The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, August 30, 1855, Image 4

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INDISTINCT COPY Bog$rs’ Liverwort & Tar, " ' ' ^m^qt^ouglis. Colds, For . „ lnSulaW, A/tHta*. BrotehUiB# Spitting of and nil* other Lttng Complaints tending to CoBBUmptipit. • , * rw^ms preparation's getting into rise all !_ over our Country. The numerous let ters we,.*ficcei*e from our various agents, STARTLING, BUT TRUE! Wliat cvcryWoinah elionld erywomr KNOW. T) t^ADER, are you a husband or a father! It a true or a mother! Have you the sin cere welfare of thoseyou love at heart I Prove your: sincerity, and lose no time in learning informing aj of cjlfus effected fit tbeiritnrae- what causes interfere with their health and v “ “ happiness not less than your own. It will diate neighborhoods, warrant us In saying it is ono of th« best, if not the very beet Oongli Medicine now. before the public. It alhiost invariably relieves and not unfre- quontlyicdrs* the very-worst cases. When nil other Cough prepamtifuis have failed, this has relieved the patient, ns Druggists, dealers in Medicines, and Physieianfi can testify. Ask tho Agent in your nearest town, what-has been his experience of the effects of this medicine. If he Has been rolling it torohy length of time be will tell yon IT tSTWE BEST ItXXUCUtE EXTANT. Below wegiyea few extracts from letters wo have received lately rrgirding the vir tues of this medicine. Dr. S 8. Oslin, of Knoxviiie, Gn„ says:— “ 1 have been using your Liverwort and Tar vory extensively in my practice for three ycirs past, and, it i» wjtb pleasure I state my belief iu it* superiority over nil othe articles with which 1 am acquainted, for which it ia recommended." Messrs. Fitzgorald & Benners, writing from WayntVville, N. C. say :—•* Tho Liver wort and'far is beeomiug daily mero popu lar in this Country, and we tiunk justly •*o. All who ltnvo tried 1 it speak in com- luondablo terms of it, and say it is very beucficisTiu alleviating tho complaints for which it is recommended.” Our Agent in Pickens District,3. v. Mr. 8. It. Me Phi?, assures us "that he uses it with great bane fix in his own family, and re- c unmends it to his neighbors.” He gives an instanw of a Negro woman, in his vicini ty.wliohai been suffering with disease of r’bo I.nngs for ye.nrs, attended with severe cough, who was rtlfcvel by the Liverwort and Tar. Such are the good reports wo hoar of this Mcdiciue from nil parts of tho Sooth. For a report of th^ surprising cures it has per avoid to you and yours, as ithas to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation and exhausting those means for medical attendance,medicines and advertised nostrums, which otherwise Vtfuld provide for declining years.tbe infirmi ties of age and the proper education of vour ohildren. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from year to year in that pitiable condition, as not even for one day to feel the ' Combs & Co’s Express Office T M. LAMPKIN, Agt, Athens, Ga TRACKAGES left in theevening at the of- Xfice of this Southern Company, ownc^ and operated by Southern men— * ill be for warded with the mails uext morning, to Charleston. Aogusta, or any other point in the Southern country. This enterprise being exclusively South ern, and great diligence used in forwarding packages with the greatest possible expedi tion, commends itself to the patronage of the Southern peopie. April 29. 09 Office at the old stand of A. K. Childs, next door to the Franklin House. tW* No Package or Freight of any de scription will be shipped, unless notified of it at the office- and exhilarating influence incident to tl__ enjoyment of heath,' arising from Ignorance of the simplest aud plainest rules , of health as connected with the marriage state, the violation of which entail* disease, and mise ry. “ And must this continue! Must this be! rls there no remedy! No relief! No hope!” The remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies aud benefitting by them: These are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, professor or diseases of women. One Hundredth Edition (500,000J 18mo., pp. 350. [os rise run, iitu binding, $100.] A standard work of established reputation found classed in tho catalogue? of the great trade -sales in New-York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal book sellers in the United States. It was first published in 1847, since which time Five Hundred Thousand Copies have beeu sold.of which there were upwards of one hundred thousand sent by mail, attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a reliable popular Medi formed in tho Western and Northern and wn,cn it is Held as a rename popular Medi cal BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE K.uern States, we would invite the suffering patient to read tho pamphlet which accom panies each bof tie- To all, we say, have hope, have trope ! TRY THE MEDICINE!! r.k warned in season!!! And neglect uot that cough which is daily v/rakening your constitution, irtitatiugyour t.n-oat and lungs, and inviting o» that dread disease, Coiibcmctioir, when so soothing and Healing n remedy can bo obtained as Dr. Rogers" Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. ntwa c of Counteifelts and Base Imita tions I The genuino article is signed Andrew Rogers, on tbc engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price, ?1 per bottle, or six bottles for $.5 Sold wholesale’ nhd retail by 8COVILL A MEAD, 111 Chartres andSt. Louis, N.O. Stile Agents for the Sout lern States, to whom all orders and applications for Agen cies must be addressed. Sold also by ftmith <t Billups, Athens, Ga. C. W. Sr Il-R-J. Long." J*. Bel!, Jefferson, ", Morrow & Kenedy, Monroe, W. Murray, WatkinovilW-, - J. R Stanford, G two* Ikes vill»-. — <V \V. llimdv llkrmony Grove, 44 PlattAs Bro., Lexington, 14 A. G« Wimpey, Doblonega. 