The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 15, 1855, Image 1

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-'77 ■m—. .» * J . UNIYERSlIt OF GEORGIA LIBRARY VOLUME. •’ -*to. ‘ fUBLISHEU WEEKLY,' ■ft - BY JOHN. H. CHRISTY, BDiToa mo rioniiTOi. J Terms of Subscription. , ' - . JV*WO DOLLARStwrannum, if |»*4<I nrfetly Vo'Tui IX COPIES for % . . TEN •• for USrs# - . ma I,„ u „.. U111 w .. v . rv .ivi uai **** oF the people, to review the ad- JiaZttUmrMtt,tkt QtTkmutiteitmpMf iS if hc^iud^fitcd ‘ Nriek^i•’ninisttation of the Slate Government, Rates of Advrrtitflug. _ TrsnaUnt ilreitiwwriM u-lUiioinaeried lit One VHflUr seretasre fur i lm lir.l.» n# Fifty Cents prroqnarc Ter e.ieb lubuqucnl inVerti if. ' ■' Lo|>l and yearly M verti -<>inpii t. at the ostial rates _ - *!! lt>e cbwcd *5 for «iiHi.;|nrxuu nt5, C (] joy aiinowmxrnefit •«4 obltaary noticesexeeonuigalx lines in length will , . . . fee Charged as advertisement*. . " — — * When the numlier of insert ions isiintiiiarkeil<nan<I eireniaement. It will be pirtlifhcd till CArtild, nn<T eh arced accordingly-. S&uatas anil ■ ^rnfrssicnnl jdnSg.' cT^TTomTSXr DENTIST, ATUF.N$, QROHQM. KMHnr thefltoreof Wilson t Veal. • JaiiS PITNER & ENGLAND^. Wholesale tc Bet^ji Dc>1*tmji firocerics, lA-ry food’s, hard harf., snozs and booth, April 6 , ^ V ATiffcte^OA. . A <p4»l ITlj/VjlqKE.—:“pU»UjStOl*tt Jhe 1 *„ ' recenf canvass in tW.&feJR*. &** £&£ H. Stephens labored very serfoudy to impress upon the minds^of the people qH . . ihe Eighth Congressional District* that Telegraph, wft-ffi would trouble with- the news, heralded with ligluoipg spped- jo the North ;*---ah(l that the/ Abpljtfonists would raise one long,load poeitW of mitf- ed joy aft be announcementP r -taf Mr Stephens labored very ufilifi-iriogsl}’ to make U>e people btdieie * tfiis.j-—A/ui- aWroogh wteWd lffiown the Ffor.oraWe- tUd Very aitfUl dodger, we did not b<*- .fme'diatovej" bis equally, -egedilable jal- ents as a practical Joker; at-(he sequel ;.!T^^\0QR(nA s irgUllSBAt.MQM®G;NorfiMBER lfct85&~ ■*■'^4*=: i»)g^ ' >t .•> v* * E^ecthrive J'EPAiwxtE.vr, *d5enatq and House of Representatives Y\>h hatyftssefnbled, as the represea- ■for the last two^rears, and to-enact such latvs.qp^’our wisdom may dictate, .to be tfpeessary for the promotion of thepublic ’wfifar’e! You meel under, circumstan- 'CC3*"X , 11 clileulatcd lo aValten grtfitnde. n^iieaxcn. -For although, iHeyirevious; yitM jfiais ogo of drought and coinpara scarcity, and ’memorabl^for U melancholy ravages'or Yellow TO upon our [»rif>cipaTeen'pr>rt‘cifj' yet,-the, tuwpiwnty rrdtww of .'Providence has” passo<V a\ita)-, ^nd.again we ba»k in hig shows he wm ttwcyittgoulone qfJesVery , , .. - _ .. . . , - . bc*l. v Th*P«qi>k. bewev«* coribludeg ^ 1 ^’^ -^“0. health and. Idle was'iireHmw*, fanilpakeoGewdhe P^l^ity roughoyt ohr boruers ; jto atrotlit;i»,V t coneerfiiiig hiw£—yn^ $nully tk.trrirwndU to.ohoui4be dbbolitl-jnifte c*f MOORE k C?ARI/rOJf, * irB.VI.EUS l.V i, one triumph, and vi«ttke«i» avitb a-c»th ^of tofeor, by;.decringptfct?»iiokl - -enepfy;' -But-W 4*b«t astonishment! (usteed ol gNians mtU cacstjs from ^Abhlitiondbid,’ qs was anticipated, *by,thie .sudeess^f MA. Stt'.pb«ii?i iltcre aecto^lo bc^j, perfect. • jMEfe^AGE. Ae 6 PfrxAit*. box^sIencourkgmgnpcr^ciitW.^^ Wlifc ' •' ' j issuod foi claims against a conm»emird)Ie:curtaiyri*3U ef ha expeo-j4»nffr had q roceli , . . > road* oidered as a part ofslm Public*Debf, and hhe'regfilatiod (if iw ittiff of freightB. *X consegueutly tbn balance outstanding, j aball hidiHge iano'irpe^ulaitons upon that amounting to $29Q,000, ace eihbraced | suMett.t.'liut leave k^.in jts bearings, in th s estimate. * I refer you - to the re- J to (nt wisdom of |liy Legislature. It is port of tK6 Treasurer t and to the ac-1 one or.greijrt 'moment, and eon only be companying “ Report of the Financed(iaiTeclly settled by facts, Its counectum meeting; but fa^iagiWrfhe question of the juriadicuoa nCtheCnwrls of Tennessee o*m the Wester it end •Atlantic Raulyoed,\va%oHid« fethe lie- * t =1= SUMBBB 33 • i* == Jlrie- iudispe«mMe*rwBcdf. eeut wall asd building are «iH dilapidated and tottering, and they offer hourly temptation to the dev«ntrm^ elcmsnr—• Something must ‘ be done son. ^Tho- Ghmg cnse,_ pending, hefwre her present structures are incapable of sneb bighpst judicial tribunal, the/ consider- fvpqjne, *e.fritt render them suitable for ed. 4 moot • prudent amt respeeful to jtbe purposes dnmred. TSe whole con- a'wait. the decision,, before proceeding corn most be rebuilt, if you intend to with, the uogpliatiqn; for (be Court ‘-continue the.instilntion, and tu make might determine ilietqtiestioa-in .out it wh&tjft ought lobe. * By'reiito.val, you can * remedy another r , - - •. . - eA . .