The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, May 10, 1855, Image 1

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UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY matt VOLUME II. ATHENS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 10, .1855. NUMBER 0 > PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY JOHN H. CHRISTY, soiToa and raoraiEToa. Terms of Subscription. TWO DOLLARS per annum, if paid strictly in a«i Rnce; otherwise THREE DOLLARS will be charged ..99" order that the price ol the paper may notbein tne way of a large circulation, Clubs will be supplied •ttbe following low rates. ::: JE:-=s«r dl there leu rates, the CaJk moot accompany the order. Kates of Advertising. Transient advertisements will be inserted at One Dellar per square for the first, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Legal and yearly advertisements at the usual rates Candidates will be charged $5 for announcements, and obituary noticesexeeeuingaix lines in length will be charged as advertiseu>ents. When the number of insertions isnotmarkedon and advertisement, it will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. 36raintf3 null prnffssinnal Cariis. ^ToHlTH^ClfRlS^Yr^ PLAIN AND FANCY Book and Job Printer, “Franklin Job Office,” Athens, Ga. **, All work entrusted to his care fqithlully, correctly and punctually executed, at prices correspond- Janld ing with the hardnessof the times. tf C. B. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Rooms over the Store of Wilson St Veal. Jan3 PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale & Retail Dealersin Groceries, Dry & oods, HARDWARE, SHOES AND BOOTS, Aprilfi Athens, Ga. MOORE & CARLTON, DEALERS IN SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, HARD WARE AND CROCKERY. April No. 3, Grauite Row, Athens, Ga. LUCAS & BILLUPS, irilOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. Ac. Ac. No. 2, Broad Street. Athens. WILLIAM G. DELONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over the store ol Wm M. Morton A Son Will attend promptly to all business entrust ed to his care. Athens, April 6 60GDS AT COST FOR CASH! O WING to a change in our business, we of fer our stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hard ware, Hats, Caps and Crockery ware, and tnnny other desirable goods, at cost, for cash. Persons wishing bargains will do well to CALL SOON. jg*A> there will be a change in our busi ness, we desire all persous indebted to ns, ei ther by note or open account, to call soon and settle. Respectfully yottrs, jani W. P. A J. p.TURNER. STATE OF GEORGIA, I OLAIIKE COUNTY. j Superior Court. February Term, 1855. T O the Superior Court of said county. The petition of Wm. P. Tnlmnge and John F. Phinizy respectfully shows, that heretofore, to wit, on the eleventh dav of March, in the year 1851, William Kelsea, of said county, made his certain deed of mortgage, bearing date the dav and year aforesaid, his own proper band and seal thereto annexed, to one Washington C. Yoakum, said mortgage deed has been recorded in the Clerk’s Office of said Court on the 18th day of August, 1851, in Book P. folios 134 and 135, and which mortgage is here to the Court shown, where by the said Kelsea granted, bargaiuetl A sold unto the said Yoakum, his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Athens, in said county, cbutaiuiug one acre,more or less, and bounded as follows, to wit: on tbe east by Mrs. P. Thomas, on the south by John A. Martin, on tbe west by tbe street, and on tbe north by Mrs. P. Thomas, and number one hundred and sixty-four in the plat of Cobb- ham—to bare and to hold to tbe said Yoakum, bis heirs and assigns forever—said mortgage deed conditioned to be null and void on the payment by said Kelsea to the said Yoakum of six hundred dollars—$150 to be paid on the first day of August, 1851—$150 on the lltli March, 1352—$150 on the 1st March 1853 and $150 on the 1st March, 1854 and your petitions aver that afterwards, to wit on tbe 24tb day of December, 1852,the said Yoakum assigned and transferred tbe said mortgage to your petitioners, by writing en dorsed thereon, and your petitioners aver that P. C. LANGSTON, Attorney at Law, • - CARNES VILI.E, GA. RBVK&kxcks.—C- Peeples, Esq. i .