The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 18, 1855, Image 2

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Vote for Governor. 1855. 1853. Appling, Bryan, Builoch, Baker, Bibb, BitU, •Baldwin, Hutke, Camden, •Charlton, Chatham, Clinch, •Coffee, •Calhoun, •Chattahoochee, •Olay, Crawford, Campbell, Cobb, Coweta, Carroll, •Catoosa, Chattooga, Cherokir, Clarke, Columbia, Decatur, Dooly, •Dougherty, DeKalb, Dade, Effingham, Emanuel, Early, Elbert, Fayette, •Fulton, •Fannin, Forsyth, Franklin, Floyd, Glynn, Cordon, Gilmer, ■Gwinnett, Greene, Harris, Houston, Heard, Ilenr}’, Habershnm, Hall, •Hart, Hancock, Irwin, Jasper, Jones, Jefferson, Jackson, •Kinchafoonee, Laurens, Liberty. .Lowndes, Lee, Lumpkin. Lincoln, 000 1st 40 000 000 000 000 94 000 000 921 GOO 000 000 237 237 314 474 3 'J o < I 000 000 1*1 4 433 13 000 000 000 000 000 000 114 ISO 120 8* 23 -360 279 788 000 476 000 000 997 000 000 000 387 887 374 553 000 228 000 660 251 375 546 63 000 614 276 754 463 336 333 242 000 761 76 U’. Tumor; J. Hail, J. John- W. A. Mathew*, 127 1000 555 889 176 1245 463 334 28 000 000 000 OOQlc OOO 6 119 309 143 423 620 986 6 344 857 389 676 885 1200 829 Henry— A son Hmi-ten—If. Lawton ; IF. A- Tharp. JackMm—It. White; R. J. Barks, R. J. Daniel. - J. L. M.iJJoz; G Cornwell. JeffiTMiw—R. I*attar s,> *i; W. Sinquefield. Jouss—D 14. Sinitli; lames F. Barron. Kim'hafyoiu i-—E Jl. Swennr; L. B. Cau- ara ^ . LwrfiH—It. Miiurni; C. B Guyton. Lee—finrp'ti; Bartlett. Liner tv-5ft. Wynn ; W, Hnghrs, Jr. l.inrolh — B. H. Moure; J If. Tat out. S Macon—B. J. Head; L. JI. Felton Mmli-nn—S. W. Collwrt; G. II. Bird. Mclntu^b—Charles Spalding ; W. J. King. Marion —Jeter; Wiggin*. Meriwalker—Dixon; Harei*, Brandy. Monroe—,/. T Crowder; IF- Jl- Mar/Jiff, C IF. Dottle. Morjau—J .4. Bilhtp* ; John Dunlm, Murray—James Morris; 'ILF. Carter. Muscogee—8. A. Wale*; Thornton, Jone*. Newton—A. Pharr; Henderson, Muntgom- «T- Oglethorpe—;Z. P. Landrum; l‘h:nizy, . relief 000 000 478 365 497 385 207 448 000 174 000 ooo 350 896 795 288 611 000 799 104 695 205 685 552 716 502 000 733 000 000 60 452 000 405 814 000 752 ' 000 680 OOO 461 193 50 000 000 898 404 409 624 282 581 000 188 000 000 480 714 533 550 310 000 826 67 7C9 8S0 992 177 634 50S (>00 620 000 000 537 329 000 391 887 000 368 000 51 ooo 000 ooo 729 438 155 162 26 6 480 1024 551 404 507 5 354 15 66 1025 1329 169 221 218 332 218 332 253 531 86 1053 96 518 311 13 23 469 975 404 281 868 551 8th day of September, wheu I will give you my views mote fully. Accept for yourselves, und those whom you have th<; honor to represent, my best wishes. Yours, most respectfully, Jas. Yew.. Iimfjjfru ‘MrJjnnui. LAW, ORDER, A90 THE COKSTITCTIOIT. 50 !G 70 3b 127 156 22 41 115 489 717 328 1293 817 754 97 65S 625 7VT 786 642 509 410 813 441 466 127 30. 44« »7 20 378 18 359 569 133 570 53 747 8S8 772 141. 402 558 540 711 751 645 226 480 433 388 115 837 Archer I’aulding—Cray; Spinks. Pike—O. C. Gibson ; J. J. Caldwell- Polk—James M. Ware; E. A. Davis. Pulaski—J. B. JInwell; W. W. Harrell. ^Putnam—J. A. Wingfield; E>. Reid, E. Cal loway. Randolph—T. L. 0 uerry; Stamper, Graves. Richmond-A. J. Miller ; J. Mllltdge, J. T. Barton. Striven—W. L. Matthews; B. L. Boykin. Stewart—Seott; WCmlerly, Walton. Spalding—C. L- Dupree; H. P. Kirk patrick. Sumter—B. M. D. King; IF. J- Moore, T. P. Cottle. * Till hot—IF. B. Mar shedl; J. D. Owen, T. Brown. Tattnall—W. J. Moody ; J. B.Smith. Twiggs—E. S. Griffin ; H. Faulk. Taylor—A- U. Rile;/; A. Me Cunta. Telfair— IF. Stmlstdl; McLennan. Thomas—W. G. Ponder; J. C. Browning. Troop—IF. P. Beanieg; J. 8. HiU, J. T. Boykin. Upson—A. G. Fatnbrough ; Sherman. Warren—A. Beall; W. Kitchens. J. Jones. Walker—James Gordon; J. Caldwell. Walton—J, T. Grant ; B. J. Cooper, J. H. Kilgpre^ Washington—J. W. Rudisili; -Warthen, GraybUi. Wayne—J. Causey; J. D. Rumpb Whitfield— Wellborn; Sapp. Wilkes—Pope-, Irwin, Anderson. Wilkinson—Gumming; Taylor. Worth—Shine; Simmons. n^**The •Editor, having devoted him- -self unremittingly to Ins duties for the last several months, wishes a little re laxation from his labors, and will be absent from the Statesomc three weeks ; after which, it is his