge', by return mail, a beautiful Line and Stipple Engraving, entitled The Encampment at Valley Forge, Representing an eventful period in the history of our country, 50r It will be seen, by referring to the list,that there are many valuable pieces of property,many costly paint ings, superb statuary, beautiful engravings, costly jew elry, magnificent s. awls, and other beautiful gifts,such as clocks, watches, illuminated works, &c., to the num ber of five hundred thousand—worth $300,003. As tlie Society expects to remove to the New Ilall ar Washington by the middle of June, the distribution will take place on tlte FIRST OF JULY, 1855. The same rules and regulations that have heretofore guided the Society’s distributions will be adhered to in this, and on no account will theie be any postponement from tlie day named. All letters and communications, T post paid] for certificates, cron business, are to be ad dressed to tlie Southern Office In Baltimore, Directed to tlie Secretary, who will answer by return mail. Single subscribers, remitting ten dollars, will re ceive one year’s subscription to any of the Magazines they may name in their letter, to be forwarded free of charge for tlie time of subscription, one year. The following list constitutes a part of the GIFTS FOR 1855: The splendid House and Lot of tlie Art Union So ciety, situated in Broadway, $:i0,000 A superb dwelling, tlie residence oi the late An son Suitzer, Esq. 15,000 The beautiful summer residence, Gothic cottage, aud grounds, at Hawk’s Nest, on the Hudson, 20,000 5 small dwellings, situated on the lot belongingto the Society, in 92d street, 10,000 10 magnificent camel’> hair shawls. They are the most beautiful work of art ever beheld, 10,030 4 sets of diamond jewelry—consisting of 7 pieces each—all autique patterns, in a beautiful pearl jewel box, 10,000 10 sets ol pearl jewelry, consisting of 7 pieces each, ail different styles, and of Persian man’f 5,000 12 gold watches for ladies, very beautiful and cu rious works of art; one the size of a hall dime, 700 10 watches for gentlemen, all very heavy, of dif ferent styles and patterns, 1,300 50 Boudere, Toilet and Dressi. g Cases fur ladies, some finished in poarl patterns—Louis XIV. 2,500 1 large clock, a very beautiful work of art, made by Lipordi at Cologne, finished In a style of beauty and art unsurpassed, l,CO0 1,000 gold thimbles, all different patterns, very heavy, -3,000 50,000 illuminated albums, different styles and patterns, 53,000 00 copies of the lives of gnat painters, superbly bound, with an engraving of each artist, 2,000 200 copies of Griswold’s Republican Court, splen didly bound, with tinted engravings, 4,000 100 copies of Boydell’s illustrationsoi Shakspeare. To the admirers of the great poet, this wotk will be an acquisition. 10,003 PAINTINGS. Venus sending forth Cupid and Hymen—Titian, 2,000 _ — - R. L. BLOOMFIELD'S. DISSOLUTION: T HE copartnership in the Franklin Job Office, here tofore existing, under the flnr of Christy & Kelsea, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will he continued by J. H. Christy—by whom the debts of the late concern will be pud, and who alone U au thorized to collect tlie demands due to it. JOHN II. CHRISTY, Athens, Jan 11, 1S55. WILLIAM KELSEA. A N AND FANCY dOOK and job printing. mm <“Solitm y and alone,’*) I S now prepared to execute any and all kinds of Let ter press PRINTING, either plain or in colors, at ilia large and extensive Book and Job Printing Estab lishment, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. No establishment in the State possesses superior, fa cilities for executing Printing of the kinds usually in demand in this country—such as Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Afa</azines,Cir- cit’ars, Cards, Tickets, Labels, Checks,Notcs, Posters, Bill-Heads, Catalogues, Hand- Bills, Wag, Stage and Horse Bills, Blanks of every description. And indeed almost every thing likely to be called fur JJ- He will indulge in no extravagant promises, but coutcnt himself with tlie remark, that hereafter ai here tofore, lie will endeavor to execute all work entrusted to him in a superior stylo -punctually—correctly—ex peditiously, and at mudesatk ra»c* . Grateful to his friends and the public for past favors, he again solicits their orders, and treats that he may be favored with a liberal share of public patronage. Athens, January 18,1855 