The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, April 12, 1855, Image 4

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I fe The Lift-Clock. TRANSLATED FROM TUK GERMAN. There U a Utile myatie cloak. No human eye has seen: That beateth on—that bcateth ou, From morning uut*l e’en ; And when the soul is rapped in sleep, And heareth not a sound, It ticks.afed ticks, theflive long day, And never runneth down. Oh, wondrous is the work of art, Which knells the passing hour. But art ne'er formed, nor mind conceived. The life-clock’s magic power, Not set in gold, nor decked with gems, By pride and wealth possessed ; But rieh or poor, «r high or low, Each bears it in his breast. When life’s deep stream,’mid beds of flowers, All still and Boftly glides, Like the wavelet's step, with a gentle beat, It warns of passing tides. When pauion nerves the warrior’s arm, For deods of hate and wrong. Thongh heeded not the fearful sound, The knell is deep and strong. When eves to eyes are gazing soft, And tender words are spoken. Then fast and wild it rattles on, As if with love ’twere broken. Such is the clock that measures life, Of fl.-sli and spirit blended; And thus’twill run within tbebreas’. Till that strange life is ended. THE DEAD PAST. Dim grows the sky and dark the air, And shadow* settle everywhere, Move where the embers streak th» wall With flames that soon in darkness fall. Tensive I sit, relapsing fast Into tbc dead and sileut Past, The Past returns—tbc dead are here; Was that a whisper in my ear I No, dear one, no 1 I did not sigh, Nor does a tear bedim mine eye ;• ’Twas the officious lights you brought, And sonv.'thing alien to my thought, But even if my tears do flow, I weep for pleasure, not for wo ; I weep because 1 love thee so! $riff splits. « VARIETY, THE SPICE OP LIFE." The most splendid efforts of genius are less the effect of inspiration than they are of profound thinking. Few things are necessary for the wants of this life, but it takes an infinite ■number to satisfy the demand of opfh- •ion. Prosperity is no just scale: adversity ’is the only true balance to weigh a friend. 'When you pay for your coat double iits value, why is it like your wife?— {Because it is very dear. -'AMatch Making Machine.*—A i fashionable mother’with four marriagable daughters. •*;I know every rack on the coast,’ cried tbcflrish pilot, when the ship then bump* .<fd, ‘and that’s one of them,' A Womans bight.—To jilt a lover The reason why a certain frog got into a milk>can, was because the con tents could not be distinguished from his native element. One of our Western villages passed an ordinance forbidding traverns to sell liquor on the Sabbath to any persons ex cept travelers. The next Sunday every nmn in town was seen going around with a valise in one hand and two sad dlebags in the other. Ingenious people, those gin and sugar imbibers. Something for Tailors.—A young lady, recently returned from a boarding school, being asked at the table if she would take some more cabbage, replied: By no means, Madam; gastronimical satiety admonishes me that I have ar rived at the uttimate of culinary degluti- nation consistent with the creed of iEsculapius.’ Gratitude. Deep on the solid marble slab, Let benefits be traced In lasting characters Which time can ne’er efface. But write the thoughts of injuries Upon the moving sand, Where, every passing breeze Blots out the traces of tby hand—,M.D It is an be able to mould iron, to be skilful in working cloths, wood, clay, and leather. It is man's vocation to raise corn, to subdue the fibre of the cotton, and convert it into beautiful robes, full of comfort, which will gra dually [banish slavery, tyranny, war, disease, aud vice from the vital world, and unite mankind in one great brother hood. Chcrcii Property Bill.—The Church Property bill, which has passed one branch of the New York Legisla ture, confiscates the property now held bv ecclesiastics, upon their death, to the State, and directs the State to grant it to incorporated religious societies, who ■hall have occupied the property. During their life said ecclesiastics are to be recognized by the act as holding the property in trust for the benefit of the congregation or society using the same, From Liquor to Literature.— “ In the Texas market,” says a writer from that State, “ the demand has sud denly changed from liquor to literature. Public libraries and reading-rooms are taking the place of grogshops and bril liant saloons, in this new and prosperous State.” Are we a Sober People ?—The enormous quantity of 47,000,000 gallons of whisky, rum, and brandy, and 35,000,- 000 gallons strong beer, were made in the United States during the last year; being more than three gallons apiece to every man, woman, child, and sucking baby, black and white, in the country. Stfrl Here! npHE subscriber tenders his thanks to his JL friends and customers for the manner in which they have sustained him the past year -■-and hoping that their kindness will not abate, he has determined to continue busi ness at his old stand, selling Goods LOWER THAN EVER, For cash or cash terms. He will do his best to let no one go away un suited in quality or price.