intention to devote himself- with renewed energy to the ad vancement of the great cause in which he feels so deep an interest. OP As our readers are doubtless just now somewhat tired of politics, wc pro pose for some time to come to devote more of our space to news and general miscellany than we have been able to do for some months past. We are de termined to spare no-paifts to make the Watchrhan a ■welcome visitor at the firesides of alL 37 51 S'" 51 120 205 ^Montgomery, OOO OOu 276 37 Macon, Slarion, 46* 277 41 506 *01 491 514 24 604 524 Muscogee, 865 845 71 975 907 'Monroe, 749 511 20 687 651 Meriwether, ooo 000 —— 655 756 Murray, 148 682 178 301 652 Maffisos, 215 441 22 375 276 Morgan, 372 224 49 443 217 iNcwloa, 722 695 116 962 516 0^1ctHt>rpe 289 415 145 602 216 ^laski, 000 000 — 894 808 Pike, 000 ooo .— 479 628 Polk. 344 361 104 450 314 Pauldiug, ooo 000 —- 328 504 ■•Pickens, 000 000 — Putnam, 297 349 43 SS7 807 Macndolpti, 000 000 —- 773 817 Mabun, 000 ooo —— 20 289 Qtichmnnd, 1070 7-20 67 938 723 Stewart, ooo 000 875 329 Smnter, 702 669 97 647 596 ■Spalding. 446 445 57 474 428 Scriven, 246 275 38 179 263 Tatnall, 000 000 — 340 49 Telf«ir, . 189 133 •—- 199 163 Thomas, 432 578 9 383 535 Tiivlor, 326 847 3 140 230 Talbot, 000 000 — 616 529 Troup, 962 365 60 1011 415 Twiggs, ooo 000 —*. 235 382 Taliaferro, 123 257 32 815 69 Upson, 706 295 8 599 298 Union, 000 000 —- 576 595 Ware, 000 000 — 143 194 Wayne, 000 000 — 46 142 •Worth, 80 339 4 Walker. 617 790 33 897 945 Whitfield, 7W 693 46 575 714 "Walton, 408 745 105 538 737 'Washington, 520 583 144 665 532 Wilkinson, " 000 000 — 409 531 Warren, 217 728 44 574 413 Wilkes, 349 266 84 504 213 ANOTHER GUN FRO\h ABKANSAS— ft DEMOCRAT SPEAKS OUT! Pins August 11, 1865. ~ \T\ 4391 To Messrs. E. A. Warren, C. H. Thorn, ' jp;6 285 J. H. Scogin, and others, committee: .36 399 779 I Gentlemen: Yout letter of the 16th 14 of last month, inviting me to attend a 6 o* I Democratic meeting on the 28th of that month, at Camden, and stating that I I was absent from home, attending Accept the thanks of a heart, warm and keenly alive with gratitude, -of the eomplimen'ary terms uf which you allude to the services 1 have rendered the Democratic party, in years that have ine hy. I am happy to know that the try, as 1 so much desired. Yon state in your letter, that yc u be lieve I am “ one ever ready to battle in ATHENS, QA, THURSDAY MORNING, OOT. 18, 1855. the people. This is the object. Too much valuable service .has been render ed lo go unreurardrd ! And here is 3 line opening for.the-ereation of numbers of $2,000 salai ies. If one worked well, why may not four work better? This, people of Georgia, is the grand object of the Cobb Dalton Commissioner movement. Fine Chewing Tobacco.—F. W. Lucas has an article of chewing tobacco equal to anything we have seen for a long time, which he is selling at about half the usual price-charged for an arti cle of the same quality. A NEW ENTERPRISE. . Messrs. Griffith & Williford have re cently opened, as tJfose who read the advertisements in in sur paper know (and all ought to read thorn) a hardware and crockery store in this place. Be sides a very general assortment of all articles properly, belonging to this de partment of business, they have an al most endless variety of “ notions’' per taining to housekeeping—all sorts -of willow-ware,. Yankee nutmeg-gralers, and almost every thing a neat house keeper can -desire. Our lady readers in town and country would tlo well to give them a call, as wd feet satisfied they will find many a thing they want— and all so nice amt cheap, too. PROSCRIPTION. One the of the main objections urged against the American party by the so- called Democratic party of Georgia, is its alleged proscription—although those who urge it know there is not one word of truth in it. One would think that if there is a single scintilla of honesty in the composition of this mongrel con- cern _ CO inpoe*d as it is of ail that was mean and despicable in all the old^rar-. ties and factions of the State—that whatever other shortcomings it might be guilty of, it would, at all events, avoid even the appearati e of proscrip tion. But no sooner is it ascertained that Johnson is re-elected—and what a burning shame to Georgia that $Uch a man, professing such doctrines, shpuld be her Governor—-no sooner is it ascer tained that he is elected, than the guillo tine is put in operation, and every man who voted agaiust him, from the least even unto the greatest',” is made • walk th^pkink.”