The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, May 31, 1855, Image 3

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PROCLIVITIES FOR FAINTING, ON TUB BATTLE riELD, ACQUIRED, OR ARE THEY innate? Now, readers, don’* go to cogitating, one way or ihe other, till you hear me discourse on the subject! I claim to be master of it, and when I snatch Up my old goose quill, you may expect it to be stripped of all doubt, mist, obscurity, and such like, that now surround and befog it. nuf ced ! SAMUEL. Lawrenceville, May 2oth. Editor of the Southern Watchman : Dear Sir: Upon reading the letter of Mr. Stephens,I was mortified that he felt it necessary to speak of his friends as Jacobins, Atheists, Freesoilers, Afaoli tionists. I feared for a short time that his ingenious letter, coupled with his well- known popularity in this county, would frighten ‘Sam’ out of his wits, and cause ■some ofSam’s friends to " take water;” but far from it, they who have hitherto '* through evil and good report’ adhered \o the political fortunes of Mr. Stephens, Ray “ they cannot follow him in his anti- American motions; they think his letter Uncalled for at this time, in bad taste and in bad. humor, being addressed to his old friends. The result,however, of this uncalled for publication of Mr. Stephens’ views, together with t he well understood opposition of Mr. Toombs to the American party and their princi pics,has completely closed the mouths of the small fry politicians who were cry ing out for effect “Whig trick,” “Whig trick”—Seeing these two champions -of Whiggery against the Know-Noth ings, these would-be Democratic leaders are now seen standing at the corners of the streets with their underjaws down, their too-confiding neighbors and fellow citizens standing around inquiring,“how is this ? I thought you told me that this Know-Nothing movement was all a Whig trick, I now see Stephens and Toombs are both against them, I fear yo i have been trying to deceive me. I have liked those people from the first time I read their principles in Christy's paper, and now I see it is not a Whig trick I intend to join’em.’ Thus you see that what Mr. Stephens intended as a demolisher has only removed one, and pretty nearly the only onejo the success of the friends of “ Sam" in this county. The cause of the country is moving on gloriously. May God speed you in the noble work in which you are engaged. A friend of Sam.' AMERICAN PLATFORM. First, We shall advocate a repeat of the laws of naturalization, or if that can not be accomplished, then such a modi fication of these laws as will prevent fu ture emigrants from becoming citizens, short of a residence of twenty-one years, after taking the oath of allegiance to the United States, and of abjuration of all other powers, potentates, and prin ces. Second. We shall advocate the pas sage of a stringent law by Congress to prevent immigration hitherof foreigners who are either paupers or criminals, and to send back to the countries from which they come all such foreigners of these classes as may, in violation of such law, hereafter reach our ports: and to require the President of the United States to demand from any government, which may send hither such classes of its sub jects, immediate and ample satisfaction for such outrage, and proper indemnity against the repetition thereof. Third. We shall oppose the election or appointment of any foreign born citi zens to any office of trust, honor or emo lument, under the Federal or State governments, or the employment or en listment of such persons in the army or navy in time of war; maintaining, as we do the opinion, that the native born citizens of the United States have the right to govern the land of their birth ; LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER AMKRICA. ATHENS PRICES CURRENT, j CORRECTED WEEKLY, BY riTNKR AND ENGLAND ATHENS, May 30. Bnsrgiug (Gunuy) yd 18 to 20 Bale Hope, per lb 14 15 Manilla Kope“ “ 25 li&ggiiig Twine. 25 Bacon Sides 11A “ Hauis 12 “ Shoulders - 10 Lard 12 Batter ..... ..—. 15 Tallow 10 Tallow Gandies 18 Sperm do 45 Star do. 80 14 15 The steamer America arrived at Hali fax on Thursday with one week’s later news from Europe. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, May 2.—Cotton.—The market has advanced $d during the I CMTee Rio °° week with sales of over 100,000 bales. Coffee Java"!!*™!!!. ~ Breadstufis are unchanged. Corn slight- Tea loo ly advanced. Provision steady. Con-[? ice -" 8 sols 88. Several extensive failures are report ed! in Liverpool. THE WARS. The news from the seat of war is meagre. The state of affairs at Sevastopo lis unchanged. Some trivial success of the Allies is reported. The general belief is that the war will have a Jong duration 1 , without the hope of assistance front Austria. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA, The steamer George Law has arrived at N. York with San Francisco dates to the 1st imt. She brings Sl,300‘0001 I Powder, Rifle,..... 25 30 12J 12* 11 14 20 12 20 50 35 16 1G 125 8 Sugar, Brown 8 124 “ Clarified.. 10 10* “ Crushed 12* 12* “ Loaf 124 14 Molasses, per gal 35 37 N. O. Syrup. —. 45 50 Salt, per Bushel - 89 90 Salt, Liverpool Sack 290 225 Steel, Cost 21 25 “ German - 15 16 ,f Blister. 10 12 “ Spring.. 10 12 Iron, common size 6 6 '* 7 insh' wide 7 8 *• Brmd' ..... ... — 7 8 “ Nail rod 8 19- •« Sheet 8 9 Castings - 5 & .Nails, per Keg — 6 1 1 Powder,Rifle,.......... .... ..v. 550' 700 By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY I GRAND SCHEME FOR MA Y. \ CLASS 3. To be drawn May 24 th, 1855, iu the city of I Atlanta, Ga., when prizes amounting to , BT ^309^00^1 ] Will be distributed according to the follow ing magnificent Scheme! And remember j :ry Prize is drawn at each Drawing, and d when due without deduction ! eve pai 1 Prize V READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! 'aStal \55 W Wi ■'& Can be found the largest nssortmr lit of MEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered in this market. Also, FURNISHING G00D8: Tt2\waks,Y a\\ses, Carpet-Rags aatt \Imbte\tas, 1 2 5 10 15 <78 120 rize of $7,600 Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the article* we have on hand, do 5.000 but would cordially weleon e oil to Gg-eome and examine for themselves, i ....— ,o R. L. BLOOMFIELD’S. STARTLING, BUT TRPft f What every Woman should MOW. J^EADER, arc you a husband of a father! do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 2,000 .$1,000 are 2,000 . 500 are 2,500 . 200 are 2,000 . 100 are 1,500 . 50 are 3,000 . 25 are 3,000 251 Prizes in aftamountingto.-...... $30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUM BERS. Tickets $5—Halves $2.50—Quarters $1.25 SAMUEL SWAN, Agt. A Managefl May24 Atlanta, (Ja. 200 Dollars Reward! E SCAPED from the jail at this place, on the night of the 4th instant, two men charged with the crime of MURDER. JOHN EPPS, Athens, April 13,1854. New Spring & Summer GOODS. F. W. LUCAS, I S now receiving a large and handsome as sortment of all kinds of goods, suited to tho season, consisting of— LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Crapes, Muslins, Lawns, Cambrics, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ac. | EMBROIDERED AND MILLINE RY GOODS, in gold. The adjournment of the Legislature | Jg* Bag""""-”’!'. i&ft J L n.l ,„Anl' Kilt <1 arl I ' 1 Blasting ’475 10 and that immigrants from abroad be con- had been postponed one week, but did [cotton per Bale tent with the enjoyment of life, liberty nothing in relation to the election of a F Flour per bbl - lGSoisou 500 12* 275 arrives. The markets had improved, but pri- and property under our institutions, I Senator, without seeking to participate in the A bill has been passed, levying a I ^. orn . enaction,administration, or execution of| tax of 840 on every Chinaman that'' ea our laws. Fourth. We shall advocate and urge the adoption of such an amended form | C es were low. of an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and to be adminis-1 The Indians for War.—'It has al tered to all person elected or appointed 1 ready been announced that large bodies to an, office of trust, honor, or erooitt- f Indl> „ were ^ wnrlik. iomoo- ment, under the Federal or State gov-1 . ** . . ernments, as will effectuallj exclude from i stralM * ia m Northwest. Lolenel such offices all persons who shall not directly and explicitly recognize the ob ligations and binding force of the Con stitution of the United States, as para mount to all obligations of adhesion or Wheat per Bushel 125 150 I20 1 140 the Upper Missouri to meet his constitu ents in St. Josephs, reports that the In- ' dians upon the Plains are in a very un potentate, or authority whatever, under hostile attitude. He says: any and all circumstances. Fifth. We shall maintain the doctrine I that no one of the States of this Union has the right to admit to the enjoyment The Blackfeet, Uncapas, Sioux, Man- acongues, Sansarc, and Yanctons, band ed in one mighty host, and scoffing exist ing treaties, have unburied the hatchet Meal i Oats ** “ i 120 50 140 60 Rye ** “ L 75 100 Indigo,Spanish L Madder lb 125 16 150 25 Copperas J 4 5 Blue Stoue — ...... 