The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, February 22, 1855, Image 3

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.jiSsNsPB PUBLIC MEETING. A resepectable of the citi- nt of Athcn Athens, whs held on iliel l7tb inst. to consider the propriety ol In.-trct- ing the town authorites, to assist ihe In ferior Court of this county to construct a substantial Bridge over the Oconee river, where the town bridge now stands. Upon motion of Hon. A. Hull, G. Peeples, Intendent. of the town, was called to the Chair, and W. G. Detony, Esq., appointed Secretary. After considerable discusion, it was unanimously resolved, that the Intend* cat and Wardens of the town be instruct- ted, to construct .’he necessary stone piers and abutments for such Bridge, if, in (heir wisdom, such an outlay be~ne- ces&ary to induce the Inferior Court to boffld a substantial bridge thereon. 2. Resolved, That the town authori ties be authorised to contract a loan for this purpose, if in their discretion such a course be necessary. C. PEEPLES, Ch W. G. Delont, Sec. -— That Commission House O P Proceedings of Council. An Ordinance to suppress Lewdness and Lewd Houses, in the Town of Atli ens. Be it ordained by the Intendent and Wardens of the town of Athens, and it us hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that from and after the pas sage of this Ordinance, any free white iperson, male or female, who shall main tain, or keep a house or place for the practice, or to the encouragement of for mication and adultery or either, or shall •otherwise engage in the practice} of ad- mltery or fornication or either, within the •corporate limits of said town, shall, for •such offence and for each dsy qpon con viction before this board, be find in a sura of not more than Twenty Dollars or less than Five Dollars. And be it further ordained by the au thority of the same, that any person who shall rent to, lease, give to, or in a»y manner permit, or allow any free white female to use, occupy or stop in any house or place belonging to or under the control of such persons, within the cor porate limits of said town.i'or any of the purposes embraced in the first section of this ordinance, such pers in or persons shall forfeit and pay ljy fine upon con viction before this board for each day ilmt such house is so occupied, the sum of Twenty Dollars. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid.tlint the penalties im posed by this board may be changed to imprisonment in the town prison, for a time not to exceed thirty days for such offence. Passed, ratified and affirmed in open meeting of the Board. C. PEEPLES, Intendent. W. G. Delont, Sec. Grand Jury Presentments. HtllE Grand Jurors,sworu and empannelled JL for the County of Clarke. f»r February Tvai, liso.\ respectfully offer the following Presentments. We have examined, by a Committee, the books and accounts of the County Treasurer and Tax Collector, and find them neatly and, we think, accurately kept. We find in the hands of the County Treasurer an unexpend ed balance of SI 8.76- We recommend that the Tax Collecter be allowed, on bis insolvent list, $20.68 on the State tax, and $12.11 on ihe County tax. We have examined, by Committee, the Public Buildings and find that the Debtor’s Room of the Jail, is very insecure, and re commend that it be repaired and made thoroughly secure, without delay. The Clerk's office and Court House need tome repairs, which we recommend to be made. We have inquired into the condition of the public roads and bridges in the Coun ty, and find that m"st of the public roads are in good order, ana that most of our public bridge* are in good order; some few excep tions to both, and the attention of the proper authorities is called to them. We have examined, by Committee, the Books of the Clerks of the Superior and In ferior Courts and Ordinary, and find them iieatly kept, highly creditable to their officers, and very convenient for general reference. We recommend an assessment of 25 per cent on our State Tax, for the education of the Poor. Asa M. Jackson, Esq .Ordinary, presented to us a list of cbildreu eutitled to the bene fits of the act for the education tf the Poor: We anurebeud that , said list will be materi ally charged this year, and that the demands for education of the Poor will be larger this year than last. We deeply regret the number of Present ments brought liefore us for affrays, riots, as saults and murder,ail ofThich.withouttexcep tioa, originated in, or about Grocsneej -2'.* •«.» it*n of ardent spirits, ana its view from - •■-il Otaniritu ofthese we present the m».