The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 08, 1855, Image 1

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MH UNIVERSITY OF GECRGIA LIBRARY VOLUME I. ATHENS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 8, 1855. NUMBER 40 PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY JOHN H. CHRISTY, BDiroa &KO rnmiTOh Terms of Subscription. TWO DOLLARS per annum, if paid strictly in a<l ance: otherwise, THREE DOLLARS will be charged KT In order that the price oftiiepapei may notbein the war ala large circulation, Clubs will be supplied «t the following low rates. ajAj^s^SIX COPIES for - - - SlO.^-pw WO£*TEN “ for - - - %\9r3&|T •Jl tkeit Into rata, tke Cost amt accompany the order. Hates of Advertising. 'Transient advertisements will be inserted al One Hollar per square for the first, and Fifty Ceuta per square for each subsequent insertion. Legal and yearly advertisements at the usual rates Candidates will be charged $5 for announcements, ■and obituary noticeseteeeuing six tinea in length will 'be charged as advertisements. When the number of insertions isnotmarkedon and advertisement, it will be published till forbid, and -rhargrd accordingly. 3Sii5in!5S anil ^nfaionnl Cnriis. j oiiITh .chrTsty^^ PLAIN AND FANCY Bt>ok and Job Printer, “ Franklin Job Office,” Athens, Ga. All work entrusted to his care faithfully, correctly and punctually executed, at prices correspond- j*n!8 ing with the hardness of the times. tf C. B. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Rootusover the Store of Wilson Sc Veal. Jan3 PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale Sc Retail Dealersin Groceries, DryGoods, OARDirARE, SHOES AND BOOTS, April C Athens, Ga. MOORE & CARLTON, DEALERS IX SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, UAliD WARE AND CROCKERY. April No. 3, Granite ltow, Athens, Ga. LUCAS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DR Y GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ac. Ac. No. 2, Broad Street. Athens. WILLIAM G. DELONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over the store ot Win M. Morton A Son Will attend promptly to all hu»iuessentrust ed to his care. Athens, April 6 P. C. LANGSTON, Attorney at Law, CARNESVILLE, tiA. Bwkrcnci'.s.—C. Peeples,Esq. ) ... W. L. Mitchell, Esq. \ Athens Col. B.F.Hardeman, Lexington, Samuel Freeman, Esq. New nan, Gabriel Nash, Esq. Danielsville J. S. PETERSON, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, HEALS ALSO IN FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, AND PAPER HANGINGS. SIGN OF TI1E MAMMOTH BOOK, Corner of Street and College Avenue, opposite the .Vewlon lloime, Athens, Ga. TENTH GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION or THE ART UNION SOCIETY 500,000 Gifts ' VALUED AT 8300,000!!! Certificate* for this Year, ONE DOLLAR. T HE members ot the Art Union Society, on the oc casion of this the tan tb distribution of the WORKS OF ART Accumulated by the Society during the past year,would respect Aitly -call the attention of its patrons to the fact that, heinggbnut to remove to the buudinga in course ot erection for iM Society in tho city ot Washington .they will add the real estate and other landed property be longing to the Society, to the DISTRIBUTOR FOR THIS YEAR. At the last meenng of the Society, it was determined to asm-cx the certificate of abate lor this Grand Enter prise to one dollar each, thinking thereby that it will be the means of a more general diffusion of the works ol artists throughout the country, and will enable the Society to extend their tabors for the advancement of the ARTS AND SCIENCES In this country. The certificates of shares will be issued at Onc Dollib, accompanying which each purchaser will receive free of charge, by return mail, a beautiful Line and Stipple Engraving, entitled Washington on Dorchester Heights. Representing an eventful period in the history ol our country. KT It will be seen, by referring to the list,that there are many valuable pieces of property ,maay costly paint ings, superb statuary, beautiful engravings, costly jew elry, magnificent s. awls, and other beautiful gifts,such as clocks, watches, illuminated works. Ac., to the num ber of five hundred thousand—worth $300,000. As the Society expects to remove to the New Hall ar Washington by the middle of .une, the distribution will take place on the FIRST OF JULY, 1855. The same rales and regulations that have heretofore guided the Society’s distributions will be adhered to in tills, and on no account will tbeie be any postponement front the day named. All