tf CASH AND SHORT CREDITS. M. U. I1ALLOWELL St CO. SILK WAREHOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. TER SI 3 . C ASH buyers will receive a discount of SIX percent, if the money be paid in par funds, within ten days from date of bill. Un urrent money only taken at its par value ontlM day it is received. To merchants of undoubted standing, a credit of six months will be given, il desired. Where money is remitted in advance of maturity, a discount at the rate of TWELVE per cent per annum will be allowed. PRICES FOR GOODS UNIFORM. In again calling the attention of the trading commu nity to the above terms, we announce that notwithstan ding the general depression in commercial affairs tbro’- out the country, the system of business adopted by us more than a year since, and to which we shall rigidly adhere, enables us to offer for the coming Spring season our usual assortment of New Silk and Fancy Goods, Comprising one of the largest and most splendid stocks to be found in America^ to which we will receive con stant additions throughout the season j of new and dost ratio goods from our HOUSE IN PARIS. Jan 23 2n> GOODS AT COST FOR CASH! Beggar Boy—Murillo, Tubit and the Angel—Salvator Rosa, Night View—Claudio, Madonna—Corregio, A Head—Titian, A Head—.Vandyke, Landscape—Pouissin, A Piece—Guiotto, Battle Piece—Wouvennan Landscape—by Claude, 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 There are others by the same artists, all original, be sides some splendid pictures by Allston, Sully. Rey nolds, Neagle, Doughty,Cole, Chapman, David,Vernet, Tack, ~ “ * ' fit. To™., credit »»til 25th poc.mhcr.c2t, the purchaser giving bond wi f h approved se-1 Schauh, Perkins, Lewis, Ellis, Hamilton, and others .1 AVP. T. ATT TV ffntlv ilp&rrihpil in flu* mtnlafrim. wliirh will 1m* furward Pickles, v* “ ,,v * tr'.Vi " '-.V 1 T71NEGAR,s. s. almond's, raisins, soda bis J.C. Turner to Milton Matthews, with ay - - - credit of 815 on it. The finder of the above notes will be suitably rewarded by leavin them with the editor of the Watchman. MILTON MATTHEWS. Ftb. 8, 1855. cnit and candies, of the best qualities, at f,;L8 KENNEY'S. M ACKER EL—Nos feb8 J. 2 3, at retail, at KENNEY’s; DANCING. jyjlt. BOSSIEUX most respectfully nn- DtcU, At Iris grandmother's, near Athens,on the 1st day of February, of scarlet fever, Dick Cox, son of James U. aud Mcntoria B. Har rison, aged 5 years. ** Sutler liitle cirilu.'cn to come unto me, and forbid ificm not, of such is the kingdom of hoaven." Barents, give up your clvld freely—God calls him. Farewell, sweet lit tle one, and as you cannot come to us, may >vc all try to go to you. He died before his infant soul Had ever burnt with wrong desire. Hud ever spurned at Heaven’s control, Or over quenched its sacred fire. He died to sin, he d : od to care, But for a moment felt the rod. Then, vising on the viewless nir, Spread Iris light wings, and soared to God. nonces to the ladies and gentlemen of Athens, that he will open his classes in Danc ing, Waltzing, Ac. in a short time, due notice of which will be given. Terms, ?10 per ses sion. When tln*ee pupils are entered from one family, $25. v " *-•*—- notice. 'cb 8, 1355. $20 HE WARD! A REWARD of 20 dollars will be given to any one that can legally convict the BLACKSMITHING. T HE subscriber continues to carry on the Blncksmithiiigbusiness,in all its brunch es, old stand, near tlie Town Spring,in the rear of tlie Franklin House llow—where good tools, good material, and very superior workmen await the orders of the public. He has in Iris employment an axe-maker and horse-shoer, who cannot be excelled. Work \vr ranted to he done well and at moderate prices, A slmre of public patronage respectfully solicited. m. e. McWhorter. Athens. Feb 1 tf cunty. jan25 JANE L. ALLEN, Guard’u of the children of Geo. William*. fPlIE kind most known, and best adapted to JL all kinds of soil, is the Bell or Egg-shap ed variety—they are great bearers, and will . „ _ keep a long time if properly gathered—they ! holdmgjustice from them, cau he raised on pine and swampy land where 1 ” * nothing else will grow, and often produce from 2 to 300 bushels per acre. Circulars relating to culture, price, <fce., will be for warded gratis to applicants. For sale by F. TOWBRIDGE, Dealer iu 1 rees, Plants, &c^ New Haven, Ct Feb. 8, 1855. NOTICE. rit. WM. N WHITE, bavin- purchased .tioncry, business M 1 - - . . my entire sti clc of Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, etc , succeeds to the hitherto conducted by me. In retiring, the undersigned takes occasion to return his thanks for the patronage ex tended ; and to solicit a continuance of the same to Mr. White, who, he feels assured, will use nis best efforts to retain their good will and confidence, if transferred to him. Feb. 3, 1853. J. S. PETERSON. 