- So, come on with your cash—settle np, if von owe anything “ be sure you are right, then go ahead.” . I am selling my Dry Goods , Hardware, Ac. to suit the times, againss anctione, cost houses and every thing else. ISAAC M. KENNEY, janll Opposite No. 2, Broad street. REMOVAL. MOORE & CARLTON H AVE removed to No. 7J, Granite Row, Athens, Ga., where they will be pleased to wait upon all their old friends and hosts of new ones. They have on hand a very complete assort ment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which will be sold at prices corresponding with tbo hardness of the times. t^TCall and examine the stock. Athens, Feb I tf That Commission House OP Frugality may be termed the daugb •ter of prudence, the sister of temperance, -aud the parent of liberality. Why is a spendthrift’s purse like a thunder cloud ! Because it keeps con tinually lightening. The Homocpathic Principle.—Our classic contributor thinks that when a young lady is offended with a kiss, the only remedy is to give her another, ac cording to the theory similia, similar— bus curautur 1 Very likely The following is from a down-east pa per • Oh there is not in the wide world a plea sure so sweet, As tomt near the window and tiltnp your feet! Pnll away at the Cuba, whose flavor jnst suits, And gaze at the world twixt the toes of yonr boots!” Some milk sop down East has got out a patent to keep cows tails still while they are being milked Well 1 we will go up to our neck in ditch water if some other inventive genius will get out a patent to keep the pump handle still after the cows are milked. The phrase ‘almighty dollar,’ origi nated with Washington Irving, who first made use of it in his charming little ■ketch of *a creole village,’ which ap peared in 1837. u Motiier, I heard sissy swear.’ “What did she swear?” Why she ■aid she wasn’t going to wear her darned stockings to church.” J. V. Ellot r of Boston, assures us that it is better to steep the felon finger in a hot lye of wood ashes, than in water alone; lie cured one on his finger without lancing, in this manner. The pain ceas ed entirely after soaking the finger for fifteen minutes. For unadulterated economy, com mend us to the German. Give him a salary of forty cents a day, and in ten years he will own a brick block, a fat horse, nine childern, and a vrow broader than she is long, and as good natured as a blind kitten. ‘ Patrick, you fool, what makes you stale after that rabbit,when your gun has no lock on T * IIusli! hush! my darlint, the rabbit don’t know that!’ 1 What would our wives say, if they knew where we were?’ said the captain of a * down-east’ schooner, when they were beating about in a thick fog, fear ful of going ashore. ‘Humph! shouldn’t mind that, if we only knew where we were ourselvesj!’ * Tom, why did you not marry Miss G—V ‘ Oh ? she had a sort of hesitancy in her speech and so I left her.’ ‘ A hesitancy in her speech, I never heard of that before—are you not mista ken ?’ * No—not at all; for when I asked her if she would have me, she hesitated to say yes, and she hestitated so long, that I cut for another girl.’ TINLEY& HERRON’S, CHARLESTON, S.C. T HE only house doing business ia that city that actually /tad any experience in Re ceiving aud Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Carolina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open for the Receiving and Forwarding of all kinds of goods wares, merchandise, machinery, produce, Ac. If yon want your goods fer warded without the vexatious delays and enormous expense bills paid tbo last season, aud at the same time havo your business done in such a man ner that somebody will be made responsible for the damaged and lost packages, consign them to Tinlet A Herron, who have Received and Forwarded all Goods consigned to them during all the past season without any extra charge over those established rates as given below, and up to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herron was Clerk of the Receiv ing and Forwarding Department of the South Carolina Rail Road Company for tho past sSveu years and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tariffs and rules of shipment,both by railroads and vessels, to gether with the mode of procedure to secure damages and pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which will be ta’.cn in all such cascB without loss or delay to the owners. Another important advantage is tbathis thorough knowledge ofnll freights and rales of shipment enables him to instantly dctect and correct any overcharge in the Bills of lading which in all cases has to be done at that time, or be lost to the owner, in many instances greatly exceeding the com missions we charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that city, therefore we will under all circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to us. All produce, such as Wheat, Flour,,Corn