The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, June 14, 1855, Image 1

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VOLUME II. ATHENS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 14, 1855. ■■I ■ ‘U" j,J; 'd Hoi**,•>&'■* V . mti ffi'n .”ij v., v ■ NUMBER 11 rUBUSHBU WEEKLY, BY JOHN H. CHRISTY, EDITOR AND TROrRIETOR. Term* of Subscription. TWO DOLLARS per annum, if paid strictly in ad ance; otherwise,THREE DOLLARS will be charged fty In order that tb* price of die papei may notbe in the way nfa large circulation, Clubs will be supplied «ttbs wtlowinglow rates. YJwSafcSIX COPIES for - - - § 10,«!=^rfw TEN •• for - - - $15^3381 11 Uujt late rates,tka Cash mast aeeamfaag tkeardcr. Rotes of Advertising. “•Then,” she says, “ Col. Lamar has rode out ih fhe country, but will be back shortly. Come in, sir, and wait awhile. I’ve no doubt the Colonel will soon re turn,—and she bada smile on that pretty face of hers that reminded a body of a spring morning." “ Well, Brooks, I hitched my horse | to a brass thingon the door, and walked 91 le “ Well, when I get in I sees the flooi hue, For tbs Southern Watchman. TO MISS M If the soft feeliDg’s lonely tear Steal down thy pure cheek’s rosy That pity calms my bosom's fear, And tells me, Angel, thou art true. Then, o’er my humble heart thy eye Like softest dew upou the flow’r, Or sunshine from the azure sky, A balm rests there, of dear love’s pow’r. Yet fate, cruel as sepulchral pall, Hath wrench’d one loviug heart in two, And like a lone one, now my all In thee, I mourn, never to vine ! Then calmly dry, if ever tear Was shed for me, that bright, bright eye, Think of me in eaeh coming year, As one whose love once breathed—to die. June, 1855. * * * JUi0rellfliu|. BUYING A FARM. bt tub Atrrnoa of “ cousiv sally dillard.’ Thomas Bonner Weatly.’said the boy. ‘I’m named after grandpa.’ ‘ What do you say V said the old man, ‘ Thomas Bonner your grandpa.’ Yes’ lisped the boy c and he lives with me at * Get my cane ;* said the old man, QlRLS SHOULD LEARN TO “KEEP HOUSE.” No young lady can be too well in structed in anything which will affect the comfort of a family. Whatever po sition in society she occupies, she needs a practical knowledge of the duties of a house keeper. She may be placed in such circumstances that it will not be Political. From the Recorder, The late letter of the Hon. A. H. Stephens, calls upon the friends of the American Party to stand forth in de fence of their principles, their own or- Transient advertisement* will be inserted at One all covered with the nicest looking thing ! for e*chTeub»oqaentiii*ert , ion. ndFif '> c «"' ,, P* r * , > u * re I nicer than any patched work bed-quill Legal and yearly advertisement, at the usur 5 -?.tes I you ever seed in your life, Brooks. 1 Candidate* will be charged $5 for announcement*, I J . , , .i nn _ „round it nn>. and obituary notices eieeeningilx line* in length will was trying tO edge along arOUntl It, pre be charged aa advertisements. Sentlv I sees a nigger Stepping right Over When the number of insertion* is not markedon and I . J. . T ..°P , advertisement, it wiil be published till forbid, and I It. .Thinks I, if that nigger Can go It, i charged accordingly. 1 can go it too. So right over it I goes, and takes my seat right before a picture, which at first, I thought was a little man looking in at the window.” “ Well, Brooks, there I 6ot waiting and waiting for Col. Lamar, and at lust he didn’t come, but they began to bring in dinner. Thinks I to myself, here’s a scrape. But I made up my mind to tell her if she asked me • to eat, to tell her with a gentle bow, that I bad no oc casion to eat. But Brooks, she didn’t ax me to eft, she asked me if I’d be so good as to carve that turkey for her, and she did it with one of them lovely smiles that makes the cold streaks run down the small of a fellow's back. “ Certainly, madam,’’ says I, and I walked to the table. There was on one side of the turkey a great big knife, and a fork with a trigger on the other side. “ Well, I fell to work, and in the first effort I splashed the gravy about two yards over the whitest table-cloth you ever seed in your life, Brooks. Well, I felt the steam begin to gather about my cheeks and eyes. But, I’m not a man to back out for trifles, so I makes another effort, and the darned thing took a flight and lit in Mrs. Lamar’s lap. “ Well, you see, Brooks, then I was taken with a blindness, and the next thing I remember, I was upon the hath Well, by this time I began ‘and come Ellen, be quick, child.’ ^rTumstances that h*I fence of . their P r * aci P les > own or- native head, the Pope, a most invet They started off at a quick pace, f her toneiform much ,\gonization, and their own men; and if erate enemy—with whom persecution which soon brought them to the poor, b t on this arrnnnt . the honorable gentleman shall find him- begins with the humblest of God’s peo- though neat lodgings of his son. There “Xno Ls knowledge thin li' self in a very awkward dilemma, he has pie, and ends not until the most exalted he beheld his old friend, Thomas Bon- ""VfLred to preside g persona"l v over l ° blame but hlms f- Moreover, this is of governments bow before him ner.seated in onecorner,weaving baskets, . j a controversy of Mr. Stephens’s own Let Mr. Stephens talk about insane while his swathed limbs showed how I tbat it U morS and 1 be S ,he P ub,ic tokee P this crusade as much as he pleases; the unable he was to perform his necessary j rMll : r(M . , nn , p I * n m ‘ dd * No one has made any attack liberty loving, God fearing people of this task. His lovely daughter, the wife of 1 direct othe > equires more upon Mr Stephens; nor did any great Heaven favored land, know too much of Charles was ont seeking employment e *P.f rienCe ’ tba ,” ? 1 same wor ^ pressing public necessity call for his let- this church, its errand of fire and fag- tosuppert his needy family. with your own hands Iter. A letter which was conceived, as gots, to be lulled into a false security by * It’s all my fault, sobbe* 1 . •*V-AJ :nau M° tbers are frequently sonice and ;iny Qne can gee by reading Mr. Stephens, although he may have as he embraced his friCTrar^hb" waflP^* 1 ^I excruciated, selfvictimized patriotism, | conceived a very kind notion of the set up, and the arrogant preLnsions avowed, have demonstrated that not only has religious freedom and the use of God’s Holy Bible in them each privately a mortal ft*, but tire . very genius of Protestantism and its embodiment, the American Constitution, has,in its autho- petrified with astonishment. up any part of their care to their child- and w hich will neither add friends to the small band of country Catholics around r> , ., mm „ I ren. This is a great mistake in their Come, Mid Mr. Whea ly, - come all me „, fo , s they are ofle „ burden- uaii with mo • tv» will Iiva tnrrAthpr *1 . . 1 . ¥ - .. . - cause advocated, or the advocate. I and near him. Mr. Stephens is adroit If Mr. Stephens supposes his, or any at warping an argument; this, his best voice, or dozen voices, in Georgia, can friends admit; but he cannot obliterate crush out the deep, abiding hold which the hoary records of history. American principles has taken upon the | And one of not the least startling of you with me; we will live together ; edw^raboVand^eedrelief Child- there is plenty of room m my house for l cnshould ^ eafly Uughl t0 make oil, how happy we shall be!’she I lhemselves useful “ t0 aSS,St their P a exclaimed, * F "I Young people cannot realize the im-j „i s0 ,,f his influence «Ay,’ said the old man, * I think it’s P ort ance of a , tbo t r , ough k , no , ed ° e °/| It ** the common error of public men, sent year, 1855, the Hon. A. H. Ste- verv likely.’ house wifery; but those who have suf- w ho often follow instead of leading the phens is standing forth as the unsolicit- 1 fered the inconveniences and mortmea-1 masses, to suppose that, because they | ed champion of Catholicism. Were d ‘ Ellen and her father will rents ® ve fy way their power, and popular heart, he has not only tniscal- signs of the times to which public atten- little Thomaa an, and he'll be “£^*5tiV : J the ex.cnt of his capacity, hat tioncannot be too strongly or too close. ly directed, is the fact, that in the pre- MR. CHANDLER’S RECEPTION tions of ignorance can well appreciate are selected as instruments by the peo- other argument wanting to show the vast AT ROME. **• Children should be early indulged J p| 6j that, therefore, they are the public importance of the American organiza- Mr. Chandler’s late manifesto at Wa- * n their disposition to bake, and experi- j voice. Mr. Stephens appears to have tion, the course of party men and party shington turns out to have been some- me nt in cooking in various ways. It is 1 fallen into some such error as this, and papers of late, is sufficient. Not only