!! "Let the people of Georgia—and more especially those who -«re so violently opposed to -proscription as to -condemn the American party for the merest possible squinting in that direction-*— read the fallowing from the Atlanta Discipline, and then let Uwcn gay who is proscriptive, the Americans pr the the An ties. The tatter charge that the former are proscriptive-of foreigners and position Which nature designed the humblest honest heart should occupy-. It is a shame that an enterprise*, winch if properly managed, would bestow honor upon the State,, ic an instrument of corruption and oppres sion. It AS humili iting to see the party power using the property of all 'he tax payers iu the State, to carry out its own ba c and,indignant pu^pos s, regardless of tire interests of the State. H the Road remains the property of the State two i ears' longer,' the cloven foot must shoiv itself—such corruption cannot exist without detriment, to the Proprietor. ■We make tuhv an open defctaration of war against the present mode of manag ing the Rond, and demur to the Demo cratic y>ar£y claiming iy as their exclusive property, which they- ore now doing openly and above board. * s THEY DENY IT. It h iving been charged that Seward, of New York, the Abolition agitator, and Horace firtteley, Abolition editOI\of the Tribune, were members of the American party, they both indignantly deny the imputation, as will be seqp hy their answers below, written in response ‘to letters of inquiry from a gentleman in Alabama, as will also be seen. We always knew the charge to be a base, calumny. Such Abolition fana? tics and traitors as Seward and Greeley are as bitterly opposed to the American party as is Its bitterest enemy in Georgia. Its. atmosphere is too pure for such traitorous fanatics to breathe Catholics—whilst it is set’ied beyond If you whew tbete are no great principles in- Ivolvod, under the name, yon are wrong. We wgre shown the other day by Mr. Phillip Shackelford, a car of corn which in number of grains surpasses any we have seen lately : containing 32 rows and averages 38 grains to foe row. It was grown on the farm-of Mr. Floyd Shackelford of Madison* county. The ear of corn can he seen in line office. & •New Counties. , nowever, you mean mat x- am always . tiling to do battle for such principles ape mie- eieeuon, na as were once advocated under the De- ; Imocratic banner, '.when contending] ^ ^ j against the Whiff party, you are right. We were requested to state In our last issue—but inadvertently omit ted Cade so—that John Horton, Esq., of Jackson county, was not a candidate at But all those eld issues are now set- j ^ e understand that a difficulty I tied. And, if those parties only existed , occurred- in Madison county one day Ii»»ra Elect or the Legislature. I upon principle (as both-parties con-; last week, between Meredith Yarbo- " J If "?^L i •"<• one Jasper Watkins, in which 'i- tle i“* r " 'T !.hei;nm.r recced the contents of the Baldwin—K. D. Brown, A. /. Butt*. There is but oj»e question now in ' . , . . Bibb—7Lok Hardeman, IF. D. WiHimn*, E. existence that has her itofore been dis- 8 ,,n °* ™ fihKer »» his abdomen—from Davit.' 1 ‘ Bryan—J. P. Hint*, A. G. Smith. Bulloch—P. Cxnc. W. H. McLean. Burke-—A J. Lawson, J. A. Rosier. J. S Brown. Calhoun—K O^Brown, R. LMcCLry. I ^ h,cb lhe be ' t P Ia *‘ Catoosa—J M. Murray, J. T. MeComel. fotm, OUfl whtcb most favored the South- Cau—R. Jl. Cannpn, IF. Solomon, A. John- J cm interest. Th'.S question is now. t. • I ful| y settled, or superseded by the Ame-1 aft Dalton, that the cttizenS of Cher Crook haV f h * g and placed ( okee, Georgia, are making efibrt to Uhattahonelivc—Renfro*; Shipp. j bvforc ihe country, n far better platform have the Western & Atlantic Rail Road Cherokee—M. J. Camden; L. Held,, J. Rob-] lban ***** t or was er« prosquted to tbe people of the Untied States be*. cussed by named parties; and up- the tfleefc of which he died on Friday on this they never were at issue. I moan erenin? Jast. Watkins is in jail, we tuiderstal.i', at Panielsvilic. ~ THE STATE ROAD. We peroeife, from a recent meeting It placed in tbe hands of threo Commis sinners, to be chosen hy the people, is not at nil surprising that dissatisfac tion yrevjub, and that expression is be- Care sits but lightly” on the 'brow of a roan who can write as the gentlemen of the Wilkes Republican.