The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, May 31, 1855, Image 4

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‘Brief Stents. VA RIETY, THE 8PICE OP LIFE. ’ *• I come for that saw, sir.” “ What saucer T" 44 Why, the saw, sir, you bor rowed ?' “ I borrowed no saucer, ” “ Sure you did, sir—you borrowed our saw, sir.” “ Be off, boy, I never dream ed of borrowing a saucer.” “ Be dad but you did, and there it stands right in the comer.” “Oh! it’s your father’s saw you mean—why the deuce didn’t you say ho ?” A most interesting sight to see is that of a young lady with “lips like rubies,” and with *‘ teeth of pearly whiteness,” and with cheeks that have stolen the “ deep carnation of the deathless rose, with her mouth full of gingerbread! “Wiit don’t you hold your head as I dor” said an aristocratic lawyer to a sterling old farmer. ” Squire,” was the reply, “ look at that field of grain. You see that all the valuable heads are bowed down, while those heads that have nothing in them stand upright.” Mf.n doat on this world as t'itough it were never to have an end—neglect the other, as if it were never to have a be ginning. __ Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in lising every time we fall. Brave actions are the substance of life,and good sayings the ornament of if. Modesty is a very handsome dish- cover that makes us fancy there must be something very good beneath it. Those who put off repentand till .another day have a day more to repent of, nnd a day less to repent in. The noblest remedy for injuries is oblivion. Light injuries are made lighter by not regarding them. Keep a low sail at the commencement •of life; you may rise with honor, but you cannot recede without shame. Good breeding i* a guard upon the •tongue*; the misfortune is, that we put it •on and off like our fine clothes, and our visiting faces, and do not wear it, where it is most needed, at home. WAR AND LOVE. War and lov4, are strange comrt-es, War sheds blood, and love sheds tears; War has spears, a^d love hns darts. War breaks heads, and love breaks hearts, Advice to the Girls.—Dr. Beeswax, in his admirable. “ Essays on Domestic Economy” talks tc youug ladies after this fashion: ‘Girls, do you w’ant to get married—and do you want good hus bands ? If so, cease to act like fools Don’t take a pride in saying you never did house-work—never cooked a pair of chickens—never made a bed, or so on. Don’t turn up your pretty noses at honest industry—never tell your friends that you are not obliged to work. When you go shopping never take your mother with you to carry the bundle. Don’t be afraid to be seen in the kitchen cooking steak. A Dutchman being called upon for a toast, said: 4 Here Isb to the heroes who fit, bled and died mit de war of Pu.i- Hill—of whom I am one. Drank stand ing Mte into ^nfeionnl JOIIN H. CHRISTY, PLAIN AND FANCY Book and Job Printer, “ Franklin Job Office,” Athens, Ga. *•* All wotk entrusted to his caref&ithtuUy, correctly end punctually executed, at prices correspond- Jen 18 in- with the liar J ness tf the times. tf C. B. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Roomsover the Store of Wilson & Veal. Jan3 An Irishman received a challenge to fight a duel but declined. On being asked the* reasons: Och, said Pat, would you have me lave my mother an orphan ? The Hammer.—The hammer is the universal emblem of mechanics. With it are alike forged the sword of conten tion, and the plowshare of peaceful ngii- culture, the press of the free, and the shackle of the slave. The eloquence of the forum has moved the armies of Greece and Rome to a thousand battle fields, but the eloquence of the ham mer has covered those fields with victo ry or defeat. The inspiration of song has kindled up bright hopes and noble aspirations in the bosom of the warrior, but the hammer has strewn the field, de cided not only the fatejof chivalrie com bat, but the fate of thrones, crowns and kingdoms. Never marry fora fortune. We. over heard a poor unfortunate get the followin sockdolager, the other day, irom bis better half: “ You good-for-nothing fellow !” said she, 1 what would you have been had I not married you ?— Whose was the baking kiver, whose the pig-trough, whose the frying-pan, and the iron hooped bucket, but mine, when you married me ?’’ PiTcn into Nicodemits.—A cele brated character of the state of New York, holding a high post in tho law, ■was lately taken ill and confined to his •bed for several days. His wife., who -was an angel of a woman, propose d to read to him,to which he readily assented. ‘ My dear, what shall I read ?’ * Oh I don’t cure much what, any thing you please.’ ' But have you no choice, dear ?* * Non* in the world, please yourself.’ ‘ Shall I read a chapter or two out of the Scriptures?’ * Qh yesy that’ll do, very well.’ * But what part of the Scriptures shall I read. ‘ Any part you like, love.’ ' But, dear,you must have some choice, we ail have that.’ * Well, dear, if you insist on pleasing anr, Pitch into Xicodemus.” There is a letter in the Cleve land Puit-office directed as follows: • To the big red faced Butcher, With a large wart on his nose, Cleveland, Ohio.’ T he clerks expect a licking when they •deliver the letter. Many spend so muth time in contri ving how to get money without labor, •that they never get it at all. No trade will produce anv thing unless well fol lowed. PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale St Retail Dealers in Groceries, Dry Goods, HARDWARE, SHOES AND BOOTS, April 6 Athens, Ga. MOORE & CARLTON, DIALERS IN SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. April No. 3, Granite Row, Athens, Ga LUCAS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. Ac. Ac. No. 2, Broad Street. r Athens. WILLIAM G. DELONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office orer the store at VVm M. Morton It Son Will attend promptly to all business entrust ed to his care. Atheus, April 6 P. C. LANGSTON, Attorney at Law, CARNESYILLE, GA. References.—C. Peeples, Esq. ) , W. L. Mitchell, Esq. \ At Col. B.F.Hardeman, Lexington Samuel Freeman, Esq. Ncwnan .Gabriel Nash, Esq.Danielsville Col. H. Holsey, Americus. P. A. SUMMEY & BROTHER, Wboteaalo and Retail Dealers in Staple Goods, Hardware, Crockery, AND ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Corner of Wall and Broad streets, Athens. WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, And Newspaper and JHagaiise Agent. DEALER IN MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMPS, FINE CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, AC. No. 2, College Avenue, Newton House, Athens, Ca aignof “ White’s University Bookstore." Orders promptly filled at Augusta rates. TENTH GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION or THE ART UNION SOCIETY 500,000 Gifts VALUED AT 8300,000111 Certificate> for thit Year, ONE DOLLAR. T HE members ol the Art Union Society, on tho «• cation of this the tenth distribution of the WORKS OF ART Accumulated by theSociety during the pastyear,would respectfully call the attention of its patrons to the fact that, being about to remove to the buildings in course of erection for the Society in the city ot Washington,they will add the real estate and other landed properly be longing to the Society, to the DISTRIBUTION FOR THIS YEAR. At the last meeting of the Society, it was determined to redccb the certificate of share tor this Grand Enter- nise to one dollar each, thinking thereby that it will ie the means of a more general diffusion of the works ol anists throughout the country, and will enable the Society to extend theirlabors for the advancement of the ARTS AND SCIENCES In this country. The certificates of shares will be issued Dou-aa, accompanying which each purchaser will receive free of charge, by return mail, a beautiful Lino and Supple Engraving, entitled Washington on Dorchester Heights. Representing an eventful period in the history ol our ___ country. 5CT" It will be seen, by referring to the list,that there are many valuable pieces of property, many costly paint ings, superb statuary, beautiful engravings, costly jew elry. magnificent s. awls, and other beautiful gifts,such •* watches, illuminated works, tee., to the num ber of five hundred thousand—worth $300,000. «.r ,!* ,c “*'°V expects to remove to the New Hall ar W ashington by the middle of une, the distribution will take place on the FIRST OF JULY, 1855. The < ifiiMutes and regulations that have heretofore guided the Society’s distributions will be adhered to in this, and ort 40account will thete be any postponement from the day named. All letters and communications, [post paid] for certificates, or on business, are to be ad dressed to the Southern Office in Washington. Directed to the Secretary, who will answer by return mail, Single, subscriber*, remitting ten dollars, will re ceive one year’s subscription to any of the Magazines they may name in tlieir letter, to be forwarded free of charge for the time of sutecription, one year. The following list constitutes a part of the . GIFTS FOR 1855: The splendid House and Lot of the Art Union So ciety, situated in Broadway, $30,000 A superb dwelling, the residence ol the late An son Suitser, Esq. 15,000 The beautihiS.siunmer residence. Gothic cottage, and Hawk's Nest, on the Hudson, 20,000 5 small dwellings, situated on the lot belongingto the Society, in 92d street, 10,000 10 magnificent camel’s hair shawls. They are the most beautiful work of art ever beheld, 10,000 4 sets of diamond jewelry—consi -ting of 7 pieces each—alt antique panerns, in a beautiful pearl jewel bos, 10,000 10 sets ol Marl jewelry, consisting of 7 pieces C. W. &H.R. J. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATHENS, GA. j; ‘ T EEP constantly on hand a large and well . A selected stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs. Brushes, Window Glass, Putty, £c. £c. Also, dealers in French, English and Ameri can Chemicals, Drugs, Medicines, Per-. fumery and Fancy Articles. Physician's, merchants and all others can depend upon their orders meeting prompt attention, upon the most accommodating terms. Their goods will be warranted as repre sented. January,1854. Why are postage stamps like lazy school boys t Because you have to lick t.heir hacks to them stick to their letters ; In the moral as in tne physical world, the violent is never growing—the tree forced into unnatural luxuriance of blos soms, bears them and dies. A dandy while being measured for a pair of boots, observed, “ Make them to cover the calf.” *• Heavens, said the astonished artist, surveying h'e customer, from head to loot, “ I have not leather enough. A Nice Question.