18 20 Oil, Linseed 137 150 *• Lamp, Winter 150 10U 175 •• « Fall 125 “ Train 9« T90 White leadv Keg 25 lb- 2*5 250 i Glass, Box 8’5y BO 275 300 Mackerel. No. 3 b6T 1200 1050 •* A bids No. 2. 1100 1000 “ IbblsNo. 2 400 450 Beeswax.... 20 22 Feathers 35 40 Wool 25 SO 1 Tobacco 25 40 Yarn perbale,4C bunches 85 85 “ Retail 90 90 Osnuburgs, per Bale 9 10 “ Retail 10 11 1 Shirf ug J, per bale 84 9 “ Retail. .... 9 10 to the side to cover t Strayed or Stolen E ROM the premises of the Subscriber, on Sunday evening last, a small dark brown you the sin cere welfare of tliosoyou love at heart I Prove your sincerity, and lose no time in learning what causes interfere with their health and happiness not less than your own. It Will avoid to you and your.*, as itkas to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, follOVrOcN by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mirtd for its ordinary avocatio* and. exhausting- those means for medical attendance,moditines and advertised nostrums, which otherwise would provide lor declining years.the infirmi ties of age and the proper education of your children. How often it happens, that, the wife lingers Collars, Collaretts. Mantillas, Laci-a.Edging, . , Dress Trimming, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Who has been. imprisoned here, since Sep- & c . tember last, for the murder of his father in Ladies aud Gentlemen, Linen Cambric July previous, is full six “ Mid moderately shades not much inclined to conversation; has but f MOURNING GOODS. I enjoyment of heath, arising frun ignorance one full sow,having been born in tliatsitua-L Mourning Satins, Bombazine, Challcys, | of the simplest and pl-vnest rules of health tion ; wears his hair long and turns it over jCrnpcs. Bareges, Ginghams, Muslins, Cali- a ? connected with the marriage state, the this defect:about thirty fcoes Stc &c | violation of which entaih disease, and mise- T t feet high: straight t Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ging-U ro * n J ear t0 / car •“hatpinaUeconditioii. bwlt; dark straight [ hams Handkerchief*. ns aot to . r on . e day to . l j ,c side; slow spoken;! xrrYrrnxrntfn f*nnn« and exhilarating influence incident to the thirty f coes, Stc., &c, years °f nge. ^ I: All kinds mourning trimmings. , - „ . . .... .. , . TIIOS. D. GUNNELS, I Cloth.*, Cassimercs and Vestings, and all And must this continue 1 Must this l>c . Who most brutally murdered his wife in f kind , s of Summer Goods, jor Men’s *nd | l8 ^h"« ao ^«® ed y_ , 1 _No reUef! Nqhope March last, (and very nearly one of his B °y’ 8 wear. daughters at the same time,) is about40 HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, years old, five feet nine or ten inches high .. . , _ , rather stoop shouldered: talks freely and f ]} k,nds ® f Summer Hate for Boy s; somewhat loud: has a downcast look; dark hinds Ladies and Childrens bhocs an hanr r ami will weigh about one hundred and L, ?, er VT> t - , forty or fifty pounds: very fond of liquor: p?,*? ® Bad . Llnens ’ L,ne ? a , I “ 1 one finger off. I will give the above re-1 £ ,llow . Casc L . ,ne ° 3 ' »« mask ™J e Uoths ' I ward for the delivery of both the above I D ama8 kToweIs, Crash Dowlos, &o. named men to me at this place, or one hun- HARDWARE AND CUTLERY OF I dred dollars for either of them; or the same ALL KINDS. ess thecxneiisea^n 11 brinidnl! tkem ’ I Smith’s Tools; Tanner’s Tools; Mill Irons, found classed iu the catalogue: of the great, ess tnc expenses in bringing here. Smut MacUines> Mill Saws. Bolting Cloths, trade sales in New-York, Philadelphia, and .... . , °'-rAKNRil.i, I OR.OPERIES other cities, and sold by the principal book' ^o i® charged with larceny after trust re-1 n nwi «- sellers in the United btates. It was. firstf posed, looks to be about 21 or 22 years old: F “ 3 !’ published in 1847, since which time rather a small man : quite forward and pert, Carpettmgs, M.ittings, Rugs, wans, r loor , Hundred Thotuoad Conies and from his general deportment, whereso-1 Cloths, &c.; all of wliieli he- offers at the [ h a y e been sold.of which there were upwsvds' ever he may be, it would seem he wishes to 1 lowest market prices, either for cash or ap-l 0 f one Imtldrcfl thousand Sent by let the poeple know he is There. Hair rath-1 proved credit. [Athens. April 13.