„ W. L. Mitchell, Esq. \ Atbens Col B F.Hardeman, Lexington, Samuel Freeman, ;isq Newnan, Gabriel Nash, E«q. Danielsvilfe Oot. U tlolsev, Americas. Bikfllamj. [strength and personal prowess. At Camden, where Gates was defeated, he retreated, and after running along a road some distance, he sat down to rest PETER FRANCISCO, himself. He was suddenly accosted by the bamsox of the westerx HEKispHEEE a British dragoon, who presented a pis- As late as the year 1836, there lived tol and demanded his immediate sar in Western Virginia a man whose reuder. His gun being empty, he feign- strength was so remarkable as to win e d submission, and said he would sur- him the title of the “ Virginia Sara- render, at tbe same time remarking sou.” He knew nothing of his birth that his gun was no further use to him, or parentage, but supposed he was born and he presented it side-ways to the in Portugal, from whence he was stolen trooper, who, in reaching for it, threw when a child, and carried to Ireland.— himself offhis guard, when Francisco, His earliest recollections were those of quick as thought, ran him through with boyhood in the latter country. While I the bayonet, and as he fell from his yet a lad, he apprenticed himself to a I horse, he mounted him and continued sea captain, for several years, in pay foi I his retreat Overtaking his command- a passage to this country. On his ar- ing officer, Colonel Mayo, of Powhatten, rival, his time and services were sold to he gave him up the animal, for which a Mr. Winston, of Virginia, in whose act of generosity the Colonel afterwards service he remained until the breaking presented him with a thousand acres of out of the Revolution. Being of an ad- land in Kentucky, venturous turn of mind, he* sought and The following anecdote, exemplify- obtained permission of his master to ing his peaceful nature and his strength join the army, and was engaged in ac- is also told of Francisco. How true it is, live service the whole contest. Such we cannot say, but we tell it as it was was his strength and personal bravery, told to us many years ago, while he still that no enemy could resist him. He lived in Buckingham county, Virginia, wielded a sword, the blade of which wasl One day, while working in his gar- five feet in length, as though it had been den, he was accosted by a stranger, a feather, and every one who came in who rode up to the fence and inquired contact with him, paid the forfeit of his of him if he knew “ where a man by the life. At Stony Point, he was one of the name of Francisco lived ? ” “ forlorn hope" which was advanced to Raising himself from his work, and cut away the abatis, and, next to Ma- eyeing his. interrogate^ who appeared jor Gibbon, was the first man to enter to be one of the “ half-horse, half-alli- the works. At Brandywine, and Mon- gator” bleed of Kentuckians, he replied: tnouih, he exhibited the most fearless “ Well, stranger, I don't know of any bravery, and nothing but his inability other person by that name in these parts to write prevented his promotion to a but mysfIf.” commission. Transferred to the South, " Well, I reckon you m’nt the man he took pan in most of the engagements I want. 1 want to find the great fight- in that section, and towards the close! tug man I’ve heerd tell so much about of the war, he was engaged in a contest The fellow they say can whip all which exhibited in a striking manner creation and Kentucky to boot.” his remarkable self-confidence and cour- •* 1 can’t tell you, stranger, where age. I you’ll find that man; I don’t know such °One day, while reconnoitering, he I a man,” said Francisco, resuming his stopped at the house of a man by the work, as a hint to the other that the con name of W——, to refresh himself.— ference was ended. But the Kentuckian While at the tattle, he was surprised by wXs not to be bluffed off, as he would to his mouth, would drink from the, ckatitude bung a long and hearty draught without! T1,e hound will fawn on any one ° _ “, __ I Tliat greets him with a kind caress; any apparent exertion ‘ The fl.mer will turn towards the sun, Yet, with all his strength, he was a That nurtures it iu loveliness. very peacefully disposed roan, and never mt ■ _ „ made use of h s power except in a case T!iat fe p cd ," iu wiutcr lt y0lir 8ill f of necessity about his usual vocations, Will trim his glossy plumes in siring, or in defense of the right. On occasions And perch about your window still. of outbreaks at public {gatherings, he -• was better at rushing in and preserving 1 j TOLD YOU SO. the public peace than all the conserva- ! *. Wife, wife our cow’s dead—choked tiv« authorities on the ground Al- w ; t |, a turnip.’ though uneducated, he was a man of «i to ld yo u g0 . I always sed she’d strong natural sense, and of a kind, ami- c h 0 ke herself with them turnips.’ able disposition. He was withal a com-; * But it was a pumpkin.’ panionable man, and his anecdotes and ‘Well, it’s all the same. I know’d all stories of the war, of which he possess- along how it would be. Nobody but a ed a rich fund, rendered him a welcome ninny like you would ever feed a cow guest in the first families of the State, on pumpkins that was’nt chopped.’ His industrious and temperate habits;! ‘They was chopped. And’twantthe together with his kind disposition, made 1 p Um pkins neither that choked her. him many friends, and through their in- >Twas the tray—and the end on’t is fiuence he was appointed Sergeant at- arinsofthe Virginia house of Delegates, in which service he died in 1836, and was buried with military honors in the public burying ground at Richmond. the last payment in said mortgage mention ed. to wit, tbe sum of $150, due 1st March, I nine British troopers, who rode up tol term it. P. A. SUMMEY & BROTHER, Whoteaalo and Retail Dealer* in Staple Goods, Hardware, Crockery, AND ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Corner of Wall and Broad streets, Athens. WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, And Jftmspaper and Magazine Agent. DEALER I!f MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMPS, FIXE CUTLERY, FAXCY GOODS, AC. No. 3, College Avenue, Newton House. Athena, Ga sign of “ While’s University Book Store.” Orders promptly filled at Augusta rates. IS54,is now due, owing and unpaid—where fore, your petitioners pray that such proceed ings may be bad in the premises as are in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided, aud will ever pray, dc HARDEMAN <k LANDRUM, Petitioners Attorneys’. WILLIAM P. TaLMAGE "I and JOHN F. PHINIZY, Assignees, Ac. j-Mortgage.Ac WILLIAM KELSEa! j It appearing to the Court from the peti tion of Wm. P. Talinage and John F. Phinizy. that on the 11thday of March, 1851. William Kelsea of Clarke county, made his certain the louse, and told him he was their I “Look ’ere, stranger, 1 ’ said he, re- prisonor. Seeing that he was so greatly turning to the charge, “ what mout your outnumbered, he pretended to surrender, given name be ?” and the dragoons, seeing lie was appa- * My name is Peter Francisco, at reutly very peacefully inclined, ahe your service. 1 disarming him, allowed him con- ‘‘Ah'?” returned the other, •* you’re siderable freedom, while they sat down just the tnan I want to find,” at the to partake of the food he had left when same time riding inside the fence, he disturbed. Wandering out into the dismounted and tied his uttiinal—a door yard, he was accosted by the Pay- rough ungainly Indian pony—to one of master, who demanded of him every the posts. thing of value about him at the risk of “ My name is Big Bill Stokes, all the his life, in case of refusal. “ I hav | way ftom Oid Keutuck. I am the Ken- sticking out of her mouth now.’ Ugh ! ugh ! There goes my bread tray. No longer than yesterday, I told you that she would swallow that tray.’ deed i»f mortgage, beariugdate the day and no thing to give, * aaid Francisco; “so tucky game chicken, I am. 1 cau out- IHeasu’e.” -OS.- ,ho*|nm/^hop. om-jump, knock down. ice t»i iue ouuenur uinguuu. x uuj ncic me gill ui a Qlgglub. uu, ua a iicuiu icu ui a iciici on the 18th day of friend replied Francisco, “ and give hereabouts who could whip all creation, wan ted ^ bar ined I tbeni to Y ou I never shall ; take them if I thought I’d saddle old Blossom, and T. BISHOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, April 6 No. 1, Broad street. Athens. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. HexrtD.Weed, Pres.