—Sam.— 4 You’ll get it for hooking dat turkey last night. Mas’r knows it.’ Pompey.—‘ I didn’t hook it. Warn’tde turkey mas'is? Well. Aint I mas’rs? Well, I eat de turkey, didn’t I? Well. Ain’t de turkey part o’ me ? Mas’r ain’t got so much turkey, but be got more nigger ? I tell you de turkey only change places.’ The lady who tried to read by the 44 light of other days,” subsequently took a camphene lamp. The Treasury Department publishes that it has no means of determining be tween genuine and counterfeit Conti nental bills, and that it is authorized to redeem genuine ones for half a century only. Forty-one first class three story resi dences, and a hundred smaller classed houses, are in progress of erection in Washington City. Men’s happiness springs mainly from moderate troubles, which afford the mind a healthful stimulus, and are fol lowed by a re-action which produces a cheerful flow of spirits. A man who lives beyond the usual term of life, is like a boy who stays be yond the usual age at school. lie be comes solitary, and the routine is tedi ous to him. It is stated in one of our exchanges that during the present year, there will probably be raised a grape crop suffi cient to make 600,000 gallons of Cataw ba wine. The demand for the article far exceeds the product. The Liverpool Times has an article expressing the hope that, if a war be tween Spain and the United States ari ses out of Cuba. England will not take sides with either. It says that such is the universal sentiment of England— even of the aristocracy—and that its sympbathies, in such a contesi,would be with the United States. T. BISHOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, April 8 No. 1, Broad street, Athens. JAMES M. ROYAL, HARNESSMAKERi H AS removed his shop to Mitchell's old Tavern, one door east of Grady «fc Nicb- olsou’s—where he keeps always on hand a general assortment of articles in hisline, and is always ready to fillordersinthe best style. Jan 26 tf An editor down East lias such an antipathy against Roman Catholics, that lie is going to have his paper set up in italics. Getting married is like gutting corned, you feel much better after you are through with the ceremony. A pedagogue relates a laughable story of one of his scholar*, a son of the Emerald Isle. lie told him to spell hostility. 44 H-o-r-s-e, horse,’* commenced Pat. 44 Not Aorse-jility," said the teacher, 44 but Jioj-tiliiy.” '• Sure,” replied Pat, 44 an didn't ye tell me the oilier day, not to say host? Be jabers it’s wan thing will ye one day. and another the ni*t.” An Irishman ruminating in his bliss upon the banks of a Southern creek, espied a terrapin pluming himself. Och hone i * exclaimed he, solemnly, 41 that ever 1 should come to Ameriky to see a snuff-box walk 1” •* Whist 1 Put,’’ said his wife, 44 don't be afiber makin’ fun ot the bug,” Every day well spent lessens the task that God has sent us. T , v > Though it be not in your power, said M ircua Aurelius, to be a naturalist, a poet, an orator, or a tnathematicia n it is in yonr pow6r to be a virtiuous man, which is the best of all. A writer of high reputations often *'7ed for his faults, bocause, in criticis- icknowledged genius, men think it praise than censure. The Loudon Morning Post says that arrangements are in progress in Cana da for raising two regiments of Infant ry for the Crimea, and that the duly of organizing this force has been entrust ed to Col. J. D. G. Tulloch, the military superintendent of pensioners in British North America, a most able and ex perienced officer. 44 Peter, wlial are you doing to that boy ?" said a schoolmaster. 44 Why, sir, he wanted to know if you take ten from seventeen, bow many will remain so I took ten of his apples, just to show him, and now he wants them back “ And why don’t you do it V 44 Cos, •sir, he would forget how many is left.” Good reason. That boy is some; or rather, will be some cute lawyer, THE CLOUD8. Beautiful clouds t I have watch’d ye long. Fickle and bright os a fairy throng; Now ye have gathered golden beams, Now ye are parting in silver streams, Now ye are tinged with a roseate blush, Deepening fast to a crimson flush; - Now, like ®rial sprites at play, Ye are lightly dancing another way; Melting in many a pearly flake, Like cygnet's down on the azure lake ; Now ye gather again, nnd run To bask m the blaze of a setting sun; And anon ye serve as Zephyr's car, Flitting before the evening star. LOOK HERE! T HE undersigned Lave on hand a general assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. which they will sell low for cash or barter Call and examine. April 13 P. A. SUMMEV & BRO. $150 to $200 per Month!! WILL scud instructions by which any person can make from $150 to $200 per month, without, traveling or peddling, and with the smallest amount of capital. This is no receipt of any kind whatever. I will for ward the above instructions and nil the arts and receipts of value, as advertised in the different papers of the United States, free of postage, to any person sending me the small sum of one dollar, post paid. E. S. SHIPLEY, Kingston, Drr T -' Ross Count/.Ohio, Coach-Making and Repairing. JAMES bTbURPEE, A T the old stand recently