44 Morris & Co. Lawrenceviilc, 44 Juno 21. 5855. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA—Green Countt B Y virtne of n order from the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, passed at its tegular term, in April, 1855, will be sold at the court h?U80 door. In Watkinsville, Clarke county ,and State aforesaid, between tb« lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August next, a house and lot, in the town of Athens, now occupied by Rev. M. Leine baugh, also, two other adjoining houses and lots—one of which is now occupied by R.E. Scheveuel—the other a small lot in the rear. Sold as the property of Edward Lampkin deceased, for a distribution among the lega tees. LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, Adm’r. June 21,1855. with the will annexed. C.W.&H. R. J. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATHENS, GA. T EEP constantly on hand a large and well . .V selected stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Bye Stuffs, Brushes, Window G-lass, Putty, ftc. J-c. Also, dealers in French, English and Ameri can Chemicals, Drugs, Modicincs, Per- . fu incry and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchants and all others can depend upon thoir orders meeting prompt attention, upon tho moat acoommodatiDg terms. Theirgoods will be warranted as repre sented. January, 1854. NEW STORE AND NSW GOODS No. 12, Franklin House Range, (L. J. Lampkin’s old stand.) Will. J. Horton, (SUCCESSOR TO IVM.M. MORTOJT^ SOJfJ R espectfully announces to the public that he is now offering for sale, at the above stand,a large and varied assortment of SSAPLE AND FANCY FAMILY GROCERIES. the author having devoted his exclusive at tention to the treatment of complaints pecu liar]to females, in respect to which be is yearly consulted by thousands, both in person and by letter. \ Here every woman can discover, by com paring her own symptoms with those de scribed, the nature, character, causes of, aud the proper remedies for. her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother bas often need of instuction and advice of the u'moat importance to her future health, ir. respect to which her sensitiveness forbids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such instruction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would oc casion anxiety or alarm, as all the peculiari ties incident to her situation are described. How many are snflering from obstructions or irregularities peculiarto the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice!— Many suffer from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), or from fluor albu* (weakness, debility, &c.) Many are in constant agony for many months preceding confinement.— Many have difficult, if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain recoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded duriug such time, will each find iu its pages the means of prevention, amelioration aud relief. It is of course impracticable to convey fully therarions subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the mar ried o.* those contemplating marriage. In consequence of the universal populari- Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, &c. The stock is entirely new, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. His friends amlthopublic are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves fSy The Books and Accounts of tho late firm of William M. Morton & Son will be found at liis store, and those indebted are requested to call and settle. Athens, May 10,1855. tf New Firm and New Goods, \VA TOHES AND JE WELR Y, S1L VER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. Ac. That Commission House OF IVIandeville & Talniarige TJAVE juat returned from New.York.with -LI a large aud beautiful assortment of the above named articles, which they will sell cheaper than can bo purchased elsewhere A great variety of rich Jewelry of the latest stylo Broaches, Pins, Ear aud FingerRings, gold guard and fob chains, gold Pens and Pencils, gold and silver Buckles, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, and a good assortment of col'd Glasses; Warranted sterling silver table, dessert and teaspoons, silver Forks, and all other articles usually kept in a Jewelry store. » The superior advantages which the sub scribers possess o ver those unacquainted with the business, in purchasing directly from the manufacturers aud importers, and