The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, April 12, 1855, Image 3

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about to raise a loan of ten million sterl- ing. FRANCE. Napoleon had deferred his departure for the Crimea until the result of the Vienna conference was ascertained. SPAIN. The celebrated Don Carlos died on the 10th ult. The Spanish Government is anxious . to negotiate a loan. TURKEY. The accounts of the earthquake at Broussi was exaggerated, there being 'only 300 killed. Denmark. The second Chamber consented to the mobilization of the military contingents Great distress by loss of life and pro perty bad resulted^from the overflow of rivers in Holland. ITALY. It is reported that a serious revolu tionary movement, headed by Mazzini. 'had been discovered in Rome. Both the French and Austrian troops were 4dd in readiness to suppress it. A Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT, Will be given by the celebrated RASCHE FAMILY, AT THE TOWN HAU, ¥r‘vday ’Evening, AptVV <£0. T HE company consists of five talented Mu- cians— Father, Two Daughters, and Two Sons. Assisted by the celebrated Comic Singer, and personator of character, JJIr. Win Par row. Who will delight his audience with his in imitable COMIC SONGS!!! The Music is of a chaste and purely moral character—as can ho seen from the Programme. par Cards of Admission, 50 cts. Chil dren and Servants half price. Doors open at7, performance to commence at 8 o’clock precisely. For particulars, see Programmes upon the ciav of the Concert. WM. PARROW, Agent for “ Raschc Family.” April 5, 1855. Special Notices'. PLAIN ANO FANOY BOOR AND JOB PRINTING. WAR NEWS. The French rockets had set fire to •Sfosstophlihifieswi-al places. The di grace of Menschikoff'.is confirmed. Rus sia has again prohibited the navigation Lower Danube. The allies had 01 Ntohed instructions to Vienna that desp. tfe .of the Czar had />ot changed the dea. regarding the ua."* their view ^OLAND. 1 * Alexander, " the re-organiza The new Empe. Russia, had resolved ot. lion ,uf Poland. negolia- i, but ^ien- PRUSSIA. The King of Prussia desires tions to be temporarily suspend# consents unreservedly to sign tho tia protocol. Dec. 23 th.—Lord John Russel is in terview with the King and Cabinet of Prussia was unsatisfactory. RUSSIA . There was much discontent at St. Petersburg. A large body of the nobles shad addressed a manifesto to Alexander against arming the serfs. New Spring & Summer GOODS. p. w. LUCAS, I S now receiving a large and handsome as sortment of all kinds of goods, suited to the season, consisting of— LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Crapes, Muslins, Lawns, Cambrics, Ginghams, Calicoes, <tc. EMBROIDERED AND MILLINE RY GOODS, Collars, Collaretts. Mantillas, Lcces.Eilging. Dress Trimming, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, !2o SBUBDOTV* (“Solitary and alone,**) I S now prepared to execute any and all kind* of Let ter press PRINTING, eiUicr plain nr in rotors, at his large and extensive Book and Jub Printing Estab lishment, Bmad Street, Athens, Ga. No establishment in the State possesses superior fa cilities for executing Printing of the kinds usually in demand in this country—such as Books. Pamphlets, Newspapers, Magazines, Cir culars, Cards, Tickets, Labels, Checks,Notes, Posters, Bill-Heads, Catalogues, Hand- Bills, Way, Stage and Horse Bills, Blanks of every description, And indeed almost every thing likely to be called for. He will indulge in no extravagant promisee, but content himselfwith the remark, that hereafter as here toiore, he will endeavor to execute all work entrusted to him in a superior style ■ -punctually—correctly—ex peditiously, and at modcszte rues-. Grateful to his friends and the public for past favors, he again solicits their orders, and trusts that he may be favored with a liberal share of public patronage. Athens, January 18,1655 tf py The Press.—Much has been said .2 the public prints regarding the virtues of Bogle,s Hyperion Fluid, and Bogle’s Amole, as being respectively unsurpassed, the one for cleansing and regenerating the hair and the other for shaving and washing. These articles have now stood the test of the stric test scientific investigation, and been used by thousands of our citizens and are now pro nounced the only articles really worthy of a place at the toilet' Fqr sale at the Drug Stores of Smith A Hill and C. W.4RR.J. Long; SYNOPSIS OF MAY SALES. JACKSON OOUNTV. 