occupied by R. S. Schevenell, offers for sale a lot of superi or articles of his own manufacture, at redu ced prices—consisting of Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for any thing in hisline thankfully received and promptly executed. ^D'Repairing done at short notice and on reasonable terms. each, all different styles, and of Persian man’f 5,000 12 gold watches for ladies, very beautiful and cu rious works of art; one the size of a hall dime, 10 watches for gentlemen, all very heavy of dif ferent styles and patients, 1,300 50 Boudere, Toilet and Dressii g Cases for ladies, some finished in pearl patterns—Louis XIV. 2,500 1 large clock, a very beautiful work of art, made by Lipordi at Cologne, finished in a style of beauty and art unsurpassed, 1,000 1,000 gold thimbles, all different patterns, very heavy. 2,000 53,000 illuminated albums, different styles and patterns, 50,000 00 copies of the lives of great painters, superbly bound, with an engraving ol each artist, 2,000 200 copies of Griswold’s Republican Court, splen didly bound, with tinted engravings, 4,033 100 copies of Boydell’s i llustra tionsuf Shakspeare. To the admirers of the great poet, this woik will be an acquisition. 10,000 PAINTINGS. Venus sending forth Cupid and Hymen—Titian, 2,003 Beggar Boy—Murillo, 1,000 Tobit and the Angel—Salvator Rosa, 1,000 Night View—Claudio, 1,000 Madonna—Corregio. 1,000 A Head—Titian, 500 A Head—.Vandyke, 530 Landscape—fouissin, 530 A Ficcc—-Guiotto, 530 Battle Piece—IVouvennan 500 Landscape—by Claude, 533 Thereare others by the same artists, all original, be sides some splendid pictures by Allston, Sully, Rey nolds, Neagle, Doughty .Cole, Chapman, David,Vcrnct, Stuart, Hubert, Tack, Bennington, Read, Bartlett, Schloss, ileiuington Johanoh, Schmidt, Rembrandt. Srliaub, Perkins, Lewis. Ellis, Hamilton, and others fully described in thccatalogue, which will be forward ed ok -aMtigation hv letter, post paid, to the Secretary. A'boyjj* "Hewn btreturu mail. - ' TERMS FOR CL CBS. Clubs of 10, 1 extra certificate, Clubs of 20, 3 •• " Clubs of 50, 8 The money in all cases to accompany the application lor certificates. LADIES FORMING CLUBS Will beentitled to the same terms as above, with the extra inducement of the present of a magnificent set of Boudoir Furniture, with rich colored India hangings, fine India Lace Curtains and every thing of the most splendid description, to the Ladies’club who will send the largest remittance for certificates. {ty-Postinasters are authorized to act as agents, and the postmaster remitting the largest amount for shares wil[ receive a h andsome Gold VVatch and Chain,valued at two hundred dollars. The money must accompany the a| ....... || eertif of charge by return mail. Correspondents are requested to write their address, with the County, Town. Post Office and State, plainly, in order to avoid mistakes. All letters answered by re turn mail. Catalogues of all the Gifts, with value and explana- ion, can be obtained on application to the Secretary,® whom all letters for certificates, &c. must be addressed. ALFRED JOURDAIX, Secretory, Washington, D. C. lltmu Lewis, \ Fusctilwr, > Directors, riiximo LmxnsTott,) Jan23 T. W. BAUER, Treasurer. NOTICE. T HE subscribers are prepared to fill orders for all kinds of Spokes for Carriages and Wagons, Also, at the same establishment we manufac tuie all kinds of BOBBINS, commonly used in our cotton factories. All done ns good and cheap as can be had from the North. Address, P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. Athens, Ga. who will attend to all orders, and the ship ping of the same. March, 1864. F RESH Candies and Maple Sugar, receiv ed this day and for sale by Apl 19. D. N. JUDSON. DISSOLUTION: rpilE copartnership in the Franklin Job Office, here- X tofore existing, uuder the finr of Christy It Kelsea, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by J. H. Christy—by whom the debts of the late concern will be paid, and who alone is an thonzed to collect the demands due to it. JOHN H. CHRISTV, Athens. Jan 11 1855. WILLIAM KELSEA. Pay up! Pay up! rjIHE undersigned most earnestly requests all persona J- indebted to the late firms of CHiim.Kiun & Buaza, and CkmsttA Kelsea—as also those owini him individually—to Pay up at oner: Many c these claims have been outstanding a long time, and all mustabsolntely he settled without delay. He trust* that a sense of right and lnstieewill lead every one indebted to settle up immediately. If, how ever, it shall turn out thathe is mistaken iu this, be will be forced,.however reluctantly, to" try whet virtue here is in’ • janl CHRISTY. Bacon ! Bacon !! Q/Y AA LBS. The finest lot ever of- py UUU fered in this market, lor sale low. by Apt. 19. P. A. SUMMEY d BRO. E XTRA Fine French Calf Skins, just re ceived and for sale,low, by T. Bishop dr Sod. t> March 22. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said county, W HERAS, James Fulcher, guardian of Rebecca Ann House, minor of Harris House, deceased, is desirous of obtaining Let ters Uismissnry from said guardianship. It is therefore, upon the applicotion of said guardian, ordered by the Court, that all persons concerned, appear at the regular term of this Court* to be held on the first ilondayin July next, to show cause why said guardian should not be dismissed from said guardianship. A -true copy from the minutes of said Court, at a regular term, held this 7 th day of May, 1865. ASA M JACKSON, Ordinary. May 17—6m. rtrt SACKS SALT, large size and in »JUU first order, just received and for sale low by Apl 19, T, ffisHop a sox. New Firm and New Goods. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTR UMENTS, d e. de. ftlandeville & Talmadge TTAYE just returned from New,York,with 11 a large and beautiful assortment of the above named articles, which they will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere A great variety of rich Jewelry of the latest style—Broaches, Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, ;old guard and fob chains, gold Pens and Pencils, gold and silver Buckles, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of col'd Glasses; Warranted sterling silver table, dessert and teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles usually kept iu a Jew-elry store. The superior advantages which the sub scribers possess over those u iiacquai nted with the business, in purchasing directly from the manufacturers and importers, and being practical jewelers, renders them capable oi properly judging the value of all they pur chase nnd recommend to the public. In the department of Watch aud Jewelry Repairing, we are determined, liy careful and neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to ljierit the approbation of the public favor. An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest stple, always on hand, from seventy-five cts. to one hundred and seventy-five dollars—all warranted perfect time-keepers. A. S Ma.ndevil.le, | AV. A.Talmadge. Corner of Broad street and College Av. one door east oi'Peterson's bookstore. Dec 22,1854. That Commission House TINLEY & HERRONS CHARLESTON. S.C. T HE only house doing business in that city that actually had any experience in Re ceiving and Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Carolina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open for the Receiving and Forwarding of all kinds of goods wares, merchandise, machinery, produce, <fcc. If you want your goods forwarded without the vexatious delays and enormous expense bills paid the last season, and_ at the same time have your business done in such a man ner that somebody mil be made responsible for the damaged and lost packages, cousign them to Tinley <fc Heeron. who have Received and Forwarded all Goods consigned to them during all the past season without any extra charge over those established rates ns given below, and up to this time hnve not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herron was Clerk of the Receiv ing and Forwarding Department of the South Carolina Rail Road Company for the past seveu years and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tariffs and rules of shipment,both by railroads and vessels, to gether with the mode of procedure to secure dainnges and pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which will be ta’,eu in all such cases without loss or delay tothe owners. Anotherimportantadvantage is that his thorough knowledge ofall freights and rulesnfplii pinout enables him to instantly detect aiuU correct any overcharge iu the Bills oflading which in.all cases has to be done at that time, or be lost to the otmer, in IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY ' AND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass Castings of every variety; Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to the best. Steam- Engines, Forcing-Pumps, Gold-Mining Mills, Gin, nnd all other kinds of gearing. Mill- Irons and all kinds of Machinery made to order. Iron Fencing of select patterns, Plough and "Wagon Castings and Dog-Irons. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of years. A list will be sent those addressing (post paid,) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent jan 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper, brass and iron castings wanted. ,y FOR SALE. A Cottage Residence. C ONTAINING eight good rooms, with closets, pantry, and dairy, &c. A good kitchen, smoke-house, servants rooms,stable, carriage-house and other out buildings. The lot contains two acres, is well * im proved, has on it a never-failing well, ofaa good cool water as can be had in Clarke conn- ", and a number of choice fruit trees. Situated in Cebham, town of Athens. Apply to C.S. OLIVER. Athens April 5,1855, 3m GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said County. W HEREAS, Eleauor H. Lowery, formerly Eleanor H. Overby, guardian of Sarah many instances greatly exceeding the corn- A. L. Overby,minor ofThomap Overby,deceas- missions we tfharge. He was also raised in ed, is desirous of obtaining letters Dismissory Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from said guardianship— from the contagions of thjtt city, therefore! It is therefore, upon the application of said we will under all circumstances faithfully guardian, ordered by the Court, that all per: discharge any business entrusted to us. j sons concerned, appear at the regular term of All produce,such as Wheat, Flour,|Corn„ this Court, to be held on the first Monday in Corn Meal, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs.Uotton March next, to show cause why Rice, Rye, Oats, Ilay, Tobacco, W ool, Feath should not be dismissed from said guardian- ers,Beeswax,Potato's,Onions,&c*,consign- ship. ed to us will be promptly sold and the pro- a true copy from the minutes of said court, ceeds returned without keeping the money . at a regular term thereof, held this 8th day of a few months to speculate upon; for we wish January, 1855. it distinctly understood ihat we engage in , janll ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. no speculation whatever; all that w.