The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 15, 1855, Image 2

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*dW,rtemi* fterumflf, Tmdt r r'se: , :iftff-VfThey^ nffTnffninsF'lne reason and spirit aud-giiAruntecs, which wlllplfccfe.her ba- ymnd Ihoconiiflgcncy of ultimate !i :I>r.i • t.y and loss. To th it pctcjpt the Legis laturc. may go; but to that cxRyrt only should it gp; n'rfMtjkl caution and xvull fniari TJtc direct *PflM’ r j ’subscription tor Stock •aid ft/ lh« spnittijch .cAjisidered-toha^pwi ^ Its tendency u to emasculate private en terprise, Uy removing the necessity ql Sfcff reliance, "l.t, will cimpficajp- the State ivilli indaidua! iuiefcsts, which esperien.-e tunciica to be dangesms to the public welfare., IfcwiU iiiqreasqtfrrt State debt, pifd conjf-^ririTrtfy xf<r»Ve T. necessity for burrietreoinu4*v*.t»iMi*. -1' The C»w>st*vKU*n of tUb WvwN*rlv& publfe mind, under oilier circumstanced, wbieli prompted, the Legislature to char* would visit upop.the delinquent', it does ter i'letfl ? Is it not bad policy for tW «°t weaken IbArdasoo f*rfe<ujufpjp the Genotal Assembly of dNprabr,-virti>allpi' vor k to be do*Vs'berehheT“ , lit the Seat of to e^ajfosh Banks for other States, afi JSoverojnenl. , ,** ' ► . * ally l^cafeifCilftiin &ft u>tHI another andnnaijsvosto- rt* aC^grVc nucotiorts. 1 bje ergurrfentjin support of sufch Ta^juisi- red iq-?r v winl ought to be | *i° n q - TBeO'rhaection of the act nr ferret invcstijjfatifo should furnish* ye?/ properly requires*the CjrMrpiler J *i time ^ i'J^rfui ceil Is tijnafnV ^4% ^ on *fi^ r ® theh»'*4itR th'©» 'enrolled ether i^U wlthni tne reach of leg Act.'. Those acts canndt be removed, islalive reuti-dy, Vonsistent with Charter-■ jritii propriety, from file in tlnj AiffifC «f edfranchises, dau only he determined hr the facts developed, if sueh dischf- sures*should amount to a fraud wpem the infentj^rn of the granting: _ tire charrtjr, -or show a misuVer of*the ”eh*rl*ri b/Iheifperver-ioa'to purposes nnt'rivnjsetjpIreAl by ftoir creation, TTur Atlantic At ii! road, by.tb- Statfc, is 1 iwnMf ttorelhin. ' , fhe Irhole Subject is garded. both as n-pfecferb ia ahd ,in fir- 'iresfeiatfallf submitted, and "if nothing gum clrt iiffortst. of direct appwprfftriohs," tbioW'vrfhTabtosr ‘sirrrtl-hin*1tf diseti^ioh,, ia aid.o&iuternal improvt-fOc-ntt.' HrlT *if vrilt‘ftMeaetrtic*»«Hlre snftiTafy'les-' 1 it-cansea to be fooetbie*, m-wuher pohii Jrw-eiffeS'ih*-y-sft1rH'be granted of viup-, wJVai wtt ccowii(^tthe w etiih- 'npon-sttch tbfms and r69tfft:tiohs os will stances which ^onrptcd^lhlt Pi rgryfft.-.. .prpV' i* .*l*e erif. • ’* v ’* : .* - ' * • cent pi ojnet. time, there wn»l In edmjfliftnce pith a tesolrition of the not a railroad hi Georgia 1 . PviV:il©c.ipi-i’lnst' Leg'wlafura, I -ripfioittied *L E’ til refused tp lie tlihe nwrated/ ll!ecl s ly-''K*q., Solicited General’ .ofUie experiment hid not sJroWu oiibvr the'j.Gowef* f^feu't^to t^iqiiiiY* ihto<ui'd re- practic.ibilhy or■rsnciifpoetith'd.'Cii'cumitrfrtces a/tchding' the; worbs. Besides,’ the region which !t|orginij»tiowof tile Atlftnia-'Bank, and pcae(ra:i*«, though ahouii'Ihu iiiTigfichJ I also’-it# mode nnd places of transacting uiri! and mineral fertility, is tnoimtain-j Inwiftea*. JUrperformed the duty with ous and ddlicult of access. It iris sn j abnity nnd nestness. It \ras a laborious cially and pliysicnlly severed front the]sarrfcq^ not necessarily appertaining to lower region at tlie-Stalo-nn l tidvan'lBge-] l«*'oflio<*’n!wl therefore, U is hilt justice, 4>us markets.ioi -tlie products of its inrrtbd* tfiar Lngidarure ’ should qfake an du$try.. Oii the one linftrl, fftiifoait'eu- |iipprtq»riaiit»it for Kis Oharitl cotniirnsa- terpmo needed the.slifiv.ilHS of ex implejribn. In e5.amirting the Report,fJid and on the ofher< die North West was "ot ^leern the hregatnriiies, in the organ- incnpiblci^dcveiojaneut tiy |TTiritee»pi- kbiariotKif rhe .-Bank, or the place-and tal. Hence, tho Mate cm h-i r krfd .i n the Uiodo- of it a t mu sact i o u s to he-of 'such a enterprise; Jand if no otfi.r jrfvinttgeUbaruet.^r^a-i<>» woil hTurfeiture''of tdinr- chall ever li»* realized, the enhiinaed Val leivand llierefore, . 