7o be sold by Sheriff— One tract of laud, •whe-eon Charles Lavender now resides, con- itaining-oae hundred and forty acres, more •or l«6e, on the waters of the Oconee river, ,adjoining Francis Holiday and others. All levied on as the property of Charles Laven- eder. Also, two hundred and seventy-three -acres of land, more or less, on the waters of the North prong of the Oconee river, adjoin ing Bulloch’s and others. Levied upon as the property of John F. Adair. Also, eighteen ncrcs of land, more or Jess, adjoining Joshua Wood and others, and one •et of blacksmith tools. All levied upon by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Jackson Superior Court, in favor of George Merk vs. Lewis H. Jones, A J. Merk, and sundry otb- <er fi. fas. fas. vs. Jones <5: Merk. WALTON COUNTY. A certain tract, or parcel of land, of the following description to wit: Sity-two and one half acres of land, more or less, it being part of lot, No. twenty-eight, iu the first district of said county* Also one certain other tract or parcel of land, and lying in Abe first district of Walton county, contain ing sixty-two and oue half acres, more or ’less, it being the North-West corner of lot, No. twenty-eight, all levied epon to satisfy .amortgoge fi fa, issued from Walton Supe rior cout, in favor of Henry II. Richardson tvs. Albon W. Weaver. Also, a certain tract or lot of laud sittated •and being in, or uear the village of Social ■circle, in said county, containing four Ictu .acres, three rods and thirteen poles, levied .qpon as the property of Hansel J. Williams. .Also, two buggys and harness, levied upon tbs the property of Rufus J. Hughs. Also, a negro man by the name of Paris, About 85 year of age, levied upon to satisfy, sundry fi fas issued Irom Walton Superior court, in favor of Peter G. Marlow, and others, vs. Albou W. Weaver, principle, and Rufus J. Hughes, and Hardy Treadwell, securities- jvtsou, r.r.e SGrrc! Stallion Horse, Balie Pey- fton, one black mule, two and a half years .■old, two rockawny-e, eleven notes of band on James L. Kilgore and H. T. George, amount ing to $306,&3cts, due the 25th oi December next. Also, four notes on Reuben Gower amounting to §92,74 cts., due 25th Decern.- 'ber 1855. Also, three other notes on Hiram, and Nivcissa Stephens, for $61,53 cts., duer (the 25th December next. All levied upon as: itbe the property of Jonathan Still, •/ Sheriff •at said county.) AdM^-cne buggy and harness, two mules, tintt-wo-liarse waggon, one ox-cart, one yoke of oxen, one ox'waggon, four cows and calves, six head ofdr.y «eatt!e, and 18 head of stock iOgs. AU levied upon as the property of liqluuul P. Bear din, MADISON COUNTY. ‘Ont> hundred acres of land, more or less, in •aid county, adjoining lands of John Collins ,and others, whereon Allen Porterfield now .lives. Levied on as the property of the said Allen Porterfield. -lies and Gentlemen, Linen Cambric L*t rchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ging- Handke. fkerchiefs. H “JioJ TRN1NG GOODS. ins. Bombazine, Chalfeys, Mourning Sat, "■•ipghams, Muslins, C.ali- Crapes- Bareges, b coes, &c.»&c, ; L umings. All kinds mourning ti y es ? in(?S) an d all Cloths, Cassimeres and * £ lcn > s of Summer Good?, * kiiit wour ^rAT^’ CAPS » boots, s ;*°- ■ ' ’Summer lints for Boy’s, nn( i All kin»’ s a nd Childrens Shoes All kinds Lau y Gaiters; -tens, Linen Sheetings, ant Table aud Bet’ Li. Damask Table Cloths, Pillow Case Liu'.*® 8 * H Dowlas, &c. Damask Towels, CUTLERY OF HARDWARE AJVL - ds ALL RJN- i e; Mill Irons, Smith’s Tools; Tanner’s Too. 'lting Cloths. Smut Machines, Mill Saws; Bi GROCERIES. - Fuse; Blasting powder, Rifle powder, Saftj Floor Carpettings, Mattings, Rugs, Matts, the Cloths, &c.; all of which he offers at lowest market prices, either for cash or a proved credit. [Athens. April i3. V. B. PAMER’S AMERICAN NEWSPAPER AGENCY, PltlLADELPHAI—NEW-YORK—BOSTON. Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, 4 c. T HE Subscriber, Agent for most of the Newspapers and Periodicals of America, especially deputed to receive subscriptions and advertisements, and authorized by the proprietors to give receipts, Hereby gives Public Notice, that current ] notes of specie paying Banks may be remitted to him by mail from all parts of the United States, in payment of Subscriptions for any Magazine, Newspaper, or Periodical for which he is the Agent, whether Daily, Semi- weekly, Tri-weekly, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly, of all sections ofthe Union ; which will be forwarded by mail or otherwise, as directed, for the period designated, or to the full amount remitted. Subscribers should write plainly the Name, Post Office, County or Parish, and State, to which subscriptions shall be sent. Rend’ 11 " Rooms, Libraries, Lyceums, Clubs, Hotels, and Public Initiations generally, as well as individuals, will be supplied with any number of Newspapers and Periodicals, at the Publishers’ Prices. Information in regard to Newspapers, Magazines, aud all other Publications, to gether with their Prices, will be cheerfully communicated, aud all orders promptly snp- plie<L Advertisements will be inserted in any one paper, or, ( from a sing le copy,) in any number -of papers desiguuU’d, to the full amount of any section or distri> «t in the Union, at the Publishers’ lowest rate s. aud reliable explanations will be given of p laces, charac ter, circulation, and prices, aw d tbir adap tion to various business pursuit as adver tising mediums, The following list embraces a few popu lar city Papers and Periodicals, w.’th Prices annexed; for which, together with- the pro minent Political and Commercial P apers.of the day, the subscriber will receive su bscrip tions, viz: JFLant's Vermifuge.