The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, May 10, 1855, Image 4

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|toetn). MY MOTHER. BY HOB. A. B. KEEK. The fount from which my being flowed— The calm pure fount of life and love— The star that o’er my cradle glowed. And beamed my boyhood’* path above— IlaTC ceased from earth—and lonely now, Oh mother! o’er thy gravelbowl From childiiood's dawn to manhood’* hour, Thy tender love waa still my guide; It nurtured first the opening flower. Ami all mine infant wants supplied: Yes, every life-pulse of my heart Drew from thy breast its vital part! What visions of mine early years, What scenes of love, what sounds of joy. What prayers, caresses, smiles and tears, What counsels to the wayward boy, Now swim before my careworn eyes, While beudiug where mr mother lies. Her high pale brow, her patientsmile, Her lips where tenderest kisses hung, Her graceful form, though bent awhile, So queenly when heT life was young— All pass athwart my throbbing brain, Aud bring ber image back again 1 I ace her by my father’s side, Iu holiest love and union blest; I see ihem smiling in their pride, On happy children round them pressed, And now with fond parental care, They kneel iu morn and evening prayer. Ob, she was all that’s brightest—best— So “ pure in heart,’’ so ridi in mind— ■Of every social worth possessed— By every Christian graco refined— Faultless she filled her part below. And passed where only such may go! She’s passed to Heaven—but oh, how dark The sky from which her smile has gone 1 No star no v lives to guide my bark— No fount to cheer my spirit on. Yet, till my life shall cease to he. Her memory shall abid* with me ! A gentleman is defined to be one who can walk by a brick wall without biting a piece out of it. Pickles says that when he sees a young lady with a piece of’ court plaster stuck on her face, he takes it as a pretty good sign that she wouldn’t object to being courted in a different way. Young men will please take notice. 1 Women,’ says some homeless old bachelor, 4 are created half devil and half angel, and the angel part soars to heaven from the marriage altar/ “ O! give me, fair Emma, a lock of your hair,” A bashful young lover took courage and sighed; *• Twere a sin to refuse such a modest request—So take the Whole Wio,” the dear creature re plied. Moss will grow upon grave stones, the ivy will cling to the mouldering pile; the mistletoe springs from the dying branch; and God be praised, something green, will yet twine around and grow out of the seams and cracks of the de solate temple of the human heart. Sripf %\nm. VARIETY, THE SR WE OF LIRE.” Why i- a pretty young woman like -corn in time of scarcity ? Because she ought to be husbanded. In consequence of the short ciop of breadstuff* last season, there is said to ■be great distress prevailing in some sec tions ot Kentucky. Shall I help you to alight V said young gentleman, addressings bouncing • country girl who was preparing to jump from a carriage in front of our office. • Thank you sir/4 sweetly replied the girl, * but I don’t smoke/ A little girl was told to spell ferment and give its meaning, with a sentence which it was used. The following was literally her answer : 4 F-e-r-ra-e-n-t, verb, signifying to tcork—I love to fer ment in the garden!’ To morrow: the day when the mis- • ers give, when idlers work, and when siiicrs reform. The Next Congress.—We have before us in the Herald a tabular view the next Congress, Nebraskally considered. The result is as follows whole number 234. Against the re peal of the Nebraska Bill 123. Majori ty 12. The States yet to hold their elections are Alabama, Georgia,Ken' tucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. PUBLIC NOTICE. New Grand Ducliy of Baden LOTTERY LOAN, Capital 14,000,000Florins T HIS LOAN is gu -rantecd by the Govern ment,and will be drawn in different prixes as follows: 14 of 50,000 FIs. 54 of 40,000 FIs. 12 of 85,000 “ 22 of 15,000 44 of 12,000 44 55 of 10.000 “ 40 of 5,000 44 2 of 4,900 44 58 of 4.00U 44 366 of2,000 44 1944of 1,000“ Ac. &c. The lowest prize being 42 FIs. 12 FIs. are equal to 5 dollars. The next drawing takes place at Carlsruhe, nnder the Direction of the Baden Govern ment, on the 31st May, 1855, when every drawn number must obtain one of the above mentioned prizes, which will be paid in Cash, at t c offices of the undersigned.