letters and communications, 'post paid] for certificates, or on business, are to be ad- Iressed to the Southern Office In Washington. Directed to the Secretary, who will answer by return mail. Single subscribers, remitting ten dollars, will re ceive one year’s subscription to any of the Magazines they may name in their letter, to be forwarded free of charge for the time of subscription, one year. The following list constitutes a part of the GIFTS FOR 1855: The splendid House and Lot of the Art Union So ciety, situated in Broadway, $60,000 superb dwelling, the residence ot the late An son Suitzer, Esq. 15,000 The beautiful summer residence, Gotuic cottage, and grounds, at Hawk’s Nest, on the Hudson, 30,000 small dwellings, situated on the lot belOngingta the Society, in kM street, 10,000 10 magnificent camel’s hair shawls. They are the most beautiful work of art ever beheld, 10,000 sets of diamond jewelry—consi-tingof 7 pieces each—all antique patterns, in a beautiful pearl jewel box, 10,000 10 sets ol pearl jewelry, consisting of 7 pieces each, all different stylet, and of Persian man’f g,000 13 gold watches for ladies, very beautiful and cu rious works of ait; one the size of a hall dime, 700 10 watches for gentlemen, all very heavy of dif ferent styles and patterns, 1,300 50 Boudere, Toilet and Dressii g Cases for ladles, some finished in pearl jiaUerns—Louis X1Y. 3,500 large clock, a very beautiful work of an, made by Lipotdi at Cologne, finished in a style of beauty and an unsurpassed, 1,000 ,000 gold thimbles, all different patterns, very heavy, 3,000 50,000 illuminated albums, different styles and patterns, 59,000 Ot) copies of the lives of great petnlers, sugrrhly bound, with an engraving ot each artist, 3,000 300 copies of Griswold’s Republican Coun, splen didly boi nd, with tinted engravings. 4,000 10 copies of Boy dell’s illustrationsol Shakspeare. To the admirers of the great poet, this m-oik will be an acquisition. 10,000 PAINTINGS. Venus sending forth Cupid and Hymen—Titian, 3,000 Beggar Boy—Murillo, 1,000 Sfiisrellamj.. FERRY & CO. It'holrjalc and Retail Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS Between Dr. Unjs’ and Petoison’s corner, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. Tobit and the Angel—Salvator Rosa, Night View—Claudio, Madonna—Comgio. Head—Titian. A Head—.Vandyke. Landscape—Pouissin, A Piece—Guiutto, Battle Piece—Wouvernian Landscape—by Claude, P. A. SUMMEY & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple Goods, Hardware, Crockery, AND ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Corner of Wall and Broad streets, Athens. WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE AND BETAII. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, .in./ .Vrtr.ipnper and Magazine Agent. DEALER IX MV SIC an A MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I.AMI’S, FINE CUTLEttV, FANCY GOODS. AC. No. 3, College Avenue, Newton House, Athens, Ga sign of •• White’s University Book Store.” Orders promptly filled at Augusta rates. E. VONDERLIETII, Draper and Tailor, College Avcnne, Athens, Ga.—four doors from the Post Office. April 6. T. BISHOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, April G No. 1, Broad street, Athens. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO Henry D. Weed, Pres.—Jno. R. Wilder, Sec. rjillB above Company is row prepaied to take Fire *■ Lwks in thin place, and the adjoining enuntie?, on avorable terms. Apply to 3. J. MAYS, Agent. JAMES M. ROYAL, HARNESS-MAKER) H AS removed his shop to Mitchell's old Tavern, oue door east of Grady «fc Nich *dson's—where he keeps always on hand t ijeneral assortment of articles in hisiine, and M always ready to fill orders in the best style, Jan ‘26 tf LOOK HERE! fnHE undersigned have on hand n general X assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. which they will sell low for cash or barter Cull and examine. April 13 r. A. SUMMBY & BHO. #150 to #200 per Month! T WILL send instructions l>y which auy X person ca'u make from $150 to §200 per laontU, without traveling or peddling, and with the smallest amount of capital. This if no receipt of any kind whatever. I will for ward the Above instructions and all the art* •ta<l receipts of value, ns advertised in the different papers of the United States, free of 4*at*C*> 10 "°y person sending me the small sum of tine dollar, post paid. t!.S. SHIPLEY, Kingston, ,k. X'ff ,i. . Ross County, Ohio. A GOOD STORY. Two chaps came m contact at one of our restaurants, some time since, and were regaling on a long “ nine,’ when the mud and bad roads became the topic of their conversation. One observed that several coal teams were stuck in the mud axle-tree deep, and that he saw twenty yoke of oxen straining every nerve, but without effect. The other, no doubt, thinking that a pretty tough yarn, replied: _ ‘ That when he was coming to the city, he saw a man sitting on a fence cracking his whip and yelping and bel lowing at a furious rate. He approach ed him and inquired what was wrong ?’ ‘ Oh, nothing much,’ replied the team ster, ‘only (pointing to the road) I have a wagon and four yoke of oxen in (he mud, and the plaguey brutes won’t pull a bit.’ At this moment an old Hoosier enter ed, who heard only the winding up part of the story, drew up a chair and com menced a yarn about what be had seen. Says he—‘ Friend, were you ever on the American bottoms ? I crossed there once, and on wading through the mud, which as a matter of course was not the best walking, 1 kicked out a hat, when a voice, which said ‘ Quit that, old fel low !’ saluted my ears. Looking around and seeing nothing, concluded to give it anotiier kick which 1 did, when the same voice was beard to exclaim— ‘ Stop your kicking my hat!’ I here discovered that a man was sticking in the mud, and observed— * Old fellow, you had better be getting out of that before night, or you will be sure to freeze to death!’ He hollowed out: ” ‘ I don’t care a drat—Tve a good mule under me /’ 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 application by letter, post paid, to the Secretary, rill answer by return mail. There are others by the same artists, all original, be sides some splendid pictures by Allslon, Bully. Rey nolds, Xeagle, Doughty .Cole, Chapman, David, Vernet, Stuart, Herbert, Tack, Bennington, Read, Bartlett, SctiKw, Huntington Johanoh, Schmidt, Rembrandt, Schaub, Perkins. Lewis, Ellis, Hamilton, and others fully described in the catalogue, which will be forward ed on a| who wi! TERMS FOR CLUBS. Clubs of 10, 1 extra certificate, Clubs of 30, 3 *•' _ ‘ Clubs of 50, 8 “ “ The money in all cases to accompany the application tor certificates, LADIES FORMING CLUBS Will be entitled to the same terms as above, with the extra inducement of the present of a magnificent set of Boudoir Furniture, with rich colored India hangings, fine India Lace Curtains and eveiy thing of the most ilendid description, to the Ladies’ club who will send ie largest remittance for certificates. {(^-Postmasters are authorized to act as agents, and tile postmaster remitting the largest amount for shares will receive a handsome Gold Watch and Chain,valued mtHH-Ms, t.i. w,"raving, of charge by return mail. Correspondents are requested to write their address, with the County, Town. Post Office and State, plainly, in order to avoid mistakes. AU letters answered by re turn mail. Catalogues of all the Gilts, with value and explana tion, can he obtained on application to the Secretary,to whom all letters for certificates, Ac. must be addressed. ALFRED JOURDAIN, Secretary, Washington, D. C. Miriraao Lewis, \ Fbancis Inge, > Directors. Fernando Livingston. ) Jan 33 T. W. BAUER, Treasurer. CASH AND SHORT CREDITS. M. Is. HALLOWELL &, CO. SILK WAREHOUSE PHILADELPHIA. TERMS. C ASH buyers will receive a discount of SIX per rent, if the money be paid in par funds, within ten days from date of bill. Cn urrent money only taken at its par value on the day it is received. To merchants of undoubted standing, acredi't of SIX months will bs given, it desired. Where money is remitted in advance of maturity, a discount at the rate of TWELVE per cent per annum will be allowed. PRICES FOR GOODS UNIFORM. In again calling the attention of the trading commu nity to the above terms, we announce that notwithstan ding the general depression in commercial affair* thro’- out the country, the system of business adopted by us more than a year since, and to which we shall rigidly adhere, enables us to offer for tile coming Spring season our usual assortment of New Silk and Fancy Goods, Comprising one of the largest and most splendid stocks to be found in America; to which we will receive con stant additions throughout the season, of new and deal table goods from our ROUSE IN PARIS. Jan 33 S AN IRISH SALUTE. Two Irishmen were left in charge of a ship while its officers went ashore, and strictly enjoined them not to make or permit any noise on board ; but a jug of’ould Irish’one of them had, and the opportunity for a ’bit of a spree’ was too great a temptation lor them to resist. They indulged freely, and as ma<ry of our public men have been known to do, soon drank themselves into a patriotic spirit, when one says to the other— ‘Be jahers, and let’s fire a salute.’ ‘Agreed,’says t’other, ‘but that ’ud make the devil’s own nose.’ ‘Tut, man,’ replied the first, *we’U stop that.' ‘Jest you hold a bag over the mouth of the gun, me darlint, and we’ll have a roarin’ salute without any noise at all.’ Pat acquiesced in the arrangement, and held the bag as directed, while the other touched off the cannon. The of ficers, hearing the report, hastened on board, where they found only one of the Irishmen, and everything in a great slate of bewilderment. He was asked what had become of his comrade. ‘Sure,’ said he, ‘Patrick washoulding a bag over the mouth of the cannon to stop the noise, while I touched it off, and the last I seed of him or the bag they were goin’ in a great hurry towards the shore, and that’s the last account I can give ye.’ - An Affecting Appeal.—A learned counsellor, in the middle of an affecting appeal in court on a slander suit, let fly the following flight ofgeuius:—‘Slan der, gentlemen, like a boa constrictor of gigantic size and immeasurable proportions, wraps the coil of iis un wieldy body about its unfortunate victim and heedless of the shrieks of agony that come from the inmost depths of its victim’s soul, loud and reverberating as the mighty thunder that rolls in the heavens, it finally* breaks its unlucky neck upon the iron wheel of public opinion, forcing him to desperation then to madness, and finally crushing him in the hideous jaws of moral death Judge,given* a chaw of tobacco ! Blank Declarations, Af b»»th forms, (long and short) together V* with the process attached—just printed and foresale at this Ofliec. Also, various p!F”Any Blanks not on hand—as, indeed, a'.iu •-« any kind of job printing—cap be far- aislu-d»n a few boors’ notice. DISSOUTI ON: T HE copartnership in the Franklin Job Office, here tofore exixtiny, under thefinr of Christy A Kelsea, is this day dissolved by mutual consent The business will be continued by J. II. Christy—by whom the debts of the lata concern will be ]>aiil, and who alone is au thorised to collect the demands due to it. JOHN IL CHRISTY. Athens. Jan 11 1855. YVILLLVM KELSEA. WHO WILL MAKE A GOOD WIFE? When you see a young woman who rises early, sets the table and prepares her father’s breakfast cheerfully, depend upon it she will make a good wife. You may rely upon it that she possesses good disposition and a kind heart. When you see a young woman just out of bed at 9 oclock, leaning with her elbow upon the table gasping and sigh ing ‘*Oh, how dreadfully I feel,” rely upon it she will not make a good wife She must lit lazy and mopish. When you see a girl with a broom in her hands sweeping the floor, with a rubbing board or a clothes line in her hands, you may put it down that she is industrious and will make a very good wife for somebody. When you sec a girl with a novel in her left hand and a fan in her right hand shedding tears, you may be sure she ' unfit for a wife. Happiness and misery are before you, which will you choose? MAXIMS FOR A YOUNG MAN. Be not idle. If your hands cannot be usefully employed, attend to the cultiva- . tion of your mind. Always speak the truth. Keep good company or none. Make few promises. Live op to your engagements. Have no very intimate friends. Keep your own secrets, if you have any. When you speak to a person, look him in the face. Good company and good conversa tion are the very sinews of virtue. Good character is above all ’things else. Never listen to loose or idle conver sation. You had*better be poisoned in your blood than your principles. Your character cannot be essentially iujured except by your own acts, and thoughts. < If any one speaks evil of you let your life be so virtuous that none will believe him. Drink no intoxicating liquors. Ever live within your income. Never speak lightly of religion. Make no haste to be rich, if you would prosper. Small aud steady gains give compe tency with tranquility of mind. Never play at any game of chance. Avoid tempnation through fear that you may not withstand it. Earn your money before you spend it. Never run in debt unless you see a way to get out again. Never borrow if yon can possibly avoid it. Keep yourself innocent if you would be happy. Save when you are young, to spend when you are old. Never think that which you do for re ligion is time or money misspent. Read some portion of the Bible every day. A Live Nobleman.