* .. -- w< — fttour,.end thus'oed pH trouble-on the, Committee on the state of the Treasury,! with her roads, and the 1igtyt.ofexpe ; i>. soofe v . Bat-our bone of ad gintUVing a <fcc,” lor the tabular statements oniie] iSrice. If yoQ' design jt to. be a -paying result has foiled. J mtderstiuo the Cuart amount of tae-iJOnas which constI'uft. itip 1 rnnd * tlu-h th» unit..,. «k, :„... i„ i we still enjoy'tha t»le>sings A)f- eird nnd /eijgtwus Jiborpr ; all tilings Combine*to provoke us to tli^t tu^htpousness u'hicb . “ exalleth a Nation.'* * , * siut, r.vNirf >.sd HA1WWARK AND CROCKERY- 1 ®SJC.^TS!:. No. !t,*Grauite Row, Athens, Ga,. April LUCAS & “BILLUPS*, -; * T WHOLESALE AJCJi RETAIL DFjiLF.ttk IN DR Y GOGD9,/ GROCERIES, HARDWARE, AcTAb. No. 2, IlnHid Stroot, Athens, WILLIAM "g: dSKoSx!' ' ATTORNEY AT.I.AW, , , OIRe* over the store a! Win il..Mor»oa& ^en Will attend promptly to all bnshiessentritgf ed to his care. Athens, Aprfl tT * P. A. -SUMMEY k BROTHER; ♦ ' Wholesale and ItclailDfhter? in • Staple Goods, Hardware, Crocker)-, AND ALL BINDS OF OROCFJtIF.S, ' ' Corner of Wall amLJlroad streets. A thefts igfit iiito the liajids <u£ ibc.buwtic>. it'or 11 urate Gruqly,^ of live.' Tribune,end ,ntlier kindred ^fiir*U anil |nu6iej, nre ru- jnieing greatly over the success of the Democrat* in Georgia,aodj3Rjt*ciil*rTy U>e e!t*cti«uj o^A, M. Stephens l - .Whitt cuu k ate an- 5 . Some uf die iVnties look like they^pad beeli. trjekud— »hey, no doubt, meant But, good ettsy,.can- filling soyls, they lqtv« bejm Um-1*iipHied dupe*- of the hemuless perpctralioii of .a tupeiMku^ hoax!. Know.y* ^ot',7-‘Air£i’ -Apr^poojjs,’ Afini M/. StaplKBii5.Fr.kiU- Ua'JJic-r^’s/^gUfhBpdr mV?'-and that tUy Abolitionistsiarc th« ,-vight wiag.oT tbo Democracy ? Aew York. A1t{rlitL>nisU WILLIA^r N. WHITE, T/'IOLKR.VLK and rkt.vil . ■ • . * BOOKSELLER AND STiTtONER, AadNetupafcr and Jilaiazige A? cift* IIRAt.KU is MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LAMPS, riNBOUTI.BttX, FA!*C1’ GOODS. *C. (to. 9, College Avenue, Newton Honm. Atbma, Ga sign of “ White’s universily tk>ok Stive.” Orders promptly filled at Augusta rates T. BISHOP & SON, V Wholesale and Retail Goers, . Aprils No. l^Broad 9treet, Athena. JANIES ^r. ROYAL, > HARNESS-HAKEBi H AS removed his shop to"3Iiteheirs oH Tavern, one door east of Grady A Nick •lsou’s—where he keeps always-cn hand s general assortment of articles in hlwlitre-, atuf is always ready to fill orders in the Lett style’ Jah 26 t . * . . ,'^f COLT & COEUERT; . . * - DEALER* IX . . STAPLE DRY GOODS.GROCERIES AND HARDWARE.' V • No. 9 Granite Row..... .Athens, Qp JAMES J. COI.T. | WM. C. COLBERT. August 6,1355. , * - • NOTICE.’! I HE snbsoribers are-prepared to-fitl orders for all kinds of - * ' • * * Spokes for Also, at the same ostahnafiment we indnulatn twmiill'kindey- bobbiinis,. commonly used in our oettuq^actorie?. All gone as go*d and cheap a^can be had from the North. Address, i ‘ • P. A.SUMMEY & BRQ. ^th. ns,Ga -who will attend to afLorders. irndthe shfp ping of the same. v * March,1854. \atiyji. . .TREASURY-. , . , rherewi^g, sqbmit tbe Report «f tlie ^FrAsurer,' calflCitiig fuRy%the opefa- tmns'ctf thoDaprartmenf, for tlre^fost ftto liscalycXra, chding-nn the jJGth of Qc-. ujicr. It ajqicars that thqrc was, at tliar uuy uui lllb HIV J/UOI l •TKe oredit Cf the Stale is now gond—I RSr ehe accommodatiqB xif the section' the course tp be adopted, A" lease or a source of congratulation to every J i hrough whicL ifcnyns, und qi the.means | sale of that portion pf the road which Geprgwn,. U should ntfl only be -pre-J of affording the low, with /acibtes for | is wldthin the limlfopf '^Mtfiessaft, WOUki seeved but every means, adopted Tq in-l^rpo.uringjbe products ofthe’uf^ country;! acera ‘ fosugiresj itself as tl\d most uatu- crease and strengthen it. It isremirka-1 without special rqference to proRtj .then m] remedy- - - * —* We that the Bamte of Georgia command, it may "be treated and conducted ashn a less price tlAn the Bonds of off^r Mndependont work. The road*-*»• ihe States thpt ow% a iqucJi larger debt, j peoples’ property, constructed for.dhgir This is a filct Xvhich should dec ted from, the Federal Government, on at'couqj of MjUlVy e!aitus, >11,3li 1ort u t t wo per. cent aqd the 1st of Qctor ■herVJhe Western & Atlantic Railroad poplin the further sum of$l00,IW0 TJwrTVwflsuonr "also-’O-cceinCd, onac- count pCttoigolc-of the revc^leti lands in ifie (jherukee region', splil under aot onhe TasT Legislature, tlio sum of §19,302,61.