— Those fortunate Shareholders not residing on the spot, will have their amount of Frizes gained paid to them throngh an established Bank. The Lists of the result will be sent to each Shareholder, and the snccessfulnum bers published in the Newspspers. The price of one Ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages are given by taking a number of Tickets, viz; 11 Tickets cost only $20 50 Tickets cost only 80 23 44 “ 49 100 •« “ 150 The Price for Tickets can be sent in Bank Notes or Drafts, payable in any of the com mercial towns ofGermany, Holland,France, England, Scotland or Ireland. For Tickets and Prospectuses apply to the undersigned Banking house, which is ap pointed for the sale of Tickets: MORIZ STIEBEL SONS, Bankers, Frankfort-on-the-Mainc, Germany. N. B-—Letters to be directed “per Steam er via. Liverpool,” to Moriz Stiebel Sons, Bankers, in Frankfort-on-the-Msine. Remittances which arrive after the Day We learn that a proposition will come I 0 f Drawing, will be returned, or invested up in the next Congress to amend the in the next Drawing, at the option of the Constitution of the United States, by sender. The Prospectus of this Distribution inserting a clause to the effect that no w j, ere a i BO Tickets may be obtained. State laws shall be passed which may in-1 ^ Tickets can be procured in the above ter fere with or prohibit the sale or con- Lottery, by calling at Combs & Co’s Ex sumption of any imported article upon P r4as 9.®® e *Athens. which the general government derives a — . ___ benefit by imposing »tariff. The Georgia Citizen. # fTlHE 6th volume of this journal, “devoted Four hundred and twenty-nine Mor- x to Literature, Politics, Domestic Ecou- mon emigrants arrived in Philadelphia I oniv, General News, and State and Nation on Friday, from Liverpool, destined for *} Americanism’’commenced on the 7th oi * April. Terms $2 50, invariably in advance oalt Latte. 1 -p en copies to Clubs for $20. The Citizen is That Commission House TINLEY&°HERRON\, charleston, s,u. T HE only house doing business in that city that actually had any experience in Re ceiving and Forwarding of. Goods previous to the South Carolina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open for the Receiving and Forwarding of all kind* of goods wares, merchandise, machinery, prodace, Ac. - ■ - If yoa want your goods forwarded without the vexatious delays and enormous expense bills paid the liisi, season, aud at the same time have your business done in such a man ner that somebody mil be made responsible for the damaged and lost packages, consign them to I'inley A Herron, who have Received and Forwarded all Goods consigned to them daring nil the postseason without any extra charge over those established rates as given below, and up to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herron was Clerk of the Receiv ing and Forwarding Department of the South Carolina Rail Road Company for the past seveu years and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tariffs and rules of shipment,both by rail roads and vessels, to gether with the mode of procedure to secure damages aud pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which will be taken in all Bucn cases without loss or delay to the owners. Anotherimportantadvantnge is thathu thorough knowledge ofall freights and ruleaofshipmeutenableshim to instantly detect and correct any overcharge in the Bills of lading which in all cases has to be dose at that time, or be lost to the owner, in many instances greatly exceeding the com missions we charge. He was also Taised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that city, therefore we will under all circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to us. All produce,such as Wheat, Flour, Corn Corn Meal, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs,Cotton Rice, Rye, Oats, Hay, Tobacco, Wool, Feath ers, Beeswax, Potato) s, Ouions, &c\consign ed to us will be promptly sold and the pro ceeds returned without keeping the money a few months to speculate upon; for we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no speculation whatever; all that wc want oar commission, ns follows: For Receiving and For wardingall ordinary mckages of goods 10 cts; large packages of urniture and machinery,charges according to responsibility. Iron and steel iu loose bars 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which yoo can save by depositin w j • i • j r I a large crass Family Newspaper— indepen- AY idows who have received forty | dent f n to ‘ ne and choVacter-puUisbed week. acres of land, and who are applying for | ly in Macon, Ga. by. (he additional one hundred and twenty I acres granted them under the late act, I will not be required to furnish proof of their marriage and the death of their husbands, when that evidence has al-1 ready been furnished and is on file. They must furnish proof however, of continu ed widowhood. May 3 L. F. W. ANDREWS. Editor and proprietor. Somebody wants to know when the ’Anglo Saxon race,’ so much talked about, is to come off. If there be a class of human beings on •earth who may properly be denominated low, it is that class who spend without earning, consume without producing, and distipatc on the earning of their relatives. Not Over Polite.—Old Squire R—was elected Judge of the Inferior Court of some county in Georgia.— When he got homo his delighted wife exclaimed—■** Now, my dear, you are a Judge, what am IT 44 The same darned old fool you always wa«/ was the reply. ’At length,” said an unfortunate man, -who had been ruined by vexatious law suits, 44 at length I have found happiness, for I am reduced to necessity, and that is the only thing I know of which has no law,” Ole Bull.