The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 18, 1855, Image 3

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for the Southern Watchman, Mh. Cbrimy * H ’»< ,,Q " 1 mb* 38 * we woU |d like la 6»y a word * r so in re- ar d to the very bad and seemingly dnu- Irous condition of your main bridge, [o which our attention was called not long *>nce while crossing k. It is none of our business, however, so far as we tr e concerned, but as there are many people besides outself, trusting their lives and property over that bridge, we feel that is our duty to say, that a* place so much boasted of ns. Athens is by some of her citir.ens, should, knowing the im minent danger of their old and fast-de caying bridge, see the necessity and im potence of immediately building a new one. That Athens is full able to have „ good and substantial bridge at her place, is evident to all of her citiiens ; and why not build such an one ? why trust to a rickety frame like the present one, which is not by any means suffi- cint to warrant' the safety and prop erty of those who have to cross it ? In view of this, we think it nothing but right that the people of Athens should build them anew bridge, ere their oh! one falls, or is borne away by some little freshet, and cause the people a great deal of trouble as well as stop the TRAVELLER. A Second WuiTFjr.r.n -rRccent English jourtinls mention th..t'a ydutio preacher of the Methodist church is creating as much excitement as Irving fln<! 'Whitfield did in their day. Lo .don correspondent of the New York Times says : "His name is Spurgen, and he can scarcely have reached his 22d or 23d year, I should think. 1J s eloquence is extraordinary. It over whelms you with its force and brillian cy ; and his voice has the characteristics which Whitfield's is said to have possess ed—a ringing tone; and capable of being heard by an assemblage of ten thousand persons,” A good lady, who had two children sick with the measles, wrote to a friend for the best remedy. The friend had just received a note from aoother lady, inquiring the way to make pickles.— In the confusion, the lady who inquired about the pickles, received the remedy for the measles, aud the anxious mother of the sick children read with horror the following: Scald them three or four times in very hot vinegar, and sprinkle them well with salt, and in a few days they will be cured.” For the Southern Watchman. Ilnzznh.J A Female Rail Road! A College to Clarkesville! And—a New Oconee W er the Bridge! Now is it not glori- just to think of the enjoyment of these good things! Well, they are cornin’, sure, for we just now read the Athens papers—didn't notice date— just now from a visit abroad—where they were spoken of. And when Ath- tns speaks out in church, you may know something’s going to be done, and that quick. Why, ju-tsee what she has done—behold her pub’ic works! A Free Brick School-house—down by the grave-yard ! A Powder-house Ma gazine— down by the grave-yard! A long galley—frequently visited—down by the grave-yard 1 And—her Public SpirirLainps! No moon'.slime about this latter. Look out Atlanta! Go it bob-tail, she’s a-gainin’ on you. Move in gentlemen, while lots are cheap. Yours, returned, PLINQUIL SQHIVIL There now, hasn’t he done it? Hope the gentleman will feel better when he sees his effort in print. LATERFROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER CANADA. Another Vein Opened.—Mrs. Par tington expresses great apprehension that the people in California will bleed to death as every paper, she picks tip announces “ another vein opened.” At the present raontmt .fashion in Paris exhibits a complete dessert in every lady’s bonnet. Cherries, grapes, black currents, and acorn/ are now the poputar bonnet ornaments. Why ought a tailor never In begin to make a coat until he trieeit on ? Because everything connected with business ought to be done at the fitting time. Idleness.—Never did school text contain a more assured Truth than that which records that “Idleness is the parent of vice;” and of ait idleness the worst is idleness of mind. At hia residence hi Clarke county, near Athens, on the 20th ..f S,- t. last, after an illness of 30 days, which lit-We with Chris tian fhrtitu-le, Jaiues Rhodes, ngeJ 1* years and 4 days. ~ J He was born in North Cnm’inn; removed to Elbert County. Ga.. when IT years of »ge- was a resident of Madison C nintv for siime years, and tor the last 10 years a resident ..f Clarke, lie had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for about forty years- and a deacon for twenty-five years. Why should we wonder that th6 Lord should prolong his stay on earth to four over three score and ?en f Such is the encourage ment offered to the virtuous and truly pious. HI never claimed perfection; but being firm