thing like the Hanover manifestos of the often but a ‘troublesome help’ which instead of considering himself as belong- does Mr. Stephens do this, but resorts Carolina. Now, Brooks, blame me / do you 1 you don't a kicking. , w Brooks, who lived in Roberson county t0 ,j,j nk e f navigating. So I goes out Noith Carolina, wanted to buy a tract and mounts Rosum, and puts for North of land near him, and concluded to des- ‘ ~ patch one Angus AcAlpin to Charles ton, South Carolina, to buy it from the owner, who lived there. Angus started off, and in due time Brooks would take his scat and look down the road, in the hope of seeing his agent ret'^ning. At A PRETTY STORY. “ Well, 1 think its likely ; hut don’t tease me any more. Your brother has _ _ married a poor girl—one whom 1 for- lnst lie appeared, and the moment he bade him to marry, and I won’t forgive neared the house, Brooks accosted him— him if they starve together. “ Mac, have you got the land ?” This speech was addressed to a love The agent, in whose fnce was any- j y SC arce eighteen, beautiful as the thing but sunshine, replied somewhat |j|y t h a t hides itself beneath the dark gruffly, that lie “ might let a body get waters. She was parting the silvery down from his horse before he put at locks Q f her father’s high, handsome fore- liim the question of business.” head, of which her own was a miniature, “ Did you get it ?” and pleading the cause of her delinquent • 1 sliaw, now Brooks, don’t press brother, who had married in opposition upon a body, in this uncivil way. It is to her father’s will and consequently a long story, and I must have lime.” been disinherited. Brooks still urged, and Mac still pat-| Mr. Wheatly was a rich old gentle- ried the question till he got into the! house. “ Now surely," thought 'Brooks, •* he I will tell me.” But Mac was not quite ready. “ Brooks," said he, “ have anythin" to drink ?” ‘•To be sure I have,” said the other, I itnd immediately had some of the best forthcoming. He was a somewhat man, a resident of Boston, fat, goodnatured old fellow, given to mirth and wine, and sat in his arm-chair from morning until night, smoking his pipe and reading the news papers Sometimes a story of his own exploits in our revolutionary battles filled up a passing hour. He had two children, the disobedient son and the beautiful girl before spoken of. The Having moistened UU eh, Mne look fo „ d ir , w |„ t OD p , ea( , in|! . .. .eat and h.s emphjer another. Mae .. fathc. do forgive him; you gave a preliminary hem. He then j « t know what a beautiful girl he has turned suddenly around to Brooks, i d nd , 6 looked him straight in the eyes, and t .j t b ink i t ’ 8 likely,” said the old slapped him on the thigh. <t b t dan » t tease me, and open " Brooks,” said he, “ was you ever in 1 and train his clans,—and would be I old, made a loaf of bread every week 1 must admit that Mr. Stephens’ letter was I his opinions in his pocket. i. . • . a. i l I tliip'mrv f lio ttnnfor Hof mnflioF fmirrfit I ...M, »I,a »!»... _C 1 I tt «• a . ready to let their savage hordes loose I during the winter. Her mother taught I written with the obvious view of admin- I He tells us we ought not to war upon on the rich Southern fields whenever the her how much yeast, and salt, aud flour I istering a rebuke to, or guiding public Catholics,because they have never made Lowlander might be off his guard. To to use, and she became quite, an expert 1 sentiment. In this Mr. S. will find war upon us. And, gentle reader, just make matters secure, however, as well baker. Whenever she is disposed to “Sam" has capacity to take care of him- listen to the reason he offers. He says as to avoid suspicion, the messenger I tr y her skill in making simple cake, or j self, and cares very little for any man ! j that amongst tfiat long list of dergy- would be sent to London with profes- pies, she is permitted to do so. She is j Certainly, his is a contest for principle, m en from New England who sent their sions of profuse loyalty, checked off at thus, while amusing herself, learning an in which individual men play but a very petition up to Washington upon the sub- the same time by a protest filed in the important lesson. Her mother calls her subordinate figure. 