The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, June 28, 1855, Image 1

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— rw « U1II1ELH5III UF UI VOLUME II. ATHENS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 28, 1855, NUMBER 13 PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY JOHN H. CHRISTY, EDITOR ASD PROPRIETOR, Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS per annum', if paid -triclly in ad ance; otherwise,Til REE DOLLARS will be charged {^ In order that the price ol the papei may nntheiu the waynla large circulation, Clubs will be supplied at the following low rates. W&BT***::: Jllllwihe ratci, the Catk mtutaccemyauf tkcunlrr. Rates of Advertising. Transient advertisements willbeinserted at One Dollar per square for the first, and Fifty Cenlsper square for each subsequent insertion. Legal and yearly advertisements at the usual rates Candidates will be charged $3 for announcements, and obituary noticeseaeeeuingsix lines in length will be charged ae advertisements. When the number of insertions isnot msrkednn and advertisement, It will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. ^asintsa null ^rnfwsinnnl (Cnriis. MAIN AND FANCY Book and Job Printer, “Franlslin Job Office,” Athens, Ga. ♦*, All work entrusted to his care faithfully, correctly and punctually executed, at prises eorrospond- janlS ingwiththehardnessottbetimes. tf C. E. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Roomsnver the Store of Wilson & Veal. Jan3 TITNER & ENGLAND, Wholesale A Retail Dealers! n Groceries, Dry Goods, HARDWARE, SHOES AND BOOTS, April 6 Athens, Ga. MOORE & CARLTON, DEALERS IN- SILK, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, HARDWARE ASD CROCKERY. April No. 3, Granite How, Athens, Go. LUCAS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ac: Ac. No. 2, Street. Athens. WILLIAM G. DELONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OiBce over the stare si Win M. Morton h Son Will attend promptly to all business entrust cd to his care. Athens, April C P. C. LANGSTON, Attorney at Law, CARNF.Syn.LE, GA. Col. B-F.lfardeinnn, Lexington Samuel Freeman, Esq. Kewnan Gabriel Nash, Esq. Damelsville Col. H. Halsey, Atnericus. P. A. SUMMEY & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple Goods, Hardware, Crockery, AND ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Corner of Wall and Broad streets, Athens WILLIAM N. WHITE, WUOLRSALE AXD RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONED, And Nctttyaptr and Magmiat Agent. DEALER IX MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMPS, FINE CUTLERV, FANCY GOODS, AC. No. 2, College Avenue, Newton limine, Athens, fla sign of •• White’s University Hook Store.” Orders promptly filled iit Augusta rates. T. BISIIOP & SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, April 6 No. 1, Broad street, Athens. JAMES M. ROYAL, H ARSBSSM AKER, H AS removed his shop to Mitchell’s old Taveru, one door east of Grady A Nich oisou’s—where he keeps always on hand t geuerul assortment of articles inbisliuc, and is always ready to fill orders in the best sty] Jan 26 tf LOOK HERE! T HE undersigned have on hand a general assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. Which they will sell low for cash or barter Call and examine. April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BOO. $150 to $200 per Month!! I WILL send instructions by which any person can make from $150 to $200 per month, without traveling or peddling, and with the smallest amount of capital. This is no receipt of auy kind whatever. 1 will for ward the above instructions and all the arts and receipts of value, ns advertised in the different papers of the United States, free of postage, to any person sending me the small sum of one dollar, post paid. E.S. SHIPLEY, Kingston, Ross Count/, Ohio. political. PERRY DAVIS’ vegetable FAIN KILLER, STILL TRIUMPHANT, A ND after a thorough trial by innumerable living witnesses, has proved itself to be THE MEDICINE OF THE AGE Although there have been many medicinal preparations brought before the public since the first introduction < f Perry Davis’Vegeta ble Pain Killer, aud large amounts expended in their introduction, the Pain Killer has continued to steadily advance in the estima tion of the world as the best Futnily Medi cine ever introduced. As an internal and external remedy it is truly a source of JOY TO THE WORLD. One positive proof of its efficacy is, that the sales have constantly increased, and