The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, June 21, 1855, Image 1

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UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY outlicfn — VOLUME II ATHENS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 21, 1855. 1 trski NUMBER 12 % V- • 1 ‘ • PUBLISHED WEEKLY, )BY JOHN H. CHRISTY, BDITOB AND mormiTOR. Terms of Subscription. TWO DOLLARS psTsnssm, If paid strictly in *.! anco; otherwise,THREE DOLLARS will bo charged Kf In order that the price of the papei may nut hr in the way of a large circulation, Clubs will be supplied tithe lotkwvisg low rates. :: : figr^Sgr At tXue low rata, Ue C'oak start accompany the order. Rates of Advertising. Transient advertisements willbeinserted at One Dollar per square for theflrst, and FifiyUeiiMpcrsquaie for each anbeedue'titinsertion. Legal and yearly advertisement* at the usual rates Candidates will be charged gS for annonaccroenta, and obituary notieesexeeouingsix lines in length wilt, be charged as BdrortiMM«nca. When the number of insertions isnot markedon and pdvertisestent, it will be published till ftirfeid, and charged accordingly. _. ^nsinesB null 'prnfesshinal Cnrbs. ^ToH^X^llETsTYr^ PLAIN AND FANCY Book and Job Printer, “Franklin Job Office,” Athens, Oa. *», All work entrusted to his csrefaithfully, correctly and punctually executed, at prices correspond- junta ingsrtth the hard ness of the times. tf C. D. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Rooinsover ilia Store of Wilson tt Veal. Jan3 PITNER & ENGLAND. Wholesale A Retail Dealers in Groceries, Dry Goods, HARDWARE, SHOES AND BOOTS, April 6 Athens, Ga MOORE & CARLTON, r DEALCRS IN SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, UA RD IFA-RAT AND CROCKER Y. April No. 3, Granite Ryw, Athens, On. LUCAS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ac. Ac. No. 2, Broad Street. Athens. PERRY DAVIS’ ffJ- VEGETABLE FAIN KILLER, STILL TRIUMPHANT, A ND after a thorough trial by innumerable liviug witnesses, has proved itself to be THE MEDICINE OF THE AGE Although there have been mauy medicinal preparations brought before the public since the first introduction c f Perry. Davis’ Vegeta ble Pain Killer, and large amounts expended in their introduction, the Pain Killer baa continued to steadily advance in the estima tion of tbc world as the best Family Medi cine ever introduced. As an internal and external remedy it is truly a source of JOY TO THE WORLD. One positive proof of its efficacy is, that the sales have constantly increased, find wholly upon its own merits, as the proprie tors have not resorted to advertising to gain for it the rank it now hplds among the great number of preparations of the present time. The effect of the Pain Killer upon the pa tient, when taken internally m cases of, Colds, Cough, Bowel Complaints, Cholera Dyssentery and other affections of the sys tem, has been truly wonderful, and has won for it a name among 1 medicinal preparations that can never be forgotten. Its success in as an external remedy, in WILLIAM G. DELONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oiftco over tbe store ol Win M. Mortem It Son Will attend promptly to all business entrust ed to his care. Athens, April 6 p. C. LANGSTON, Attorney nt Law, CARNES F/LLE, UA. References.—0. Peeples, Esq. ) Atliom W. L. Mitchell, Esq. \ ' Col. B.F.Hnrdemau, Lexington Samuel Freeman, Esq. Newnan Gabriel Nash, Esq. Danielsville Col. H. Holscy, Americus. P. A. SUMMEY & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in Staple Goods, Hardware, Crockery, AND ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Corner of Wall and Broad streets, Atlien WILLIAM N. WHITE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, AadNtwspaper ami Magazine Agent. DEALER IX MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMPS, FIXE CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, AC. No. 2, College Avenue, Newton House, Athens, Ca sign of *• White’s University Bookstore.” Orders promptly filled nt AugUsta rates. T. BISHOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, April 6 No. 1, Broad street, Athens. JAMES M. ROYAL, HARNESS-MAKER) H AS removed liis shop to Mitchell’s old Tavern, one door cast of Grady & Nich gIsou’s—where be keeps always on hand t general assortment of articles inhisline, and tsal way Y ready to fill orders in the best style, Jan 26 tf LOOK HERE! T HE nnderaigned have on hand agchcral assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. which they will sell low for cash or barter Cull and examine. April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO $150 to $200 per Month! I WILL send instructions