- From the Sale ^of the rState^intertsHn lands on- .the Cbhtta-. „ , r , ■ it« uett earniftgs for the . redeipption of 'ffivela bugu^Uc. jjj e )j 0I ;ds, tinroirnting^'to §125,500, . ^ . _ . ^'Afhicffit authorised WBe issued for the Tl4 nse of compliments is defined V dMuJ^brft. - THey fa'l ffue hn oarIMtmin*f/\’Iv., tin I. iV,. 1 -f*' I. SLOAN & OATM'AN, .DEALERS-IS . * * Italian, Egyptian <t American STATVARNr' ' AND EAST TENNESSEE MARBLE-* Monuments, Tombs, Urns and Yns$s; >larbk *■ J ' MnnteU and Puritishihg Marble- . WP*All order* promptly filled. Atlanta, g A, tg"Refer to |dr; Ross Crane. ^' v pifiol4 D. N. JCDSON. Commission - Merchant, ’DEALER IN .QYioice ¥a\n\\>f Grtoceries *, ■ - - AND * 4LL KINDS CFmUNTR Y PRODUCE Broad Ssoset, Athens, 6a. April 19. 1855. %‘ ’A- ■ % This is a fact \vhich should arrest the aolrirtioh beuefitj and therefor#, it is pL,ii e :n,-u a nl|«rtton of the Legislature. .1 appre-1 peculiarly appropriate far-yoh, tw its orcseitt financial hoiMl^lhat,. upon examination, the reasoniweprescntatiyesf lo pre»crib*e. the line of * * ivtlFbe foinul lo bei tlifit-our HoutVacejpolicy lobe pursued. *. maihly f payable in Augusta, $«.va«piah | ; , Nor w-it necessdry to disciM^the vari ant at the’TreasurV. This f-t tru§ dfalN oqs.plaTis suggestotl for jhs future j#ap- 'tlie' issues, except -'those of July Vtip 1st, agemeot. - Some-’insist,-thar ft should be _ __ 1851, and these anjoont lo but §52t> x 0001 sold, eHheRin partoi in wltole,- so as to dale! v an available balance in.the Trea- payable in New York. They were ne- sever its o wnership from the State,-or 4o sirry "of 793.24. ' - got i a ted for.a'premiutn of five per cent, give its control to private 'individuals. The Western .^LAjJqntic Railroad white the' issues under The act of De-1 Others urge that it should be .leased for pjiid into fhi; Treasury," in 1854, the ceuibeft4lh, 1851,the interest of whicffl a terrt] of years. These -propositions ouiti'n?^56,090,. There wtfrETftlso fcol- 1 is payable ^enji-annuaHy in Savannah; j were my J iiftinediato^ pro- were nqgpCaXed 31 an,, average premium j decessor, and ’considered by tlie klst oirtut two per. cent. This • furnishes a 1 Xliey have Rlso, iu the striking illustration £>f the adtaritag^'oftL*>can time, engaged the popular-mind, making our State* Bonds payable Mtytp a considerable extent, and you are' Ne«.York. This is tbs .great com mer-fdouhtles/prepared to represent correctly, •ciaVemporium of.the Union, and tltitheft] by yohr a#ti<Jn, the . public aotoitoeot., -capital Hows', frem-all points to'seek in- [ Anotlief mode^rOpoaed is, to pWa. its vestment. 'Heiice, as rt ^means of ap-'rmanagement in th.e haftds of a Board, pr£ciating;the credijof the State, I re-| composed of three Commissioners, to be cbnimend the Legislature to autllorize ] chosen by tjio people^ .1 refer to -these 4lie*cHUiftg‘itiof.afi the State-Bonds, in- J propositions to' demonstrate whak I be- Qludi jg me Central Bank 7 per cents, 1 heve tpbe indispensable to ineeft the not” payable in New.York, an^the issu-1 psotatroris of ihe people of the .whole idg of others, in -■ their stead of simifar pSfote. and fluit the necessity of remov- tenor, dates and amount# respectively, I ' ll g-\ t8 adihiixjstration beyond the Ttr«*a payable at thaf point. Jt will also im-1 of politics—oftaking it from. Executive part*§iinplitity* and ynifoftnky to. the control-—of making it independent of operations of the Treasury * v . .,1 party .influences.