- . . ous liquors, even when.done in the letter ana spirit of the late, as a nuisance and a grievance toat ought not to inflicted on, or borne by, an enlightenedaUd Christian community: and we would earnestly recommend that our Sena tor and Representatives in the next Legis lature, use their best endeavours to obtain the passage of such a law as, in the wisdom of the Legislature, shall relieve our County front all such nuisances and grievances. Li taking leave of hie Honor, Judge Jack- son, we trader him our approbation of the able itnd impartial manner in which ho baa ■“ the ~ * - - - TINLEY & HERRON’?, CHARLESTON, S.C, Jg T HE only house doing business in that city that actually had any experience in Re ceiving and Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Carolina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open for the Receiving and Forwarding of all kinds of goods wares, merchandise, machinery, produce, Ac. If you want vour goods forwarded without the vexatious delays and enormous expense bills paid the last season, and at the same time have your business done in such a man ner that somebody will be made responsible for the damaged and lost packages, consign them to Tiwlet A Herron. who have Received and Forwarded all Goods consigned to them daring all the past season without any extra charge over those established rates as given below, and up to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Onr Mr. Herron was Clerk of the Receiv ing and Forwarding Department of the South Carolina Rail Road Company for the past seven years and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tariffs and rales of shipment,both by railroads ana vessels, to gether with the mode of procedure to secure damages aud pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which will be ta .en in all suen cases without loss or delay totbe owners. Anotherimport&ntadvantage is that his thorough knowledge ofall.freights and rules of shipment enables him to instantly detect and correct any overcharge in the Bills of lading which in all cases has to be dose at that time, or be lost to the owner,, in many instances greatly exceeding the com missions we charge- He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that city, therefore we will under all circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to us. All produce,such as Wheat, Flour,jCorn,, Corn Meal,. Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs,Cotton Rice, Ryo, Oats, Hay, Tobacco, Wool, Feath era, Beeswax, Potato* s, Onions, &c\consign ed to us will be promptly sold aud the pro ceeds returned without keeping the money a few month* to speculate upon; for we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no speculation whatever; all that we Want is our commission, as follows: For Receiving and Forwarding all ordinary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of turniture and machinery, charges according to responsibility. Iron and steel in loose bars 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you can save by depositing the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in this market, iniking the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. TINLEY & HERON. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 1855. We bog leave to refer to the following gentleman: Rev. Thos. W. Atkin, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Asheville. P. D. Gates, 12 Broadway, New York. Col. James Gadsden, Charleston. John Caldwell, President of ft. C. R. R. Thos. Warning, Auditor “ '• •* “ John King, Agent “ •• “ “ Hyatt, McBurney & Co., and J. S & L Bowie A Co., Charleston. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State ; A. It. Crazier, Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M. Swan, Nashville, Tenn. French A Van Epps, andj. J. Bryant, Chattanooga. Q. A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and merch ants generally, Loudon, Tennesse. N. Gammon & Son., T. J. & C. Powell, Craighead and Deaderick, Knoxville, Tenne- see. W. & T Harris, Inman A Hamilton. Bran uer A Mitchell, Fains A King, Dandridge, Tenn. , zw The Greenville, S. C. Mountaineer Athens, (Ga.) Watchman. anJ Charlotte, N. C. Democrat, will each copy one year, and forward bill to T. A H. TO OPUUENCE. ATY own private fortune being too small lYX to enable me to publish a thousandth part of what I wish, for the guidance and weal of all, I do want you to seud or give me the means of issuing many more books than I now can, on moral coarse j in life. If this be not done, and many perish—may their blood be not on me, in Eternity It won't do to print and try a sale for re muneration—people care so little about my views, that they won’t bay. 1 must bo ena bled by the just, to set their condition and URe > danger plainly before their eyes, even by force, iinon fliwr rplnrtfinfp Anti infatnatmti ! force, upon their reluctance and infatuation - Are there not---not alone in this State, but all the Union over—men with more spare cash than they, or any thrifty family, in line, would want to ten generations ? I want apart thereof—have long needed—to pay my printers for issuing forth my bookB. Not a cent is to be for my personality, or my relations. This is not absolute begging. To consti tute a beggar, he must solicit fojr himself and his. To solicit where the benefit is, reflexly, to the donors themselves and the country, or the next innocent generation, that tee are madly bequeathing confusion to, is not beg gary. In no spirit or temper of mendicancy, I ask yon to lend, through me, some cash to the Lord. God rules this estate of the mor al world, not perforce, bat by the will and volition of men. These are, all theology metaphysics wou’d tell ns, Christ's triumphs —wh$re a free will, called, votively rallies to accept and sustain His Empire of Love!— Thus you, tho’ creatures, feeble and fleeting, can lend something to Omnipotence. “Cast ing your bread” thus cheerfully “on the wa ters, you gather it after many days.” Do help me, triends, if convenient JOHN J. FLOURNOY, Athens. Georgia, P. O v Feb. 22—It NOTICE. rpWO months after date, application will JL be made to the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, for leave to sell all the land and negroes, belonging to the respective estates of John and Isabella McRee, late of said county, dec’d. Frb. 22,1855. ROWAN McREE, Adm’r. Notice To Executors, Administrators and Guardians. I WILL be in Athens on the 4th Thursday of March, April, May and June next, for the purpose of receiving returns, and attend ing to other business in connection with my Office. