The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, February 15, 1855, Image 4

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The Contented Man. Why need I strive or sigh for wealth! It. is enough for me That Heaven bath sent me strength an I health A spirit glad and free; Grateful these blessings to receive, I sing my hymn at morn and eve. On some, what floods of riches flow; House, herds and gold have they; Y ct life's best joys theyjnevcr know, But flretftlleiruourF away. The more they have they seek increase; Complaints nnd cravings never cease. A vale of tears this world they call, To me it seems so fair; It countless pleasures hath for all, An J none denied a share. Tuelittle birds on new fledged wing. And insects revel in the spring. For love of us, hills, woods nnd plains, In beauteous hues are clad; And birds sing far and near sweet strains, Caught up by echoes glad. "Rise,” sings the lark, * your tasks to ply ;” The nightingale sings “ lullaby.” And when the golden sun goes forth, And all like gold appears; When bloom o'erspreads the glowing earth, And fields have ripened ears; I think these glories that I see My kiud Creator made for me. Then loud I thank the Lord above, Audsay, in joyful mood. Unlove, indeed, is Father’s love, He wills to all men good. Then let roe ever grateful live, Enjoying all He deigns to give. Z«atest Legal Decision. BV GEO. H. THROOP. A drover was drining his swivc— Half-fattened, asthmatic and thin ; Two lawyers, bound homeward to dine, Remarked the sad plight they were in. Said one ; “ Ten to one Tom, that death— A creditor hard, ’tis supposed— Holds mortgages, now, on their breath— ‘Pon honor ! I think lie’s foreclosed! Said Tom ; “ An opinion’s a gem, Too precious to throw away here ; A mortgage there may be—ahem ! But, Hnrry, live lien is quite clear 1” An Ir-rcvercnt Parent.—The “ father of lies.” Internal Improvement:—So *bly il’u*- trated, (in a hungry roan stowing away a good dinner. A Temperance Movement.—Moving towards tl.e water bucket. Unpleasant Diet—Eating one’s own words. j&ricf %\nns. “ VARIETY; TIIE SPICE OF LIFE." feasible to the Last. John begged of Julia, dolefully, The happy day—the happy hour to tell; ‘•Say, dearest! shan’t it be in May ?” Qouth she, “dear John, wouldn’t April do as well A pious African at Louisville stum bled while walking, one very dark night, and was pitched head foremost down a cellar which afforded him an open en trance. Springing to his feet, he ex claimed, “ llress de Lord dat I lit on my head! Ifdis nigger had scraped his shins so hard, I spec be broke his leg.” The ruling Passion.—An editor became martial, and was created captain. On parade, instead of two paces in front "Advance!” he unconsciously bawled out, Cash; two dollars a year in ad vance.” During the year 1854 not a single marriage occurred in the town of Dan ville, Va. The young men, no doubt, thought themselves unable to afford it in such times. An ordinary looking Newfoundland dog was offered for sale in State-street, Boston, O’t Wednesday. The price asked for him was “only one hundred dollars!” Teams are crossing the St. Lawrence river on ice for the first time this season. -A Hard Hit.—The Independent Press says:— “ It is a scripture—a fire-side one if not a biblical one—that the devil can quote scripture to suit his own purpose. We don’t know that we ever saw a better illustration of it than when the Washington Union quotes scripture against the Know-Nothings Old Chanticleer awakes in the morn ing, flaps his wings, vociferates at the top of his voice r t Woman rules h-e-r-e !’ Immeniately, a neighboring rooster answers. ‘ So they do h-e-r-e 1’ This is no sooner uttered, than a third responds, at a considerable distance, ‘ So they do everyw-h-e-r-e !’ In this woman’s rights era it is significant; for the old chanti cleer is a keen observer, and knows. A Washington letter says that the opinion is gaining ground that the qua lified independence of the Sandwich Is lands, protected by the United States, is the best situation in which they can be placed. A company of colored Thespians ar e in successful operation in Cincinnati. They performed Romeo and Juliet on Tuesday evening. The Forlorn Hope op Ladies.— Expecting an old sweetheart to marry you on tire death of his third wife. One master of a well regulated house is more beneficial to the State than a hundred political dedaimers. ‘Labor is honorable,’ says the Boston Post. It may he honorable, but it is mighty inconvenient, when the thermo meter is about 90 in the shade. Nothing L accounted so proper in this country as property. Why can a person cook eggs sooner in England than in America? Because in England all that he has to do is to steal them, and they immediately become poached eggs. A Female writer says: ‘Nothing looks worse on a lady than darned stock ings.’ Allow us to observe that stock ings which need darning look much worse than darned ones—darned if they don’t! The reason there is so frequently a •‘screw loose some where,”is because the “screws” are generally put to individu als of loose habits. Sir Walter Scott does not appear to have been the boy at school which some have stated. Once a boy in the 6ame class with him was asked what part of speech the word ‘ with’ was. • A noun, sir,’ said the bojj. ‘ You young blockhead,’ cried the pedagogue, what example can you furnish of such a thing ?’ ‘ I can tell you, sir,’ interrupted Scott, ‘you know there is a verse in the Bible which says ; ‘ They bound Sampson with withs.’ __ A Quaker’s Letter.—Friend John, I desire thee iC bs so kind as to go to one of those sinfu’ men in the flesh called attorneys, and let him take out an instrument with a. seal thereto, by means whereof we may seize the out ward tabernacle of George Green, and bring him before the lamb-skin men at Westminster, and teach him to do in future as he would be done by Thy friend, R. C. A Rowdy intending to be very witty, thus accosted a lady in the street; “ Madam, can you inform me vare I can see the helephant ?” “ No, sare,” said the lady, “ but if I had a looking glass I could show you a very large monkey." The rowdy slid. Fifty-three persons were committed to the Jersey City prison during the past month. The nativities of the prisoners are as follows:—Ireland, 33; England, 6 ; Germany 6; United States, 6 and France 2. In January, 1854, there were confined in the same prison S2 persons. New Firm and New Goods. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. Ac. Mandeville & Talmadge TTAYE just returned from New,York,with -B a large and beautiful assortment of the above named articles, which they will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere A great variety of rich Jewelry of thelatest style—Broaches, Pins, Ear and FingerRings. f old guard and fob chains, gold Pens and 'encils, gold and silver Buckles, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of col'd Glasses; Warranted sterling silver tables dessert and teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles u *Rslly kept in a Jewelry store. The superior advantages which the sub scribers possess over those unacquainted with the business, in purchasing directly from the manufacturers and importers, and being practical jewelers, renders them capable of properly judging the value of all they pur chase and recommend to the public. In the department of Watch and Jewelry Repairing, we are determined, by careful ana neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to merit the approbation of the public favor. An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest stple, always on hand, from seventy-five cts- to one hundred and seventy-live dollars—all warranted perfect time-keepers. A. S Mandeville, | W. A. Talmadge. Corner of Broad street and College Av. one door east ofPcterson’s bookstore. Deo 22,1854. C.W &H. B. J.XONG, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATHENS, GA. K EEP constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffg, Brushes, Window Glass, Putty, Sfc. Sfc. Also, dealers in French, English and Ameri can Chemicals, Drugs, Medicines, Per fumery and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchants and all others can depend upon their orders meeting prompt attention, upon the most accommodating terms. Their goods will be warranted as repre sented. January, 1854. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, MILLENERY, &.C. HlptS. VQNDERLIETH would respectfully 1YL inform the Ladies of town and country that she constantly keeps on hand, at her store on College Avenue, four doors below the post office, a large and well selected lot o LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Millinery Articles, Ac. to which their attention is respectfully in vited. _ As she is determined to sell low, she trusts the Ladies will give her a call before purch asing elsewhere. ■ NOTICE. W E are still offering at our old stand, a 1 irge stock of comprising ALL KINDS USUALLY KEPT IN THIS MARKET, which we are daily offering at low prices. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods at the market price. Call and see ns. Janl3 PITNER & ENGLAND. The Arctic Sea, as a whaling ground, is giving oat, according to the New Bedford Mercury, which being pub lished at the headquarters of the whale men, may be presumed to speak know ingly, Nature loves truth so well that it hardly ever admits of flourishing. Con ceit i3 to nature what paint is to beauty, it is not*only need less, but impairs what it would improve. Pedagouge.