The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, December 06, 1855, Image 4

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J Hardware and Crockery. - figj£gg££sg A NEW mtANCH OF BUSINESS 21 ITirCourt iTrO'rmi-vrS' & A'OJL ATUENjS. Just Opened by GRIFFITH & mLLIFORD, iOno tloer IkIhw It. J*. Bloomfield’* - ' ’ Clothing Store. W E will not eoteHwb of tin* nm» ny article* kopiit:, tin- above ltpyiohe}' of business". hut ive nivite all to o*>mc at».l sec fi* tb*m«vlvi-n. W^iwrc in mrr stock n "rent many articles n>»t commonly kept *6 this market. Among tln-m are sown.of-thc following^ —.. Marb!<-b:e I Iron .Mailtlca and Orates, Gigs and Cabs tor-children, Cano Chairs, Wash Aland*, Baskets, Broome, Mata, Ac. Buggy Spring*, Axles. Boxes, Bands, Carriage Trimmings, ac. Carpenters’, Turners’, .Millwrights’, Blacksmith*’ ml Fanning Utensils Complete. AH which will ue sold low for cadi at GRIFFITH ff WILLIFORD’S. Athens, So.pl27 tf ( A)il (l R A I R1x4 s'.VLfJ rder'of the honoraldt „ ivfuiscuinty g' Wrikson, cm tj.e firs: Tuesday in Januari uext. wit'iiiii the legal hours of sale.SBill l« •*uW nt the I'lasi-t.-hmisc dour in the Jowunf lelh-rs-m in iribl county, nil ttie real estate ■it Dari,! AVilt, deeea.-ed, which lies in the roiuity ii/-n. ««n*mt«ng of the k<*use rail lot iii Jtffcrjtii, where the d.eeasedre- swed st the Uniij „"f his death*; the vhlWnble plantation adjoining 4ho town of Jefferson, eon till hi eg one tbr-iMiiyd foil* bun* Ired acree note nt nnd in a 'good state of cultiva- ioa. On the premises is an excellent mer chant mill, with three sets of runners; good new gin-house and ;’!n by Voter power; ex- ccllcpt new packing "screw and a good saw- r mi11." ItK proposc-cf tn seTTthe' plantation In tWo parcols.'tbt.brUor toaccoainfodnte pur cliasers. One small house and lot iu Jeffer son, 6Ji- tho- muirt street, adjoining Samuel Wnfson and Jncl&sm Bell. Also, one hundred acres of lnnd, more or less, adjoining Henry Brock and others; the place wherein John .1. LHtic now reside*. All to be sold for the purpose of distribution. Terms on the-day of stile,- NANOFWITT, Adas’x. November 15,1855. I T R. L. BLOOMF1EDS house, will be T WO months after dat*% application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary »f Walton county, for leave to sell the laud belonging to the* estate of Dorothy: Lester, late of said,CQUsity.dceeasrd. ... H. U.CAMP Adm. 8ept27 With the will annexed. GEORGIA, I1ALL COUNTY. INHERE AS. John E. Odell. applies to me W for the gnnrdiansliip of Mary Reed, ille gitimate orplnti of Isabella Reed, of said county. All persons interested will take, notice that said letters will lie granted at the r.cxt November term of this court, unless legal cause he shown to the contrary. pGircn nndei mv hand 21st H .,*1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27. "lOd. NOTICE. OWIB undersigned (of the firm -of P. A X Summey A Brojt having determined to leave flm state,, earnestly requests all per sons indebted to the same, to come forward aud settle their accounts anti notes, as Ion gtrr> indylgench-cannot be given. All ae connts-sriU be considered dne ffota Che date of Dissolution, August 8th, 1855. ' Sept 13 J. S. E. StfSntET •jtr RAHAWAY. ©TLook out for rt Scoundrel -S? R AN AWAY from the subscriber, alxmt the 20th August boy, Clark, n Black smith by trade Paid boy was last seen and heard ot in Madison county,' Ga., where he had been at work sometime previous to hie disappearance. It ir. • bought he has been decoyed away by fome whit* person. Said boy weighs about 170,or 185 lbs.—about five feet, nine or ten inches high—-copper colored —large mouth and eyes—allows his gum teeth very plain when laughing—his jaw teeth considerably decayed—was riding a bay horse about eight years old, with a black quilte 1 saddle, the horn broke off—a wart on the right shoulder, and a srar on tjie right side of his breast. Said hnv is about twenty seven year* old.- I will pay fifty dollar* forward for the apprehension of said bnv and the scoundrel who decoyed him of]; with evi deuce sufficient U> col ict him ; or ft liberal reward for the appr lensimi and ccnfinc- meat, in euy safe jai tint I may recover said boy. V H . DSADW YLEK. Elbe* ton, Eiliert c , Ga Sept. 20. „ HF’The Georgia itizen will please ropy till forbid, and #oud account to this office.. GEORGIA, CLARK. COUNTY. Court of Ordinary of said County ■ W HEREAS, John W Hamilton Adminis trator of Drewry J. Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court lor a discharge from said Administration, Therefore;. All persons concerned * are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Administrator should not, at the regular term of said Court, to lie held bn thefirtt Monday in April next, be discharg ed from Said A 'ministration. By order of raid Court, nt a regular lerta, held this 3d day of September; 1855. Sept. 6. ASA M. JACKSON, Ord. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, J-. E. Odell and J; E. Reifwine apply to me for letters of administra tion upon of Reuben Mayfield, late of nnid county, deceased. All persons interested are hereby notified that said letters will be granted nt the next November term of this pouri, unless legal cause bo shown to tlie’contrary. Giv<n under iny hm.d 2lsl Sept., 1855. NL GRAHAM, Ordinary. Sept. 27- 30d. GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, E verett Yenrby applies to me for lettci* of administration with the will annexed, on the estate of James Rhodes; late of said County, deceased—These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu- l»r, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my Office on or before the first Monday in December next, to shew «aifse (if any they have.) why said letters •should not than be granted the applicant,'or 4o such other person or persons as the Court •may think proper. Given under fny hand at Office, this the fourth day of October. 