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Feb. 22, 1856. tt Notice to Teachers of Poor Children. B Y virtue of authority invested in mo, by law, it is Ordered, That Teachers of poor children, living in Clarke county, whose education is provided for by law, be allowed to charge for thepresent year, for teaching such children, their usual rates for teaching other children in the same branches: Provided the same shall uot exceed the rates of eight cents per day, for each poor child taught Accuuuts to be rendered to me by tbe 25th of Decem ber next, specifying the nameami age of each child taught, and the name of its parents or S tardiau, the rates per day, and number of ays charged for each; proven by affidavit, that said account is just and true—that the rates charged are not above the usual rates of such Teachers, Hr the branches taiiglit, aud that said cbildreu arc pf the ages stated, the best of their knowledge uild be belief. And in order to tfaora Teachers i^aiust loss, if they will send me, 0” or before the first of August; next, a list of all S’jcl) cbil- ~rC2,, b * tw «e‘» ,tbe ages of eight and sixti-C?-. together with tiaeir parents orguardiaus’ name I TT’!! use my best orforts to induce the new Grant, J' ,r Y to ^ ave tiieir names eutered upoH the list. ' ASS A. J*’ JACKSON, Ordinary. Feb. 22, 1855. Special Notices. PLAIN AND FANCY BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. jSsfflBi 0. erataasinr, (“Solitary and alone,’’) prepared to execute any and all kinds of Let- :ss PRINTING, either plain or in colors, at ATHESSrHICESCTHEEHT. READY-MADE CLOTHING, WfcVVT.V BY P!T\SR AND EVGT.lVti _ * CORRECTED WEEKLY, BY PITNEB, AND ENGLAND ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & CO., 62 Canal, and 49 Sr 51 Howard Street*, NEW YORK, MPORTERS and Jobbers of French and British Dry Goods, consisting in part of French and English Prints, “ “ Scotch Ginghams, “ Printed Jaconets, “ " Organdies, “ “ Barege, “ “ Tissues, “ *’ real Grenadines, Plain Bareges and Tissues. Robes in Organdy, Barege, Tissues, Real Grenadine and Silk. Silks in endless variety, from low priced to the very richest and most elegant manu factured. Also, 1000 pieces of Plaid India Silks of very high lustre aud confined to patterns. Shawls—in Canton Crape, Barege, Cash mere and Stella. Mantillas—in Lace, Apptica, and Silk, both imported and of our own manufacture. New patterns receive 1 by every steamer. Also, French and Scotch Embroideries, Black English Crape Veils, Hosiery, Alexander’s Silk Gloves, Fillet Mitts, Ribbons, and other fancy articles. A. C. & Co., have one or more buyers con stantly in the European markets, and their arrangements are such, that they are fre quently enabled to place before their custo mers “ novelties” simultaneously with their appearance in Paris and Lyons. Six months buyers are invited to examine our stock. Feb. 14, 1855. 3m Conducted tbe business of the Court, and our thanks for his courtesy to this body ; and to till Solicitoi we tender our acknowledge tnents for his diligent attention, and the aid given us in the performance of onr dutic BEDFORD LANGFORD. Foreipan, JEFFERSON JENNINGS, THOMAS O. HESTER, GEORGE WILLIAMS. ~~ ISAAC WILKKRSON, « JOUN N. WISE. I THOMAS WRAY, ISAAC JACKS, GEORGE TURNELL, JOUN COUSSONS, SANDFOltD JOHNSON, JOSEPH F. MORTON, JOHN H. NEWTON, MICHAEL R. GRIFFITH, JOHN JACKSON, Jr., JOHN HARRIS, ‘ JAMES W. BARRETT, WILLIAM MAH ABLE, NATHANIEL RICHARDSON, j distent from the foregoiug presentment, jn relation to tbe retail of spirituous liquors, not by any means endorsing the morality of traffic therein, but preferring the enact NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. S TATE OF GEORGIA, Clarks Couxtt.t- AU persons having demands against Ed ward Lmmpkin, late of G reen county, deceas ed, are hereby notified to present them, pro perly attested, to me, within the time pre scribed by law, or they will not be settled. And all persons indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate pay ment. LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, Adm’r, Feb. 22. With the will annexed. :ash music&piano store OF HORACE WATERS, No 333 Broadway, New York. OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY. tfusie at Greatly Reduced Rates. N otwithstanding the combination of music dealers to keep up the prices of non-copyright music, against the interests of native composers, and their refusal to extend to Mr. Waters the courtesies of the trade, he is making immense sales—having abundant evidence, that he has pnblio countenance and support, in his opposition to the Great Mo nopoly, an 1-in his efforts to aid Native Talent, and to adopt the National Currency. His stock of American and European music is immense, aud the catalogue of his own publi cations is one of the largest and best selected in tbe United States. He has also made a Great Deduction in ihcprifes of Pianos, Me- lodeons and Musical Instruments of all kinds. Superior toned 6$ octave pianos for $175, $200 and $225 interior of as good quality, and instruments as strong and as durable as those which 'cost !