—The effects of this truly extraordinary medicine are moat satis- f ctory in all cases in which it has been tried No other medicine has ever produced such effects so instatanenusly. It has only to be administered, and relief follows as a matter of course. It has been used in the practice ofthe best physicians of our country, and by them been pronounced equal, 4f not su perior to any mediciue ever offered for the ex pulsion of worms. Read the following:— George Maxwell, Augusta,0. has used it with great effect in his family, and has sold large quantities, which have giveu the highest satisfaction. J. H. Cutter, merchant, Louisville, gave a dose to his child, who discharged a quart of worms. He had tried other Vermifuge iu vain. D. J.«fc J.W. Cotton,Winchester, Ind. happen ed to get a lot from an agent which was soon sold out, aud proving highly efficacious, be came very popular, and sold more rapidly than any other Vermifuge. Sold in Athens -,y Drs. Smith a Hill. The attention c: our l eaders is called to Professor Holloway's Advertisement in an other part of our co'.umns. The world wide renown of his Pills and Ointment are too -jvell known to require much comment from us; but they arc, without doubt, the mest efficacious remedies for many complaints. Many of our readers have derive ! immense benefit from using the Pills in cases of bile aud general derangement of the stomah and bowels and jio cutaneous disease can resist uvativopowers ofthe Ointment—the oflcct c the human frame is astonishing. on g ^ ’d in Athene by C, W. «t H. R. J. Long -iNsuMPTioN is, without doubt, the most rit <• tal of all diseases, (except epidem fearfully ta carr yiug thousands to untimely ics) annually ^f ten col ,i<l the ravages of this S ra , ve j'- H°w ■ , prevented if timely remc- arch destroyer bv i| a yj n o- the inflammation dies were used in a ,£ ° cold . For Coughs produced by an ordu ^ other 8imilar dis . Colds, Sore Throats an. n^erry Expectorant leases, Stabler s Anodyne reC ommended as ' a ® £ ,s , D0t nd others, who l 'allible, but medical men a. . . tes< .j inj used and administered it ’ , cac have toils extraordinary eU 0 d as such mony a be a “good medicine, a u . known t, to tbe public; as also ‘‘j owel« is offered ‘ardial, for diseases ofthe . ’ _ * Diarrhoea C. s pamphlets, to be had ^" fi . See descriptiv. b r j ce f or each, only 50 ce. n * of the agents. - '2 50. or six bottles for >. \ .Proprietors, wholesale E. H.Stnblcr & C, Druggists, Baltimore. R. J. Long, Athens, For sale by C. W. <fc B. ’ly. and by druggists genera* ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. couxenn weekly, by pitnxr and England ATHENE April 11. Bagging (Gunny) yd 18 to 20 Buie Rope, per lb.... 14 l-l Manilla Kope•* “ ....... 25 23 •lagging Twine. .— 25 80 Bacon Sides lli 12i “ Hams 12 12} “ Shoulders 10 ll Lard.... 12 14 Butter ...... 12 15 Tallow 10 12 Tallow Candles. ..... 18 20 Sperm do — 45 50 Star ' do..........—..... 30 35 Coffee Rio .................... 14 15 Coffee Java. 15 16 Tea 100 125 Rice 8 8 Sugar,Brown 8 12i “ Clarified 10 10J “ Crashed ... 12i 12$ *• Loaf 12i 14 Molasses,per gal... 35 37 N. O. Syrup ....... 45 50 Salt, per Bushel.... 86 90 Salt, Liverpool Sack 200 225 Steel,Cast ..... 21 26 “ German 15 16 “ Blister 10 12 “ Spring... 10 12 Iron, common size .... ....... 6 6 “ 7inch wide 7 8 •• Band 7 8 “ Nail rod. 8 10 Sheet 8 9 Castings 5 6 Nails, per Keg «... 6 7 Powder,Rifle....... —vr.-. 65 70 Blasting * 550 CO Lead --....... 10 12} Shot, per Bag 25u 275 Cotton per Bale .— . 5$ 3} TAKE NOTICE. A CCOUNTS for the last quarter are now due, and payment thereof required. D, N. JUDSON. April 6 FOR SALE. A Cottage Residence* C ONTAINING eight good rooms, with closets, pantry, and dairy, &c. A good kitchen, smoke-house, servants rooms,stable, carriage-honse and other ont buildings. The lot contains two acres, is wdl im proved, has on it a never-failing well, of as good cool water as can be had in Clarke coun- tv, and a number of eboiee fruit trees. Situated in Cobham, town of Athens. Apply to C. a OLIVER. Athens April 5,1855, 8m TAKE NOTICE. A CCOUNTS for the last quarter are now due, and payment thereof required. My terms are cash, or three mouths. Ap5 WM. N. WHITE. JUST RECEIVED, M AURY’S Physical Geography ofthe Sea, Johnson’s Works, Boswell’s Life of Johnson, Harper’s Story Books. No. 4, Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern, Duels and Duelling, Roe’s A Long Look Ahead, Poems and Ballads or Gerald Massey, D’Abrontes Memoirs of Napoleon. Apl5 WM. N. WHITE. READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! : VN -N- V. Can be found the largest nssortmi ut of MEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered ia this market. Also, FDRNISIHNf* GOODS: Tvunks, Yalises, Carpet-Bagsmbreltasy. Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate aU the articles we have on hand,,’ but would cordially welcon e all to fjej-come and examine for themselves, Athens, April 13,1854. R. L. BLOOMFIELD'S. Flour per bbl 105012oU Wheat per Bushel 126 150 Corn “ 11 .............. 90 l00 Meal “ ;90 100 Oats “ “ —— 60 60 Rye “ “ .............. 75 100 Indigo,Spanish —...... 125 150 Madder lb — 16 25 Copperas. — 4 5 Blue Stone ...... —- 18 20 Oil, Linseed 137 150 *- Lamp, Winter 150 175 » « Fall 100 125 ** Train 90 100 White Lead, Keg 25 lb 225 250 Glass, Box 8 by 10 275 300 Mackerel. No. 3 bbl 1200 1400 4 bbls No. 2 1100 1200 “ i bbls No. 2 400 450 Beeswax .... — 20 22 Feathers - 35 40 Wool ..... 