by which any person can make from $150 to $200 per month, without traveling or peddling, and with the smallest dbiount of capital. This no receipt of any kind whatever. I will for ward the above instructions and all the arts and recaipts of value, as advertised in the different papers of the United States, free of postage, to any person sending me the small snin of ono dollar, post paid. E. S. SIIIPLEY, Kingston, Bff.V; Ross County, Ohio. ®l)c fcOatdjmau. Empire State of the South”) is less bound by houor and good faith than two common citizens. Should she do such an act she would be great, but only great in infamy. What if Milledgeviile is a mere vill age, does that prevent members from attending to their business? I assert the position to" be a correct one, that no Capitol should be in a large town or city. Who ever heard of a mob or riot in a village? Yet it is one of the city accomplishments, as exemplified in New York, Brooklyn, St. Louis, Cin cinnati, Louisville, &c, &c. Why is it that the government of France is al ways fluctuating between a Republic, Monarchy, and Despotism ? For the For the Southern Watchman Mr. Editor: In continuing the dis cussion of the removal of the seat of Government from Milledgeviile it is necessary that I should notice the ob jection that Milledgeviile is an old di lapidated village and unworthy to be the Capitol of the “ Empire State of the South." Now, Sir, what bad made the -town a village instead of a city ? What has caused its houses to be unoccupied, dilapidated, and without paint in many instances! The budidngs down, the streets neglected and in gullies?— What has caused business to decline, and merchants and mechanics to seek I very simple reason that the mob rules more thrifty towns and cities ? Why is Paris, and Paris the lesser towns and it that splendid and costly mansions are the country. Do we wish any of the not erected by the citizens, as at other mobs of Macon or Atlanta to rule a State Capitols? Is it for the want of I Georgia Legislature? Every man will wealth or energy in its inhabitants?— answer no. No city rabble should No, Sir, that is not the cause of it f— rule any State, much less a Republican The answer is quite plain, and can he State of this Union, seen and read of all men; the cause is I ] am opposed to removal to a city for so apparent, that he that runs may read, I another reason. It is this—when mem- and a wayfaring man though a fool bers get there they will find so many need not orr in arriving at a correct more curiosities and more things to solution of the real cause. The answer I attract their attention, and call them off is, the ceaseless and eternal agitation I f rom their duty than they now have, of this question of removal. For every t hat the sessions of the legislature will one knows that men in constant dread be greatly prolonged. Each man’s taste of removal will not make costly and I w j[j run j n some direction in passing elegant improvements, when the seat | 0 ff the - time agreeably—-some will go of Government may be removed the to .pleasant parties balls and gay corn- very next year. Yes, it is this agita- pa ny—some to the Theatre—some to removing para, cases of burns, braises, sores, sprains, cuts, lion a nd that alone that has kept Mil-|th e gambling table, where the ferocious ytfs&ik down - The agitation of this tig er will be met and fought-and to as an almost infallible remedy, that it will question of removal has had the same tb e disgrace of a Georgia Legislature, greatest medical ^o^ncs^fTbe^ine 2 - | ed " ect 0,1 t * ie g rowt h of Milledgeviile, I some w iH g 0 to the brothels, and in the as the Abolition question has and always I various amusements, post-times and will have, upon the growth of the slave v ; ces> t j, e committee rooms will be de power in the Terrritories of the U. S. ser ted, bills will be unprepared, and Capitalists like slave owners are timid, t h e Legislative will be retarded till a late and will not intrust their money wheie period of each sesssion, and then they words I there is a probability of losing on their w ill get into a desperate hurry,-and the glass ; and with two steel engraved “labels investment - Now > Sir > 1 contend that I important business will be kickened un •>n each bottle—one an excellent likeness of \ good faith towards the citizens of Mil-1 der the table for want of thorough ex- nedioine,theo*lier a steel engraved note of I ledgevule requires that, the Legislature I animation in due time. And unimpor- hand—none others can be relied upon ns ge- should put a final quietus to this agita- taut bills will be hastily passed, heaping • - 'tion, for by the <th Section