—This accomplished artist, tufl greatest violinist since Paganini, we soe it stated, is about giving a series of concerts in the various cities and large towns throughout the United States. V. B. PALMER’** AMERICAN NEWSPAPER AGENCY, VIULADELPHAI—XEW-YORK—BOSTON. Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, &c T HE Subscriber, Agent for most of the Newspapers and Periodicals of America, . , • -n . .\ I | especially deputed to receive subscriptions circles in Boston that the very spirited I and advertisements, and authorized by the parody on Tennyson’s Battle Ode. which proprietors to give receipts, was originally published in the Boston! Hereby gives Public Notice, that current Transcript under the title 44 The Light of specie paying Banks may be remitted D . , J, ... , . ° r to him by mail from all parts of the United Brigade,” was wntten by a daughter of States ,^ pa y men t of Subscriptions for any Hon. Edward Everetf. a he Horae I Magaziue, Newspaper, or Periodical for Journal pronounces it ’ 4 the most sue-1 which he is the Agent, whether Daily, Semi cessful parody yet attempted. j weekly, Tri-weekly, Weekly, Monthly, or ’ Quarterly, of all sections of the Union ; which Tb« Legislature of the Terri.or, of Nebraska, at its late session, passed I fujj amount remitted* thirty-eight general acts, sixteen to in-I Subscribers should write plainly the Name, corporate towns and cities, three schools Post Office, County or Parish, and State, to and colleges, two for railroads, thirty- which subscriptions shall be scat. five for ferries and bridges and eleven for HoUKrnd^ubli’c L insti"uU’onrgTn“rany! R S 8 miscellaneous objects. Also, special acts I well as individuals, will be supplied with organizing twenty-three counties, and any number of Newspapers aud Periodicals, ordering the survey and laying out of I at Publishers’ Prices. ^ uleveu territorial road, 14'™."”, VXr' tJSSSSZ- w> »v j .gether with their Prices, will be cheerfully Lt. M. F. Maury, has consented to i communicated, and all orders promptly snp address the Literary Society of the plied. University of Virginia, on the 29th of Advertisements will be inserted in any 1 ' ° one paper, or, ( from a single copy,) in any dune next. | number of papers designated, to the full , , . , .amount of any section or district iu the Union, The bill for the sale of the Pennsyl- at the Publishers’ lowest rates, and reliable vania Main Lin; of Works went through explanations will be given of places, charac the House on Friday, and is now gone I circulation, and prices, and thir adnp In thp Rnrpmni t,0D 40 variona business pursuits as adver to the ixovernoi. | UsiDg mediuinSf The following list embraces a few popu Eighteen thousand emigrants have liar city Papers and Periodicals, with Prices left Ohio this seasdfe for Kansas, Ne-1 annexed; for which, together with the pro braska and Iowa. n “ n « nt P" 1 ' 1 * 01 ! 1 a ° d Commercial Papers of the day, the subscriber will receive subscrip- The democrats of the tenth district 1 tions,MZ O. Butler for Congress of Kentucky have nominated Gen. Win. I n^miduit' $4 o. 1 Sat tm. Courier S 00 Sat Evj. ‘ost 5 00 BickneU’s Reporter 1 00 14 Wizzard’’ Anderson is figuring nt j TucketPsMfftwraal 4 oo Preston, England. Ilelintcnds to re-visit Anim-% Horn* Mag. 2 oo .1 r -JO.. ' Fits*. City Item 800 the united States soon. 1 ~ - l Episcopal Recorder Cbristain Cbrunicle I Christain Observer Children are raised in Japan with a pully. Some of the grown folks are occasionally raised with a rope—round the neek. For children and grown folks, (Japan holds out inducements that should not be slighted. A hatter advertises, 44 YVatts on the Mind” is of great importance, but what’s on the head.; is of greater. A man sent a note to a witty friend, requesting the loan of his noore-paper, and received in return his friend’s mar riage certificate. Good newspapers are the only paper currency that is worth more than gold or silver. A young lady in our town has dis covered that Shanghais are nothing but or!'. Housewifery.—Ao ancient art said to have been once fashionable among young girls aid wives; now entirely out of use, or practiced only by the 4 lower order/ 44 Night threw her mantle o'er the world and pin'd it with a star.” Decid edly tasty,—wasn’t she? ire all creatures of habit. After life three or four times, you die as not —Public abuse, every traveler is to distinction. 2 50 2 oo 250 Godey’s Ladies’ Book 3 00 ttrabani’s Magazine 3 00 Nxw You. Home Journal 2 00 Sbiping Sc. Com. ' iit 6 00 John M. Botts has declared that he will go with the K. N’s. against the “Wise” democracy. New You, Evangelist $3 Chtistsm Adv.fcJour. 