* want j —— :—i is our commission, as follows: j ^ I (Hi R ouronrl For ReceivingandForwardingaUorJiuary | tlp-l-vFvF AVtJU ell U packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of ■'DAN AW AY from the Subscriber, on the W. II. & J. TURPIN, (Successors to W. H. Turpin,) O FFER to Physiciaus, Planters. Merchants and the public at large, a choice and well assorted stock of Drugs ani Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Glass aud Putty, Brushes of every description, Straw Brooms, Spirits Turpeutiue, <£c. We purchase our goods for cash, and are prepared to sell on the most advantageons terms. Merchants will find it to their inter est to look at our prices. All articles war ranted to be as represented. Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. Augusta, Junel5 IIN! TIN! 0 ONSTANTLY on hand, a large and well assorted lot of plain, fancy nnd Japanned Tin-ware, at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S April 13 STOVES, STOVES 1 C OOKING and Office Stoves, in great vari ety, c'instantly on hand, at low prices,by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. ■ application I by letter, post paid] in all cases, and the tifle ite, with the engraving, will be forwarded free PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER, STILL TRIUMPHANT, A ND after atborough trial by innumerable living witnesses, has proved itself to be THE MEDICINE OF THE AGE Although there have been many medicinal preparations brought before the public since the first introduction (f Perry Davis’ Vegeta ble Pain Killer, and large amounts expended in their introduction, the Pain Killer has continued to steadily advance in the estima tion of the world as the best Family Medi cine ever introduced. As an internal and external remedy it is truly a source of JOY TO THE WORLD. One positive proof of its efficacy is, that the sales hnve constantly increased, and wholly upon its own merits, ns the proprie tors have not resorted to advertising to gain for it the rank it now holds among the great number of preparations of the present time. The effect of the Pain Killer upon the pa tient, when taken internally in cases of Colds, Cough, Bowel Complaints, Cholera, Dyssentcry and other affections of the sys tem, has been truly wonderful, and has won for it a name among medicinal preparations that can never be forgotten. Its success in removing pain, as an external remedy, in cases of burns, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, sting of insects and other causes of suffering, has secured for it such a host of testimony, as an almost infallible remedy, that it will be banded down to posterity as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the nine teenth century. The magical effects of the Pain Killer when taken or used according to directions, are certain. You have only to be sure that you buy the genuine article and adhere to the directions in its use, and you trill admit its wonderful raediciual proper ties. The genuine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer is now put. up in panel bottles, with the words Davis’Vegetable Pain Killer blown in the glass; and with two steel engraved labels on each bottle—one an excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the Original inveutor of the medicine, the other a steel engraved note of hand—none others can be relied upon as ge nuine. Price of bottles 12 1-2 cents. 25cents, 50 cents and $1, respectively. PERRY DAVIS <fe SON, Proprietors, No. 74 High st., Providence, R I. The Pain Killer is a dd by C.YV.dsH. R. J. Longs, and Smith & Hill, Athens. rg~ Beware of counterfeits put up in the old style. May 3. TAKE NOTICE A CCOUNTS for the last quarter arc now due, and payment thereof required. My terms are cash, or three months. Apfi WM-N. WHITE. SHOES! SHOES! A LARGE and well selected lot of Gents and Ladies’ Shoos, for sale low, by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. To the tra Celling public. saultTTr & IVY A T their old stand, near the FrankliuHouse, Athens, Ga. are better prepared than ever heretofore to meet the wants of the tra velling public. Those wishing to hire Coaches, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, or Saddle Horses, are invited to give them a call—as they have fiuer Coach es and better stock thau at any time hereto fore,while their Drivers arc as careful as can J. found anywhere. the same time iheir terms are as good asthebest. U-Saulter, Z.Ivt Schnapps. mHE*pure unadulterated article of Schiedam _L Schnapps, imported by B. Lieber, may be had of the undersigded, who have been ap pointed agents in this city. The public may rely on the purity of this importation. In purchasing l>e careful to notice the name of B. Lieber on tbe label. W. H.