of the Act U p a mass of crude, vague and indefi- of 1804, Milledgeviile was made the nite Legislative acts, which it will cost permanent seat of Government, and as the courts of the State years of labor strong an assurance as any Legislative and toil to extract from any sensible act can afford that it shall remain so, I meaning. Such always has and will con through all time to come. The section tinuetobe, the effects of city Legisla is as follows: “ That the next meet- tim ing of the General Assembly , after the Mr. Editor, you may hear from me date of said proclamation, shall be at again on this question—when I have the said town of Milledgeviile, which is I leisure, hereby declared to be the permanet seat of Government of said State.”—See Clayton’s Digest, 209, 210. The intense and pervading power of the movement itself can no longer be a matter of douibt. And to the calm ob served various elements, are manifest which render its future progress altoge ther inevitable. Amongst these decisive elements may bo stated the augmented force of the movement itself, acquired by its own previous triumphs; and the greater homogeneousness of the spirit of it, to tbe portions of that country re maining to be subdued, than to the portions already conquered. It will encounter no difficulty equal to the in tense. Democracy of New Hampsbite, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.; the wide-spread political immorality of New York, the Democracy of Virginia and the settled anti-slavery sentiment of Massachusetts; the hereditary Whigisin of Kentucky. Yet ’ all of these are mastered by the grander spirit of the new movement. What barrier remains to arrest its irreststible career ? It is infinitely absurd for tbe oppon ents of this vast movement of the human mind, to attribute it to unworthy or insig nificant causes. It is utterly ridiculous for its friends to imagine that it can ex haust itself upon subject that are feeble and indistinct. It may aim at what is wrong, or what is unattainable; but it cannot avoid aiming at what is great and permanent any more than it could have been produced by anything that was feeble, indirect, or base. A great people does not receive such shocks from such causes; nor when received do they ter minate without immense results, What we behold is a vast and appar ently spontaneous uprising of the spirit of American nationality. Beneath that we behold the restoration of that prime val spirit of Protestant civilization, in which the country itself was originally created. And still beneath that we behold the renewal of that profound sense of the overwhelming necessity of our. National Union—which was the tcentk ccnlury. Tbe magical effects of the Pain Killer when taken or used according to directions, are certain. Yon have only to be sure that you buy the genuine article and adhere to the directions in its use, and you will admit its wonderful medicinal proper- tie*. „ The now pi Davis’ 30 cents and $1, respectively. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, No. 74 High st., Providence, R I. The Pain Killer is sold by C.W.AH. R.J. Loxc.s, and Surra «fc Hill, Athens. 1ST Beware of counterfeits put up iu tbe old style. May 3. TAKE NOTICE A CCOUNTS for tbe last quarter are now due,and payment thereof required. My tenus are cash, or three months. Ap5 WM. N. WHITE. Notice T WO months after date, application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Walton county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Elisha Casey, de ceased. April 12. H. H. CAMP Adm’r. JACKSON. From the Frankfort Commonwealth. I THE AMERICAN QUESTION The Legislature not only made it the I letter from rev. dr. ueeckinridge permanent seat of Government, but _ + . .. 1Qr .. r u , , , o a r Danville, Ky., April 28, 1855 .went further, and by the 3rd section of M y Dear g, R . y ou are aware thaf said Act of 1804, actually required ( have received two communications SPRING I S upon, us iu all its glory, and summer is is fast advancing. With these seasons also i . . ... i, , , , , c come diseases peculiar to them, in the form of purchasers of lots in said town, within both of them signed by a number ot tbe 1 ^, u e i t . ions - Pim P lc £’ B1 ? tches . and worn of two years from sale, to pnt one hundred most respectable citizens of your town all, King-Worm. The best remedy for such, . „ , „ . . amongst whom I recognize many olu ^.Jcert.iolj iu. ,«o,t wreeable, i. •• Mar- Mars worth of improvement on each = j „ in | mc t0 addre53 Sritewaitt -*» 'f anJ, H5.epeople at the of the State the skin, aud is an agreeable perfume. p or I instalments winch have been paid upon the great American question