$600. Pianos of every variety of style and price up to $1000 comprising those of ten different manu factories; among them tbe celebrated modern improved Horace Waters’ Pianos and tho first premium aEolian Pianos ofT. Gil- beriA Co.’s make, (owuers of the JSolian patent). Second-hand Pianos at great bar gains. Prices from $40 to $150. Melodeons from five different manufactories, including the well known S. D. & H . AY. Smith’s melo deons. (turned the equal temperament,) the best make in the United States. Prices $45, -$0b, J<5, 0100, $115, §25. §135. and $150. Smith’s DonhJ* Bank Melodeons, $200. Each Piano and Mclodeou guaranteed. The best •»nns trad ®, »cliooi», £c.: 12* per cent, discount to J.'crgymen and churches. All orders promptly a*:; nded ,0 ; M. U3,c , s « nt 10 all parts of tlie country, “ 1 ’ duced rates. General and aeiv.. 1 and schedule Of prices of Pianos lo». to any address free of uliprge. Feb 15, 1855. 3m I B now ter pfess . bis large and extensive Dook and Job Printing Estab lisbmant, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. No establishment in tbe Bute poetesses superior fa cilities for executing Printing of tbe kinds usually in demand in this country—such as Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Magazine*,Cir- culars, Cards, Tickets, Labels, ChecksNotes, Posters, Bill-Heads, Catalogues, Hand- Bills, V/ay, Stage and Horse Bills, " Blanks of every description. And indeed almost every thing likely to be called for. He will indulge in no extravagant promises, but content himself with tbe remark, that hereafter as here tofore, he will endeavor to execute all work entrusted to bim In a superior style .punctually—correctly—ex peditiously, and at moderate rues. Grateful to bis friends and tbe public for past favors, be again solicits their oidmi and ousts that he may be favored witb a liberal share of public patronage. Athens, January 18,1855 tf Hollowafs Ointment and Pills, certain Remedies for Bad Legs, Sores and Ulcers —Henry Read of Brooklyn, New York, (35) suffered for nearly eight years mailignant character, and terribly swollen. He had consulted a number of tnedieal men who were unanimous in their opinion, that amputation of the limb was the only thing likely to save him, and. even then his re recovery was dubious as his health was so much shattered. The loss of a limb to a man at this period of life was too great a sac rifice, and be refused to submit, to the operation. He used Holloway’s Ointment and Pills for nine we«S«, ana the leg is sound! For sale at the Drug Stores of Smith A Hill and C. W. <fc H. R. J. Long: ^^Distinguished Physicians, well known Merchants, respectable Apothecaries, and hundreds of others, bear testimony good effects of Stabler’s Anodyne Cherry Expedtorant, in Coughs, Colds, and diseases 0. the Lungs anu Throat generally, There is n? empiricism in its preparation. Articles whic-i arc well known and highly appreci ated by tho entire medical faculty, alone en ter into its composition. The Diarrhea Cor dial is also prepared with the same scientif ic skill ana care. Its benificial effects in diseases of the bowels have been remarka ble. Over 500 physicians, who have been made acquainted with the recipes of these popular remedies have been pleased with them, and only spoken of them in terms of unqualified praise. If you have a cough or any disease of the Lungs or Throat give the Diarrhoea Cordial, make use of it with confidence, and mark the result. See des criptive pamphlets, to be had gratis of the agents. Price of each, only 50 cents per bottle, or six bottles for $2 50. E. XLStabler & Co. .Proprietors, wholesale Druggists, Baltimore. For sale by C. AY. A R. R. J. Long, Athens, and by druggists generally. Daroerocs ground.—It would be invidious to assert bluntly, that there is, originally, a disproportion of intellect between one an imal and another of the same species, still there is a rule which intrudes itself on obee - vation, and opens the distinction. A man who prides himself in the preservation of the main features of human attraction, has credit at least for one conservative quality,—take the hair as an example,—whereas, he who neglects every point of personal appearance has none. Those who would conserve or improve the appearance qf their hair or com plexion, should use Bogle’s celebrated Hybo- rion Fluid for the hair. Sold in Athens by C, AY. A H. R. J. Long |W Worms.—As this is the season of the year when worms are most formidable ATHENS, FEB. 2’, Bagging (Gunny) yd 18 to 20 | Bale Rope, per lb 14 Mauillnfiope’* “ ........ 25 25 | lagging Twine 25 30 bacon Sides. 8 10 “ Hains 10 12 “ Shoulders * 8 10 Lard 10 12 Butter -- —....... 12 15 Tallow ....—... 10 12 Tallow Candles.. 18 20 8perm do............ ...... 45 50 Star do —. 30 35 Coffee Rio ............... 14 16 Coffee Java...... ...— .... .... 15 16 Tea •• 100 125 Rice 8 8 Sugar,Brown 8 12* “■ Clarified................. 10 10* *• Crashed ............ 12* 121 “ Loaf....... .............. 12* 14 Molasses, per gal 33 35 N. O. Syrup..... 40 50 Salt, per Bushel........... ..... 80 90 Salt, Liverpool Sack ...... ....^225 237 Steel,Cast .................... 21 26 “ German 15 16 “ Blister 10 12 * Spring.................. 10 12 Iron, common size ............ $ 6 “ 7inch wide .............. >• 7 8 “ Band —................. 