Corn Meal, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs,Cotton Rice, Rye, Oats, Hay, Tobacco, Wool, Feath era, Beeswax, Potato's, Onions, &c‘,consign ed to ns will be promptly sold and the pro ceeds returned without keeping the money a few months to speculate upon; for we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no speculation whatever; all that we is our commission, as follows; For Receiving and Forwarding all ordinary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of tnrnitnre and machinery, charges according to responsibility. Iron and steel in loose bars 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you cau save by depositing the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in this market, making the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. TINLEY & HERON. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 1855. We beg leave to refer to the followin gentleman : Rev. Thos. W. Atkin, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Asheville. P. D. Gates, 12 Broadway, New York. Col. James Gadsden, Charleston. John Caldwell, President of S. C. R. R Thos. Warning, Auditor “ “ “ John King, Agent “ “ “ Hyatt, McBurney & Co., and J. S & Bowie 4 Co., Charleston. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State ; A R. Crozier, Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M. Swan, Nashville, Tenn. French 4 Van Eppe, and J. J. Bryant Chattanooga. Q. A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and merch ants generally, Loudon, Tennessc. N. amnion & Son., T. J. & C. Powell New Firm and New Goods, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, dee. etc. IVIandevillc & Talmadge TTAVE jnst returned from New,York,witb 11 a large and beautiful assortment of the above named articles, which they will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere A great variety of rich Jewelry of the latest style—Broaches, Pins, Ear and FingerRings, gold guard and fob chains, gold Pens and Pencils, gold and silver Buckles, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of col'd Glasses; Warranted sterling silver table, dessert and teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles lually kept in a Jewelry store. The superior advantages which the sub scribers possess over those unacquainted with the business, in purchasing directly from the manufacturers and importers, and being practical jewelers, renders them capable of properly judging the value of all they pur chase and recommend to the public. In the department of Watch aud Jewelry Repairing, we are determined, by careful ana neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to merit the approbation of the public favor. An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest stple, always on hand, from seventy-five cts. to one hundred and seventy-live dollars—all warranted perfect time-keepers. ' . S Mandeville, 1 W. A.Talmadge. Corner of Broad street and College Av. one door cast ofPcterson's bookstore. Dec 22,1554. In a crowd, looking at the body of a ■nan killed on a railroad, a Tat Dutch man remarked, ‘In the midst of life we are in det ! (death.) An Irishman standing by, answered. Be jnbers, you may well say thu», for he owed me two dollars. A Young Lady was recently cured cf palpitation of the heart by a young M. D., in the most natural way imagina ble. lie held one of her hands in his, put his arm round her waist, and whis pered something in her left ear. “ Mind, John, if you go out in the yard, you will wish you had staved in the house.” “ Well, if I stay in the house, T will •wish I was out in the yard ; so where is ithe great difference, dad!” A Western paper, in speaking of a Miewly elected Senator,says his ignorance iis so dense th it the auger of common sense will be longer in boring through .it, than it would take a boiled carrot to bore through the Hoosic mountain. Awful 1—In its statistics of murder 'for the past year the Now York Herald •fays that there were 36 wives killed by .their husbands; 6 husbands killed by dheir wives; 21 children killed by their parents; 3 parents killed by their chil dren ; nr.d 5 brothers killed by brothers, jn the United States, Craighead and Deaderick, Knoxville, Tenne- see.t W. & T Harris, Inman 4 Hamilton. Bran ur A Mitchell, Fains 4 King, Dandridge Tenn. C.W.&H. R. J.LONG, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATHENS, GA. TT EEP constantly on hand a large and well _LV selected stock of Paints, Oils, .Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Window Glass, Putty, $c. $c ; Also, dealers in French, Englishand Amen can Chemicals, Drags, Medicines, Per fumery and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchant* and all others can depend upon their orders meeting prompt attention, upon the most accommodating terms. Their goods will be warranted as repre sented. January, 1854, NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Nelson Ridgeway, late of Clarke county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them for payment in the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said deceased, are requested to make payment ’mmediately. JAMES M RIDGEWAY JOHN N. RIDGEWAY. March 8, 1855. NOTICE. W E are still offering at our old stand, a 1 irge stock of ftp fO J comprising ALL KINDS USUALLY KEPT IN THIS MARKET, which weare daily offering at low priees. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for good* at the market price. Call aud see us. Janl3 PITNER & ENGLAND The American’s Friend. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. T O the Citizens of the United States: I most humbly thank you for the immense pat ronage which you have bestowed upou my Pills. I take this opportunity of stating that my ancestors were all American Citizeus, and that I entertain for all that concerns America and the Americans, the most lively sympathies, so much so that I originally compounded these l’ills expressly to suit your climate, habits, constitutions, and manner of iving, intending to. establish mysell among you, which I have now done, by taking pre mises in New York. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 38, corner Ann aud Nassau Streets, N.Y PURIFICATION OF THE BLOOD AND Liver & Bilious Complaints. The Citizens of the Union suffer much from disorders of the Liver and Stomach, scarcely any are free from the influence of these des tructive maladies, hence life wears fast. The fair sex, perhaps the handsomest in the world, up to a certain period when,distros-s iug to say, many lose their teeth and good looks, while yet in the heyday of life. Such sad evils may be effectually remedied by con tinually keeping the blood pure, and the Liv er and stomach in a healthy action,when life will flow smoothly, and resemble plantain a congenial clime, where an eternal spring ap pears to reign. As it regards the preserva tion of the human frame, and the duration of , life, much may be effected, and I say fear an lessly, that health -.;nd life can be prolonged for many years beyond their ordinary limits, if Holloway’s Pills are taken to purify the blood atcording to tho rule 8 laid down for health contained in the directions which ac company each box. a case of weakness and debility, of TEN YEARS STANDING, CURED BY HOL LOWAY ,S PILLS. Copy of a Letter from Captain Jhon John son, Astor House, New York, dated January bth, 1854. To Professor Holloway, 38, Corner of Anu and Nassau Streets, N. Y. Sir,—It is with the most heartfelt plea sure I have to inform yoa that I have been restored to health andstrenght by taking your Pills. For the last ten years, I ouffer ed from a derangement of the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced to snch an extre mity that I gave up my Ship, never expect ing to go to sea anymore, as I had tried eve ry Remedy that was recommended to me, but all to no purpose ; and had given myself to despair, when I was at last recommeu to take yonr Pills. After using them for three months, the result is that I am now in better hes th than I have been for eleven years past, and indeed as well as ever l was in my life, You are quite at liberty to make thie known for the benefit of others. I re main, Sir, yours respectfully, (Signed) JOHN'JOHNSON These celebrated Pills aue wonderfully effica cious in the following complaints:— Adm’rs. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said County. W HEREAS, Eleanor H. Lowery, formerly Eleanor H. Overby, guardian of Sarah A. L. Overby,minor of Thomas Overby,deceas ed, is desirous of obtaining Letters Dismissory from said guardianship— It is therefore, upon the application of said guardian, ordered by the Court, that all per sons concerned, appear at the regular term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in March next, to show cause why said guardian should not be dismissed from said guardian ship. A true copy from the minutes of said court, at a regular term thereof, held this 8th day of January, 1855. janll ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. 880 AGENTS WANTED!! One for every County in the SUNNY SOUTH, To sell the Most Splendid History ever published,. Entitled, THE NEW WORLD. In two v.lumea bound in one, BY HENRY H. BROWNELL, A.M. I N presenting this work to the public, the . publishers believe that they are supplying* a desideratum, the want of which has been long felt by the reading community, and especially,by the people at large. No other work, much less any other single volume, contains the complete and extended view of entire American history which is here pre. seated. The plan and execution of the book are entirely new; the arrangement of the , various European Provinces under their re-' spective national heads, and the subdivision of ;hese into separate Colonies and States— due chronological order bein preserved— will, it is thought, make it of peculiar value as a bookc.f reference, and greatly facilitate a clear and accurate knowledge of general history. Also, THE OLD WORLD. In two volumes one, By Henry Howard Bro wneli., A. M. NEW CLOTHING! T HE undersigned