1855. ASA M. JACKSON, Oct II Ordinary. STARCH POLISH. rUST received by I T. BISHOP «fc SON. Cct- 25 1855. For Sale or Rent! A NEAT dwelling place, occupied by the undersigned, and adjoining the lot of Mrs. Baxter, containing six comfortable rooms, a well of water, and nil accessary •out houses and stable—embracing one acre ■and a quarter ofwell cultivated land, stocked with choice fruit tre:-3. Terms very liberal E. M. EDW ARDY. ■Oct 11 tf FALL AND WINTER GOODS. iSSUMPTl, 3UCVES&HJLLY 'JHEATED BY IX 11XLATIUX OF MEJ)lLATbD TJ- rons. V JOHNSON STKW \RT ROSE. M. D. t 5 Fellow of the ltojal College or Phyaici- is, and for years Senior Physician in the endoii Royal IuBrUftry for diseases of the treatment of Consumption by In halation, I have obtained result* which War rant me in asserting that it is now « cura ble as di-eases of the Stomach and Liver. thing medicine directly into the s certainly the rational mode of at- . the disease, and like many ether prompt aUonti great and beneficent discoveries’ it seem* S»re full satisfaction, strange why such treatment was not resort ed to long ago. Where there is life, there is surely hope for the most seeming hopelse* case*, ns throughout all the stages of this in- sidions disease, the wonderful and benefit** ifecit of its treatment are soon apparent. Iu oases also of Bronchitis, Asthma, &c., the inhaling of powders and vapors has been eminently successful, and to those suffering under any of the above nanud complaints, I can guarantee speedy and eettaiu relief. I have pleasure in referring to 207 names, residents of New York, and neighborhood, who have been restored to vigorous health About one third of the above number, ac cording to the patients own, statements,-were considered hopeless esses. The inhaling Method is toothing safe and speedy, and consists in the administration of medicines in sneh a manner they art oon- veyed Into the Lungs in theform of vapor, and iroduee their action at the seat of Hie disease, ts practical success is destined to revolu tionise the opinions of the medical- world, and establishe the entircurability of Con sumption. .Applicants will please state if they have -cr oleif from the Lungs, jf they hftve liitt flesh, have n cough, night sweats and fever turns—what and how much they expectorate, what the condition of their stomach and IflJWelsr The necessary Mediciues. appara- tus, &*., will be forwarded to any port. TRBMS—Five dollars, Consuitatioti fee. Balance of fee payable only when the pati ents report themselves convalescent. RECOMMENDATION BY PHYSICIANS- We, the undersigned practitioners in me dicine, cheerfully and heartily recommend Dr. Roses method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, os the fast and most tual ever introduced into medical praetiee. Our convictions are basi^l upon having several of opr ow patients, confirmed consumptives, restored to vigorous health after a few months treatment by Dr, Rose, in the above named diseases the application of “Medicat ed Vapors,” jnhaled directly into the Lungs, ■nay be ju*:ly considered a great boon to suffering humanity, rendering Consumption perfectly curable disease. Dr. Rose deserves well of the profession for hi* unwearied labors tn bringing the In haling Method to such a degree of perfec tion. T HE Subscriber, thankful .to his friends and the Public for past patronage, inf forms them that he is in receipt of a large and handsome assortment of FALL AN1) WINTER GOODS; among which are Meri nos, DeLames, Brocades, Alpaccas, Ging hams, and Prints, cheaper thau usual. And a variety of other goods for Ladies and Gen tlemen. Please call and examine my stock. Oct 18 ISAAC M. KENNEY. at t\ns I RON FENCING, Balconies, and Veran das, of select Patterns, manufactured to order by the Athens Strata Company. Oct 18 tf GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY, AfHBKGAS, Thomas Simoutnn applies to IT me for Letter* of Administration on the Estate of John W. C ok, late of said County, deceased,—These are therefore to eite and admonish all and singular the kin- bed and creditor* of said deceased, to he ♦nd appear at my office oh or before the fir it Monday in, to shew cause, (jf tny they have,) why said letters should not dien be granted the applicant ot to such sther person or persons as the Court may •udge proper. Given under my hand, at Office, this the Tth day of October, 18'*. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. October 25, 1855, TO THE PUBLIC. WHEAT, CO JIN, ELOUR and MEAL. Tallarbe Mills, Clarke county, Ga, T |HE undersigned has leased'of Mr. Robert T. Fowler, lor a series of yearn, the above named Mills, on the Oconee River, 8 miles Northwest of Athens, near the road leading to Lawrenceville, and having had the saraC pul in complete-and thorough repair by Mr. E. W. Wesson, who is a superior and practi cal millwright, and who the undersigued takes pleasure in recommending as being un surpassed in his professional line, now begs leave to notify the public, that he is remlv to convert wheat into flour, or corn into mcnl, in as quick time, And in n manner to give as general satisfaction as any other millsofthe same number of runners, either North, South, East or West. * > These mills have but one rnn, each, for wheat and corn, but will each .grind vith ca'se from one hundred to ope hundred and fifty bushels per day; they are never inter fered with, either hy high or low water, con sequenilv persons wishing, or sending wa gon loads of grain to be ground, will at no time be detained longer than a few hours. I have in my employment, Mr. Hawkins Wright, who is a practical-miller, and whose character for honesty and veraci v, is so well known to this community that T need only say, his services are engaged as principal miller. All grain received, to “be ground at these mills will be weighed and toled accordingly and a certificate of both the amount receiv ed and returned will be sent back to the per son sending the grain. And in connexion herewith 1 wish distinctly to notifo the pub lie, that I have been at considerable expense in procuring and fitting up two superior No. 10, anchor-brand bolting cloths. These cloths- are in fine order, and it is both my interest and my wish to keep them so. Flour ground from wheat wet,or quite damp, will • soon not only living tft ruin cloths of this descrip tion.bnt can never be made to please those sending the £rain either iu quality or quan- titv—when in most cases the mills or the miller, after doing all that they can do on bad wheat, generally receive tbeir full share of blame. Wheat, therefore, sent to these mills, either wet or quite damp,'will in no instance be ground until the same is proper ly dried, and in every instance of this nature, the miller is tube the only jnilge Wishiug to keep these mills iu constant operation, the undersigned will be glad to purcboseboth wheat and corn. Wheat will .be purchased if thoroughly dry at the rate of 60 lbs, and corn at the rate of 56 lbs, to the bushal, delivered nt the mills; and the highest cash prices will be paid for either. The undersigned is now- residing at these mills and intends giving his personal and constant attention to the keeping the same in complete order, sons at all times to give merited satisfaction to all (hat may patron ise him, and he » vain enough to think that he himself is “ some” millwright, and miller too. All, therefore, that is asked of the pub lic, is a fait shako for your patronage. A. g. W.—St. JOHN I. CHEATHAM. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold before tlie court Itouse door, of Clarke county, on the first aesdav in January next.'during the legal »ur* of sale: One tract of land in said coun f, containing nbont four hundred acres, ore or less, adjoining Mrs. Tiudal, Bcnja yin McRee and others, on which is « com a-table dwelling and other necessary ont- ;io*es, being the place wtareon John -McRee resided at the time of his death. ALSO, One negro man, name George about 4* year* old. ALSO, At the same time and place, will be sold one negro woman Phillis, about 60 ~ «>man Henry, about 87, woman RHoda. about 8* and mac Jesse about 28 years old. Said tract of land, negro man George, to be sold as the property of said John McRee. dec’d., and the other of said negroes a* the property ttf Isabella Me Res, lute of said countv, 'de ceased. By vir ue of order* from the Court of Ordinary of s*id county, for the beaclit ot Ah*distributee* of said dec\l, respective]v Terms on the day. ' ROWAN McREE, Adra’r. of JOHNand ISABELLA McREK, Dec’d. Nov. 1, 1855. (Nov.8) Notice. TYTTLLbe sold at public ontery before the V* court house door of Clarke county-on the brst Tuesday in December next, during the legal hours of sale, 146 Shares of the Stock •ff the High Shoals Manufacturing Company, to be sold as the property of Ephraim 8. Hopping, late of said county, deceased, by the Will of said dec’d, for the benefit of liu legatees and creditors. Terms on tbe day. PAfcMELtA A. HOPPPING, Exrix. Nov.S, 1855. 50 Baps Rio Coffee! Oct More Light Oot. 25 T. BISHOP & SON. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to Mary Stewart, late of Jackson county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and tiose having demands against said deceased J»re hereby oolified to present them, duly au thenticated, wjthin the time prescribed by law. JOHN A HEARD, Ex’r. November 15,1855 EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL- tie sold, oa the first Tuesday in Jan nary next, before the court house door in Jefferson, Jackson countyagreeably tc the la*t will and testament of Mary Stewart deceased. • - - SEVEN LIKELY .NEGROES, consisting of—Emily, a woman thirty-one T cars a 2«. Joseph, a boy "fifteen, Albert, a hoy thirteun, Thomas, a boy ten, Lewis,a boy eight, Samuel, a boy sil, and Middleton, a SON. boy two years of-age. Sold for the purpose of a 'ivisiou. Terms on-the day of sale. Nov 15, 1855. JO 11X A. HEAD, Ex’r. .—- . I,. ■ ■ tt - : I. , . CHEESE.—Tine English Lai -"■ua targe and handsome READY MADE CLOTHING, a large and splendid assortment of Clothes, Cassimeres, Vestings, &C,i New Mercluiut Tailoring Esta!). old Clothing iu addition to ’ hi* ck of to be made np to order;. and all orders left for goods or cutting and making will re- —*■ tion and "warranted tn A Plantation for sale. 1 0FPER for sale my Plantation two and n half miles below WatkinsYille, b* ing the owned by Rev. ». N. Glenn contains "upwards of six bnndreiLacres about one half cleared, will improved, with necessary out buildings,gip house. Ac will a saw-mill in good order. 