—There is an amusing story concerning the last ar rival of the Mexico at Galveston. It ap pears that among the list of passengers on the manifest the name of the “Earl ol Durham” was legibly recorded. The news quickly spread, and was quickly communicated to the English Consul, who, in the generosity. of kb nature, took rooms for his noble-countryman at the Tiemont, and then proceeded to the steamer to convey him to his quarters, when “one grand” mistake was discov ered. The Earl of Durham on the Mexi co proved to be a large Durham Bull from Kentucky. The Consul was doing well at last accounts. CHARMING CONSISTENCY. Scene 1st. Slightly Raining Sunday. Father—(with umbrella and overcoat) ■“Come, my dear, put on your things for church.” Dutiful Daughter—Why, dear father, it is raining so hard I am afraid I shall wet my feet, and you know I take cold so easily.”, . Scene 2d. Very Rainy Night. Dutiful Daughter—“Come, dear pa, it’s time, to go—the opera commences in a quarter of an hour.” Father—(in surprise)—“I thought you could not go out in the rain for fear of wetting your feet.” Daughter—“Oho, no, I have such nice rubbers, and they keep my feet as dry as toast.” A gentleman gave a party to a few friends, who, happening to converse about Sambo’s power of head endurance, the gentleman said he owned a negro whom no one in the party could knock down or injure by striking on the head. A strong, burly fellow laughed at the idea, and as Sam, the colored person, was about entering with the candles, the gentleman stood behind the door, and as he entered, Sam’s head received a powerful sockdologer. The candles flickered a little, but Sam passed on, merely exclaiming Gentlemen, be careful of de elbows, or de lights will be distinguished.” Well, Sambo, is your master a good farmer?” “Ees, sah.he berry good Far mer ; he make two crops in one year!” “How is that, Sambo ?” “Why, he sells his hay in the fall, and makes money once; den in the spring he sells all the hides of the cattle that die for want of hay and dus make money twice ?” Two loafers met yesterday, and pass ed the “compliments of the season." “Jim,” said one, “have you seen Hall, he’s looking for you ?” “Hall!—what Hall?” was Jim’s answer. “Why, Al- cohall, you fool!” “Pshaw,” respond ed Jim; “that’s a poor‘sell,’ and you woulden't have caught me if I hadn’t been hurt last night when John tripped me up.” “John—what John ?” said Jim. “Demijohn, you numskull ” TfcSr*Pay up! Pay up! rpiIE undersigned most earnest! JL indebted to the Into firms of Burke, and ChristvJc Kelsea—.... ... him individually—to Pay once: .Many these claim* have been outstanding a long time, and ale must absolutely be sealed without delay. - lie trust* that a senso of right and nfrtee will M everyone indebted to seals up immediately. If, hem-- ever, itaballtum out that be is misiaken iuthis, lie'will I be forced, however reluctantly, to “try wbat virtue therei*in”—L»< janIS J B. CHRISTY. Spirit-ual.—On a person asking an other if he believed in the appearance of spirits, he replied : « No, but 1 believe in their disappear ance, for I have missed a bottle of gin since last night, for which I 'am wholly unable to account.” Ambiguous;—An .old lady possessed of a large fortune,. and noted for her penchant for the use of figurative ex pressions, one day assembled her grand children, when the following conversa tion took place: ‘ My children,’ said the old lady,‘ I’m the root and you’re the branches.’ ‘ Grandma,’ said one. ‘ Wbat, my child?’ ‘ I was thinking how much better the branches would flourish if the foot was under ground.’ I PROPOSED RAILROADS TO THE PA CIFIC. The Senate yesterday passed a bill (which is yet to be considered in the House of Representatives) authorizing the construction of three Railroads to the Pacific through the Territories of the United States. Being unable to re concile conflicting interests as to the lo cation of t he road, this proposes to con struct a Northern, a Southern, and a Central Railroad, and to erect upon each line a line of Magnetic Telegraph. We give a summary of the bill :—Nat Intelligencer. The first section provides that, with the view of aiding in the construction of suitable railroads and telegraphic communications between the Mississip pi valley and Pacific ocean, there shall be and is hereby appropriated and 6et apart a quantity of public land equal to the alternate sections for the space of twelve miles on each side of said roads from their eastern to their western termi ni, as follows : “ One road and telegraph to com mence on the western border of the Slate of Texas, and to pursue the most eligible route to the