—Well, sir, what does h-a-i-r sp^ll ? Boy—I don’t know. Pcd—What have you got in your head! Boy—(scratching) I guess its muske- ter bite, for it itches like thunder. W. H. & J. TURPIN, (Successors to W. H. Turpin,) O FFER to Physicians, Planters, Merchants and the panic at large, a choice and well assorted stock of Drugs, and Mediciues, Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Glass and Putty, Brushes of every description, Straw Brooms, Spirits Turpentine, Ac. We purchase our goods for cash, and are prepared to sell on the most advantageous terms. Merchants will find it to their iuter- - est to look at our prices. All articles war ranted to be as represented. Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. Augusta, Junelo The talent of turning men into ridi cule is the gratification of mean minds and ungenerous tempers. True merit, like the pearl inside an oyster, is content to remain quiet until it finds ar. o, eniug. There is philosophy in the remark : " Bressed am dem dat expect nuthing, for dey 6hant be disappint.’ Pride sleeps in a gilded crown—con tentment in a cotton night-cap. Those who possess the most real ex cellence, say the least about it. A clear conscience is sometimes Cvi’iu for money, but never bought with it. Some one has defined love—‘ A lillle sighing, a little crying, a little dying, and a (leal of lying. According to the articles of war, it is death to stop a cannon ball. It is said that the tea most in favor among married ladies, is Jlcau he. Excused.—A young man at a social party was urged to sing a song. He re plied that he would first tell a story, and thenrif they persisted in their de mands he would execute a song. •‘ When a boy,” he said “ he took lessons in singing, and on Sunday morn ing went into his father’s attic to prac tise by himself. When in full play he was sent for by the old gentleman.” “ This is pretty conduct,” said the father, “ pretty employment for the son of pious parents, to be sawing boards on Sunday morning loud enough to be heard by the neighbors. Sit down and take your book.” The young man was excused from sing’ng the proposed song. A country paper says the best ‘ sewing machine in the world,is one about seven teen years old, that wears gaiter boots and a pocket to put her wages in.’ Educational Statistics.—In the United States there is one child attend ing school to every five persons. In Denmark there is one to every four. In Sweden one to five. In Prussia one to six. In Norway one to seven. In Belgium and Great Britain one to eight. In France one to ten. In Austria one r to thirteen. In Holland one to fourteen. In Greece one to eighteen. In Russia one to fifty. In Portugal (one to eigh ty- Five Governors in Indiana.— Gov. Wright, of Indiana, expects on a visit to him, at Indianapolis, on the 22d of February, Governor Johnson, of Ten nessee ; Powel, of Kentucky ; Medill of Ohio; and Matteson, of Illinois, Cross Firing.—“ Did you see the fire in my eyes l” asked a swaggering toper of a temperance lecturer. J didn’t make any observation beyond your nose,” was the answer. “Doyou mean any reflection, sir ?” “ If the fire was in your eye, as you intimate, I think it must have been a reflection.” The loafer couldn’t stand the fire. GEORGIA—Clarke County. W HEREAS, James M. Ridgeway, and John N. Ridgeway, apply to mo for Let ters of Administration on the estate of Nel son Ridgeway, late of said connty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and adminish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not then be granted to the applicants or to such other person or persons as the Court may think proper. Given under my hand at office, this 2d day of January, 1855. Jan. 11. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. A Widow’s Lament.—The Shasta Courier has the subjoined experience of an Oregon widow during her sojourn on the Pacific coast: I have indeed been mOol unfortunate, both of my arrus are slightly palsied, r-acn or my legs have been broken ; my health is generally bad, I have had four husbands in my time, but they all up and died, poor things, nnd I had four yoke of oxen, and the cus ed Indians stole and eat them. AV liich are the two English language most ladies ? D. K.—decay. letters' in the disagreeable to A TIME FOR ALL THINGS.—“ Mrs. Briggs,’’ said a neighhoi who stepped into the house of the former just as she was in the act of seating herself at the dinner table, “have you heard of the dreadful accident ?” “ Why, no—what is it ?” “ Mr. Brings has fallen from the wagon and is killed.’’ “ Is it possi ble 1 we.1, just wait until I finish my din ner, and then yiu’ll hear crying.” “ Mother, I should not be surprised if our Susan gets choked sonic day.” “ Why, my son ?” “ Because her beau twisted his arms around her neck, the other night, and if she had not kissed him, to let her go, he would have strangled her.” The Kansas Herald of Freedom, al ludes to a singular lact in the geographi cal formation of that territory as follows: The chalk formation of which we took occasion to speak last week, proves to be a stratum of magnesia, which proba bly underlies this whole country, at the depth of twenty to fifty feet. The largest exporting States are giVen by the United States Census as follows, viz : Louisiana, 1853, exported $67,768,■ 724; New-Yt rk, SCO,030,335; Mas- sachusetts,816,895,304 ; Alabama,$16,- 786,913 ; South-Carolina, $15,400,308; Georgia and Maryland, each over $7,< 000,000; Pennsylvania, over $6,000.- 030. ‘Certainly, I did, sir. * It is well you did, for I don’t allow people to joke with me in that way.’ ' ;otout of Paradise ?’ er n A Dutchman’s Description of a Rainy Night.—Veil lasht Friday night wash de vorst ash never T&?h I thought to go down de hill to mine house, but de faster I wulkr de faster I stand still, for de tarkness vash so tick dat I could not stir ir,iue boots—and de rain, ounder'and blixem, in more dan tree minntes mine skin was vet troo to mine clo’s. But after one leetle vile it stop ped quitten to rain someding; so 1 kept feelin’ vor myself all de vay long—and ven I comes to mine own house to valk in, vat you think 1 Mine Cot! itpclong- ed to somepody else! An Irishman, who had just arrived from the Emerald Isle, hearing a gun fired at the closing of the day, asked what the noise meant. Being told that it v»As the sun-down gun, he exclaimed, “Och, murder! does tiic sun make such a power of noiseo- ing down in this counthry ?” Quizzing a Quizzer.—A profession al gentleman of our acquaintance has hanging in his room a fine colored en graving of the head of a quadruped, vul garly known as a jackass. Not long since a friend dropped in, and stopping before the picture gazed intently upon it for a few moments and then sung out abruptly, and as he imagined, very wit tily : “ Hallow, doctor, is that your por trait?” “Oh, no,” replied the doctor, coolly, “ that’s simply a looking-glass.” The anxious inquirer suddenly discov ered that he had some business down the street, and departed. The American’s Friend. - J iw J| v\>. i‘~ > -Z'y.WHA iV' HOLLOWAY’S PILLS.. T O the Citizens of the United States: I most humbly thank you for the immense pat ronage which you have bestowed upon my Pills. I take this opportunity of stating that my ancestors were nil American Citizens, ami that I entertain for all that concerns America and the Americans, the most lively sympathies, so much so that I originally compounded these Pills expressly to suit your climate,'habits, constitutions, ami manner of living, intending to establish my sol I among you, which I have now done, by taking pre mises in New York. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 38, corner Ann and Nassau Streets, N.Y NEW CLOTHING! T HE undersigned are now receiving and opening their Saving Stock of Clothing, at their old stand, oposite the Post-Office on college avenue, Athens, Georgia, where they will be glad to see all of their friends ancl customers, and any one who wauts to buy ^GOOD AND CHEAP^sfi m ''is '"H ' IS 'll Their stock has been selected from the best manufacturers in New York, and being bought near the close of the season, they were bought from eight to twelve per cent, cheaper than those bought earlier in the season. We therefore confidently believe that we will sell you goods a little cheaper than you can buy the same article at any other store in the place. Our stock consists of all kinds of MEN’S WEAR, Such as Black and Fancy colored Frock and business Coats; Black and fancy colored Cassimere Pants, and all kinds of black thin Coats and Pants; Also brown Buff and White Linen Coats and Pants Also a genyal variety of Vests of all the different kinds; and a good assortment of BOYS’ CLOTHING. Also men’s Shirts and drawers, undershirts, silk and gauze; Shirt collars, and collar boxes, Stocks, Cravats, and Handkerchiefs, Cotton and Linen; Half-hose; Linen, Silk and Kid Gloves, of all kinds; also Portmonies, ind silk Purses, and Hair, Hat and Coat Brushes, and pocket and coarse Combs; also a good assortment of Gingham and black and colored Silk, and Umbrellas and Carpet Bags, and Trunks. We have constantly on hand the very best chewing Tobacco and fine Cigars, a good as sortment. We invite all buyers of the above articles to call and see us and let us show you our goods. WILSON A VEAL. May- 4 NEW TAILORING n@fA©iy§[a!Ea{ES9 t if* T