—Jxo. R Wilder, Sec. T HE above Compar; ia -ovv prepaied to take Fire Uk» in Dili. «aie, and the adjoining counties, on avorable terms. Apply to S. J. MAYS. Agent. JAMES M. ROYAL, HARNESS MAKER, H AS removed his shop to Mitchell’s old Tavern, one door cast of Grady A Nich- olsou’s—where he keeps always on hand a general assortment of articles in his line, aud taalwayaready to fillordersintbe best style. Jan 26 tf LOOK HERE! T HE undersigned have on hand a general assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS, \ GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. ' which they will sell low for cash or barter \Oall and examine. ! April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. ‘#150 to #200 per Month!! I WILL send instructions by which any person cau make from $150 to $200 per month, without traveling or peddling, and with the smallest amount of capital. This is DO reoeipt of any kind whatever. I will for ward the above instructions and all the arts and reoeipts of value, as advertised in the different papers of tbe United States, free of postage, to any person sending me the small tarn of one dollar, post paid. E.S. SHIPLEY, Kingston, Bf*' Ross Count/, Ohio C. Yoakum, which said mortgage was re I silver buckles in your shoes,’’ said the drag out, and whip any man in all them corded in the ClerkV Office of the Superior dragoon. “ They were the gift of a diggins. So, as I hearn tell of a feller Court of said county, on the 18th di ' -- August, 1851, in Book P. whereby the said Kelsea granted, bargained. ... ... , , i• r , . . . , and sold uuto the said Yoakum, his heirs and y ou W1,, » y° u bave the power, butl never jist ride over to see what st iff he s made assigns, a certain tract or pat cel of land, will give them to any one.” Putting of, and here I am. And now, stranger, situate, lying and being in the town of Ath- his sabre under his arm, the soldier I’m bound to see who’s the best man said county, containing one acre, more stooped down to take them. Francisco, before l go home. It’s all in good feel Se2t*bJ Mr^P ThSnaH, onVesomh by seei "S tbe opportunity, which was too ing, you know; and lick me, why I am John A. Martin, on the west by the street, good to be lost, seized the sword, and satisfied, but on the north by Mrs. P. Thomas, and number drawing it with force from under the ** Stop a minute, stranger,” said 0l r rt b tS? red on d 8 '«J f° ur O 64 ) m ‘he plat arm of the soldier, dealt him a severe Francisco, •* you’ve mistaken the man benull aTd’void orthf 1 f 10 " acr f®. ^ f ulK Although severe- entirelyI’m no fighting man at Kelsea tosaid Yoakum, bis heirs and aligns, >y wounded the dragoon, being a brave all, and if I was, I’ve nothing against the sum of six hundred dollars—$150 to be I man, drew a pistol and aimed it at his you to fight about.” paid on the 1st August. 1851—$150 on the antagonist; who was too quick for h:m, “ Well, I don’t know ; is there any 1853—and $i«0 on the^st Marcb^sT- ho J eve ^ and f be P“ ,,ed tbe tri gS cr > other Peter Francisco in these parts ?” It further appearing that the said Yoakum a blow > rora tbe svvonl nearly severed “ No, not that I know of. afterwards, to wit, on the 24th December, | his wrist, and placed him horsde combat. I ‘‘Well, then, you’re the man, and The report of the pistol drew the other you must fight. I’ve come all the way dragoons into the yard, as well as W—, from Old Keutuck, and I a’int a going who very ungenerously brought out a back without knowing which is the best musket, which he handed to one of the man. 1 soldiers, and told him to make use of it. “ Bull won’t fight I’ve got nothing . . -. - . ... . . .Mounting the only horse they could to fight about,* and I tell you \ won’t L Term ^ ot \ the P r,nc 'P al get at, he presented the muzzle at the fight cause to the contrary, or rise havT the Equi- br . east of Francisco, _ and pulled the “ D d if you shan’t fight, stranger, ty of redemption to the said mortgage pre- trigger. Fortunately it missed fire, and I’m bound to lick you if I can, if I don’t raises forever barred and foreclosed. It is Francisco closed in upon him. A short you must lick me.” this ruk^TeJved b^thJshs^on ffirid eDS} \ ed ’ W ^! ch e “ ded ,! n his % lbis “me, Francisco had become Kelsea three months before the next Term of di sar “n“g and wounding the soldier.— angry at the importunity of his visitor, this Court, or that the same be published Tarleton’s troop of four hundred men and determined to put an end to the once a month iu the Southern Watchman, a were now in sight, and the other dra- scene. Seizing his antagonist, there- next'T sazet fth '^Conrt. months before tbe goons were about to attack him. See- fore, by the seat of his buckskin breech- A true* 11 extract from the minutes of said in S hi j case desperate, he turned es, and the collar of his shirt, he threw Court. Given under my hand, at Oflice, this towajd an adjoining thicket, and, as if him over the fence into the road ; then, 20th day of March 1855. cheering on a party of men, he cried walking leisurely to where his pony was April, 5. JOHN C. JOHNSON,Clerk. I