-— Forth* humor and really valuable and truthful histqry it contains, we venture laying the principal portion of his arti cle before our readers. Tho* we are cast down, we feel far from despair; and think if our neighbor, with those others who have honestly battled for correct principles—which they surely did in advocating the success of fhe American party;—will only not weary in well-doing, our defeat is but temporary ; and con sequently the sail river excursion will be like the momentary hiding of the sun. * > :■■■*■■ For the life of us. we canticthelp but feel thaV every success of the Anties, has been but the success of tbe devil; and we -doubt not, if the truth was known, (and it will be. ere long'to the Federal Union qfnd its imitators, ami to Henry A. Wise and his admirers,and followers, as snch Stephens and two Johnsons who might be named,) we sny^if the troth was known, high not was^ept They find the doctrines and practices Jury of the present term areouZT^ sent the county as still msolfe* 0 ^ cannot we' a remedy for this >> Hi our bistfey. To tax tbe Pe Ji° U ‘ *W J unrighteous burden ; to Icaveit would bo unwise—for our Jl;?? *° ti! rise up to wonder ahd blush of their fathers, and while w e woll assured that somethingonirht??S» we knoa- not what to do. But il must come. The people must LtS onerons taxes, for the relief of their 1 * t or they must and ought now to 'N every claim that does not dart sunk?”"^ in .the Mind eyes of Justce. Itk all doubt, the county has been w* ^ both in purse and policy, and whiW®W invite all to propose a remedy privilege and bring in onr snt^,*: a cilizen becomes insolvent, our t % u’uu eut, and set him up anew—. , 1 the best remedy we know’ for acn' J ' t!i ' 1 v 11 * Rke a fre8h books and old records never can kl and the best that can be done' what is right in tliemand repudiai.°>v wrontr Moll.ll F UU,at « in Pandemoniutu,' at tbe various.suc- Wvim. Or*wf«ar«l—.f. E. nri<v; p. Avery. Decatur—Richard Sim* ; B P. PowfR- > DiiKalb-A). Mnrphy« Ur. Hoyle. Dooly—0 Hamilton-, W. Cnl4». Doughi-rty—W. .1. L twioit; A. E. ilsnu.! Knrly—Hays ; Swt-jwingen. Effi’igham-^-Tie m tile Senate; A. G. Por- Elbert—W M. Mcfnt nh; T. Jolmsmu Clarke—C. Peep}**; J. B. Carlton, T. F. J fore. The slavery question being the Lo ^‘ L. _ * great question of the Ume% and the SS&Ik! S.Ttkmstm; ? H Brown. A*nert»n platform being the best upon Campbell—J. Carhon; L. B. ^*tts. subject^ I shall alway* he fowwl ad • . . Carroll—1>. M. Bloodworib V Johnson-,Bkli I tnc-Aling lh- pntfcciple* therein set forth.] 1 ®!? S ,ven ot ,,ia * uissapstuctlon in re- I The Democratic platform, on tfiis M.-!vi?!r~ T U M >, * re; S ’ A j subject, wa* tbe be t we ever had pre* Odumbia—A. J. A very; T E Brail, L.s I t,v ’ thfr adopthm- of the American L-.kf. ’ l platform. T tkvrefora stood iipoti-that _tv»w«tn—H. Buchanan; W. Am Us. a. o. j until I saw .the latter. He » iUjw the bast D mocrnt who st-nids upon the best' j4atfi>rih*for the Union Of the States.— That, in my opinion, is the great Amert- | con platform. When new parties ni$ "formed, the ' in.powder, hy that ascendency, the popular name ^But the bare I name Will n -t atihuver their ’ purposes Kmattucl—>. C. Simmer; J.If. Eden Mrf. j long, when the pdopk find they have OO hanntn—fhnstian ; Wo kt* ft eld. j tir }ncinUe Kny«ttc-J.J. Whkakwr; ft. 0. King; J rmc pies to suatain the name. ^ Flo^d—T. M’Gaire; W. B.Terbunc, M Il. j For sotne time p^ist there, have beeti I lt ' TOU ‘“ public property—-and j two kinds of Democracy in,this State— | public prope; ty is but another name for the true Democracy * and the puro De- public