The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 08, 1855, Image 3

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--V*. '"V-.y. •>„ " v9» • iy How striking the contrast be tween the following paragraph from the Savannah Journal &* Courier, in rela tion to the oft-repeated slander, that Seward was elected by the Know Noth ings and the gross prevarication (to say nothing worse) of his Democratic breth ren generally. The editor of the Savan nah paper is a gentleman who cannot stoop to falsehood for the purpose of bolstering up the fragmentary existence <of a once powerful bnt now defunct jtarty: “ There is no denying the fact, either by their friends or their enemies, that the election of Seward in part by Know- Nothing votes, has created profound ex citement in the ranks of the order. That the society earnestly labored to bring about his defeat and suffered a mortify ing discomfiture in his triumph, does not «eem to admit of a doubt. Indeed, the Know-Nothing party, as far as we can leans, ieas the only party in New-York that exerted itself to prevent his re-elec tion. The Silver Greys (as usual) when the fight came, lost their courage. The Hard Shells and Soft Shells (the two brings of the Democracy) wet e content, tor the most part, with a quiet vote for Dickinson or Seymour. Indeed, one member professing Democracy, we be lieve voted for Seward, and it is alleged that a considerable number of others would have done the same uad their votes been necessary to secure his election.— Seward's Albany organ patronizingly and yet most significantly remarks : * It Is dun to the Democrats of either branch of the Legislature to say that no factious opposition (to his election) came from ( I'lireigu linuQ. LATER FROM EUROPE. arrivaloFtheTsteamer ST. LOUIS. Nothing Important from Sevastopol. Peace Conference. Cotton Dull. New York, March 1. The steamship St. Louis has arrived from Liverpool, with foreign advice up to Feb. 14. Mr. Soule is among her passengers. There has been received no further intelligence of importance from the Cri mea Lord John Russell has been sent by the English Govrnment as the British Plenipotentiary to the Vienna Peace Conference. The Liverpool Cotton Market was dull—wilbout change in quotation. Sales of Monday and Tuesday 10,000 bales, Consols, 91 1-8. Breads tuffs were quiet, without change. The London markets were dull. ARRIVAL OF THE BRITISH MAIL, CANADA. Halifax, N. S. March 1. The British and North American Royal Mail steam ship Canada, Capt. J. Stone, has arrived in our harbor from Liverpool, which port she left on the 17th ult. Special Notices. PLAIN AND FANCY BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. ‘3 I ATHENS PMCES coRREHT. That Commission House mob ia. statsa&Wi, (“Solitary and alone,’') ow prepared to execute any and all kind, of Let- ter-pres* PRINTING, either plain or In colon, at bis large and extensive Book and Job Printing Estab lishment, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. No establishment in the State potmans superior fa cilities for executing Printing of the kinds usually in demand in this country—such aa Booh*, Pamphlet*, Newspaper*, Magazine*, Cir cular*, Cards, Ticket*, Label*, ChecksNote*, Potter*, Bill-Head*, Catalogue*, Hand- Bill*, Way, Stage attd Horte Bill*, Blank* cf every description, And Indeed almost every thing likely to be called Sot. JO" He wilt indulge ia no extravagant promises, bat content Massif with the remark, that hereafter as here tofore, he will endeavor to execute all work entrusted to him tn a superior style -punctually—correctly—ex peditiously, and at KODzaa-rr rates Grateful to his friends and the public for past favors, he again solicits their orders, and trusts that he may be favored with a liberal share of public patronage. Athens, January 18,1855 tf AT Leasts Vermifuge. —The effects of this truly extraordinary medicine are most satis- f ctory in all cases in which it has been tried No other medicine has ever produced such effects so instataneoualy. It has only to be administered, and relief follows as a matter of course. It has been used in tho practice of the best physicians of anr country, and by them been pronouneed eqnal, if not su perior to any medicine ever offered for the ex pulsion of worms. Bead the following:— George Maxwell, Auguata.O. has used it with great effect in bis family, and has sold large quantities, which have given the highest satisfaction. J. H. Cutter, merchant, Louisville, gave a dose to bis child, who discharged a quart of worms. He had tried other Vermifuge in vaio. D. J.ds J.W. Cotton,Winchester, Ind. happen ed to get a lot from an agent which was soon sold out, and proving highly efficacious, be came very popular, and sold more rapidly than any outer Vermifuge. Sold in Athens by Dr?. Smith a Hill. _ The attention of our t eaders is called to rofessor Holloway’s Advertisement in an 25 30 10 12 10 12 15 12 20 50 35 16 16 125 8 CORRECTED WEEKLY, BY PITNKS AND ENGLAND t ATHENS, March 7. Lagging (Gunny) yd 18 to 20 Bale Hope, per lb. 14 15 Manilla Hope " ............. 