which in return, as were the most humiliating and the most fatal? Was it nothing, that the voice of patriots, the power of the press, the importunities of the pulpit wero directed, each in its own sphere and for years together, against this frightful and enormous wickedness? Was it nothing, that at length-, men could neither vote nor speak, norjpreach, nor pray, nor teach, without being liable to insult and violence—unless they would do all in such a manner as suited the tastes of foreign mobs, composed of foreign Infidels and Papists? Yea, verily, they were deep causes, and they worked long, which wrought llie Ameri can people to that earnest and fervid, but yet calm and settled enthusiasm, which pervades the nation. No doubt religion is an element of this wide spread excitement. But it is not the only element, nor, with all men, the this great change can be effected. That en’ightened, the first step of the revolu tion is political; the second is legal. The first step involves the organization, and the triumph of a party commen surate' with the country, the American party ; and that involves the overthrow of every party that resists its ultimate objects, or resists the necessary means of obtaining those ,objects. Indeed, if this step were fully achieved, it would be of le^s consequence to take a second one, since the laws, though bad, are endurable, and society is sale, as soon as it has finally put out of power all men and parties hostile to .»ur nation ality, to our Protestant civilization, and to our Federal Union; out of power, with an overthrow incapable of being; repaired. And this is the reason why this great movement excites such excruciating bi;- terness of hate, in its political aspect. chief one. Either ot the o$hcr elements, by itself—or this one by itself—ought I on ’ the part of all against whom it is to have been sufficient to have saved the directed. Its success is seen to be a country from the peril which now de-1 finality and a fatality to them. For mands the power of all three to avert nations do not immediately incur the it. same peril twice, nor do. profound na- Because it is an element at all, they tional movements, speedily exhaust their over whom long-delayed retribution is force. The American party, strong impending scream at the bare mention enough to swallow up not only Detno- of it, as the demoniacs did when they i cracy itself, but every other feebler ex saw Christ approach them. It is a per- citement, will live forever. The legal sccution for conscience sake, jn their revolution, therefore, which will con- view, that we hesitate to surrender our summate the political, will be only but country, our liberty and our religion to necessarily the out-burst of its spirit, the guidance of corrupt men banded Assaults upon the Union of these States, with foreigners ; and what makes it a whether from the North or the South, persecution is, that these foreigners hap-1 must cease. Conspiracies against the pen to be Papists and infidels. If they I Protestant civilization of the country had happened to be Chinese, or Maho- between demagogues on one side amt medans, the nation would have revolted papal and infidel foreigners on the otht-r, much sooner. And yet without reason ; must terminate. Attacks upon our nt- for we and our fathers have an unsettled Uionality, by treaties made between account with Ropery many centuries [ foreign despots and prelates, under the old. At first it was the Emperor and sanction of the court of Rome, and exe- the Pope who trod us into the dust. cute( j by millions of foreign papists and Then it was kings and bishops, who infidels cast into our bosom, must be burned some at the stake, and drove the brought to an end. Foreigners must be outburst of ouc National Re-1 rest out of all lands into this wilderness. I content to enjoy here the blessings ot These are the life and heart Now it is priests and mobs and dema- [ f ree dom denied to them everywhere else; grandest volution. . .. .. , . and soul of this gigantic movement gogiies, who have followed us American Nationality, Protestant Civili-1 place of refuge—nay, our last zation, National Union. The country J refuge—to renew here believes all three of these are in danger. “ 1 —- e - ~ Men may say the country is deluded. But that docs not alter the case so long as the country thinks otherwise. The country is resolved that all danger to all of them shall be thoroughly removed Men what resolved United? into our jhe benefits of a civilization m<»re exalt- p last place of I e d than any they can enjoy elsewhere; _ the combat of jhe same civil and religious rights which centuries, in a form at once more degrad- we