The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, December 13, 1855, Image 3

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-a A Portrait of a Friend.—In reply to a statement in the Richmond Knquir- ♦rj** that the Denocmtic party, as now composed and organized, is adequate and ready to secure the North and the South the East and the West, 'the peaceful enjoyment of the several rights and im munities,*’ the Charleston Mercury, from time out of.mind a paper of the strongest Democratic affinities, says: “We liave no such faith in the ability of thfcPeinocratic party. It has been overwhelmed at the North by abolition, and is powerless, either for its own na tional ends or the protection of the South.” - The pork trade is more lively in Cincin nati than it has done for several years. At several of the establishments 1600 hogs are killed daily and if all the estab lishments that {are proposed are put in Operation, at least 10 or 12,000 hogs are slaughtered there daily. Pork is now very high, bringing f.Jc. per pound net, with an upward tendency. SEVEN YEARS WAR TO COME. We have information on which We think full reliance may be placed; that declared that the war has How TO Sleep,—The Phrenological Journal says that in sleeping, that pos ture should be chosen which is promo tive of deep and full inspirations, because nature renders the latter deeper when we are asleep than awake, except in action. Hence a higlt head, by cramp ing’both the windpipe itnd the blood vessels, is bad. The bead should rest •on a line with the body. but just begun : that seven years is the. shortest limits which he assigns to it —- The Crimea, according to this informa tion. will bo defended to the last, uoi with the hope of ultimate triumph in that quarter, but because, while the result is doubtful, France and England must put forth all their resource*, and make every sacrifice for success. Rus sia defends, and will defend, the Crimea at the least possible cost to herself, tak ing advantage of all its natural facilities for defence, compelling her enemies to conduct the assault on the most extensive scale, and involving them in enormous exhausting and ruinous expenses. The Czar and his advisers believe that seven years of war like the past year would bankrupt both France and England, and relieve Russia from all apprehension, for the future. Continued war, it is cal culated, will ruin England’s industrial and commercial interest so intimately dependent upon a state of peace for their prosperity; while Russia being an agri cultural country, will simply be thrown back more exclusively upon her own resources, and all these a state of active war will develope. But we believe that the world will soon be startled by the bold measures which Russia wilt adopt Hitherto England has claimed to regulate and control the dominion of the seas, and it will not take us by surprise if a pro clamation should soon appear from the Czar Alexander, announcing Russia’s adhersion to the doctrine of entire free dom of the seas—free trade everywhere— Ex-Gov. Poote.- Senator Gwin, now or lately in Washington, expressed the opinion that Ex-Gov. Foote, lute of Mis sissippi, would be elected to the Senate from California, by the Know Nothings, •of which party ho is a member. Mttj. J . Buford, of Eufaula, Ala., pro- ’poses to start for Kansas by the 20th of r.Nmnry next and is now engaged in raising means to carryout two hundred emigrants fit for military stdQKes. Democratic CoNVENTioN.-The l*?th of December is the day proposed for the Democratic Convention to re-assc.nble at Milledgeville to appoint delegates to the Cincinnati National Convention. J The following telegraphic despatch is from the Montgomery Mail: Mobile, Dec. 3. •‘The American ticket has carried every ward in the city, Total majority over 500.” About six times the usual amount of winter wheat, it is said, has been sown in Western .Missouri this yeai. On Saturday week one hundred and twenty-two tons of copper ore, from Lake Superior, arrived at. Cleveland. Strayed or Stolen. F ROM the lot of Gen. Taylor, in Athens, a Setter Dog, of 