1'jrarc iri ca«se3 ' ue .of the.lauds of ^bernkee Georgia jjodieia] pic^cediogs to be insVituted -‘foi- amply reuiucerstes the State for the out- tbai purpose." It’is. however, herewith y l«y, ntid «riu licati s tltc fsysrght^d - wis- t-ubmitt^iy tWat you may lake such . a<;- dom of its projectors, '1'he jirsttfici^iou in tho pretuisoo as .you aiay .doem of the Slat® wiw'the necessity‘of pftel pro;**mid expedient.. *. esse: but where the necessity doe§Wl[* Iu'ohedieuce to Executive order, to exist, 'he reason !o# the pidicy floea notU u,,H o”*er thy assefs, ofevery description, obtain, r' , I of the pentrhl Badk, either in his bands But viewed in another li*h»^the build- or those of Ayornej* or Agents, to two ing of.rhe Weatern& Atlantic Ilhilroad^^{ or suitable Attorneys or, Agents, by Uie State dor® furhisli a-soohd reason 1 the'Tre»su*«r f -qn^h« 15th«£Jtt|^y^lSo4, why other sections may aSlv with* pW l et.trus'e lUis*;une\o WilHam L Mtleh- priety, her fostering aid, in the form «jfi« u , Esq.,'and Ja^es N. Bethupe, Esq., a loan of her credit. That work .cast wftlr t»ll bower io collect, eompianpse i.ot less than .$5,000,000. The region I or 4W»e ofc upon an agree«|txit, tbat through which it runs was .then varvl Oily should retain one-halfof the awoquU rparsi'Jjr populated and couse.quLUtl)| reulised, as. cpmfensatibn. far. tlreir contributed a comparatively' small par- (services. These asset* wei^ia great tioh of the expense of its copstrqqtjan. confusion, cgasbjti#g of’ Notes,’ Bills of Middle and Southern Georgia bore- the! J&xclnwgo. r turned as insolvent*Attor- tax ; they bore it generously and patri-J nL 7*P receipts anti fi fed,endorsed '‘N-ulla ' otically. It is therefore, not arrogant bona,”, sctfittered over the entire extent nor unreasonable to ask, in return, such ^'o-State.' Tlie aggregate ainount was aid from the StaU:, as will developq oth« r 15312,f!50.GJ}. As yqt, hut little has b<t«i sections and bring them vyuhin reach of f!ol j ectc d, and jt is quite certain*. thftUhe ndvamngeous markets. The request I uOi™* 1 ? loss* on this soore,-mustlie very would come with the force ofan appeal |' ar c ie * The indebtedness of lliQ. l^auk, to the magnauimity of those, who are 1 exolu-ive of her'outstanding Bon4>'»is the special beneficiaries of this large JahouU536.140,00. 11*is hoped that uuf- Staie beneficence, to practice the spfr- j ficient may he npalized from these assets, * it of enlighfened reciprocation. There lo P a i ,llIS liability, but tile hope Js not ere those, whose patriotism'and. intelli-l^ oon ^ e ^ 1, l ,on suclvaataaS to mjiktjit.eon gence are entitled to great respect wlio i rora tlle kno*v<i <»:uei^*of.the earnestly advocate the policy of,theStatejS'; lU ^* ieii cajrust^d with tbem. JtH that aiding works of internal imjprovehipot, I f? n » aceompHshed. Fortacqurate by issuing her Bonds for a sufficient informution, as to the amount, thus fat amount,per mile, to purchase the. railsj go ^ c * te(1 * ) ou are respectfully seTerred to all Railroad companies which shall 1° l,,e R'-port of]^Ue Tt;ea§grer.- have completed the grading, itq.’, of their I ^'‘ ie Commi-sioiV to settle.the claim.' respective roads, and make them ready |°/*ho ciefitors oflh'e Darien-Bank, up for laying the superstrubtiife;* But i re-1 oa 1 ^ 1U ^ t: ite, under an act of the last Secretary of State. Hence, the. exceed iug weovvuience, - ahr.out iiupfactitSmity. ofthtisre idiugatld* comparing the proofs. I therefore, earnestly racommepd, iiiat, who ever nla^ bp tfie Public Printer or ^hoteeoever resident, hcrsha^I be requir ed,"by law an^ hte'<fern»6 tjf his.bopd, to execute* the woHt ni the city of llill- eilgeville.' It will sectfre*dispatclu.accura-' cy Snd fidelity^* „■. * ? "* ' ' A farge'araomtt df Hie. cfpense of tl\js brandi of the public service njay be'saV^d wiihoal de!rirticnf' : T1ie law squires the pubircstion-Vf" 4^000 copies of the Journals-ftfinch Hakse; vlrhereas, 2,000 Copies of each wcfuKl be a ^most ample supply. well kno wn, that the Iqitr- n rl^, m-mast ca-eV a^e. .depositvd with the^lerks of the Courts of the .several counties amlanTpileiiatVay unappropriat ed to mould orrof or.waste: ^It nisp re quires-6,000 copifcs of. the .Laws, where as 2,500 \vould be sufficient. Why corf- •tiriue the uSelhs?' expense, of so many copies of tire Laws arid Journals ? Under this head, there may be a still further reduction of the expense, byjirir.tirig tlie Journals in smaller Jyj>e: By the change, lh these-two respetts, severtil __ thousand dolbirS-mny be savetf fo thd* Treasury tvltiroiit any-detriment to the public in THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. Hi-the exclusion ofnuuch -more iwte*. Uresting matter; we publish this we^k It portion of tire internijmible moeeege df ^Ov, Jqjinsorl. Prcsutnirf^ that tio sensible ufaq. wil!..dcsfre t» read Ft all -terest. • I therefore, recommend the’ pub HrAtjon of 2;090 iAsteaff of 4,000 copies Of the Journals amtS.IWflr instead'of 509ff copies of the Laws—the. • Joiirna^ ift Long Primer, instead orSnmll Pita type. The marginal notes tO'tlie'JLaws, areal- taftst useless; they m fly well be "dispens ed‘with,* and thus javcf another very corn siderablc ijem of expanse. . A st,ill greater saving may be effeoted by letting the Public Printing to tfie- lowest bWder. under sealed proposal-*, to be opened and the cont ract awarded, on a* specified day, by the Executive. Esq lion and Richard iotttijenrl^itrjjim UW,OI9n,tSO TyJK %O«TITUTI0W. ATHENS, GA. ", THITitSD'AY MORNlNd, NuV. IX. 1*656. " EXCELLENT FLOUR. The editor acknowledges the receipt •fa sack of very superior flour from Tollassee Mills, .