25 so Tobacco — . • 25 40 Yarn per bale, 4C bunches 85 85 “ Retail 90 90 Osnaburgs, per Bale 9 10 44 Retail 10 11 Shirt ng 5, per bale 44 Retail 8) 9 9 10 STARTLING, BUT TRUE! What everyWoman should KIYOW. R EADER, are you a kusbaud or a father? a wife or a mother? Have you the sin cere welfare of thoseyou love at heart ? Prove your sincerity, and lose uo time in learning what causes interfere with their health and happiness not less than your own. It will avoid to you and your;, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating tbe mind for its ordiiary avocation and exhaustiug those means for medical attendance,medicines and advertised nostrums, which otherwise would provide lor declining years,the infirmi ties of age and tbe proper education of your children. How often it happens, that tbe wife lingers •rom year to year in that pitiable condition, asmot even for one day to fofi -the happy and exhilarating influence iucident to the enjoyment of heath, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health &9 connected with the marriage state, the violation of :vbicb entails disease, and mise- $3=*L003L REYNOLDS & BRl.'Ti (Over Sansom <k Pit tare r ®>) *, ga. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, ATB.® 11 their Invite the attention of the public ?.° de preparations for PRINTING, in all Rs partraents. They are prepared for the execution’ 1 01 . Bills, Circulars, Cards, Tickets, Pamphlets,«. - c > and are Printers of Cobb’s Refors. \ ! Sept 21,1854. ly R. & B. NEW GOODS AGAIN- 1 1HE subscriber is opening a full nssort- . ment of Staple and Fancy Spring and Summer Goods—among which, are an unus ually handsome assortment of Muslins, Berages, Prints, and other dress Goods; Bonnets, Ribbons, Summer Hats, Shoes and Boots—all of tbe latest styles—good and fine, to which lie invites the attention of bis friends and cust imers, to whom he will sell at his usual low prices, with short profits for cash or cash terms. Call soon and choose the best. Mar. 29. ISAAC M. KENNEY. Philadelthia. Commercial List Sat. Am. Courier Sat Evg. ''ost Bickncll’ti Reporter Dollar Newspaper $4 00 2 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 To Bridge Builders. o BALED proposals will be received by the O Inferior Couit of Clarke county until Thursday, l«tk May next, for building the wood work of a lattice Bridge over the Oconee river between the town of Athens and the Rail Road Depot The entire length of the Bndge will be u00 feet Builders will designate iu their pro posals the difference between the cost of constructiug two spans.of 150 feet each, and three spans of 100 feet each- The Bridge to be covered with good heart shingles, aud weather-boarded vertically v?\t>\i plauk 8 inches wide and one inch thick, opening two inches, and tbe spaces to be a •« 1_ I . aa 4 ti- Ilia Ann AI1P Tucket I’* Mo. Journal 4 00 Arthu’s Home Mag. 2 00 Fitzg. City Iiem 2 00 Episcopal Recorder 2 50 CnrisLiin Chronicle 2 00 Christain Observer 2 50 Godov’s Ladies’ Book 3 00 Graham’s Magazine 3 00 New Yosk. Home Journal 2 00 Shipingfc Com.' 1st 6 00 Dicken’a H. Words 3 00 Scientific American 2 00 Dye’s Bank Miror 2 Oo Spirit ofthe Times 5 00 Knickerbocker Mag. 3 00 Albion » 00 Thompson’s Bank Note Reporter,. 00 Ctmr. des Rials ' ms 3 00 Harpers’ Magazine 3 00 Patnam’s Magazine 3 00 Hunt’s Mer. Magazine 3 00 Independent 3 American Organ, (Washington Nzw Yovz, „ Evangelist 87 9? Christain Adv-tJonr. 1 50 Cliurchman Observer Freeman’s Jou mal National Magaa ine Ladies' Nations.’ da. Water Cura Journal Plouih. Loom Sc. Anv. Working Farmer Bostos. Yankee Blade A me lean Union Flag of our Union Gleason’s Pictorial I,aw Repnrtor Literary Museum Liteli’s Living Age Mass. Ploughman New Eng. Farmer Cultivator Pilot Waverly Magazine Olive Branch North American Rev. 5 40 Brownson* Quar’ly Review 3 SO Dwight’s J. of Music 9 «) 2 0# 8 50 •J 00 Q 00 2 00 1 r- , 3 ' 11 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 9 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 50 2 00 2 00 NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby notified not to bay or trade for a promissory uote, dated on or about the 20th March last past, paya ble twelves months after date to Dr. W. S. Walton, or bearer, for the amount of twenty- five hundred dollars, signed by Milton Sayre, and Sarah Winstead, the cnnsidsrnticn hav ing failed, the payment will be resisted. MILTON SAYRE- Atbens, April 12, 1855.4t Notice- T WO months after date, application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Walton county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Elisha ceased. April 12. H. H. CAMP Adm’r. D. C.,) daily, 85 OO .. .. . “ weekly, 2 Of 1 Galiguani’s Messenger, Paris, France, 6 £. or 30 OU In addition to the above, the subscriber U prepared to furnish all the principal Dailj- and Weekly Papers, of both City aud Coun- Chance to Make Money Profitable and Honorable Emplyment 1 'lHE Subscriber is desirous of having an agent in each county and town of the Un- 10,1. A capital of from 5 to $10 only will be re< juired and auything like an efficient, ener- *et ic man can make front three to five dol lars per day ;—indeed some of the Agents now employed are