ourse i V es enjoy. They must cease ing anil detestable, and more likely to be to ^ us Americans must rule Amc- fatal to us than in either of its preceding r f ca forms. Shall we be driven into the I cannot bo insensible that many vir- Pacific? Shall we succumb? Or shall 1 tuous ci^htened, and patriotic men, we turn upon our relentless pur.uers ? | view th ; 8 su bj w t in a light widely dif- x , ! , ‘ f cnU front .that fat which it strikes me. have no allusion to them in any thing have uttered. I do not forget the The revolt of the country was wholly blinding influenee of party spirit and pat- ... .. ... unexpected by those who supposed they t . tiea . i „dmit»also that not a few of The country is thoroughly convinced ba d already secured its final subjugation, I t |, 03u who are personally dear to me are that it cannot trust the perpetuation ofL nd likc evcry ol h er great retribution, found arra .. ed aga i ns t what I believe its nationality, us lrotestant civilization, it take!} those j| falls on by surprise. It I {Q be ,b e very highest interests of ' the sale by the Druggists generally, and by W. H. & J. TURPIN, Dealers iu pure Family Medicines, JunelS Broad street, Angusta, Gn. should be forfeited to the State. This so deeply engages the attenion of the I is not all. They went a step further, whole community. I may add, that NEW GOODS. prompt payment ter. Jan. 18, 1855. te ena of each quar D. N. JUDSOfor. W OLF’S Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps a superlative tonic diarctic anti dyspep tic and invigorating cordial, just received and for sale by ApI lO. D. N.JUDSON. CoiicLMaking and Repairing. .JAMES bTbURPEE, A T the old stand recently occupied by R. 8. Schevcnell, offers for salon lot of superi or nrtides of his own manufacture, at redu ced'prices—consisting ol Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for any thing in hisline thankfully roceiv.xl and promptly executed. /sfl-Ropairing done at shot*notice and on reasonable terms. pfKn- t NOTICE. mHS subscribers nro prepared to fill orders A for all kinds of , Spokes for Carriages and Wagons, Also, at the same establishment wc manufao turo all kinds of BOBBINS, ily used in our cottun factories. All i"good and cheap as can bo had from furtli. Address, P. A.SUMMEY & BUO. Athens,Ga. Ill attend to nil orders, mid the ship- tl»o same. JVIavch, 1864 Q 1 Sacks Flour for sals by April 2'Jth Grady iNicuoLsy i ,, . . f | many similar invitations have been sent and by the 5th section of the Act of t0 and 6tm continue to be sent, from 5 Dec. 1805, required all moneys, bonds various and widely-separated portions of and notes given for the purchase of lots the;Commonwealth, signed in theaggre- of persons. I you that, i preraile d j is as follows: “ That all moneys, bonds I on> u „der peculiar circumstances,in both or notes arising from the sale of lots in instances, to speak on this .subject ^ in said town of Milledgeviile shall be, by Cyntbiann and in Lexington. -.The L, • . c ... ... object of tins communication is, in the | the commissioners aforesaid, deposited ^ p]acCj tQ say in this pubHc wanner, with the treasurer of this state, whose! (bat it does not appear to ine to be my duty it shall be safely tokccp the same, duty to accept these invitations; and, in very choice subject to the further order ofthcLegis- the second place, to perform the duty ’ lature of this State.”— Clay ton's i)d which they, and many other cor.stdera- 3 I lions, do seem to me to require, in the gcSi, ~<k>. distinct expression of my principles on Now, Sir, after Milledgeviile has the subject itself. In doing this, it may been declared by a solemn act of the I save the necessity of future, explanation Legislature to be the permanent seat ofl *° sa y> l h at I avail myself of the proof- Blank Declarations, [Government of the State-after Persons I Smt<£ rvFboth forma, (long and abort) together I purchased lots, relying on the good w hich has not yet been issued; and to • - *?