plunder mocracy. The true Democracy are true -1 trt Conway, true to Johiw a, -and‘true I to vffice. Tbe pore Democracy are for principles, without regard-to men or , office. These latter will nit he found, I soon or late, upon the American plaU f-form. gard to this corruptly managed and-cor rupting piece of public property. And while we hearti'y unite- in agreeing up on lhe necessity of a change, in regard to this road, we cannet agree to the plan proposed. < The appointment of Commissioners would not remedy the evil, as various experiments utxither- States abundantly establish. On the contrary, we are fu! I ty persuaded it would but ioai ease the kvik^which -are sought to be removed; Hay me. Forsyth—II. Striek'imd; Julian; Coming 1mm. Franklin—Ashe; Pruitt. Fulton—J. M. Calhoun ;■ J.S. tfarii*. Gilmer—*. 51. Patterson- J. Pickett. <Hymr—Y.T. Long; Burnett* Gordon— W. H. DaUi.-v ; G. M. SfOmmeT j D. B. Barrett. Greene—ft 1 If Cone; M. IF. Iswix. G. 0.\ pawnon- Gwiniictt—J. Brown; T.B Hudson, J. C.| * ,m I h*ve not time to write Wijtworth. » tetter more «t length. But, as I Hall—J. Dunognn ; 7. A. Headen I have b« en fnnn home, 8ml tetters and IIanr.«>ck—K IJ Darter ; T. J. -Smith, D-J business have n'T-umutaled. time presses ' r **" ' ' me, and l must close. You ace at liber 'll' Lrici*. Hart—W Pi*nle ; Myar*. Harris—P. P, (HIl; JF. J. /huhon. .4. J. (jtiTtloiU UcarJ—J- F. Moreland; A. JI.Lane. ty to use this letter ns you may think pro|ier. If-nothing unexpected happens, [ I sliall be in your city on Saturday, the But it is not our intention, at this time, togiVe this subject more than a passing notice; and we will therefore, commit ourselves, just now, by adding to the nb-)ve. that it is the sheerest hbn- seme, in these days, to attempt discon necting anything of this character from politics. A State hospital, if we had such a thing, would be a political ma chine. And this change proposed is but an effort of politicians to add to the number of fat offices within \he gift of .*1 all cavil that they themselves proscribe native-born Georgians for tr free and manly exercise oftjie right of suffrage 111 Let. the people—lo all of whom the State Road belongs, observe the manner in. which tbi* party, so jealous of the interest of foreignfers, proscribes native freemen and converts’ibis great State work into an engine of oppression—a mere party machine—for ihe advance ment of the interests of the leaders of lhe Foreign party. Wc have long thought, and are now tlioroaghly satisfied that tbe Western and Atlantic Railroad ought to be sol'd. We will now go still further. Ifthe State cannot sell it, let it.he given away, hi Heaven’s name, let it be disposed of in some manner. If offered for safe, it would bring a handsome sum of money, which if appropriated to the cause of common schools, would fit and prepare the rising generation for usefulness and prevent them from becoming the dupes of demagogues, .towards which end those now on the stage of action ekhibit an ■qnrnistakeable proclivity. We' f»u*e no hope that a Legislature composed of such material as dm - hubs -of the one - just elected, will ever do auy thing for the cause of education—-ae they know full well that when the masses of the people become thoroughly* eqjightened then truly “ Othello's occupation's gone-”—they themselves/and such as they, could never get back to tbe IwlU of legislation. Like their friends ajid sympathisers, the "Cathohc priests;"they know that their only hope of success it founded in the ignorance of the pea- people—and hence they wiB always oppose a general diffusion of light among the masses. ' : Btr St. Patrick, “ How Be Nicks ’cm.'