&J.TURPIN, Agents, June 14 Broad st, Augusta, Ga POWDER. E XTRA blasting and Rifle Powder, a large lot. English and American gnn caps.Jtor ale by T. A. SUMMEY & BRO Eradicator. M ARSHALL’S Magical Pain Eradicator, for curing Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Swelliugs, ike. is eminently superior to any other external remedy for these stubborn dis eases. All who have used it, can testify to its efficacy. For sale by W. H. & J. TURPIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Broad st, Augusta, Ga. and by all Druggists throughout the' State. June ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. S TATE OF GEORGIA, Greene County.— By virtue of an order from the Honora ble, the Court of Ordinary of said County, passed at its regular term in April, 1855, will be sold at the Court House door of said County, in tireensborougb, between the law ful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, all that tract or parcel of land, lying in the County of Greene and State aforesaid, on the head waters of tbe Ogee- chee River, containing five hundred and seventy-nine acres, known as Uniou Point, with tne Hotel and all the improvements. The laud is good and productive for farming purposes, with a good portion of woodland. It is unnecessary to say anything with refer ence to the Hotel—as it is known through out the State to be' the beat stand for a Ho tel on the Rail Road, and one which is destined to remain so, and improve from year to year with the increase of travel. Sold as the property of Edward Lampkin, deceased, for a distribution amoDg the lega tees. Terms on the day. LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, Adm’r. with the Will annexed. April 26, 1855. lurniture and machinery,charges according to responsibility. Iron and steel iu loose bars 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per" cent, which you can save by depositing the money with us for selliug produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in this market, making the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. TINLEY & HERON. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 1855. W« bog leave to refer to tbe following gentleman: Rev. Thos. \V. Atkin, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Asheville. P. D. Gates, 12 Broadway,New York. Col. James Guilsden, Charleston. John Caldwell, President of B. C. R. R Thos. Warning, Auditor “ “ 44 f 4 John King, Agent 44 “ “ 44 Hyatt, McBurney & Co., and J, S & L Bowie & Co., Charleston. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State ; A. R. Crozier, Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M. Swan, Nashville, Tenn. French dc Van Epps, and J. J. Bryant, Chattanooga. Q. A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and merch ants generally, Loudon, Tenn esse. Nm m n & Son., T. J. & C. Powell, Craighead and Deadcrick, Knoxville, Tctmc- see. W. &T Harris, Inman «fe Hamilton. Brnn- ner & Mitchell, Fains <& King, Dandridgo, Tenn. JAi 4th March last, my Negro boy, Barry, about 24 years of age, about 6 feet high, of light or yellow complexion, flat face with ovel forehead—his feet were burnt, when a eliil'l, so that his toes is nearly all off, which causes him to limp in walking—a'large scar just above the knee from the cut of an ax, l think on the right leg. It is stated that he is on his way to Ohio, and intends to work for means, in the upper part of Georgia, to carry him there. I will give one hundred dollars for his aprehension and delivery to me, or lodged in some safe jail so. (hat I can get him, provided he is caught more thau twenty .five miles from mv residence and if under twenty-five miles, I will pav thirty dollars. DAVID COOK. G.EO R QIA-rCLARKE County. Court of l/ratnary of said’counly, yjfikJ HEREAS, James L. Wozencraft, Exe- ww cutor of the personal Estate of Thos. Wozencraft, late af said county, deceased, petitions the Court (or a discharge from said Executorship. Therefore, all persons con cerned, are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Executor should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held, on the first Monday in Neveniber next, be discharged from said Executorship. By order of said Court, at a regular term thereofheld this the 2d day of April, 1855, April 5, ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary 18^, DISSOLUTION T HE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of TRAMMELL & MORTON, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be conducted hereafter by the undersigned. Mar. 29. C. G. TRAMMELL. RICE. A FRESH and good article of Rice always on hand at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S April 13 BLACKSMITHING. T HE subscriber continues to carry on the Blacksmithing business,in all its branch es, at his old stand, near the Town Spring,in the rear of the Franklin House Row—where good tools, good material, and very superior workmen await the orders of the public. He has in his employment an axe-maker and horse-sboer, who cannot be excelled. Work warranted to be done well and at moderate prices, A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. M. E. MoWHORTER. Athens, Feb 1 tf April 19, 1855. f>t EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold before tbe court house door of Clarke county, on tbe first Tuesday in June next, during the legal Lours of sale: One negro woman, named Lydia, about sixty ye.