7 3 “ Nail rod 8 10 , Sheet .................... 8 9 Castings 5 6 Nails, per Keg 6 1 Powder, Rifle, 65 70 Blasting ...... ........ 560- 60 Lead — ...... ...... . 10 12* Shot, per Bag 250 275 Cotton per Bale..— 5 7 Flour per t>bl ------ r. 900 loo Wheat per Bushiel 125 135 Cora “ v 90 100 Meal ^ ...••»mi 90 100 Oat 66 £0 Rye “ “ 15 1 AO IUV Indigo,Spanish................ 125 150 Madder lb a— 16 25 AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! Mli U 'M 'Hi il IM - I Can be found the largest nSsortan nt of MEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTH Ever offered in this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS: aWses, a\\A V> mViYeU&s, Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the articles we have on but would cordially welcon e all to [HJ-coine aud examine for thcinsclvos, Athens, April 18,1854. R. L. BLOOMFIELD’S. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass Castings of every variety; Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to the best. Steam- Engines, Forcing-Pumps, Gold-Miniug Mills, Gin, and all other kinds of gearing. Mill- Irons and all kinds of Machinery made to order. Iron Fencing of select patterns, Plough and Wagon Castings and Dog-Irons. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Onr general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of years. A list will be sent those addressing (poet paid,) REUBEN NICKERSON, AgeDt jan 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper, brass and iron castings wanted. ly Copperas. - 4 Blue Stone 18 Oil, Linseed ....... 137 Lamp, Winter 150 “ Fall.. 100 Train.......... .,... 00 5 20 150 175 125 loo 250 300 White Lead, Keg 251b........ 225 Glass, Box 8 by 10 275 Mackerel. No. 3 bbl 1200 1400 £ bbls No. 2 1100 1200 “ | bbls No. 2 Beeswax..................... Feathers ......... AVool Tobacco ... ................ Yarn perbale, 4C bunches Retail Osnaburgs,per Bale............ *• Retail Shirt'ngi,perbale “ Retail. 400 20 35 25 25 85 90 9 10 P 450 22 40 30 40 86 90 10 11 9 10 NOTICE. M R. AYM. N WHITE, having purchased my entire sttek of Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Ac., succeeds to the business hitherto conducted by me. In retiring, the undersigned takes occasion to return his thanks for the patronage ex tended ; and to solicit a continuance of the same to Mr. White, who, he feels assured, will use his best efforts to retain their good will and confidence, if transferred to him. Feb. 3,1855. J. S. PETERSON. H AVING purchased Mr. J. S. Peterson’s entire stock, as above, the undersigned will endeavor to merit any patronage the former customers of the establishment may kindly bestow. He offers them their choice „ from a large and diversified stock of Bocks, among children, the proprietors of M’Lane’s. Stationary and Fancy Goods, at the lowest rates. His.own enstomw, also, whoee for Vermifuge beg leave to mil thq attention of, „ , patents to its virtues for the expelling-of favors'he gratefully acknowledges, he iLese Annoying and often fatal enemies of chil- will bo happy «tilj ie ifieet either At the drc.0, It was invented a ^tjsician of ..GUARDIAN'S SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court house in Watkinsville, Clarke oounty, on the first Tuesday iu Maroh next, all that tract of laud, lying on both sides of Middle river, adjoining the Princeton Factory, and known as the plsct fouperiv the late Mr.William Williams, Ttie whole tract contains about six hundred acres. That portion of it lying on the west side of the river will be sold sep arately, and that on the east side will be sold in two lots, as it is divided by the road. The tract on the north side of the Watkinsville road includes the . valuable dwelling-house and other improvements recently 'occupied by Mr. George Williams. Sold pursuant to an order of the Ordinary of Elbert county, as the property of tbe chil dren of George Williams, and for their bene fit. Terms, credit until 25th Decembernext, tlie purchaser giving bond with approved se curity. JANE L. ALLEN, Guard’n jan26 of the children of Geo. Williams. BOOK-B1XBY.UY, ATHENS, GA. mHEIundersigaed is prepared to do all kinds X of Binding, from tbe plainest sheep to the finest morocco. Books bound to any pattern. Persons residing in the country can direct their books as below, and have them well bound and returned without delay. Novl6 ALFRED HENDERSON. MRS. VONDERLIETH, H AVING procured the services of a first- rate Milliner, all work in (hat line en trusted to her care, will be executed in the mosteiegant and fashionable style A liberal share of public patronage is con fidently anticipated. Oct 19 880 AGENTS WANTED!! One for every Cbunty in the SUNNY SOUTH To sell the Most Splendid ULBtory ever published, THE NEW WORLD. In two relume* bound iu on. BY HENRY II. BROWNELL, A.M. I N presenting this work to the r blic, the publishers believe that they are supplying a dxsideratuh, tbe want of which has been long felt by the reading community, and especially,By tlie people at large. No other work, much less any other single volume, contains the complete and extended view of ektire American history which is here pro. sented. The plan and execution of the book are entirely new; the arrangement of the various Europe&u Provinces under their re spective national heads, and the subdivision of ?hese into separate Colonies and States— due chronological order being preserved— 