wholly upon its own merits, as the proprie tors hove not resorted to advertising to gain for it the rank it now holds among the great number of preparations of the present time. 1S The effect of the Pain Killer upon the pa tient, when taken iutcrnnlly in cases of Colds, Cough, Bowel Complaints, Cholera, Dyssentcry and other affections of the sys tem, has been truly wonderful, and has won for it a name ninotig medicinal preparations that can never be forgotten. Its success in removing pain, as an external remedy, in cases of burns, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, sting of insects and other causes of suffering, has secured for it such a host of testimony, as an almost infallible remedy, that it will be handed down to posterity as ouo of the greatest medical discoveries of the nine teenth century. The magical effects of the Pain Killer when takenor used according to directions, are certain. You have only to be sure that yon buy the genuine article and adhere to the directions in its use, and you will admit its wonderful medicinal proper ties. . , The genuine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer is now put up in panel bottles, with the words Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer blown in the glass; and with two steel engraved labels on each bottle—one an excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the Original inventor of the medicine, the o'lu r a steel engraved note of hand—none others can txftwtiud upon as ge nuine. Price of bottles 12 1-2 cents, 25cents, 50 cents and $1, respectively. PERRY DAVJS & SON, Proprietors, No. 74 High st., Providence, R I. The Pain Killer is s Id by C. Wjfc H. R. J. Lox<;*, and Smith «i Hill, Athens. Beware ofc« untcrfeits put up in the old style. May 3. From the Louisville Courier. PROFESSOR MORSE’S REPLY TO BISHOP SPALDING. Poughkeepsie, (N. Y.) May 2, 1855, “ IF ever the liberties of the United States are destroyed they will be by the Romish Priests.” Lafayette. To Bishop M. J. Spalding—Sir : Your remarks in the Courier of April 14th have been sent to me. You will excuse the delay and my apparent neg lect m noticing them, which, however, will be of no damage to the cause of truth, since, in the interim, 1 have nei ther been unmindful of you nor remits, nor unsuccessful in my search for the means of gratifying your important in quiries. In common with the rest of the intelligent public, whose object is to arrive at the knowledge of an historic It makes the French patriot say, in fact, directly the opposite of what he did say ! Here is the extract from his letter to the Protestant gentleman in New York, written from Paris, in 1820, shortly after his return from his visit to the United States, which letter no doubt gave occasion for concocting'the calum ny : “ The friendly expressions of regard for my health and happiness conveyed in your kind letter to me of the 15th ult. 1 beg you to be assured, are grateful to my feelings ,* and 1 shall cherish the re collection of the many services and kindnesses towards me, on the part of both yourself and lady, while I was your guest in America, as among the most pleasing reminis.cences connected with my late visit to the United States. * * * I cannot but admire your noble sentiments of devotion and attach ment to your country and institutions. But I must be permitted to assure you truth, I am under great obligations to . you, sir, for bringing this subject so pro-1 t ‘ ie fears which, in your patriotic minently and distinctly before the Ame- zeal, you seem to entertain, that if ever riean people. the “ bert JJ °J the United States is destroy- The motto of Lafayette, which stands e ^> it will be by the Itomisli priests, are the head of this letter, has been quot-1 whainly without any shadow of founda- ed to them for some twenty years with- * lon whatever. An intimate acquain- out its authenticity having been ques- H ance of more than half a century with tioned, unless, indeed, your assertion be the prominent and influential priests correct that “ some time ago,” (which and members of that church, both m a somewhat indefinite date,), it was England and America, warrants me in called in question by the Freeman’s assuung you that you need entertain no Journal. If so, it has never till now apprehension of danger to your repuhli- been brought to iny knowledge, and is I can institutions from that quarter.” now confined solely ta your assertion of * ou / ,ere > sir ' uot raere ly deny that