« process attached-just pdntea faith of the State—after improvements add, that if I supposed there ' I wero forced to be made, within two I smallest doubt ot the issue of tl services the esti- try has, for the time at least, set aside wh ich their own perfidy and ferocity hnd L.j lich t h e public press sometimes assails all parties. Men may say this is mere rendered absolutely indispensable. Tho thoge from ‘ whonit it is supposed, no per- fanaticism; but whaL does the country I coun try organizes itself for the groat L onal d is t0 be apprehended. But I care -or the sayings of men whom it re- con flj ct which, to those who first embark- ) iave f e j t j on „ ago the whole force of jects as unworthy of being trusted with ed in it> seeme j weUnisli desperate, in p j and j° fide i bitterness, and have its destiny in so great a crisis. Uhe 1 si i ence and w i t h 0 nt observation. That I sur vi vcd all that their co-laborer scould c ®"" try ^ es ^ ves to perpetuate the union is the Nvay in which all grand move- pcr30na u v attempt. For anything more, of these States They who are laithful mems occur; e ven the Kingdom of L would'be strange indeed, if I should to the Union had better take op> the Heave n does not come with observation. , ook wilh i ndi fference upon a struggle, at same great parable, they who a f® n0 ‘ But the demagogues, the priests, the the moment of its impending triumph, ought m the judgment of the country to mobs, the foroign papists and infidels, aUer having watched its progress longer be indiscriminately cru.hed. The coun- aro 6ll0C ked beyond endurance, because and more cagei i y and vindicated the trydetermmesthat.tsProte3anc.t,l- lhc Landful of devoted men who first moal detc . 8ted ° p A ncip i cs on which it \ more tenaciously than one in round it with adequate safeguard.. wbat ? In order to be murdered; or, m be used as wisely and as* "onerously They who participate m these opinions not mQ rdered, traduced, and the very ag WHS i,eroicallv won. ° will applaud this profound purpose; they end f or which they were willing to be I -v j —j who conspire to destroy that Protestant traduced, and if necessary, murdered— civilization, or who abet, or sell them- utterly defeated? Were they called into selves to those who do, must abide the | council tvlien their enemies bought and political overthrow which so^ justly and soldthcm Were they notified, when cor- permanently awaits them, . Ute coun-| ru p^ b ar g a ; ns were struck, in which lhc try cherishes its glorious nationality, and liberties of the peopler were put up at an believing it to be endangered, it has risen 1 i n f ara0U 3 price ? Were they consulted up in its psajesty—to assert, to vindicate, w hen the atrocious schemes to break up and to deyelope still more powerfully the Union of these States were con- the nationality without which the coun- cocted p try itself has no destiny—no mission on , .. . , the face of the earth. The, who are se L W ^r cn, * d ™. he " '¥ lost to every exalted instinct, ns to be I of our nn"onal.ty, of onr mshiu. N EW CROP N. C. Surups, ■Hr* 1 just received by Apl. 19. T. BISHOP A SON. CHEESE! CHEESE! A choice lot, at 16 cents, just received at Dec7 f.M. KENNEY’S. and for sale at this Office, other Blanks. , tSTAny Blnnke not on hand—as, indeed, 1 almost any kind of job printing—can be fur- y ears by purchasers, 01 incurr nislved on a few hoars’ notice ' , •■i-nn.l.r r faith of the State—after improvements I add, that if I supposed there tyas the were forced to be made, within two I smallest doubt ot the issue of this con- ,1 • e I test in Kentucky, or that my services years bj, purchasers, or incur, ..for-1 ^ {• , n valu0 th e ehU- fe,ture of the raone y a,read y P a,d and mate put on them by partial friends, I PRESERVES—Ginger and Chow-chow I the lots purchased—after the purchase should pursue a very different course oni»^ erVC8 ‘ an D ft V, 8 BnM 0 Mpl G f^p^ for money has gone into tho treasury of from the one I have now adopted, sale by: P.A SUMMEY & BRO, * ?. . ... Politics have assumed a new, and to • the state, it is utterly incomprehensible I . uimw u.ivc » .. , , . the old managers of parties and elcc to tny mind,-how any honest roaOj Canl|jjj^ ^ most tihexpeeted phase. Many^ now rise up in a Georgia Legislature things have conspired to produce this and gravely contend, that the State is result; and men will, no doubt, give this not bound in good faith (if not by ex- or tUa } explanation of the movement we .. . . _ are witnessing, according to the point ot, press contact between the State and the vicw from [he y consider it. Many purchasers) to retain the Capital where effects may be produced by the move it is. Honesly and fair dealing between rnent itself,and men will appreciate those man and man would require good faith I ed>ects » ail d endeavor to promote or pre Bacon ! Bacon ! ! A pi. 19. LBS. The finest lot evor of fered in this market, for sale P. A. SUMMEY A BBO. TjlXTRA Fine French Calf Skins, just re XLl ceived aud for sale, Tow,"by T. Bishop A Son. " March 22. W OODRUFF’S Dyscnierry Cord ill, Bran- dreth’s Pills, and Moffat’s Life Pills aud P osnix Bitters, arc still kept for sale at the old staud of J. S. Peterson, corner of Broad street r.