The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, April 05, 1855, Image 4

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r"?k'4i‘-Jr$bt-JtiV?.;'.• - ■ ,• . The Family Newspaper Gents may sigh for their t Maklsibrtlirir dainty cups But something iu this plens Mas greater charms for ’Tis not exchanging With your neight Glancing o’er the 1 Nor yet looking i It is sittign, n*"« an In a cosy old'arm With the open easement nigh you, Filled With fragrant enmnacr air, And tho weekly papt-T.lying With its choicest gems of thought, Wholesome stories, pout’s musings, From the !or-off city brought. hi The Couksii ok True Love.—The fallowing | rivute despatch went through by telegraph a month since:—“ Charlie | and Julia met at S. ’s yesterday, quarrelled and parted forever—met again this morning and parted to meet no more—met again this evening and were married !” Cheat.— cent for shootin Texas. J, . - - • "We hop*' the price ranges higher in this part of the country. "'RE subscriber tenders his thanks to hi* friends and customers for the manner in ich they have sustained him the past year —and hoping that their kindness will not 1 abate, he has determined to Continue bh si - \ at his old stand, selling Goods New Firm and New Goods, I WATCHES AND JEWELRY. SILVER | AXD PLATED WARE. MUSICAL INSTR UMEXTS. etc. A C W & H. R J. LONG. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATHENS. GA. t UEP constantly on hand a large and well cted stock of Oils un tate of Nelson Ridgeway, laic county, deceased, aie hereby notiti Paints ftandoille & Talmadgc uc» ». um uiu .uiuu, .tuiug | TTAA E just returned from New.York,with ! r, o, jt. t> ,„7 . ir,'., 7 „, ff. LOYTEU THAN FATAL II a large and beautiful assortment of the! D U l Nuffs, Brus/o s. 11 indoi. , . / above named articles, which they will sell j 1 U<il/, d'e’- -Vd. arnisneSj ’ ™lass. Dropped into your quiet window. In tho leafy country hero, Where the cricket low is chirping, And no jarring sounds are neai Food it gives so ’lightsome, cheering, For your sometimes doubting mind, y ~ •And it brings with modest teachings, Truths that you could never find. * ,4. • * And I know that you will join me When I wish there soon might' One in every cottage window. From Nebraska to the sen. And that all their hnppy inmates On the prairie, in the glade, Knew to rend them and to love-them, And would see the printer paid. -A man has been fined a newspaper one editor in For cash or casli terms. He will d i) his best to let no one go away un suited in quality or price. So, come on with your cash—settle up, if you awe anything— gold guard ai “be sure you are right, then go ahead.” Pencils, gold 1 am selling njv Dry Goods, Hardware, Ac. to suit the times, againss auctions, Cost houses and every thing else. ISAAC M. KENNEY, Opposite No. 2, Broad street. EEMOYAL. J* “ VARIETY, THE SF WE OF LIFER What fruit is that which most re sembles a couple of M'reiful porcupines?’ A prickly pear. “One swallow docs not make a sum mer,” but a panther often makes a ■spring. . If our Maker thought it wrong for Adam to live single when there was not a woman on earth, how criminally guil ty are old bachelors, with the world full of pretty girls.1 ‘Do you go in for,the Maine Liquor Law ?’ * Why partly yes, and partly no. 1 goes for the liquor but not for the law.’ -*‘ Hello, land- 7 io.iuo out West. lord, can. I get lodgings here to-night ?” “ No, sir, every room in the house is engaged.” Wr.' “ Can’t you give me a blanket and a huiu.Ii of shavings for a pillow in your bar-room? “ No, sir, there’s not a square foot of space unoccupied anywhere in the llOU3C.” V ’ - - : r “ Then 1*11 thank you to run a pole out of the second floor window, and 1*11 roost on that.” ^ ; : - ■ Female Inkaliability:—A man frequently admits that he was in the wrong, but a woman, never—she was only mistaken.” What is the feminine of Hero? asked a pedagogue of a young hopeful. '•Shero!’ was the prompt answer, which took the dominie all aback. A faithful friend is the true image of The secret of prolonging life is not to abridge it. ' The oi ly amaranthine flower on earth is tue. • The best physicians are Dr. Quiet, Dr. Diet, and Dr. Merry man. Wednesday is the proper 1 time to get Some sort of charity will > swallow an egg and give away the shell. Talk as you will of your steamships and your clipper ships, the best of all is good fellowship. . ’ —•—-—~— »• ! Those who blow the coals of other people’s strife, may chance to have the sparks fly in their faces. .. • S efc —:— 4 - -* Cure FOTt Hydrophobia.