1 a r^e size, colour white, with the exception of bis cars, which are black, with rather a brownish tinge extend ing from the left ear to the «■>■«, and answers to the name of DON. A liberal reward will be paid for the delivery of *»id d“tf to the subscriber, or fur such infunuatn.u aa will enable me to obtain him Dec 13 W. Q. D.LONY. J UST Published, by the Howard Associa tion, Philadelphia, Report on Spermator rhoea. or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or Self- Abuse, and other Diseases of the 8exnal Or gane, with an account of the errors and de ceptions of Quacks, and valuable Advice to|^ 0 i ee “ 10 ------ the Afflicted, by Geo. R. Calhoun, M. D„fi^f ee Java Consulting Surgeon ol the Howard Associa tion, Philadelphia, Pa., a.benevolent Institu tion established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Diseases.” A copy of the above Report will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope,) free of charge, on the receipt of two stamps for postage. Address Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN. No. 2 South Ninth 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 18. ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. oxaxcTKD vistir, nr mm and kxglavi ATHENS Dec. 12. (Gumiy)yd 1 Baggti) Buie Hope, per lb......... Manilla Rope'* iaggiiig Twine. P.aCoit Sides. .... Bad “ llams “ Shoulders.-. Lard Batter ...... . Tallow Tallow Candles.... ...... — Sperm do 8 tar do Coffee Rio ..... On the corn ATH W E are now reeei and well-**' ...... Mediterranean, and in short in all pub lic waters, connected with the great oceans.—New York Sun. TO THE PUBLIC. “ Judge not lest you he judged." S OME annuals of time ago, when B. P. Poore, edited the Whig paper, some one, in praising John Jackson, who was keeper of the Central Hotel, remarked that he was a gentleman of the “ Old Shool,” not s6 over- weeningly religious, as many in Athens, as to be averse to dancing parties in his Tavern. I was considered the author, by people in Athens and in distant parts—and maDy have 'aid this up in memory against me, and this is why I fear old friends and thetr progeny, now grown up, hold me. to some extent, as abominable, and not consecrate, notwith standing the ever fervent tone for Religion of all the articles I ever wrote: Of all; of every one. This was a grand mistake. I am perfect ly innocent of writing or dictating one line of that worthless piece; which Mr. Poor in in the Black sea, in the Baltic, in the an ' ,we 1 r wa ’ inserted as -- -- ' an advertisement It was not mine. Do MARRIED T:i Madison County, on the 23rd of Octo- t>er last, by Snillsby Trible, Esq., John J. Flournoy, of Jackson County, and Miss Sa- uaii J. Duskin, of the former County. Worms! Worms! Various theories have been started rela tive to tho origin of intestinal worms, and yet the question is still a vexed one among med- icnl authorities. Of ona fact, however, all are informed, and iu which all agree—the fatal nature of the influence they exert on children. At this season of the year, the at tacks of worms are m'*st frequent as well as most dangerous. We take great plensnre'in directing the attention of parents to the Ver mifuge of Dr. McLane. It is one o£ the i»o9t extraordinary medicines ever introduced to the public, and has never failed of success when tried. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for Dr. Me Lino’s Celebrated Vermifuge, and take none else. All other Vermifuges, in comparison, are worthless. Dr. McLnne’a genuine Vermifuge also his ‘celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the U. States and Canada. For sale Ht'the Drug Sioresof Smith A Billups anil C. W.& II. R. J. Long. w, If there be any of our readers who doubt the magic powers of Perry Davis’ Pain Killer to relieve pain, we advise them to buy one twenty-five cent bottle of the Agent, and give it a tried. We never yet knew it. to fail. Sold by Smith A Billups, C. W. & H. It. J. Long, Athens, and by oue Agent in every town in the State. Rev P.II. Mull, ofPenufield, Ga., has been elected President of Mississippi College, Ciiiition, Miss. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL CONVEN TION, Louisville, Nov. 28, 1855. The following proclamation to the American Order bas been issued : National American Council, Executive Office, Covington, Ky Nov. 28, 1855 At the annual meeting of the Nation al Council in June, 1855, the following resolution was adopted : That a Con vention for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, be held at Philadelphia, February 22, 1856, composed of dele gates elected by subordinate councils, one from each Congressional District and two from each State. The Council, tin consequence of this resolution, here by proclaim that the Councils in each 'Congressional District in each State, do elect Delegates as aforesaid; also, two alternates for each Congressional and ‘State delegate. E. B. BARTLETT, President Na tional Council. Another notice to the same Order is issued, stating that there will be a spe- cial meeting of the National Council at Philadelphia, on Monday, Feb. 18, for -.the transaction of such business as may •be brought before it. 0C#- We are authorized to announce Mr Francis II. McLeroy ns a candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Returns for Clarke county— whether divided or not Wc are authorized to announce Job W. Hamilton as u candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns for Clarke county, at the ap proaching January election. We are authorized to announce Duke Hamilton as a candidate for re election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of the county of Clarke, at die January election. 1ICHARD HUGHES is a Condi . X date for re election tor Tax Collector of ,'larke County. Election first Monday in January, 1856. Oct. *18 4 .The Tennessee and Virginia Railroad Vs Bow m running order from Lynchburg ito Mount Airy, 150 miles—leaving but .54 miles to reach the Tennessee State line This fifty-four miles is prepared 4or the superstructure. The road trom Knoxville to the Virginia line is in pro gress of re pid construction. Both roads will be finished by the end of next year thus giving us a connection with the .eastern cities through East Tennesse and Virginia. It is stated that of 165 men were hung in the United States during the year 1654 .there were only 7 who could read and write. There is much “sood for reflec jtion” in that ttatement. The President of the American Na -ytionul Council has issued a call for the //election of delegates by Congressional districts to.tbe National Convention of 4bat party, which is to assemble in Philadelphia in February to nominate ididates for President and Vice esidenf. Grief never sleeps; it watches con jtinually, Hke a jealous hand. All the world groans under its sway, and it fears its clutch will become prey then escape. CANDIDATES. peopla hold this tnoreeau in recollection, as a testimony of my hypocracy, when I write pious Advertisements! Jt seems so: for who ever seems to be struck my moral and religious inculcations and exhortations! wno! who than Athenians are more insensible to the value of what emiuates from my pen ! Who gave me me ten cents for a peace—Vhamplilet—matter worth 50 ! but who had the excruciating meanness the next day, at last commence ment, to accept it as a gift t I will now plainly inform the Athenians and the world I think, alwaySj about them. VhytocnUpie- tg. They are not_Saints LJTheir devotion in heart and soul, to i God, is not eigual; enough to please the Redeemer, though they have some of the externalities of holiness. I not only commend their negative virtue of eschew- ‘ngtlic lascivious dance,but ever would urge to positive and working excellences 1 I hope they will know me now as lam, «L banish them from their inmost hearts all the unclean im nginings, that like frogs, issue only from the bottomless pit ! If they were good men, or good Christians, they would, before con sidering me an enfidel at heart, have enquir ed of me as to the authorship of that article. J. - J. FLOURNOY. P. S- People may feel curious to know what I think of Jackson couti'v, if Athens fail to stand before me. I will tell then), tlfht I regnrd