1 ject of slavery, a session or so back, Archives, that these professions were her little house-keeper, and often per-1 I am glad on two accounts that Mr. there was the name of not one Catholic, every one a lie. We very much fear that mils her to get the sweetmeats for the Stephens’letter is out. First: Because Now, in the name of all the saints at it is just this errand that Mr. Chandler table. She hangs the keys by her side, it is no longer an expected wonder. And once> I do wish Mr. Stephens,« who has lately been sent on, and it is just 3ttd very musical their jingling is to her I secondly : Because our friends, are never carries his principles in his pock- this kind of protest that the old Laird of ears. thereby relieved from the charge that e t,’ had just let us know : 1st. If it was Popery has beeu filiug in his fortress, Some mothers give their daughters our cause is “ Whiggery in disguise ever presented to one? 2d. What were the Vatican, while his emissary, uncon- the care of house-keeping, each a week And now, again premising that Mr. t h e reasons he gave for not signing it ? scious of the fraud,was making his Con- by turns. It seems to me a good ar- Stephens’ letter and the controversy it 3 d . Was it because he was in favor of gressional speech. Fortunately, how- rangement, and a most useful part of is likely to breed, is a matter of his and slavery propagand ism ? Now,I,of course, ever, for the American people, who were I their education. I his personal friends own seeking, I pro- (] 0 no j know much about this Church; to have been the dupes of this ingen- Domestic labor is by no means in-1 pose to say a few words in defence of I tke w hys or the wherefores of its ac- ious artifice, the secret has slipped out. compatible with the highest degree of 1 this much calumniated party, and coolly I tings and doings, as its operations are Mr. Brownson’s impetuous temper, in refinement and mental culture. Many to call public attention to some of its bet- carried on under secret oaths; but, in fact, was unable to submit to the sham of the most elegant, accomplished wo- ter points as contrasted with the course humble imitation of Mr. Stephens'course Mr. Chandler’s speech was hardly men I have known, have looked well for pursued by the distinguished represen- j n regar d to the Know-Nothings, I will out,—a speech denying that the Pope their household duties, and have honor- tative, and let the public judge. L* usf guess that,in the first place, neither asserted the deposing jurisdiction,-be- ed themselves and their husbands by so And first. Was there a necessity for G f ^ a |, ove three things happened; Sore Mr. Brownson ottered a cry of hor- doing,—Anna Hope. the organization of this party ? We and they did,which I don’t care about, ror,—more natural than judicious,—at a A cr , AT niNTr I answer there was. Upon this branch of \fhat the last did not. And, further,that Catholic making so untrue a statement. A SCOLDING WIFF. I the case, I offer a brief summary of facts Ljj e genuine reason why their names And the Roman Catholic organ in Dub- Got a scolding wife, have you ? Well, and inferences—facts which nome can were not f ound upon that notable paper lin, The Tablet, in its issue of Februa- ,ts jour^own fault, ten to one. Women or will deny —inferences which arc was>t hat it began to read something after ry 24th, says : “ It is not a pleasant are a11 natur W amiable, and when dear, startling and legitimate. There the following pattern: task to repudiate the help of a friend, their tempers get crossed, ns the men are now landing upon our shores an- . \y e> the undersigned, ministers or to disarm him, but it is sometimes a do it. Just look at yourself as you I nually, from 335,000 to five hundred ^j,e gospel in the New England States, duty." It contends expressly against 011,116 home ,ast n, S h ‘; Slamming doors, and seventy, or eighty thousand foreign- ( perhapSi n might have been Protestant the main position of Mr. Chandler, that and * tl c* i,n S everything that laid in the ers. These people are ignorant of our I m i n i stcrs ) &c., or words to that effect the deposing power of the Pope is de- wa Y and 'e* 1 , oau * e well you I laws social habits, and Constitution, and j Now, any man will see at once, that pendant upon the consent of the nations. could , not 1611 for ,be llf ® °{ * ou wba . 