—Two table spoonfulls of Chloride of lime to half a pint of water, "with which the wound is constantly bathed. The cure is almost infallible, as the following results: !HOORF & CARLTON R AVE removed to No. 74, Granite Row, Athens, Ga., where they will lie pleased to wait upon all their old friends and hosts of new ones. They have on hand a very complete assort ment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which will be sold at prices corresponding with the hardness of the times. pgr*Call and examine the stock. Athens, Feb 1 tf i, which cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere A great variety of rich Jewelry of the latest style—Broacnes.Pins, Ear and FingerRings. uard and fob chains, gold Peps and and silver Buckle*, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of cold Glasses: Also, dealers in French, English and Amen I can Chemicals, Drugs. Medicines, Per- I fumerv and Fancy Articles, j Physicians, merchants arid all others can I depend upon their orders meeting prompt i attention, upon the most accommodating j terms. Theirgoods will be warranted as repre- . ' o,,nted January, lSo4. M arranted sterling silver table, dessert and ' _ 1 teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles ■M’n'TTPT usually kept in a Jewelry store. DIU J. AV/X/. The superior advantages which the sub- TAfEare still offering at our old stand, a scriherspossessoverthoseunacquaintedwitli Y\ 1 .rgc stock of the business, in purchasing directly from the CcYs fO VF! manufacturers and importers, and being comprising practical jewelers, renders them capable of iLL KI y D s USUALLY KEPT IN THIS properlyiudging the value ot all they pur ' HARKET chase and recommend to the public. ' ... , ., *,,-*• T _ ,i,„ , i 1, i which wearedailyofferingatlow price In the department of W atch and Jewelry > kinds o£ count ry produce taken in exchan for goods at the market price. Cail and s LL per ^ '"dsrewav. late of I C I . to present them for payment in prescribed by law. and those indebted to said deceased, are requested to make payment immediately. JAMES M RIDGEWAY. JOHN N. RIDGE W AY, March 3, 18u5. the time I Most Splendid History ever published; Entitled. THE NEW WORLD.. In two volumes bound in one, HENRY H. BROWNELL, A. M. rk to the public, the re that they are supplying ; , Adm rs. All That Commission House O F Repairing, we are determined, by careful TINLEY& HERRON’S, CHARLESTON,, S.C. rpHE only house doing business in that city X that actually had any experience in Re ceiving and Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Carolina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open for the Receiving and Forwarding of all kinds of goods wares, merchandise, machinery, produce, Ac.^ If you want your goods forwarded without the vexatious delays and enormous expense bills paid the last season, and at the same time have your business done in such a man ner that somebody will be tnad< responsible for the damaged arid lost packages, consign them to Tinhy A IIf.rron. who have Received and Forwarded all Goods consigned to them during all the post season without any extra charge over those established rates as given below, and up to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herron was Clerk of tlfe' Receiv ing and Forwarding' Department of the'South Carolina Rail Road Company for the past seven years and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tariffs and rules of shipment,both 'oy railroads and vessels, to gether with the mode of procedure to secure damages and pay for lost articles from other will be seen by j parties, the proper steps of which will be taken in all such cases without ?o$s or delay From 18ft ,o 1824. the number of | and neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to merit the approbation of the public ! favor. An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest! stple, always on hand, from seventy.five cts. to one hundred and seventy-five dollars—all warranted perfect time-keepers. A. S Mandeville, | W. A.Tai.madce. Corner of Bread street and College Av. . OM door east olTeterson's bookstore. Dec 22,1854. W. II. & J. TFRPIiV, li customers, and any one who wants to buy (Successors to W. H. Turpin,) E2^GOOD AND CHEAP^JP^ /AFFER to Physicians, Planters, Merchants Y_/ and the public at large, a choice aud well us. JanUi PITNER & TNGLAND. NEW CLOTHING! milE undersigned are now receiving and Jl opening their SjjYmg StocAv o£ C\o£\uug, at their old stand, oposit.e the Post-Office ou college avenue, Athens, Georgia, where they will be glad to se< all of .their friend?.:and assorted stock of Drugs and Medicines, Oils Paints, Dye-stuffs, Olass aud Puttv, Blushes Their stock has been selected from the be.-t of every description, Straw Brooms, Spirits Turpentine. &c, W e purchase our goods for cash, and are prepared to sell on the most advantageous terms. Merchants will find it to their inter est to look at our prices. All articles war ranted to be as represented. Give us a call andsatisfy yourselves. Augusta, Junelo v * I UK FOR ALL A Why is It ?