navigable waters of the State of California; which line shall be known as the Southern Pacific Railroad. One road and telegraph to commence on the western border of the States of Missouri or Iowa, and to pursue the most eligible route to the bay of San Francisco ; which line shall be known as the Central Pacific Railroad. And one road and telegraph to com mence on the western border of the State of Wisconsin, in the ^Territory of Minnesota, and pursue the most eli gible route to the navigable waters of the Pacific in Oregon or Washington Ter ritories ; which line shall be known as the Northern Pacific Railroad. Such lands to be selected from the section which shall be designated in the public surveys.ofsaid land (when made) by odd numbers, and to be held and conveyed as herein provided; and in all cases'when the United . States may have disposed of siad lands, or any part thereof, or shall from any cause be una ble to convey a title thereto, the defi ciency may be made up by the party or parties who may become entitled there to from any unoccupied and unappro priated lands belonging to the United States within the distanoe of thirty miles of said road : Provided, however, That for such deficiency within the State of California, and also in lieu of all mine ral lands in said State (which are hereby excepted from the appropriation herein made,) such selections may be made from any unoccupied and unappropriated lands of the United States within fifty miles of said road in the said State. The second section requires the Se cretaries of the Interior, War, and Na vy; and the Postmaster General to adver tise and invite proposals for the con struction of each or either of said lines, stating the time in which the roads, &c., are to be completed. The sum of $300 per mile is to be paid for carrying the mails daily both ways on these routes; and the contractors to state the rate per mile, whilst the road is in course of construction, at which troops, naval sup plies, and munitions of war are to be transported for fifteen years. After that period rates are to be fixed not exceed ing those on other roads. The third, section provides that the several Secretaries before named, in conjunction with the Postmaster Gener al, shall make contracts for each road, and also for a telegraph line thereon ; and that the party or parties whose pro posal may be accepted shall-deposite with the Secretary of the Treasury the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, or the value thereof in bonds or certifi- catesof the United States, or State bonds, whose market value shall be at or above par at the time of making the said deposite, which may be subsequent ly drawn out by them in sums of five thousand dollars, as the work proceeds on the production of vouchers showing satisfactorily that an amount equal there-o has been applied in good faith to the construction of said road. The fourth section provides that the roads shall be divided into sections of one hundred miles each; and three- fourths of the land pertaining to the contract to be conveyed to the contrac tors, reserving the other fourth as secu rity for the completion ofthe next hun dred miles; and so on until the whole shall have been completed. The service in carrying the mails, &c. to be under the proper department. No money to be paid except in the proportion of the service rendered. The fifth section relates to the mode in which forfeitures are to accrue if the contractors fail to perform. The Se cretaries and Postmaster General to re- let the work in such contingency, but no higher terms to be offered. The ninth section requires the routes to lie located and the eastern and western termini to be fixed as soon as practica ble, but the time not to exceed two years from the date cf the contracts. The President to cause the public lands to be surveyed on each side of the routes to the extent of forty miles, and the Indian title to be extinguished. Pre-emption rights provided for, and the reserved sections not to be sold for less than double the minimum price of the public lands when sold. No lands to be sold until ail have been surveyed and the al have offered the purchaser twelve or fif teen pet cent, per annum, for several years, but they were refused ; men hav ing money prefer investing it in their own neighborhoods, at a lower rate of ternate sections selected by the contrac tors. The seventh seetion requires the part)’ or parties receiving grants under the act to sell one-half of the same within five years after being patented. All interest than they could procure