111 are u,terl F destitute of any correct know- no Catholic priest would sign this pa ll upholds, as Catholic, the claim of was T’ Suppose you had been lying 1 ledge of what is meant by “ civil liberty. I peFi because he would consider the fact Gregory VII. and Pius V. It says, that J our fece embargo all day for those who as understood by the American people.” re cited, a lie, and himself in most vile if the deposing power rests on the con- nothing for you smiling and nod- They come amongst us with their ideas and heretical company. But friend sent of kings and governments, that is an end of the whole question, and that it argues very little for the common sense of kings to suppose that they would ding, hemming and hailing, and want- of freedom stimulated to a surfeit by the g te phens take your hands out of your mg to'get where you could enjoy a su- remembrance of the slavery under which an d tell us what body of Catho- perlative ill-nature. they have lived hitherto ; and hence that j ic cler „ y ; n New England ever resolved No wonder your wife was cross, get-1 Red Republican feeling beginning to | in favor Q f s'avery °pr°P a g an dism ” have given this power to the p ope . 1 »mg supper with the baby in her arms ! make itself manifest amongst us by its have tak en but little notice of newspa- which seems very true and reasonable.I Wh ? dldnt 7°“ l i ke the bab y.’ and trot ' ""'' n ——' - • ‘ solent with his pretensions, his separate organizations, his winkings and Sink ings at both parties ? Iiow shamelessly audacious has he become in entering the market where votes are bought and soldi What has done alt this 7 I will tell you. It has been done by the increas ing necessities and corruptions of the Whig and Democratic parties. Each party has coquetted with, courted and fawned upon these corrupt and corrupt ing elements in our midst, until each has gone down amidst the wreck and ruin, which is so natural a result from such corrupt and misjudging conduct. We are told we ought to stand up to National men at the North,THfffthat no party can help ,or has the power to help us but the great Nation it Democrat tic party. Who are those National mcnoutside of this organization of des pised Know-Nothings and their friends and sympathisers ? Are they Cass,Dick inson, Bronsoti ? Why, these are power less. Webster is dead—Clay isdead—- Fillmore is in disgrace like Dickinson' and his crowd. But the great National Democratic party! Who are,and where is that party ? Is it in Ohio ? Is it in New York ? These are as fierce and unrelenting a set of Freesoilers and Abolitionists as God’s mercy ever permitted to live. Is Pierce’s adminis tration its embodiment? Alas, poor Yorick! Where now is the power of.' President Pierce ? The two political parties having prov ed themselves worthless for good', ae* at present constructed, i® high time for the honest, native American, Protestant mind of the country, to- turn elsewhere and provide new guards for its future: security, aod ; readily points to the ne cessity of forming new party alliances, strong in sound conservative American! principles—having a brotherhood of af fection—a strong bond of union— as. strong as the ritual of a new-born- faith,, and as broad ns the magnificent land of its birth and rearing. But was there a necessity that this-or- der should have been secret f This is best answered by referring, to the angry, the volcanic element efl party strife, Romish persecution, ami foreign assas sination like to be kindled* into a fear ful storm and flame of wrath, on its first knocking for favor at the public door. All who know anything, well know that the order could not have liv ed a day without its secret organization. But now that it has sufficient streng h to stand alone, I, for one, am favorable to its veil of secrecy being removed, and let “ Sam,” young, vigorous, and heal thy, step forth like a young Samson. Who compose this body of people T They are the honest, intelligent Metho dist, Baptist, Presbyterian, ahd other Protestant people of this country ; it co.mts upon the muster rolls of its ranks teeming thousands and tensof thousand® of free-born American citizens, who- would be an honor to any Nation,State, or party, upon earth. It numbers in its listmen who for intelligence, patriot ism, boldness and undying love of coun try, can challenge a comparison with even our distinguished Mr. Stephens, and who would be a credit to any as semblage of men upon earth—men who' do not have to take their cue from Mr- Stephens, or any one else. But what do they propose to do ! They' make itselr manliest amongst us oy its jjave taken but little notice of newspa- .propose to restore the American Con- savage attacks