—That you can’t take tip a young lady’s album, without her being uDtvn upon you to ‘wrliescnjething T Why can’t a young lady sit down to a ■piano without an additional accompany- 'oiem to her song in the shape of such a 1 dreadful cold ?’ How is it that young ladies can’t retire to rest without searching under the bed imaginary housebreakers? Why can’t young ladies abstain froth kissing babies frantically before strari- gers ? Receipt for Maying Routes.— Half a poupfHpPrench Chalk mixed with twodunces of carminfc ^ v «'■ patients admitted into Bresland Hospi tal was lft4, of whom' only two died ; . I7S4 to 1S24 into the hospital at Zurich, 243 persons bitten by different animals, (82 by dogs,) of whom onlj’ four died. The Turks have a very simple method of making pantaloons. They fasten two coffee bags to a vest and the work is done.—The bags answer for legs) and the vest for the waistbands . ~ —— Mapy a fool has passed for a clever man, because he has known how to bold his tongue ; and many a clever man has passed- fora fool because he has not known how to make use of it, Prosperity—Is.the only test thatn vulgar man can’t pass through. If a man lias anything meAU ih his disposi- tiom, a little good lutk (s sure to bring it out-. Yf ft Alan calls you a liar, and a thief find ft scoundrel, tell him you have not sufficient confidence in him to believe it. Didyouevcrkissaprettygirlfliidgetaslap foryourimpudence ? Thc’Cmcinnati Times affirms there is nn old lady in that city so thoroughly ant : -Cuthplic in her tendencies, that she won’t read Pope’s poetry for fear of being eternally lost, lllessod is the man who hath a good ■wife, for he shnll always havif plenty of shirts and no'holcs in his stockings. A married lady found Iter two sons quarreling ;^|ind, in hope&MMUHing an end to their differences, uttered the fol lowing * j’ou young rascals, if you don’t desist directly, I’ll tell both your fathers.’ — He that will be angry for anything, will be angry for nothing.—.[Sallust. More hearts pine away in secret an guish for want of kindness from those who should be their comfort, than for any other calamity in life. In affairs of the heart, never employ a friend—that is if you don’t want to see your Ariminta taking to a pair of pants different from your’s. Tell him I am dead ‘ He says he will sprinkle When a Buckeye girl is kis ed. she exclaims, *• Now put that right back again where you took it’from.” Spunky, j holy water.’ ain’t they r j * Confound him and Fren- Perseverance.—A provincial judge, a great bore in his wav, called upon Bantru, wishing to see him. A valet announced him. ' . < ‘ Tell him I am in bed.’ ‘ Sir, - he says he will wait til risen * Tell him I am very ill' ‘ He says he will prescribe some re- medy.’ . * Tell him I am at the last extremity.’ ‘ He says he wishes to say adieu ty you. 5 and rulcsofshipment enables him to instantly detect and correct any overcharge in the Bills of lading which in all cases has to be dor.c at that time, or/,• last ta th- r. in many instances greatly exceeding the com missions tve charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that city, therefore we will under all circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to ns. All produce,such ns Wheat, Flour,.Corn,, Corn Meal, Bacon, Lard, Batter, Eggs,Cotton Rice, Rye, Oats,Ilay. Tobacco, Woe!, Feath ers, Beeswax, Rotator s, Onions, &c*,consign- ed to us will be promptly sold an 1 the pro ceed? returned without keeping the money a'feu months to speculate upon; for we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no speculation whatever; all that we want is our commission, as follows: For Receivingand Forwardingall ordinary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages'’ of furniture and machinery,charges according to responsibility. Iron and steel in loose bars 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you can save by depositing the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We wil t also fill all orders in this market, making the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. ' YL*B TIN LEY & HERON. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 185F. We beg leavp to refer tb the following gentleman Rev. Thos. W. Atkfn, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Asheville. P. D. Gates. 12 Broadway, New York. Col. .Jaiuo Gadsden. Charleston. John Caldwell, President of S. C. R. R Thos. Warning, Auditor “ ‘‘ “ “ John King, Agent “' “ “ “ llyatt, McBnrney & Co., and J. S &, _L, Bowie it Co., Charleston. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State ; A R. Crozier, Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M: Swan, Nashville, Tenn. French «t Yan Epps, and J. J. Bryant, Chattanooga. Q. A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and merch ants generally, Loudon, Tennessc. N. ammon & Son., T. J. & C. Powell, Craighead and Deadcrick, Knoxville, Tonne- Holloway’s Ointment. C ITIZENS OF THE UNION—You have done mo the honour as With one voice, fromone endot'the i nion to the other, to stamp the character of my Ointmcut with your approbation. It is scarcely two years since I made it known among you,aml alrea dy, it has obtained more celebrity than any other Medicine in so short a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, New York,' - W. & T Harris, Inman it Hamilton. Bran r >t Mitchell, Fains A King, Dandridge Tenn. —■— ; — vou with let him in !,—France * Tei>i>v my boy, jistt cheese iJ'tti this bag, an’ faith Wgivc ye the whole “ Five.” said 4 AiT.ilfi by my sow], bad luck to the man that tould you.’ Good Logic.—*• Bruddbr Jones, can you tel! n»« d>; difference ’tween dyin; and dieting ?” ” Why, a M 111 II VOU Hard Time | other day. ( Easy Times will b wagon" arrives. Samuel. iuei. ““v wlicn you *’ Well, dat’a diffi rent from what I tort it was, I tort it w.i a race at ween tie doctorin’ sGdl - and starualien, to see which wil i kill lust.” •* I will not s; saida Quaker, <mt tlby, •• but 1 will let, this billet of wood fall on ih-e.” and at kicked the bucket” the t too hard to stand it, c: on hand when the ■W&. vUVlaf-Lti'' As the rose tree is comprised of the sweetest flowers and the sharpest thorns, as the heavens are some times overcast and sometimes fair, alternately tempes- ou HO on noffin, and tuous and^serene, so is the life of man * luilliu to lib on.” : intermingled with hopes and fears, with and CASH MU8IC&PIANO STORE HORACE WATERS, Astonishing cure of sore legs, AFTER NINE YEARS STANDING. Copy of a Letter from Mr. iV. J. Longley, of Huntsville, Yadkin County, North Carolina, U. S.. dated November lit, 1853 SPREAD HIS OWN WORDS TO Professor Holloww, 8ir,—It is notniy wish to become notor ious, neither is this letter written for the sake of wriiting, but to say,* that your Oint ment cured me of one of the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was considered by all who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. Fornine years I was afflicted with one of the most painful and troublesome.sore legs, that ever fell to the lot of man ; aud after trying every medicine 1 had ever heard of, I resign ed in despair all hope ofecing cured ; but a friend brought me n couple of large post of your Ointment, which caused the sores on my legs to heal, and I entirely regained my health to my agreeable surprise aud delight, and to the astonishment of my friends. (Signed) \V. J. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAODINARY CURE OF BAD BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT TH point of death: Capy Ufa L> tt> r front Mr. R. Jhtrant, N ir Orleans, Norrmbtr Dili, ELF!. To.Professor Holloway, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y. D ar Sir.—It is with heartfelt grati tude I have to inform you that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife has been saved. For seven years she had a bad breast, with ten running wounds, (not ot a cutaneous nature.) I was told that nothing could save her, she was then induced to use your Ointment and Pills, when in the short space of three months, they effected a pcrlcct cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us We obtained your medicines from Messrs. Wright »fc Co.ofChartresstreet, New Orleans I send this from “ Hotel des Princes,” Paris, although I had written itat New Orlean s,bc for? WO finally left, at tlinttimc, not knowing your address at New York. (Signed,) R. DURANT. manufacturers in New Y'ork, and being bought near the close of the season, they were bought fromeighMo twelve per cent, cheaper than those bought earlier in the season. We. therefore confidently believe that we will sell you goods a little cheaper than you can buy the'same article at an other store in the place; Our stock consists of all kirida of , MEN’S WEAR, Such as Black and Fancy colored Frock aud business Coats; Black and fancy colored Cassimcrc Pants, and all kinds of black thin Coats and Pants; Also brown Buff and. White Linen Coats and Pants'; Also.a general variety of Vests ofall the different kinds; and a good assortment of BOYS’ CLOTHING. Also men’s Shirts anddrawers, undershirts, silk and gauze; Shirt collars, and collar boxes, Stocks, Cravats, and Handkerchiefs, Cotton arid Linen; Half-hose; Linen,Silk and Kid Gloves, of all kind?; also Portmonies, uid silk Purses, and Hair, Hat and Coat Brushes, and pocket and coarse Combs; also a good assortment of Gingham and black and colored Silk, aud Umbrellas and Carpet Bags, and Trunks. We have constantly on hand the very best chewing Tobacco and fine Cigars, a good as sortments Wc invitenll buyers of the above articles to call and aee us and let us show you our goods, ’ WILSON di VB.AL. . ' May 4 - ■ Y'. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said County. YT/'HEREAS, Eleanor ll. Lowery, formerly \ V Eleanor II. Overby, guardian of Sarah A. L. Overby,minor of Thomas Overby,deceas ed, is desirous of obtaining Letters Dismissory from said guardianship— It is therefore, upon the application of said guardian,ordered bv the Court, that all per sons concerned, appear at the regular term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in March next, to show cause why said guardian should not be dismissed from said guardian ship. A true copy from t he minutes of said court, at a regular term thereof, held this Stli day of January, 1853. j&nl 1 ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Clarke Sheriff’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in May next, will be sold before the court house door in the tow.n of Watkinsville. Clarke county, the fol lowing property, £o wit: One negro man named Bob, abotlt fifty years of age,aud a negro boy n.uncdCharles, about thirteen years of age—both sold pur suant to a decree in Clarke Superior Court, rendered at February Term, 1855. to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa- in favor of Baker it Hart, from Clarke Inferior Court, so far as said decree charges said property with the pay ment of said, and a decree in. the case of Robert G. Wilson and others against Wm. W. Stovall, Ex’r. and others, rendered at the same term of saidCourt. Marcl.29 L. J. LAMP KIN; D. Shff. CLARKE SHERIFF’S SALE. 4 XT ILL be sold on Saturday the fifth day \ V of May next, before John I. Huggins' store, in the town of Athens, Clarke county, within the usual hours c f sale, the following property,to wit: -s’. Ope 1 irg# road wagon, four mules and a set of harness for the same. Levied ou as the property of John Royal, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Inferior court of the county of Clarke- in favor of Martha Field and James Morris, administrator of Samuel Field. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney LEWIS J. LAMP KIN, D. Sh'ff. March 15. ^ EXECUTOR’S SALE OF NE- GROSS. P URSUANT to an order of the Honora ble the Court ot Ordinary of Clarke Coun ty, will be sold at tb? Court house door, in Wakinsviile, on the first Tuesday in May next,seven likely Negroes, to wit: Lawyer, a man about 45, Sam, man about 22, Nancy, a woman about. 31, Averilla, her daughter about'16, Fanny, a woman ab jut 22, and her son, Bill, about 7 years old, and her infant son, Doctor, about 7 months old. Sold as the property of Evalinc S. Thurman, deceased, for the purpose.of division among the-legatees (all minors), on. a* credit until 25th day of December next, the purchaser- giving note with approved security. JNO. CALVIN JOHNSON, Ex’r. Mar. 15. " ' v"' 1 publishers belie i >i DKsiDERATUM, the want of which hae been | long felt by the reading community, and especially,by the people at large. No other 1 work, much less any other single volume, contains the complete and extended view of entire American history which is here pre. seated. The plan and execution of the book are entirely new ; the arrangement of the various European Provinces under their re spective national heads, and the subdivision of ffiese into separate Colonies and States— due chronological order bein preserved— is thought, make it of peculiar value as a book ( f reference, and greatly facilitate a clear and accurate knowledge of gen eral history. Also, i THE OLD WORLD. | In two volumes boun a inonS, By Hexby Howard Bro wnell, A. M. | Comprising an account of the foundatiori jrogress and decline of the most celebrated Empires, States aud Nations, from the corliri*! period to the present time—of their warsj conquests and revolutions- of religious dis sension and persecution—of the gradual ex tension of freedom and civilization—and the final settlement of political relations on theif present basis. These books comprise a complete liisforj> of the Would, in four volumes two. The character of the illustrations in these volumes nro i.f higher and more magnificent 1 standard than has ever been attempted here tofore, being from designs by Darley, BiD lings, Wallin and Doepler, and elega stlIT colored, (except the portraits,) with from live t i nine different tints, true to fiature, so as to impart a close resemblance to well- fini bed paintings? These works are printed from new and handsome type, also on paperof extra quality as regards texture and permanency, and com prise over 2500 pages royal octavo, with numerous and diversified colored engravings, bound'in