25 Bagging Twine. 25 Bacon Sides 8 “ Hams..... 10 “ Shoulders 8 Lard 10 Bntter ...... 12 Tallow 10 Tallow Candles... 18 Sperm do... 45 Star do 30 Coffee Bio 14 Coffee Java 15 Tea 100 Rice.............. ... g Sugar, Brown 8 “ Clarified........... 10 Crashed la Loaf..., 1 Molasses, per gal.......: 33 N. O. Syrup 40 Salt, per Bushel 80 Salt, Liverpool Sack 200 Steel, Cast 21 German ................ 15 Blister.................. 10 Spring 10 Iron, common size .... ....... 6 7inch wide 7 Band .... 7 Nail rod 8 Sheet 8 Castings .... . 5 Nails, per Keg 8 Powder,Rifle,.......... ......a'. 65 Blasting ..... 550 Lead - 10 K COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. The Liverpool Cotton Market.—dur- fhem.’ For the credit of our party, we j ing the week ending the 16tb ult., ex- would that they had not been quite so J hibited little speculative demand. Prices, . ............... 4uniable and acquiescent. But we fear of the lower qualities especially, were otberpart oTour columns. The world wide that there are many Democrats in New * * ' ‘ ” * York and some nearer home who actual ly rejoice at Seward’s success: the first, because it was in realiiy, a defeat of the __ benefit from using the Pills in cases of bile and general derangement of the stomah and Know-Nothings; the second, because they intend to hold them responsible for <it in the South, and fix upon them the odium which here attaches to the transac tion.” ^ T1IE NEW SENATOR FROM MASSA CHUSETTS. easier, but not quotably lower. I renown of bis Pills and Ointment are to<r well known to require much comment from GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, I os; but they are, without doubt, the meat Lord John Russel had left for the efficacious remedies for many complaints. Vienna Conference, which was to have| h^e^frtvo-iimmense met on the 26th ult. General Henry Wilson, the new Sen- Affairs at Sebastopol were unchang* I bowels and no cutaneous disease can resist ed. I curative powers of the Ointment—the offect The King of Naples had joined the ® n **» frame is astonishing. 1 x IVest,rn AUi.nce, ta nlso tad Tusceny, Sold m Aft ~ bfC ' W * “• J - Lo “ s Parma and Modena. It was rumored, I jy The Press.—Much has been said In likewise, that Spain and Potugal bad the public prints regarding the virtues of joined. Switzerland still continues neu- Bogle,s Hyperion Fluid, and Bogle s Amole, , , , ,., . . r , . I as being respectively unsurpassed, the one *tor from Massachusetts, in reply to in- • tra ’ nnd r ° rlj ‘ c ' s ne * citizens to enlist in for c i eana i n g and regenerating the hair and . .... , J . f | 1 he service of any foreign power. War-1 the other for shaving and washing. These •quotes made of him by the editor of the ; preparations in Austria and Prussia I articles have now stood the test of the stric- _American Organ, has addressed the fol- continue. It is rumored that no terms t * 8t mie^ifle investigation, and been used by , , .-i 1 . . I thousands of our citizens and are now pro Mowing letter to that gentleman, which i can be arranged between Prussia and nounced the only articles really worthy of uve find in our Washington exchanges : ^ ,e Western Powers, and that she will a place at the toilet* c n . . ~ x j be left to pursue a strict neutrality, or For sale at the Drug Stores oL Smith A FebV 19 1855 i ! >«ke t>K. cbnscquencesof . breath of it. I«»< 1 °- w. A H. R. J. L..g Dear Sir: My answer to your in-1 T Sf Vlen ? a ^nferenec. rumored, «#-C«wwntm<wfowithoutidoubt. the most ; • -i, . i will merely receive a categorical yes or fearfully fatal of all diseases, (except eptdem- •qu tries will be br.ef and exp .c t. frora p^ nce G oRTCHaxOFF. ics) annually carrying thousands to untimely 1st. I fully recognise the doctrine of 1 Th Q sons were at Sebastopol S’™ 8 - , How <£ en could «.e ravage, of this State rights in its application to slavery, i . .... . ... / arch destroyer be prevented-if timely reme- .11. Ti .. r 11- on the 1st ult makingreconnotsances. .1:,,ua«d in Stiavinc th* inflammation as well as to any other matter of public .... „ ^ __ u*e* w «re ,n tne innammauoa * v I The Allies were daily expecting an I produced by an ordinary cold. For Goughs , n . n -,’ r - • - iv. , , 1 attack, ar.d pickets had been ordered to Colds, Sore Throats and all other similar dis- rheVirgtnia and Kentucky . be th( .' alert The • weather was eases, Stabler’. Anodyne Cherry Expectorant ti Shot, per Bag. 250 Cotton per Bale.... 5 Flour per bbl ...... . r .‘l... 900 itions ofl793, in main, as 1 think, cor- , _ , . ... .rectly let forth that doctrine. Id?™?? ^ The whole subject ofJarery wahm," Tlu- R.tallnn m-nrmakhlg tretnead- ■Suw limit,, should be left absolutely to! . , , wWch were ° „ ,jgo r . State legislation. 