the fact. Whatever may be the nature General Lafayette ever uttered such a of that notice in the Freeman’s Journal j sentiment, but, as I have said, you as- a matter, at present, of very little con- ser * *bat 1C wro ^ e a letter, which letter sequence, since your denial of the au- y° u . H uote > a letter in which this very thenticity of the motto has been distinct- sentiment and motto are recorded, and ly brought to my knowledge, and I can recorded for the express purpose of re settle the question with you, once for pudiating them. This, sir, you charge all, and forever. upon Lafayette. You quote that letter My letter from Poughkeepsie of March 03 genuine; you rely upon it as genuine; 19th, was not, and could not be, the Y°y l, int "°* the slightest peradventure intended answer to your “ appeal,” pub- °l* ** s spuriousness; you even persist in lished in Louisville, March 19th. Still, adopting it without doubt; you deliber- for reasons best known to yourself, you ] ately announce that you " have publish- choose to assume it to be my reply to ed a a second edition of your Miscel- ycur appeal. The public will see, if-jlauea.” and this after being distinctly you cannot, that a letter of 19«h March, apprized that its authenticity is more written and mailed four days distant than doubted ; even when the charge of from Louisville, could not he a consc- forgery is made against it from many quent of an article published in Louis- respectable quarters. On the strength ville on the self-same day, whatever may °f *bat l etter alone, you affirm that La- have been the accidental order of its fayette actually said “ directly the op- publication. They will also duly appre- P os ’ te °* what he did say.” You pro- ciate this artifice by which you assume a bounce the motto a “ calumny and triumph from my presumed default. 1 y°. u profess to have “ no doubt” that can, however, well afford to you this brief *bis letter *• gave occasion for concoct- season of self-gratulation, of which the * n g *bat * s > °f inventing the motto. apparent success of this Jesuitic ruse, It is not necessary, sir, to charge up- enables you to avail yourself. on you the forgery of that spurious letter. My own self-respect, os well ns the It is sufficient for me that you have en- respect due to the shrewd and reflect- dorsed the counterfeit as an historical ing minds by which you are surrounded, fact, and passed it off upon the commu- will restrain me from any mere personal nity as genuine. You have made your retort, which the indecent personalities I self particeps criminis, % by giving it jour in which you have indulged, would imprimatur, and this, after a warning seem to provoke. A far more important that should have induced caution, that question than the comparative skill in the letter was more than suspicious, personal disparagement is involved in You would evade the responsibility of this discussion. such an act, because, forsooth, you could The question whether the illustrious cite a protestant source for that letter, companion of Washington, the consistent, This is a subterfuge too shallow to pro long tried, ever vigilant friend of the re- tect you. I shall follow you into your 1 made to the honorable Court of Ordinary P ub,ican liberties of the United States, I r’treat for your “ Protestant authority of Walton county, for leave to sell the lands ever g ave tb > s significant, faithful, just, —You have not quoted that letter from belonging to the estate of .Elisha Casey, de- and most important warning to the | the editorial columns of a Protestant pa- TAKE NOTICE A CCOUNTS for the last quarter are now due, and payment thereof required. My terms are cash, or three months. Ap5 WM. N. WHITE. Notice. rpW O months after dute. application April 12. n. H. CAMP Adm’r. SPRING TS upon us in all its glory, and summer is X is fast advancing. With these seasons also come diseases peculiar to them, in the form of Eruptions, Pimples. Blotches, and worst of all, King-Worm. The best remedy for such, andcertaiuly the most agreeable, is “ Mar shall’s Ring-worm and Tetter Lotion.” It will .cert tinly cure, and quickly—it does notstain the skin, aud is an agreeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W. H. <fc J. TURPIN, Dealers iu pure Family Medicines, JunelS Broad street, Augusta, Ga. NEW GOODS. 