-jd Collcgo Avenue, by May!? WM N. WHITE. to be observed in such . vent them, according to their views of a transaction. I g ener;d politic^ of tho interests ol socic And shall it be said that Georgia (in t y, and of tha proper destiny of - the cant phrase of demagogues " The great country. Your friend and servant, RO.J. BRECKKNRIDGE. Col. A. G. Hodges. Frankfort. ^ori'ign Jlnus. ARRIVAL OF THE "STEAMER AFRICA. The steamer Africa has arrived at ion* iv otpi , w _ Halifax. She was detained off the j>ort insensible'to the“grandeur of such hopes I and of ou ? religion together, was I near i y a]l day on Monday. Her letters- as God has set before us, may also de- deliberately undertaken by the Popish *ill be due at New York I hursday spise all the efforts by which those hopes despots and prelates of Europe ? evening. She brings one week 1 * litf. r are to be realized. Nevertheless, the ^ as counsel asked of them by foreign intelligence from Europe, country will guard and assure its nation- Papists tmd infidels, when throughout Liverpool market. ality in spite of its recreant children as the who,e land the y conspired with the Liverpool. May 19.—Cotton.—M *115. well as its foes. This is my version of ful1 assenl of demagogues to overthrow ga n rep orts extraordinary sales, Jd. ad- this grand movement; one point of view Protestant civilization of the conn- rance D n Middling, and advance on from which its rise, its progress, and its tr y \ Were the secrets of the confess- F a i r . Sales of the week, IuS.000 bale.", aims are distinctly manifest. Let tho »>nal made known to them ? Were the 0 f which 7o,000 were taken on speculu- country execute a work in such a spirit; secret oaths binding every Papal ec- t 0 n . Fair Orleans 6gd.; Middling, and she will be launched anew upon her clesiastic with unlimited allegiance to a C Jd.; Fiar Upland, 6|d.; Mu d mg. Oft , ■ . r foreign temporal prince submitted t.» ■ rc ' 1 high career. their scrutiny ? The safety of the State It may be of less importance to deter- j g ^ supreme law. And surely' -if is mine by what means this great spirit t be first necessity of a State that is en- has been aroused and concentrated. Yet dangCred> an d they who would save it this is not difficult. Manifestly whatev- must consu it, must combine. If the er those means were, they must I perfidy and ferocity of their enemies worked long and worked deeply. ' ras I compel them to observe unusual it nothing that in all parts ol the coun- caut j on j t ou ly proves tho greatness of try, and for years together, and t»P°n their danger . i„ po i nt G f morality, it the most opposite pretexts, the diaso u- stands prec iseiy 0 n the same footing as tion of the Union was constantly threat- b b allot. The object of it deter- hin£r. t at no 1- m j nes ; ts lawfulness ; and it is its suc- ened? Was it nothing, that poli- , , • .• • .1 . I lUIIlCo Ho lauiumwoo ) uiilx u 10 110 tical corruption,.grown gigantic in the its future, which makes it so land, had shocked all honest men ? Was ^ ! it nothing, that a stream of foreign pau-[ * ’. „ . • • . . pers and felons flowed ceaselessly into If the nationality of America is to be the bosom of the Republic? Was it sustained, if her Protestant civiUzation nothing, that millions of foreign Papists is to be perpetuated, if the Federal and Infidels, inundating the country like Union is to be preserved, there is but a flood of locusts, Were openly organized ono possible method of dealing with the into political powers directed against the subject. The organized power of liberty the religion, and the nationality society must be taken out of the hands of tltb‘people? Wits it nothing, that of those who haye betrayed these vast political parties openly bought and sold interests, and must be put into the hands the support of these fearful powers, of those who will cherish them. Public contracting always for such payments, > opinion is the only instrument, by winch Russian outworks. to 6J- The market closed buoyant. The advices from Manchester ore more favorable. Breadstuff's dull and unchanged. Cana Flour 40 to 42s; Ohio 45s to 45 6d. White Wheat 12s to 12s 9d. White Corn 57s to 57s 6d; Yellow 50 to 51s. Weather favorable to the crops. Pre visions slightly advanced and steady, London markets unchanged. Sugar and Coffee firm, Bread-stuffs dull. Money easier; on Friday consol* closed at 913* and on Saturday advanc ed £d, United States stocks better., THE WAR. The Vienna Conference was tor be re opened on Monday. A secret expedition was preparing for- the Crimea, The siege of S a-L was unchanged Pclissier corn, attacking with the Allies in the t - The motion of a want of confidence in the English Ministry failed - In the latest engagement, the Flag staff Battery of the French destroyed the