1 will also sell with the place my sawer, a likely aud faith ful negro fellow. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON. Jane 98,1853. Pt3 SOLUTION: rj"»HE copartnership hithe Franktfn Job Office here 1 lofore existing. nn4*r Ik* flrw utClirist, ft Ketaea, " Notice. . f W E hare-bonglit a part nf W. P. Turner’s stock of. Goods, and will continue the i* this day dissolved Uy tnuliul conselrt.. The husine-s business under the name and stile of COLT A COLBERT, at tile old stand of W. P. <£ J- C. TURNER. Groceries sold for cab and three months time onlv. TmiES I COLT. WILLIAM C. COLBERT. No. 9"Granite Low, Athens, Ga. 6m. August 6, 1855. OVALL, BEALL & ST r Grocery Hcrchanls, Augusta, Ga. Fay up! Pay up! rp HE undersigned most earnestly requests si (persons idBebt-d to the late firms of CHiinnktun A W. and ChsiittSc Kiuii—as also" those owing him iVdividnally—to Pay np at one-: Many of theser|*ims hawbeennuistanding a longtime, and au. muetabsnlutety be settled without delay. He tnmts that a sense ef right and justice will lead every one indehnd toseule up immediately. If, how ever, it shall turn outthathe is mistaken in this, he witl be forced, however relnctanrtv, to “ try what virtu* hernia in’ law. jaa!8 j. H. CHRISTY 11TILL continue the Grocery Busines ix iu IT its BaAxcHBs, at their Old Stand an BROAD - STREET, opposite the Planter’s Hqtel. Our Stock of Groceries will, at nil times, be targe, tlie assortment complete, and particul arly adapted to Planters’ Trade—a liberal share of which we have so lqng enjoyed, aud hope still to receive. WM. 51. BEALL, JNO. W. L. STOVALL. BEALL & STOVALL, Warehouse and Commission Mer- RALPH STONE. M, D. JONAS A- MOTT, M. D. CYRUS XniGLET. M. D. WM. B, AUSTIN M. D. OaVII.l.E UPSON, M. D, GATIN WETMORE, 11. V. Augusta Ga., W ILL continue tlie WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all iu branches and have removed to the FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE adjoiuing M. R Stovall, on the corner uf Jackson and Ellis Streets, near the Globe Hotel. ' Consignments of Cotton, Bacon, Grain, and other Produce solicited. The usual Advances made on Cotton or Produce iu store, when require 1. All Cotton consigned to us will be sold at the Warehouse, where one of the firm may at alRtimes be found. Commission for Selling Cotton, 25 Cents per Bale. WM-M.BEALt JNO. W. L STOVALL. August 30 S AYING moved from No. 3 to 7 Granite Row, and having purchased a Spring Stock with great care, ask oar town and country friend* to come in and examine, and e feel assured that they ,yciiili. hc pleased with the qTUttttes, 'styles tad prices of out M>ds, consisting of , French and English Calicoes, French and Scotch Ginghams, uew designs, French printed Jaconets, Frcneh printed Organdies, French printed Bareges, Plain, figured and striped Grenadines, Plain Bareges of all colors and qualities, Rich Organdy, Barege, and Silk Flounced Robes, - Beautiful worked Collars,from 50 cents to 7 dollars, . Cbemizetfs and Collevetts of new and fash ionable styles, Silk and Lace Mantillas new patterns, Bleached and brown goods. Hardware. Crockery and Groceries, All of which we will sell at Augnsta re tail prices, with the exception of Bleached Homespuns and Calicoes,which we do not pre tend to sell for 2 cents per yard less than New York cost for the purpose of baitiug green ones; April ioi1855.‘ DR. ROSE'S TREATISE ON CONSUM PTION. Price one dollar Address, JOHNSON STEWART ROSE. Office 931 Broadway, New Yovfc B, The new postage law requires that all letters prepaid. My correspondence be ing extensive, applicants to ensure replies, must enclose postage, pjy Money letters must be registered by the Post Master, when they will be at my risk, not otherwise. Rogers’ Liverwort & Tar, Forcomplete curcf Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and all other Lang Complaints tending to Consumption. '1’MIIS preparation is getting into nsb all j_ over our Country. The numerous let ters we receive from our various agents, informing us of cures effected iutheir imtnc- idate neighborhoods, warrant us in saying it is one of the best, i? not the very best Cough Medicine now before the public. It almost invariably relieves and not unfre- quently cures the very worst cases. When all other Cough preparations have failed, this has relieved the patient, as Druggists, dealers in Medicines, and Physicians cun testify. Ask the Agent in yonr uenrest town, what has been Ilia experience of the effects of this medicine. If he has been selling ii for any length of time lie will tell you it is the best' medicine extant. Below we given few extracts from .letters ive have received lately regarding the vir tues of this medicine. Dr.S. S. Oslin, of Knoxville, Ga., says:— 1 have been nsitig yonr Liverwort aud Tar vety extensively in ray practice for three years past, and, It is with pleasure I stale my belief iu its superiority over nil othe articles with which 1 am acquainted, for which it-is recommended.” Messrs. Fitzgerald & Benners, writing from Waynesville. N. C. say “ The Liver wort and Tar is becoming daily more popu lar in this Country, and we think justly so. All who have tried it speak in com mendable terms of it, and say it is very GEORGIA, HAUL COUNTY. \\f RERE AS, Asa Whitbey applies to me "; * for letters of administration on the estate of Arthur C. Wilson," deceased, late of said couuty. The kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby notified to file tbeir objections in terms of law, otherwise said letter* will be granted at the next November Term of said court. Given under my hand at Office, 28th Sept, 1855. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary Oct. 4. ’ . - EXECUTORS’ SALE. ^CCORDING to the last Will nnd testament of William Park, late of Jackson county, Ga., deceased, will be sold at tke court h <use in Jefferson, Jackson co., Ga. on tbe first Tuesday in December next between Lha usual hours of sale, the negroes belonging to the estate of said William Park, consisting of men. boys, women and children, to l>e sold for the purpose of a division.— Terms cash. Sept. 27th, 1855. ROBERT C. PARK, » JOSIAH LESTER, } Executors ’ Oct 4. SWAN’S Bank Note List and Detector. Published semi-monthly at Montgomery, Ala At $2.00 per annum, in advance. T HE work is printed on fine White paper and new type, knd la appearance will be second to none in the United States. A South ra.Bank Note is aaseetial in every Bank Counting-House, and public office, l-et us unite in advancing our common interests, and not permit Northern men and Northern Detectors to fluctuate our money matters as they may wish, while we i-re qui etly following tbeir dictation. The work will be carefully revised on the day of publication, and all important financial changes, as they occur, noticed. Every exertion will be made to make it a correct and reliable guide to the Banker and Merchant. Hotel Proprietors. Brokers. Auctioneers, Commis sion Merchants, and others desirous of having their names and business widely circulated, are informed that a limited number of advertisements will be in serted. Special rates for advertising by the, or for shorter periods, maybe known by applying to any of my Agents, or at the office in Atlanta, Ga. Specemtn numbers will be sent on application by letter free of charge All communications intended for tbe “Bank- Note Lest and Detector,” must be addressed _ to “Swan’s beneficial iu alleviating the complaints for J Bank-Note List,” Atlanta, Georgia which it is recommended. " Our Agent in Piekens District, 9. C. Mr. S. It. McFall, assures us “that he uses it with great benefit in his own family, and re commends it to his neighbors.” He gives an instance of a Negro woman, in his vicini ty, who had been" suffering with diaeaawmf the Lungs for years, attended with severe cough, who was relieved by the Liverwort and Tar. Such are the good reports we hear of this Medicine from all parts of the Sooth. For a report of the surprising cures it has per formed in the Western anti Northern and Eatern States, we would invite the suffering patient to read the pamphlet which accom panies each bottle. To all, we say, have hope. TRY THE MEDICINE!! BE WARNED IN SEASON!!! And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening yonr constitntion, irritating your taroat and lungs, and inviting on that dread disease, Consumption, when so soothing end Healing a remedy can he obtained as Dr. Rogers' Syrnp ot Liverwort and Tar. Beware or Counterfeit* and Base Imita tions t The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on the engraved wrapper aronnd each bottle. Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $.5 Sold wholesale and retail by SCOVILL & MEAD, 111 Chartres and St. Louis, N.O. Sole Agents for the Sont'fern States, to whom all orders and applications for Agen cies must be addressed. Sold also by Smith A Billnps, Athens, C. W. * H. R. J. Long. “ J. Bell, Jefferson, Mcrrow & Kenedy, Monroe, W. Murray, WatkinSville, J. R. Stanford. Clarkesville. C. W. Hood, Harmony Grove, Platt A Bro., Lexington,., in A. G. Wimpey, Dohlonega. Morris & Co. Lawrenceville, June 21,1855. SAMUEL SWAN. Jambs Robbbson, General Agent Sept. 27. 3m. Ga. EXECUTOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an Order of the Conrt of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the court house door of WAlton county, on the first Tuesday in January next, be twsen the usual hoars of sale, one House and Lot in the Town of Monroe, .now in tbe occu pancy of Mr. Wayne, adjoining Rufus Hughes To be sold as the property of Thomas San- sora, late of safd county of Clarke, dec’d. Sold for the benefit of the Legatees. Terme on the day. JAMES T. SANSOM, Ex’r. Bluestone! A FRESH snpply jnst received. Oct. 25 T, BISHOP 4-SON. GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY. rHEREAS John 0. Johnson applies W . me for letters .of Administration on of the Estate of Orlando F. Richardson, late said county, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors bf said dec.,-to be and appear at my office on or before tbe Second Monday in January next, to show cause (if any they havee) why said letters should not then be granted the applicant or to such other person person* as tbe conrt i uty adjudge proper Given uodsr my hand,.at office, this 19th day of November, 1855. ASA M. JACKSON. Ordinary NEGRO SHOES. F W, LUCAS, will keep negro shoes C . r sis; . ■ >"rv' . v Cheese at KENNEY’S. Oct 18 •made at the Watkinsville Factory. Oct, 11. J TAKE NOTICE! A CCOUNTS previous to October 1st, are now ’dae, and prompt expected. WM. N. WHITE. Oct. 1 , ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE- P URSUANT to an order of the