out. “ dump mi. mv Krsv* hnvc nnw’sl bi.r> nnj tslrlnir him TWO PICTURES. In Cass county of this State, the De mocracy in convention assembled pass ed the following resolution. Resolved, That the Democratic par ty has never hesitated or feared to make an open declaration of its creed and principles ; that we regard all se cret political clubs as at war with the genius and spirit of our Republican In stitutions ; that the secret oath bound political club, commonly called “ Know Nothings,” in its attempts to abridge the rights of conscience and create reli gious tests in the selection of men tor office, is violative of the Constitution and dangerous to public liberty, that it is but a weak invention of the enemies of the Democratic party; and that we will fight this secret enemy with the same energy and ardor, which in times past lias enabled us to defeat and drive from the field open and undisguised foes. 1 ’ On the 8th January last, the State Democratic convention of Ohio, did the other side of Democracy thus wise : Resolved, That the people of Ohio, NOW AS THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE look upon slavery AS AN EVIL, and unfavorable to the development of the spirit and practical benefit of free insti tutions, and that entertaining the. e sbn timents, they will at all times feel it to be their duty, to use all power clearly given by the terms of the national com pact, to prevent its increase, to miti gate, and finally to eradicate its evil.” This latter convention, like the one of Cassville denounced the Know Noth ings. The two pictures above reflect Democracy, North and South, inharmo nious conjunction for the overthrow of a patriotic American party—that is the prominent idea to absorb all else. The Federal Union has copied the first of the above resolutions, but we see in it no mention of the latter ! If that paper really desires Southern men to “ know the company they keep” it should show up in all its hideousness” the anti slavery doctrines of Northern De mocracy.—•American Union. A learned clergyman in Maine was accosted in the following manner by an illiterate preacher who despised educa tion : ‘Sir, you bave been to college I pre sume ?’ ‘Yes sir,’ was the reply. ‘I am thankful,’ replied the former, ‘that the Lord opened my mouth without any learning.’ A similar occurrence took place in Baalam’s time, but such things are of rare occurrence at the present day,” replied the latter 1852, assigned and transferred said mortgage to the said Wm. P. Talmage aud John F. | Phinizy, for value received ; and it also ap pearing that the last said payment, to wit, I $150 due 1st March, 1854, is now due and unpaid—It is Ordered, that the said William Kelsea pay into Couit, on or before the first DISSOLUTION: is uni amy auMived i.y mutu will be continued by J. H Chi of the late concern will be pt tbonxed to collect tbe demand*'dne JOHN H. CHRISTY, Athens, Jan 11 1855. WILLIAM KELSEA. Blank Declarations, O F both forms, (long and short) together with the process attached—just printed and for sale at this Office. Also, various other Blanks. jpg*Any Blanks not on hand—as, indeed, almost any kind of job printing—can be far- uished on a few honrs’ notice. Coach-Making and Repairing. .JAMES B. BURPEE, I T the old stand recently occupied by R. S. Sohcvencll, offers for sale a lot of superi or articles of his own manufacture, at redu- oed prices—consisting ot Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for anything in hisline thankfully yecdv<-'d and promptly executed. ->. r.\ T.iS'Repairing done at shortnotice and on reasonable terms. CHEESE! CHEESE! A choice lut, at 16 scats, just received at Dcc7 M, KENNEY’S. out, ‘‘ Come on, my brave boys; now’s tied, he unfastened him, and taking him your time; we will soon dispatch these up by main strength, threw him after rr*HEcopartnership’intbe'FranklinVobOffice,here-1 fe ' V » 8nd tbe “ attack tb © body 1” his discomfied rider. J e *“*. i i!L u . nderUle ? nr 0fOhri «»’*; K « 1 se». | at the same time rushing upon the dra- The Kentuckian raised himself from ■"* " iy ?cb!i^—^whomVI'dSb" goobs with the fury of an enraged tiger, the ground, perfectly dum-founded by smamls’due mu! 0 * b>ne au ' They did not wait to engage him,but fled such an exhibition of strength, and after precipitately to the troop, panic-stricken rubbing his eyes, as though he thought and dismayed. Seizing upou the trai- he might not have seen clearly, he Pott «« I t> . . i torous villain, W , Francisco was mounted his pony, remarking, “ Well, r"F* ■ ra y U P ! about to dispatch him; but he begged stranger, I reckon you’ll do. I reckon T indebtStouShS’toS'Sf gSSEUSSuSTfc and P ,ead 50 bard f° r tos life; that he it’s about time for me to make tracks.