1 H A Y E just received a large stock of choice Family Groceries, and a general assort ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash or prompt payment at the end of each quar ter. D. N. JUDSON. Jan. 18, M855. Coach-Making and Repairing. JAMES bTbURPEE, A T the old stand recently occupied by K. S. Scltevetiell, offers for sale a lot of superi or articles of his owq manufacture, at redu ced prices—consisting oi Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for anything in hislinetiiunkfnlly received and promptly executed. ^iS'Ropairing done al short uutice aud on reasonable u-rnts. W OLF’S Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps. superlative tonic dinretic anti dyspep tic and invigorating cordial, just received and for sale by Apl 19, D. N. JUDSON. N EW CROP N. C. Surups, very choice, just received by Apl. 19. T. BISHOP a son*. CHEESE! CHEESE! L choice lot, at 16 cents, just received at ~ “ i. m. : Dec7 KENNEY’S. NOTICE. T 1JB subscribers arc prepared to fill order* for all kinds of Spokes fop Carriages and Wagons, Also, at the same establishment wo mauufac tute nil kinds of BOBBINS, commonly used iq our eottun factories. AH done ns g<iod and cheap as can be had from /he North, Addrrss, Pt A..SUMMEY & RKQ. Allien*,Ga. who will attend to all orders, and the ship- ping of the same. March, 1854. O /ASacks Flour for sale by o\J r “ April SOtli C.gAny itNtcjj into Blank Declarations, O F both forms, (long and short) together with the process attached—just printed and for sale at this OffiOc. Also, various other Blanks. HJ* Any Blanks not on hand-ns, indeed almost any kind of job printing—can be fur nislied on a few hours’ notice P RESERVES—Ginger and Chow-chow Preserves, and all sorts of PICKLES,for sale by P. A SUMMEY & BRO. Bacon ! Bacon !! QA Ann LBS. The finest lot ever of- OVJ UUU fered in ibis market, for sale low by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. il. Apl. 13. E XTRA Fine French Calf Skins, just re ccived aud for sale, low, by T. Bishop * Son. ' March 22. W OODRUFF’S Dyscuterry Cord ill. Bran dreth’s Fills, and Moffat’s Life Pills and P omix Bitters, arc still kept for sale at the old stand of J. S. Peterson, corner Broad street and College Avenue, by Mayl7 WM. N. WHITE. American people,is the point in dispute, per, but from one who conceals himself After twenty years circulation of this under the mask of “ Old Line.” writ- pregnant warning, no one, to my knowl- i„g in a Protestant paper, I hazard edge, in all that time presuming to call little in saying he is no Protestant. Are it in question, after being familiarly you sure, sir, he is not a Jesuit, who has quoted in books and pamphlets, and taken advantage of an election excite- placed in capitals ns the perpetual mot- ment to abuse the confidence of a Pro to of some journals, your sir, at this testant editor, the more easily to deceive late day have ventured to deny its nu- l a Protestant public ? Can the public be thenticity. fully assured, when they know the prin- In your denial you have chosen to c i p i cs 0 f allowed equivocation and per- assail my testimony in its favor, to cast jury on which your entire corporation a suspicion on my veracity, and unequi- known and proved to be based, and vocally to pronounce my statement ttn- (be systematized fraud and falsehood au~ rcliable. I am, therefore, no volunteer thorized by it, that there has not been a in this contest, but am called out by you convenient collusion between you, sir, to defend my position against your at- and this same Mr. “ Old Line ?” Acts tacks. I do not complain of this, sir j Q f this complexion, in the annals of your I most cheerfully accept your challenge, corporation, are not so uncommon as to I have for more than twenty years been make it impossible. May he not be a Je- personally knowing to the fact that the suit? Listen to his style of defence oftlus sentiments of the motto are the senti- apocryphal letter, alter being called up* ments of Lafayette, and when I first met on to produce his authority for that let- witli it in print,I could vouch for its truth, ter ; let him give it in his own style, (for because it perfectly embodies the senti- even he has an authority to fall back up- ments of the illustrious man, as often ex- on, such as it is.) He had been gently pressed to me. told that his letter had the su-picious And pray, sir, what is your authority look of forgery about it. He replies (or denying the authenticity of the motto? ,« But cven upon the supposition that That strict justice may be done you, I th e b ,* e 0 f proving the letter quote your remarks from your pamphlet wh ( ch authority