Court Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the Court-house door -of said County on the first Tuesday in January next, during the legal hours of sale, Oue Tract of Lane lying in kaid County. Containing Fifty Seven and one half acres, adjoining 3. J. Mayes. To be sold as the Property of John M. Clark,late of said Coanty dec, for the benefit ot his Creditors. Termes on tlie day. ISAAC M. KENNEY, Adm’ NOV. 22, 1865, Notice top-earth extent of the law. By order of the Prudential Committee Novl5 TV, L. MITCHELL, CJFa. the debts i* »u will be r.ikotiattaMf t. H Christy—hr wl of dm lute concern will he paid, and who tbonzed t«collect,the dentawin da* to it. JOHN H. CHRK3TY, Athens, Jan U 1855. WILLIAM KELSEA. MOORE & CARLTON 4 * -31 ■ Vixm —r- _ - iNDBRASS • H IRON foundry KMT> machine works Clfiandillrass Castings of (Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw ck—warranted equal to the best. Steam' Farcing-Pumps, Gold Mining Mills, ? Si allother kinds of gearing. M«U- all kinds of Machinery made tcJ Plough promptly dP Our t of patterns are tirt accumulation 4 A fist will be sent those addressing ," :j -v RBUBra^cI:EUSON. Agent J““ ^ , \ Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old coppeh and heavy iron- castings wanted. ly < Coach-Making and Repairing. JAMES B. BURPEE, T the old stand recently occupied by R. S. Schevenell, offers for salea lot of superi or articles of his own manufacture, at redu ced prices—consisting ol Carriages, Buggies, &c. Orders for any thing in liisline thankfully received and promptly executed. .pS-Repairing done nt short notice and on reasonable terms. Notice. GEORGIA -Jackson Countv,Nov. the 1st JT 1855, will be sold at tbe late residence of William Matthews deceased of said county on Wednesday the Sth-day of December next all the personal property of said deceased, consisting of horses, cattle, pork, sera, fod der, wheat and uate. one yoke of oxen nnd cart. Household and Kitchen Furniture and various other ariicles too tedious to mention. All fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms cash. MILTON MATTHEWS, Exec’r. Dec, 1, Notice, P URSUANT to an order of the Court ol Ordinary of Clarke Coanty, will lie sold before the Court House door of said County, on-the first Tuesday in December next, dar ing the legal hours of sale, the House and Lot at the High Shoals, in said County, whereon Ephraim S. Hopping, deceased, resided at the time of his death. Also at the same time and place, the Plantation of said deceased, adjoining the House and Lot, con taining about 1200 acres, a fair proportion of which is in th - woods. Also at the same time aud place, the Saw and Grist Mills at the sa;d High Shoals. T c house and plantation constitute a very desirable settlement for any person wishing to settle in that part of the country; and the Mills being on a never-failing stream, and one of the best shoals in the State, make them the most desirable prop erty of that description, any where in Mid dle Georgia. Persons wishing to purchase the lands or Mills, are requested to examine them before the day of sale. All to be sold as the property of said dec'd for thebenefit of his creditors. Terms on the day. PARMELIA A. HOPPING, Oct 18 Exr’x. PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KXXjLBR, STILL TRIUMPHANT, OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. W E take pleasure in referring the reader to the testimonials of our prominent druggists and well known citivena to the vir tue of Davis’ Pain Killer. We have,used tbe article nnd found it valuable. The sale of this "article in the United States is beyond all precedent, as the books^of the office will show. —Cincinnati Cpinmerciai- Davis’ Vegxtable Pais Killvr — \\'e refer our readers to n advertisement with the above caption, in the advertising column* of this morning’s Eagle. We first heard of this medicine during a recent visit to the New England States, and being struck with the ft oyel ty ef the title, we were induced to make some-enquiry about it, and wett-'snr- prit-cd to k-ara that it vas kept constantly in tlie house* of most of the lulqjiUitauts of the cities and village* where we stopped, to be used in" eases of sudden attacks of pain, burns, scalda, Ae-and we beard tt spoken of in terms of high commendation by b >tb druggists and physicians This uiuQh we can with proptiety say as journalists, in fa vor of the article.—Philadelphia Engle’. PxaaY Davis’ Vkoetable Pain Killer. Voluntarily, couscienoously.aml vyl'H much pleasure, wq recommend to our readers the above named medioine. We speak from ouf own observation fcnd experience when we say that it removes painaa'if by mngie from all parts of the body, and is t>nc of the best medicine* in use for checking Dtarihu-a, nnd for removing the premonitory symp’oms of cholera. It is applied both internally nnd externally, with the best effects, and none who have ouee used the Pain Killer would willingly be without it constantly in their houses. Cinciuaalti Eve Nonpareil. Davis’ Pain Killer—This article needs no comment from ns, but tlie real worth of so valuable compound, compels as to give publicity to it, iu our Transcript. Mr. I’eery Davis,* the manufacturer aud inv* utor, is a gentleman for whom we entertain the ighest resp< ct, and any article he sli uld offer to the public we should have the utmost confidence in. The Pain Killer we keep coustautly oa hand, and have done so for a number of Years, nnd have