m the Christian faith, he ceased not to press forward for the mark of the price of h'U high calling; Christ in him, the hope of Glory. He lived an exemplary life fts a Christian, being ever ready toengage in the good cause, for which he manifested a holy zeal. As a a citizen and neighbor, he lived irreproacha ble; as a husband and father, his death has left a void the world can never fill as a mas ter, kind aud indulgent. He lived the life of the truly good man; therefore bis death was like the righteous—fearless, peaceful, calm and confiding. He seemed conscious at bis approaching end, saying, “ I am not afraid to die; I am ready.” We may and must grieve at o*fr loss, but we should not forget, that our loss is his gain. For, “ Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard; neither have entered into the heart of ram, the things which God hath prepared for theinthat love him.” Dear as thou wert, and justly dekr, We will not weep for thee; One thought shall check the starting tear, It is, that thou art free. The passing spirit gently fled", Sustained by Grace Divine; 0, may such Grace on rts be shed, And make <our end like thine. Christian Index, please copy. Died, unexpectedly, after, an illness of a few days, on the 4tli instant, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Ingles, wife of Rev. Daniel Ingles, aged 55 years. " * ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. ORKECrr.D .ftSKLY, BY PITNKR AND ENOI.AX!> ^TathENS Oct. 17, rfuggHR* (Gunny) yd 11 to 18 Bale U ■i*e, per il.." Mani11».Rope*» •-* ..... Bagging Twine I aenu Sides. ...... Hams..... .... 14 2«f 25 16 14 la 25 30 17 15 “ Shoulders 12 13 Lard i 5 16 Batter.. —-j 15 20 Tallow ..*$ 10 12 Tallow Candles 18 •20 Sperm do. —• 45 50 Star do...,. 30 35 Coffee Rio ...... m 14 Coffee Java............. — 15 16 Tea 100 125 Rice 7 8 Sugar,Brown .......... 8 124 “ -Clarified 10 lOi “ Crushed ..... 124 12 “ Loaf... 124 14 Molasses, per gal 36 37 N.O. Syrup. 45 50 SalVper Bushel............... • 80 90 Salt, Liverpool Sack 215 226 Steel,Gast -- — *21 25 “ German 15 lfi 44 Blister 10 12J ; “ Spring to 12 Iron, common size © 6 “ 7 inch wide 7 8 •* Band ; 7 8 “ Nail rod. ..... -8 10 8 9 Castings - 5 6 Nails, per Keg 6 7 Powder,Rifle,.,.. —... .... .... 600 650 [By Authority of the State of Georgia] Fori (iaiitcs Acadfcniv LOTTERY. iJcautiful Scheme lor October! T* lie drawn October 24th. 1S56. in the City «.f Atlanta, when Prizes amountingt<> 0CJ= $30,000 <JJ) Will be distributed to fortunate Stockholders in accordance with the following ” Matchless Scheme!! Prize of Prizes of 2,000 are do 500 are do 250 are 110 arc 75 are 50 are 25 are 10 are 5 are 1 2 3 11 10 17 43 83 200 630 do do do do do do $10,000 4,000 1,500 2^750 1,100 1,276 2.150 2,076 2,000 3.150 1,000 Prizes amounting to $30,000 One Thousand Prizes! ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS I Tickets $5—Halves $2.50—Quaktebs $1.25. One Prize to eveTy ten Tickets ! SAM’L SWAN, Agent and Manager. Atlanta, Ga. Oct, 4. * '- Blasting 475 Lead ........ — ..—. 8 Shot., per Bag 250 Cotton per Rale.. 74 TO MILLERS. F W. LUCAS, has just received a full .assortment of the best Anchor brand, Bolting cloths. Oct, 11. READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! - V. Cmi be found tho ItirgnM assortin' ut of IREN'S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CLOTHING Ever offered in this market, Also, FURNISHING GOODS: Trunks, a aVises, Laripet-Rags aud Umbrellas, Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate all the articles we have on hand, but would cordially welcoir e all to Ocf-come and examine for themselves. R. L. BLOOMFIELD’S. Athens, April 13,1854. For Sale. npBERE having been a division of the X Estate of the Hon. Charles Dougherty, late of Clarke county, deceased, as directed by Will, and the Trust property set apart; the subscriber offers for side, the plantation be longing to the other portion of said Estate, on the 19th day of Oct. ensuing, at the-corner of Mr- Huggins’ store. The tract comprises near six hundred acres of land, of whicn one hundred are heavily wooded and near one hundred are low-grounds of the first quality. In short, is is the best place of its size in the county, and needs no comments. Sale to be gin at M) o’clock, A. M. Terms, twelve months credit and titles made after payment. N. L. BARNARD. Athens, Sept. 27, 1855. XOTICE. T HE undersigned (of the firtfl of V. k. Summey & Bro.) haying determined lo leave the State, earnestly requests all per sons indebted to the same, to ccme forward and settle their accounts and notes, as lon ger indulgence cannot be given. All ac counts will be oensidered due from the data of Dissolution, August 8th, 1855. Sept 13 -J. S. E. SUMMEY. Queen Caroline asked Sir So^ert Wal pole what it would cost