attributes to Lafay- called «• Intolerant Spirit of the Times.” eUe to a f J y> (bu t which is a At page 3 i, you say : moral impossibility,) and that no falsi- ‘‘To a ^’ a £ e suspicion against the Ca- f lcation been perpetrated ; still,,/ holic priesthood, the public prints have t} are at lU samc \ imc unaMe to show long been circulating among the people * ine whmcc theJ obtainedit, the extraordinary assertion that Lafay- J d ^ find it in the writings ette warned American patriots against Qf Laf tte< „ wi „ the n, in that case, priestly influence in the following lan-l Iy ,J, e acqu f Ued thcms elves of the EU Jff>cr a. Hbe, t y of OalHji States is destroyed it will be by Romish V- . ,, \jorgcry. pri r??. r . t I. 1 1 • “ In the excitement consequent upon The fact of such a declaration coming tfa d i scover y Q f t j,e stupendous fraud, from one »ho was „ Cu boho bimself, .1 , j red ', he ar , iole for he was anything, bears the stamp ofim- * 1 „„jj # • probability, if not of downright absurdi- P° ur P res ^J 10 P. r ” p , > tv on its very face • vet it tossed cur- verten »ently omitted 1 he work was ty on us very lace, yet u pastel cur bt j d f th private Rbrary of a rent for iruthniidwa., we.tank gener. gentlemen residing near this ally helmed by the messes, who «« city a „ A entitled Esstrf .<£•/<. Jtenni prepared to devour any absurdity, pro- | vided it militate against Catholics ! Now what will the impartial public think, when it is ascertained [that this charge, like most others, which have been late ly circulated in the country to our dis advantage, is not only utterly groundless, but is directly the reverse of the truth! lique drs Elat* Unis iV Amcrique, par M. Jeane Bap. Marchande, a Paris, 1835, I2nio., pp» 245* being an essay on republican government, with his cor respondence, &c.„ which lie published * It will be scon tba't no publisher is ve»: turned to be named. on his return to Paris, for the benefit c f his friends, the Liberals and Republic cans of France. The work, I presume, has never been translated and published in this country, for the reason that it does not possess sufficient merit to justify it. “ The author was a private, retired gentleman, and lived some years in New York city, but was not, perhaps, very generally known as an author in the literary circles of either this country or of Europe. The significant fact that the work is rare may, in all proba bility, have been the very circumstances which first suggested the idea of per petrating the falsification ; for if the sentence had occurred in the published writings of Lafayette, now in general circulation in this country, it i& reasona ble to be presumed that the certainty of the speedy detection of such unhal lowed and damnable desecration of the fair fame and sacred reputation of the name and memory of the honored dead would have deterred the base and villain ous falsifier from his diabolical machina tion, and the impartial historian would have been spared the painful and hu miliating necessity of handing down to posterity the record of a species of politi cal perfidy and moral turpitude in the nineteenth century, the development of which exceeds in enormity the infamous pious frauds.forgeries, falsifications, and interpolations which disgraced the dark ages. Old Line.” The italics are his, and I have omit ted his declamatory preamble swollen with the verbiage of the same bombastic and scurrilous phraseology, a phrase ology which a disturbed conscience would be apt to select to vent in charac teristic epithets, the torment of persist ent guilr. Its dialect betrays the Jesuit in every line as sure as the brogue be trays a native of the Emerald Isle. Now, sir, either your judgment or your honesty suffers from your uphold ing of this double attempt to deceive the public—the attempt to palm off upon an intelligent community such a misera ble apology of an authority for the sup port of anything, and the attempt to practise upon the credulity of the pub lic with such a letter of Lafayette. Your judgment suffers if you did not.suspect the fabrication, your honesty if you did. You are near the source whence y»>u say you have derived your facts. A single day would suffice to verify “ the book in the library of the French gen tleman residing near Cincinnati,” in which the pretended letter is said to he recorded. You have been called on for months to produce that book, and the call has been in vain. And, let me say, sir, it is likely to be in vain, since