the mass of this cnnnty, white and black, ns the “ Smoke from the bottom less pit”—which is absolutely incurable, ex cept by the blood of ONE—which all must come and take, and with it make the insepa rable condition; a Holy Life: So Holy as to harbour no thought against the author of this for beingdeaf, having agrey beard, and looking, intclliglinlly assummingl Since they “ must give an account of their very thoughtsand are surely condemned in spite of sacraments, if they contemn, want- ingly. the just man, who will not shave to adapt his face to beardless men and women, and won let God have his way with ms face • ami won't dye his gray beard to carry a lie on his front! J. J. F. Dec. 13, 1855. Tea Rice Sugar, Brown “ Clarified................. “ Crashed ............. “ Loaf...... ...... ..... Molasses, per gal--............ .. N. O. Syrup..... Salt, per Bushel.... ..... Salt, Liverpool Sack .......... Steel, Cast .................... “ German “ Blister ......... “ Spring... Iron, common size .... ....... *• 7inch wide .............. *• Band ........ “ Nail rod Sheet ... .... Castings Nails, per Keg Powder, Rifle, Blasting Lead ...— .................. Shot, per Bag Cotton per Bale...— ...— .... 7j Flour per bbl ...... *7 Wheat per Bushel .... Corn “ “ Meal *• “ Oats “ “ Rye “ “ Indigo,Spanish Madder lb ... —. Copperas. Blue Stone Oil, Linseed .......... *• Lamp, Winter “ « Fall “ Train Family Bacon, Cheese, Mackerel—Nosl,2,3 Pickled Salmon and white and yellow. Codfish. Coffees**-01d J avaaRin, Vinegar, Assorted Teas, N. O. Syrup, Candles—Sperm, Ada- Smart’s ref’d Syrnp, mantine and tallow, Soap. Matches, Mustard, C»iiV f'.un.t the larges* assortnu ut of JEN’S, YOUTH’S & BOY’S CL0THI Ever offered in this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS Ttvraks, Y aWses, m\»e\\&» W2, : Of all styles and qualities. It it useless to enumerate all the article* we have on bat would cordially weloon o all to fid-come and examine for themselves, B. L BLOOMFIELD'S. Athens, April 13,1854. Cooking Extracts, Pickles. Candice, Currants, Raisins, Almonds, Tobacco and Cooking Wine and Brandy, Segars, Also, an extra article of Fine Wines and Brandies for family use and medicinal pur poses—to which we invite the attention of the public. Give ns a call. Onr object is to | please those who patronise ns. Terms cash. Nov29 X. X. CLARK | S. It. CAKTKB. EXECUTOR’S SALE! 11 Five Hollars reward. L OST, between Athens and Gainesville, about tho 1st November, a pair cf saddle I bags, containing soma articles of clothing, a pistol, &c. The above reward will be paid upou the delivery of the saddle-bags and contents. My name is written on some of 1 them. L. FRANKLIN. Athens, Nov 29,1855 tf BLEACHED SPERM OIL, For sale by Summey & Jones. " N pursuance of Orders of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, during the legal hours of sale, one House and Lot adjoining the Tanyard at Athens, whareon Thomas Sansom deceased, resided at the timeofhis death; one tract of land in said county, containing 298 acres, mors or lass, adjoining White, Harris and others ; one lot of land in said county, containing about two and one-half acres, embracing the Graveyard at Princeton Factory; one Land Warrant, No. 18283, issued -to said deceased for 80 acres. Also At the same time and place,will be sold, the following, ti fas, notes and accounts, be longing to the Estate of Thomas Sansom, de ceased: 1 fi fa vs. Junes McRee, for $39,094 prm. Centre-Hill Classical School, | DOUGLAS’ REVOLTING PUMPS, For sale by 8ummey a Jones. LEAD PIPE, For sale by Summey dr Jones. WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY, For sale by Summey A Jones. G UNS— For sale by Nov29 SUM *IEY A JONES. BAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE, For sale by Summey A Jones. ALUM SALT, For sale by Summey A Jones Mackerel. No. 3 bbl ........... 