to enclose St. Janie’s Park, with a view .to exclude the public from it •‘Madam” the premier '.s said to have replied -‘only a crown." McLane’s Worm Specific. The following, from a customer, shows the demand -which this-great medicine has creat ed wherever it has been introduced : Blossburg, Tioga Co., Pa. March 36. I860. Gentlemen—In consequence of the great consumption of year “Worm Specific” ir this place and vicinity, we have entirely ex haunted our stock We should feel obliged by your forwarding, \i 9 Corning. N. Y. 20 -dozen, with your bill, ou the reception of which we Will remit the money. * From the wouderful effects of said “ Spe cific" in this neighborhood, there could he sold annually a large quantity, if to be had, (wholesale and retail) from some local agent.. If you would compensate a person for trou ble and expense of vending, I think I could make it to y ur advantage to do so. Yours, respectfully, Wm. M. JIalkory, Messrs. J. Kidd A Ce. Per W. E. Porter. 85J" Purchasers will please be eareful to ask for Dr. McLanc’s Celebrated Vermifuge, and take none elsp. All other Vermifuges, in comparison, are worthless. Dr. McLane's Flour per bbl .—. *• Wheat per Bushel Cbm - ¥ Meal *• ,r Oats « ¥ Bye “ .*• —. Indigo,Spanish ----- Madder lb 16 ^Copperas. —.... 4 7 90 40 60 30 75 125 Bine Stone ......... ..... 18 500 10 275 n 8 100 50 75 35 100 150 25 5 20 150 175 125 100 31)0 800 Tobacco. ^-Tobacco i-> the servant of alcohol and idleness!- He is a sallow, ill-favc rec, good-for-nothing fellow. Some pretend he is a dentist, nod cures t _ the toothache. Beautiful work he makes I genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver at all respectable Drug | es and Canada. For sale at the Drug Stores sf Smith & Bilftips and C. W.& H. R. J. Long. of it. The mouth where he has operated-1 can now be had at what a place it is fbrpearls! The brealh| 2,5?. how balmy * But fora dentist he is a great while at it. He isa sort of tra velling dentist. Yoti exit hardly step iutou tavern without stumbling over r-L- t. qiuch he keeps for And when he As Invalcble Remedy.—None except thoce who have suffered all the horrors of. Oil, Linseed -iv — — ... 187 “ Lamp, Winter — — 150 “ ” Fall..— 100 “ Train..., 90 White Lead, Keg 25 lb 275 Class, Box 8 by 10 275 Mackerel. No. 3 kb] .... .... 900 1000 •* j bids No. 2 900 10D6 “ JtiblsNn. 400 500 Beeswax .... . 20 22 Feathers..*.........-.— 86 4Q Wool......'- 20 25 Tobacco _. — 25 40 Yarn perbnle, 40 bundles.... . 85 $5 ** . Retail 90 90 Gsnnbnrgs, per Bale ' 9J 11 RetaiL 10 11 Sl|irt : ug J, per bale 8} 9 RetaiL... 9 lo Rags..... . 3 HAVANA FLAN LGTTERyT" Jasper County Academy Lottery. Authority of the State ofGeorgia.] MACON, GA. Hardware and Crockery* A NEW branch of BUSINESS FOR ATHENS. Just Opened by GRIFFITH & WILLIFORD, One door below R. L. Bloomfield’s Clotliing Store. W E will noi enter into detail of the ma ny articles kept in the above branches [of business, but we invite all to come and see [for themselves. We have in our stock a great many articles not commonly kept in this market. Among them are some ofthe following: Marbieized Iron Mantles and Grates, Gigs and Cabs for children, Cane Cbairs, Wash Stands, Baskets, Brooms, Mats, <tc. Buggy Springs, Axles, Boxes, Bands, Carriage Trimmings, *c. Carpenters’, Turners’, Millwrights’, Blacksmiths’ nd Tanning Utensils complete. | All which will be sold low for cash at GRIFFITH $ WILLIFORD’S. Athens, Sept2t tf 0 CLARKE MORTGAGE SHERIFFS SALE. N the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold at Watkinsvllle, in Clarke county, within the legal hours of sale; a house and lot, in Athens and county aforesaid, with its appertenauces, containing one acre, more or less, and bounded on the east by Mrs. P. Thomas, on the south by Cranston B. Wil liamson, on the west by the street, on tlie north by Mrs. P. Thomas. No. 164, in Col>b- ham. Levied on as the property of William Kelsea, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa, issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of William P. Talmage and John F. Pbinizy. this Sept. 25th, 1855. LEWIS J. LAMPKIN^ D. Shff. Sept. 27, 1855. MT EAGLE TRIPOLI. r IIIE best article known for cleaning and J. polishing all kinds of metals, windowa, razors and glass ware. A supply just re ceived, direct from the manufacturers, Rod for sale, low. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. T. BISHOP & SON. April 20. RAMAWAY. [©’Look out for a ScoundrelGsT B AN AW.AY from the subscriber, about the 20lh August last, my boy, Clark, a Black smith by trade. Said boy was last seen and heard of in Madison county, Ga., where he had been at work sometime previous to his disappearance. It is thought he has beeu decoyed away by some white person. Said boy weighs about 170, or 185 lbs.