—-However-widely dif- By an act of the last Legislature, ep- ] Fereiit these various propositions are, proved 47 th Feb. 1854,1 was directed] theyafford conclusive evidence, of the to issuq. State Bonds,' in liep of the out?jYpstIessness of the. popular mind on the standing bonds' of the Central Bank. It] subject. Tlie sentiment is all-pery tiding was. impossible to effect the arrangeifient] an( ^. ' s , manifested in a thousand, forms, contemplated by a literal exchange of] that this is expected afiddenionded-at your Bonds' Thq interest on the n#w was] hands. How it shall be done, is the limited to six, whereas the qjd Central J qaestioq ^for your wisdom. I hale Bank -Bonds sought to be,culled ,in, bpre H# hesitation in expressing tire firm be- seven per cent. Of course the -holder l.Bef that it were, better to adopt any one would not receive the former in lieu jafl of these propositions, than to permit the the latter, a ‘ * " ' road to be managed under the present That act also required thefissnes of] haode of its organization. The idea of pew Bonds, in lieu of certain other vast capital being subjected to the Bonds oftbis Slate, printed oji inferroi'l flactuaiians of party politics—confided to paper, iftdtiliUed, and of inconvenient agents, who, as a general rale, will be amounts. The holders of these Bonds, j changed every twp year?, in obedience with one exception,.have not applied for] 1° the.utterance of the ballot box, is pref the benefit of the aet, and 'therefore, it poSterous and ridiculous in. the extreme. wa» not deemed expedient, to-incur 1he] ^ * s only railroad men who understand expbnsd of a new engraving. *By adopt- |l.lm conduct of these greatwonk.*. PoJiti- ing tlie policy above j-ecommenaed, both | 'vhQ aspire to Guberrnitorij! hanors, objects'ofthe Act' will be iffecomplisheil, ' «--*»—>- and contribute much to the public good, since, it will form a part of-the plan for simplifying the State debt and appreciat ing its credit.' ‘ • Under the act Of the 24th December, , ... ?EMTitNTVa«V.. I refer you to the Report of the Pr in*- cipaT Kftepej for the operations-of the statement 'exhtWs present financial condition ?■ *• Resources and LiabUiticSj t si Oct. 1855. ’* * KESOVilCES. * * Tirnotes Aid Accounts $83276 03 ‘Of which are ccfrhiifteretf bad ' and doubtful,-' 2;792 27 $20,57376 grcatcvil./Vou ean'locate it at-a point, ttijirlftich^ heavy • operations in non and stood, foajt furnish employment. for the Co»vrcu,*and thus dispense with the ofltwaw branches of the mechanic tirts. On thisseorc the pre.-ent system is most detrimental. So far from, retarding, tlie State should." so sWapo’ h#r policy, as- to encourage industrious and honest tuvt to engage i.i them. But vjMt is tlio-effsst of ike present Penleemhtry system? --It'Jegrndee them, by torniug antiHaliy a curpe -of graduated •iU^u^halfskiUsd .and too depraved, moej instance#, to perform 'acccord- Cash,-. .t-..2 807 8ff m r " • ^ .. • * in The confidence of J irtx-e s Jjgilauiiistra- |i 0 ocJ>«e,_ under, an. act of the. last ses- tup,.understand*]*^ <£;~Slr+ Sl& s j 01 j 4 j ie received .'tfte further sum of phnedAuMcm better »V» to/-WNt ffence;4br' ihd -two fiscal* Qie Eighth DuhyAtf Georgia.: \\ lien years, the Treasury,' has‘TeceivcTd the tvill ihe,pe<q>1e Jea«* to be mse enoil^ wgtifcam sHnrof .S4S2.C27,49, frotp the to #;alch tlnur iuU-rs? -.In the hearto# «e^(h#rdiipary soujaf^s; uot 'anticipated pclitujar exciuuneiit they., would iu»ar u- the l ast Legislature, irt the esthnale lujiimg against C*i6 paragon of lliOir' ^jy- revenue* * The aggregate- recSipts*bf |‘ J dol«ny, but since tlfejWe/couleddowq the Treasilty, from ordinary jooTces, to ord.nary^ommon «enjc, perhaps they fqf tha . Uv6 yenrs> 3939.244,03: Why ste . l.Uvir lolly. are disposed. an j the' actual agg'regate.oC disburse- however, to laugh ut the adrouqt'ss with meoU s, f or the • same time,'was $946, whic-MIus distinguished specialist J man- S74,07^gwing th'at thbre svouhl have ag^ Ais Ijqa* .upon .his yeonatitutents; WV'ddim't.'ifT.hdutYhe'receiptsfrbm an«|h,te we.WlooRedopoa. Altiwn- SSfe-extooidinarjt puree's, of $15,- ^ 30 * 94 ' No ’ v ’ «t * of the 24|hmf m^ -^al Uodyer ’.^e ^k.U, December, J845. creates a lien upmf lodfcJto Vcedito confer The.Western & AUtu.tic Railroad and MumlAU£StejdKiy, »s n:practi<:al Joked, “ And thVLiabiHfids are ' Du# Ufiicera and^luard, $7,593 89 *• In’dj»v’» Dept: 8,4^332* ** do rf'k KTp , s “ " 6d405f6,570 16 ' *- . V~’ * * \ —> —■" ■■ — Resource# ojreT'antT'ahove'Linbilrties^ collectable,. ,:..,..1..-.*$80? 40 Tq which add 5 ! . “ Manufactured articles, in S. K’ADepr- * '..*-.6,74790 Material Ton hand, P p l Kffrt Wa.;U*. .. .T0.267?9f tT,00681 * ' . ' ■, ' ’ ^ . 