1TA.VINO purchased Mr. J. S. Peterson’s entire stock, as above, the undersigned will endeavor to merit any patronage the former customers of the establishment may kiudly bestow. He offers them their choice Jroni a large and diversified stock of Books Stationery and Faucy Goods, at the lowest rates. Hisjown customers, also, whose for mer favors he gratefully acknowledges, he 1 will be happy still to meet either at the corner or at No. 2, College Avenue, as they may prefer. WM. N. WHITE. Feb. 3, 1865. person or persons who destroyed a house of the subscriber, in the upper part of Clarke county, one day in January, 1S55. The State is recreant to her weakest and ... . . lupus aie entereu irom noores ^ p CO ple, if she aud the community, take LIKENESSES in till kinds ol weather, ull particulars in future j ( v j tbou t inquiry to investigate character, a ul iu the most beautiful style of the art. suppose that houses inliab tcd only by fe The public arc invited to^cnll ami examine males iu the solitudes, arc justly destroyed! ’ Who ever observed those cowardly, noctur nal prowlers, to attack the vile grogshops of men, or womcuV domicils where men be, or open and notorious brothels ? People of Georgia, God will hold you accountable for iudziu" the friendless poor, and for with- •! CRANBERRY PLANTS Still Here! fTMlE subscriber tenders his thanks to his JL friends and customers for the manner in which they have sustained him tLe past year —and hopiug that their kindness will not abate, he has' determin3d to continue busi ness at his old stand, selling Goods LONVEK THAX ETEK, For cash or cash terms. He will do his best to let no one go away un suited iu quality or price. So, come on with your cash—settle up. if you owe anytlriug— “be sure you are right, then go ahead.” I am selling my Dry Goods, Hardware, <fcc. to suit the times, againss auctions, cost houses and every thing else. ISAAC M. KENNEY, janll Opposite No. 2, Broad street. SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREAN GALLERY. T IIE subscriber has recently opened the Sky-Light ’ Daguerrean Gallery nearly opposite the Bank, where he is prepared to tnlrA T T I.” 1.' VL’HC L'C «« ..11 L imlo a I wonflint* specimens. Athens, Feb 1 J. F. O'KELLY. tf ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. “PURSUANT to an order of the Honorable X the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold ou the first Tuesday in April next, before the court house door of said county, during the legal hours of sale, the following negroes, to wit: Joshua, a man ah >ut 70 years old: Joe, a man about 60; Cody, a woman about 67; Daniel, a man about 42; George, a man about 26; Minerva, about 26 ; Harry, a boy about 21 ; Georgia- ann, a girl about 5; and Delia, a girl about 8 years old. Also, at the same time and place, will lie sold, one tract of land, containing eight hnudred and ninety-nine acres, more or less,lying iu said county, on which isa com fortable dwelling house, gin house and screw and other necessary out buildidns; about 400 acres iu the woods; fifty or sixty acres fresh land ; the balance, mostly worn or in old fields; being the place on which Francis Marshall, late of said county, dec’d, resided at the time of his death. Tu be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd. Terms on the day. WM- IL MARSHALL Adm’r. Feb. 8, 1855 FebTfi, 1855—tf. J. J. FLOURNOY. I\ S.—Rumor is lying like the world, and not to be depended on. Let legal examina tion test the reputation of the victims, and inquire whether the most open and abandon ed harlot at every body's service, is’ever at tacked. There is no experience or legenda ry of this 1 Report calls certain poor wo men evil, and low’d men conceive themselves excluded for others, and the attack is made. Some times the innocent, residing -without male protection, are attacked by those who are unprincipled. Tlie good need not soothe themselves with the flattering hope that there is a salutary spirit in the country checking prostitution—for this destructive spirit is not for virtue, but for sin, crime and GEORGIA—Clarke Count v. M R. Griffith, of the 224th District G.M. . tolls before me as an estray, a bay horse mule, dish-faced, the ends of his ears black, anil a black streak down his back and across Iris shoulders, three feet 8 or 10 inches high, supposed to bo eighteen years old. Ap praised by Absalom Vickers and Milliam Oollier-to bo worth ten dollars. 