-situated- some above *town on the Oconee, Friend Cheatham, rhegentlemanly proprihtor, sent jus th«T following "^ote. so t^e sub< * ’• - . — •; : - Tallassre Mi5|.s, ) . Clafl^qco^ .Nov. 3,1835. ^4 • ‘Mr. GhriUy i T)ear Sir: Now that the heat and turmoil of thk Uja^lecti.» is ever, jmd you have tiad^time^to .thiiik of seme of the good things- of tikis life, permit me ter compliment you with s sack of superfine pour, grpund at the above named Mills. Accept it*—try it* either in biscuit, light-bread or podding, if you please, and roy wprd fol ih 'prvx* Copx —Tlerie has tbisjaeklfimtock oft —rprices aOTancI present^! 35 • * * ©Atafc-One thousand ed, sold at 52. iive- long enough, -vse rhall pertjayw ^be end prit after qwliile. Long .docu- ments-is oae of the damning" sins of the age. JLUDGE at once, *w-p prefer. administoi iDg it m “ iTroken-doses.’’ . df we and our readers ticufarly if you should" tjp.i lmn- rtjarw reach g r y It will do you moth good, ihan- BERRIEN’S LETTER Tjie jeadfcr’s special attention is direct-1 jyj essrs * q* jj ed to this masterly * productioh, winch lOOlbs of the-best politioa that' is now. for sale in the United ^States, and if any. of youf friends' sbotrid need something of the sort, just whisper to thqrrethat .j thero- Is a^supply kept at my friends, Wilson & Br'oUayf’s J] particularly the Lftdies-* bd sure fiiieU has been called forth jn, response to the arodways the beat iedges. nnAfillOrmia nnrrtnnnlo nmt rli.inarrfnnmip ^ . ** . * * ' ungeiierons, onntnnnly.en^disingenuous attacks made upon bis. iq!dre*s to the peimle of Georgia, by the unscrupulous.. Foreign - Press.* We hope this letter tvilllio rcjtd J>P ever/, honest man in' 1 Georgia GEORGIA "LEGIS L ATtj Rli ‘ Yours, -ve*y respectfully, " "JOHN I.jCHE&THAM. Wdhave tried the"fto*f, a» requested and fiud h to be very superior.* ' boph oup '.friends tv’dl give “Tallassee. l itis body asseriibledw on Monday o ( f : expectations. -is been no arrivals diflerv nt public functionaries, contain* ndieufngiow tbe Mlowing provision; ;* But noreli- : - - ■ gious test shall -ever be required as & ’ qualification- for any office or public- trust under the United States.” bu4he]s receiy- “ The second declares—*• That Con- ’grfss shall make no* law respecting j „ , • establishment oUrdigiorv, or prohibiting IIat-s-1 welve hundred Bales re4fiy : ^ ( Teg exaxtse"thereof.” . - ed, sofdTrt’pvicis, 1.18 to f.25 ‘ “ Ry what process of reasoning, these ’ Faun-AGruen apples, 4$ t<»-$5 pdr, proyisims of the Constitution can bo hW mto.t Ertti’E .,Vu»P in nWkat d^-t mideio conflict vtith the right of tho bbl. D|, s d FtuU;,uo«»e m nttKket, unHmUeA exerciseof h> mand got>d. . . I own free atiR'-uncontrolfod wiff-itt^e Peas—From 100 to 105. * « I enjoyment of his eleqlilb ^aftCbise I Vh*—In demand at ’t4 to 15. | am utterly atft los?. to discoverrand I **'.i • Sa *4URe««fpts during the week es- Buvc sought it,in vain in such'arguments . •HprjMW BOO biisfiejs Tdrks Island, sold at 40cjs relates to. persons elected fo office, and 1 aud "f('shipped*. The formes diHLat l lo. requires that thqy shall have the Oath of hut*iris thought A WUr decline: • 1 administered to them, without be. ..-it ling sulrjeeted to any religious t#st. And I-ery jrebpeetfully, ^ •* - I this is the whole scope^ and effect of the , ^1. L. TlNI^EY & CO. j artiplm- ’It does-not even remotely if.. teifeVe whh t]ie riglrt of an individual to ! .'Tirk-in leim-jrotn i exereik hts oWn judgemuht, in deter- itctl Marietta* on Saturday night last— j no t-to influence him Jn casting his vote* destroying. property ta the aureuut..6f for or against him. This seems almost From |woi»ty-five thousand dot- too plain Tor argument. If a voter- ie- _ * I lieves the religion of a candidate to be . ars ‘ v * : i • - • GI imsdiuid and; dangerous. to an extent liETTEIt FROM JUDGE BERRIEN, j which, would induce distrust in the ordi- *„v Rockingham, Oct. 22, 1855. (nirrjr 'transactions of life, it is not only" Ta^iuUtor of the Sav fi nna% Repuh-l** btlt }**. <M 9 to filhhold his lie an - I roymdence, and hts bate. No '-provision r ' G'ewTUKinT.N ! -Th^New York Trii |‘°F Otmiuuion Jorbide h, and duty Ivuo&wfthaQPth-trtl., ctttrtai«i«g