623809 21 Hence, it appears tohave jieeu man- ’aged with quite as« much, ability and Success*, ns under previous administra tions. Still,* I feel, -constrained" to say what its w hoik’'history confirms,-that it lias, to a greaf % e*tdnt, proved to be t failure. A brieT'glance at tlie causes, will point out the remedy, ft is the 'duty 'of tlie Legislature - to ,apply jt promptly. * '* . „ ' • *The«ri| of thelnslitutioH was two fold; 1st, to substitute efficient punishment for^rime, properly adjusted toits. demertt; loir the .gallows,'’in the higher, and the application of the pitlory and whipping post to the lower grade: ‘ a modefn wrlter'to^lfe. -;a kind of", cojp^f 81 July*. and December* 1855. BuC .mt-rce*' of, officious lies wheiVby;few seeing that a deficit in.tbe„ 'pQPple are ihcejv^l, because feiv peojde meet.t\je demands upon it, must aeces- take tlrem'for anything dse thaif wlifit sarily.occur; also.iriipractica- th'ey -ere. ‘ - ' ble to palf in-these Bonds* except to tFie « # ; ir* - ' - - Jhmount of andieeling perfejt- People.ivho expect tb'go to liCaf-cntby ly otuifidcot tliat the .future preceeds of dr0*ppteg a shilling in the cbiifrtBution the'Road'will be amply sufficient tojueet box o»f Sunday; and shnve'a dD2%n jfobr the balance of . $101^000, before or at devil so f t4n times that sain ofrlllwndiiy’, mtaturity,* L dir^efed' the' Treasurer to to makB-tp Tor it; are as likely to ftavftra c»r^ tjje .monies paid i», from’ that tfeat in.parndfrc.U9 *art*ox expftss is t« source^ into.thbjgeijeral^lund, use .tliein beslt llie rBmmtr i^luniiig. ' • •’ ih the payment of*the publfc ^ebt and „ ——. * dfc %■ ■—— ’* ' '*!> interest, and the regular operations of ■^6tpoifclt , '0^ SS^LES-e—Dr,'Frahkffn the’Tfeaspry. - , haling neticdd'that a"certain rffechahro^j Tlie-committee of F^anoe oji the who worked near bis effiee was always qiiheT/aasury^&.c. palled^ at .happy >iw shilling, ventured at fegtb to tentiqn to the immense item of expense^ ... esk mfh for. me spcTOt of his constant for the Services orderks in both branch-Engineer, and QpcfejfumpsS. -• No-secret, doctor ”bn Qdiierhl Assembly, I have hi gated tfiis know but little, if nqy thing, - about it Hoav. absurd, therefore, to'place the Ex- ' the head of the. Tfcoad—inex perienced and therefore disqualified— ami expect him to,manage'1fr~with skill [and success! How unjust to Iu»-*-how rdplthfi; .he replied ** I have 'gOtorife of the^kut of-Wives,-^mfi when 1-go ta work.-slfe^ahvavs . haea kind word cf encouragAaent. for me: and when I go hoffie. she R^ets me-with a simile and a kisa; and tfle v tea is sure-to'be ready; and slfe has done so many things through the day fo please me, that 1 #anrtW find 1 rang? d f roni #4,290,06 to 68^33 : the mmy heart to speak an unkind Word to Ijwtt.r Slim h A mrr 'tliofnr^t «Uni4iP« Subject, by nctnal ex'a- minattpu of the President’s and Spea ker’s - Way ants from 1833,-down to the present time including the last session. The aggregfflfe expenses 'of the -two Houses, per Session, on this score, from 1833 down to the session of 1849-50, any body. SUMMEY & JONES, I * ’ -• DEALERS IN GROCERIES. HARDWARE, SYAPLE- Y- DRYGQODS- SHOVES. IRON, CAST- INCa. CROCKERY-WARl3r &c. ■ JT Corner of Brtutf (gad Wall streets, ns, Gn>^ ** -* A^ggst IB, 1855 . A Wondsrfuv iiEGBo.- T -We had the pleasure the pleasure the other day of witpe^smg the per form aqj(;a*ot a ue- groboy,^ six years old, upon the Piano. This wonderful qhild haa nefter ‘been under ap instructor, is blind, amL^t hz cm play anything he hears a(p|ra Jewtyals.. He has been playing about one year, and manifests a ‘ gre^s fond ness for music of thg highest orjfo-- He is.the piroperty of Qoi\ . Bethuu#,'and vfas born about three miles from jhis eity. "WeV- down on our incredulity has been instance, and wb tliink rtris mue negro a prodigy as well .as a' musician.— C<H- witbus Sen. .JONES. r. X. «UMMRY. y W.G. DWtONY, AlrOKJtEY' Ar L A AV, ■YKJlhh give hissg'ecial attention to collellt- "f Ing, and to’the claims .of all persons en- tWOd-toLANP Waubastb, nnder the late Bounty Lanff #iil of the last Congress. • - Office on Brood Street ovor <41# store FINE" WINES. 