0 b 2d. My response to your second ques tion, is included in my answer to your first. I do not entertain the opinion that ■Couffress has any power to interfere ously repulsed. has no equal It is not recommended as infallible, bnt medical men and others, who have used aud administered it. bear testi mony to its extraordinary efficacy. It is known to be a “ good medicine,” anti as such is offered to the public; as also Stabler’s Diarrhoea Cordial, for diseases of the bowels, with slavery as it exists under State Jaws. 3d. Every man who believes in a God, onust believe that there is a law paramount to all human law, and ■that this law is to be obeyed by men in ,public and private life, rather than any human law in conflict with it. But I .sec nothing in the Constitution of the United States, which requires me, as a -Senator fro-i Massachusetts, to do any thing in conflict with the law of God.— If I thought otherwise, I would not .take an oath to support the Constitution ■of the United States. 4th. The American organization in Massachusetts, does not embrace the •question of slavery among those, for the nrqgulation of which it was formed. The people of Massachusetts have ifixed opinions, in which most of the .members of that organization fully con- «cur, against the support or allowance of .olaveny by national .legislation. 'They .entertain -the .most profound •conviction that the harmony and irepose, of the oountry and the highest iinterests of -the master and the slave •demand that the national government .should be allowed from all.connexion with responsibility for slavery, and this •disturbing question should be left to the (people of the States where it exists. : ’ While they do not seek to impose •. ithese convictions and opinions upon their .zxfellow-citizens of other Stalgf, or to . ^proscribe them for not fully concurring Jn-thoae convictions rnd opinions, .they .'••win submit, to no dictation or proscrip- - -tion from any .body of men or section of rthecouniry. J i, as a senator from Massachusetts, •shall claim for the opinions of her peo* - tple all the freedom of utterance and all flbe influence upon the action of Con- •great and the administration of the go vernment, which a senator from Vir ginia claims for the opinions of the peo- £>le of the ancient Dominion. Yours truly, HENRY WILSON. riq i) • a I * I ! J I UlalVuvUl* vluuli»l| Ivir UiScilSCb “1 LUC UUWciS. 1 he Russians had been largely rein- See degcriptive pamp hl«ts. to be had gratis forced, and on the 8th ult. Irnnce MfW* 1 0 f the agents. Price for each, only 50 cents, chikoff telegraph to the Czar that his I or six battles for $2 60. situation was unchanged. ] E. H.Stabler & Co..Proprietor.*, wholesale General Canrobcrt had been virtually ^irbyC^^&R. R. J. Long, Athens, superseded by General Pelessiar B«s-j and by druggists generally. quet. It was rumored that Lord Raglan I ■ * n . and the Earl of Lucan would shortly | Grand Jury Presentments. | TINLEY & HERRONV, CHARLESTON, S.C. T HE only bouse doing business in that oity that actually had any experienc.-, in Re- j ceiving aud Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Carolina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open for the Receiving and Forwarding of all kiuds of goods | wares, merchandise, machinery, produce, I Ac. If you wantyonr goods forwarded without the vexatious delays and enormous expense bills paid the last season, and at the same time have your business done in such a man ner that somebody will be made responsible for the damaged and lost packages, consign them to Tinley A Heiiron. who have Received 12£ and Forwarded all Goods consigned to them 10| daring all the past season without any extra 12* charge over those established rates as given 14 ILelow, andnp to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herron was Clerk of the Receiv ing and Forwarding Department of the South Corolina Rail Road Company for the past seven years and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tarifis and rules of shipment,both by railroads and vessels, to gether with the mode of procedure to secure damages and pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which will be taken in all snch cases without lost or delay to the owners. Anotherimportantadvantage is that his thorough knowledge ofall freights and rules of shipment enables mm to instantly detect and correct any overcharge in the Bills of lading which io all cases has to be done at thnt time, or be lost to the owner, in many instances greatly exceeding the com missions wo charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that city, therefore we will under all circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to us. All produce,such as Wheat, Flour,.Corn., Cbra Meal, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs,Cotton Rice, Rye, Oats,Hay, Tobacco, Wool, Feath ers, Beeswax, Potatoc s, Onions, &c,consign ed to ns will be promptly sold and the pro ceeds returned without keeping the money nfew month* to speculate npon; for we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no speculation whatever; all that we want is our commission, as follows: For Receiving and Forwarding all ordinary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of furniture and machinery, charges according to responsibility. Iron and steel in loose bars 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you cau save by depositing the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will aUo fill all orders in this market, making the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. TINLEY It HERON. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 1855. Wo bog leave to refer to the following gentleman: Rev. Thos. W. Atkin, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Asheville. P. D. Gates, 12 Broadway,New York. Col. James Gadsden, Charleston. John Caldwell, President of S. C. R. REYNOLDS & BROTHER, I Thos. Warning, Auditor (Over Sansom de PiUard*,) Hyat^M^wneyVCt», and J S & t.x irjZBrsstfssri sx •wsvs&i „ * pa ?taX»,eu.^r «, • J M. w T "“"' 7 - “ d * ’ ‘ R. d B. | anta generally, Loudon, Tennesse. . , . , N. ammon & Son., T. J. & C. Powell, Auction and Commission House, Cra j gl,ead and Deaderic k. Knoxvme, Tenne- T „_ ■ Athens, Qa. W. &T Harris. Inman A Hamilton. Bran HE undersigned, having taken the old n r A Mitchell, Fains A King, Dnndridge . •tapd of L. JLampkin, for the purpose of I Tenn. doing a generar AuqUon vtd Commission j The Greenville, S. C. MouuUiueer business, respectfidly solicits the patronage Athens, (Ga.) Watchman, and Charlotte, N of his friends, and the public geoerally.— IC. Democrat, will each copy oue year, and He is now prepared to receive produce or 1 forward bill to T. A H, merchandise on consignment, which will be Ife 'Wb ’'SBS '■’Ofr' Can be found the largest assortmt at of * MEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered in this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS: Trunks,'Valises,Carpet-Bags awA UmbreWas, Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the articles we have on hand, but would cordially welcon e all to fyy-come and examine for themselves, Athens, April 18,1854. R. L. BLOOMFIELD'S. Wheat per Bushel 125 Corn u “ - 90 Meal' *• “ .............. 90 Oats “ “ 60 Rye “ “ 75 Indigo,Spanish 125 Madder lb.................... 16 Copperas '4 Bine Stone .................. .. 18 Oil, Linseed 137 Lamp, Winter 150 “ Fall 100 Train 90 100 White "Lead, Keg 25 lb 225 250 Glass, Box 8 by 10 275 800 Mackerel, No. 3 bbl 1200 1400 £ bbls No. 2 UOO 1200 35 50 90 225 26 16 12 12 6 8 8 10 9 6 7 70 60 12* 275 7 100 135 100 100 60 100 150 2-/ 5 20 150 175 125 IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY and machine works RON and Brass Castings of every variety; . Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to the best. Steam- Engines, Forcing-Pumps, Gold-Mining Mills, Gin, and all other kinds of gearing. Mill- Irons and all kinds of Machinery made to order. Iron Fencing of select patterns, Plough and Wagon Castings and Dog-Irons. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of years. A list will be sent those addressing (post paid,) ,v. REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent jan 18' Athens Steam Cot N. B. Old copper, brass and iron castings SB89»MS9®SiW. MRS. VONDERL1ETH, H AYING procured the services of a first- rate Milliner, all work in that line en trusted to her care, will be executed in the most, elegant and fashionable style A liberal share of public patronage is con fidently anticipated. Oct 19 J bbls No. 2 400 Beeswax 20 Feathers .35 Wool 25 Tobacco 25 Yarn perbale, 4C bunches 85 “ Retail 90 Osnabargs,per Bale 9 “ Retail 10 Shirl'ug {, per bale 81 “ Retail... 9 450 22 40 80 40 86 90 10 11 .9 10 closed out with despatch, and to the best advantage our market will afford, March 1,1855. T. M. LAMPKIN. CLARKE SHERIFF’S SALE. W II F k. rod'll .L p . • . . I me iLm ui oue crnuKiiuauuse ituw—wuere Anril K f 0n !!’ e r , first f Tuesday in g 00 d tools, good material, and very superior Aprilnext,before theCour House door, wor kmen await the orders of the public. BLACKSMITHING. T HE subscriber continues to carry on the Blacksmithingbusines8,in all its branch es, at his old stand, near the Town Spring,in tbe rcar of the Franklin House Row—where Lucan return to England. Omar Pasha embarked in the In-1 flexible on the 6th uit„from Varna,for] the Crimea. The winter has been severe through- ] out Europe. JACKSON COUNTY. W E, the Grand Jury, chosen and swotn for the present Term, have had un der consideration the matters presented to us. The Committee on the Ordinary’s Books report that they have been kept in a proper manner, and find an unappropriated bul- Frederick Peel, had been appointed I lance infavor of the poor school fund and re Under Secretary at War. Messrs. Kirk