acom-| t l ) J^|~ S 0, i n 1 t 1 r y-^ c T ,,res,t ' tneotery on addre* toAlre people ofJ i TlienTdlotys tbe.sentencewhich the ^rgin. ins *'een recent]v forwarded Washington-Editor proposes to quote—' Mills” a tfial—feeling striked thiUrooe. ^ pees u me by the editor* a* tfie] Je address. ifTs "a* follows: who do so will be- disappointed in thfcir eotlcfo is editorial. I aJid npt deem it-V ■ *‘ ^ w -9J»fo bo wrong in the Govern- * »__* * * ** iMi»aaalp.V tnfvtoVdir tr% Ur riro«i v hp. 1 m»nt to make this jfes , "because it is-«n last week, . The Semud' w«*'organ1zed Friend Cheatliam i» tight in ytyinfc by.ilTfe elcfttiofi Uf'Ifori. Dirtied tJ. dailey j^tjie ladicslir* altvqfs tfie^liest-jiidgcs Jlour. r afcd he miglit Tiaxe vlded,-of ma* By*other x good things of thif life; aad r as far as we know/all t tv^u> have tried it, bear testimony in favor of Lis floqp. y ■ . • j ofButJg aV ItcsidenG,P. H*. .Golquiit, secretary,. Mr.* A Iked, '*15091 keeper, and Mr. Wilson, messenger. * : I Hoftt. w. If: Stiles was elected Spea* ker oPthe.JIcuse; A. M. $pecr, G!ei*k; Mr, MorrUC-Doorkeepar, nmlMr. Oslin, Messenger, . Nothing of tnttcli mter’p^t'has as.yet theiefcre recommend the adoption of this transpired. - . * \ — plan-of selettingthe Public Printer.'Fi" , '-r^- , ° “V We.shall endeftvor to- keep oift rend- -ei** adHsbd, ? froth time to time of. the, doings of this^ august boc^. delityand despatch may'be secured -by: * responsible Bondsmen, and the conlimt* ance of the powehs of tire Executive o'ver the su^jeet With whith bo is clothed "by. tbe existing laws. Mr. Gliapman received on account of priAting the Laws aud Journals, the fol lowing sums, to wit; " . * As au advance by legislative auflioiri-. ty....... . .^609D,QP Under Exeailive Warrant. .j^l,^ORflO Freight on Journals .properlw* ’ chargeable to him ..... . 10© 00 Paid J. M. Cooper-di Co., to lift lien fop binding Laws.. 1,1 $7 000 ■-C * State. If there could possihly.^bp any « cce l»flngi WiUwm L Mitchell, necessities which would justify it, they I W ^ IS ’»Piioiritevl jn Lis stc^U. The certainly do not exist in Georgia. Avail- j 'Walter T* Culqnitt and road enterprise, with us, Joes not need nppoinUdaa Attorney's 'Stimulation, hut raiher wholesonje and represent the State before the Com- judicious direction. Such a’-system as I u \iSsioners. Early, hewejrer, jn the pro- that however, ' would multiply those j § r - e?s of the'investigptionsrJltfforinerde- works—'or attempts to construct them—I P aT *tcff ihi? life, \y hereby, the labour and •indefinitely; nlid the sequel would be a J responsibility weijs devolved upon*tbe crushing State debt, impaired State cred-1 letter. It is bill a tribute of justice to it, ruinous depreciittioir oT State stocks I testimony to tho-signal ability and and general paralysis, in all tlie depart* with \vhk-h'Jie . perfornjed the nients of business and j;: bor. Stntesjjkel duty-. assigned lnm- By his diligence, individuals, will retard Their progress. uu ’ u3tr .y feseprch, he doblgle^' if they endeavor toadvaftce too rapidly. f aved the § tatri n,an y tho “s-'»" d dollars. A system of interna! improvements! award qf the Commi-sroners was should be rather a growth,developed fold f«PpeAIed from tathe Superior Court of gradually mifqred by tho action of the | R'lldyrin-cAunty; and thence, ihe ques laws or social and'eommercial progress, of law wore CArried > b 7 Writ of than tho artificial rafok qr-rei&ess: ifo- Err6r »* t0 tho Su P rem ® • Coa I t - The patient, arid iRguided’but wfoi mpant hltimfoellabimy of-the Stale, including legislation. , Letusslu^botkScyUa antif^? m P^ nsa ^ 0 ^ .Commissioners, Charibdis an# move cautiou lv UirouVrh C°, un ^ fees and Court costs/was- only- the straight between jhe fwo extremes. 4 S-lS^i£ l T)-00- 9y authority of tlic act • - under which the proceedings were had. Wl^A-rjaaar^OMWAi^ftARlIitr. U if , moaht ^ ‘ ia id, wRh the’ proceeds The various- Banks of the' Sfatcha^e | of St'ate Bends, s.uld qt pan dated July promptly .mode their rejjprts^ from time L<f, 1853, and ifoyable teti years after to timp, under Executive prodpiftfitiori, <li»e, at tbofoty of Savannah, issued »u obedience‘to"fhgrlnw regiThit- ' *pcm.TC rhiXTlvo- iirg that subject. By thc-oxhihits made. | : Tfte*ptlbliwitiefiand-ili^irib’ution of tl\e those :nstituiionj[ seem ;o be sound flVidyl^iws.andJduTn.-ds^tlr^last Legislature healthy. Still, the Legtsluwyc canriotjwere not h^Oomptishcd until a ye?r after be too vigilant, in tlreir rsamwrutibns, or th * timd'rfquired bj-The law regulating •tooAUuige»t.iu i^tiliffti«^ fl,eiTtwrthiil4'ttrtj^tjUSnU? Pvfclie Printer. -This the limits of their respective charters.