HE undersigned, sc long and favorably. known in Athens and vicinity, having taken the Store No. 5, College Avenue, (west side,) Is now receiving and opening the most rich and brilliant STOCK OF GOODS, For Gentlemen’s Wear. Ever before offered in this market; com prising superfine black and fancy cloths and cassimcres superfine French doeskin, cas- simeres, black and fancy colors, for pants and vests, embroidered most superbly with silk and gold and pearl, something entirely new and very desirable, to which attention is especially invited. Heavy ribbed Beavers and other goods for OVERCOATS, Will be received in due senson. VESTINGS, In great variety, consisting of cashmer js, elegantly embroidered grenadines, satins, and silks of a great variety of colors, _ richly figured; and velvets plain nnd embroidered. Also a full stock of Collars, Shirts, Drawers,Suspenders, Handkerchiefs and Hosiery. Returninghis grateful acknowedgemcnts for the uniform favor, and good will maifest- ed toward him,under other circumstances, he flatters himself that his past experience in cutting, and his present determination to please, will insure for him a reasonable share of patronage. All the work cut at his establishment will be executed in the neatest man ler and the most fashionable, style W M. GARVIN Of the late firm of W. H. H. White, <fc Co. August 10, 1854 COJIE AA1> SEE! Spring & Summer Goods. The Ship Building in the United States in 1854 foots up an aggregate tonnage of 535,636 tons, and includes 334 ships and barques, 112 brigs,schoo ners, 386 sloops,and 281 steamers; in all, 1,774 -vessels. Quite a respecta ble little navy. The Baltimore Almshouse, during the year 1854, admitted 2358 paupers, of ‘ Did you pull my nose on purpose, whom 1397 were foreigners^ and 961 iir ?’ natives; 641 were Germans; 893 Irish; 42 English, and 39 Scotch. sent out immediately to Bird Island, to rediess the wrongs sustained by our r guano diggers there, at the hands of the government of Venezuela. A Tough Cigar.—Joseph was a bad boy. He had succeeded in blinding his mother for some time as to bis imbibing propensities, One night he-sat down, u and with a look of semi-intoxicated wis- Jj}u™ons dom, began conversing about the good ness of the crops and other matters. He got along very well until he espied what he thought to be a cigar on the mantle- piece ; he caught it, and placing one end of it in bis mouth, began very gravely to light it at the candle. He drew and puffed until he was getting red in the face. The old lady’s eyes were opened, and she addressed him; “ If thee takes that tenpenny nail for a cigar, it uptime thee went to bed.” The Same Fault.—Laura was discon solate. Henry long'ffirted but never put the question. Henry went his way. Laura’s aunt, for consolation, brought It is said that a vessel of war is to be her a love of a spaniel pup. “My dear,” PURIFICATION OF THE BLOOD AND Liver & Bilious Complaints. The Citizens of the Union suffer much from disorders of the Liver and Stomach, scarcely any arc free from the influence of these des tructive maladies, hence life wears last. The fair Bex, perhaps the handsomest in the world, up to a certain period when,distros-s iu" to say, many lose their teeth nnl good looks, while yet in the heyday of life. Such sad evils may be effectually remedied by con tinually keeping the blood pure, and the Liv er and stomach in a healthy action,when life will flow smoothly, and resemble plants in a congenial clime, where an eternal spring ap pears to reign. As it regards the preserva tion of the human frame, and the duration of life, much may be effected, and 1 say fear lessly, that health nd life can be prolonged for many years beyond their ordinary limits, if Ilollowav’s Pills are taken to mirifv the blood according to tlio rules laid down for health contained in the directions which ac company each box. A CASE OF WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY, OF TEN YEARS STANDING, CURED BY HOL LOWAY,S PILLS. Copy of a Letter from Captain Jhon John son, A star House, New York, dated January 6th, 1854. To Professor Holloway, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y. Sir,—It is with the most heartfelt plea sure I have to inform you that I have been restored to health and strenght by taking your Pills. For the last ten years, I ouffer- ed from a derangement of the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced to such an extre mity thatl gave up my Ship, never expect ing to go to sea anymore, as I had tried eve ry Remedy that was recommended to me, hut all to no purpose ; nnd had given myself up to despair, when I was at last recommended t6 take yonr Pills. After using them for three months, the result is thatl