dc Farness, -ef Liver pool, had failed. Proceedings of Council. commend that ten per cent, of the general tax be levied for poor school purposes. The Committee on public buildings report the jail as requiring recovering and some out- side repnirs which neod not be renova ted. The Court House also requires some attention from the Inferior Court, particular ly its windows. COUNCIL CHAMBER,) I The Committee on tire Clerk’s books report Athens, MarehS, 1855. ’ ( them a* being correctly kept, and those of i REGULAR meetiug of the Board of Treasurer as also worthy of commendation. A Wardens was held this day. Present, The condition of the road*, with time C Peeples, Intendaut; Messrs' Mitchell; -lightexception is very good. Summey, Carltou, Delony and Cobb, War- The number of cases involving a breach < ] eil9 I of laws is about an average of thoso gen- Upon motion of Warden Delony, it was « ral, J submitted for the consideration of unanimously I Graml J«*ors • but we feel constrained to Resolved, Tuat, whereas the 6th General “ otice apparent increase of the practice Ordinance of our Town is continually viols-1 ° f g*m*> 'or which our county has not in the town of Watkinsville, Clarke county, within i!ie usual hours of sale: One new Buggy. Levied upon ns the property of Harvy N. Wilson, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Superior Court of Forsyth county in ji»vor of E. L. Newton and William Craig, for the use of E. L. Newton, against the said Harvy N. Wilson. Property pointed out by plaintiff. LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, D. She. Iff Maroh, 2,1856. of Clarke county. ted at the Towu Hall on all public occasions whenever our citizens are there assembled for recreation and amusement, by certain 1 , . , - . disorderly and reckless persons, contrary to ed T\r U „ the good order and reputation of our Town, ® recomn for remedy thereof, Be it therefore, Resolved, That William Patman,' E. S, Billups, Jacob Tweedy, A drew Lindsey, John Yarborough and Samuel Hardy, be, and they heretofore been remarkable,and would nrge upon those whose province it is more par ticularity to suppress such conduct, iucreas- industry, in their attempts to supress it. We recommend that 'he Tax Collector furnish every district in the county with a listof insolvent Tax payers, to the mana gers of elections, that they may be enabled to discharge their duty, aud see that no man CLARK SHERIFF’S SALE. AN the first Tuesday in April next will be •U sole before tho Court bouse door in the Town of Watkiosville, Clark county, within Ahe usual hours of sale, the following proper- ay wit; r ^ Two negros, one a woman by the name of Kariah about thirty five year old, the other • a girl by the name of Olive, about seventeen years old- Levied upou as the property of ' 'Thomas Thompson, Jr. to satisfiy two 11 fos. one in favor ot Pharr & Snellings, tho other in favor of SncUings, Jett & eo. vs the said ’ ’’Thomas Thompson Jr. Property pointed out Iby defendant this 28th, Feb 1855. ” L S.VINCENT, Sh’ff are hereby pointed aids T0 £ 8 at *>8^*?* ’ r and Deputy Marshall, be. and they are here- ? d net nriXt by required to attend, with tkb above named “PP r °bation of the conduct of the npnght afdl, at the Town Hall ir Exhibition of whatsoever character the p^nts, in joining in a” sentiment which same mav be there, hereafter to be given, seeme common throughout the circuit, then and there to suppress »U riotous and The Solicitor General also comes in for a disorderly conduct on the part ofall and gh re 0 f our approbation every persons whatsoever. I “ j—■- Resolved, That in addit named aids, the M&rshalL and Deputy Ma each empowered and they are hereby instructed, required and empowered to sum mon such person or persons to their assist ance as tney shaU’deem necessary on such occasions to,preserve order and prevent any violation of the 5tb General Ordinance, and that such person or persons so summoned be hereby constituted lawful officers ^of the Town for euch purpose. Resolved, That tne Marshall and Deputy Marshall be instructed and required to arrest and keep in custody nil and every such per son or persons as on such occasions shall violate the aforesaid Ordinance until the Buard of Wardens be called together and tbeir case disposed of _ Ordered, That the foregoing resolutions be published in the Gnzettc9|of the Town. A t»ue extract from the minutes. March 8,1$65. W. G. DELONY, Sec. .... . . 1 On motion, it was decided that these pro- in addition to the above I ccerliogs be published in the Athens papers, [crahnii nnd iiennf-ft ot was unanimously agreed to. ROBERT WHITE, Foreman. Brooksfield Benson, Dilmus'L. Jarrett, Samuel G. Barnett, S. M. Shankle, M. C. Thorutou, James Delay, Joseph W. Hardy, John G. House, Powel R. Kiningham, John Lancaster, William S. Freeman, Charles F. Hardy, John Henderson, Cenajah Tliornton, S Camp, Thomas Benuctt, A Sorrell, William M. Hunter, Joseph Lee. Holder Hudgins, A. C. Thompson, Ordered by the Court that the proceeding be published in the Athens papers. A tnn extract from the minutes of the Su NOTICE, A I.L persons having demands against the '£Sx!Sfasi - *r ~ K. WHITE ta« removed Tram -KU.