*—If the people all over the'State of Georgia could witness what we are now witnessing in the city of Atlanta, one unfed s^out of indignation would go up against *Gov.. Johnson, front the seaboard lo the mountains. -Every man employed on the State Road, no matter h^v meni&l hfs sUtiop or how foiihful bis service, who cid hot vote fot'Gov. Johnson on the* fifsl Monday in this mouth, is discharged. Men with large families who have been in the employ of the Road for years,, and whose ser vice was considered^ valuable by former, administrations, have been tamed loose in our community with but little hope of'getting other, employment hefe, dijd without means to go elsewhere tn seek it. Men ara.approaphed and asked h« *w they Voted, by the pompous upstarts, who figil around the State ^RiTodofficc, just as a-SlaveHtdrter would interrogate, his slave as ip hr-* whereabouts the pre vious night, when some • mischievous act Bad been perpetrated in the heigh- boritood. If the unfortunate man f who- hks Hie feat orhis fa mity-su fife ring be fore his eyes, has*the temerity and inde pendence ta answer*’ that her-voted the American ticket, he is at once dis charged. The palmiest days of Hfe Inquisition, coaid not exceed this dis gusting scene. There is inquity and corruption enough connected, with the State Road, to sink the ’Stale beneath the contempt of every other State iii the Union. There is baseness and ab&mi nation enough to sink, tim e who are guilty of it, sn fow <-ven‘ in their own os'imation,, that an age of time that would wear out the Stone Mountain, could ti .it restore them to that elevated cesses -of our opponents; At each hosanna on-earth, doubtless loud pealed the thundering applause IteUur.^Buf read the remarks of the Republican, and try to cultivate his spirit; though r with it, don’t relax a single •effort,' 1>ut continue to strike for home, the great graves of your sires and. for (he com mon cause and eievatiOH ^df hmnamtj. Salt River-.'—Not h;»vTng ' of late years made many tripAup this famous stream, our present passage up affords some! segues. ' The last, time ' we made the voynge in a National 'vessel, was al>oard the good old ship Whig, Hen ry Clay Captain. * Being well satisfied with our quiet location, at tbe Iiead- uaters, and tired of the swamps and lower parts of the river, we wire not disposed to serve under the captains, who, with various success, attempted the passage down, untit we were/ like a multitude of others, bamboozled to enlist under Cobb, and catne down the! river on a raft, named the “Georgia PrqtfprroJ” we re-ascended again on' the same craft under the ‘command of the gsilfant ant! amiable Jenkins. * - On our voyage up tlds' time ore mel the same Algerine Cot^iir, “ Fire * Ea ter,” which ascended the river In 1*51, she has been newly painted over and var nished, a new crew shipped In addition lo the former one,'her did name ^item ed over, (though h is^rTH" legible nntlei tbe thin white-wash,)'andtlfe word DJ- mocracv *painted upon it Her ruddeV was made out tif « ktofen' |rfartk'of the Georgiiv Phitforjn: -She was - gaily ‘de corated wifo (M' 8«»<j£ of 'all &R}»ris, among which "xvoTo'oked iti- vairi for the Stars, and Stripe*.- •* He^'a'jiprtiaeh' Vriis herwTdcd' by an" oheomwiofiry Strong of the Anties muqh more congenial to their taste, and will therefore act in con cert with them. We wonld calmly and dispassionate ly ask our fdiow-citizens who have been driven by mere prejudice against secret societies to array themselves in opposi tion to the American party, if it looks patriotic and manly to join with Aboli tionists, foreigners, and all- the isms of the land- to put down our own native- born, citizens ; more especially sinfie the ved 'of secresy (ibq only stumbling-block in their wayjhas beeajrecnoved. But hereafe the letters; Let no man again slander, lhe American. party by charging that .these-- Abolition traitors are meraberatjif if: Atmtrtnr, Aug. 2t, 1855.^— Dear Your letter of the lOffi irrst.,. addressed to me at Albany,has overtaken mq here, after fo tlo wing me' in some journeying through the Western part of this State. It is not'cimsistenV with my habits of life to; not ice, either for purposes of com plaint or for refutation, the-misrepresen tations to which, like other persons wha hold representative places, J am subject ed, No one who lives within a thou sand miles of this-place, whether friend or adversary of mine, woufd utter or be lieve the absured allegation of Which you have made known tome with a de- -go^a- of-kinduess which 1 > degi , rxeyaftd receives my thanks. I a in v very respectfolly, your obedient servapt, " ' Wm. H. SEWARD. A. F. Posey, Esq., Greenville, Ala. New Yohk-, Aug.' 17, 1855.