am now in better besltli than I have been for eleven years past, nnd indeed as well as ever I.was in my life, You are quite at liberty to make this known for the benefit of others. I re main, Sir, yours respectfully, (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON These celebrated Pills ajic wonderfully effica cious in the following complaints:— Bad Legs Contracted and Lumbago. Bud Breasts Stiff Joints Piles Burns Fistulas Rheumatism Gout Salt Rheum Chilblains Glandrdar Scalds CImp’d hands Swellings Sore Nipples Sore Throats Skin Diseases Scurvy Sore Heads Ulcers Wounds *,*Sold at the Establishments of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, NcwYork, and 244 Strand, London; also, by all respectable Druggists and-Dealers in Medicines through out the United 8tates, in Pots, t'nt 25 cents, 62j cents, nnd $1.00 each. To be had whole sale of the principal Drag Houses in the Union. . Cy There is a considerable saving by tak nig the larger sizes. , N.B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. January 11,1855, ^ McWhorter & erwin * RE now receiving and opening iheir sup- l\. plies of Spring and Summer DUY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Consisting of such articles as are usually kept in this market. Hurdwarc, Crockery and Glass ; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes; Saddlery, Sfc. And an endless variety of other articles, tao tedious to mention. All of which they .offer extremely low, for cash or couutrv produce. Their friends and the public are respect fully invited to give them a call—examine their stock and prices—and if these suit, to patronize them liberally. Athens, April 20 SPRING I S upon us in all its glory, and summer is is fast advancing. With these seasons also come diseases peculiar to them, in the fi r .i of Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, and worst of all. Ring-Worm. The best remedy for such, and certainly the most agreeable,'is “Mar shall’s Ring-worm and Tetter Lotion.” It will .cert tinly cure, and quickly—it does not stain the skin, and is an agreeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W. H. & J. TURPIN, Dealers in pure Family Medicines, Junelo Broad street, Augusta, Ga. im*GREAT ATTRACTION! B EING desirous of c onsolidating my busi ness, I offer for sale that most desirable place at Athens. The tract contains 1000 or more acres, seven hundred acres of which arc woodland, which can be subdivided into many valuable pieces—having four or five water-powers, one on the river and one on the creek, with dam, race andhouse.all ready for business; with desirable residence, seve' ral springs, and two wells of pure water.— The tract will be sold in whole or in part, to suit purchasers; and if not sold this year,will be offered at auction, at the Commencement, in August, 1855. March 9 WM. A. CARP. Artists’ Union. T he American Artists’ Union would respect fully announce to the citizens of the Uni ted States and the Canadas, that for the pur pose of cultivating a taste tor the fine arts throughout the country, and with the view of enabling every family to become possessed'of a gallery of Engravings by the FIRST ARTISTS OF THE AGE. They have determined, in order to create an extensive sale for their Engravings, and thus not only give employment to a large number of artists and others, but inspire among onr countrymen a taste for works of art, to present to the purchasers of their engravings, when 250,000 of them are sold, ; 250,000 GIFTS, of the actual cost of $150,000 Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engrav ing therefore, receives not only an Eugravioj} richly worth the money, but also a ticket which entitles him to one of the Gifts when they arc distributed. FOR FIVE DOLLARS, a highly finished Engraving, beautifully PAINTED in OIL,- and FIVE GIFT TICKETS, will be sent; or Five Dollar’s worth ol splendid Engravings can be selected from the Catalogue. A copy ot the Catalogue, together with w specimen of one of the Engravings, can bo seen at the office of this paper. For each Dollar sent an Engraving actually worth that sum, and a Gift Ticket, will imme' diately be forwarded. AGENTS: The Committee believing that the success of this Great Natioxal Undertaking will be materially promoted by the energy and enter prise of intelligent and persevering Agents, have resolved to treat with such ou the most liberal terms. Any person wishing to become an Agent, by sending (post paid,) $1, will receive bt return of mail, a Oue Dollar Engraving, a “GIFT TICKET,” a Prospectus, a Catalogue and all other necessary information. On the tiual completion of the sale, the Gifts will be placed in the hands of a Com mittee of the purchasers to be