no such book can be found in Paris ! nor is there uny evidence that such a hook was ever published there ; on the contrary the evidence amounts almost to certainty that no such work is in ex istence, and was never published. Presuming, sir, from my knowledge derived from years of careful study and observation of the governing principles of your clerical corporation, (not from a bigoted prejudice against the Catholic Church, as you have charged,) I had good reason to suspect that a pious fraud was in process of being perpetrated by you and your accomplices upon the American public. To what extent you would presume to think yourself safe in concocting and sustaining it, in the enlightened community which surrounds you, I did not know. I only knew you had gone to the length of quoting forged letter. For myself I needed no other evi dence of its forgery than the letter itself affords as quoted by you, especially as it is made manifest in the light of my own personal intercourse with General Lafayette. My first expectation, indeed, was that I should actually find such a letter as you quote in the alleged book, and in such connexion as would afford some clue to the culprit, and so I sent to Paris to procure the work. To my surprise, I learned from my correspond ent that the most eminent bibliopolists of Paris after diligent search, know of no such work, and they write me with one accord that “ no such work is to be found in Paris /” I could hardly bring myself to believe, notwithstanding the well known and avowed principles of your corporation warranted the extrem cst distrust, that the bold fraud had ex tended not only to the forgery of a let ter of Lafayette, but to tht forgery of a false title to a book, a false author, false place of publication, a false date, afalse size, a false number of pages and in connexion with these, a purely fictitious account of the imaginary au thor, and all the other fabulous circum stances of its ideal existence! But to this extent, in the present state of the research, this p’.ous fraud seems already to have reached. Since writing to Paris, I find that was not necessary for me to have written there, in order to ascertain whether such a work had been published even in any part of France. In the Astor Library of New York, is the •* Bibliographic dc la France, ou Journal General de Vim primerie, et dc la Libraire,'’ which is weekly periodical, containing a com plete catalogue of all the works publish ed in Paris, or in the departments, ar ranged in three tables—1st, an alpha betical table of the works; 2d, an alpha helical table of the authors, aud, 3d, systematic table of the works. This catalogue is so comprehtnsiv as to include everything that is publish ed in Paris, down to a four paged ephemeral election address. In company with the accomplished librarian of the Astor Library, I care fully examined this catalogue and tables for the years 1834-’3o-’36, and no such work, nor anything that could be mis taken for it, is therein to be found — The most insignificant four-paged pam phlet isnot omitted, and yet a work of so much political pretension as to occu py 245 pages is omittei! With the facts before you, sir, you can draw your own conclusions, and the public will also draw l heirs. With this exposure of the “stupendous fraud," in which your own reputation, sir, is compromised, as well as that of your accomplice “ Old Line,” I might safely leave the motto of Lafayette to stand (unscathed as it is by your attacks) in history a3 a truth; for the very means you have so unscrupulously used to de- s roy its influence, as manifesting the sentiments of the illustrious man who uttered it, have but reacted to its more complete confirmation. I have as yet, however, only exposed the essential baselessness of the nega tive side of the question. I am yet to bring out the positive proofs of the au thenticity of the motto. I can glance only at the sophism which you have gravely and earnestly exalted as an argument, that “ Lafay ette, being a Catholic, (which you as sume, in a sense of your own,) it was, therefore, impossible that he should have thus spoken of Romish priests.’ It is at best a flimsy gloss which the sequel will expose. The positive probabilities are now already so strong in favor of the motto as I^afayette’s, that my own evidence, from my personal knowledge of the senti ments of Lafayette, might be disrcgnrd- thus emblazoned in staring cnpitals to attract a marked attending, are flauifted before the public as if the insinuation and charge were both true and significant. They are neither the one nor the other. The original letter I hold in posses sion. 1 have been in the habit of show ing it to my friends and visiters for more than twenty years. Thousands have seen it, and as many more are free to see it any time. This letter, sir, which I have taken ** special care not to publishwas published extensively in the newspapers throughout the country in 1832 and 1S33. Since General Lafayette, in his letter to me dated Paris, February 28, 1883, expresses himself" highly obliged to me for pub lishing it,” it must have been published before the date of this letter of thanks. Why you should deem the production and exhibition of that letUT of so much importance, (since it has never been pre tended that the motto is in it,) you may be able to show. I cannot be expected to forecast vour reasons. Among your other capital calls, sir, there is another, to which I have paid a respectful attention. You have called upon me to produce the testimony of even one to the declaration of Lafay 1 - ette in the motto. You have madu a call which I am under no obligation to answer further than 1 have already ans wered it by testifying that the sentiments of the motto were, of my own personal knowledge. Lafayette’s. I have never theless taken some pains, for the sake of historic truth, to trace it in its quoted shape. That motto was uttered by Lafayette, as I shall presently prove* more than thirty years ago; it lias heed quoted, without question, for more than twenty years, and its author has been in his grave for more than twenty years. A period of twenty years, sir, is ordi narily sufficient to scatter beyond tiie cd in this position of the case, and so also mos . t diligent search living witnesses to a might the evidence of the converted Ca- sa lf m 3 uttered even in the presence of a tholic priest who quoted it in 1836. This ! iU S« aud, ® n< * ‘ so that lt3 authenticity latter authority, by the by, on one who ? not . so rauch ^pendent on such a /ir is acquainted with the genius of your \ n f f 0,1 being conforma- corporation would he too simple as to sun- hle to . att ™ " °f the Racier and pose, would have any weight with you. I ,he , P 6 ^ 0 " °J. wbo , m ,hu I did not enact the fully of presenting it 3J, }' ,n S 1:5 affirmed. By t his rule, sir, to the public, through my cot respondent, ( one ,? f J’°!" own proposing,» «t con d with any expectation of convincing you, wc }* be proved to be Laiayette s. sir. That Catholic priest you say,was 41 an * hy in g witness to the uttering ot that apostate.” That word embodies folios of senlune,,t of Lnfayette is, indeed, fatal argument with your corporation. Your ,0 .} -0U > but the absence of such a living argument in such case is concise. He "'''ucss ’s not fatal to me. that is for us is right, and always to be *“ New so ,™ da J s ? ,ncP > believed; he that is against us is wr ing, an<i , m the ho P e *° find . » ,,v ing witness and never to be believed. It is a con- ,n , ,,,e P T e , rson a miUlat 7 officer to venient rule, and saves a world of inves- Hearned'twenty years ago that ligation, but it is not the rule that guides Lafa * c “e bad used the words ot the the opinions or judgment of the Amcri- ! aotto >} ,earapd that , a v * npra ' can public. From certain ambiguous ble a,,d t \ xce J, l l cn * n f nl6 } vr « *»»e Dutch hintings in your article, you are prepar- ? r eforn ? ed .£ hU S. C \ 1 ' ,he « e '** Dl ’ 1 ’ 1 ing to apply this rule to Lafayette should } f ‘ , J h "*f . and in , , V, S 0 ™* you discover, as you certainly will, that b«dlh.of body and mind, although in he was not “ for you." Take care how h,s e, 6 h,,pt . h y ear : cou,d , . ,el1 you presume on such an experiment as “ e S0 ” e,h ! n S of interest on the subject that with the American people. 