1 desiroVis of procuriqg fine wines' f'every description, can dosoby c.fibrn mbs<k Co’#, ’Express Office. Also ctffi ‘ srttclo of Porter and Tan- Alsou on baud meoratot Valarba IPBm. Aogtjjf 1. Ja\t#r sum being thelargest expenditure ofattf one sessfon during that period. Fur -the spwion ef 1849-50, the expense for Clerks’ hi<e*o£the two Houses wgs $18,295,00 ; for 1851-2, it was $17,- 212,00, add for 1853-4, it was $33,- 159,60. The enotroous expenditure of th# three last Sessions of the Legislature evince •extravagance -and*call for re trenchment add reform- 'A> *• TAXATION-. * Looking^at the large liabilities of the WeBtern S£ Atlantic Railroad, to mature in ^.856, and the heavy demands upon lS45,“to extend the Western & Atlaptic hazardous tp the interests of the *jcoplo Railfbad, and toprovide means therefor,” ‘©.saddle him with so-heavy a respdnsi- 0 per cent. Bonds were' issued- to the 1 bility. Without dispara*etpeot to his amount of 7125,500,00, signed by the | predecessors, it is believed thgt the road Governor hnd countersigned by the then has ne*er been hotter managed than it 'Chief Engineer, and payable ten years I has. been during the last two years, after date* They were issued on the 1st Economy and punctuality, in every de- fifDecember and July, 1846,and consa-Ipartment, have been enforced—not a quently, fall due the 1st of December andfdoUar lost by defalcation—nota dollar July, 1856. In anticipation of tfieir Recovered in litigation fordamages which maturity,’$19,500 00 of the Bonds have{aconred within that period—but few find, "bden paid, leaving a balance of S106,000 ]V*ght disasters from running off or col- 00 unpaid The Act referred to, gives to j h^ons of trams—and yet the dwsatisfac- the holders of these Bonds a paramount tion and complaint, in certain quarters, lien upon the Road and its nett earnings, are deep and loud. All, all detnonstrat- fbr their redemption. Hence, the el^an »Jg that the policy of severing it from receipts of the Road must be appropriated I Executive contrdl, is absolutely impera- tivtlia eotiafnPtmn nf ttiAfiA lifthllities ! Afld 11^6. I reSpfcCtfuliy Urg<3 -the 'I tufte to do it. afnount necessary to defray the ezpen-’ 9fs of the JjfoVerntuent, and meet the ordinary .draffs upon the Treasury. Th^nett earnings of the road should be^ Patrick’s WABoaouE.—At a sale of ^ifhfully applied Jo the extinguishment furniture which took place in a country tows, among.the lookers or' were a few Irish laborers, jind upon fi trunk being- put up for sate, one of them said to bis neighbor: • ‘vPat, I think yoti.should' buy that trunk.” • . . " . *• “ An’ what should I do With it ?” res- pHefi-Pat, with some degree of astonish ment * * * . “ Put your clothes in i*>’ was his ad- viser’s reply. . • * ' * . Pat’ gazed upon him witlf'a' loqk of surprise, aod then with that laconic efoquenca which is peculiar to a son of the Eraetald Tste, exclfifaned' 4 on’ go naked T ‘ of the largS public debt created for its construction'; taxation shcfiild fuenish the re-.tnrae until that shall have been Accomplished. . I shall not entSr into a discussion of the principle upon which the tax should, be levied. The advalorem is the only oorttect principle^ It rtray bow, I trust be considered as the fixed policy of Georgia^ for it has vindicated itself by experiment* and the pnbltc mind is satis fied of its Wisdom. The existing system may need amendment, in its details, but you should adhere lo the principle on which itjs based- • *; * PUBLIC DEBT AND CREDIT. mg Ao their ability, who-will wo?k «t re duced price-, aud-tkua jncet the honest uiechaoie.witli romous cotuprtion. In arung.a systen* of Peniiiary labor, this refoctn should not h* xLaregnrded; but, situated as tlie ,;.istUu4it#i how »#, it is Uiipracticablo, lu duhniUting this suhjeet ro you con- . sidoratiou, yoUr attention re directed to tlto suggestions, under this head, con tained in-the Report of the' v Fuianee Comm'itteo on the state of the Treasu ry,” «Scc,.and the Report of the Princi pal Keeper. .. INTERNAL UfiPROVEMENTS—STATE AM* IT we look to the geographical p#ni- tion of the State, it is not singular that she has taken the lead.ol* her Southern' sisters, in works of Internal Improve ment. She occupies the gap between the Southern spur of the Alloghany rnountains-nnd tli£ Atlantic, and is there* fore the portal through which the travel and products of the great rallies of the’ West must-find their transit tp the ’’high-- wuy of notions.” Such a position fines Upon het a heavy, but glorious responsi bility, involving a mission for the future, worthy the most comprehensive grasp of .- . 