are now receiving and opening their Spring Slock o£ CYotYimg, at their old stand, oposite the Post-Office on college avenue, Athens, Georgia, where they vUl be glad to see all of their friends and customers, and any one who wants to buy d'-GOOD AND CHEAP_*sp| Their stock has been selected tVP*° the best manufacturers in New York, ana being bought near the close of the season, 1 were bought from eight to twelve per cent, cheaper than those bought earlier in the season. We therefore confidently believe that we will sell you goods a little cheaper than you cau buy the same article at any other store in the place. Our stock consists of all kinds of MEN’S WEAR, Such as Black and Fancy colored Froek aud business Coats; Black and fancy colored Cassimcre Pants, and all kinds of black thin Coats and Pants; Also brown Buff and White Linen Coats and Pants'; Also a geueral variety of Vests of all the different kinds; and a good assortment of BOYS’ CLOTHING. Also men’s Shirts anddrawers, undershirts, silk aud gauze; Shirt collars, and collar boxes, Stocks, Cravats, and Handkerchiefs, Cotton and Linen; Half-hose; Linen, Silk and Kid Gloves, of all kinds; also Portmonies, and silk Purses, aud Hair, Hat and Coat Brushes, and pocket and coarse Combs; also a good assortment of Gingham and black and colored Silk, and Umbrellas and Carpet Bags, and Trunks. We have constantly on hand the very best chewing Tobacco and fine Cigars, a good as sortment. We invite all buyers of the above articles to call and see us and let us show you our goods. WILSON 4 VEAL. May 4 COIIE AND M.EE! Spring & Summer Goods. McWhorter & erwin A BE now receiving and opening their sup plies of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Consisting of such articles as are usually kept in this market. Hardware, Crockery and Glass ; Hats. Caps, Boots and Shoes ; Saddlery, Sfc. Aud an endless variety of other articles, too tedious to mention. A11 of which they offer extremely low, for cash or country produce. Their friends and the public are respect fully invited to give them a call—examine their stock and prices—and if these suit, to patronize them liberally. Athens, April 20 You say. Mr. Smith, that you don’t like Jaycocks, why not ?” ‘ Because, be is always dealing in in nuendoes. No longer than last night, he said I was a d d thief, and what’s more, said he could prove it.’ The Court admitted that such ‘ in nuendoes’ were out of character,and gave a verdict accordingly. A young man in Boston recently wished to obtain a passage to California on board of the ship Queen of the Sea, but there was no vacant berth for him i>i the vessel, and to remove the diffi culty he married one of the young ladies, of whom several had engaged a passage to the land of gold and husbands. Of coarse there was no further reason why he should not sail in the Queen of the Seas. Impertinent Curiosity.—To look at the stitches in a ‘ ready-made’coat. To analyze an eating house pudding. To ask your tailor or shoemaker when he will send home your coat or boots. To ask a man if he belongs to the Nothings. A pedagogue threatened to punish a pupil who had called him a fool behind his back. ‘ Don’t! don’t! begged the boy, * I won’t do so again, sir, never. I will never speak what I think again in my life.* CASH MUSIC&PIANO STORK OF HORACE WATERS, No 333 Broadway., New York. OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY Music at Greatly Reduced Sates. N OTWITHSTANDING the combination of music dealers to keep up the prices of non-copyright music, against the interests of native composers, and their refusal to extend to Mr. Waters the courtesies of the trade, he is making immense sales—having abundant evidence, that be has public countenance and support, iu bis opposition to the Great Mo nopoly, and in his efforts to aid Native Talent, and to adopt the National Currency. His stock of American and European music is immense, and the catalogue of his own publi cations is one of the largest and best selected in the United States. He has also made a Great Deduction in the prices of Pianos, Me- lodeons and Masieal Instruments of aU kinds. Snperior toned 6£ octave pianos for $175, $200 and $225 interior of as good quality, and instruments as strong and as durable as those which cost $600. Pianos of every variety of style and price up to $1000 comprising those of ten different mann- faotories; among them the celebrated modern improved Horace Waters’ Pianos and the first premium Akdian Pianos of T. Gil bert 4 Co.’s make, (owners of the JEolian patent). Second-hand Pianos at great bar- ? ;ains. Prices from $40 to $150. Melodeons rom five different manufactories, including the well knowu S. D. & H. W. Smith’s melo- deous. (turned the equal temperament,) the beet make in the United States. Prices $45, $60, $75, $100, $115, $25. $135. and $150. Smith’s Doable Bank Melodeons, $200. Each Piano and Mclodeon guaranteed. The best terms to the trade, schools, 4o.: 124 per cent, discount to clergymen and churches. All orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all