upon every conservative pers f or several years past, and I honest- j stitution to its original vigor and purity t element *n society as maintained and up- j con foss I am enquiring for informa- »hev oroDose to enforce it in all of its Charleston ?” “ Why, you know I never vitas,” re plied the other. “ Well then Brooks,” says the agent, " you ought logo there. The greatest place upon the face of the earth! They’ve got houses there on both sides of the road, for five miles at a stretch, and d the horse rack the whole way through! Brooks, I think I met five thousand people in a minute, and pot a chap would look at me. They’ve got houses there on wheels. Brooks I jsaw one with six horses hitched to it, and a big driver, with a long whip going it like a whirlwind. I followed it the door a little; this plaguy room smokes so.” “ Well,” continued Ellen, “ won’t you just see her now—she is so good, and the little boy ; he looks so inno cent.” “ What did you say ?” interrupted the father; “ a boy ? have 1 a grand child ? Why, Ellen, I never knew that before ; but I tbink it very likely. Well, now give me my chocolate, and then go to your music lessons.” Ellen left him. The old man’s heart began to relent. “ Well,’, he went on, “ Charley was always a good boy, a little wild or so at Mr. Chandler said. “ the power to de- a . nd P leas ? U ^ oom was . a11 in . c ° nfu : elementsociet y as maintained and up- , confess j am enquiring for pose was never called in que_stion by the I f- d | d n t you put u to nghts ? I held by law. ^ I tion . down the road for a mile and a half, and coUc 8?* but 1 l J d f u, S 6d ’ and be »hen it stopped I looked, and what do 7 k a! 7 /°° d L bv you think there was? Nothing in it all, but he . dlsobe y ed by put one little woman sitting un in one I thw P°° r g ,r if y et _* as my oId fnend (corner. and soldier, Tom Bonner, used to say, Well, Brooks, I turned back up the w . e niu f, t fwr 8‘!® : u Poor T T . 0rn ; 1 w , ou ! d road, and as I was riding along, I sees a 8 ,ve a,! , my oId , shoes 1 b r V f;^ ot t fancy looking chap with long curly hair know whatev er became of him. If I hanging down bis back, and bis boots as could but find bun or one of ^ a ® bdd r^“ J shiny as the face of an up country nig- Heaven gra ger! I called him into the middle of the This P ,a g° road and asked him a civil question y I • V Heaven grant they are not suffering ! ruy smoky room how my eyes If I did but know who this girl which you know, Brooks, calls for'll civil I was my Charle y ha s ma " ied ’ but I pnswer all over the world. I say I “ever heard her name. 1H nnd out, strauger, can you tell me where Col. and T? . . ... , „ Lamar lives ?" and what do you think “I think it is likely, was the answer—■ ,l Go to crass, vou man * , ._ , fool." E,,en led into tbe room a beautlful “Well, Brooks, I knocks along up and boy » about two year: ! old ; *F 1S * u . rIy said the old down, and about, until at last I finds where Col. Lamar lives. I gets down End bangs away at the door. Presently the door was opened by as pretty, fine spoken, well dressed a woman as ever you seed in your born days. Silks, 6ilks thar every day, Brooks.” ’* Says I, Mrs. Lamar, I presume, madam, says I.” “ I am Mrs. Lamar, sir.” ^ i “ Well, madam,” says I, •« I have come all the way from North Carolina to see Cul. Lamar—to see about buying I bosom, kissed him again and again. Af- a tract at Iflntl from him that is np in our 1 ter this emotion had a little subsided, he ! ,arls * ’ I bade th'e child tell his name. head and rosy cheeks could not but make one love him. • Who is that ?’ said the old man, wip ing his eyes. ♦ That—that is Charles’ boy,’ said Ellen, throwing one ol her arms around her fathers’s neck, while with the other she placed the child on his knee. Then looked tenderly up in his face, and lisp ed oat: ‘Grandpa, what makes you cry so? The old man clasped the child to his You want a little rest?” So does your 1 These find their development in their i A few years back abolitionism was and that'Frederic Bar- I wife * and sbe 2 ets precious little, poor demands to be fed, to be clothed, to be confiHed a fo w crazy fanatics and wis of Bavaria did call it I ™ m ? n :. } oa . are at y ? ur sbo P— wa |k- j allowed to vote, and at once—to be ab-1 some do2en or so of old mai j 3 w ho, deposed raonarchs.” The Tablet says, this is stran; in question. ^The d*eposed* rnon'archs! *it I i n ° briskly ‘ brou 8 b ‘ be su " sbiD ® this I solutely given ahomestead—employment, I having no” dearer objects at home to ex- says, wholly denied this deposing brac, . n S weather-reading the paper— whether we will or no-and the wages d their affec tions upon, turned their power, not merely as vested in the Pope, ® e ? t,n 8 . r,e . nds and acquaintances- of labor any how : was ever impudence Heaveil bound faces southward, to em- but as actually subsisting in the world! sltting c . 