- | mail, attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a reliable popular Meili- MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. {cal BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE The remedy is by knowing the causes’and j avoiding them, andknowing the remedies and benefiting by them; These are pointed out in < THE MARRIED WOMAN’S' PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANY,•. nY dr. a; m. mauriceau,- PROFESSOn OF DISEASES OF WOKEN. One Hundredth Edition (500,000] ISmo., pp. 250. [ON FINE FJkPVft, EXTEA EINDINO, $.100.] A standard work of established reputation of free suffrage any person of foreign j a0( j bid defiance to the “ powers that he. birth, who has not been first made a These, combined with the Brulays and citizens of the United States, according j Qgalalies, of the Platte, numbering at a to the ‘ uniform rule of naturalization j sma [i calculation 3,000 warriors, have j horse—black mane" and tail—considerably prescribed by Congress,under the provi-1 thrown up fortifications on Raineybote,! f narke< | with the gear—ab?ut six years old— sionsof the constitution. .Up , m , r e. e of Grand River and are 8°?** 1 order—no other marks recollected, Sixth. We shall oppose now andhere- not on j y ready> bu t anxious to meet any “ij^erso^e 1 after any “untoo ofChturch and State,”l - *»-- r> —jI *— J re no matter what class of religionists shall seek to bring about such union. , Seventh. We shall vigorously main-1 thoseintiinatelv connected with the Sioux I . Otrayed. er light: one thumb off: lives in the neigh- borhood of Indian Springs. I will give ten dollars for his delivery to i ' force that the Government may send I turning him will b.3 liberally rewarded. ' against them. Not all the Indians, how-1 Athens, May 31. C. G. TRAMMELL, ever, (be it said to their credit,), even I those intimately connected with the Sioux very to me at this place, or if lodged in any Jail in the State so I get him. I. S. VINCENT, Sheriff and Jailor, Clarke co., Ga. Watkinsville, May 10, 1864. FENCING. I RON FENCING, ot select patents, for grave yards, Ac. Also, Verandahs, Bal- conys, Ac., manufactured to order, by the ATHENS STEAM CO. [May 17. IJIHE best article known for cleaning and | his e ”! u ” TC at tain the vested rights of all persons, of tribe, are disposed to side with these mal-1 the subscriber, near Mitchell’s birtn.antl shall at all 1 contents in their violations of faith and t-larke county, on Friday, the .. . ’ *" l ", I 101 . 811 ?? 3 01 '“ Hn . nu 25th inst, a sorrel horse, about 9 or 10years the slightest interference a |i egiance . ihe Assiuobines.Ricarnns, old. of medium size, having several white stAfl nrrnte I r-% j nr .1 1 • aL. I u:. 1 1. 1 _ l?; ’ »_ ... native or foreign birth, and shall times oppose the slight with such vested rights. -- | Crovatries, and Mandanes, having the I spots on his back, and a white mark on one Eighth. We shall oppose and protest I f earo f the four regiments before their I ear - I apprehend that he is making his against all abridgement of religious li- eves have told their a*ent Cel Vaughn V° Nort ’. 1 Carolina, where he is said to hertv hnldincr it as a cardinal maxim •' -f 11 1 ** " pav* been raised. Any information concern- berty, holding it as a cardinal maxim, In council, that they would not only aid f i Dg said horse will be Uiapkfnll* ; that religious taitn is a question netweeo an d abet, but furnish material assistance I and any person brngingbun to nw, will be each individual and his God and over h„ subduin'* their refractory brethren. I liberally rewarded. which no political government, or other I 0 ^ JEFFERSON JENNINGS. human power, cat) rightfully exercise I Advice to Young J/en.—Among the many I May 31 lb For tho Southern Watchman., May 28th, l£5o. Mr. Christy: Dear Sir:—I commu nicHl, to you in basic, tbe s„d inldli . which no political governiiiCT., or other J ’ human power, can rightfully exercise „ _ „ , gence of afire that occurred here on any supervision or control, at any time, physical disadvantages which neglect favors. Frido, loot,which brokoout about noon, L place, or in an, form in the office ot Dr. V. H. Shelton 1 M ’“* u J *“ u M 6 polishing all kinds of metals, windows, ,\ en “‘ oa to , e treatment ot complaints pocu- ,zors and glass ware. A supply just rc liar|tofemales,m respeetto which he is yearly ived, direct from the manufacturers, and consulted by thousands, both in person and Dealers supplied on liberal by letter. T. BISHOP razors 1 ceiv« terms. 6 ’ ° W T. BISH0P sTsON. [ Here every womau can discover, by conv- April 26. I paring her own symptoms with those do- scribed, the nature, character, causes of, nnd 1 lYI rVOR F! Sr PART .TPOIV the proper remedies for, her complaints. OL 1 Ult | Thewife abou t becoming a mother has; H NEW BOOHS. suming the dwellings and every building upon the lots of Drs. V. 01 n j it n a i« L/vU 4 >v I .. . 