—I affords the second. t?f two successive in- Ncw .charters should be-granted ti^h rstanceSj showing the absolute - itdccssUy. caution, and only at-popits when' rise- of requiring *th'Wl Work-to be performed interests of fr^de iperease of! at'tlie SeiH of Government. /Ibe act of B Hiking capital ami tacirtaipu."' Created! thtf lG:h* of February, $5L'cfothea the in reference to such derrinrsl, they are | Executive wftli enlarged powder over the public conveniences; otherwise, they are subject artd.tindel*-proper fcirtmmstaftccs, mere broUrag « at»d shav iae; shops; and J it'^iigiiijg® ex^rised vriftr * adraritwge. being compelled lo-re;i!ize their fTrofitsI Bafi there iveveborisidefatioris eannected . hjr'otlrcr uibans than the npproprhtte bu--|*wiU|<hcdeKnqftency of the •fat©' Fuhjic srness ..f Ranking, they bcceiwe'-fc igtftcs.lP^tea-wlkivJ! induced forbearance. Un- a%( ruih'csi op|tr<-KHon re d lawless usuoy | derltpit act, if.thc delay ip the delivery ’—grinding tho faces of ihs nercessitous j of the L^WwwAd Journals-go beyond six and waging a guerrilla warfare*!port the moTHlia, the ErWMilive is -autlioriaed’to safer, and letter institutions of the 8iAto. remove himJmrn the office and appoint a The pcactice seems, tohiave obtained, o'tsacoosM*. ««Gre the" expiration of six date, with some Banka*«of■sending tlrrir j raeWTht, however the'PublicPrinter- had issues to distant State*,*»>t seeking nor l th© mistbnuffe to Jose, by fire, almost jdesiring a-homo curcokbimi.- As yet, re|tho.«n«ire edition of t)i6 How© Journal. -id not known,* that matori A-injury has Soon «finr r th© city ©f Savannah was . (esulled,.but that -it iwridnuve-ctf 4he viiitedUy the TolluW FeVer^iAd he foil -correct principle of Banking,- is'not tolan parly' victim].leaving the work uh- be doubted. It is equally certain, t bat ]Aniolied and the office.. vacari£ Messrs. theicuUifiiate failure-vfoU bring aeproach Bconghton, Nisbet. A *Bnraes of the •ad dishouor open tlm $tate.. UetaSe, j Federal Union j) reas, jotw© appointed to .Atoountin the aggregate to ^18,237 0i> For-the work performed by' him, ftc- •cerding to^art estimate made by Ge.v Rnglund and Win. .Barnes, practical printers, ut the request of the Executive, he was entitled fb receive’ .$ 13,749,SO? showing an over payment of $4,A8T^lb Tire estimate is based on what he .would have been- entitled to, according- -io the rates- of compensation fixed by law prior fo" tire act of UBth February, 1854, H.. should be held "dowAto. those, rate-, on account oTliis fitilttfe to perform the work according to contract, a faithfoj eompli-. ance "wirlf which orily, entilled him to the-inareased compen’ation pfrof ided fop by that act. If,-however, he*should be 'considered as.deserving, under .‘the clr- climskmces, the rates of compeiisa'tidh* provided for by that act, lie would be entitled jto receive Jor the work done by him, ihe^um of SI6,172.00,* which- -ment stilbof # PVr the one or the otker'^ihese-'amounts of Overpay* ment, ncioriding as the Legislature shall hold fiim to the rates of compeosauon of the 1 old or the ne*w law'*, his securities- are fesponsible to the State. - Under this 1 view of the subject, \t hr respectfully submitted to lb© Gcnferal Assembly to determihe-' whefher,’ under’ tlie^cirodm- ftances, they - will diredt suit to be brought upon the Bond of the Statu Printer* * *-’* *‘* ' * SOLICITORS. S. P.. Thurmond, Esq. of Jqjsfcsqn/bas been ©letted .Solicitor of thfs (the Wo©- tern)' eifcuir, and Tiiosl Mj -JJaniel, Esq. SoKeito'r.of tfib Northerfi- Circuit* J NEW*B:ilfE.* * - Among the Legislative proceedings, we "notfed that live Senator from this county introduced a bill the ' dtlier day providing,for the charter of a. new bhnk at this pjace; That additional banking facilities are needed he're, is, we believe, a generally conceded fact. “Wg. hojie, tlrergfore, that the cbqrter ivill be grant ed, ; * .. ' ELECTIONS. " .’ -SABI KCnqEK'DEAD NOE ST. CKTING t.! Th6 American’s hare re-eleCtodGard ner -as Governor of'Massachusetts, and have an overwhelming majprity m the Legislature. . . They tiave also achieved a sgtendid victory in N. York, 'nofwiftwlandtng - the loud "boasting -of the soffsbdl. Pierce, Democracy. In Maryland too, the* ♦ieleiy'is.eocv •plete-^the American party electing five ©f 'the siif Congressmen to which that State is entUlfH. •** From Louisiana the cheering- news i$i. nost< fcalfo* 1 ! there; being but liitfe dOuBt^ 0 ^”* 011 that the Americans have carried every thing before them, "The -Federal Union will pleaseiadd the above to its ■pyramid. . We have not yet heard SrmfMUsi sippi anJ Arkifqg??, .ly}t {hinlftf4] that Sam* hwsf.exhibited ’’his- -Stepwgs” there also. ^"Tfie *“ unterrtfied furrfners," as ffe hlarn' from oui’ exchanges, held n gveitt pow-wow in Mifledgeville the othef Jiigbt, at which it was detertnirfod to giro the ” spoils party *’ a re-christening The- tie\v name-selected by thq sachems and office-holders and office-See^ers is “ De. mocraticAuti-Iuiow Nothing.” At the meeting referred to, thgy re adopted, substantially, the platform of tbq Democratic State Convention in deducted from the 818,237,00, which Jun ® laS 5* We unJ erstaml that these, actually received, shows aa over pav- dkiriterested potriats(?)