1 Cliurcbmaa Observer Freeman’* Journal National Magazine Ladies' National do. Water Cure Journal PI Plough, Loom 4c Auv Working Farmer Boston. Yankee Blade Ameican Union Flag of our Union Gleason’s Pictorial Ls*v Reporter Literary Museum Litell’a Living Age Ploughman New Eng. Farmer Cultivator Pilot Waverly Magazine 2 00 Olive Branch North American Bev. 5 00 Brownson* Quar’ly Review 3 00 Dwight’a J. of Music B 00 PERRY DAVls’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER STILL TRIUMPHANT, A ND after a thorough trial by innumerable living witnesses, has proved itself to be THE MEDICINE OF THE AGE Although there have been many medicinal preparations brought before the pnblic since the first introduction ■ f Perry Davis’ Vegeta ble Pain Killer, and large amounts expended in their introduction, the Pain Killer has continued to steadily advance in the estima tion of the world as the best Family Medi C W. & H. R. J. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATHENS, GA. T7" EE P constantly on hand a large and well JA_ selected stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Window Glass, Putty, jfc. $c- Also, dealers in French, English and Ameri can Chemicals, Drugs, Medicines, Per fumery and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchants and all others can depend upon their orders meeting prompt attention, upon the most accommodating terms. Their goods will bo warranted as repre sented. January,1854 New Firm and New Goods. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT'S, <kc. dec. Mandeville & Talmadge TTAVE just returned from New,York,with IX a large and beautiful assortmeut of the above named articles, which they will sell cheaper than cau be purchased elsewhere A great variety of rich Jewelry of the latest style—Broaches, Pins, Ear and FingerRings. ;old guard and fob chains, gold Pens and encils. gold and silver Buckles, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of col'd Glasses: Warranted sterling silver table, dessert and IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass Castings of every, variety; Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to the best. Steam- 1 Engines, Forcing-Pumps, Gold-Mining Mills, Gin, and all other kinds of gearing. Mill- 1 Irons and all kinds of Machinery made to order. Iron Fencing-of select patterns, Plough and Wagon Castings and Dog-Irons. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of years. A list will be sent those addressing (post paid,) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent j? n Athens Steam Co. ABj Old copper, brass and iron castings wanted. cine ever introduced. As an internal and I teaspoons, silver Forks.aud all otherarticl. s external remedy it is truly a source of usually kept iu a Jewejry store. ^ mv Tn THI? vvnniTi The superior advantages which the sub J1 U iul »» UlvLiU scribers possess over those uuacquninted with One positive proof of its efficacy is, that the business, in purchasing directly from the the sales have constantly increased, and manufacturers and importers, and being wholly upon its own merits, as the proprie- practical jewelers, renders them capable oi tors have not resorted to advertising to gain properly judging the value ofall they pur for it the rank it now holds among the great chase and recommend to the public, uumber of preparations of the present time. lathe department of Watch and Jewelry The effect of the Pain Killer upou " the pa- Repairing, we are determined, by careful tient, when taken internally in cases of and neat workmanship, punctuality and low Colds, Cough, Bowel Complaints, Cholera, prices, to merit the approbation of the public Dyssentery and other affections of the sys- favor. tem, has been truly wonderful, and has won An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest for it a name among medicinal preparations stple, always on hand, from seventy-five cts that can never be forgotten. Its success in to one hundred and seventy-live dollars—all removing pain, as an external remedy, io warranted perfect time-keepers, cases of bums, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, I A. S Masdevuli, | W. A-Taomadge the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in this market, making the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. TINLEY & HERON. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 18-55. Wo beg leave to refer to the folio win; gentleman: Rev. Thoa. W. Atkin, Maj.M. M. Gaines. Asheville. P. D. Gates, 12 Broad way, New York. Col. James Gadsden, Charleston. John Caldwell, President of 8. C. R. R Thos. Warning, Auditor 44 “ “ “ John King, Agent 44 “ 41 44 Hyatt, McBnrney & Co., and J. S Sc L Bowie <fc Co., Charleston. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State ; A. R. Crosier, Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M. Swan, Nashville, Tenn. French «t Van Epps, and J. J. Bryant, Chattanooga. Q. A Tipton, Railroad Agent, and merch ants generally, Loudon, Tennesso. N mm n & Son., T. J. & C. Powell, Craighead and Deaderick, Knoxville, Tenne- se<\' W. & T Harris, Inman <& Hamilton. Bran- uer & Mitchell, Fains <ts King, Dandridge, Tenn. sting of insects and other causes of suffering, has secured for it such a host of testimony, as an almost infallible remedy, that it will be handed down to posterity as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the nine teenth century. The magical effects of the Pain Killer when taken or used according to directions, are certain. You have ouly to be sure that you buy the genuine article and Corner of Broad street and College Av. one door east ot'Petersou’s bookstore. Dec 22,1854. W. H. & J. TURPIN, (Successors to W. H. Turpin,) O FFER to Physicians, Planters, Merchants and the public at large, a choice and well adhere to the directions in its use, and you I assorted stock of Drugs ani Medicines, Oils, will admit its wouderful medicinal proper-1 Paints, Dye-stuffs, Glass aud Putty, Brushes of every description, Straw Brooms, Spirits ties. The genuine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer is Turpentine, Ac. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said county, W HEREAS, James L. Wozencraft, Exe cutor of the personal Estate of Thos. Wozeucraft, late of said county, deceased, 1 letitions the Court for a discharge from said Executorship. Therefore, all persons con cerned, are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Executor should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held on, the first Monday in Neveuvber next, be discharged form said Executorship. By order of said Court, at a regular term tlierenfheld this the 2d day of April, 1855 April 5. ASA M. JACKSON. Ordinary. _ . ,r P' now put up in panel bottles, with the words I We purchase oar goods for cash, nnd are Davis’Vegetable Pain Killer blown in the prepared to sell on the most advantageons glass; and with two steel engraved labels terms. Merchants will find it to their iuter- on each bottle—one an excellent likenesi of est to look at our prices. All articles war- Perry Davis, the Original inveutor of the ranted to be as represented. Give us a call medicine,the o*her a steel engraved note of | andaatisfy yourselves. Augusta, Junel5 hand—none others can be relied upon as ge- nuine. Price of bottles 12 1-2 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1, respectively. PERRY DAVIS <fc SON, Proprietors, No. 74 High at., Providence, R I. The Pain Killer is sold by C. W.& H. R. J. Longs, and Smitu »t Hill, Athens. t*jr~ Beware ofc uuterfeits put up in the old style. Mar 3. FOR SALE. A Cottage Residence. C ONTAINING eight good rooms, with closets, pantry, and dairy, &c. A good kitchen, smoke-house, servants rooms,stable, carriage-house and other out buildings. The lot contains two acres, is well im proved, has on it a never-failing well, of as good cuol water as can be had in Clarke conn-* , and a number of ehoice fruit trees. Situated in Cebham, town of Athens. Apply to C.S. OLIVER. Athens April 5,1855, 8u GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said County. W HEREAS, Eleanor H. Lowery, for met It Eleanor H. Overby, guardian of Sarah A. L. Overby,minor of Thomas Overby,dec eas ed, is desirous of obtaining Letters Dismissory from said guardianship— It is therefore, upon the application of said guardian, ordered by the Court, that all per sons concerned, appear at the regular term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in March next, to show cause why said guardian should not be dismissed from said guardian ship. A true copy from the minutes of said court, at a regular term thereof, held this 8th d&y of January, 1855. janll ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. TIN! TIN! C ONSTANTLY on hand, a large and well assorted lot of plain, fancy and Japanned Tin-ware, at P. A. SUMMEY & UUO'S April 13 $300,000 IN GIFTS FOR THE PEOPLE! Capital City Art-Union, STOVES, STOVES! C OOKING and Office Stoves, in great vari ety, constantly on hand, at low prices,by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BltO. COLUMBUS, OHIO. B urnell & co’s second great GIFT DISTRIBUTION. The proprietors take great pleasure in an nouncing to the citizens oi the Union that in consequence of the great satisfaction mani fested by the ticket holders of their great Distributions, and the many thousand solici- SHOES! SHOES! A LARGE and well selected lot of Gents and Ladies’ Shoes, for sale low, by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BUO TO THE TRA YELLING PUBLIC. $100 Reward R AN A WAY from the Subscriber, on the 4th March last, my Negro boy, Barry, about 24 years of age, about 6 feet high, of light or yellow complexion, flat face with ovel forehead—his feet were burnt, when a child, so that his toes is nearly all off, which causes him to limp in walking—a large scar just above the knee from the cut of an ax, 1 think on the right leg. It is stated that he is on kis way to Ohio, and intends to work for means, iir the upper part qf Georgia, to carry him there. I will give one hundred dollars for his aprehension and delivery to me, or lodged in some sate jail so that I can get him, provided he is caught more than twenty .five miles from my residence, and if under twenty-five miles, I will pay thirty dollars. DAVID COOK. April 10, *1855. fit EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold before the court house door