administered it for nil* 'f nil des criptions, both external and internal, nnd have ever fouud it to be the best remedy ex tant. We well recollect its first introduc tion for public pntronnge. it was then sold iu a few shops in inis city: look at it now. the world are its patrons. A ft-w days ago we published u certificate from Burmnh, and we have often seen them from the most remote habitable regions of the globe. Reader, if you have not a sup] ly on hand, (we trust you have, as it is almost indispen sable) procure it at once, and never be with out it again—it will save mauy a physician's bill. Providouee Daily Transcript. BT“ We presume no Medical preparation ever offered to the public has been more thor oughly tested than Perry Davis? Pain Kil- ler. Thousands of persons, were they called Upon to do so, would sfcesrfolly testify that tlicy have used it for various ills, with the most satisfactory suc&eae. II is within onr own knowledge, that an immense amount of suffering bus been relieved by it. Its pro prietors, Messrs. Perry Davis & Sou, save uo pains or expense in order to satisfy the pub lic. Being strictly honoiable men, they ob serve the utmost uuiformity in the matiufnc- ture of their celebrated Pain Killer. The materials, of which it is composed are careful ly selected—bone bat the best quality .being used. By these nu-uns the high reputation which the Pain Killer has longsince acquir ed, is at all times triumphantly sustained.— In view of these facts, wc arc by no means surprised to learn that Messrs. Davis tt Sou’s sales lire eUHstantly and rapidly increasing. While we congratulate our friends generally that so valuable a preparation ns the Pain Killer is placed within their reach, we must be permitted to rejoice at the well-merited success of itsliberai and enterprising propri etors.—Providence Gen. Advertiser. C.W.&H. Rtf LONG, Wholesale and Druggists* TT EEP constantly on hand Wrge ttn d well J\. selected stock of Paints, Oils, Vanishes, Due Stuffs, Brushes, Win do, Class, Putty, Sc, ,jv. Also, dealer* in French, English and me ri' can Chemicals, Drugs, Modi. im-», t..JE fitmery and Fancy Articles. Physicians, merchant* and all oth.-rs nr j depend upon tbeir orders moot i ng pron^t attention, upon the most accommodating terms. . .-V Theirgoods will bo warranted as repre*. si-nted. . January, 1864. /'I JJOUGIA—Clark County.—W h e r e a s \T Walter Carson applies to me for letters of Guardianship for Laura Jane, Octavio Izora, Talula Catharine, and Robert Martin, or phans of John # A. Martin, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at roy office on or before the first Monday in December uext to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not then he granted to the applicant or to such other person or per sons as the Court may adjnge proper. Given under my hand at office this the 1st day of November, 1855. ASA M JACKSON, Ordn’y. Dec,l. IVIandcville Sc Talmadgc TTAVE just retarded from New.York.witH IjL a large and beantiful assortment of the above named, articles, which they will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere A great variety af rich Jewelry of the latest style Broaches, Pins, Eat* and FingerRiogs, gold guard and fob chains, gold Pen* and Pencils, gold and silvor Buckles, gold and silver Thimbles; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AOXS, and a good assortment ot col’d Glasses; Warranted sterling silver table, dessert and teaspoons, silver Forks, and all.other articles usually ept in a Jewelry stoic. The superior advantage* which the sub scriber:ipessessdver those unacquainted with the business, in purchasingdirectly fronatbe manufacturer* and importers, and being practical jewelers, renders them Capable ot propcrlyjQdgiitg the value of all they par chase and recommend to the public. In the department of Watch and Jewelry Repairjng, we are determined, by careful and neat workmanship, punctuality and low prices, to merit the approbation of tbe public Tavor- An assortment of 0L0CK8, ofthclateat stple, always on hand,- from seveuty-five-ets. to one hundred and seventy-five dollara-^-all warranted perfect time-keepers. A. S Mandkyille, | W A.Talmaboe. Corner of Broad street and College Av. one door east ofPeters6n'sbook*tofo. Dec 22,1854. INK, INK. r PHE finest jet black Ink ever offered in JL this market, now for sale on draught. Send in clean bottles, and it ie warranted to suit. The same Ink is also sold bottled hy August 23. WM. N. WHITE. ‘Washing-day’ a Luxury! to to NOTICE. P URSUANT to an Order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke coanty, will be sold on Friday, the 7th ofDecember next, at the residence of John McRee, late of said county, dee., all the perishable property of saidedeceased, and also, all the perishable property of Isabella McRee, dee., consisting of Cows and Calves, Sheep, Pork and < look Hogs; 1 yoke Oxen; 1 Mare; Corn, and Fodder; Household and Kitchen furniture; Plantation Tools, and various other things not necessary to mention. Terms on the day. Nov. 1, 1855. ROWAN McREB, Adm’r. of John and Isabella McRee, Dec’d. Nov. 8. 