parts of the country, post-paid, at the re duced rates. General and select catalogues and schedule of prices of Pianos forwarded to any address free of charge. Fab. 15.1855. Sm Bad Legs Contracted and Lumbago Bad Breasts Stiff Joints Piles Burns Fistula* Rheumatism Bunions Gout Salt Rheum Chilblatus Glandular Scalds Chap’d hands Swellings Sore Nipples Sore Throats Skin Diseases Scurvy Sore Heads Ulcers Wounds • * « Sold at the Establishment of Profess or HollOway, 38, Corner of aun and Nassau Streets, New York; also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers iu Medicines through out the United States, in Boxes, at 374ccuts, 87 and $ 1.50 cents each To be had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union 8ST There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. , . N. B.—Directions for the guidance ofpatients in every disorder are affixed to each Box. if- Sold in Athens at the drug store of Smith 4 Hill. June 1 NOTICE. T HE subscribers are prepared to fill orders for all kinds of Spokes for Carriages and Wagons, Also, at the same establishment we manufoc turc all kinds of BOBBINS, commonly used in our cotton factories. A11 done as good and cheap as can bo had from the North. Address, P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. Athens, Ga. who will attend to all orders, and the ship ping of the same. March, 1854. ’W Clarke Sheriff* 9 s Sale. | Comprising an account of the foundation i progress aud decline of the most celebrated ‘ Empires. States and Nations, from the earliest '•' period to the present time—of their wars, > conquests and revolutions— of religious dis- * sension and persecution—of the gradual ex-" tension of freedom and civilization—and the final settlement of political relations on their present basis. These books comprise a complete history of the Would, in four volumes bound in two. ■ The character of the illustrations in these volumes are of higher aud more magnificent standard than has ever been attempted here tofore, being from designs by Dailey, Bil- • lings, Wallin and Doepler, and elegantly colored, (except the portraits,) with from’ five to nine different tints, true to nature, so as to impart a close resemblance to well- fini lied paintings. These works are printed from new and handsome type, also cn paperof extra quality as regards texture and permanency, and com prise over 2500 pages royal octavo, with numerous and diversified colored engravings, boun^ in embossed black morocco leather binding wiii Upped comers. <•'. - . To men of energy ***** business tact, tluo* offers an uu? ara lled chance to a S? 04 * ness by engaging an agency for these !."*• portant works, whick are sold only by sub scription. (jiJ-For particulars address the publishers, DAYTON & WENTWORTH, New York. O N the first Tuesday in May next, will be sold before the court house door in the town of Watkinsville, Clarke county, the fol lowing property, to wit: One negro man named Bob, about fifty years of age,and a negro boy namedCharles, about thirteen years of age—both sold pur suant to a decree in Clarke Superior Court, rendered at February Term, 1855. to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favor of Baker & Hart, from Clarke Interior Court, so far as said decree charges said property with the pay ment of said fi.fa., and a decree in the case of Robert C. Wilson and others against Win. W. Stovall, Ex’r. and others, rendered at the same term of said Court. March29 L. J. LAMPKIN, D. Shff. CLARKE SHERIFF’S SALE. .-JLL be sold on Saturday the fifth day of n a r next, before John I. Huggins’ store, in the town Athens, Clarffe county, within the usual hours ff sale, the tollowir5 property, to wit: One large read wagon, four mules *md a set of harness for the same. Levied on ns the property of John Royal, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Inferior court of the county of Clarke, in favor of Martha Field and James Morris, administrator of Samuel Field. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, D. Sh’ff. March 15. EXECUTOR’S SALE OF NE GROES. P URSUANT to an order of the Honora ble the Court ot Ordinary of Clarke Coun ty, will be sold at the Court house door, in Wakinsville, on the first Tuesday in May next,seven likely Negroes, to wit: Lawyer, a man about 45, Sam, man about 22, Nancy, a woman about 31, Averilla, ber daughter about 16, Fanny, a woman about 22, and her son, Bill, about 1 years old, aod her infant son, Doctor, about 7 months old. Sold as the property of Evaline S. Thurman, deceased, for the purpose of division among the legatees (all minors) on a credit until 25th day of December next, tbe purchaser giving note with approved security. JNO. CALVIN JOHNSON, Ex’r. Mar. 15. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. S TATE OF GEORGIA, Clarke Couxtt.