0Slly , in , the offic6 ’ Sbe “ at raoro bare-faced, or move ap- bracc .. our Uule niggers .- A few years Mr Chandler says : » x d tQ the home with clinging aims dragging about palling ? And yet, such people have back> Catholica took no distinct and ac . Bishop of Rome the riaht resulting from her nec k, loving but stiH wearisome at been received, courted, entertained- tiy art in po ]i tics> b „l voted for their his dirine office, to interfere in fhe re- h” 68 * She is dependant upon the call aye, even banqueted, by both the old ies or rty friendg just ^ othe r lations between subjects and their of a neighbor for a little break up. m the with a whining subserviency, ut- p eople did . A few years ago, Bishop sovereigns between citizens and their monotonous life,or the openmgot a win- terly unworthy of a land of freedom, of H bes had not entered the field as a governments but the Tablet remarks: d . ow u P on a 8t “ Dl J d yard [“ r n neon'rarnonT'^nerallv^v LbJreS 6 * g reat P olitical ,eader * A few yeara a S°^ “It is impossible that he can mean air come? ’ Wake up, man alive, and people are poor, generally day laborers , L ome few Europe a ns and most Amen- what these words imply The Pope S look int0 tbe matter - Put / n y0ur besf ,bey “ U8t .® f n A ecess . lty , co “ e ,nta c ° m - cans supposed that the wicked and ar- these vords imply. L telopejs | smiles the momeilt your foot touches petition with American labor, both slave ro _ ant ‘etensions of the Pope of Rome jom to and free, Now, I maintain, that to be tQ tempora i power throughout the world, aaainst the government and vet in the - , a k,ss ? oth 1 envise thaa renegades from principle, was ^ loded tbeQ A few yea rs Christian Give the baby some - SUga " P> um, ; and and recreant to interest they are obli- a fore ^ ners played but a small, and House of Representatives, a Christian UtUe Bobby a new plcture boo k to busy ged, (I mean as a mass) to be Abolition- ’ most f „ 0 figure at all in our esscol eges bi8b ri bt with. Tell that tired ists. First: Because their very being,l . .. nn(1 Uer lv unknown denies the right. The Godless colleges in IreknJ, the hierarchy in Eogland. 1 igteliiij the troubles of Piedmont—all hear wit-L. „.nrrt fnr ness together against this unchristian opinion, which must have escaped from the speaker, who did not ponder his words.” The Tablet goes on to deny the posr apologies will be plentiful, supper will come on like magic, everything will have an extra touch. At times there will be something very much like tears in the good woman’s eyes, and her voice tion of Dr. England, which Mr. Chand- she asks you ler quotes, and says that the »eeeh if J^ Of course it will “proceeds on the hypothesis, that a beacbarm Christian (Roman Catholic) is bound It be a j iule siIent tbat evening, to nothing butthe articles of faith, vvhich You m5sstbe comp l a Innig tone, and declares it to be a perilous position. scoldi and &ult finding . But your The Pope is appointed not only to teach , ook b her - n she is thinking of the faith, bntto govern Christians as well h past, but considers upon the whole “ The Church teaches faith and morals, sbe b a ba ppj er woman to-night than she and under the latter head is involved politics, the relation of State to State, of subjects It their rulers, contracts of merchants and traders, law, politics, and trade." “The old Gallican leaven, driven out of the Old World, ferments in the New.” A young gentleman feeling restless in church leaned forward and addressed an old gentleman thus : “ Pray, sir, can you tell me a rule without an exception?” * ° Yes, Sir,” he replied, “a gentleman always behaves well in church.” , . . ,. , . 