realizing twice that sum. Every information will be given by address- paid) WM. A.KINSLER, * 1228, Phila., Pa„ Post Office. covered with battens 4 inches wide and one 1 tr ,. ( 0 f all the States of the Union, Magazines, inch thick. The timbers under the floor to Reviews, and Periodicals, together with aU be of heart pine, and the other materials of I thc Publications and Standard M orks good quality. The whole to be completed of the day, at the Publisher s lowest Prices ~ Having Offices in each of the cities of Philadelphia, New-York.andBoston, with competent Assistants, he possesses every reasonable facility for carrying out, prompt ly and satisfactorily, the Orders of all wh^ mav command bis services. Address, * V. B. PALMER. American Newspaper Agent, P uh,!IA, Boston or New-York. April 12. 1855. good quality. - . by the 1st day of November, next. Proposals .way be directed to either ofthe uudersignei..: WILLIAM DICKEN, J. L C. K. u. NEWTON J. I. C. Y. L. G. HARRIS J. L C. W. J\ HUTCHINSON, Jr. J. I. C. iu ' S. 1WU1IAM, J. I. C. .April. I* U855. r* _ . 0/new crop Rio Coffee, tor sure, 50 l«v * by T. Bishop tf Sou. March . «. * /-\ in., 1 rime uew Molasses, for sale 50*!»,. *.y .r, * s-n 1 FRESH find |Y on liand at April 13 11ICE. *00(1 article of Rice always P. A. Sl’MMEY & BRO ' O LD GOYT. JAVA COFFEE, very fine— afresh supply .just received by T. Bishop 4 Son. March 22. LIST of Letters remaining in the Post- A Office at Watkinsville,Ga., April 1,1855, Buehell H G Pope R G Bush ell J J Poole T W Burnett Mary Pattile John Rev Bradbury William! Stewart Alfrid Cox Jacob N Stewart Thos M Culberson William A 2 TbrasherMary B Couds James Doster Mathew B Daniels Jessco Hinesly W M Hamilton J Low John H Col Macon Thos G Maxey B * “ And must this coutinue ? Must this be ? I .. are no remedy ? No relief t No hope ?” The remed y 13 by knowing the causes and avoiding' ^bem, aodkaowing the remedies and benefittinj b Y .. These ar.’ ?° ,nted out ,fl THE i?l ' RRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE k’SDICAL COMPANION, SYDB.A- M- MAURKEAli, fcofessob or m-mua or wome.v. One Hundredth Edition (-' 00 ' 000 J 18mo -. PP-250. [OX,.« B.NDIJIO, $.100.) V standard work ofextaj’^slied reputation - 4 classed in the cat*Jo K ’>; of S rea j foun i a New-Vork, Ph. ladelphm, aud U ade . and sold by the pr.’B'-'Jpal bimk- oth er ci. United States. It yaa “ rs f selle. '* * n > 1847, since which time DubliPL' ed 11 wired Wieowa4ft>p.'e4 1 Fiv. ’ Hn ' «i which there were up wa.'us have beet. 1 8olu - lUo»»«»nd S>e»t b, v of oneht^ n *b the high estimation in mail, attv ' st,n S reliable popular M.«di- which it is heJ d « » 'VERY FEMALE cal BOOK F OK. l Jbis exclusive at- ; the author having* dev ° l ftfomplaiuts pecu*: teution to the treat’ nent 0 - 4«wh he ; is yearly liarjto females,in respv’ 011 ® '' % p.Orsou aud consulted bv thousands. l,0,n by letter. * discow V*/ C °m- Hcre every woman can W ,fle- paringher own symptoms <*nd scribed, the nature, character, ca “ses • . the proper remedies for, her com, S»s The wife about becoming a m-. ot “er. , often need of instuction and adviCv ofth, utmost importance to her future healv » respect to which her seusitiveness forWds consulting a medical gentleman will find °° u such instruction aud advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would oc- casionanxiety or alarm, wall the peculiari ties incident to her situation are described. How many are suftering from obstructions which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice !— Many suffer from prolapsus uten ( falling of the womb), or from Juor albusj weakness, debility, &s.) Many are m constant agony for many mouths preceding confioement- Many havedifficult, if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain recoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find in.its pages the tneaixs of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to . fully the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the mar ried o.* those contemplating marriage. _ In consequence of the universal populari ty of the work, as evidenced by Ha extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, rb well on booksellers as on the public, by imitations of the title page, spuri ous editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and decep tions, it has been found necessary, therefore, 10 CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless the words^ Dr. A. M. STATE OF GEORGIA,) CLARKE COUNTY. ) Superior Court. February Term, 1855. T O the Superior Court of said county. Tbe petition of Wm. P. Talmage and John F. Phinizy respectfully shows, that heretofore, to wit, on tbe eleventh day of March, in tbe year 1851, William Kelsea, of said county, made his certain deed of mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, his own proper hand and seal thereto annexed, to one Washington C. Yoakum, said mortgage deed has been recorded in the Clerk’s Office of said Court on the 18th day of August, 1851, in Book P. folios 134 and 135, and which mortgage is here to the Court shown, where by tbe said Kelsea granted, bargained A sold unto the said Yoakum, his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Athens, in said county, containing one acre, more or less, and bounded as follows, to wit: on the east by Mrs. P. Thomas, on the south by John A. Martin, on the west by the street, and on the uorth by Mrs. P. Thomas, and number one hundred and sixty-four in the plat of Cobb- ham—to hare and tohold to the said Yoakum, bis heirs and assigns forever—said mortgage deed conditioned to be null and void on the payment by said Kelsea to the said Yoakum of six hundred dollars—$150 to be paid on the first day of August, 1851—$150 on the 11th March, 1352—$150 on the 1st March. 