^and thweiod.-tdedto’said' s, * tv Cwm?. College Ay mine, to the corner store j deceased, aic requested to make payment REMOVAL!!! public. He has in his employment an axe-maker and horse-shoer, who cannot be excelled. Work warranted to be done well and at moderate prices, A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. M. E. McWHORTER. Athens, Feb 1 tf NOTICE. T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Wall*' and in the most beautiful style of the art. SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREAN GALLERY T HE subscriber has recently opened the Sky-Light Daguerrean Gallery nearly opposite the Bank, where he is prepared tc take LIKENESSES in all kinds of weather. ton county, for leave to sell the land belong ing to the estate of Joaiah Wetherford, late of said county, deceased Feb. 28, 1855, H. H. CAMP, Aam’r de bonis non. The public are invited to call and examine specimens. J. F. O'KELLY. Athens, Feb 1 tf Notice. T WO months after date, application will I be made to the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, for leave to sell all the in terest (the same being one half of one ninth,) of William B. Silmau, orphan of John W. Silman, deceased, in and to a certain negro man by the name of Wiley, about 21 years old. HENRY W.SHEATS, 1 Guardian of said orphan. Feb. 28, 1855. READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! 0OODS AT COST FOR CASH I ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & CO., 62 Caned, and 49 £ 61 Howard Streets, NEW TORK, I jIPOjITERS nud Jobbers of Freuch and British Dry Goods, consisting in purt of French and English Prints, “ “ Scotch Ginghams, “ Printed Jaconets, “ Organdirs, “ “ Barege, “ Tissues, ** real Grenadines, Plain Bareges and -Tissues. Robes in Organdy, Barege, Tissues, Real Grenadine and Silk. Silks in endless variety, from low priced to the very richest and most elegant manu factured. 6 Also, 1000 pieces of Plaid ludia Silks of verv high lustre aud confined to patterns. Shawl.s in Canton Crape, Barege,Cash mere and Stella. Masttillas—in Lace, Appticn, and Silk, both imported and of our own manufacture. New patterns received by every steamer. Also, French and Scotch Embroideries, Black English Crape Veils, Hosiery, Alexander’s Silk Gloves, Fillet Mitts, Ribbons, and other fancy articles. A. C. & Co., have one or more buyers con stantly in the European markets, and their arrangements are such, that they are fre quently enabled to place before their custo mers “ novelties” simultaneously with their appearance in Paris and Lyons. - Six months buyers arc invited to examine our stock. Feb. 14, 1855. 8m WING to a change in our business, we of* for oar stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hard ware, Hats, Caps and Crockery ware, and many other desirable goods, at cost, for cash. Persons wishing bargains will do well to CALL SOON. iyAs there will be a change in our busi ness, we desire all persons indebted to us, ei ther by note or open account, to call soon and settle. Respectfully yours, jan4 W. P. AC. TURNER. F A S H To n ABLE Ready-made Clothing, BAYNON - & RICH A RE now receiving and offering for sale a forge and beautiful assortment of ready made clothing, for men and boys, of the latest fashion, and of the most approved style of goods, suitable for the fall and winter trade. Among them will be found a fine supply of gentlemen’s coats, pants and vests, very fine, and of the most fashionable style, made to OTdcr, and of the best work, fully equal to customer work. -...ALSO... A genera! assortment of Furnishing goods, such as hats, caps, shirts and drawers, under shirts of various qualities, stocks, cravats, handkerchiefs and ties, collars, gloves, half hose and umbrellas. Also, Tranks, valises, and carpet bags. • ALSO* • • • STAPLE DRY GOODS. Among which will be found black alpacca, plaid and checked ginghams, plaid and check ed muslins, calicoes and shirtings, 5-4, 10-4, 11-4, of a very fine quality. Red, blue aud white flannels, all wool. Brown nnd bleach td Canton flannel, 3 4,7-8,4-4. Shirtings of various qualities, Irish linen fur diapers black, white, mixedand made hoes for ladies, and Misses; also a fine lot of ladies plaid long shawls, very fine, all wool, and many other articles not mentioned. All of the ubovegoods will be sold as cheap as they can be bought in Georgia, and we re spectfully solicit a liberal portion of public patronage, and would invite all our friends and former patrons to give us a call nnd ex amine our goods and prices, we shall nut fear the result. Be sure to call at the New Cloth- ing Store,on Broad street, Athens, Ga. Oct. 12. GASH