— hh??ndMd U ^n»^J T ^tEMJZA-M «t»° thorn owing forgave him, and told him to secrete I If any body asks you about that great these«-iniw« h»vetownoutstenfin*■ longtime, 1 for him the eight horses which the sol- flght, you can tell’em you licked Bill |ead diers had left behind them Perceiv- Stokes most ly. 1 * every one indebted to settle up immediately if, bow. I ing that Tarleton had despatched two Francisco was a powerfully built man te e foK^*how™ u nincum 1 ^! 1 ?^*5? wfc^rfwS °f ber d, a goons in search of him, Fran'- standing six feet and one inch in height bet* i* in’—L*w jants j. u. chribty. j cisco made off into the adjoining wood, and weighing 260 pounds. His mus- and while they stopped at the house; he, l cular system was extraordinarily devel- like an old fox, doubled upon their rear, oped, and he had been known to should er with ease a cannon weighing eleven gentleman of living in Vir- hisservices, and generous intentions.— I ginia) who knew "hint well, says: ‘*he KA Bogs of new crop RioCoffue, for tale, I Finding his situation dangerous, and could take mein his right hand and fJ >’« byT BUh °P <i - Sott ’ surrounded by enemies where he ought pass over the room with me, playing to have found friends, Francisco was my head against the ceiling, as though _ rand Ohow-chow compelled to make the best of it, and I bad been a doll-baby. My weight IT Preserves, and all sort* of PICKLES,for j left with his horses, intending to revenge j was 195 pounds.” His’wife, who was Balc by P. ^ SUMMEY & BRo. | himself upon W at future time ; a woman of go- >d size, and fairpropor but,” as he said, “ Providence ordain- tions, he would take in his right hand ed that I should not be his executioner, and holding her out at arm’s length, for he broke his neck by a fall from one would pass around the room with her, ofthe very horses.” and carry her up and down stairs in Many other anecdotes are told of that position. He would take a barrel Francisco, illustrative of his immense I of cider by the chimes, and holding it TAKE NOTICE. A CCOUNTS for the last quarter are now and successfully evaded their vigilance, er with ease a cannon weighi IX. due, and payment thereof required. My The next day he went to W for his hundred pounds; and a gen **7'.*™ casb ’ or thre ' J wM th w wttt'tl' horses; he demanded two of them for undoubted veracity ( still livir ^ * ’ 1AE* l Kio oortriroc nnrl rron oi*niic intrmtinne t v mL/v L Li.n uml I at Jt^E W CROP N. C Sumps, very choice, | just received by Apl. 19. T. BISHOP A SOX. F RESH Candies and cd this day and Apl 19, nd Maple Sugar, ri for sale by D. N. JUDSOF. The editor of a country newspaper thus takes leave of his readers : ‘‘The sheriff in waiting for us in the next room, so we have no time to be pathetic. Maj. Nab’em says wc are wanted and must go. Delinquent subscribers you have much to answer for. Heaven may for give you, but I never can.” Never punish a girl for being a romp, but thnuk heaven who has given her health and spirit to be one. It is much better than a distorted spine or hectic cheek. Little girls ought to be great romps—better that than paying doctor’s bills for them. A Wit ess.—A boy, eight years old, being offered as a witness at a justice Court in Boston, was examined as to' his understanding ofthe nature of an oath. The justice inquired—*‘Do you know anything about hell?” The boy scratch ed his head for a moment, and, looking the justice in the face, innocently repli ed; ‘ No,sir. I never was there in my life* He was allowed to testify. BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION. This body assembled in this place last Friday and adjourned Monday after noon. Representatives from all parts of the State were here assembled, and tbe Convention presented a fine collection of the first talents and tbe most learned ministers of the Baptist Church of Geor gia. From 150 to 200 delgates were present. During a portion of the time the churches of the different denomina tions were occupied by their ministers, and on Sabbath there were nine sermons delivered in the various bouses of wor ship, to large and attentive congregations. —-Neuman Banner. ‘Frank,” said an affectionate lady the other day to a promising young Ameri can, “if you don’t stop smoking and read ing so much you will get so after a while that you won’t care anything about work.’ •Mother,” replied young hopeful, leisure ly removing a very long cigar, and turn ing another leaf of Barnuro, “I’ve got so now.” A Speech by Gen. Buncom.—The following is an extract from a speech of Gen. Buncom in favor of 54 40: Mr. Speaker—When I open my eyes, and look over the vast expanse of this country—when I see how the yeast of Freedom has caused it to rise in the scale of civilization and expanded on every side—when I see it growing, swel ling, roaring like a spring freshet—I can not resist the idea, sir, the day will A Fix.—A farmer had occasion to Send his hired man, who by the way was a jolly Dutchman to a neighboring town for a barrel of molasses. Tbe weather being warm, and the road rough, and drirer, moreover, driving rather fast, the molasses took a notion to “ work,”as it is generally called. But we will let him tell his story in his own words “Veil, I goned along and I goned along, till I got to de hill vat stands on do top of de blacksmit’s shop, and den I looks round peliind my pung hole.— TinksI, I vill stliop dat, and so I sthops be cart, and schotckes der oxen mit a grabble rock, and trove der pung hole in as tight ash never it vas mit a light- vood-not, (an goned along again, till I got to vliere de forks of de road cross each oder mit de meetin house, and I looks round peliind my pack again, and de cussed sthuff vas all runed ober mith de parrel agin. O tam you, says I, I vill fix you now, an I hicks up a chook mit all my mite, an de ting dewed out mit a noise like a cannon, an knocked me down flatjof de road mit my pack, and scart de cart, and it runned away mit de oxen, and turned era all ober mit each oder, and proke eberyting all fo pieces, an I am goned home mit tny&lf, put de cart ish running to de tyful.” A Beggar with a Wooden Baby. —A beggar woman, say* a Chicago pa per, came to the door of our citizens a few days since, apparently with a child in her arms,-which she seemed to’by en dearing tones and geutly wavirig if to and fro, as mothers are wont to d’6’ when their little ones are in trouble; she was at the same time weeping, and altogether the appeal was irresistible to the kind hearted lady of the house, who gave her a good supply of food. As she handed it to her, the woman, in moving be* arms to receive it. let fall —a stick of teood! ‘•What P exclaimed the lady, ‘‘ is this the kind of baby you are carrying a bout?’ The beggar woman, who' appeared to be intoxicated, cursed her like a vixen From tbe Cinciouati Enquirer. April 12. A CLERGYMAN ENGAGED TO BE MAR RIED TO ELEVEN LADIES. We heard yesterday of a series < f villauies perpetrated recently by a wofi' in sheep’s clothing, of a character t<> bring the reverend imrottor, if caugh . to the penetentiary. His name is How ard Wilson, and he has been prcachiu: for some time past at Cheviot Beiu.r endowed with a soft «ily tongue, and sleek appearance, he t> ted his killing ac complishments indiscriminately amon; the unmarried belles of that suburba > vll’age with such success that he en gaged himself to be married to no les: than eleven, some of whom he borrow - ed money from upon pretence of mak ing the necessary arrangements toward house keeping. Of one young lady lie obtained $50, winch he laid between the leaves of a Bible in her parlor, t>» be used a day previous to the wedding: but when, upon hearing of the prank <>.' the sanctimonious Lothario,'she look ed in the hiding place, the bank bi!i» were non est. The manner which led to the dtsc< - very of his multifarious engagement - was, that a couple of the betrothed ran by accident in a fashionable dry good • establishment in this city. After mutu al recognition, they proceeded to ex - mine various fabrics and make purchase Singurarly enough their tastes asaimiL ed so exactly that young lady numb: one remarked to young lady numbs two, that she thought it very sirang. Hereupon young lady number two re plied that so it was; but, if she (yqua, lady number one) could keep asecra:. she would tell her one. Number one promised (what feminit: would not,) that her Sips should be tie nally sealed,when blushing like a peon; her companion whispered in her ear th she was going to be married. “To whom ” exclaimed (he cxciu. number one. Another promise of secrecy and tin- name of Rev. John’ Howard Wilso . was softly breathed. “Who?’ exclaimed number one, while her earnest gaze betokened lu - astonishment. The name was again' repeated, an 1 forthwith young lady number one be came dizzy, and but for the applicative/ of sal volatile and cold Water, a faintin: exliibition in the mercei 1 establisl met. would have ensued. After awhile, whe.. sufficiently calm to explain, she inform ed young lady number two, that she too, was under an engagement of mar riage to the reverend deceiver, and sb was then making purchase of her wed ding garments. Another kettle of fi.