—about, five feet, nine or ten inches high—copper colored —large mouth and eyes—shows his gum teeth very plain when laughing—his jaw teeth considerably decayed—was riding EXECUTOR’S SALE, W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, before the court hougp door, in the town of Jefferson, Jack- son county ,Ga., agreeable to thelast will and testament of Edwin Pendergrass, deceased, the lot of land whereon P. E'. Pendergrass formerly lived, containing one hundred acres more *r less, lying at the mouth of Beach creek, in Jackson county, adjoining lands of J. R. McCleskey and John Pender grass. Those who wish to purchase a good small farm will do well to attend. Sept 27. WM. 5. PARKS, Ex one of the b^snis his patients to spit in. does not furnish these basins, his patients] *“ m11 ita toriae. —the plagues of Egypt take them! spit on the floor. I fpeople have oedi ion for a dentist, why not inarch to bis office and receive his attentions In pri-1 p ICHABD HUGHES is a Candi vale, instead of lugging thedaetov about | YY date for redaction ior Tax Collector of Dyspepsia, can fully appreciate the value |*TtHIS JLottery is conducted on the plan of I bay horse about eight years old, with a black and efficacy of Perry D i vie’ Pain Killer, a JL the Royal Lottery of Havana, of single I quilted saddle, the horn broke off—a wart on sovereign remedy for thb distressing disease numbers—arid drawn at Concert Hall, Ma- ‘ - *’ **■ eon, Ga., under the sworn Superintendence Sold by Smith A Billups, C. W. & II. R. J. 1 of Col. Geo. M. Logan, and Jas. A- Nisbet, Long, Athens, and by oue Agent in every town m the State. with them and spitting his favorite tooth wash in all sorts of places ? 'Clarke Cqanly. .January, 1856. Election first Monday in { Oct 18 The steamer Canada has arrived with one week’s later dates from Europe. Livkrpool, Sept. 1.—Cotton has de clined an £d. Sales of the week 3C,000 bales. Bread.-tuffs are unchanged. Money is more stringent. The Bank of England i as advanced the rate of interest to 5 per cent. Consols 8^ to THR WAR. The Allies have landed thirty thous and men at Eupr.toria to act against the Hus sian flank. The Russians are strongly fortifying 'be north side of Sevastopol ” Heavy storms have occurred in the Crimea. The Allies will raise (raze probably) the fortifications of Sevastopol. ADDITIONAL BY THE CANADA.-.. At Sevastopol on the 17«h, the Allies were concentrating their troops between Tchernaya and Balaklava, and are con stantly reconnoitring the ltft wing. Four hundred Russian deserters, mostly Poles, arrived at the camp ofthe Allies, report that after taking Sevasto pol the demoralization of the Russians was complete—such was the confusion after the evacuation of the south side, 'list the soldiers were exhausted by fati- sue and lay for 24 hours without food. The Russian loss is estimated at 18,000 The Russians are firing shells into the city from the north side. A report from lierlin says that Gorts- "hakoff’will shortly evacuate the North fori, but the Russians are making itnsive arrangements for a winter cam* P»»i2n. The Turks are short of provisions, "'ey ave eating their horses. Austria is still dusiroua to mediate. H-e Allies attacked the Russian, in ‘ n,r . v on the 22d insT.—the latter re- heated. On the 25tli, 30,000 Allies •Jebarkud from Eupatoria, and occupied 1 he neighboring villages on the left of •he Russians at Sevastopol. On the lOib, the Rjissiatn were "‘rowing up new fortifications. ri *c French are advancing jAroops to- "ard Balishi Sera. The Allies are do- hummed to raze Sevastopol, and fill up •he basin, uverpvool Market. The quotations for Cotton are Orleans 67-3. Middling Gl-B; Lpland 63-8, Middling 57-3. BaEAnsTCrvs.—White Wheat 12 to 6d.; Red 11 to 1 Is. 9<L Canal /’lour 30 to 42a.; Ohio 42 tc 44*, Yel low Corn 40 to 4Iff* • Sold.—Aclergyman having on at certain occasion, delivered himself ofl TR0N FENCING, Balconies, and Veron what4s called a fine address, was met by 0 ^ re, 2L P * t £ rn9 ’ ®»»»fuet«r«d to one r.ftiis hwr* o.-der by the Atiros Steam Company. one of his bearers the next day; when in the course of conversation, allasfon was made to |it, the parishioner remaiked that he liad a book contamfng every word of it, and had heard it before. To this the clergyman boldly asserted-that the address was writtten by himself the week previous lo its delivery, amlthere- fore the assertion could Dot be , correct. The next copy of Webster's Dictionary.- Oct 18 tf FALL AND WINTER GOODS. T HE Subscriber, thankful to hU friends and the public for past patronage, in forms them that he is in receipt of a large and handsome assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS: iitnodg which are Meri nos, Dv-Laines, Brocades, AlpoccnS: Ging hams, and Prints, cheaper than usual. And day he received » splendid 1 n vurie, y of other goods for Ladics-and Gtn- tk.,.