being practical jewelers, renders them capable ol properly judging the value of all they pur chase and recommend to the public. In the department of Watch and Jewelry Repairing, we are determined, by careful and neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to merit the approbation of the public favor. An assortment of CLOCKS, of the latest stple, always on hand, from seventy-five cts. to one hundred and seventy-five dollars—all warranted perfect time-keepers. A. S M ANDEVILLE, | W A.TaLMADGK. Corner of Broad street and College Av. one door east of Peterson's bookstore. Dec 22,1854. New Spring & Summer GOODS. P. W. LUCAS, TIN! TIN! pONSTANTLY on hand * J assorted lot of plain, fi Tin-ware, at April 18 Til HE uudcr.igned respectfully inform the ■l citizens of Alliens and public general Ty, that they have taken tbc Store next door toSan-om .V Pittan^. and .are receiving n fresh stock of ASSORTED GROCERIES it CONFECTIONARY, and will keep constant ly on band, the- host article that can be bad m marke*,. at the-lowest prices, of well as sorted ♦ ■ SAULTfeR & IVY Pickles Sardines, Lobsters. Cove Oysters, Mackerel. Green and Dried Fruits. Almonds, Filberts, Fireworks,. <fce; Sugars, t- .i Coffees, *»Tea*; ’♦’atnlles, .Tobacco,'- VJigars, Liquor*, fhampaigne tViue, Porter **! Ale; Candies, An 1 various other urticles too tedious to wvelliidn. 1ST Come and buy. 5>. B.—Tho*n indebted to the undersigned by note or opeu account, for Clothing, will please call aud settlusoon. or they may find them in the hands of an officer for collection. July 19 JOHN ¥. PITTARD «fc CO. ty of the work, as evidenced by its extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, as well on booksellers ns on the public, by imitations of the title page, spuri ous editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and decep tions, it bas been found necessary, therefore, CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless-the- words ‘*"Dr. A. M Maurickau, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y.” is on (and the entry in tlie Clerk’s Office on the back of) the title page; and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Manricenu. irST* Upon receipt of One Dollar.‘‘THE married womans private medi CAL COMPANION’* is sent (mailed free) to any part ol the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters must be post-paid,and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAU IUCEAU, box 1224, New York City. Pub lithing Office, No. 1*29 Liberty Street, New York. March 15, 1855. DRY GOODS, - AT REDUCED PRICES, ^ tO to KcMiey’s and get good bargains for VJ Cash, before they art- all gone. [Jnlv 5. MOORE & CARLTON jrAVING m >ved from No. " to 7 Granite Row; )ind having ’purchased fa Spring Stock" 'with great care, ask bur town and country friends to'come iu and examine, and we feel assured that they will lie pleased with the qualities, styles md prices of our g » > Js, co idsling of French and Eng’i.-di Calico, s, French and Scotch Gingham-., ng\v dt-.-igus, French printed Jaconets. French prinked' Organdies, French printed Bareges, Is now receiving alarge and handsome as- assortment of all'kin of gdsoods, suited to the season, consisting of— LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Silks,yiareges, Tissues, Crapes, Muslins, LuwmTCIainbrics, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ac. EMBROIDERED AND MILLINE RY GOODS, Collars, Collaretts. Mantillas, Lac .s. Edging, Dress Trimming, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery. &c. Ladies aud Gentlemen, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ging hams Handkerchiefs. MOURNING GOODS. Mourning Satins, Bombazine, Challeys, Crapes- Bareges, Ginghams, Muslins, Cali cocs, kc.,&c, All kinds mourning trimmings. Cloths, Cuss.meres and Vestings, .and all kinds of Summer Goods, tor Men’s vml Boy’s wear. . HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AH kinds of Summer Hnts for Boy’s; Ail kinds Ladies’undChildrens Shoe* aud Gaiters; Table mid Bed Linens, Liueu Sheetings, and Pillow Cave Linens, Damask Tahle Cloths, Damask Towels, Crash Dowlas, &c. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. Smith’s Tools; Tanner’s Tools; Mill Irons, Smut Machines, Mill Saws. Bolling Cloths. GROCERIES. Blasting powder. Rifle powder, Snfty Fuse; Carpettings. Mattings, Rugs, Matts, Floor Cloths, &c.7 all of which he offers at the lowest market prices, either for cash or ap proved credit [Athens. April 12 A T theiroldstand,near the Fr&uklinllouse, Athens, Ga. are better prepared than er heretofore to meet tlie wants of the tra velling public. Those wishing to hire Conches, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, or Saddle Horses, are invited to give tht-ia a coll—ns they have finer Coach es and better stock than at any time hereto fore, while their Drivers are as careful as can found anywhere. g&'&.i the same time their terms are ns good ns the best. R.Sauxter, Z.Ivr. CITIZENS OF ATHENS. C AN be furnished with Ice at their resi dences nt 5 cts. per lb. if a club of twenty five will each take five pounds or more every day (Sundays excepted.) Persons desirous o accepting the above proposition will please leave their uames at Combs and Co’s. Express office. Athens, July 12,1855. 