embossed black morocco leather binding with tipped corners. To men of energy and business tact, thio offers an unpnrailed chance to do a good busi ness by engaging an agency for these im portant works, which are sold only by sub scription. fJC5*For particulars address the publishers, DAYTON & WENTWORTH, New York. COME AND SEE! Spring & Summer Goods, McWHORTElT& ERWIN A RE now receiving and opening their sup plies of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, . Consisting of such articles as are usually kept M this market. Hardware, Crockery and Gluss ; Hats, Cups, Boots and Shoes ; Saddlery, c'j’f- And an endless variety of other articles, t?o tedious to nieution. All of which they offer extremely low, for ■cash or couut ry produce. Their friends and the public are respect fully invited to give them a call—examine their stock and prices—and if these suit, to patronize th, in 1 i 1 rally. Athens, April 20 INOTJCL] rilll E subscribers are prepared to fill orders JL for all kinds of Spokes for Carriages and Wagons, Also, at the same establishment wc manufac tui c all kinds of BOBBINS, commonly used in done as good and the North. Address, P. A.SUMMKY & BRO. Athens,Ga. Who will attend to all orders, and the ship ping of the same. March, 1854 jiir cotton factories. All heap as can bo had from STOVES, STOVES! /TOQKING and Office Stoves, in great vari- \J cty, constantly on hand. a!» low prices,by April 13 P. A.S.UMMEY & BltO. The Pills should he used conjointly with j FASHIONABLE Ready-made Clothing. i!A v xon’Gv li re it A RE now receiving and offering for sale a large and beautiful assortment of ready made clothing, for men and boys, of the latest fashion, and of the most approved style of goods, suitable for the fall and winter trade. Among them will be found a fine supply of gentlemen’s coats, pants pud vests, very line, and of the most fnsliiunablc style, made to order, and of the best work, fully equal to customer work. ....ALSO..:.. A general assortment of Furnishing goods such as hats,caps,shirts anddrawers, under shirts of various qualities, stocks, cravats, handkerchiefs and tics, collars, gloves, half- hose and umbrellas. Also, Trunks, valises and carpetbags. ,- V,. f. ■-j STAPLE DRY GOODS Among which will he found black ulpacca plaid and checked ginghams, plaid and check ed muslins, calicoes and shirtings, 5-4,- 10 4 11-4, of a very fine quality. Red, blue and white flannels, all wool. Brown and blench ed Canton flannel, 3 4,7-8,4-4. Shirtings of various qualities, Irish linen for diapers black, white, mixed and made hoes for ladies, and Misses; also a fine lot of ladies plaid long shawls, very fine, all wool, and many other articles not mentioned. All of the above goods will besold as cheap as they can he bought in Georgia, and we re- sptctluily solicit a liberal portion of public ■C patronage, and would invite all our friends and former pairons to give us a call and ex amine our goods nnd prices, we shall not fear the result. Be sure to call at the New Cloth ing Store, on Broad street, Athens, Ga. Oct. 12. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ^iTATF.OF GEORGIA,Clarke C'ouxtv,— All persons having dcrainds against Ed ward Lnmpkin, ate of Green county, deceas ed, are hereby notified to present them, pre- perly attested, to me, within the time pro scribed bylaw, or they will not be settled. And «1I persons indebted to said deceased, are hereby required tomnke immediate pnv- jfejQ LEWIS J. L.VMPKIN, Adm’r. * l’cl). 22. . With the will annexed. caution! V .L persons will take notice that my wife, Mary Webster, lias quit my bed nnd board without provocation. I for warn all persons from crediting her on niy responsi bility. for 1 will not pay any of her contracts. Feb. 15, '355. JOHN R. WEBSTER. twm. NOTICE. T WO months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, for leave to sell all the land and negroes, belonging to the respective etatesof John and Isabella McRee, late of said couuty, dec’d. iFib. 22,1*855. ROWAN McREE, Adm’r. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A 'LL persons concerned will take notice J that the notes, accounts and claims of any kind, growing jni of, and connected with, t lie Bonk and Stationery business of J. S. Peterson', both ns successor of Chase & Pe terson ; nd in the limited prntnership where of J. S. Peterson was general partner, have been assigned to the subscriber for the bene fit of the creditors of J. S. Peterson. Having premises, these claims will all be pressed to collection at ouce with out parties. During my absence ou the Circuit or else where. the books, notes and accounts will be at my office iri the possession of George A. Cabaniss, whose receipt in settlement of the same will he valid against tnc. All persons having