-... _ * - ] tlcnMB. Please call and examine my stock. Oct ia ISAAC M. KENNEY. Don’t try to talk Latiic»—“No | use of-my trying to collect that bill, sir,” said a collector to his employer, hpndrag the dishonored document to the hitter. ‘’Why?’ ‘The man who should pay it Umm est” ‘ Then take it and boflect it, sir. A nou-etf mau will not | fail to meet his obligations.” Extreme Modesty.—“Doctor,"said a young Miss of the high-heeled modes ty school, “ma ha* sent me to tell that sister Marie Ephemia Du Icy Louisa street, New York Minerva Rhody Jane has got a sore ! above tho wrist of her left foot. CARRIED. In Athens* on the 14th instant, by John Kirkpatrick. Esq, Mr. James Deunis And Mis* Frances Blackmon. [Editors fee duly received.] Fair Fair Some men are very entertaining for a nret iR’erview, hut attar tbit they arc ‘ xifousted and run out; on a second weting we shall find them very 4!at aud Monotonous; they are tike hand organs -we have heard all their tu*S. Boots and Shoes, LARGS supply of Lnwrcncfcville nnd ( other negro SHOES. Also a variety oJ Ladies atid Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes, at j Oct 18 ISAAC M. KENNEY’S. A [ Esq. Grand Scheme for Nov. 5, 1855. When Prizes amounting to ay $50,000. <£0 CLASS G. Will he distributed as follows; CAPITALS. I Prise-nf $12,000 1 Prize of $5,000 1 Prize ot 8,000 1 Prize of 2JOOO 1 Prize of 1J500 1 Prize of l t 200| 1 Prize of 1,100 6 do of 1,000 10 do of 400 10 do of 150 12 do Ut 120 20 do of 100| GO do of 60 256 do of - 25 23 Approximation of 860 408 Prizes Amounting to $50,000. Only 10,000 Numbers. Uembmber, -every prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when due in fuH; without any deduction. Orders strictly confidential. Drawings sent to orders. Registered letters, at my risk. Bills ou all solvent Banks at par. Tickets, $8; Halves $4; Quarter* $2. Address - 4AMES F. WINTER, Oct 18 Manager, MaCon,- Ga. the right shoulder, aud a scar on the right side of his breast. Said boy is about twenty- seven years old. I will pay fifty dollars reward for the apprehension of said boy and the scoundrel who decoyed him off, with evi dence sufficient to convict him; or a liberal reward for the apprehension and confine ment. in any safe jail, th it I may recover said boy. V. H. DEADWYLER. Elbert on, Elbert co., Ga. Bept. 20. (S^The Georgia Citizen will please copy till forbid; and send account-to this office. w TO TIIE PUBLIC. WHEAT; CORN, FLOUR and MEAL. Tjlllasee Mills, Olarke county, Ga. T HE undersigned has leased of Mr. Robert T. Powler, for a series of years, the above named Mills, on the Oconee River, Ti miles Northwest of Athens, near the road leading to Lqwrenceville, and having had the same put in complete and thorough repair by Mr. £. W. Wesson, who is a superior and pracri cal millwright, and who the undersigned takes pleasure in recommending as being un surpassed in his professional line, now begs notify the public, that he is ready to convert wheat Into flour, or corn into meal, in as quick time,'and in a manner to give as general satisfaction as any other mills of the same, number of runners, either North, South, East or West. ■ These mills have but cne rnn, each, for EXECUTOR’S SALE. ILL be sold, at the residence ofl wheat and com, but will each grind .vith MERCHANT’S GOL9EE? BSLZ. PERFUMERY AND SOAPS, Are the Best Made. >’. oa I 567 BROADWAY, Comer of Triuce Edwin Pendergrass, deceased, ou Wed nesday the 7 th of November next, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop erty, vix: The entire crop of corn, fodder, oats and potatoes, raised on tho farm tho present year. Also the entire stock of horses, cows, ease from one hundred to one hundred and fifty bushels per day; they are never inter ferred With, either by high or low water, con sequently persons wishing; or sending wa gon loads of grain to be ground, will at no time be detained longer than a few hours. I have in my employment Mr. Hawkins hogs, shtep and geese. AIpo a yoke of oxen-1 Wright, who is a practical milter, and whose NOTICE. f lltE copartnership heretofore existing be* X tween the subscribers, under the name of P. A. SUMMEY & BRO., was dissolved on th e 8th day of August, by mutual consent, Either party is authorised to use the name of the firm in the settlement of the business. They return thanks to the citizens of the town and surrounding country for the very liberal patronage they have received. Those indebted to the firm will find their notps and accounts at the old stand, where they would confer a special favor upon the subscribers, if they would call soon and pay them off. P. A. SUMMEY. J.S.E. SUMMEY. Aug. 1671855. 