30,000'lbti". Bacon. S ANSOM & PITTARD are in receipt c-f THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS ver superior cured Tennessee BACON, winch they will sell at the lowest market price for July.5— 3t Cash. A Plantation for sale. PI lib, figured and striped Grenadine ., 1*1 tin Bareges of ail colors and qualities. Rich Organ ly, Barege, and Silk Flouuced to Robe Beautiful worked Collars, fimn 50 cent 7 SuSlars,' Cliemlxettsand Collavcltsof new and fash ionable styles, " 4 -iik uud. Lacc Mantillas new patterns, Bleached und brown goods. Hardware. Crockery nm! Groceries, ■YU of width we will sell at 'Augusta re- t >il prices, wit-h the exception of RleueheJ //•Mi-ipa-v an l C.ilieoes.whieh we do not pre- tend tosell for 2,cents per yard less than New Y'tfk coft for the purpose of baiting g eeii ones. . April 111, 135a. AV! WANTED. A thins Foundry. !>00 Cords Pine It. Nip.KGRSOX. . Agent I OFFER for sale iny Plantation two and n half miles below Watkinsville, heiug the place formerly owned by Rev. I. N. Glenn. "t contains upwards of six hundred acres, about one half cleared, wc 11 improved^ with necessary oot-Bwildings, gitv-hense. &c. with a saw-mill in good order. 1 will also sell with the place my sawer, a likely and faith ful negro feilow. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON. , June 23,1855. tf New Tailoring Establishment! m bldwell, former Cutter: for Win. O Price, of Augusta aud Savannah, I will have executed in the neatest mid most fash ion a hie style, nil orders confided to our call. July 28, 1855. R. L. BLOOMFIELD. r the M<r V hu !■». Jane 11 P. r rw oceanic MY, utc 1 luw*to‘n Applv to It. NICKERSON, Agent A. S. C. tl it j A. ,N. rlffiawni and l*iper will TO HOUSE KEEPERS. W. LUCAS is now receiving a large assortine it of Lace and Muslin Curtains; Handsome Shades for Parlors Gilt Cornice; Bands; Handsome Rugs and English velvet Car- bet nets. All of which, he offers ou very reasona me terms. April 19. 1855. T ' - BOOTS! BOOTS! I l'ISYtndirrirgnbiVlias taken a Store oppo . fitc' th\» Newton !Ioii-«c, ou Col leg ■ Ave nue. where lie will coqtinuo tunake as fine and gbbJbROYTS u-iu'. of any doscrip- SHOES! SHOES! A L ARG E and well selected lot of Gen Is and Ladies’ Shoes, for sale low, bv April 13 P. A. SdMMEY A BRO. Farmer’s Cradles. S CYTHE Blades, Gras.- Scythes,Reaphooks and Scythe Snathes, for salehy April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. Just HeceWeA, A FRESH SUPPLY OF Preserved Ginger. Pickles, Catsups, and Sauces, Choice Brandies, Old Port Wine, Madeira do. Old Sherry Wine, Muscat do. Claret do. Porter and Ale, Fine Segars, and Tobacco, <fec. D. N JUDSON, Corner Broad and Jackson st., Athens. Juue 21. Sugars, Coffee, Syrun, Pino Apple Cheese, English Dary do. Fresh Salmond, Fresh Lobsters, Fresh Oysters, Fresh Mackerel, Sardines, Dried Beef, and Bologna Sausage, For sale by To Stone-Cutters and Masons TjiRESQ Salmon iu ll>. cans, cheap, nt Ken- r ney’s. March 29 l)obl>!p : *9hi l afot -Water proof B >»ts B-.icU Skin; 1 jo Philip* ... Patent Leal Optwa,<r> i x»do R'pai.uigdoiift in tho. neatest arid b?«t a^aoTfcaTsAiKajI ■ t- -b-.idT, warnH}l4<V» July x |t!.i jauoo iInUW; S; »TARit, ; tu **iaa-04i 4# J Sou b:*« jirininjoa , ,a-i el»-apv • - * :o»io .aanH Administrator’s Sale. rtUMCANT to an order of the honorable J. the Court of Grdin.-vry of Clarke county, will be nold before the court house door of wid county, oil the first Tuesday, irv Sept’r next, during the legal hours of sule, Bcgro -nra iii. Peniua, about twenty-nine yenrs old, i her four children—"Litcy, obont seven, I«JI* xbuut 4»o, Alonzo, about four, and lyie... Tb»^t «if Freavli Leather uiriPaA^ 1 Fanny, about and a half year old. To be sold *?.;h* property of Isabella’McUcc, late if .«aiil county, deceased, Tcrtbs oq the day of sale., ( ROWAN McREE, Adin. - 5Iay 17,1855 t<r . y-i »i i-c - d ir K JR.E 3t *Thoma5* li;» v Whiet, jm>t re cetved and foi- saly by. .. • ,4 " i ; A,N. JUDSON. ytuuao iia* i<> *Jal .b*»*aoai> Mb a H’joitfi a S EALED proposals will be received by the undorsiguecl Committee until the 15th of July next, for building four piers, for the purpose of erecting a lattice bridge upon, across the Oconee river, between the Town of Athena and the Rail Road Depot. The piers to be built of good solid stone, with beds, joints and face-cut joints, well broke, nod the whole work to be done in a good workmanlike manner, of that class and kind of work. Perrons making proposals will please give by the perch, ns the exact num- oerof perches cannot be ascertained until the work is done. Any information wanted, respecting the work, can be had from any of the Committee J. B. CARLTON, P. A. SUMMEY, >Com. W. L. MITCHELL. June 21, 1855. Administrator’s Sale ! GOLD TOUYE FOR SALE S TATE OF GEORGIA, Greene Coc.vtt.