distributed, due notice of which will be given throughout the United States and the Canadas. LIST OF GUT’S. 100 Marble busts of Washington, ) at $100, ) 10,000 109 marble busts of CJnj\ at do. $10,000 100 “ Webster, 10,000 -100 “ Calhoun, 10,000 50 elegant Oil Paintings, in splendid gilt frames, size 3x4 ft each $100, 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2xoft. $50, 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly col’d iu oil, rich gilt frames, 24x30 inches each, $10, 10,000 elegant steel plate Engravings, col’d.m oil,of the Washington Mon ument, 20x2(1 in. each $4, 40.000 237,000 steel plate Engravings, from 100 different plates, now iu possess ion of, and owned by the Artists’ Un- • ion, of the market value of from 50 cts to $1 each 41,000 I first-class Dwelling, in 31st st, N. Y, 12,000 22 buildiuglots ill 100 aud 101st sts N. V. city, each 25x100 ft deep, at 1900 22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 sq ft in the suburbs of New York city and commanding a magnificent view of the Hudson River and Louglsland Sound, at 500, 60,000 20 perpetual loans of cash, without in terest or securi’y, of $260 eacli 5,000 A perpetual loans of 100 $eaeh 5,000 100 “ “ 60 “ 5,000 250 “ " 20 “ 5.000 2,000 “ ' “ - 5 “ 10,000 Reference in regard to the real estate, F. J. NOTICE. T HE subscribers are prepared to fill orders for all kinds of Spokes for Carriages and Wagons, Also, at tlio same establishment we manufac ture all kinds of BOBBINS, commonly used in cotton factories. Ail done as good and cheap as can be had from the North. Addregg, P. A.SUMMEY & BRO. Athens,Ga. who will attend to all orders, and the ship ping of the same. | March, 1854. Schnapps. T HE pure unadulterated artiele of Schiedam Schnapps, imported by B. Lieber, may be had of the undersigded, who have been ap pointed agents in this city. The public may rely on the purity of this importation. In purchasing l>c careful to notice the name of B. Lieber on the label. W. U.<fc J. TURPIN, Agents, June 14 Broad st, Augusta, Ga- 5,000 5,000 5.000 Visscher ifc Co. Real Estate Brokers,N. York. "Vders, post paid, with luouev enclosed, to be .Idressed, J. W. HOLBROOKE, See. - Oct 12 605 Broadway, N The engravings iu the catalogue are i: jw rend,y f«r delivery. L AMP and TRAIN OIL.—Bleached Winter and Fall Sperm Oil, and a superior arti cle of Train Oil, by the barrel or gallon. W. H. <tJ. TURPIN, J14une Druggists, Augusta,G" RICE. A FRESH and good article of Rice always on hand at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S. April 13 Coach-Making and Repairing. JAMES bTbURPEE, i 1 tlio old stand recently occupied by R. S. A- Sehcvcnell, offers for sale a lot of auperi- i or articles of his ow» manufacture, at redu ced prices—consisting of Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders lor any thing in his line thankfully received and promptly executed. ^S~Ilcpairing done at short notice ami on reasonable terms. P 'RESERVES—Ginger and Chow-chow Preserves, and nil sorts of PICK LES.for sale by P. A SUMMEY & BRO. XIN! TIN ! C ONSTANTLY on hand, a large and well assorted lot of plain, fancy and Japanned Tin-ware, at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S April 13 FRESH GROCERIES. 1 71 XTRA Rio, Lnguira, Cuba and old Gov’t It Java Coffee, Sugars of all kinds; Pepp'cr, Spices, Ginger, Maccaroni, Pickles nnd -Mus tard, just received aud for sale low by Nov2 T. BISHOP & SON OCONEE MACHINE WORKS, ATHENS, GA. T HIS establishment is now prepared to re ceive and execute orders tor making and repairing All kinds of machinery, Mill work, Steam Engines, &c. p&T Hands will be sent to any part of th« country, for the purpose of repairing steam engines and othor machinery, or putting up Mills, Ac. Childs’ patent Double Circular saw-mille arc manufactured at this establishment-. We also build Horse-Powers for the same, nnd furnish hands to put them in operation. The mills arc warranted to cut50()0 feet of inch plank per day. The Machine Works arc situated in the building above the old “Athens House,' Broad Street. E. H. HANCOCK. Athens, June29, 1854. Agent t, “the puppy can do every speak.” “Why will yon .ago nise me,’’(says Laura, ‘-that’s the only fault I found with the other.” RIO COFFEE AND COFFEE SUGARS Of the best quality, always on hand, at Dec7 I. M. KENNEY’S. NAILS AND IRON. A LARGE lot of Iron'atid Nails, for sale by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO STOVES, STOVES! C OOKING ar.d Office Stoves, in great vari ety, constantly on hand, at low prices’,by . April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. SHOES! SHOES! A LARGE aud well selected lot of Gents and Ladies’ Shoes, for sale low, by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO TO THE TRA YELLING PUBLIC. SAULTER& IVY A T their old stand, near the FranklinHouse, Athens, Ga. are better prepared than ever heretofore to meet the wants of the tra velling public. Tho*e wishing to hire Coaches, Carriages, Hocks, Buggies, or Saddle HorBcs, are invited to give them a call—as they have finer Coach es and better stock than at any time hereto fore, while their Drivers arc as careful as can be found anywhere. iZS^At the same time their terms are as good as the best. R. Saulter, Z. Ivy. Farmer’s Cradles. QC YTHE Blades, Grass Scythes, Reaphooks O and Scythe Snathes, for sale by 1 * April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO POWDER. E XTRA blasting and Rifle Powder, a large lot. English nnd American gunenp^for ;ale by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. FRESH LOBSTERS, SHAD, SAL MON AND MACKEREL. N hermetically-sealed cases, just received by Nov9 t. bishop & SON. THE IMPROVED C^YmAeY Straw Cutters C UT all kinds of feed with great facility, and are not liable to get out of repair.— We have just received a small lot of them, which will be sold low. Oct 19 T. BISHOP & SON. BLANKETS & NEGRO CLOTHS, WILLIAM SHEAR R espectfully invites the attention of planters to his large supply of Negro Blankets and Negro Cloths, which he is pre pared to sell at very low prices. Nov 16 Union Oil Company. T HE U NION OIL CO. beg leave to call at tention to the SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF OILS prepared at their works, for machinery of all kinds, as well as for Curriers, Painters and Wool-spinners. T ese oils have been in use in all the various departments for which they are prepared, and constant use for more than three years, and highest approba tion of Engineers and others, the Company have so enlarged their works as to be able to meet the increased demand for their Oila.— Also, “Mineral White l’aint,” superior to most Lead paints, equal to Zinc, equally du rable, aud less in price. All orders for oils and paint of uniform qualities promptly sup plied, and wnrmnfed to he as represented. Office of the Company, No.100 Race Street above 3d, Philadelphia. Novl6 S. NEWELL, President N.B. Our oils warranted not to chill, and particularly adapted to Railroad uses. T. BISHOP & SON WILL COX1IXUE TUE W AREHOUSE and Commission business at the same stand, anu will attend to the sale or storage of Cotton aud other pro duce, witli promptness and dispatch, aud on the most reasonable terms. Athens, Ga., Aug. 31.1854. 6mo toolsT B LACKSMITH’S and Carpenter’s Tools, in great variety, for sale by April 13 P. A.SUMMEY & BRO a Ki'A/'A SACKS SALT, large size, and iu tJv/w prime order, for sale low by Dec. 6.T. BISHOP A SON. NOTICE. T HOSE indebted to us for Book accounts. will please call and settleYhem.eitlierby cash or note; aud those who have notes Ion' since due will also cal! and pay them, as.v> ueedtho money, and longer indulgence can-- not and will not be given. Jan 13 PlTN ER & ENGLAND RICH CARPETS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. W ILLIAM SHEAR (Augusta) has receitn- ed from New York n large supply of English Brussels Carpets of the best quality and of new and elegant styles; F.nglish Vel vet Carpets, of new and splendid stylesjihree ply, Ingrain nnd Venetian Carpets. Rich Cheneille lings to match the carpets. Printed Crumb Cloths, in patterns awT by the yard; Rich colored Danmsks-aud Delaines for curtains, with gimps and tas els to match; rich embroidered Lacc and Muslin Curtains, and some at very low-prices; embroidered | Muslins for curtains, by the yard, Window Shades, of beautiful styles; superior Furna- lure Diiuit'cs and fine Cotton Fringes. Gilt Cornices, Curtain Bauds, and brass and pit ted Stair Rods. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. NovlG 1 Flour! Flour! A LARGE lot of superfine and extra family A Flour, in sacks and extra barrels, for sale bv - P. A. SUMMEY S BRO. ' '" '"wlM GEORGIA—Clarke County. W HEREAS, Rowan McRee applies to ms for Letters of Administration on the re spective estates of John McRee and Isabella McRee, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonisH all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to shew cause, if any they alive, at my office, on or before the first Monday in February next, why said Letters should not then be granted to’ the applicant, or to such other person or per.’-ous as the Court may think proper. Given under my hand,at office, this 1st day January, 1B55. janl ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. 23H supply, just received by T. Bishop - «feSon. ’ ■ - Nov2 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A choice artie'e “Holt’s best, at Dcc7 I. M. KENNEY'S-