abroad .'ands held at the expiration of ten year* J —all things put together, i: is worthy ot to be forfeited to the United States. at least some consideration, whether it The eighth section requires the lands | would not be the best policy to prohibit of the U. States for two hundred feet loaning money, directly or indirectly, at wide along the line of said roads to be set | a higher rate of interest than six per apart as a highway for railroad and tele- ■ cent. There is no branch of business, graph purposes, materials there from to { under the present state of things, that be used by the contractors. All con- will justify men in paying over that rate tracts to provide and require the roads &c. to be constructed in a substantial and workmanlike manner. A telegraph for the use of money. The drone, who has money, and will not invest it in business himself, should not be pennrt- line along.each road, and the Govern- ted, if he loans to others who will,to take •nan, J L!_l I .L- •. -T.I. •_ 1-1 I ment not to be charged higher rates than individuals. The ninth section allows one or more additional tracks along said routes. Con nexions with the roads to be made under the directions of the States or Territories through which the roads pass. The tenth section provided that when the road or roads have been surrendered to the United States, so much as passes through any of the States to be conveyed to them as their property, subject to the use of the United States for postal, mili tary, and other Government service, subject to such regulations as Congress may prescribe, &c. Section eleventh provides for new ad vertisements, if the first should fail to secure proposals, once in each year until each of said roads, &c., shall be put under contract unless Congress shall otherwise order. VOICE OF THE MILLION. The Usury Laws.—Messrs. Editors: Quite strenuous efforts are being made by capitalists, brokers and other mouey-. lenders, to induce the Legislature to re peal the usury laws, in order that they may be able to contract for. Their ar gument is in substance, that if no pen alty was imposed by law for taking more than six per cent interest for the use of money, it could be procured on more favorable terras than it can now ; for, as the law stands at present, the lender is under the necessity of taking a larger premium than he otherwise would, to compensate him for the risk he has to run in evading the usury laws. This is the argument of the capitalist only, however. The policy of repealing these laws is at least a debatable question. It&tbought by many that the laws should be more stringent than they are. If additional penalties were added, prohibiting the purchase of bonds, mortgages, notes and other evidences of debt, by which the purchaser would relize more than six per cent, we verily believe, all things considered, it would be beneficial to the people generally. Money would then necessarily seek other investments; more public improvements, requiring joint stock capital, would be made ; more money would be invested in agricultur al and manufacturing pursuits; real estate would be bought and improved ; all of which would tend to furnish more steady employment for the laborer and mechanic. There would not be so much fluctuation in the money market, but its circulation would be more even, steady and healthful. from them the fruit of their labor and enterprise for the use of it. Money being the basis of all business transactions, it has been ascertained by long experience that six per cent is suf ficient for the capitalist, for the use of i»; and the man who performs the labor should have the profits above that. X. * Don’t Worry.’—This U the first thing an editor should get by heart. If Mr. Slocum threatens to withdraw his patronage, because you Criticised Profes sor Drawl’s lecture on the onion question don’t "worry—but Uni him to go ahead and do it. If Mr. Bullion writes you an insulting letter, saying if you do not stop writing about the Diddletoh Rail Road, he will ruin you with a law suit t don’t worry, but dare him to try it on. If Mr. Smith threatens to * cave yow head in’ because you mentioned that ‘his son, Bob,’ was sent to the tombs for pelting a street lamp with brick bats~ don’t worry, but tell him you so love law that you dine on a sallad made of red tape and sealing wax. If Mr. Silk ap proaches, with a horse pistol 1 that kicks,’ and offers to blow your brains out if you ever allude again to his visits to Mrs. Demurei, don’t worry about it, bat tell him to- pull its ‘what you call it,’ and blaze away. Again we say, never wor ry. If you do,.you are no more calcul ated for an editor than a Quaker is for marine l\prnpipes.