1 , . . r i 7 1 Fluid is the best p eventive and cure for Shelton and II. D, Aderhold, together religionists, or by the adherents or fol- with the library and all the medicines of I lowers of either, or by any other class of I For sale by C. IV. Jt R. R. J. Long, Athens, •he former also, hi, corn, fodder ,nd »I We shall maimoin =r,d defend I the constitution as it stands, the Union Tke P° et 3ftjrs part of his household furniture. The grocery, and part of the contents, of M C. Hix, was destroyed; and also a iiouse belonging to Mrs. C. Jones, occu pied, ns an office, by P. C. Langston. In consequence of everything being so Bell Smith Abroad; Keeper, by Miss Warner, Minealogy; Gardener’s Companion: Kerns’ Landscape Gardening; Household Words, vol. x Johnson’s Agricultural Cbemistiy; Long Look Ahead, by author of James Montjoy ; Abbott’s Stories, vol. vi. May24 At WHITE'S Bookstore. Combs & Co’s Express Office. T. M. LAMPKIN, Agt., Athens, Ga. P ACKAGES left in theevening at the of fice of this Southern Company, owned and operated by Southern men—will be for warded with the mails next morning, lo Charleston. Augusta, or any other point in I the Southern country. This enterprise being exclusively South ern, and great diligenco used in forwarding packages with the greatest possible expedi tion, commends itself to the patrouage of the Southern peopie. April 29. 03 Office at the old stand of A. K. Childs, next door to the Frankliu House. No Package or Freight of any de scription will be shipped, unless notified of at the office- Row, and having purchased n Spring I utmost importance to her future health, ki Stock with great care, ask our town and I respect to which her sensitiveness forbids country friends to come in and examine, and I consulting a medical gentleman, will find we feel assured that they will be pleased such instruction aud advice, and also exnlnin with the qualities, styles aud prices of our I many symptoms which otherwise would oc' goods, consisting of caaiou anxiety or alarm, as all the peculiar! French and English Calicoes, I ties iheideut to her situation are described. French and Scotch Ginghams, new designs, | How many are suffering from obstructions said county, on the first Tuesday in July 1 green ones. as it exists, and the rights of the States, ^ p °" r a , j,’I At going out, we think, and enter straight without diminution, as guaranteed there- Another golden chamber of the king’s, by ; opposing at all times, and to the ex-1 Larger than thia we leave, and lovelier. tent of our ability and influence, all! Nevertheless, most peopledread death, and I IPS /TV iT\v i Sf\\0 who may assail them, or either of them, will catch at every remedy for the tortures j}C Tr-Vf V I/# ftf Eleventh. We shall oppose no man,and that rack the mortal body and hurry its dis *** ^ *wy dry, it was with much difficulty sustain no man on the ground of the op- the gafeat and mo5t re i iaWg me dicine for re“- that the flames were arrested. The P os,t,on to , « r his support of, Democra- n eV iDg many of the ills which flesh is heir to. lo-s is esiin.»l«l M about ei-ht (h3 „. Whig measures,but we lbe D „ s store.of Smith £ 10J-S is esumateu ai .iooui eigni, iu ju s },all oppose those who oppose our doc-1 Billiips and C. W. A H. R. J. Long. sand dollars—by far the heaviest of trines, and sustain those who sustain our which, wa6 sustained by Drs. Shelton doctrines. Twelfth. And lastly, we shall use our utmost exertions to build up an “Ameai- can party,” whose maxim shall be, Americans shall rule their country ! and Aderhold, who certainly merit the | sympathy of our citizens- Yours in haste, P. FILLMORE AND DAWSON. The Tallahassee Sentinel expresses itself warmly in favor of Messrs. Fill more and Dawson for the Presidency DEFEAT OF THE BELS. CHINA RE- $3=-L00K REYNOLDS & BROTHER, (Over Saruom <h Pittard’*,) BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, ATHENS, GA. I Invite the attention of the public to their preparations for PRINTING, in all its de partments. NEW STORE AND No. 12, Franklin House Range, (L. J. Lampkin’s old stand.) Wm. J. Morton, (■SUCCESSOR TO tTM.M. MORTOJT* SOX,) R espectfully announces to ihe public that he is now offering for sale, at the above stand ,a large and varied assortment of SSAPLE AND FANCY next, during the legal hours of sale, negro woman, Peniun. about twenty-nino years old, and her four children—Lucy, about seven, Wiley, about five, Alonzo, about fonr, anil Fanny, about one and a half year old. To be sold ns the property of Isabella McRec, late | of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ROWAN McREE, Adm. May 17, 1855. td Theta. China brin S ajn.elligene ? | “ and are Printers of Cobb’s Refors. Sept. 21,1854. ly R. & B. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! J that the rebels have been driven from and Vice Presidency as the eeVdidales ef I Canlon aad Shanghai ivhh terrific slaugb- (be-American "party at the next elec- '*'• P™ b » b g> P°> a " end lion. It says- * * I to the revolution. The Hong Kong cor- -MiUerd Fillmore for IhePreeidency, re! ,f" nd ' n ‘ ° f ‘ he L ? n * n N ? w ' ■*“ = oeJo. «nnotnnW C' Tlemenn ef Pen J. The Other StTOOg holds Of tile lUSUT- for the'Vice Prekden^y in *'«> in '° >ho hands of the itn- rhe ticket. Wo knots nothing of their pemhru, .ho ttre reponed to lot.o ef- Know Nothin" nroclivities and care les« I fected « he,rob J ect ^y buying op the Fillmore has ° been tried and proved rin S Iea J er9 ’ The k ave | [By Authority of the State, of Georgia.^ | made a shocking use of their triumph. of execution has' leen a vast I fPHE subscriber having been appointed I iamage field, where hundreds June daily' -*■ Jasper County Academy Lottery. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, &c. The stock is entirely new, and will be sold E rices to suit the times, is friends aud the public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves fST The Books and Accounts of the late firm of William M. Morton & Son will be fonnd at his store, and those indebted are requested to call and settle. Athens, May 10,1855. tf GEORGIA—Clarke County. W HEREAS, Isaac M. Kenney applies to I me for Letters of Administration on the I estate of John M. Clark, late of said county, I deceased— J These are therefore to cite and admonish I all and singular the kindred and creditors of I said deceased to be and appear at my office I on or before the first Monday in July next, to I show cause (if any they hare) why said Let-1 ters should not then be granted to tho nppli-1 cant Or to such ether person or persons as the Court may think proper. Given under my band, at office, this 9tli | day of May, 1855. May 17 A. M. J ACKSON, Ordinary. true—weighed in the balances and not found wanting—tested in the crucible and came out pure gold. I TrZ “u““ y I “7 Lottery, intends conducting tiTc same on ‘•Mr. Dawson is a man of talents and been P*?* 0 death, in the hope of sinking the Havana plan of single numbers, and has Southern to the ‘‘manor born,” and be-1 terr . 0 ^ mt0 th * m,nd8 ? f _ t -!.-??P"! at,0 , n ’ I l^ ca _teih*» offi^ ia the city of Macoa. Geo. STRAY COW! L EFT my lot in Athens, sometime last week, a small red milch cow, of the Eng lish breed, white face and white streak along the back. She was giving mftk when she left. Any information will be thankfully Manager of tiie Jasper County' Acade- j received. _ _y THOMAS MOORE. Athens. May 17 3t longs to a class of politicians or statesmen which is fast passing away and of which there is unfortunately hut too few, in these degenerated limes. Few men won for themselves a more enviable reputa tion at Washington, then did ex-Sena- tor Dawson, durng liis Senatorial career “That’s tho pin? Mip immmn nnrtv escaping, but by far the greater number CAPITALS—I Prize of $12,000 tt is proposed to pul • , 777, I, . . , p jofthe ringleaders have found themselves! ^ ** 8,0001JL should sufficient < nth that ticket, will hold the right and ?*'"ermgieauers j «. 1,500 "Business Directory,” ift bowers, and with tact in playing their ,n lke ian( ^ 3 t lL clentin g I 1 « 1,100 ens. It will contain with left bowers, and with tact in playin w hand, may in a pro-slavery platform, | eneoa 7- lead off with the aee and make a march.” All accounts agree in representing the He now offers the following— foul atrocities committed by the manda-| GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY 23, 1855, Nearly Jive hmired pruoaers bSffii.’"" “ have been put to death, and some were 1 tortured in a most firightful manner before being put out of the way. Some f the rebel chiefs have succeded in | CLASS B. VW 83° $50,000. NOTICE lin earnestly request all who arc indebted to us, to come and make pny- I ment, or close their occouuts by note. We mtuf close the business of the old firm. May 10 LUCAS 4 BILLUPS, W'x; Bfea, At his residence, in Madison county, on Sun- N. Y. Tribune ON Stephens—The day last, Mr. Wm. C. Carithers, in the 65th Tribune, speaking of Mr. Stephens’ year of his age. The disease of which he j 408 prizes, amounting to-.