1 elections, and were utterly unknown essence and migration hither, is a living, | and unap , pealed to a3 a c i as s. crying protest against slavery; and *• Liberty to man universal is their watchword. How is it now ? Abolitionism, lias swept over the North, like the waves of _ , _ . t . a sea of fire, bearing down all before it, Second : Because the system of Sou- j nvo i ving every national man in one ger. them slavery offers the only effectual Ij rui ° Outside of the American barrier to their demands upon employ- ization) where is there a man, ers. The locust-like hosts of them who North, who dares talk to the Abolition- are now overspreading the North, break- ists p , ainIy? Wh ere has there been ever was in her whole life before. Give the new plan a fair trial. Gra dually as you return, you will find the house in perfect order. Old dresses will be remodelled,and your wife will appear as good as new. Heme will grow more pleasant, and the brightest smile upon your features during the day will be reflected on the thought that evening is coming, with its pleasant charm of your wife and little ones. Scolding wife indeed! If you men did as you should such a wife would bo an anomaly ?—Olive Branch. ing down and running the prices of labor of the hardfisted American born laborer, by low priees, while they can live upon a dry beef bone, a few parings of old cheese and candle ends, can make no impression upon Southern industry. Why ? Because we are not dependent “ upon the hireling who may desert us,” “ but rely upon our own servants brought up in our own houses found a Convention,outside of the Know Nothing Convention dow sitting in New York, which has cared to kick out a man for introducing anti-slavery resolutions. Echo answers, Where' How stands the Catholic Church ?—I mean as a political party only. It has entered the field of party strife, with Bishop Hughes at its head, and They are Abolitionists from princi- told us “that it only waits the proper pie—They are Abolitionists from in- moment, in some great Presidehtial terest. race > to assert its power and have ifc> A"ain, These people are constantly claims put upon a footing which shall addin" to strengthening, and solidifying command respect. Thehumbled for- the already vast number of Roman eigner, driven by the tyrannies of Eu j Catholic people in this country—a peo- rope to seek an asylum amongst us, pie whose history, religious tenets, dog- landed upon our shores a few Y ea J’ s mas, claims to political power, and lord- back, satisfied with liberty and the ly predominance, sanctified by the ghost-j means of peaceful support and happy ly ceremonies, the Heavenborn claims | contentment. How has he grown m- they propose to enforce, parts, taking broad, distinct National ground against all higher or lower law doctrines; they propose to encircle this Union once more in the warm embrace of "enevous American hearts, and bid it stand forever; they propose to rebuke Abolitionism; they propose to beat down- the hydra head of political Romanism— to-strip, it of its political pretensions, re quire it to reform its manners, and mod erate its demands for power, or be for ever incapable of receiving the votes of any true hearted American born *• Stun-” What has this order done so far 7 Well, in the first place, it has taught public men a lesson, awl played tfid havoc with the trade of party hac:.s and party leaders. It 1ms taken its measures and points so well, and uhbsuch vigor,i that the whole Abolition crew—Seward, Greely, Weed, Raymond, the National Era, and the smaller fry all over tba North, are now out in Cull cry, either di - nouncing the order, wr deploring II, existence as “ the engine of lull, driving forward the car of slavery,’ and ev* w lias made Henry Wilson, and the Mas sachusetts, Connecticut and New Hamp shire bogus Know Nothings wbo seized- upon the plan on ly of the organization to secure a local triumph, cry out in the extremity of theiri torture, that limit:’ sufferings are so great, that, like our friend Stephens, they can no longer “ carry their principles in their pockets.” but must out, or burst. Now, good rea der, why do they want to speak ? - taint because the order suits J’’ What is the character ef the opposi tion we may expeet 7 The character of the opposition will be #e«dHy seen when you consider the character of the oppos- ers. Most of these are heated zealots of blind partisans ; some will denounce it in the'most open mouthed billingsgate man ner; others, more polished, but not less fierce, will deal out blows upon us by* turning loose the fearing shaft of ridicule ? some will, like Mr. Stephens, aSbse us- for our sympathy with Abolitionists, and [charge that we area “secret band oj in