*rs old, and her son Frank, about twentv years old, to be sold as the property of Eze kiel Brown deceased, in pursuance of an or der of the Honorable Court of Ordinary oi Habersham county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms ou tbe day. STEPHEN JACKSOff, Ex'r. . April 19, 1855. Notice. rpWO months after date, application will be 1 made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Walton county;for leave to* sell the lands belonging to the estate of Elisha Casey, de ceased. April 12. II. H. CAMP Adm’r. SPRING I S upon us in all its glory, and summer is is fast advancing. With these seasons also come diseases peculiar to them, in the form of Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, and worst of all. Ring Worm. The best remedy for such, and certainly tbe most ngreeable, is “Mar shall’s King-worm and Tetter Lotion.” It will .cert duly cure, abd quickly—it does not stain the skin, aud is an agreeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W.H. 4 J. TURPIN, Dealers in pure Family Medicines, JunelS Broad street, Augusta, Ga. NEW GOODS. I ll A VE just received a large stock of choice Family Groceries, and a general assort ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash or prompt payment at the end of each quar ter. D. N JUDSON. Jan. 18, 1855. SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREAN GALLERY. T HE subscriber has recently opened the Sky-Light Daguerrean Gallery nearly opposite the Bank, where he is prepared to take LIKENESSES in all kinds of weather, and in the most beautiful style of the art. The public are invited to call and examine specimens. J. F. O’KELLY. Athens, Feb 1 tf Clarke Sheriff’s Sale. O N tbe first Tuesday in June next, will be sold before the court house door, in the Town of Watkinsville, Clarke county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One undivided half of the traot of land whereon tho defendant now lives, adjoining James L. Griffith, Mrs Sarah Griffith and D.W, Jackson, in the 221th District G. M. in said oonnty. Levied upou as the property of John D. Griffith by a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrate's court of the 224th District G.M. Russel Shepard, Executor of Susan Shepard, dec., for use of Simeon Shepard vs. John D. Griffith, Thomas D. Griffith and Charles A. Thompson, Sec’s. Levy made and return ed to me by Welborn Hunt, Constable. 3,1855. f. S. VINCENT, Slj’flF. W. G. DELONY, ATTOR1WEY AT LAW, W ILL give his special attention to collect ing, and to the claims of all persons en titled to Land Warrants, under the late Bounty Land Bill of the last Congress. t#" Office on Broad Street over the store of I. M. Kenney. March 15—1855—tf. T" AMP and TRAIN OIL.—Bleached Winter JL( and Fall Sperm Oil, and a superior arti cle of Train Oi!, by tho barrel or gallon. W. H. <t J. TURPIN, J14une Druggists, Augusta,G- BUCKETS AND PAILS. W HITE and red cedar, oak, and a variety of painted buckets nnd pails, for sale low, by P. A. 8UMMEY & BRO. TOOLS. B LACKSMITH’S and Carpet ter’s Tools, in 'great variety, for sale by April 13 P- A. 8UMMEY & BRO FIoiu*! Flour! A LARGE lot of suporfinc and oxtra family Flour, in sacks and extra barrels, for sale by P. A. SUMMEY & BR03 J UST Received an extra article of pure Port Wine expressly for medical purpo- sea. Also a large lot ot Flavouring Ex tracts for culenary uses and flavouring.— Ico cream Ac., for sale cheap by Apl 19. D. N. JUPSON. GEORGIA. HALL COUNTY. W HEKEAS, T. Grizzard applies to me for letters of administration, on the estate of Nancy Grizzird, late of said coun ty, deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased lo show cause, on or before the first Monday in June next, why said letters should not be granted. Given uuder my hand tho 25th April, 1855. May 3—30d. M. GRAHAM, Ord. W OLF’S Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps a superlative tonic dinretic anti dyspep tic nnd invigorating cordial, just received and for sale by Apl 19. D. N. JUDSON. COJIE MB SEE! Spring & Summer Goods. McWhorter & erwin A RE now receiving and opening Iheir sup plies of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Consisting of such articles as are usually kept in this market. Hardware, Crockery and Glass ; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ; Saddlery, Sfc. And an endless variety of other articles, too tedious to mention. AU of which they offer extremely low, for cash or country produce. Their friends and the public are respect fully invited to give them a call— examine their stock and prices—and if these suit, to patronize them liberally. Athens, April 20 ■j^EW CROP N. C. Surups, very choice, just received by Apl. 19. T. BISHOP a SOS. CHEESE! CHEESE! 4 choice lot, at 16 cents, just received at Dftc7 I. M. KENNEY’S. _ Blank Declarations, O F both forni9, (long and short) together with thc proccss attached—just printed nnd for. sale nt this Office. All*,' various other Blanks. |§p“Any Blanks not «>n hand— n“, indeed, almost any kind of j >b printing—can be fur nished on a few hours’ notice TYKFSEKVES-^tt'ngcr and Chow-chow X Preserves, and all sort* of PICk LES.for sale by V- A Sl'MMEY & BRO.