— All persons having demmds against Ed ward Lampkin, ate of Green county, deceas ed, are hereby notified to present them, pre- perly attested, to me, within the time pro scribed by law, or they will not be settled. And all persons indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate pay ment. lewis j. lampkin, Adm’r, Feb. 22. With the will annexed. STOVES, STOVES 1 C OOKING and Office Stoves, in great vari ety, constantly on hand, at low prices,by April 13 P. A. SUM.MEY & BRO. SHOES! SHOES! A LARGE aud well selected lot of Gents and Ladies' Shoes, for sale low, by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. FASHIONABLE Ready-made Clothing. BAYNOlT& RICH A RE now receiving and offering for sale a large and beautiful assortment of ready made clothing,for men and boys, of the latest fashion, and of the most approved style of goods, suitable for the fall and winter trade. Among them will be found a fine supply of gentlemen’s coats, pants and vests, very fine, and of the most fashionable style, made to order, and of the best work, fully equal to customer work. ....ALSO.... A general assortment of Furnishing goods, such as hats,caps, shirts and drawers, under shirts of various qualities, stocks, cravats, handkerchiefs and ties, collars, gloves, half- hose and umbrellas. Also, Trunks, valises, and carpet bags. ••••ALSO•«•. STAPLE DRY GOODS. Among which will be found black alpucca, plaid and checked ginghams, plaid and cueck ed muslins, calicoes and shir^7, gSi 3.4. 10-4, 11-4, of a ver~ line quality. Red, blue and T. uite flannels, all wool. Brown and bleach ed Canton flannel, 3-4,7-8,4-4. Shirtings of various qualities, Irish linen for diapers black, white, mixed and made hoes for lad.iea, and Misses; also a fino lot of ladiea plaid long shawls, very fine, all wool, and many other articles not mentioned. All of the above goods will be sold as cheap as they can be bought in Georgia, and we re spectfully solicit a liberal portion of public patronage, and wonld invite all our friends and former patrons to give us a call and ex amine onr goods and prices, we shall not fear the result. Be sure to call ut the New Cloth ing Store,en Broad street, Athens, Ga. Oct. 1?. CAUTION. A LL persons will take notice that my wife, Mary Webster, has quit my bed and board without provocation. I forwarn all persons from crediting her on my responsi bility, for l will not pay any of her contracts. Feb. 15, 1855. JOHN R. WEBSTER. NOTICE. T V O mouths after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of. Clarke county, for leave to sell a!l the land' and negroes, belonging to the respective- e tates of Johu and Isabella McRee, late of said county, dec’d. Fvb. 22,1855. ROWAN McREE, Adm’r. TO THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. SAULTER & IVY A T theiroldstand,near theFranklinHouse, Athens, Ga. arc better prepared tha^ ever heretofore to meet the wants of the tra-1 for NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A LL persons concerned will take notice* that the notes, accounts and claims of' any kind, growing out of, aud connected with, the Book and Stationery business of J. S. Peterson, both as successor of Chase & Pe terson end in the limited pratnership where of J. S. Peterson was general partner, k&Te been assigned to the subscriber for the bene- . fit of the creditors of J. S. Peterson. Having no discretion in the premises, these claims ’ will all be pressed to collection at once with out respect to parties. During my absence on the Circuit or else where, the books, notes and accounts will be; at my office in the possession of George A. Cabaniss, whose receipt settlement of the f J am ® Valid aeainst me, AU persona j navin" against said Peterson, we de> sired to file them. i.Ui my oftiqe by or btforo. the first day of May next'. Thosq having open“ accounts will be required- to swear, tq (he same. C. PERPLES,’ ' FeblS Assignee of J. S. Pierson.. CHOICE POULTRY. mHE subscriber has on hand, a few pair more 1 of those celebrated Braharn Pootra and Shanghai fowls for sale. Call soon, on the corner of Broad and Jackson Streets, Athens, Ga- D. N. JUDSON. Jan 18,1855. Just Received, L ARGE additions to our stock of GROCERIES, including. Sugars in great variety. Choice new-crop Rio Coffee, Fine Northern Cheese, New Raisins, iu whole, half and quarter boxes, New English Currants, Soft-shell Almonds, Pearl Starch, A good assortment of Candles, jan25 T. BISHOP 4 SON. W. H. & J. TURPIN, (Successors to W. H. Turpin,) O FFER to Physicians, Planters, Merchants and the public at large, a choice and well assorted stock of Drugs ani Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Glass and Putty, Brushes of every description, Straw Brooms, Spirits Turpentine, 4c. We purchase our goods for cash, and are prepared to sell on the most advantageous terms. Merchants wiU find it to their inter est to look at our prices. All articles war ranted to be as represented. Give ns a call and satisfy yourselves. Augusta, J unel 5 TIN! TIN! /CONSTANTLY on hand, a large and well V assorted lot of plain, fancy and Japanned Tin-ware, at P. A. SUMMEY 4 BRO’S April 13 veiling public. ^Those w’shlug to hire Coaches, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, or