1 - - * *" On the other" - Legisla te the satisfaction of these liabilities; and there is no doubt, but they will be amply sufficient to meet them all before or at j Under the resolution of the last Legi»- maturity. After that, they may be used I lature, for that purpose, I appointed the in any manner the Legislature may di-1 Hon. John D, Slell a Commissioner, rect. Therefore, if the amount necessa- “ to proceed to tlie State of Tennessee," py for the administration of the'Govern-1 to procure the repeal of the law of that ment, be -authorised- fo be raised by I State, which subjects the Western & Taxation, as recomm'ended in another 1 Atlantic Railroad to suits in her Courts, part of this cohununication, then all the and to fix upon-swch terms rof negotia- nett jeceipts of the Western «Si Atlantic 1 tion and reciprocity, as shall he aceepta- Raif Road should he appropriated to the I ble to both States ” As the result of hia payment of the public debt. Thbre is | mission,.I herewith' submit the Message obvi'eus .propriety in this policy. Most J n f the Governor of Tennnessee, and the of’the-debt was created for the construe- J action of her Legislature upon the sub- tion of the Road, and U. is -therefore 1 jeet. You will perceive that they, by proper that it should first discharge its J resolution; authorized him to “-appoint liabilities’to the State. Asa forge por-| a Commissioner learned in'the law, tion of the public* debt will fall due nt^Vwhose duty it shall be to.confer with the the same time, the Executive should btfl Commissioner appointed by the (^ovefn- clothed with discretion to make^uch,f or of Georgia, either here4 in Nashville) application of the money, derived frofta! OP j n the State of Georgia, upon the fbat soufloe, as will aVbid the anbarrasa- Kubject of the intercourse by RaHrtfad ment which such heavy maturities mdst Jjjetueen the ^two States, with instsuc- produoe. I tborefofe respectfully submit, j tions to report to the Gfoneral Assembly that, after the payment of these Bends 1 0 f ^is State (Tennessee) all the legis- and reserving enough from time to time,l.fotive action that has been had by the to meet ite liabilities proper,they mfty I t wo States in reference to. this matter, ftdl due, the nett earnings'of, Jhe State! tn( ] also .what further legislation, if any. Rpad.sliould'constitute a sinking fund, I j 3 necessary -to preserve the rights of conditions permanently set apart for the purpose I t b e citizens of Tennessee, and to raaiiv indicated. j tain our friendly relations. After Mr. TfiE western aHo ATLANTIC KAfLUOAD. |-gt jtl retunred, he surrendered his Com- i herewith submit the two annual Re-1 mission, and I appointed William K. ports of ihe Superintendent of the West-1 DeGraffenried. Esq.,, in his stead, to ern and Atlantic Railroad, exhibiting its complete the negotiation. ThpGovern- operations for the fiscal years 1854 and lor of Tennessee appointed James A. Onthe 20th of October test, the Public*' 186^ Thev show a steady and hiwMv l Esq., under the resolution of offences ; and secondly, by connect' Hlglabor with confinement, to make it* a self-sustaining system. The first object jins been so far accomplished only, as to dispense with these* engines . oi cruelty and bnrbarisnr. But the PenK teutiary has failed to *a‘nswer tlia great ends of pumshmetn-*-refornling the criminal and deterring others from crime, It ndVer can answer these ^im poses under its present organization Ffom.the utter* impossibilitynffprevent ing inter-dommunication. between 'the cppvicts and the absence of all classifi cation of them, according to .the moral character of their respective offences the hope of reformation is unavailing—4s vain and futile. It Is rather a school ia which the villaia .learns to be. more bbdurate In his depravity, and he who is imprisoned for au offence, not involving the darket shades of turpitude, loses the little self-respect remaining to him by the necessary contact with.his associ ates, and is thus ultimately robbed of this last trait]of human redemption. Tim exceptions to.this general.remark, few fiftihfof*betvveen, 'confirm its truth. Hence, (he Penitentiary ceases, to a great extent, to be a terror tp eviT doers* also fails to answer the other objecf.of punishment—that of deforcing otherfi from violating the laws of the land.