claims against said Peterson are de sired to file them in my office by or b fore’ the first day of May next. Those having open accounts will be required to swear t<* the same. _ 0. PEEPLES, Fcbl-5 Assignee of J. S. Peterson. de ring. sign it ”01. made mv 1 That’s iivii. ‘Did'nt your’s ring,” ‘No,” said Brown. ‘Then that's a sign friend. running opposite struck each oth- said Smith ‘’how vou hollow, -aid Smith. said tracked, aging and kiss girl whilst seated on r cide. lli',,a llii im was -covering the lace of his w red through liie_.lialf.Oj siring with all liie coolness addressed lmr : , thus v, my wife, liiec had better ouji peeping, or thee will cause a distur- e.e in the f.nnilv.” The effect was Sonic one was teiiing Sam Hide about the longevity of the mud turtle. ■ Y,'s. said Sam, ‘ I know all about that, tor once I found a venerable old fellow in tny meadow, who was so old that he could scarcely wiggle his tail, and on his hack carve 1 (tolerable plain considering i all things) these words.—Paradise, Year No 333 Broadway, New York. OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY. Music at Greatly Mediiced Rates. ^fOT WITHSTANDING the combination of _LN music dealers to keep up the prices of non-copyright music, against the interests of native composers, and their refusal to extSiiu SO Mr, Waters the jourtGiles of the trade, he is making immense sales—having abundant evidence, that he has public countenance and support, in his opposition to the- Great Mo nopoly, an 1 in his efforts to aid Native Talent, and to adopt the National Currency. His stock of American and European music is immense, and the catalogue of his own publi cations is one of the largest and best selected in the United States. He has also made a Great Deduction in tlic prices of Pianos, Mc- lodeons and Musical Instruments of nil kinds. Superior toned 61 octave pianos for $175, $200 and $225 interior of as good quality, and instruments as strong and as durable as those which cost >'500. Pianos of every variety of style and price up to $1000 comprising those of ten different manu factories; among them the celebrated modern improved Horace Waters’ Pianos and tho first premium .Eolian Pianos ofT. Gil bert A Co.’s make, (owners of the .,Eolian patent). Second-hand Pianos at great bar gains. Prices from $40, to §150. Melodeons from five different manufactories, including the well known S. D. & II . \Y. Smith's melo- deon.s. (turned tne equal temperament.) the best make in the United States. Prices $45, $tl0. $75, $100, S'115, $25. $135. and $150. Smith's Double Bunk.Melodeons, $200. Each Piano and Mdodeon guaranteed. The best terms to the trade, schools, <tc. ; 12 j per cent discount t orders promptly attended to. Music sent t all pa i ts of t lie country, post-paid . ut the re duced rates. General and select catalogues and schedule of prices of Piano* forwarded to any address tree of charge. fob 15, 1855. 3 in the Ointment in most of the fol/owiny cases : Bad Legs Contracted and Lnmbag, Bad Breasts Stiff Joints Burns Fistulas Bunions Gout Chilblains Glandular ijiiap'd hands Swelling! Pile Rheumatism Salt Rheum Scalds Sore Nipples Scurvy Wounds Sore Throats Skin Diseases Sore Heads Ulcers * * * Sold at the Establishment of Profess or Holloway, 38, Corner of ann and Nassau Streets, New York ; ulso by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through out the United States, in Boxes, at 37.j cents, 87 and $1.50 cents each To be had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union j for There is a considerable saving by I J? taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients | goi in every disorder are affixed to each Box. j Eg” Sold in Athens at the drug store of 1 Smith A Hill June 1 3 :— SHOES ! SHOES! ! t LARGE and well selected lot of Gents and j _(1_ Ladies’ Shoes, for sale low, by t April 13 P. A.SU.M.MEY & BRO. T<> THE TRA UE!.UNO PUBLIC jsAt ltTTr & ivy V T their old stand, near the F rank I in I louse, Athens. Ga. are better prepared than ever heretofore to meet the wants of the tra- I veiling public. Those ivishiug to hire Coaclu s, ihirriac-s, Hacks, Buggies, or Saddle Horses, are invited | to give them a call—as they have finer Coa I es and better stock than at any time lien e, while their Drivers are as careful as i found anywhere. JT-D'At rhe same time their terms arc ul as the best. R.Savi.tkr, Z.Ivv Just Received, I ARGE additions to our stock ol’ L GROCERIES, «... I NCLUDING Sugars iu great variety Choice uew-crop Rio Cotlee, Fine Northern Cheese, Now Raisins, in whole, half a boxes, New English Currants, Soft-shell Almonds, Pearl Starch, A good assortment of Candli i3®SS”S»5iS!