- anti*Know-Nothing letter, says: dijf wu typhoid f«er. Th, djoomed wm O’ ,: M r s ?c‘'Tj'“ d •-«--* sjml distrust, lno 4 National Know No-1 illness was short, and he exhibited a perfect ] Remember things, like the ” National” Whigs, are ready to consent to the rule of the Slave I Oligarchy. What strength they may be able to gather in the North on their pro-slavery ( latinim is, however, not very clearly determined. All we .can assert with confidence is, that the lapse I of time is sure to cause a constant di-j juinution of its amount.” villingucss to meet the great change. ICE! ICE! ICE!" T HE citizens of Athens can be supplied with Ice. at the Athens House, at the following rates: From 1 to 50 lbs, 4 cts per lb, •• 50 “ 100 “ 34 “ “ “ 100 and over, 8 “ “ “ May 31, W. H. DORSEY, Agent. Athens Business Directory. is proposed to publish iu pamphlet form, ‘ euoouragemeut offer, t for the town of Ath the names and resi- 4001 dences of all County, Municipal, and Town ........ 5,000 J Officers generally. Names and places of bu 2,000 j siuess of all our merchants and business men: 1.200 aud iu fact all necessary information concem- 1.000 ing the business of the town, as will best , . „ . * * §50,0001 promote the interests of ALL- Agents wanted in every town and j Small Professional and Business Cards will **- Union. 0u application, the be inserted at $1.00. Larger aqd more con - forwarded. spicuous advertisements, at $2.00. Location every Prize drawn) at each 1 of private residences will be given as accu drawing, under the superintendence of Col. rately as possible, for $1. Geo. M. Logan and Ja3. A. Nisbet, Esq., gen- J see circulars, tlemen who are sworn to a faithful perform- jgp Subscribers’ names, and Cards and ance of their duty. Prizes paid when due I Advertisements will be received at the without discount. _ I “Southern Watchman” office, and at Combs’ t^~All orders, rely on it, strictly confi-1 Express Office, where all information con- dential. Bills on all solvent banks taken at cerning tho work will be given, par. May 21, 1855. Whole Tickets $S; Halves J4; Quarters $2. ——, _ Address JAMES F. WINTER, [ pRESHSalunm iu lb. cans, cheap, at Ken J? May 31. Manager, Macon, Ga. 1 ney’s. March 29, Administrator’s Sale. French printed Jaconets, French printed Organdies, French printed Bareges. Plain, figured and striped Grenadier, Plain Bareges of all colors and qualities, Rich Organdy, Bafege, and Silk Flounced Rohes, Beautiful worked Collars, from 50 cents to 7 dollars, Cheraizetts and Collcvclts of new and fash ionable styles, Silk and Lace Mantillas new patterns, Bleached and brown goods, Hardware, Crockery and Groceries, All of which we will sell at Augusta re jw many or irregularities peculiar to the female syst em,. which undermine the health, the effect's of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice t—•. Many suffer from jjtmlafm* uteri ( falling of the womb), or from fiuor albus (weakness,■ debility, &c.) Many are in. constant agony for many moaths preceding confihefodnt.—- Many have difficult, if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain recoveries..— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find in-its pages the means 6P- prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to rionvey fully the various subjects treated of, as they tail prices, with the exception of Bleacheil are of a nature strictly intended fot tho mar-’ April 19, 1855. F. TO HOUSE KEEPERS. W. LUCAS is now receiving a large assortme it of Lace and Muslin Curtains; Handsome Shades for Parlors; Gilt Cornice; Bands; Handsome Rugs and English velvet Car- tets. All of which he offers on very reasona- ile terms. April 19, 1855. Administrator’s Sale. Y virtue of an order from the honorable I theCourt of Ordinary of Walton county, will he sold, before the court house door in tho town of Monroe, on the first Tuesday in July next, ali that tract or parcel of land,] lying in Cut-Off District, Walton county containing one hundred acres, more or less- Sold ns the property of Elisha Casey, dec’d, I for a distribution among the legatees, subject to the widow’s dower. Terms on tho day of sale. B- H. CAMP, Admr. May 17,1855. tds JUST RECEIVED!!! [ OHNSTON’S Agricultural Chemistry, Burnhams Hen Fever, Lamplighter, Harper's Story Book, 5 volV life of Lady Blessington, Curtis Hist, of Constitution, Abbotts King’s and Queen’s or life in tke Palace, Strickland's Queensof Scotland,new vol., The North and South, Mayhew’s Peasant Boy Bbilosopher. Apll9. W. N. WHITE. dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, os well on booksellers as on tho puUse, by imitations of the title page, spuri ous