8m. IT1HE business will be continued ut the old X stand, under the name of SUMMEY A JONES, where they would be glad to irait upon all their former friends and customers, ney intend keeping, as usual, a good stock of all kinds of Groceries, Hardware, and a general assortment of staple Drygoods, A c all of which will be sold on the most favora ble terms, for cash or good country produce SUMMEY A JONES. August 16, 1865. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, J. E..Odell and J. E. Redwine apply to me for letters of administra tion upon the estate of Reuben Mayfield, late of said county,deceased. All persons iutevested arc hereby notified that said letters will be granted at the next November term of this court, unless legal cause he shown to the contrary. Givcu under my hand 21st Sept., 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. 30d. NOTICE. T WO moutlis after date, application will be made to the Honorable the court of Ordinary of Clarke county, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of John M. Clark, late of said countv, deceased, ISAAC M. KENNEY, Admt. August 28» T WO months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary 'of Walton county, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Dorothy Lester, late of said county, deceased. H. H. CAMP Adra Sept27 With the will annexed. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY.”' 5 W HEREAS, John E. Odell, applies to me for the guardianship of Mary Reed, ille gitimate orphan of Isabella^ Reed, of said oo u nty. All persons interested will take notice that said letters will be granted at the next November term of this court, unless legal cause be shown to the contrary. Given undei my hand 21st Sept., 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. »0d. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, Orin P. Sellers applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate of Brown F. Sellers,decensed. These are therefore to cite and-admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased that said letters will be granted at the flex! November-term of this court, unless lejal cause be shown to the contrary. Given under my hand 2t*t Sept., 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. ~ 30 e » character for honesty and veraeRy, is so well I need only TAKE NOTICE! A CCOUNTS previous tc October lid,are] new due, and prompt payment thereof] expected. - - WM. N. WHITE. Oct. 13 ( lIIEESE. CHEESE.—Fine EnelishDui. j ry Cheearf at KENNEY'S. OcvlB Ask for them when Shopping. Oct. 18. LI -JfcXO'nMU'H joj poambaa st zaJljvi v sc -duoqo pp>s eq 1{{av ‘XuikUuoq ulcajs suaqjv ®V.J° sqiojs eq» Snioapi T julou aaiSn’4 iuca;g .104104 »bj<>h 81 3Htb 1HSLAAOJ iHgAkOJ F. W. LUOAS, I S now „ of goods suited to the Consisting in part, of Ladies* Dress floods, RichStriped and Phi id Dress Silks, Rich Black Silks in Plhidaand Moise An an ox wagon. Alsu a rockaway aud harness, with all the<arming tools, gear and uten- j known to this community that sils—household and kiichcn furniture. Isay, his services are engagl Terms »ade known on the day of sale. WM. J. PARKS, Executor. September 27. tds. say, ms services are engaged as principal ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. miller. AH. grain received, to be ground at these mills'will jbe weighed and toled accordingly, and a certificate of both the amount receiv ed and returned will be sent back to the per- son sending the grain. And in connexion O N Monday the lath of this month will be j herewith I wish distinctly to notify the pub- ao!d. at the We .residence of David Witt liic, that I have been at considerable expense | deceased, in Jefferson, Jackson -county, part in procuring and fitting up two superior No. of the personal property of said deceased, 110, anchor-brand bolting cloths. These cloths consisting of Cattle, Hogs and other Stock, I are in fine order, aud it ts both my interest . . , • 1 | with various other article*. Thl* Ist’cUV of { and my wisbto keep them so. Flour groi receiving a forge supply of all kinds l ^ . . from wheat wet. o/qulte damp, -will s ids amted to the mariset. i 0cL4. . NANCY WlTT, Admri I—*— *-«-*- • t>> Mt^n nlntlio At itlia rlOSA and soon tiqne Striped, Plain colored Silks for Mantillas, Plain BlncluSilks and Serges, not only bring to ruin cloths, of this descrip- tion.butcan iieve’r be made to please (hose v „ ,1 I sending the grain either iq quality or quan- P 01 bale or llcnt. lAity—when in -most- cases the mills or the A NEAT dwelling place, occupied by the I tmller, after doing all that they can do on undersigned^ and adjoining the lot of baa wheat, generally receive their full share ” “ r —1 of blame. Wheat, therefore, sent to these mills, either wet or quite damp, will in no SWAN’S Bank Note List and Deteetor. Published semi-monthly at Montgomery, Ala. At $2.00 per annum, in