— Bv virtne of nn order from the Honora ble, die Court of Ordinary of said County, passed nt its regular terra in April, 186‘ will be sold at the Court House door L Gainesville, Hall County, between the law ful hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Sep temher next, a lot of Land, No. 238, in the 12th District of Hall, containing two hundred and fifty ncres wore or less. 1 lie lot lias had considerable gold found upon it, and would be fonnd profitable no doubt to work it— Sold as the property of Edward Lampkin, deceased, for a distribution among the lega tees. Terms on tlie day. LEWIS T. LAMPKIN, Adm’r. Jhilv 19 * ’ With th^ Will aunesedc a large and well plain, fancy and Japanned P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S TO THE TRA YELLING PUBLIC. POWDER. " YXTRA blasting and Rifle Powder, a Inrge ll lot. English and American guu cnp>.Jfor nle by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER, STILL TRIUMPHANT, A ND after a thorough trial by innumerable living witnesses, has proved itself to be THE MEDICINE OF THE AGE Although there have been many medicinal preparations brought before the public since the first introduction < f Perry Davis’ Vegeta ble Pain Killer, and large amounts expended in their introduction, the Pain Killer has continued to steadily advance in the estima tion of tlie world as the best Family Medi cine ever introduced. As an internal and external remedy it is truly a source of JOY TO THE WORLD. One positive proof of its efficacy is, that the sales have constantly increased, and wholly upon its own merits, as the proprie tors have not resorted to advertising to gain for it the rank it new holds among the great number of preparations of the present time The effect of the Pain Killer upon the pa tient, when taken internally in cases of Colds, Cough, Bowel Complaints, Cholera. Dyssentery and other affections of the sys tem, has been truly wonderful, and has now for it a name among medicibal preparations that can never be forgotten. Its success in removing pain, as an external remedy, in cases of burns, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, sting of insects and other causes of suffering, has secured for it such a host of testimony, as an almost infallible remedy, that it will be handed down to posterity as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the nine teenth century. The magical effects of the Pain Killer when takenor used according to directions, are certain. You have only to be sure that you buy the genuine article and adhere to the directions in its use, and you will admit its wonderful medicinal proper ties. The genuine Perry Davis' Pain Killer is now put up in panel bottles, with the words Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer blown in the glass; and with two steel engraved labels on each bottle—one an excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the Original inveutor of the medicine, the other a steel engraved note of band—none others can be relied upon as ge nuine. Price of bottles 121-2 cents, 2-5 cents 50 cents and 81, respectively. PERRY DAVIS <6 SON, Proprietors, No. 74 High st., Providence, R I. The Pain Killer is s Id by C. W.«fe H. R. J Longs, and Smith A Hill, Athens. fSY* Beware ofc;-unterfeitsput up in the old style. May 3. TINLEY & HERRON’S, CHARLESTON. S.C. T HE only house doing business in that city that actually had any experience in Re ceiving aud Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Carolina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open for the Receiving and Forwarding of all kinds of goods wares, merchandise, machinery, produce, Ac- If you want your goods forwarded without the vexatious delays and enormous expense - bills paid the last season, and at the same time have yourbnsiness done in such a man ner that somebody will be made responsible fur the damaged aud lost packages, consign them to 1’iNLEY & Herbon. who have Received and Forwarded all Goods consigned to them during all the past season without any extra oharge over those established rates as given below, and up to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herron was Clerk of tho Receiv- g and Forwarding Department of the South TAKE NOTICE THE GREAT DISCOVERY!! KR0LLERI0N, O’ FOR CVRL1NO THE HAIK. O " YOR many years it has been the object of .: deepest study with chemists ana others to produce a fluid that, applied to the hair, would cause it to wave and curl equal iu beau ty to the natural curl. THE KROLLERION Is the only article ever offered to the world that- will effect this most desirable object. But three or four applications arc necessary to curl it as much as may be desired, and for any length of time. From the many testi monial!-- of those who have used it, the sub scriber doe3 not hesitate to warrant the KROLLERION to give satisfaction, aud prove as reccommended iu all cases The recipe for making, with full directions for use, will be sent on the receipt of one dol lar, post paid. The ingredients will uot cost over 12 ceuts. Direct to II. A. FUEEXIONT. Warren, Trumbull Co, O. May 3, 1855. 