1 -‘ccord.ngly addressed 1 1 him a note on my return home ou the You have made a peremptory call 24th ult., asking him if he had any re- upon me for a ‘‘retraction, on the as- collection of conversations he had with sumption that 1 am responsible for the General Lafayette, when he visited this first using and circulation of the motto. | country in 1824, and if so, I requested You say: As lie (I) first published and gave currency to the calumnious statement regarding Lafayette, lie owes (I owe) it to the country and lo himself (myself) either to prove its truth or to retract il, I like an an honorable man.” him to furnish me with his recellcctions. In his letter to me in reply, dated New York, April 30, 1S55, after detailing the conversation at two special interviews with Lafayette, one on the day of his arrival on Staten Llnnd, before lie went to Boston, and the other after his return Were your premises correct, s >r, I f rom Boston, he gives graphically many (which happens not to he the ease,) 1 interesting incidents of revolutionary should prefer of the two courses you history as related by Lafayette. I omit have so kindly mapped out for me “ to t i lcm as irrelevant in this plooc. but give prods the truth," since l am not in the an extract from the close of Dr. Van- habit, at less designedly, of saying, pelt’s letter, as to the point, >ir, b tween much lesg of writing, anything to he I y OU and n)c .. In speaking of llie inter- relracled. views, he says: Your premises, I have said, sir, are not I ‘‘Oft he conversation nt both inter- true. I was not the first who publish-1 views my recollection is vivid and di*| ed and gave currency to the motto in tinct. * * ‘On the next interview and question. The first publication of it in conversation with Lafayette,’ says the which I was engaged is in the work of venerable Dr. Vanpcdt, 'after his visit the Confessions of a French Catholic and return from I’oslon.’ lie said to me Priest, published in 1837. The motto * my dear friend, I must tell yon some- was published long previous to this date thing that occurred when I was in Ros in several newspapers. It was current ton.’ I received n polite invitation from in 1835. You will find it, sir, in the llie chief Catholic priest or 15i-hop of Somerset Whig, published in Somer- the Roman Catholic Church in Boston ville, New Jersey, of the date August lo attend his church on the Sabbath. I 4th, 1835. It is also in the Protestant wrote him one apology, say n>g. a- 1 1 never Vindicator, of New York, August 26, expect to be in Boston again, and ns 1S35; and in other papers of the same during the Revolution tali- n in Ru«l$n, l year. Whence the writers derived the j worshipped silling by the side of his Ex- motto is not for me to say ; it is sullici- ceHhncy General Washington, and as l cient for me that they did not get it from sec that the church and (he pews ai> me, neither could they have got it from the same, except as they are deemonje.f the work of the Converted Priest. I with paint, I wish to occupy the sam« am, therefore, sir, quite as much interest- seat in that church on the Sabi) >th. ! 1 ed as you can be, in discovering how the took it in great dudgeon, that I did not sentiments of Lafayette, in the shape in attend his church. Rut I could not help which they are quoted tn the motto, got I thrit. I follow my inclination. Now, into public use, and before I have done my friend, I iflhst tell you, dint I w i.s I shall be able to give you the result of I brought up in France a Roman Catholic, my discoveries in this respect. and believed that the Roman Calholii That the motto embodied the senti- Church was the only true and Mothei ments of Lafayette, I needed none to Church, till I came to this country, where testify to me, as I have already said 1 I saw his Excellency General Wa^hing- had ample evidence of that fact in my I ton, and the officers of the American personal intercourse with him. At whal army of different religion, wor.-hippin'j time they first assumed the shape of the in different churchca. motto, I have nowhere as yet pretended ** My eyes were opened. I :ee men to say. can be of different religion, and worship You have been very importunate for in diffeient churches, and yet be good the production of ** the letter which Christians; then saying, It is my opinion General Lafayette wrote to me at I that, if ever th-. liberties of this country—^ Havre,” in which he “ alluded to the I the United Slates of America—arc dcs- whole subjeet of the interview” of which troyed it will be by the subtlety of the I had spoken, and you specially call for J Aowan Catholic Jesuit Priests, for they the “exhibition of the original letterf I are the most crafty, dangerous enemies with the courteous insinuation that 11 to civil and religious liberty. Tiny hare never received such a letter. You charge instigated most of the wars in Europe.' upon me that I have taken ** special He further said, ‘ I wish my country, CARE NOT TO PUULISU it. (The France, liad such government anjwtt capitals are your.-, sir, and these calls hiional liberty asyou have in this country I I I—