10tb Jau. 1855. JULIUS G. DARBY', j.p A true extract from Estray Book. Febl JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON,Clk infamv. RAN AWAY F ROM the subscriber, on the night of this 10th of December, my boy GUILFORD. Guilford is about 20 years old, light copper color, small eyes, a quick-spoken, quick-mo tioned, intelligent boy, about 5 feet 8 or 9 in ches high, weight about 160 pouuJs. He rode off a tall dark bay horse mule, ulucli has a wart nearly covering one eye. Tlie boy may be lurking about Macon, but I think he is making his way to Lawrenc cville, (Gwinnett,) where I learn he was raised. Auy person apprehending said boy win be liberally rewarded, and any information con ceruing cither boy or mule thankfully re ceived. A. McALLUM. Jeffersonville, Twiggs Co- Ga., Jan 3,1855. T WO mouths after date application will be made to the Ordinary of J ackson county, for leave to sell the undisposed lands of Tapley Beunet, late of Jackson couuty, de ceased. GIDEON SMITH, Adrnr Decl4 • WILLY BENNETT. Adm x. 100 Barrels Fine Northern Potatoes, I AOlt plauting, just received, and for sale ' low, by T. BISHOP A SON. Dec21 New Books. T HORNW ELL’S Discourses on Truth. ?\00 The Southside View of Slavery, 75 Way Down East, by Jack Downing, 1.25 Tlie Newsboy, 1*25 Wood’s Nat. History; 1-50 Bancroft’s U. S. vol 6, 2.25 Dana’s Mineralogy, 4.50 Out-Doors at Idlcwild, 1-25 Waverley Novels, 12 vols. 12.00 do do with 2000 illustrations, 40.00 Abbott’s Phyrrhus, 60 “ Caroline and Agnes, each 50 Boswell's Johnson, 3 00 Lofty and Lowly, 2 vols. L5U IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass Castings of every variety Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw Mills—warranted equal to tlte best. Steam- Engines, Forcing-Pumps, Gold-Mining Mills. Gin, and all other kinds of gearing. Mill- Irons and all kinds of Machinery made to order. Iron Fencing of select patterns, Plough and Wagon Castings and Dog-Irons. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of years. A list will be sent those addressing (post paid,) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent jan 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper, brass and iron castings wanted. *7 Jan 18 WM. N. WI1ITE. NEW GOODS. . I ll AVE just received a large stock of choice Family Groceries, and a general assort ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash or prompt payment at the end of each quar ter! D. N. JUDSON Jan. 18, 1855. C HEESE—a choice article at 15 cents Qctgft I- M. KENNEY S. fully described in tlie catalogue, which will be forward ed on application by letter, post paid, to the Secretary. lio will answer by return mail. TERMS. FOR CLUBS. Clubs of 10, 1 extra certificate, Club* of 20, 3 “ “ Clubs of 50, 8 ** “ The money in ail cases ti accompany tlie aj>pliea»i< n lor certificates, LADIES FORMING CLUBS Will be entitled to the same terms as above, with the extra inducement of tiic present of a magnificent set of Boudoir Furniture, with rich colored India hangings, fine India Lace Curtains and ercry thing of the most splendid description, to the Ladies’ club who will scud the largeit remittance fur certificates. JfJy-Postmasters are authorized to act as agents, and the postmaster remitting tlie largest amount for shares will receive a handsome Gold Watch and Chain,valued at two hundred dollars. The money must accompany tlie application | by letter, post paid] in all cases, and lhe certificate, with the engraving, will be forwarded free of charge by return mail. Correspondents are requested to write their address, with the County, Town. Post Office and Ptate, plainly, in order to avoid mistakes. All letters answered by re turn mail. Catalogues of all the Gifts, with value and explana tion, can tie obtained on application to the Secretary,to whom ail letters for certificates, &c. must be addressed. ALFRED JOUltDAIN, Secretary, A.U.S.Rocma, 238 Montgomery at. Baltimore, Md. Mstnird