4 CCOUNTS for the last quarter are now xA due, and payment thereof required- terms arc cash, or thre« months. Ap5 WM. N. WHITE My Notice. T WO monthsafter date, application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Walton county, for leave to sell the lands belougiug to the estate of Elisha Casey,de H. II. CAMP Adm’r. ceased. April 12. NEW GOODS. I ll A VE just received a large stock of choice Family Groceries, and a general assort ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash or prompt payment at the end of each quar ter. D. N JUDSON. Jan. 18, 1866. MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. T HE best article known for cleaning and polishing all kinds of metals, windows, razors and glass ware. A supply just re ceived, direct from the manufacturers, and for sale, low. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. T. BISHOP & SON. April 26. JUST RECEIVED! M IRANDA Elliot, Bancroft’s Miscellanies", Memoirs of Lady Blessington, Talcs for tlie Mariners, Party Leaders, Robert Graham, Wild VVestern Scenes. Peep of Day, Frank Farlcigh, Minuie Grey, Alone—and a variety of other new works, entirely too numerous to meution. Also, Blank Books, Ac. Sold low for cash, or at 3 mouths. Call and examine. JuneU WM. N WHITE, Corner Broad st. * College Avenue. GO TO KEMEY’S ^ND buy, at cost,a good article of Scythes, Augers, Horse Rasps, H & D Hinges, Chisels, Mill Files, Blind Bridles, Horse Collars, Huimfes, Wagon Boxes, Wire Sifters, aud Spike Gimblets. As lie wishes to discontinue keeping those articles, he offers liis present stock of them at cist for cash. Jane 21, ICE! ICE! ICE! T HE citizens of Athens can be supplied with Ice, at the Athens House, nt the following rates: From 1 to 50 lbs, 4 cts per lb, “ 60 44 100 44 SJ - 100 and over, 8 44 4 4 44 May 31, W. H. DORSEY, Agent. T WO months after date, I shall apply to the Court ot Ordinary, of Hall couuty, for lenve to sell all the real estate of Law rence Logan, deceased; and also the real es tate of Patrick Logan, deceased. SARAII A. LOGAN, Adm’r, June"—2m. Habersham Hotel. Clarkesville, Ga. T HIS comfortable and commodious estab lishment, located on the Public Square, is now open for the reception of transient and permanent boarders. No effort shall be wanting to render guests comfortable. A. ERWIN, Proprietor Clarkesville, April 19, 1856. D. N. JUDSON. Commission !lci*cliaiitj dealer in Choice YamVYjj Groceries AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE • ir<Ij.Br6ad Street; Athens, Ga. April It), 13.55. W OLF’S Aramatic Schiedam Schnapps t superlative tonic diaretic anti dyspep tic and invigorating cordial, just received and for sale by Apl 19. D. N. JUDSON IR ON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS j RON and Brass Castiugs of every variety; Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to tlie best.. Steam- Engines, Forcing-Pumps, Gold-Mining Mills, Gin, and all other kinds of gearing. Mill* Irons and all kiuds of Machinery madelo order. T. ■ i • ‘hub Iron Fencing of select patterns, Plough and Wagon Castings p nd Dog-Irons. Eveiy variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of years. A list will be sent those addressing (post paid,) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent jan 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper, brass and iron castings wanted. ly i Carolina Rail Road Company for the past soveu years and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tariffs and rules of shipment,both by railroads and vessels, to gether with the mode of procedure to secure damages and pay for lost articles fromother parties, the proper steps of which will be taken in all such cases without loss or delay tothe owners. Anotherimportantadvantage is that his thorough knowledge ofal j freights and rules of shipment enables him to instantly detect and correct any overcharge in the Bills of lading which in all cases has to be done at that time, or be lost to the owner, in many instances greatly exceeding the com missions we charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that city, therefore we will under all circumstances faithfully discharge any basinets entrusted to ns. All produce,such as Wheat, Flour, Corn,, Corn Meal, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs.Cotton Rice, Rye, Oats, Hay, Tobacco, Wool, Featli ers, Beeswax, Potatoi s, Onions, &c\consign ed to us will be promptly sold and the pro ceeds returned without keeping the money a few months to speculate upon; for we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no speculation whatever; all that we w^nt is onr commission," as follows: For Receiving and Forwardingall ordinary lackagcs of goods 10 cts; large packages of "urniture and machinery, charges according to responsibility. Iron and steel in loose bars 10 cts per hundred lbs., aud storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you can save by depositing the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in this market, making the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. YlNLEY & HERON. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 1856. We bog leave to refer to the following gentlemnn: Rev. Thos. W. Atkin, Maj. M. XI. Gaines, Asheville. P. D. Gates, 12 Broadway, New York. Col. James Gadsden, Charleston. John Caldwell, President of S. C. R. R Thos. Warning, Auditor 44 ** “ 44 John King, Agent 44 “ 41 14 Hyatt, McBurney& Co., and J. S & L Bowie A Co., Charleston. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State ; A. R. Crozier, Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M. Swan, Nashville, Tenn. French A Van Epps, and J. J. Bryant, Chattanooga. Q- A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and mercli- HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. T O ALL PERSONS afflicted -with Sexual disease, such as Seminal Weakness, In* potcncc, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis. &c. The Howard Association of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases; and the deceptions which are practised up; on the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Qnacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to give Medical advice gratis, to . all persons thus afflicted, (Male or FemaleJ who apply by letter, (post-paid) with a de* scription of their condition, (age, occupa tion, habits of life, &c.) and in cases of cx* treme poverty and suffering to furnishing medicines free of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endow ment, for the relief of the sick and distres sed, afflicted with 44 Virulent and Epidem ic diseases,” and its funds can bo used for uo other purpose.. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that tho Association commands the highest Medical skill of the nge. Address,(post-paid,)Dr. Geo.R. Calbona. Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. By oraer of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Pres. Geo. Fairchild, Sec. May 3. BUCKETS AKD PAILS. W HITE and red cedar, oak, and a variety of painted buckets and pails, for sole low, by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO.. TOOLS. B LACKSMITH’S and Carpenter's Tools, in great variety, for sale by “ SUMMEY April L3 P\ A. SI & BRO. Flour! Flou! A L ARG E lot of superfine and extra family Floar, in sacks and extra barrels; for sale by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO J UST Received an extra article of pure Port Wine expressly for medical purpo ses. Also a large lot ol Flavouring Ex* tracts for culenary uses and flavouring.^- Icecream Ac., for sale cheap by Apl 19. 1>. N. JUDSON. ants genera,ly, Loudon, Tcnnesse. N m m 1 n & Son., T. J. & C. Powell, Craighead and Dcaderick, Knoxville, Tcntte- W. & T Harris,Inman A Hamilton. Brnn- uer A Mitchell, Fains A King, Dandridge, Tenn. JpRESH Candies and Maple Sugar, __ _ receiv ed this day aud for sale by Apl 19. D. N. JUDSON. DISSOLUTION: T HE copartnership in the Franklin Job Office, here tofore existing, under the fine of Christy t Kelsea, is thi* day dissolved by mutual consenL The business will bo continued by J. H Christy—by whom the debts of the late concert: will be paid, and who atone is a tbonzed to collect the demands due to it. JOHN H. CHRISTY, Athens, Jan II 18SL WILLIAM KELSEA. {fc^Paynp! Pay up T HE undersigned most earnestly requests all persona indebt-d to the late firms of Cubisty.Kxuea & Ituaxe. and CmusTrSt Kiun—as also those owing him individually—to Pay tap at once: Many of these claims have been outstanding a longtime, and all mustabsnlutely be settled without delay. He trusts that a sense of right and justice will lead everyone indebted to settle up immediately. If, how- shall turn out that he is mistaken in this,he will be forced, however reluctantly, to “ tsy what virtue here is in’ law Janl8 J. H. CHRISTY. N EW CROP N. C. Surups, very choice, just received by Apl. 19. T. BISUOF a sox. CHEESE! CHEESE! A choice lot, at 16 cents, just received at Dec7 I. M. KENNEY’S. Blank Declarations, O F both forms, (long and short) together w ith the process attached—just printed and for sale at this Office. Also, various other Blanks. {3TAny Blanks not on hand—ns, indeed, almost any kiud of job printing—can be fur nished on a few hours’ notice "nRESERV US—Ginger and Chow-chow X Preserves, and all sorts of PICKLES,for sale by P. A SUMMEY & BRO. Bacon ! Bacon ! ! Q A AAA LBS. The finest lot ever of- OU wV-/ V/ feredin this market, for snle low by Apl. 19. P. A. SUMMEY A BRO. E XTRA Fine French Calf Skins, just rc. ceived and for sale, low, by T. Bishop A Son. March 22. W OODRUFF’S DysentetTy CordiiLBran dreth’s Pills, and Moffat’s Life Pills and P cenix Bitters, are still kept for sale at the old stand of J. S. Peterson, corner ol Broad street and College Avenue, by Mayl7 WM. N. WHITE. WANTED E VERY dollar now dne me on notes and accounts—and still more dollars for cheap goods—will my friends please ro spend! May ?. 