editions, and surreptitious infringements’ of copyright, nnd other devices and decep-' tions. it has been found necessary, therefore,' CAUTION THE PUBLIC , to buy no book unless the words “ Dr. A. M ; . Mauriceau, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y.” is on ! (and the entry in the Clerk’s Office oit'the back of) the title page; and" buy only of, respectable and honorable dealer's, or.send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mnuricenu.' fog" Upon receipt of One Dollar. “THE' MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDI CAL COMPANION” is sent (wailed frfi) to' ny part ot the United States, the Canada* net British ITovinces. All’ lcM*-rs must be’ id, and addressed to Di'. Ai M.'MAU- TAKE NOTICE, A CCOUNTS for tho last quarter are now due, and payment thereof required. Aprils D. N. JUDSON. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLY to the will of Dorothy Les ter, late of Walton county, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday In July next, before the court house'door,in the town of Monroe, within the legal hours of sale,one hundred and fifty acres of land,-in the third district of Walton. (No. not known) the place where Dorothy Los ter lived at the time of her death. Sold ns the property of Doro- D. N. JUDSON. Commission TOcrthant, DEALER IN Choice YamiVy Groceries AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. Broad Street, Athens, Ga. April 19, 1855. RICEAU, box 1224. New York Ci'/-. Rub lulling Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New' York. March L5, 1855. NEW GOOD’S AGAIN- HE subscriber is opening a full assort-, ment of Staple' ahd Fancy Spring and Summer Goods—among which, are an urtiiri ually handsome assortment of Muslihs.'Beragds, Prints, nnd'otber dVess Goods; ,, . . , . , Bonnets, Ribborik, Summer Hats, Saoos and Boots—all of the latest styles—good.ainL’ fine, to which he invites the attentiori off his fricndsanddusVitners, to whom lie will sell at his usual Ibw prices, with slfBrr profits for cash or Onsb terd^. Call soon and: choose thd bdst.’ . . u v Mar. 29. ISAAC IT. ffENWK\-, R EFINED GULATINE aiid Irbli’.Viis^ tor sale, bjr T. Bishop Si Sdn.' Habersham Hotel. Clarkesville, Ga. T HIS comfortable and commodious estab lishment, located on the Public Square, thy Lester, deceased, for the benefit of tho j g now - 0 p en for the reception of transient heirs and creditors. Terms on the day of sale an( j permanent boarders. No effort shall be wanting to render guests comfortable. A. ERWIN, Proprietor Clarkesville, .April 19, 1865, May 17, 1855. tds H.H. GAMP, Admr With the Will annexed. W OODRUFFS Dysenterry Cord ill, Bran- dreth’s Pills, and Moifot’s Life Pills and P cenix Bitters,arestill kept for sale at the old stand of J. S. Peterson, corner of | Broad street and College Avenue, by Mayl7 WM. N. WHITE. 50 000 Apl 19 LBS,- Extra Tennessee Ba con, for sale low by t. bishop. & SON. OOGARS l Sugars 1 Sugars! of every grade O and description. For sale, low, by. T. Bishop «fc Son.A~pril 26. 100,000 lbs. BACON, for sale by Geady <fc Nicholson- Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Walton county, will be sold, at tho court house door, in the town of Monroe, on the first Tuesday in July next, all that tract or parcel of lnnd, lying m the county of Walton, on the waters of Mar- bury’s creek, containing 320 acres, more or — . less. Sold as the property of Josiah Wether- cheap goods—will my friends please re l, for a ais tr 'h n ^ 011 anion" the I suond ? May 3. 1. M. KbrirUi*!* WANTED E VERY dollar now due me on notes and : accounts—and stil-1 dollars for ford, deceased, for a distribution among the I spond 1 Term^on the^dav of s^'le 3 < *°" er ' 1 1 fA fA Sacks superfine and extra Flour; Terms 0D ^ h ^ d ^ A °MP. Adm. A bonis non. 100 For sale, low, by T.Bishop <t Son. May 17,1855- » A P rit 2G ’ March 22. JUST RECEIVED -| a CASES'clioide Champflgne Cider, a ini' IU (ot sale cheap by . Apl 19-' Bi N. JUDSON. VfPsiyp.r,. F ROM the “ Pioneei 1 Mills;” near A'itn n.- V for sale, at factory prices, at the store of May24 D. N. JUDSON. $15,000!! r S A LARGE Stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots,- Shoes, Hardware, Iron, Crockery. Gro ceries, Ac. for sale low for cash by April 26 Guadt A Nicholson. ICE, ICE! F AMILIES can be supplied at Combs’ Ex-. press Office, daily—after the arrival of the cars—at 4 cts per pdtiud. May3‘ T. M- LAMPKlN, POWER!' POWER! J T HE 12 Horse Power Steam Engine now running the works of the Atheus Steam Co., will be sold cheap, as a larger is re quired for their work [May 17.