Saddle Horses, are invited to give them a call—as they have finer Coach es and better stock than at any time hereto fore, while their Drivers are as careful as can £ found anywhere. At the same time their terms are as good as the best. R.Saulter, Z.Ivr. GREAT ATTRACTION! B EING desirous of consolidating my busi ness, I offer for sale that most desirable place at Athens. The tract contains 1000 or more acres, seven hundred acres of which are woodland, which cau be Subdivided into many valuable pb'fcos—having four or five , w»t»r-pckew, one on the river aud one on j the creek, with dam, race and house,all ready business; with desirable residence, _seve Schnapps. mHE pure unadulterated article of Schiedam J. Schnapps, imported by B. Lieber, may be had of the undersigded, who have been ap pointed agents in this city. The pnblic may rely on the purity of this importation. In purchasing lie careful to notice the name of B. Lieber on the label. W. H. 4 J. TURPIN, Agents, June 14 Broad et, Augusta, Ga* POWDER. E XTRA blasting and Rifle Powder, a lari lot. English and American gun caps^ior ale by V. A. SU"' ” Eradicator. M ARSHALL’S Magical Pain Eradicator, for curing Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings, 4c. is eminently snperior to any other external remedy for these stubborn dis eases. All who have used it, can testify to its efficacy. For sale by W. H. 4 J. TURPIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Broad st, Augusta, Ga. and by all Druggists throughout the State. June F RESH Lobsters, Oysters, Salmons bad and Mackeral in hermetically sealed cases, just received and for sale, low, by T. Bishop 4 Son. March 22. ral springs, and two wells of pure water The tract will be sold in whole or in part, to suit purchasers; and if not sold this year,will be offered at auction, at the Commencement, in August, 1855. March 9 WM. A. CARR. NOTICE. M R. WM. N WHITE, having purchased my eutir’e st< ck of Books, .Stationery, Fancy Goods, Ac., succeeds to the business hitherto conducted by me. In retiring, the undersigned takes occasion to return his thanks for tbe patronage ex tended ; and to solicit a continuance of the same to Mr. White, who, he feels assured, will use his best efforts to retain their good will and confidence, if transferred to him. Feb. 3,1855. J. S. PETERSON. H AVING purchased Mr. J. S. Peterson’s entire stock, as above, the undersigned will endeavor to merit any patronage the former customers of the establishment may kindly bestow. He offers them their choice from a large and diversified stock of Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, at tbe lowest rates. His own customers, also, whose for mer favors he gratefully acknowledges, he will be happy still to meet either at the corner, or at No. 2, College Avenue, as they may prefer. WM. N. WHITE. Feb. 3,1855. W- REMOVAL!!! N. WHITE has removed from No. 2 College Avenue, to the corner store lately occupied by J. S. Peterson, where he will be happy to furnish customers with any thing in the Book and Stationery line at low rates. Terms Cash, or 8 months. NOTICE. T WO mqnthsafterdate application will B® made to the Court of Ordinary of Wall- ton county, for leave to sell the land belong ing to the estate of Joslah Wethcrfci’d, late of said county, deceased. H. H. GAMP* Feb. 28, 1855. Notice. T WO months after date, application will be made to tbe Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, for leave to sell all tbe in terest (tbe same being one half of one ninth,) of William B. Silman, orphan of John W. Silman, deceased, in and to a certain negro man by the name of Wiley, about 21 years, old. HENRY \V. SHEAT’S, Guardian of said orphan. Feb. 28^1855. CLARK MORTGAGE SHERIFF SALE. O N the first Tuesday in May next, will b©s sold at Watking8ville, in Clurk county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit; 3 cows, 3 calves, 2 heifers,' 1 young bull, 2 small tables, 2 dining tables,' 1 book case, 1 brass clock, 1 large chest, 4 1' bed aud bedstchd. Levied on as the property of Hezekiah G-. Bishell, to satisfy a mortgage fifa issued from' Superior court of Clark county, in favor ol^- Elizabeth Fambrough. February 24th, 18&6-. LOUIS J. LAMPKIN, D. Sh’ff FRESH GROCERIES. E XTRA Rio, Laguira, Cuba nud old Gov.’q Java Coffee, Sugars of all kinds; Pepper? Spices, Giuger, Maccaroni, Pickles and Mus * tard, just received and for sale low by Nov2 T. BISHOP 4 SON T. BISHOP & SON WILL CONTINUE THE W AREHOUSE and Commission business, at the same stand, and will attend to‘ the sale or storage of Cotton and other pro? duce, with promptness and dispatch, and on the most reasonable terms. Athens, Qa., Aug. 81.1854. 6ino SYRUP, SYRUP. H AVEMEYER’S finest and common N. O’; St Syrups, at feb8 KENNEY’ TOOLS. B LACKSMITH’S and Carpenter’s Tools, in, great variety, for sale by ‘ ~ . Slh\ April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. Flonr! Flour! A LARGE bit of superfine and extra family. Flour, in sacks and extra barrels, for. sale h? p. A. SVMMEY & BR0-.