1853 and $150 on the 1st March, 1854 and your petitions aver that afterwards, to wit, on the 24th day of December, 1852,the said Yoakum assigned and transferred the said mortgage to your petitioners, by writing en dorsed thereon, and your petitioners aver that the last payment in said mortgage mention ed. to wit, the sum of $150, due 1st March lS54,is now due, owing and unpaid—where fore, your petitioners pray that such proceed ings may be bad iu the premises as are it accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided, and will ever pray, Ac HARDEMAN A LANDRUM, Petitioners Attorneys’ WILLIAM P. TaLMAGE ) and JOHN F. PHINIZY, j Assignees, Ac. j-Mortgage,Ac WILLIAM KELSEA. J It appearing to the Court from the peti tion of Wm. P. Talmage and John F. Phinizy, that on the lltbday of March, 1851, William Kelsea of Clarke county, made his certain deed of mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, his own proper hand and seal being thereto annexed, to one Washingtoi C. Yoakum, which said mortgage wa9 re corded in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of said county, on the 18th day of August, 1851, in Book P. folios 184 and 135, whereby the said Kelsea granted, bargained and soldunto the said Yoakum, his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or pai cel of land, situate, lying and being in the town of Ath ens, in said county, containing one acre, more or less, and bounded as follows, to wit: on the east by Mrs. P Thomas, on the south by John A. Martin, on the west by the street, on the north by Mrs. P. Thomas, and number one hundred and sixty four (164) in the plat of Cobbham; said mortgage conditioned to be null and void on the paymeut by said Kelsea to said Yoakum, his heirs aud assigns, the sum of six hundred dollars—$150 to be paid on the 1st August, 1851—$150 on the March, 1852—$150 on the 1st of March, 1853—and $150 on the 1st March 1854.— It further appearing that the said Yoakum afterwards, to wit, 011 the 24th December, 1852, assigned and transferred said mortgage to the said Wiu. P. Talmage aud Johu F. Phinizy, for value received ; and it also ap pearing that the last said payment, to wit, §150 due 1st March, 1854, is now due and unpaid—It is Ordered, that the said William Kelsea pay into Couit, on or before the first aay of thenextTerm there of, the principal anj interest due ou said mortgage or show eyjisb to the contrary, or else have the Equi ty .«/ redemption to tho said mortgage pre mises forever barred and foreclosed. It is further .ordered by the Court, that a copy of this rule be served by the Sheriff on the said Kelsea three months before the next Term of this (Court, or that the same be published -oace a mopth in the Southern Watchman, a public gazette, for four months before the •ext Term of this £ourt A itw extract Srsfjl the minutes of said tfc, Given under my hati.d, at Ofhce, this , 4*y of March 1855. 2Gth * ' & JOHN C. JOHNSON Clerk. Apm, ~ To Officers, Soldiers, Seamen, &c., of all Wars; their Wid ows and Minor Children. S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney for Govern ment Claimants, Washington, D. C., C ONTINUES to give prompt aad personal attention to the prosecution of Claims of every description against the Government, and particularly to those before the Treas ury Department, Pension and Bounty L ind Bureaus, Patent and General Land Offices, and Board of Claims. An experience of years, and a familiarity with the means of obtaining t >e earliest and most favorable action on Claims, with his facilities for the dispatch of business, justi fy him in assuring his correspondents,- clai mants, aud the public generally, that' inte rests intrusted to his keeping will not be neglected. Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Pm* lic Land Laws. IRON J. ND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WOftKS I RON and Brass Castings of evesv variety Improved Iron Fnimes, Cisfular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to- the best. Steam- Engines, Forcing-Pumna, GoM-Mhueg Mills, Gin, and all other kinds of gearing. Mill- Irons and all kinds of Machtuery made to. ’ order. Iron Fencing of selcr* patterns, Plough and. Wagou Castings and Dog-1 rous. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assor’.mcnt of patterns ar<S tbej accumulation of years. A list will hk'sefi* 1 those addressing (post paid.) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent jan 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper,' brass and iron castings wanted. ly He has neavly ready for gratuitous distri bution among his business correspondents, (and those who may become such,) a neat pamphlet containing a synopsis of t e exist ing Pension, Bounty Land, Patent and Pub lic Land Laws, down to the end ot the late Congress—including the BOUNTY LAND ACT of 8d March, 1855, under which all who have heretofore received less than IG0 acres are now entitled to additional land ; said Act grants also 160 acres to all officers, non-commissioned officers, chaplains, sol diers, wagon masters, teamsters and friendly Indians ofthe army, including State troops volunteers aud militia—and all officers seamen, ordinary seameu, marines, clerks and landsmen, of the navy, not heretofore provided for, who have served not less than fourteen days (unless in battle) at any pe riod since 1776; and to the widows and mi nor children of all such persons entitled and deceased. This pamphlet contaius “ Forma-of Appli cation” moro full and complete than any elsewhere to be found; adapted to the wants of every class of claimants under tho Act, with copious decisions aud instructions of the Department, and practical suggestions, ns to the course to-be pursued in suspended or rejected casest Parties not wishing to avail themselves of the facilities afforded by this office in secur ing prompt and personal superintend nee of their claims at the Departments, can obtain copies ofthe above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents in postage stamps. Inducements to Correspon dents. Correspondents who prepare and forward cases for management by this Agency will be dealt with liberally; supplied with all necessary blanks gratis, ana kept constant ly advised of the changes that irom time to time occur in the execution of the law. It is within the subscriber’s power to di rect his correspondents to the locality of ve ry many persons entitled under the late Act; and having obtained several thousand 1 Land Warrauts under former laws, he is in possession of data that will materially 1 as sist in securing additional bounty. Fees, below the usual rates—and contin gent upuu the admission of Claims. The highest cash prices gived for Land Warrants, Revolutionary Scrip, and Illi nois Land Patents. Address T. M. KNIGHT, . Washington City. March 29. 4t. GOODS AT COST POR CASH! O WING to a change in our business, we of fer our stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hard ware, Hats, Caps and Crockeryware, and many other desirable goods, at cost, for cash. Persons wishing bargains will do well to CALL SOON. t^-As there will be a change in our busi ness, we desire all persons indebted' to us, ei ther by note or open account, to call soou and settle. Respectfully yours, jaai W. P. & J. C.TURNER. NEW GOODS. ~ I ll A VE just received a large stock of choice Family Groceries, and a general assort ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash or prompt payment at the end of each quar ter. D. N. JUDSON. Jan. 18, 1855. ARNOLD, CONSTABLE. & CO^ 62 Canal, and 49 «$• 61 Ho*as4 Streets, sswroav 1 ; I MPORTERS and Jobbers of French' and British Dry Goods, consisting iit part of' French and English Prints,' “ “ ‘‘Scotch Ginghams, “ Printed Jdconets, “ “ Organdies,' *• “ Barege, “ 14 Tissues,' “ 4 * real Grenadines, Plain Bareges and Tissues. Robes in Organdy, Barege, Tisstwsy Jt»*T Grenadine and Sillc,. Silks in. endless variety,foam low priced to the very riohest anil most elegant manu factured. ,. . , . Also, 100O pieces of Pluid ludiq . Silks of Yery high lustre and confined to patterns' Shawls—in Canton Crn]>e, Bnrcgc, Cash- mere and Stella. Mantillas—in Lnee, Apptica, and Silk, both imported and of our owq manufacture.' New patterns received by every stesmar- Also, French and 3 Scot oh Embroideries, Blndt English Crape Veils,’ Hosiery, Alexander's Silk Gloves, Fillet Mitts-,^Ribbons; and*other fancy articles. A. C. &.Co., have one or more Buyers con^' stantly in the European market*, and their | arrangements are such, tbnt they are lYo- ’ quently enabled to place before their curio*- , mers “ novelties’’ simultaneously with'their‘‘ appearance in Paris and Lyons. Six months buyers are invited to examine our stock. Feb. 14, 1855. 3m Carter Potatoes, A FEW borrels just received by - , jan25 T. BISHOP A SON. Oats, Oats. On A BUSHELS of fine soed^ats, for uUU sale by , Ffeh. 15,1855. T. BISHOP* Farmer’s Cradles. S CYTHE Blades, Grass Scythes, Reaphookk and Scythe Snathes, for sale by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY A BRO. _ BLACKSMITHING. T HE subscriber continues to carry on tho Black8mithingbusines8,in all its br«nch-.