-expect such old- JBukk-e Put to Flight.—Mr.Bnrke, on*one accasion had just risen Jn tlie House, of Gommons,. withreoma papers in his hand, ou the subject'ol which he intended, to make a motion, .when a rough-hewn member, who bnd - no ear for the charmesof eloquence, rudely started, up, and said, Mr. Speaker; I hope the gentleman does riot mean to read that large bundle of papers, and to oore us with a long spqech.”. M. B> was swollen, or rather so nearly suffocat- .ed jvith rage, as to be .incapable of ut- tefupce, and absolutely run out of th*e bouse. On this occasion, Geo. Selwyu remarked that it was the only dime he ever saw the fable realized—a lianput to flight by the Waging of an ass. * ’ SERVE EM BIGHT. . nk bill lias been presented to the Le gjslature, 'levying a tax of five dollars upon ©very gentleman who wearsa mous tache, and a fiine of five dollars upon bachelors over thirty yeans of. age, Hue WiiPgs as have .heretofore declin ed acting wifo the? American -party to jom.tliefo in their‘*wihl hunt after office.” Asjthe American party bas thrown off Us secre?y,(tho only objectionable feature F to any one)’ we Uiink thereare’ thousand ©fold-line Whigs and Democrats .to<? T who.-will henceforth act.with ft—believ ing, as all unprejudiced men must, that it is the only hope of the country. be to iifcrease tire growing of mtuutaches, aod get shaae money out of old batch. , . O** John Epps, who at. .the* August terra of our Superior Court, was found .guilty of the murder of fcir J father, Escaped jail on'Tuesday'last, but was soon overtaken. his paper that many of the disappoint ed aspirants swear vengeance against the so-efoifed Democratic party, anff threaten to jdin the Know Nothings If« have no doubt' - but that great numbers of-the voters of Geocgia .were hired to eqpport the * Foreign party by means- of -the * most lavish promises it wnold be well forth© Legioiatu re to j re^prodaccntxeieqiusit'e number ofcopies-j , r» xhe annoincement ofMr DnkA of office—State ahd county. By the sthnt operations. Ate*hey the work with.great fidelity and dispatch, zafdoua to tile-fin a Aoiol welfire-of I Jfoweret sad the reasons for the delay id they not inconsistent tkia'iereaace, and however far they t»ay dug priu-.-ip W -Are j go-to Tooiove the oerture which the Hamilton as candidfoe for Receiver of Tax Returns, ought to have been pnb- lisbedtwo'weekriago, but was •inadver tently overfi t^We regret.that,. being compelled to pttbiisli so many long documents-this week,. we xannot present bur readers. With the^ usual _ variety .‘of original and seated matter. Bear-with us, dear friends,-aedwe will'soon be able to give yon a more readable paperr SPOILS! SPOILS 1 _ „ for the purpose of raising money to increase* tire School Fond. The idea seems to. "foidst of th^-<HSgrac)feful scramble; writes both^ffibiic and private—unite in repre senting, that more .persons are engaged in the wild hunl after offiCe” than at any previous^tirae, and that said c - hunt’ is more fiercely’pursued than ever here tofore. - Hearl-burpirigs, bickerings and jealousies abound among “ the .faithful; and everything gives promise of a gen eral “ bust np” before long. The editor of the Savannah Journal a Democrat- himselfi apd present in the out of «very. twenty ei- themselves chiselled,4he party will be CHARLEStON MARKET. As bur'/eadejs genfoally .are inter ested in thp. price of gram end other [ftoduce, we shall nflke arrSrigernents to keep'them properly advised of the state, of our tn6sVitoportant markets. ‘Thefollowing qeport. of the Charles ton market, *wl»ich is kindly finished by the Commission - : Houser* of H. L. Tiulef & Co. m»y 1>© Implicitly rehed upon< > *- *' * . Chaiileston, gatnrfley, Nov^ 40»» Sir: We hand you the 'following state of out market during thepast week, which ii correct: The Cotton market was tory languid ktcensaay ttftwply io Mr. m-ntto matte u»is lest, because it is^sn chase; ^pirkfrmit its- sCurriltyy, the sola! cxejcise of discretion which the people object- of- th©'>ticfo sfeemed 16 P^e-Tim ?ntnreted. to them, but Have expose the .aflegriT