—Sir: I never was consciously within a mile of akno*.v-nothmg lodge,’ am! never could hive been induced to-jinn one on any account. By placing your foot against the author of the silly report noticed -in your letter, you wlll ; be certain to kick a greafliar. Yours.- HORACE GREBLY. ■L A. F, Posb-T, Esq. "V ‘ ' S : * ——-o - •' . a cars Her comtnaflder lay/tfpdti tiff quarter deck almost jnseruible, behf^ afflicted wlth a grievDUS‘ffit ihdigeVtitjh from hnvmg' swaHowed sorre'of hts~ov\ n words, uttered, against the Georgia Plat form and its builders. f Beside'luip'stBod » portly Bi.-fbdp in hill pontifieals,' mut tering pate rnosSxrs, whUe h Jesuit gros sed him with holy "oil, bn d robbed 5 ifc-'in whh a Cobh. • With siksh matter otyhis stomarii, His-ease seemed _desperatc?^- There were som> old, '"fomUtar 'faces among tho crew looking wild abdVearrid at the strangC'CQmpanionship'they found themselves in, aftd-wte notleed sonfo 5 comradca bf *52, who?e‘'1ook»"’^d' as alahily Aa FdlsUifis words cduli's^r^ H 1 nm not lakhamed ofimy trornpn’nyV ^’m n soused gurnet.’ ^ -•> All e irtsof yituperatfon ^hd oaths m the tOngnesof all mtfrtns assailed 'u^up- «jg our approach * Burly- Jidr*- Btffl doi. voted us, and his owu eyes 4a-perdiffom -^*the Dutehmah swore fry- Ulohner ttrid blitzen, the Ffonehmnb capefod and sacro'td, while vivsTcdus P>tdd'y;’4iumor ; . oU8 in hisenthity^gave'us'a-apecirhtfttt'rff bis native eloquence in tlris wise; i Feoffle' a Bull ah, ye spalpeens l^Ct&r the- way for tho l ’im icrats ! ,nn(f ye^ih -curie the Pope, will ye ? Arrah* ivdll bring ye lo yer knees yet, ye beythins, and make ye.shorten his Ilotinoss’tf>e nails wid yer teeth, we . wilU :Wfli somebody liiidjnathe-ioanofa -brick bat?*’ and in default ofhisJavorhe wdaponhe hurl ed 9 Huge Irish potato at us -Which fell short of-th&mark. A hrge merchanf and impoft’er* says tlutt in thi^ ifniied States, \ve are paying more duty qa artifitaal flowers iban .on railroad iron. As*Hn offset to^this, stroag-aninded wotnau asserts *hKt Vh’e men spend more money for tobacco than they do for tea, coftee,' ahd sugar, white ihe sums they lay om.on sherry gobblers would keep tlie country Hr new hoots “ the whole blessed time.” GRAND JURY PRESENT3IBNTS OF ' . CASS GO—FIRST WLRK- . Wo are are sure no .one wifi regret the perusal of tbe following portion' of. ■the Presentmeifts of the Grand Jury rdf Cass QQunty. . ’Not jbit J |r&. sym* pathise with tlte -cotmty on - account of her- etnparrassments— but the stifle ts bo uh’i^traf with such documents, and the article ' l^as ofdrjgmaii- ly and. is so-spicy witliab iliat it is like a refreshing ahotvet-fn n -usaalfy de ; ert "spit. Ncrr 'ib the afriide without its * . . j ‘.- •», ..- i• wbole.-'ome lesso^ if .we wjJJ'oaly. be taugliL county-'insolvent h bow came aheito? T»i»e, bf preans unusu al ; yet, principaly^ 'i^ ‘hepyrunt of ex travagance, perhaps. Wha(e^ejr. be the cause, howefreiv'ahn.^k ltigely in debt, and it will Tiaqotte nephomif, years and heavy taxingrepft^a^oa^ ii> ful herself ot t^s 2cfyy... j?em?.t9H&ty k about k .tbis '£»gk» witt -pteasei ^nake a note. lTiB$nity x ‘i)otldts, fet- lorw-cttizenb^'ftsijp^^^^VfkQ^ylpnu.R- to heavy taxation fur yrorfe -before thte' Cin The good name of a countv on .t worth something, and of more Ta lu,, lo| » her wealth besides. By rr-mai n i B ^< we neverian get that good name® a* 1 * lot nsatr:ke for a good name—the'*u» f^rf!l,, is given—we invite a remedy. The Pope, says an European W is suffering from an incurable diZ and it is said Lo u r s Napolean has hue, upon the Papal chair / or h| s Locien Bonaparte, son of Charles U Bonaparte, who is'to he made aal. Revision of the Bible.