[ cs, at his old stand, near the Town Spring,in the rear of the Franklin House Row—where good tools, gooJ material, and very superior workmen await the orders of the public. He has in his employment an oxe-maker and horse-sboer, who cannot be excelled. Work warranted to be done well and at moderate prices, A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. M. E. McWIlORTER. , Athens, Feb 1 l> tr SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREAN GALLERY. T HE subscriber hne resentijy opened the ' Sky-Light Dagucrrean Gallery nearly opposite the Bunk, wlu-re he is ' take LIKENESSES in all kinds of we«1h«,' * and iu the most beautiful style of the art.' The public arc invited to call and examine specimens. J. F. 0 ! KELLY. Athens, Feb 1 ; tf rvnn fil>. —Clark e County. /n, ’Wy of said county, nrmriufrre AS darnca Wozencraft, Exe- ,,f ,’h„ ’ personal Estate of Thos. JV cutor Of the ^ coUQ deceased Wozencraft late of disc(iar £ e from said ’ petitions the^Conrt fora flll £ er80ua cou _ Executorship. Therefore, i\ cerued are hereby required * cause (if any they have) why said J- , not, at the regular term of saiu Court to be held on, the first Monday “ Nev “ eXt ’ be discharged form said l.xecut P-_ By order of said Court), at a reg thereof held this the 2d day of April, 1856 April 5, ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary^ Turnell Geo D Thrasher Benj F Tomlin R J Thompson James Turnell Elisa A Walden 0 R Whitehead William Whitehead R A TAOMAS SIMONTON, P, M 18®, DISSOLUTION. T HE partnership heretofore existing nnde» !?iefirm of TRAMMELL & MORTON, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be conducted hereafter by the undersigned. Mar. 29. P ICKLES. Underwood's uey’s. Mauriceau, 120 Liberty Street, N Y.” is on (and the entry in the Clerk’s Office on the back of) the title page; and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by kail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauncimu. m~ar- Upon receipt of One Dollar, THE u!ErME P D WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDI- CAL COMPANION” w sent (mailed free) to any part ot the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. AU letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A-M. MAU RICEAU, box 1224, New Y ork City. Pub- lithing Office, No. 129 Ltberty Street, New York. March 15, 185-5 Pickles, V INEGAR, s. 8. almonds, raisins, soda bis cuit and candies, of the best qualities, at feb8 KENNEY’S. COFFEE, COFFEE. C HOICE Coffees aud Sugars, on cash terms, cheap, at feb8 L M. KENNEY’s RIO COFFEE AND COFFEE SUGARS Of the bsst quality, always on hand, at Hec7 ' I. M. KENNEY’S. BUCKETS AND PAILS. W HITE u nd red cedar, oak, and a variety of Daintb. d buckets and pails, for sale K V P. A. 817MM1 low, by IEY& BRO. C RANBERRIES aud White Onions, just received by jan25 T. BISH'OP &S0N. BUCKWHEAT FLOUi?- A choice article “Holt’s best, at Dec7 L M. KENNEY'S. DISSOLUTION, J M. BILLUPS' withdrawal from the firm . of Luc us it Billups, renders it necessary'" to settle up all the business of ihe o.d firm;' aDd this is to request all persons indebted to’ us to come forward aud make payment, or-' close the accounts by note. The regular business will be contined by F. W. Lucas. LUCUS & BILUPS. Feb. 22, 1855. Auction and Commission House, Athens, Ga. T HE undersigned, having taken tbe o!d : stand ofL. J. Lampkiu, for the purpose of doing a general Auction and Commission' business, respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends, and the public generally.— He is now prepared to receive produce or merchandise ou consignment, winch will be closed out with despatch, and to the best advantage our mnrket will afford. March 1.1855. T. M. LAMPKIN. W. G. DELON Y, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W ILL give his special attention to collect ing, and to the claims of all persons en titled to Land Warrants, under the late Bounty Land Bill of the last Congress; fy Office on Broad Street over the stsro of I. M. Kenney. March 15—1855—tfl C. G. TRAMMELL. best at Ken- March 29. G INGER Preserves—real 44 chow chow at Kenney’s. Mar. 29 SPRING X S upon us in all its glory, and summer is is fast advancing. With these seasons also c an , e diseases peculiar to them, in the form of Eruptiol na > Pitnplas, Blotches, -aud worst of all. Ring- >Y orm - The best remedy for such, and certainly the most agreeable, is “Mar shall’s Ring-worn: and Tetter Lotion.” It will .cert tinly cure, and quickly—it does not stain the skin, aud ia an agiPeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W.H.«kJ. TURPIN, Dealers in pure Family Medicines, JunelS Broad street, Auguste, Ga. /■'lIGARS and Smoking Tobacco, cheap, at 1 ’ — March 29. Kenney’s. L AND Warrants.—Claims made out under the new law. and Warrants bought at the best prices, by Isaac M. Kenney. March 29. HARD TIMES. A LL persons indebted to me by note or account, are respectfully requested to call and settle without delay. Jan. 18,1855. P- N. Jl'BSOB. REMOVAL. M. MORTON & SON hi.vo removed Stock of Goods to No. J2. Utely occupied by Mr. L. J. Lumpkin, Franklin H °AlTpwrans owte’8 ua will pleas, call and A new comforta*.. 1 " dwelling, with 8 rooms and out houses, late.'/ occupii d by Mr. Sledge, opposite the Metlv? d i*t Church, to rent by Wm. M. Mortou. March 15—1855 3t. TiRESERVES—Ginger and Chow-chow X Preserves, and all sorts of PICKLES/or sale by P. A SUMMEY & BRO. E XTRA Fine French Calf Skins, just re ceived and for sale, low, by T. Bishop & Son. March 22 F RESH Salmon in lb. cans, cheap, at Ken ney’8. March 29. M ACKEREL-Nos. I. 2. 3, at retail, at f*b8 KENNEY’S. L AMPandTRAIN OIL—Bleached Winter and Fall Sperm Oil, and a superior arti cle of Train Oil. by the barrel or gallon. W. H. & J. TURPIN, Jlinne Druggists, Augusta,G» P ICKLES, Pickles, Pickles. Wm. Under wood’s genuine, of every variety, for sale, by T. Bishop & Son. March 22 R EFINED GELATINE and Irish Mass for sale, by T. Bishop & Son. March 23. ■Hi