ndvande. T HE work is printed on fine White paper and new type, and in appearance wilt bo second to none in the United State*. . __ ' . A South rn.Bank Note t* assetfrtal in svery Bank CountBiz-Hou 8 ®, and public office, f-et ns unite in advancing our common interests, and not permit- Notthem menvnd Northern Detectors to flaetoats <mr money mittera sathey tnay wish, while we nre qm etlv foitowinz their dictation. The work will be carefully revised on th* day of publication, and ell important financial changes, as 5iey occur, noticed. Every exertion will be made to ^ike it afreet ani reliable guide to the Bmkerjind Glutei Proprietors. Brokers. Auctioneeni. rommis- ston Merchants, and others *T names and business widely wreutated, are mformed that a limited number of advertisements win be- in serted. Special rates for advertismz J*? or I°* shorter periods, m»7^,known by applying to any of rny Agents, or at the office in Atlanta, <* ■ Specemtn numbers Will be seal on application by ^AH f ™mmunications intended *>r List and Deteetor.” must bo addressed 40 Swans Bank-Note List,” Atlanta, Georg.a^^ Jam as Ronznson, Geaeral Agent. Sept. 27- At JVEaminot-ll. Sd/lsI I FluinDlacH-aUKsauuiaerKcs, I iwura, m evil VI water, atm m oceeingmauuu^ vnucr wee ui ijmiw ”•** *■* — j rv j I B >noet Silks, Lining Silks t*na Bcutnet I out houses und stable—embracing one acre instance be ground until the same is proper- Brennan S JJlff 1woods Store, I- ‘ Trimmings, I anil u quaricr nfWoll culrivatetl land, stocked I ly dried, and in every instance of this nature, Mrs. Baxter. Containing six comforta rooms, a well of water, anil all neeessa BROAD STREET. §,40,000 ViORTti Rieli Satin Stripwl CushmeVez -, Rich Fig- with choice fruit trees. Terms very HbcraS j the miller is to be the onlji judge ufed and Striped I>ench DdLaiues from 25 to 100 yd.; Putin Ereuch and English Man- noi-g of all colors' Handsome l’Uid Woolen, ~ “ colored Uloths Oct 11 Of Faney and Staple Dry Goods, naSsc/aUkindi for ES cToak" Georgia, clarke county. To be sold without Kesen*! T IIE largest and beat aSsortedgjfpck of DRY GOODS, Ever offered iiv* this City. On and after Monday, Oct. 8,'tlie undersigned, with a view to make a change in the firm, and reduce his present heavy stock of Goodq, will, sell with out reserve, atiWkoitsale or Retail, the en tire stock, and to save commissions, he wHl Woolens; Merchants, Planters, Dealers, ami tlie public generally, will study their own interest by exainiuiiif ‘ a ‘~~*- u ~ * where. And to save time ana troutde, would >ny, the terms will be Cash for sums under One Hundred Dollars: for amonnto with Galleons and Trimmings to match: French Cambrics and Calicoes; Ficnch, English 3nd American Ginghams. All ktrds of Clettis.'Ca.iimeres and Vtstings. Blankets, Kerseys aud heavy W< Fine Bed Bfankets; A lar^tetoTlnsh Linens, and a] ° f 0arp* ring^! ''Mattings’, Burs ami Floor ^Bonnets, Rlbons, Laces/Embroidertes.Ae.; Gloves, Hosiery, Net Shirts, ^ - E. M. EDWARD?, j Wighing to keep, these mills* inconstant tf | operation, the undelrsigncd wtR. be glad to purchase both wheat and coni. Wheat will be purchased if thoroughly dry at the rate .of 00lbs, and corn at the rate of 56 lbs, applies to me | to*the bushel, delivered at the mills; and the ~ with the ] highest cash prices will he paid for either. 3 Rhodes, ] The undersigned is now residing at these >Thete are I mills and intends giving his personal and ““ J 1 constant attention to the keeping tho same 7, wm study ineir «wn mierest hy r AU ft»''t}rifvr , q*nud SHOES g this Slock -before buying else- HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES And to save time and tro“& e , he | ofaU Jmds^ ^ rt - raga ,es Ac .; AU kinds of Hardware and Cutlery ; ^ er, approved city endorsement, with inte- J Tfcnner’s Tools ; C«p. ntcr s and Smith Cloths, warranfod W HEREAS, Everett Ye for letters of adn will annexed, on the late of said County, Yl^erefore te cite and admonish, all aad ftingu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my Office on or before the first Monday in December next, to shew cause (if any they have,) why said tetters should not then be granted the applicant, or to such other person or persons as the Court may think proper. Giveu under my hand at Office, this the fourth day of October, 1855. ASA M. JACKSON, Oct II * ' Ordinary. meres. Wool Plaid.., Alpacas, Coborg Cfotljs, Bombazine-*, Ac. Ac. Ac- THD9: BRENNANr Alwvo the Globe Hojtel Corner. Augusta, OcA’fi, t855. [Oct. 18 NEGRO SHOES. F W, LUCAS, will keep negro shoes «made at the Watkmsviile haotory. Oct, H.’ - r. ,- . ’ aigjrtirs and miners. All of which oLGARS1 Snearst Sugars! of every grade ' or approved credit. Oct. II, 1855. if | Bishop <1; Sou. April —>r- Ad in complete order,sons at..all tim ea to . S ive merited satisfaction to all that may patron ise him, and he is vain qn^ugli to think that he himself ib " some” millwright, and nuller tob. AH, therefore that is asked of the pub lic, is a fair shake for your patronage. Aug. ;t0.-»-3t. JOHN 1. CHEATHAM. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Court of Ordinary of said County W HEREAS t John W. Hamilton Adminis* trator of Drewry J. Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge from said Administratioh, Therefore, AU persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, (if atiy they have) why said Administrator should not, at the regular term of said Court, to be held oil the first Monday in April next, be discharg ed from said Administration. By order of said Court, at a regular tertB # held this 8d day of September, 1856. Sept. 0. ASA M. JACKSON, Ord. Notice turner's ¥ E have bought a part of W. P. stock of Goods, and will contitaUs the business under the name and stile of COLT A COLBERT, at the old stand of W. P. A J.C. TURNER. Groceries sold for cash and three months time only. ^ JAMES I. COLt, WILLIAM C. COLBE&t* No. 9 Granite Low, Athens, Ga. 6m, August 6, 1858. BEALL & STOVALL, Grocery Merchants, Augusta, Ga. W ILL continue the Grocery Busmfca lit ltfc its branches, at their Old Stand ari BROAD STtt^ET, opposite tne PldfiteFi ... 1 ., Our Stock of Groceries will, at all times, be ■arge, the assortment complete, and pimicat- nrly adapted to Planters’ Trade--a liberal uliare of which we have so long enjoyed, and hope still to receive. . . - - 1 WM M. BEALU .. JNO. W: L. STOVALL. BEALL & STOVALL, Warehouse and Commission Mer- ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. O N the first Tuesday in November next, will be eold, before the court houee door in Gainesville, Hall county, all the Jnbds be longing to the estate ofVincentSearsJdeceae- ed,Subject to the widow’a dower, ■ One trade (the homestead) oontaiuing 850 acres, more or less. Augusta (»a., W ILL continue the WAREHOUSE ANfi COMMISSION , BUSINESS, in all its brandies and have rentoved to the FfRF} PROOF WAREHOUSE adjomihg M. T. Stovall, ou the.corner-of Jackson arid Ellie of itrei;ts, near the Globe Hotel. . . Consignments of Cotton, Baeoti, Grain, and other Produce solicited. . 1 he usual Advances made on Cotton or Prodnce in store, when requiro L All Cotton consigned tons will be sold at the Warehouse, where one of the firm may all times bo found. . . _ Commission for Selling Cotton, 25 Cents pet Rale. WJI. M. BEALL JNO. W.L STOVALL August 30 . - NOTICE: T WO months after date, s^plication will be made to the Hoii. the court of Ordi nary of Clarke county, fur leave to mil one bouse and lot adjoining the Tan-yard, at Ath- eps. whereon Tinnitus .SnrNom. <!e'eea»e*l, re sided at thetirtfe of ttis death. Also, onrf aus 'ss, < h* eft &xsrj&F- belonging to said Thomas Sansnra, tfoctfasedi lying out of said county of Clark, Also, one lot of land containing about 2 and a half seres. embracing the grave yard at Princeton Fac tory. Also, one land warrant. No. 18283, is- 11 place. containing 126 acres, more or less, aajoinfng^ F. M. Strickland. Also, a fractional lot, adjoining J. Ej.Odell C P S and others, containing 83 acres,- more ' v * less. Sold under an ordinary of said county MARY SEARS, Admnf. W.F. SEARS, Admr. Sept. 27.* *4s. PRIVATE BOARDING! ■HHEgNOTlCE W E again earnestly request all who are indebted to ns, todomriand makepay- ment, or close their accounts by note. Wc must close the business of the old firm. May 10 LUCAS A BILLUPS, F. lesh *TO HOUSE KEEPERS. W. LUCAS,*bas just received a ^ .supply of Elegant Gilt Cornice. Lace and Muslin Curtqins, and Handsome Window Shades from $2 to $8 pair. FEW young men can be accommodated ^id'd^ A with day Board at tho residence of T. M, AU to be sold as tte fremtir -Tjoja Lampkin. in the tenement building cf Mr. ceased, .for the beneht ot*"J Brown a few doors below the residence of T. JL LAMPKIN. Aug30 JAS. T. SANSOM, Wm. M .lorion. Sept. 27, 1856. Change. N and after this date, the Draysrif T. Nh 1 Lampkin and Willis Thompson will no longer run in connection with each other. Merchants and others will hereafter please give tickets respectively to each. . Athens, Sejit.27. 0 rr KEGS of Nails of the very best quality OU for sale, low, by T- Bishop <k Son, September iu. ■ GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY* -vxrHERKAS, Jones W. Roark applies t® I \V me for letters of adminteB ation upotj the estate of John A. Roark, late of said county, deceased, These are therefore tcrnotify all person? interested, to fih?their objections in my u p * fice, on or before the first Monday m NovemT ber next, else said letters will be granted on that day. Given under ©y ba i fo, 1855. grantrt .. 21st September! Sept. 27, M- GRAHAM, Orl. Stjil,