{£"a r. bishop rniir-pu 1 Schuf j had of lli • pointed ag ! rely on th purchasing I B. Lieber c Jim Schnapps. unadulterated article ofSchiedam ps, imported by B. Lieber, may be undersigded, who have been ap outs iu this city. The public may 3 purity of this importation. In he careful to uotice the name of n the label. W. II. A J. TURPIN, Agents road st, Augusta, Ga i June 14 Broad st, Augusta, Ga- " nd quarter POWDER. | TjlXTR A blasting arid Rifle Powder, a large ; JLi lot. English and American gun caps.,1'gi j ale by P. A. Sl'MMEY & BRO. .jggf* &1PEA T ATTRACTION! 1JE1NG desirous of consolidating my busi- 15 ness, I offer for s-a!« tt|nt. most desirable place at Athens. The tract contains lOuO or XbVQ acres, seven hundred acres of which are woodland, which can be subdivided into many valuable pieces—having four or five water-powers, one oh the river and one on tlie creek, with dam. race and house.all ready for business:, with desirable residence, seve ral springs, and two wells of pure water.— The tract will be sold in whole or in part, to suit purchasers; and if not sold this year,will be offered at auction, at the- Commencement, in August, 1855. March !> NOTICE. ; rpWO months afler date application will be JL made to the Court of Ordinary of Wall oon county, for leave to sell the land belong ing to the estate of Josinh Wetlicrford, late of said county, deceased. H. H. CAMP, Adm’r de bonis non. Feb. 28, 1855. WM. A. CARR. CHOICE POULTRY. r lHI E subscriber has on band, a few pair more » of those celebrated Bruham Pootra and Shanghai fowls for sale. Call soon, on the corner of Broad and Jackson Streets, Atheu?, Ga- l). N. JffDSON. I an 15 1 TIN! TIN! /CONSTANTLY on hand, a iar * J assorted lot of plain, fancy an I Tin-ware, at I*. A. SUM.nIEY April 13 REMOVAL!!! W N- WHITE lias removed from No. 2 r • * College Avenue, to the corner store lately occupied by J. S. Peterson, where he will be happy to furnish cuitomers with any thing in the Rook aud Stationery line at rates. T’crnis Cash, or month' M'lri Eradicator. ARSIIALL’S Magical Pain Eradicator uring Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings, <tc. is emineutlv superior other external remedy for these stubborn db eases. All who have used it, can testify t its efficacy. I’or sale by \V. II. A-J. TURPIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Broad st, Augusta, Ga. and by all Druggists throughout the StnU June AStii-hV- NO nefe M" WM > C-.M N WH ire st' c 1TE, liavii t of Books ig purchased Stationery, Fan ci Goods Ac., -i icceeds to the business hithe to cone acted 1 y ntc. In gtiring. the uu dersigned t ikes occasion to ret urn his thanks for the mtrouage ex- teude d ; and to Mr. to soli ;it a corttinuaiiee of the same White, who, he teels assured, will i se his 1 jest off ;Tts to reti in their good will 1 nd con fidenie if transfei red to him. Pel >. 3, 185 J. S. PJ •ITER SON. TTA VINO jurehas ed Mr. J. 8. Peterson's 11 ntire st ock, as above, the undersigned will ndeavo r to merit any patronage the forme r custi rners of the establ shment mr,v k i n el 1 v bestow. He offers them their choice from i large aud di •ersitied st ock of Books, Stati niery a id Fan :v Goods, it the lowest rates tner 1 His < ivors 1 wn eu e grat stoiners, also, whose fbr- *ful 1 v acknowledges, lie will be haj pv still to meet either at the corne r, or at No. 2, ’olleee Av eimc, as thev may Fe irefer. WM. N. WHITE. >. 3. 1855. Notice. rn WO months afterdate, application will _L be made to the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, for leave to sell all the in terest (the same being one half of one ninth.) of William 5. S'lnian, orphan of John W. Silman, deceased, in and to a certain negro man bv the name of Wiley, fttidut •}! Tpars old. ‘ HENRY W. S11 EATS, Guardian of said orphan. Feb. 28, 1855. CLARK MORTGAGE SHERIFF SALE. YY N the first Tuesday in May next, will bo VJ sold at Waikingsville, in Clark county, hours of sale, the following; f roperiy, to wit • 3 cows, 3 calves, 2 h«iferS(, 1 young bull, 2 small tables,2diningtnble»„ l book case. 1 lira's clock, 1 large chest, A U bed aud bedstolul. Levied on as the properly of IDezt-lciali G*- Bishell, to satisfy n : mortgage fifa issued £pqov Superior court of Ciark eounty, in f*vor ol’ Elizabeth Fambrough. Febrnffry ?Jth, 1855.. LOUIS J. LAMPR1N.D. Sh’ff FRESH GROCERIES. IAXTRA Rio, Lnguira, Cuba niulold GovTj I i Java Coffee, Sugars of all kiuds; Peppery Spices, Ginger, Maccaroni, Pickles and Mue lai d, just received aud for sale low by T. BISHOP A SON BISHOP & N< T. WILL C WAREHOUSE : t the same the sale or storage duce, with prompt! the most reasonabl Athens, Ga.. An \Y OT1KCE THE- .nd Commission fm si a V*,* tand. and will attend to, of Cotton and other pre-, os and dispa tab, and ery ■ terms. ». 31.183-f. Cnif> s yr up. -S' YR UP. KENNUYN i FRESH and 1\. on hand at April 13 HARD TIMES.