1855. GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, William M. applies to me for letters of admin istration on the estate of Aaron Boggs, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular th* kindred and creditor* of said deceased to be and appear at my Office on or before the first Monday in November next to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not then be granted the applicant, or to snch other person or persons as the conrt may think proper. Given under my hand at Office, this 28th day of Septem ber, 1855. ASA. M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Oct. 4. I S hereby given, that all trespassers upon NOTICE the College lands, either in.hauling oljF YTTE again earnestly request all who are wood or top-earth, will be prosecuted tb the Tj imlebti ndebted to as, to come and make pay ment, or close their account* by note. We must close the Cosiness of the old firm. May JO * LUCAS «fc BILLUPS. I AM now prepared to fill all orders tor Hollingsworth’s justly celebrated Wash ing Machines—the greatest raven:ion of the agel This machine can be operated by a child 6 to 10 years of age, as well as a grown person—not requiring labor, but merely healthful exercise. Will do more work than 8 to 10 hands—washing perfectly clean any article,'from a cambric handkerchief to a bed qnilt, and entirely without injury. It is perfectly simple, and $an be operated by any one, and is not liable to get oat of order. Clothes prepared in the usual way, except not boiled, that not being necessary. Orders from the eoyptry, enclosing $20, will meet with prompt attention. These Machine* can be seen in operation any day at-the Steam Cabinet Shop and Blind Factory, uear the Town Spring, rear of the Franklin House. FURNITURE, SASH, BLINDS, PANEL- DOORS, Ae.,constantl7 on nandand made to order. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Athens. Jul?25 S.D. BRIDGMAN. FAMILY GROCERIES. fg^HE undersigned respectfully inform the citizens of Athens and public general ly, that they have taken the Store next door to Sansom & Pittard’a. and are receiving a fresh stock of ASSORTED GROCERIES A CONFECTIONARY, and will keep constant ly on band the best article that can be had in market, at the lowest prices, of well as sorted New Firm and New Goods, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. Ae. BOOTS! BOOTS! T HE nndersigned has taken a Stare oppo site the Newton Hopse, on College Ave- aitd, where he will continue to make as fine nue good BOOTS as usual, of any descrip tion. Double-soled and Water-proof Boots* Biick Skin, , d#j. \ j[ Pump, do Patent Leather, do Opera, do Repairing done in the neatest and b4*a style. The best of French Leather used and warranted. W. S. STARK. July 19 NEW STORE AND T Nq. 12, Franklin House Range,(L. J, Lampkin's old stand.) Wm. J. Morton, CSUCCESSOR TO MORTON % SONG R ESPECTFULLY announces to the pnblio that he is now offering for sale, si the above staad^a large and varied assortment SSAPLE AND FANCY Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, &c, The stock" Is entirely new, and will be itld] at prices to suit the times. His friends aud the public are respect!ally invited to call and examine for themselves The Books nnd Accounts of the late, firm of William M. Morton & Son will be, found at his store, and those indebted ara requested to call and settle. Athens, May 10,1856. tf TO THE TRA YELLING PUBLIC. SAUL TER & IVY A T theiroldstand.near the FranklinHouse,. Athens, Ga. are better prepared than ever heretofore to meet the wants of th^tra-'. veiling public. Those wishing to hire Coaches,Carriage*,, Hacks, Baggies, or Saddle Horses, are invited to give them a eaU—as they have finer Coach*, es and better stock than at any time hcret©i_ forc,while their Drivers are as oArafa Ins caq be fonnd anywhere. ,^*-At the same time their terms are a** good asthebest. R.Saulter, Z.Ivr. COTTON, COTTON! O UR Warehouse"hmorw open for the y.e^son Cotton and other produce, stored at rea». sonablerates. Sept 27. T. Bishop A Son. EXECUTOR’S SALE^ O N th* first Tuesday }a January next, vfH|« I be sold before the Court House door in. Pickles, Sardiues, Lobsters, Cove Oysters, Mackerel, Green and Dried Fruits, Almonds, F/lberts, Fireworks, «tc. ' Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Candies, Tobacco, Cigars, Liquors, Champaigne Wine, Porter and Ale, Candies, And variou* other articles too tedions to mention. , Come and buy. N. I).—Those indebted to the nndet by note or open Account, for Clothing, please call and settl.esoon, or they ma them ip the hands of an officer for eolU July 49 JOHJf F. PITTARD * < ney's Imon iu lb.cans, cheap,: March 2£ ihe town of Gainesville, Hall County, 249t acres oflandes,more or less, belonging to the.- State of George Thornton, late of said County, deceased, lying on the wate-s of Chattahochee.' nver ; adjoining A. R. Nuckolls, J. M. Block,. John Hansard and R. N. Thornton. Sold under the will, and for the benefit of tbe ■ heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day. . -m A. R. NUCKOLLS, Ext’r Nov. 29,1866 ^WO months after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Hall County for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the - estate of Sabrey Agerton, late of said countv,, deceased. B. F. PORTER, Adm’r.* Noy29, 1855 2m GEORGIA—HALL COUNTY. WH ERE ASJohnU." W ilaon adfiitntitrator - . bf Thomas St Wilson dec., upplies for dismission from the forthCn adndnhtFdtba off said estate. , All persons interested are hereby notified’ that said dismissibn will be granted oaj the- first Monday in June next , unless legal cause • be shown to the contrary. ms. rt. Given under my hand. Nor.,1856. M. GRAHAM, Ordinary,-. •2»; ! • SACKS SALTa. ih prime order,, for sale very low by T. BISHOP -W.-.