—u American Bible Union Society is ^ Its sixth’Anniversary meeting i n j York. The object of this Swiety wett known, is to revise the pi ^ version of-foe Bible, more particuhn, so as to make it conform to the tenets the Baptist se?t as to the ordinance Baptism. Battle of Ring’s Mountain-., The anniversary of the. battle of Ki^ Mountain, was celebrated on the Soatb Lftrolina, on the Aihinst, The.i military com panics entwnpti on the ground, and about 6,000 prion were present. Addresses were deliver^ by Col. Preston, ef S. C. and During the celebration Mr. Side Clifion, of the Columbia, S. C., artillm had his right arm torn off by the pre® toro disehtrrge of a cannon which he loading.' It is a ourious. fact tliat there aref hundred rers- »in Mathew’s Gospel || Ibat are also in Marks; more lliantl hundred verses in Luke, and about i hundred mid twenty that are nk\ Matlrew; "Nt-arly one half of the G« by Mathew is to be found in Msrk,« more than one third of the GospclJ Luke i# to bo found in Mark orl A Mrs. Campbell, of Gtnojoluri «tx weeks since gave birtli to a dauglitt whidi Is now only ten inches higb.ii weighs but two pounds. Its feet me sure one inch in length l A “ Bread League-” for protect! against speculators went into openli in Chariestown, Maes., last week. •Two of the daughters of the late h Crssor Webster, who was executeJi l|ie murder of Dr. Turkman, hare a rled into the family of Mr. Dabnei, American at Fuyal, of great iuffuea and fortune. EitglfsV papers express the opinioi funded on careful examination, tb Great Britain will -duly require tmi porfation of 2(V,< 00,000bushel; olwke to Supply every possible dificieney. C*uar Of Claims.—The next w of this court will commence on tbe I* of-thisv, month. Judges BlackfoN» Scarborough are now in Washing 9 Chief Justice Gilchrist is expected $ week. . ' .. It would be « curious chap*' r hist dry if the present Murat should ^ J During ™ Uni* : i imagine i it .bubbles ou£<rf%hy amJ.-niSwiK; foteftrabfopolt- tiCKHi,^(imay iia gerferat, 1 ! daie birifk'to „ , T , » ' come King o( Naples B&&X&^‘****»*-*U* of twMIiWm* enough- 40 Lggislaiors yef; new seats J roust-.- be; oreotod. he- Btoriti ; dtid -Smiths oriyA? td hav.e '€eats.kRire---they .~J.- j "looti "rr w -tfte Sm ■ - vS«Mrte.of^ja«a*8ifiBb%v»atber tfaaa rhiss,v would tttke^ Sheriflhrty or CleyicsHip-ifiifitey thud b'S&^meje&ce':^, lviresr,-BuV riie.Pro- ^entm’eiH, . iHeke-ttr^folloxfi'^ Gr»kid ; ;jtti-y 'of Ifie ? I>bcsetit' we^k ’•‘wdii. uteo worth espEctfqWjHrtmwRoiiit fi its •pipioq.^ais of 6net*t the - Sfh gljku a;«Hlclle Cpf^byXbera.upQrior wheraforb.vrti-tqmw* satejy ctmoltrtlrf'teut 'haAppgrufm aau#si»4iighly rtfeefind;- by >w 5 «d-, ; F»u|ayro exhoae- Court from aku&'wleilgo raie ine vourx iroin »itnow-jeugo oven of this -newly estafitWfied ttStnre in-'the tr ffic, still mart set oiir fiiee«agftii&ra»» saddle-bag groceries, atui rn^respoof"RFWhvo 4h>PV by a constable In attenduuce upon the Court. This particular couatajfle we have concluded thus to caunonize.Tihcrh'atid his ofcuo summate effrontery liml shnmfe, 'Sown to fut .in* constables,"as a -well-marted instance of mlful conicmpt.for Court. Wet did not «ee the hqiiar. but we did scq tha-saddle-bngs— and it is'tlib dclfbefaJtc opinion of this'Jury that no other Jury ever savra pair of saddle bags as mttek like a jug-'ot brandy before— fiir they smelt like the jng hud been, broken. tifui cel of a'.p:vifo'f saddle bftgs, that siiiells just Hkca btokjen jug of brandy, he- attains ton stun,»n so small in our eyes that we think ' <• ' > W^hster’S cv " .^7 he’s of nouseatalL. Z * cquaHo four of Wei - 1 lL is with unfeigned regret that the Grand S3- ->it!]ST njfli rjlt.t Jf!i ■ ,^t 1 iept a bbat'ding-house in KAiwas-The. Washington mt 'article in defence of the Preside 01 far as the Kansas subject is co nCtr ^ and say's rtfat *-• Governor Re«^^ j removed on a matter wholly fironrHhe question whether the sympathised with the pro-sl** 61 ?^ ! T~ rd* IIailuoad Iron.—rAmerican decided now, on the best be superior to either Englisl 1 ° r «•-. * ru. I.itlifrs®** ] ib" of the same price. The M ,cr and weeuvopt - touch : * )(MI ! r 7^ A,mqrican, and lhe super* 01 ''-! j American is said lo be 0,rl f- process of rolling, the snub flre jJ while the • foreign rails are with one heating. . ^ 11 v. jJjg l So you ere going to q' 1 ®*'/.., 4! vernor 1” said Mrs reached over the railing (tB ,. chamber, and addressed who sat nearest to her. ^nJlr “ Well.'’ snid stes wrth at the BemVmgti»n drum think it would h ive bee,, h better if you had seen tha _ # , fi. d aforehand.'’ There r : sive Dictionaries fo at sl ' tJ *