MUSIC & PIANO STORE OF HORACE WATERS, No 333 Broadway, New York, OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY. Music at Greatly Reduced Rates. ■jVTOTWITHSTANDING the combination of ll music dealers to keep up the prices of non-copyright music, aaainst the interests of native composers, and their refusal to extend to Mr. Waters the courtesies of the trade, he is making immense sales—having abundant evidence, that he has public countenance and support, in his opposition to the Great Mo nopoly, an t in his efforts to aid Native Talent, and to adopt the. National Currency. Hi* stock of American and European music is immense, and the catalogue of his own publi- Nations is one of the largest and best selected in the United States. He has also made a Great Deduction in the prices of Piauos, Me- lodconsand Musical-Instruments ofall kinds. Superior toned 6£ octave pianos for $175. $200 and $225 interior of us good quality, and instruments as strong and as durable aa those which cost $500. Pianos of every variety of style and price up to $1000 comprising those of ten different mann- . factories; among them the celebrated modern improved Horace Waters’ Pianos and the first premium ASolian Pianos of T. Gil* bend Co.’s make, (owners of the ASolian. patent-). Second-hand Pinnos at great bar gains. Prices from $40 to $150. Melodeons from five different manufactories, including the well known S. D. & H . W. Smith’s melo. dcons, (turned the equal temperament,) the best make in the United States. Prices $46 $60, $75, $100, $115, $25. $135. and $160. Smith’s Double Bank Melodeons, $200. Each Piano and Mclodeou guaranteed. The best terms to the trade, schools, <fc‘c.: 12 j per cent, discount to clergymen and churches. All orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all parts of the country, post-paid, at the re. duced rates. General and seleot catalogues and schedule of prices of Pianos forwarded to any address free of charge. Feb. 15,1855. 3m CLARK MORTGAGE SHERIFF SALK O N the first Tuesday in May nett, will be sold at Watking8ville, in Clark county, within the legal hoars of sale, the following property, to wit cows, 3 calves. 2 heifers, 1 young bull, 2 small tables,Sdining tables, 1 book case, l brats clock, 1 large chest, A 1 bed aud bedstehd. REMOVAL. HOOKE Sc. CARLTON H AVE-removed to No. 7£, Granite Row, Athens, Ga., where they will be pleased to wait upon all their old friends and hosts of new ones. They have on hand a very complete assort ment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which will be sold at prices corresponding with the hardness of the times. ft3g~Call and examine the stock. Athens, Feb 1 -tf NEW GOODS. I H AVE just received a large stock of choice Family Groceries, and a general assort ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash or prompt paymeut at the end of each quar ter. D. N JUDSON. Jan. 18, 1855. DISSOLUTION. J M. BILLUPS' withdrawal from the firm * of Lucas A Billups, renders it necessary to settle up all the business of the o:d firm: and this is to request all persons indebted to J « »it. a 1 us to come forward aud make payment, or Bishell, to satisfy a mortgage fifa issued from d The^enularbutin^wm be contincd bv Superior court of Cmrk coupty, in favor of „ ^ CIW * ml Elizabeth Fambrougb. February 24th, 1355. * F ’ W ' Luca9 ’ LUCUS & BILUPS. LOUIS J. LAMPKIN, D.Sh'ff Feb. 22, 1855. NOTICE. Still Here! Tl/TR. WM. N. WHITE, having purchased I r 1MIE subscriber tenders his thanks to his jJL ray entire stick of Books, stationery, I friends and customers for the manner in Fancy Goods, dm., succeeds to the business I which they have sustained him the past year hitherto conducted by me. —and hoping that their kindness will not In retiring, the undersigned takes occasion abate, he has determined to continue busi- to return his thanks for the patronage ex- ne ss at his old stand, selling Goods tended ; and to solicit a continuance of the T m . T - same to Mr. White, who, he feels assured, XiCVW YjIIi THA.K Y1W1TV. will use his best efforts to retain their good Pnl , « ns i. 0 « will and confidence, if transferred to him. *01 CaSIl Ol Ca$ll IC1H1S. Feb..3, 1855. * J. S. PETERSON. He will do his best to let no one go away un- suited in quality or price. So, come on with H AVING purchased Mr. i. S. Peterson's J’our cash—settle up, if'you owe anything— entire stock, as above,the undersigned “be sure you are right, then go ahead.” will endeavor to merit any patronage the I am selling my Dry Goods, Hardware, Ac. former customers of the establishment may to suit the times, agaiass auctions, cost houses kindly bestow. He offers them tbeir choice *“ d every thing else. ~ ‘ - ISAAC M. KENNEY, Opposite No. 2, Broad street lately occupied by J. S. Fcterson, where he i immediately. •mill be happy to furnish cuitunver* with anv- { JAKES \M RIDGEWAY- th His in the Book ami Stationery Hue JOHN X. RIDGEWAY. •*rT r ii« Om-b. or.:: mouth*. • March8. ; -l*55. ’ Adai'ra Farmer’s Cradles, QCYTIIE Blades, Grass Scythes, Reaphooks tj iacd SVytlic Snathes, forsalobv A:*ril U P-A- SU MMEY &BRO. from a large aud diversified stock of Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, at the lowest] rates. His own customers, also, whose for mer favors' he gratefully acknowledges, he 1 will be happy still to meet either at the | corner, or at No. 2, College Avenue, as they mav prefer. WM. N. WHITE. Feb. 3,1855.