—Athens Post.. Scene in a Country Store.— Shop boy, Bob, turning all sort9 of somersets, aud thereby neglecting to sweep out the store. Enter Smiffins, proprietor, as tonished. “ Wh-wh-whffi’r ye about ?” Bob.—(Almost exhausted.)—Obleeg- ing my gal. She’s rit me a letter, and at the bottom of the page she said ‘turn over and obleoge,’ and I’ve been goin^ it for more’n a ’alf ’our!" As the usury laws now stand, the penalties are so easily evaded by the money lender, by purchasing paper from persons not parties to it, that its operation is merely nominal. Person who have one or two hundred dollars more than they need for immediate use, go to street-brokers and purchase paper having two or three months to run. A shaves it one, two, three per cent a month ; the broker gets one of two per cent more for his commission; and, by the time the money reaches the hands of the real borrower, he pays as much for the use of it for two or three months, as he should pay for eighteen or twenty. Persons who have but a few hundred dollars can make quite a good living by shaving paper at 25 per cent. In fact, within the last few years, it has be come a.kind of mania. Lawyers (some of them at least.) keep their clients’ ! money for months, to shave paper with Physicians, and even ministers of the gospel,have been known to deprive their families of many of the common neces saries of life, in order that they may have money to shave paper with. A min ister in good standing in his church, re siding not far from this city, shaves as close as any man in the country. His rule is to take off one-fourth of the amount the paper calls for, without re gard of time it has to run. Shaving paper at excessive rates, in hard times like the present, is a species of gambling, and ought to be prohibited Men should not be permitted to take ad vantage of the necessities of others, by loanmg them money, directly or indi rectly, at enormous rates, more than in any other transaction. Being allowed to loan money at high rates of interest, is too easy a way of making a livings it suppresses industry. Such Shylocks live upon the energy and enterprize of others. They are ulcers on the body politic. . . The threat made by some of the capi- A passing traveler in the back woods met with a settler, near a house, and in quired— “ Whose house ?’ *‘ Mogs.’ “ Of what built?’ “ Logs.’ “ Any neighbors ?’ “ F rogs.’ “ What is the soil ? r “ Bogs.’ “ The climate ?’ “Fogs.” “Your diet?’ “HngS.’ “ How do you catch them V “ Dogs.* Dey docs say, dat way down in* Georgia dey make poor nigga work twenty-five hours ebra day.” ‘ Now, look heah, Squash, 1’se been* told that a day hasn’t got no mure nor twenty-four hours.” * Mighty, wh*»t ignoramuses nigger you is, Scipo, why, way down r'ar, dey make poor niggar git up an hour afore day—doesn’t dat make em twenty five.. One Scotchman complained that he had a ringing in his .head. “ Do ye ken the reason o’ that asked his worthy crony. “ No.” “ I’ll tell you—it’s because its empty.*” “ A nd have ye never a ringing in your head r” quoth the other. “ No, never. - ” “ And you ken the rea on ?*” “ No.” “ It’s because it’s cracked L” A Probable Pt:KSCMi*TtON.—A friend of ours, passing a house where- there was a funeral, stepped up to an- Irishman and asked him if he could in form him who was dead. The .Irishman; replied: ‘ I cannot exactly say, sir, hut I presume it is the nwv in. the coffin.” ‘ Ah !’ said a mischievous wag to » lady acquaintance of an aristocratic caste. ‘ I perceive you have been learn ing a trade.’ ‘ Learning a trade,’ replied the lady, indignantly, ‘you are very much mis taken ’ ‘ Oh, I thought by the look* oC your cheeks you had’ turned painter.” Wouldn’t Shave Colored Folks.. —Frederick Douglass delivered one of his lectures last week, in Bedford,Maine, and the morning afterwards stepped into, the barber’s shop of a Mr. Bunker, nil- Ethiopian with a slight European alloy in his blood, who absolutely refused to. talists, that, “if the usury laws arc not | shave him, as it was against the rules repealed, they will invest their money of the establishment to shave colored in other States,” is all gammon. Per- gentlemen. Frederick left in a very sons living and owning property in Pit- wrathful mood. tsburgh have offered bonds and mortga- j ———^———-—=— 1 — ges, well secured on real estate, to capi-j Benjamin Franklin was the greatest talists in New York, at rates that would, philosopher of his age.