of Clarke county, on the first Tuesday in June next, during the legal hours of sale: One negro woman, named Lydia, about sixty years old, and her son Frank, about twentv years old, to be sold as the property of Eze kiel Brown deceased, in pursuance of an or der of the Honorable Court of Ordinary oi Habersham county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the dnv. STEPHEN JACKSON, Ex’r. April 18, 1855. DISSOLUTION T HE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of TRAMMELL & MORTON, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be conducted hereafter by the undersigned. Mar. 29. C. G. TRAMMELL. RICE. A FRESH and good article of Rice always on hand at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S April 13 SAULTi.R & IVY A T their old stand, near the FrankliuHouse, Athens, Ga. are better prepared than . „ ever heretofore to meet the wants of the tra- tat ions from all parts of the country, in rela* J veiling public. tion to whether they intend getting up an- Tho*e wishing to hire Coaches, Carriages, other Distribution of Gifts for the people,) Hacks, Buggies,or Saddle Horses,are invited they have, after an immense outlay, teen to give them a call—ns they have finer Coach- enabled to offerto thei- thousands of patrons es and better stock than at any time hereto- the following valuable, magnificent and un-1 fore, while their Drivers are as caveful as cau precedented BRILLIANT SCENE, to be dis- J? found anywhere. tributedas soon as the 300,000 Beautiful At the same time their terms are as Engravings of the Capitol of Ohio are dis- good as the best. R.Saulter. Z.Ivt. tributed among their Patro s. The price of — r the Engraving is. but One Dollar, and as a ( Schnapps, parlor ornament it cannot be surpassed. rnHE pure unadulterated article of Schiedam Read attentively the following list of bean- X Schnapps, imported by B. Lieber, may be tiful and costly Gifts, which will be satisfac- had of the undersigded, who have been ap torily distributed by a committee of ten, se-1 pointed agents iu this city. The public may lected one from each State where the largest rely on the purity of this importation. In uumber of subscribers are obtained: careful to notice the name of 1 Farm in the State of Indiana, $10,000 B. Lieber on the label. 2 2 50 2 2 2 3 3 2 6 2 200 2 00 2 50 2 00 2 00 Y\ r o understand that the Hon. Robert loomuS will soon leave for Europe, where he will spend the summer, and return in lime to take his seat in the 1 DicJwT’rurWord* 3 oo Senate at the opening of the next ses- cwB,“ t ^ c nk A Sun)r* n a oo sion of Congress. I Spirit of the Times 5 00 1 Knickerbocker Msg. 3 00 Albion 6 00 Thompson's Bank Note Reporter Cour. do. Elate nit 3 00 Harpers’ Magazine 3 00 Putnam’s Magazine 3 00 The Washington Star says that Louis I independent S * Z,n * 3 oo Napoleon has made large investments American Organ, (Washington, D. c.,) daily, $5 00 in California in the names of others. Icaliguani’s Messenger, Paris, Fnnce, el:* or y bo 00 In addition to the above, 1,he subscriber is Virtue.—An awkward habit ofacting I prepared to furnish all the principal Daily different from other people. A vulgar I‘ ind £ a P* r ®. ®fboth City and Coun- _._„l Y# L- • r °. 1 try, ofall the States of the Union; Magazines, • ° r T, • c . rea tS ° Itat ,n * a 'h- Reviews, and Periodicals, together with all lonable circles. | the Late Pablications and Standard Works of the day, at the Publisher's Lowest Prices. Honor —Shooting a friend through! B6” Having Offices in each of the cities the head, whom you love, in order to °^Jf hi l ad f lp A ia? N fi w-York.and Boston, with • ' : I 4 . , . competent Assistants, he possesses every gain the praise of others whom you de- reasonable facility for carryiug out, prompt- spise- I ly and satisfactorily, the Orders of all who may command bis services. Address, V. B. PALMER. American Newspaper Agent, l’niLADELPHiA, Boston or New-York. April 12, 1855. BLACKSMITHING. T HE subscriber continues to carry on the all its brunch es, at his old stand, near the Town Spring,in the rear of the Franklin House Row—where good tools, gool material, and very superior Workmen await the 1 orders of the public. He has in his employment an axe-maker and horse-shoer, who cannot be excelled. Work warranted to be done well and at moderate prices, A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. M. E. MeWHORTER. Athens, Feb 1 ‘ My son, what would you do if your | dear father should be taken away from you ?” 44 Curse and chaw tobacker ?” ... . Farmer’s Cradles. One young man in the vicinity of qcYTHE Blades,Gras*Scythes,Reaphooks Boston snot himself last week, because O aud Scythe Snathes, for sale by he could not get a wife, and another April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. because be could not get a divorce. _ _ ^ Q . T - . 1 i i— 'v s-. SACKS SALT, largo size and m rr,__ ____ • I OUU first order, just received and for T wo sons of Erin were moralizing sa | e i ow by J over the result of the late election. 