-v- Thc loss of personal liberty, of .the sweets of social* iife, and'the necessity for constanttoiTand restraint upon the passions, shoald. constitute thb terrors of imprisonment. Rut organized as it js, how feeble and -impotent are these sanctions under our system pf Peniten tiary confinement J * It has most .signally failed to accom* plishtbe second .design, of its formation —that df being a self-sustainmg system The proof’qf this is found ia the large appropriations which th© Legislatufe* have been compelled,^ at ahpost every session,4o make fob its suppoffi. There are palpable cause©—-causes tbit meet the eye ©if the mosOupevjbial •dbaerver-^ which render it impossiblt Jor it iLspwo.expE.nsex Its wall encloses do-’ ly about two acres- of. gBHund; is itl© be expected, that one hundred and seventy-five men can *h». employed profitably upon so. smalLtw# ftroa, «. which it iff impractiMble-1» diversify labor? It in located where materials for naauqfsctaring cannot be obtained. Without the,payment of nuamffi prices. The (gaestton then ac^ea, what is the remedy J Remove it to anothfet region of the Stale... Ccpsttuot it upon affew sofficienlly capacions to meet «U* the conditions voquiredL So- waa^ apartmeutv «s tq classify the oonvicts, according to them oral character of their offences, »nd to encore abanhtte prohi bition of all soefial intercourse among ed by them. Locate it« point where «n»tor»al complete- of all kinds c«R be procured cheaply and bujlfl it of stone and iron. Now is a most favorable time to apply enlit Moo, her varied - and inexhaustible min-- eral and agricultural resources, afford a perpetual stimulus and. .prompt to con stant efforts to secure the means of their" development. These considerations cre ate a twofold obligation upon the Le gislature i the one to adjacent States, tho other, to her own vast internal interesls.- -Hl-nCe, to comprehend fully their legi timate scope of action, the Legislature* should assume a lofty stand-point from 1 which they can survey the wfiole field.- Holding in her hand (lie k6y which opens-, the Atlantic to the West, the Slate’ should so use her power, , as to force, by a compulsion mutually advantageous, the travel aiid produce which seek the ship, to bnftorne tributary to her own- wealth, prosperity and greatness- Looking to this as the light to guide* her general policy, she should likewise, as tlie proximate motive of action, keep in view the development of her natural ‘ resources, and. the advancement of the 1 people, in all the elements of the highest mid b.esl civilization. Hence the para.- mount necessity of well defined and Well regelated- system in our scheme of Inter nal Improvements. It does not follow" that a charter for a railroad must be' granted, as a matter of cottr,-e, when asked. An enligluened Legislature, comprehending funy the system, its db 5 ' sign, and wliat js best calculated to ad*- rtmee 'the general welfare will inquire whether the ifliarter asked is in liurmo- nyj with that sysletn, wliat will be the- bearings of the connections without the" State, what its effect in developing our resources^ and what, its relations tootjier works under which forge interests have Become, qr arqlihely to bscome, involve ed «nd wasted ? The system in" Geor gia though iq,its infancy-, is y« t sufficient ly advanced . to indicate the uhiinato shape which if is likely to assume. Oi* hbr eastern border slic h i three points^ which have formed and are seeking to form connections with the various sec tions, internal and-externa!, whose pro ductions will "faster their growth* and prosperity; Those points are Augusta, Savannah and Brunswick. The two former a>e-connected -by roads c unplet- ed, with Tennessee and Alabama; and the latter possessing ar harbor ousurpass- ed bv any on the A^lanrys coast, soutlv of the "Chesapeake, and flanked by an extensivo- teiritory, covered'by the Best, pine Mld».in tho-world, and of wundir- fol agricultural fertility, seeks a connec* tion with the vast rngtoitAhat skirts the Gulf of Mexico, la uworti. these three •idea Iona the.basis of our system, and the lines througblbe State which qomicct them, with her own great divisions with in, and eahauafilessfeeders without, con stitute* its framework o# skeleton, ltq symmetrical oompietion sin mid both do- fine and Hnrit III# poli^fr oT Legislativa acrioiT. -U will be meat speedily fii—1 - plishei by private oopital aided by the loan of-State credit. Such charters, and such only,.as ipap^e required for i sary cilrues, ‘should be extend an arm into ograpbical* secti Stale, she may,