-g r .-~j M :,- _ r vT? for sale. ^mT~ T WOor three first rate Two Horse Wa gons. Cheap. M E. MoWHGRTER. Fb. 22. : ‘ jan 11 ' Florir! Floor! A LARGE lot of suporfine and extra family Flour, in sacks and extra barrels, for sale by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. C RANBERRIES and White Onions, just received by jau2fi T; BISIIOT ^.SON- HARD TIMES. A LL persons indebted to me by note or account, are respectfully requested to | call and settle without delay. Jau. 18,1855. D. N- JUDSON. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A choice article “HoR’b best, at Dec7 I. M. KENNEY’S. SYRUP, SYRUP. H AVEMEYER’S finest nnd common N. 0 Syrups, at feb8 KENNEY’*. RANAWAY F ROM the subscriber, on tHe night of the 10th of December, my boy GUILFORD. Guilford is about 20 years old, light copper color, small eyes, a quick-spoken, quick-mo tioned. intelligent boy, about 5 feet 8 or 9 in ches high, weight about 160 pounds. He rode off a tall dark bay horse mule, which has a wart hearly covering ore eye. The boy may bo larking about Macon, bnt I think he is making his way to Lawrenceville, (Gwinnett,) where I learn lie was raised. Any person apprehending said boy will Le liberally rewarded, and any information con cerning either boy or mule thnnkfullj re ceived. A. McALLUM. Jeffersonville, Twiggs Co* Ga., Jan. 3,1855. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, James Jackson applies to mil for Letters of Guardianship of the per sons and property of Mary Ann Lsmar and Andrew J. Lamar, orphans of Andrew J. Lamar, deceased. These are, tbereforo, to eite and admonish all persons interested to be nnd appear aa my office on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they nave, why said Letters should not then be grant ed to the applicant, or to such other person, or persons as the Court may think proper. Given under my linnd at mv office, thi» the 10th day of Februarv- 1855. ASA M. J AOKSON, Ordinary. Feb. 5. 1855. W' GUARDIAN’S SALE. ILL be sold before the court house in Watkinsville, Clarke county, oh the first Tuesday in March next,all that tract offomt* lying on both sides of Middle river, adjoining the Friuceton Factory, and known as the place formerly owned by tlie late MrAYilltaSU Williams. Tbc whole tract Contains :ib>ut six hundred acres. That portion of it lying on the west side of ;be river Will be sold sep arately, and that on the east side will be sold in two lots, as it is divided by the rood. Tha tract on the north fide of the Watkinsville road includes the valuable dwelling hoUM and other improvements recently occupied by Mr. George Williams. Sold pursuant to au order 1 of the Ordinary of Elbert county, as the pr prWy of the chil» drennf George Williams, and for their bent* fit. Terms, credit until 25tli December next, the purchaser giving bond wrh approved a** curity. JANE L. ALLEN-, Guard'U jan25 of the childrsn of Geo. Willi tin*. Pickles, gif^ ,f-V' V INEGAR, s. s. almonds, raisiu*, sodubis cuit and candies, of the best qualities, at feb8 KENNEY’S. BOOK-BINDERY, , ATHENS, GA. fpHEJundersigned isprepared to danll kindr JL of Binding, from the plainest sheep to tha fiuest morocco. Books bound to afcy pattern. Persons residing in the country call direct their books os below, and have them welt bound and returned without delay. NovlG ALFRED HENDERSON. M ACKEREL—Nos. 1. 2, 3, at retail, at feb8 r . KENNEY’s. COFFEE, COFFEE. pi HO ICE Coffees and Sugars, on cash terms, cheap, at feb8 L M. KENNEY’s' CHOICE POULTRY. T HE subscriber has on hand, a few pair more of those celebrated Brabant Pootra and Shanghai fowls for sale. Call soon, on the corner of Bl'oad aud Jackson Streets, Athens, Ga- D. N. JUDSON. Jau. 18,1855. RIO COFFEE AND COFFEE SUGARS Of the best quality, always on hand, at Dec7 I. M. KENNEY’S. BUCKETS AND PAILS. "YyHITE and red cedar, oak, and a varietj - low, of painted buckets and p&ils, for sale by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. Just Received, T ARGE additions to ourstork of GROCERIES, h .... mULUDis<a.... Sugars in great variety. Choice new-crop ftlo Coffee, - Fine Northern Cheese, New Raisins, in whole, half 5hd qvtrtaf boxes, New English Currants, Soft-shell Almonds, Pearl Starch, ’ A good assortment of Candles-, jan25 T. BISHOP 4 »&*. Carter Potatoc*, ^FEW barrels just received bv jan25 T. BISHOP Sc S'df. Oats, Oats. 'Tir BUSHELS of fine seed oats, fsr Feh 15*185,^ T, BISHOP A SON,