44 Bad news, Pat,” said Mike- 44 Faith, an’ ye’re right there, 1 sponded Pat. “ What would ould Gineral Jackson say to this, if lie was alive now T* eja culated Mike. 44 Be gorra,” replied Pat, 44 he’d say he was glad he was dead ?” A pi 19, T. BISHOP A SOX. Wealth. The quality of the man. most respectable 5Q HHDS, choice new erop Molasses, Apl 19. for sale low by T. BISHOP & SON. D RIED Beef, Smoked Halibut, and pick- led Beef Tongues, new and fine. For sale low, by T. Bishop dsSon. April 26. JUST RECEIVED. R AISINS, Almonds, Currants, Citron. Spices of all kinds, flavoring Extracts Gelatine, Cocoa Paste, Ac. &c. For sale by T. Bishop A Son. April 26. SKY-LIGHT MGUERREAN GALLERY. T HE subscriber has recently opened the Sky-Light Daguerrean Gallery nearly opposite the Bank, where he is prepared to take LIKENESSES in all kinds of weather, and iu the most beautifhl style of the art. The poblio sre invited to call aud examine specimens. J.F. 0’KELLY. Athens, Feb 1 *f W. G. DELONY, attorney at law , W ILL give hisspecial attention to collect ing, and to the claims of all persons en titled to Land Wabrasts, nnder the latr Bounty Land Bill of the last Congress. GF* Office on Broad Street over the store of I. M. Kenney. March 15—1855—tf. L AMP and TRAIN OIL.—Bleached Winter and Fall Sperm Oil, and a superior arti cle of Train Oil, by the barrel or gallon. W. H. A J- TURPIN, J14une Druggists, Augusta,G* BUCKETS AND PAILS. W HITE and red cedar, oak, and a variety of painted buckets and pails, for sale low, by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. TOOLS. B LACKSMITH’S and Carpenter’s Tools, in great variety, for sale by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO Flour! Flour! \ LARGE lot of superfine and extra family iX Flour, in sacks and extra barrels, for sale by p. A. SUMMEY & BRO. J UST Received an extra article of pure Port Wine expressly for medical purpo ses. Also a largo lot oi Flavouring Ex tracts for culenary uses and flavouring.— Icecream Ac., for sale cheap by Apl 10. P. N. JUDSON. I do in Ohio, 8,0001 1 do in “ 6,000 ( 1 Four-story Brick Dwelling and Lot, in Columbus, Ohio 5,5001 1 do do do do 6,5001 1 Beautiful residence in the town of Mount Vernon, 5,500 1 1 Two-story Brick Building in Cbillicotlie, 3,500 1 Brick Cottage and Lot iu Colum bu9, 1 do do do do 1 Frame do do do I Handsome Country Residence W. H.&J.TURPIN, Agents, June 14 Broad st, Augusta, Ga POWDER. E XTRA blasting and Rifle Powder, a large lot. English and American gun cnps.-lor ale by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. To Bridge Builders. S EALED proposal* will be received by the Iuterior Oouit >4 Clarke couutv until Thursday, 10th May next, fur building the wood work of a lattice Bridge over the Oconee river between the town of Athens and the Hail Road Depot. The entire leugth of the Bridge will be 300 feet. Builders will designate in ttteir pro- als the difference between the cost of constructing two spans of 150 feet each, and three spans of 100 feet each. The Bridge to be covered with good heart shingles, and weather-boarded vertically with/ plank 8 inches wide and oiie inch' thick, opening two inches, and the spaces to be covereo with battens 4 inches wide and one inch thick. Width of floor, or roadway, to be 18 feet in the clear—height of truss frame 14 feet. The timbers under the floor to be of heart pine, and the other materials of good quality. The whole to be completed by the 1st day of November, next. Further information may be obtained from E. L. New ton, Athens, Ga., to whom also proposals may be directed. WILLIAM DICKEN, J. I. C. E. ia. NEWTON J. I. C. Y. L. G. HARRIS J. L C. P. W. HUTCHINSON, Jr. J. I. C. M. S. DURHAM, J. I. C. April 12. 1855. Eradicator. « 000 I MARSHALL'S Magical Pain Eradicator, 3000 -PJ- for curing Rheumatism, Bruises, Spraius, 2 500 Swelliugs, Ac. is eminently superior to any ’ I othei external remedy for these stubborn dis- inSego, Perry county, Ohio, 1,5001 eases - All who have used it, can testify to 4 Splendid Building Lots in Col umbus, at $2,0u0, 8,000 10 do do do at $1,500, 15,000 4. do do in Cleveland, 6,000 1 Grand Action Piano, (iJh'aj 1,20< 1 Gold Watch, set with Diamonds, 1,000 its efficacy. For sale by W. H.«fc J. TURPIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Broad st, Augusta, Ga. and by all Druggists throughout the State. June 5 Gold Watches, at $500 e cb, 10 Rose Wood Pianos, at $500 10 do do do at 400 10 do do do fit 300 50 Gold Watches, at $160 100 do do at 100 100 do do at 75 100 do do at 40 800 Silver do at 20 600 do do at IS 25,00 5.000 4,000 3,0001 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. S TATE OF GEORGIA, Gbekne County.