-lj was the consequence of this disclosure, for young lady number two immediately went through the same motions as hr/ predecessor, and again-the pungent mix ture and cold water were in requisit.ou>. The disconsolate dam.-els retu tied with out their purchases to the quiet village, where they speedily proclaimed the vil- liany ofthe rascally pastor, who getting wind that all was discovered r madt track.- between two days during the pa-t week.. Since his exit it has been discoverei'i that he some time ago forged a draft t:.: Mr. Elliott, of the Methodist Book con cern, which was honored. No tidings have been heard of him since Iris ab- squatiilauon, but wc presume he wili turn up under another twme, where hr can discover a couveuicnt field to reap 1 a harvest by playing upon the credulity of the susceptible teminine who have .t penchant for loVc and sanctity. and left to practice her imposition el«e come when this great nation, like a yoaDg w jj ere> school boy, will burst its straps, and , ’ _____ become entirly too big for its boots. Sir, ! No' more rancid Butter.—Wild we want elbow room the continent, the recommends that the butter should be whole continent, and nothing but the kneaded with fresh milk, and then with continent—and we will have it. Then pure water. He states that by this treat- shall Uncle Sam, placing his hat upon rae nt,the butter is rendered as freehand the Canadas, rest h : s right arm on the pure in flavor as when recently made. Oregon and California coast, his left on ££ e ascribes this result to the fact, that the eastern seaboard, and whittle away muriatic acid, to which the rancid odor the British power, while reposing his und taste are owing, is readily soluble in leg like a freeman upon Gape Horn ! Sir, fresh milk, and is then removed.— the day will—the day must come.” Journal of Industrial Progress. A Printer,who had a quantity of mat- Don’t you remember old Towser; dear ter knocked down by a mouse, facetious- Kate? Old Towser, so shaggy and kind; ly anathematized him as “ a d—<1 pi- how he used to lay, day and night by the rat (pirate.) - ^ gate, and seize interlopers behind. WHO SHALL GOVERN ? The New York Express after des- scribing the alarming riots at Cincin nati, where Irish and German bullies- have be'itew th>wt> American citizens at the ballot boxes, says in conclusion : 'The asylum and duelling place of thousands and tens of thousands of them: Irish and Germans, who could find no dwelling-place ov asylum elsewhere, converted into a battle-field, on whicr. they may insult, beat, shoot down, an.: kill iheir benefactors 1 Whit next! “Well,—let us submit a little while longer. The offscourings of Europe govern us, as yet,—but, the avalanche* if Homing. The tune is at hand when thte question will be settled, whether A-merica is to he governed by Ant’-r.- cans or by the rabble of the Old world. The signs, to that end, are as plaiu iu the political horizon, as the stars iu the heavens. They are seen North. Sou’h, East and West, so plain tint the blinder political bat may see them, and feel them. These foveign gentlemen must be made to understand that American cities are no theatre for their Reigns of Terror, on the Parisian or Tipperary plan. If they have been brought up a: home under the government of the bayonet and the camion, they mu-t tic. attempt to govern by that process here That attempt has been made l>y the Foreign Legions among us, the few years past,—and they have to a degree suc ceeded. But the burthrn is getting oppressive—the yoke is too trying,— and we mean to throw off the one, an i break the other—if we can,—as scon au possible.” Rowland Hill used to ri<k- a gro. deal, as exercise preserved vigorous health. On one occasion when asked by a medical friend what physician .. .. apothecary he employed, he rep'i- “My physician has always been a hoi. and my apothecary an asi.”