1. M. KENNEY. SANSOM & PITTARD, A RE offering at % reduced price a well selected stqi k o" Staple Dry Goods. Cutlery, Hard' are and Crockery ware — With a choice 6v;«ot <>n of Family Groceries While returning thanks to thei friends for past patronage, they earnestly request those who are indebted to them on notes and accounts for the years 1853 and 1854 to call and pay at least a part. June 14,1856. SANSOM A PITTARD. STOVES, STOVES! C OOKING and Office Stoves, in great vari ety, constantly on hand, at low prices,by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. T WO months after date, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Hall county, leave to sell all the real estate and ne groes belonging to the estate of Robert Ar mour, deceased, late of said county. Juncl4 WILLIAM ARMOUR, Adm. NOTICE a g n in earnestly request all who are indebted to as, to come and make pay ment, or close their accounts by note. We mmt close the business of the old firm. May 10 LUCAS A BILLUPS. SACKS SALT, large size and in first order, just received aud for sole low by Apl 19, r. bishop a sox H EART’S Ease; Bell Smith Abroad My Brother’s Keeper, by Miss Warner; Overman’s Mineralogy; Pardee’s Gardener’s Companion; Kerns’ Landscape Gardening; Household Words, vol. x. Johnson’s Agricultural Chemistry; Long Look Ahead, by author of James Montjoy; Abbott’s Stories, vol. vi. May24 At WHITE’S Bookstore. SKY-LIGHT DAGUERRE AN GALLERY.: T HE subscriber has recently open* d the Sky-Light Daguerrean Gallery nearly opposite the Bank, where he is prepared,to take LIKENESSES in all kinds of weather, and in the most beautiful style of the art. The public arc invited to call and examine specimens. J. F. O'KELLY. Athens,Feb 1 tf W: G. DELONY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, -yyiLL give his special attentiou to collect ing, and to tlie claims of all persons en titled to Land Warrants, under the .late Bounty Land Bill of the last Congress. Office on Broad Street over the store of I. M. Kenney. March 16—1855—tf. L AMP nndTRAlN OIL.—Blenched Winder and Fall Sperm Oil, and n superior fifth cle of Train Oil, by the barrel or gallon. W. H AJ. TURPIN, J14tine Druggists, Augusta.O- RICE. A FRESH and good article of Rice always on hand at P. A. SUMMEY & BRO’S April 13 GEORGIA—Clarkf. County. Court of Ordinary of said county, Ilf llteREAS, James L. Wozeucraft, Exe- V ▼ cutor of the personal Estate of Thos. Wozeucraft, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge from said" Executorship. Therefore, all persons con cerned, are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Executor should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held, on the first Monday in Neyember next, be discharged from said Executorship. By order of said Court, at a regular termi therenfheld this the 2d day of April, 1866 April 5, ASA M. JACKSfON. Ordinary. POWER! POWER!! I lHE 12 Horse Power Steam Engine now . running the works of the Athens Steam C >., will be sold cheap, as a larger is re quired for their work. [May 17. NEW GOODS AGAIN* JUST RECEIVED!!! J OHNSTON’S Agricultural Chemistry, Burnhams Hen Fever, Lamplighter, Harper’s Story Book, 6 vol’s. Life of Lady Blessington, Curtis Hist, of Constitution, Abbotts King’s and Queen’s or life iu the Palace, Strickland's Queens of Scotland,new vol., The North and South, Mavhew’s Peasant Boy Bhilosopher. Apl 19. W. N. WHITE. JUST RECEIVED I CASES choice Champagne Cider, and _L\J fbr sale cheap by Apll9. D. N. JUDSON. errk r\f\f\ LBS.Extra TenaessecBa- Oy,UUU con, for sale low by T. BISHOP. & SON. Ap 119. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Court of Ordinary of said county. W HERAS, James Fulcher, guardianof Rebecca Ann House, minor of Haris House, deceased, is desirous of obtaining Let ters Dismissory from said guardianship. It is therefore, upon the applicotion of said guardian, ordered by the Court, that the persons concerned, appear at the regular term of this Court* to be held on the first Monday in July next, to show cause why said guardian should not be dismissed from said guardianship. A true copy from the minutes of said Court, at a regular term, held this 7th day of May, 1855. ASA M JACKSON, Ordinary, May 17—6m. T HE subscriber is opening a full assort ment of Staple and Fancy Spring and Summer Goods—among which, are an unus ually handsome assortment of , Muslins, Berages, Prints, and other dress. Goods; Bonnets, Ribbons, Summer lints,. Shoes and Boots—all of the latest styles—good ami fine, to which he invites the attention of his fricmlsand customers, to whom he will sell nt hisusuaHow prices, with short profits for cash or cash terms. Call soon anefc choose the best. Mar. 29. ISAAC M. KENNEY. R EFINED GELATINE and Irish Mass for- sale, by T. Bishop A Son. March 22. 1 1 WO months after date, I shall apply to- . the Court of Ordinary of Hall county,, for leave to sell all the real estate of Joseph, Cain, deceased, late of said county. S. II. CAIN, Adm’x. Juue 7—2m. f $15,000!! A LARGE Stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots. Shoes, Hardware, Iron, Crockery. Gro ceries, Ac. for sale low for cnsli by April 26 Grady & Nicholson. tl 100,000 lbs. BACON, for sale by Grady <fc Nicholsox. S UGARS! Sugars! Sugars! of every grade and description. For sale, low, by T. Bishop A Son. April 26. SPRING V I S upon us iu all its "lory, and summer is is fast advancing. With these seasons also come diseases peculiarto them, in the form of Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, and worst of all. Ring Worm. .The best remedy for such, and certainly the uiost agreeable, is 44 Mar shall’s Ring worm antiTetter Lotion.” It will- .cert tinly cure, and quickly—it does not stain, the skin,” and is an agreeable perfume. For- sale by the Druggists generally, and by W. II. A J. TURPIN, Dealers iu pure Family Medicines. Juuel5 Ktoad street-, Angus'"