— By virtue of an order from the Honora- 7,5001 ble, the Court of Ordinary of said County, 10,000 passed at its regular term in April, 1855, 7,500 w ,u be sold at the Court House door o? said 4,0001 County, in Greensborough, between the law- 6,000 f u i tours of sale, on the first Tuesday in 7,500 June next, all that tract or parcel of land, 1000 Ladies’ Gold Breast Pins, at $4 4,000 lying in the Couuty of Greene and State onn .i n 5 000 | aforesaid, on the head waters of tue Ogee- cbee Saver, containing five hundred and seveuty-nine acres, known as Union Point, with the Hotel and all the improvements. The land is good and productive for farming purposes, with a good portion of woodland. It is unnecessary to say anything with refer ence to the Hotel—as it is known through 200 do Brocha Shawls, at $25 500 do Silk Dress Patterns, at $20 10,000 5000 Gold Pencils, at $3 15,000 10000 do Pens, with Silver Cases at $2 20,000 20000 do Rings, at $1 50 each, 30,000 12084 do •* at 1 each, 12.084 Every purchaser of the splendid large out the State to be the best stand for a H«- Lithographic Engraving, will receive a Certi- tel on the Rail Road, and one which is ficate of Membership, entitling them to a destined to remain so, and improve from chance in the above list of vamable and year to year with the increase of travel, costly Gifts for the People. The Engravings g 0 j d a8 the property of Edward L&mpkiu, can be sent by mail (without being damaged,) deceased, for a distribution among the lega tees. Terms on the day. LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, Admr. with the Will annexed. April 26, 1856. Clarke Sheriff’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in June next, will be sold before the court house door, to any part of the country. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Persons wishing to act as Ag nts for us will please send a recommendation signed by tbe Postmaster or some other influential and well-known person in the place where they I reside. All orders with the money inclosed, free of postage, will meet with prompt attention. ___ _ Iu order to prevent mistakes, Agents ond| in the Town of Watkinaville, Clarke county, others transmitting money to us will please have I within the legal hours of sale, the following it sealed in the presence of the Postmaster, and property, to wit: _ , the amount entered on the way bill. | One undivided half of the tract of land Wo pre-pay all our letters, circulars, Ac., whereon the defendant now lives, adjoining to our Agents aud Correspondents, and ex- James L. Griffith, Mr-. Sarah Griffith auu pect them to do the same with us. D.W. Jackson, in the 224th District G. M. in tST Agents wanted in every town, whom said county. Levied upon as tho property we will furnish with posters,circulars,sched- of John D. Griffith by a fb fa- issued nles, instructions, Ac., on application at our a Magestrate’s court of the 2^4th District H.M. office, o- by mail, postpaid For further Russel Shepard, Executor of Susan bnepartl, particulars, see descriptive bills, Ac., or in- dec., for use of Simeon Shepard vs. Jotm U. quire at office. No. 2 Walcut’s Block, Town Griffith, Thomas D. Griffith and Charles street, Columbus, Ohio. A. Thompson, 3cc’s. Levy made and return BURNELL A CO., Proprietors. ed to me by Wclbom Hunt, Constable. April 19,1855. 3m. May 3,1855. I. S. VINCENT, « Sfi’ff. Notice 1 1 WO monthsafter date, application will be . made to tbe honorable Court of Ordinary of Walton county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Elisha Casey, de- ceased. April 12. H. H. CAMP Adm'r. SPRING I S upon ns in all its glory, and summer is is fast advancing. With these seasons also come diseases peculiar to them, in the form of Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, and worst of all, Ring-Worm. The best remedy for such, and certainly the most agreeable, is “Mar shall’s Ring worm and Tetter Lotion.” It will .cert duly cure, and quickly—it does not stain the skin, aud is an agreeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W. H. A J. TURPIN, Dealers in pore Family Medicines, Junelb Broad street, Augusta, Ga. NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby notified not to, bay or trade for a promissory note, dated! on or about tbe 20th March last past, paya^ ble twelve months after date to Dr. W. I* Walton, or bearer, for amount twenty- five hundred dollars, sigued by Milton Sayre, and Sarah Winstead, the consideration hav- iug Haled, the payment will be resisted. MILTON SAYRE- Athens. 12 April, 1365. 4t ' NEW GOODS. I H A VE just received a large stock ofchoico Family Groceries, and a general assort ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash or prompt payment at the end of each quar-> tor. D. N JUDSON. Jan. 18, 1855. GEORGIA. HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, T.. Grizzard applies to me for letters of administration, on the estate of Nancy Grizz ird, late of said conn-, ty, deceased. " j&flH This is therefore to cite, and admonish tho kindred and creditors of said deceased to show cause, on or before the first Monday in June nwti> why said letters should not bo grouted. Given under my hn^.l the Mih April, 1355. May 3—30.1. . M. GRAHAM, Ord. W OLF’S Arahiaiic Scfiicdaui Schnapps a superlative tonio dian.-tic anti dyspep tic and invigorating cordial, just received aud for sale by Apl 10. p, N, JUDSON.