Lewis, \ Fasrrcis Inez, > Directors. Fbrrardo Livikqstov, \ Jan 23 T. W. BAUER, Treasurer. WING to a change in our busineaa, we cf- fer our stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hard ware, Hats, Caps and Crockery ware, and many other desirable goods, at cost, for cash. Persons wishing bargains will do well to CALL SOON. |®-As there will be a change in our busi ness, we desire all persous indebted to us, ci ther by note or open account, to call rouu and settle. Respectfully yours, jan4 YV. P. & J. C. TURNER. RIO COFFEE AND COFFEE SUGARS Of the best quality, always ot> hand, at D<?c7 I- XI. KENNEY’S. NAILS AND IRON. A LAltGE lot of Iron and Nails.for sale Hy April 13 P. A. 8UMMEY & BRO F BLUESTONE. RE3H supply, just received by T. ftibhop A Son. Novi NOTICE. rilHE notes and accounts belonging to the estate of John A. Martin, have beeu pla ced'iu our bauds and in the hands of John Kirkpatrick, Esq, for collection. Persons i n- debted to that estate on claims which * • due, will save cost hy calliug nud nmYing prompt payment. C. A W J. i'EEPLES, Dec7 Attorneys for R. Moon, adm’r. FASHIONABLE Ready-made Clothing. B-AYNON - & RICH RE now receiving and offering for sale a large and beautiful assortment of rcady- ISOOK-BINDERY, ATHENS, GA. rpHEJumlcrsigned is prepared to da nDkitifc X Of Binding, from the plainest slu cp to the finest morocco. Books bound to auv pattern. Persons residing in Mic country can dlrert their books os below, and have them well bound and returned without dclnr., Nov 16 ALFRED IIENDKRSDN. AVING procured the services of a first - „ _ rate MilPncr, all work In that line on- made clothing.for men and boys, of the latei-t trusted to her care, wilt lie executed in the AIRS. VONDERLIETH, II HARD TIMES. A LL persons indebted to me by note or account, are respectfully requested to call and settle without delay. Jan. 18,1855. D. N. JUDSON. CHOICE POULTRY. mllE subscriber ha3 on hand,a few pair more 1 of those celebrated Brabam Pootra and Shanghai fowls for sale. Call soon, on the corner of Broad aud Jackson Streets, Athens, Ga- D. N. JUDSON. Jan. IS, 1855. CHEESE! CHEESE! A choice lot, at 16 cents, just received at Dcc7 I. M. KENNEY’S. fashion, and of the most approved style of goods, suitable for the fall aud winter trade. Among them will be found a fine supply of gentlemen’s coats, pa uls and vests, very fine, and of the most fashionable style, made to ordcr, aud of the best work, fully equal to customer work. ....ALSO.... A general assortment of Furnishing goods, such as hats, caps, shirts and drawers, under shirts of various qualities, stocks, cravats, handkerchiefs, and tics, collars, gloves, half hose and umbrellas. Also, Trunks, valises, and carpet bags. ....also.... STAPLE DRY GOODS. Among which will be found black alpncca, plaid and checked ginghams, plaid and check ed muslins, calicoes and shirtings, 5-4, 10-4, 11-4, of a very fine quality. Red, blue and white flannels, nil wool. Brown and bleach ed Canton flannel, 3-4,7-8,4-4. Shirtings of various qualities, Irish linen for diapers black, white, mixed and made hoes for ladies, and Misses; also a fine lot of ladies plaid long shawls, very fine, all woe), and many other articles not mentioned. All of the above goods will be sold ns cheap as they can be bought in Georgia, and we re spectfully solicit a liberal portion of public patronage, and would invite all our friends and former patrons to give us a call nud ex amine our goods and prices, we shall not fear 1 the result. Be sure to call ut tho Now Cloth- 1 ing Store,ou Broad street, Athens, Ga. -Oct. 12. • most elegant and fashionable style A liberal sh ire of public patronage is con fidently anticipated. Oct I ft BUCKETS AND PAILS. W HITE and red cedar, oak. and a variety of painted buckets and pails, for axle low, by P. A. SUMM EY & B KO. C RANBERRIES and While Onions, just received by jan2o T. niSllOP& SON. Blank Declarations, AF both forma, (long and abort) together (J with the process attached—just printed and for sale at this Office. Als i, various other Blanks. Any Blanks not on hand—ns, indeed,, almost any kind of job printing—cau be fur nished on a few hours’ notice. A Carter Potatoes, FEW barrels just received bv jan-25 T. BISHOP ■&. S V j N. EVERY THING GOOD, FAV\\ev to Rsit or UvVwk, That the taste could suggest or the appetite crave, can be Found at JUDSON’ Decl4 CHEAP CASH SIOF 'Lv S