inco'treisterrcy of reserved to therasfoves. Thus that oeekingjthe fo’dof .euf ^t>rtherh.hreth- Vlncli w^hf be wrong in' tlfo Govern- sen in the preeeu.t crfs« "of ©ur affailM tn^t^s ihe ri^ht. aifo" duty of the citi- fov the fomration of "e'national party] aen *- ; . V * * fire he maianmwd wto fiof.eriu-'tlie ad. . Overlooking tlie vtieipolaliorXnd tfie d*’ss) aod the SmtfkdWi doctrine of] umissicyis, which -willbe obvious ate noa-iutervention <hy ’Congress on the wh *> does fiot pertieive that this tniestion of slavery, in the territories;^sentence has a direct referee©,! neces- amf I .thpugh’t it ihrp^lile'imf J^riV- sflr )’ cotmeetton, with that --hich I have Wy could ho- misled- by s© obvious a Mtoltdeed'above,, and ennuot be under- iqisrepresentatidn. " My address w»t(r| stoood wlien separated- ftom it ?- the -people of Gfe'qrgia. %t, was rqade \ W(jat is jt-that was asserted that would Murins “the canvas! Whitfo prereetJeffthel bc «» r khe GovernmOnttodo T— StatL,«ieeUon. It pvesentad-no-appeal I Obviously Jtf refuse to administer the .to otfr Northern brethren, "ft tii.l- notj^th of qualification—the oath to sup- ^uggeSt the formation-of any-frtrty, but port the constitution, to a person-elect- sihrplv anlaouirced sny opinions oil cer-i®“ to a, 1 office, from a belief that his tain questions which* were^eing agitated ‘religion was .unsound and' dangerous In. that canvass^iif answer t© ©nqitiries4 btkjn to an extent*, which would induce made bfciltzePS of Georgia vvitlr tm- fo§ lni ^ il * orclinary trausactions Aif mediate reference to that election.' "»t Because the Constitution forbids - - I had • another reason for suffer mg*/ ^«n. fo. require tills test-diecausa this 4© pass with©* hotice. I 'confer* my- be on exercise of discretion which self not merrily «arela«fc of tbenppro- hb* people have not entrust d . to the «> bat entirely* mflifforeirt to", the Government, but have reserved to them- f of any man, who codlr* rise 1 se.vef. The sum of the prm,-bon is this; from the perusal of snoji an ©ptiefoj | ^ the peripje elect a man to office, dis- without a mingled" feeRftg of ©m “ * for its impofence,' ftn-i disgust ... —. ... „ . „ —, scurrility. ' - • pass a law authorizing the Government More recently, I have Seep in edilxv to make.vhis an objection- tp hiiq? rifoof db^^ashington Union, in which I -And what is it which is declared "to s waiter essays to speak with thfr con*-] be flie right and duty of the citizen to enteof efte who had rtliTywq^irt tlie| do ^ * .A s was, in the ex- aliT.klp^w t?mVr‘p.Vi«tWf>d dn&Stldic. | erfose of his elective franchise, Ms lurare «f - verba j the hearing end port of-JjK fi : .zealous in tfie cause of'fdi&rfng tfhVrtyjl^l^ved to. be hnsound and dangerous oassume "tin© office.of. exteiit which would induce di$- countryroen, fold p r ’ u3t in tire Ordinary transactions of life, and e'etisUrmg- thosi^^jjo^cufTev.^Bmi Whi».w*iR hive; the* hardihood to deuy him. -Thistoo, .without a woi^ ^fex-J thisT And yeMbis. siinply, is the pro- planation-on tny part, J could leave foJ povition stated- m thc address; It says foe intalHgence'bf the people qf Georgia, j nothing pf -a combination for. this pur- k bqt for th©*gajblcd quotation which) {>ose-i-nothing’ of individuals "binding furiiishestbe ground 1 of this fottisy c«m1 theijiselvts "by -an -oath to*exercise this megtary,* and for the* fact that it has Undoubted .riglit—^for the plain, been . transferred to oqe. of our owi>j. fe ^ aon ll*%| th» VequtrcinmU w as under-, newspapers accompanied by # q flTppant j stood tq hay^* been abandoned, and the arfoJicentoiis editorial article comufewd-l Afnerifcan party stood upon the sam© ing it, toj public notice,. ."J .could ftfqr-* j foqtihg «s every other, approval of its. lessl^Rave itto.lhe .iptelligence of niy] principles b^’mg-the sole requisite for . cpuntryiueu, to distinguish between foen admission to fnemhorshp. [‘■-‘-higher law’’ deebuie©J fafiapoisqi—^The tHtempt to identify this with the* law higher than the.’cpnsttfotfon-v-ODa rdoctrines of - hbolit'iouisra is absurd ; absolves'tljp eJbplibonist ffom hlsj the‘perversion by wfiich it is sought to awn o^b, and foe ©Migatioufwhfeji*that] ajpcoiBpjisb^tiispaljialjIe. I had specifi- fou»uutne»u unpo^eswand the absolute pt'di ^ which nn^ intlividu^il cittzep,. and flvetuating up to the reaeipt of the* * r jght‘(f or which I,was contending («f [pygHt ao, w]mt the" Gpvernmenf could I not In nrCrailt, .. 1 * . 