'will, it is t hought, make it of peculiar value as a book. f reference, and greatly facilitate history ftnd occuiate knowledge of general Also, THE OLD WOULD. In two volumes bound in ore, Bl Hxnst Howard Brownell, A. M Comprising an account of tbe foundation, progress and decline of the most celebrated Empires, States aud Nations, from the earliest period to the present time—of their wars, conquests anil revolutions— of religious dis sension and persecution—of the gradual ex- tensu u of freedom aud civilization—aud tho final settlement of political relations on their present basis. These books comprise a complete history of the AYoeld, in four volumes bound iu two. The character of the illustrations in,these volumes are «.f higher *nd more magnificeut standard than has ever been attempted here tofore, being from deeipnsby Durley, Bil lings, Wallin and Doepler, and elegantly colored, (except the portraits,) with from five to nine different tints, true to nature, so as to impart a close resemblance to well- finished paintings. Theae works a re printed from new and handsome type, also on paperof extra quality as regards texture and permanency, and com prise over 2500 pages royal octavo, with numerous atid diversified colored engravings, bound in embossed black morocco leather binding with tipped corners. To men of euergy and business tact, thio offers an unparalled chance to do a good busi ness by engaging an agency for these im portant works, which are sold ouly by sub scription. fcj-For particulars address the publishers. DAYTON & AVENTWORTH, New York. great experience in Virginia, who, after having used it for several years in his own practice, and fonnd its success so universal, was indneed at last to offer it to the public as a cheap but certain and excellent medi cine. It has since become justly popular throughout the United States as the most efficient Vermifuge ever known, and the de mand has beeu steadily on the increase since its first introduction to the public. Sold in Athens by Drs. Smith a Hill. - , 13 REYNOLDS 6c BROTHER, (Over Sansom <k Pittards,) book and job printers, Athens, ga, Invite the attention of the public to their preparations for PRINTING, in all its de partments. _.T,bey are prepared for the execution of Bills, Circulars, Cards, Tickets, Pamphlets, <bc, and are Printers of Cobb’s Repors . 1 Sept. 21,1854. ly R. A B. corner, or at No. 2, College Avenue, ns they Fe£ refer ' WM.N. WHITE. 3,1855. BLACKSMITHING. T HE subscriber continues to carry on the Blacksmi thing business,in all its branch es, at his old stand, near the Town Spring,in the rear of the Franklin House Row—where good tools, good material, and very superior workmen await the orders of the pnblic. He has in his employment an axe-maker and horse-shoer, who cannot be excelled. Work warranted to be done well and at moderate prices, A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. m. e. McWhorter, Athens, Feb 1 tf LOST, I N Athens, on Saturday last, two Notes of Haud—one on D. N. Judson, in favor of G. L. Williamson,for $100-due oue day after date, and given about the. 1st 'of January, 1854—with a credit of $2.50cts. Tbe other for $68 and some cents, given by W. P. ifc J. C. Turner to Milton Matthews, with a credit of $45 on it. The finder of the above notes will be suitably rewarded by leaving them witb the editor of the Watchman. MILTON MATTHEWS. Ftb. 8, 1855. SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREAN GALLERY. T HE subscriber has recently opened the Sky-Light Daguerrean Gallery nearly opposite the Bank, where he is prepared to take LIKENESSES in all kinds of weather, and in the most beautiful style of the art. The public are invited to eall and examine specimens. J. F. O’KELLY. Athens, Feb 1 tf CAUTION. A LL persons will take notice that my wife, Mary Vf ebster, has quit roy bed and board without provocation. I forwarn all persons from crediting her on my responsi bly, for l will not pay any of her contracts S. 1855. JOHN R. WEBSTER. Auction and Commission House, Athens, Ga. mHE undersigned, having received license X to do a general Auction and Commission business in th : s piece, will ou Saturday next, the 24th inst. offer at public sale, at 10 o’clock, at tbe old stand of L. J. Lampkin, a large assortment of Fancy Walking-canes, Cutlery, Hats, and a variety of article too tedious to me itiori. Also, several boxes of Hyson Tea, on consignment, will be offered without re serve, which Merchants will do well to buy, as it will be sold by the box. Feb. 22. T.M. LAMPKIN. in the iHWde the Just Courts of the respective counties. GEORGE WILLIAMS. Ou motion qf T. R. R. Cobb, Esq., Ordered, That the foregoing Presentments be published in the Athe s papers. A true extract from Minutes. Given uu tier mv baud atOffice, this 15th day of Febru “ v . ik’vV. JOHN JOHNSON, Clerk. Fv** !&«*•• t .\ H GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, James Jackson applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of the per sons and property of Mary Ann Lamar and Andrew J. Lamar, orphans of Andrew J. Lamar, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and nppear ac my office on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not then be grant ed to the applicant, or to such other person or pereohs ns the Court may think proper. Given under my hand at my office, this the 10th day of .February. 1855. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Feb. 5, 1855. DISSOLUTION. J M. BILLUPS* withdraw.! fromth.firm . of Lucus A Billups, renders it necessary to settle iip all the business of the old firm; ^ _ and this is to request all persons indebted to ment of a law placing the control of the same us to come forwavd and make payment, or in the hands of the Justices of the Inferior close the accounts by note. ... ... The regular business will be contined by F. W. Lucus. LUCUS & BILUPS. Feb. 22, 1855. FOR SALE. T WO or three first gons. Cheep F b. 22. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS A LL persons concerned will take notice that the notes, accounts and Claims of any kind, growing out of, aud connected with, the Book and Stationery business of J. 8. Peterson, both ns successor of Chase & Pe terson and in the limited pratnership where of J. S. Peterson was general partner, have been assigned to the subscriber for the bene fit of the creditors of J. S. Peterson. Having no discretion in the premises, these claims will all be pressed to collection at oucc with* out respect to parties. During my absence on tbe Circuit or else where, tbe bouks, notes and accounts will be at my office in the possession of George A. Cabaniss, whose receipt in settlement of the same will be valid against me. All persons having claims against said Peterson are de sired to file them in my office by orbtfore' Feb. .. AT COST FOR CASH ! O WING to a change in our business, we ufr ferour stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hard ware, Hats, Caps and Crockery ware, and many other desirable goods, at cost, for cash. Persons wishing bargains will do well to CALL SOON. As there will be a change in our busi ness, we desire all persons indebted to us, ei ther by note or open account, to call soon and settle. Respectfully yours, jan4 W. P. A J. C. TURNER. • FAS HlONABLE Ready-made Clothing. BAYNoiT& RICH A RE now receiving and offering f«r sale a large and beautiful assortment of ready made clothing, for meu and boys, of the latest fashion, and of the most approved style of goods, suitable for the fall and winter trade. Among them will be found a fine supply of COFFEE, COFFEE. /CHOICE Coffees and Sugar*, on cash terms, VJ cheap, at feb8 L M. KENNEY’S. SYRUP, SYRUP. H AVEMEYER’S finest and common N. O. Syrups, at feb8 KENNEY’s. Pickles, V INEGAR, s. s. almonds, raisins, soda bis cuit and candies, of the best qualities, at feb8 KENNEY’s. M ACKEREL—Nos. 1. 2 3, at retail, at fel>8 KENNEY’s. $20 reward: A REWARD of 20 dollars will be given t* any one that can legally convict tb { person or persons who destroyed a house o the subscriber, in the uppe[ part of Clarke county, one day iu January, 1865. The State is recreant to her weakest and poorest people, if she and the community, without inquiry to investigate character, suppose that bouses inhabited only by fe males in the solitudes, are jttstly destroyed 1 Who ever observed those cowardly, noctur nal prowlers, to attack tlie vile grogshops of men/ or women’s domicil* where men be, or opet^ and notciOT brothels I People of Georgia, God will hold you accountable for judging the friendless poor, aud for with holding justice from them. Feb. 8.1855—tf. J. J. FLOURNOY. P. S.—Rumor is lying like the world, and not to be depended on. Let legal examina tion test the reputation of the victims, and inquire whether the most open and abandon- CRANBER^y HANTS’ T HE kind moat known, and^, 0 ^^^ all kinds of soil, is the Bell or Egg-sha, ed variety—they are great bearers, aud will keep a long time if properly gathered—they can be raised on pine and swampy land where othiug else will grow, aud often produce from 2 to 300 bushels per acre. Circulars relating to culture, price, «bc n will be for warded gratis to applicants. For sale by F. TOWBRIDGE, Dealer in 1 rees, Plants, &c., New Haven, Ct. Feb. 8, 1855. Still Here! T HE subscriber tenders his thanks to bis friends and customers for the manner in which they have sustained bim tbe past year *—and hoping that their kindness will not abate, he has determined to continue busi ness at his old stand, selling Goods . X.OYTEB, THAN EVER, For cash or cash terms. He will do his best to let no one go away un stated in quality or price. So, come on with your cash—settle up, if you owe any thing— “ be sure you are right, then go ahead.” I am selling my Dry Goods, Hardware, Ac. to suit the times, againss auctions, cost houses and every thing else. ISAAC M. KENNEY, janll Opposite No. 2, Broad street. gentlemen’s coats, pants and vests, very line,! ed harlot at every body’s service, is'ever al and of the most fashionable style, made to j tacked. There is no experience or legends- order, and of the best work, fully equal to I >7 of *h>s! Report calls certain poor wo- rp\V0 mouths after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Jackson connty. f -*ve to sell the undisposed lands of ,at e ofJacto county, de- Tapley o- . jv 0N SMITH, A an,.”. wiLLY ^NNETT.Adtn*. ceased Dccl4 I the firut day of May next. Those having open accounts will be required to swe;fr to the same. C. PEEPLES, Fcblo Assignee pfJ. S. Peterson. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold on the first Taesday in- April next, before the court house door of said county, during the legal hours of sale, the following negroes, to wit: Joshua, a man about 70 years old; Joe, a mau about 60; Cody, a woman about 57; Dauiel, a man about 42; George,a mdn about 26; Miuerya, about 2<j; Harry, a boy about 21; Georgia- ann, a girl , about 6; and Delia, a girl about 3 years old. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one tract of land, containing eight hundred aud ninety -nine acres, more or less, lying in said comty, on which is a com fortable dwelling home’gin house and screw and other necessary out buildidns; about 400 acres in the words; fifty or sixty acres fresh land; the ballsnce, mostly worn or in old fields; being tbelplace on which Francis Marshall, late of saic county, dec’d, resided at the time ol his deith. To be sold for tbe benefit of the heirs aid creditors of said dec’d. Terms on the day] WM. H.(MARSHALL, Adm’r. Feb. 8, 1855. customer work. ....ALSO.... A general assortment of Furnishing goods, such as hats, caps, shirts and drawers, under 8birts of various qualities, Stocks, cravats, handkerchiefs and ties, collars, gloves, half- hose and umbrellas. Also, Trunks, valises, and carpet bags. . •• ••ALSO•••• STAPLE DM GOODS. Among which will he found black nlpacca, pluid and checked ginghams, plaid and check ed muslins, calicoes and shirtings, 5-4, 10-4, 11-4, of a very fine quality. Red, blue and white flannels, all wool. Brown and bleach ed Canton flannel, 3 4,7-8,4-4. Shirtings of various qualities, Irish linen for diapers black, white, mixed and made hoes for ladies, and Misses; also a fine lot of ladies plaid long shawls, very fine, all wool, and many other articles not ment.^ed. All of the above goods wilFbesold ns cheap as they can be bought in Georgia, and we re spectfully solicit a liberal portion of public men evil, and lewd men conceive 'themselves excluded for others, and the attack is made. Some times the innocent, residing without male protection, are attacked by those who are uupriucipled. The good need not soothe themselves with the flattering hope that there is a salutary spirit in the country checking prostitution—for this destructive spirit is not for virtue, but for sin, crime and infamy. J.J. F. RANAWAY F ROM the subscriber, ors i!ie night of the 10th of December, my b«*y GUILFORD. Guilford is about 20 years old, ligki copper color, small eyes, a quick-spoken quick-mo tioned intelligent boy, about 5 feet 8 or 9 in ches high, weight about 160 pounds. He rode off a tall dark bay horse mule, which has a wart nearly covering ere eye. Tlie boy may be luiking about Macon, but I think he is making his way to Lawn nceville, (Gwinm-tt,) where I learn he wa* raised. Any person apprehending said boy will bo liberally rewardid, and nny itifut malic n con patronage, and would invite all our friends ccrnibg either boy er mule thankfully re- 100 Barrels Fine Northern Potatoes, F OR planting, just received, and for sale low, by T. BISHOP cfc SON. Dec2l and former patrons to give us a call nud ex iimiuC, onp goods and prices, we shall not fear the result. 2C sure to call at the New Cloth ing Store, on Broad street, Athene Ga, Oct. 12. . ei KEMOTAL. MOORE & CARLTOIA H AVE removed to No. 7A, Granite Row, Athens, Ga., where they will be pleased to wait tfpoft all their old friends and hosts of new ones. They have onhatid a very complete assort ment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which will be sold at prices corresponding with the harduess of the tim69. {gg-Call and examine the stock. Athens, Feb 1 tf ■ATR. BOSSIEUX most respectfully an iVL notices to the ladies and gentlemen of Athens, tliat he will open bis classes iu Dane ing. Wtfitzing; Ac. in a short time, due notice of which will be given. Terms, $10 pef ses- (jJlORGIA—Clarke County. M r. Griffith, of the 224th District G.M. . tolls before ine os an estray, a bay horse mule, dlst-faced, the ends of his ears black, and a black' streak down his back and across his shoulders,.three feet 8 or 10 inches high, supposed to be eighteen years old. Ap praised by Absalom Vicksrs and William Collier to be worth ten dollars. 16th Jau. 1865. JULIUS G. DARBY, j.p. A true extract from Estray Book. Febl JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON,Clk ceivedT A. McALLUM. Jeffersonville,Twiggs Co- Ga., Jnn 8,1855. “"HARD TIMES. "f A LL persons indebted to me by note or account, are respectfully requested to all and settle without delay. Jan. 18,1S55. D. N. JUDSON. CHOICE POULTRY. T HE subscriber bason band,a few pair mure of those celebrated Brahain Poolra and Shanghai fowls for sale. Call so< n, on the corner of Broad aud Jackson 8'rcets, Athens, Ga . D. N. JUDSON. Jan. 18,1855. CHEESE! CHEESE! A choice lot, at 16 cents, just received at Dec7 l.M. KENNEY’S. BUCKETS AND PAILS. YTTIIITE and red cedar* oak, and a variety YY of painted buckets and pails, for sale low, by P.A. SUMMEY& BRO. —.— ' ' ' NEW GOODS. IIAVE just received a large stock of choice uu , Family Groceries, and a general assort- sion. When three pupils are entered from ! nr.ent of Crockery, which I will sell for cash one family, $25. Full particulars in future | or prompt payment at the end of each quar- • tu*1 ic.*. Iter. I-i. N JL DSON. Fob 8, 1055. ' • ViL.fiJani 1.8, 1855. 1 Just Beceived, L ARGE additions to onr stock of GROCERIES, INCLUDING- Sugars in great variety, Choice new-crop Rio Coffee, Fine Northern Cheese, New Raisins, in wholo, half and quarter boxes, New English Currants, Soft-shell Almonds, Pearl Starch, A good assortment of Cauc jau2-5 T. BISHOP A SON, * ■