11 .. t Asia’s repeats from Europe -Her news •hot being as bad us wa» anticipated b^ Cotton dealers, buyers took bold, and 3500 bales were sold about ^ dejdfoe on .last week’s prices, say. Middling, 8J,and 81Strict .Middlingf 8 and ; Lqjv Middling, 8 and The lower qualities ere ecarce, and not in-much- demand. Bacon—Tfie rparket' is* rather bare of tfiis article, qt present, witboprices firm-at .13.4 for shoulders amt sides, 15 and 16J for hams. ' Butter—Prime yejfow, readily com- from MjUedgeville— dem»d'« 23.’ ing to Eggs—Scarce, frmp 31 to 33 ets. per dozen. * - * * • Feathers—But very few in m'arket, "prices range* from 35 to 40 accn rdir?£ quality. SuciAR and Coffee—Supplies hand very .limited, but heavy-shipments daily expedted; good Rio lOj and R Sugar per hh’d, 4J j by barrel, 5 ?nd4>- Molasses—If. O. 36, Cuba, scarce and commands 27. •. Flouip—Scarce, arrivals tor the wcM little. mor< than what supplies home use—prices'firm at 9J per bW. r ,sacks* -^‘e American Party, it qays: m _ ^^ J~1 n A tt hoca tfin# ittliml* 4.12 Grain—Receipts of Wheat'for the .week estimated at. 35(500 bushels, arid exports 27000 bushels, mostly coastwise- on ajew bushels Shipped direct to Liver pool. Wbittf crop seeins to beexhaust- ed, as' none was received -IhTs week.—. We sold, a choice lot of^Red for 1.95, as did cithers, but 1.99 isthe.rufihg price* and good deihandwt foot. •evjOy citizen to the uncqntrolled enjp?.-.t n °t lawfirll^ 4o| namely t that* such aw nffeuLof his owg-private .judgment iir|-indixidural,forlhe guidaucOof his own the exercisq.of Jjur^elective h-arieffii^c, Jftdgtneiit/in^he exercise of-his elective without wbich^we wpold cc^se to a vs I firs tichiseyntgit resort to a test-, the ap*. under a fire© goverameat.- . plieatioq of. which was by the Constitu- . But. the Washington editril’* has stu- tion prohibited- to the Government—- dfously witi>held that portiv^oTthe ad- that he might rigbtfuHy decline to vote drets which was necessary io*a cortect [ tbre.Romaqtat who iyasa candidate for understanding of the opinion expressed. I office, but that, if sqcji candidate were Here' follows -his ^luotation. L copy*] elected, the Goveriiment. could foot to- from-Che'Auguata Constitutiunalist and {fuse to qualify‘him on tlto'ground of bis JElepablic.. • Rnm inisnr.. - The rGowernmeri) editor- “Jt would be wrong in the Govdro- Ipep’ertstliis iuto a gerterid proposition, ment to-ftiake thjg religious, test an*ex- foat wliat"would h© fvrong iq^the & ercise of discretion, which the peopled Vernmqjit woqld ihe. rigli't iq t* " ■have not eqtruBfed to theTn. Thus’ tfiitj - : * ,A - 1 — —’ - - avhlch^ppiiId"b*e Atrong in the Govern merit, lifttjh; tight* and " duty' of iiie'cTtl- zen-” • ' j* Th'e sentence as quoted; ts nonsen- nd is rendered so by itit^rpola-, d by emissions.' 'Perhaps the latter iiay he 'attributed to the blflnde.^ 5f thdteditor, ot his cobysits I do* not ventu#. to suggest an explanation, of tnd former. But this presents very^itp- .perfe&tly, the disingendouSaess. of' the quotation: That insists in separating me sentencajquoted^from that .portion of the address with which it was con nected—in garbling' it?—an operation which according to lexicographers"? is ‘lto*picktnrt what may suit a purpose.” That, portion-of 41.e address, ffom whictfahe quotation is "abstracted, is as folloWsL Speaking of the, principles of -One of these, that which announces .jftheir'determination not to vote foy, or appoint Romanics to office, haff been ' the subject qf mueh reprehension, and has been assail*! as a; violation oft he liberty^ of conscience, which is secured' by the Constitution. "The prdvisions, oft bet instrument which are supposed toi)© violated, dre contained in the con* cl tiding ©jause of the --third section of of the sixth-article, and ifl jhe first arti cle of the amendments. Thfe . first after . - Priding forbad ministering an ©Mb to acufoen whi^h has so captivated the editor of the Constitutionalist Si, Re. public: It is as foHaws:- :' *" Very true, says the Sewardites, andl in like manner it would be wrong in the. Government (thal Congress and the- President) to .say fhaf-' fugitive slave©, shall not 1 be fffitimed,' as the people fiase not entrusletT this power to them.. TlrtSs'wha*.woqld^Jbe wrong ip. theGo- vernment, would .be the right and duty of the citizen*’’ - v . » . ;. v Novv one most Jiave. large powers of' deduction who 'cqpld draw Hhjpfoonclu-.. sion, evbn t frofe these perverted pie-, miscs. JtAtlle. *©as©.put, the Constitu tion ahd tholawa passed t© carry ii into effeet.operate bW'oii foe Government aud the citizepVfo The C Clares-that fugitive- $lav< turned- This ascertains the Goverpmeift. The laws wt vide the.aneRms by wbdchT this shall be-cffectat, demand" th of tire citizen. - But ‘ *“ too pd.wble-? tlie,attt the proposittoW l h .puerile. * . A process . jf"i found, just ftftw tion—and-l \ tolMve read