4 bbls No. 2 “ £ bbls No. 2 Beeswax... Feathers Tobacco Yarn per bale, 4C bunches.... ... “ Retail 1... ..... II ] -qao.u aiaqt joj p.uinbej bi laShtnaj^ -dusqo pjos eq i(i.w ‘Xuuduioo uiuojg 8ii3t|iy oqj jo sqjoA aqi Sainum ' aou auiSu-j uicojg joau><j asjog j*| ggi iH3AY0<T 1H3AV0<I Retail.............. innerman’s I PATENT DOOR SPRINGS For sale by SUMMEY A JONES. Raff* .... GEORGIA—CLARLE COUNTY W HEREAS Lindsey Durham.jr.,applies to me for Letters of Administration Sundries. M ACCARONL Pickles, Citron, Gr. Spices'. sealed Fish, soda biscuit, sardines,rotten .-tone. Cheese and Lemon Syrup. For sale by SUMMEY A JONES. v to me for Letters of Administration /~i , • msr- it* j thee late of Joseph Uaxey, late of said UOOKlIlg Wine and Brandy, county, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before'the second Monday in January next, to show cause (if any they have) why For sale by SUMMEY A JONES. ATHENS, GA. HE Nineteenth Ses'ion of this School will commence January 1st, 1S56. The course of instruction in the Classics and Mathematics conforms to that prescribed for admission to the Uuiversity. A preference is given to applicants above twelve years of age. A few boys are received into the fami ly of the Principal. For particulars apply to A. M. SCUDDER, Principal. December 13—It COBBHAM CLASSICAL SCHOOL, ATHENS, QK. T HE above school will commence its first term for 1855, on the 14th of Jan’y next The undersigned designs to propa* e boys for College, or give such a course of instruc tion na the parent or guardian may direct There will be no distinction in price, but a uniform charge of $40pcryear,of 10 months; and no scholar taken for less time than one term of five months. He feels grateful to his kind patrons, and here promises them, and new ones’ that what ever can be accomplished by incessant labor and constant watchfulness, will be done. He Batters himself that with former experience and proposed reforms, he will be able to give increased satisfaction. WILLIAMS RUTHERFORD. Jr. Nov 29—6t Rector. Almanacs! J UST Received, a supplv of Greer's Alma nacs for 1856, at W.*N. WHITE’S Dec 13 University Bookstore. Parents, &c. Subscriber will T HE Subscriber will recommence his School the first Monday in January next, at the Free School Room, and continue to the first Monday in December ensuing; ele ven months the School year. TERMS: English Department, $20 00 Latiu and Greek, JS0 00 55 days the School Quarter. W. G. BARRETT. Dec 13—4t GEORGIA. HALL COUNTY. HEREAS, William C. Devours, W HEREAS, William C. Devours, applies to me for letters of adrainistxation upon the estate of John Devours, late of said county, deceased. These are to cite 'and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms ol law, otherwise said letters will be granted on the second Monday in January next. Given under my hand, this 6tli December, 1855. M. GRAHAM. Dec IS Ordinary, $50 Reward. R AN A WAY or stolen, from the subscriber, about the 20th day of October, 1855. a negro boy by the name of Lee. He is foil six feet high; dark complected; his teeth is very much decayed; some of bis upper fore teeth gone; small blemish in one of his eyes; I think in bis right eye, and a scar on the back of his neck, caused by putting Seacon in his neck; some scars on his legs, caused from soi'es; his big toes sets very much back, so it leaves large lumps >n the joint of his big toes inside of the foot. I will pay the' above reward for him and thief, with proof to convict; or I will pay a liberal rewar ! for the negro, if lodged in some safe jail so that I can get him. Address John L. Podgen. Good Hope, Walton County, William H. Goodson Monroe, Ga. JpRN L. DODGEN. Dec 13—tf 50 Kegs Nails, For sale by SUMMEY tf JONES. CANDLES. person or persons as the Court may judge proper. Given under my hand, at office, this the 4th | day of December, 1855 - Dec. 6. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. For sale by SUMMEY <t JONES. GINGER PRESERVES, For sale by SUMMEY A JONES. CLARKE SHERIFF’S SALE. . AN the fii^sf Tuesday in January next, I ^ ^4“*' V4 will be sold before the court house door I SEIVE CLOTH, for sale by SUMMEY A JONES. BmjRJETS end PIGGINS, *-*-—•* ° 1 tor sale by SUMML1 & JONES. To Shippers. HUGH L. TINLEY & CO. Successors to TINLEY tc HERRON, Receiving and Fo warding Agents and General Commission. Merchants. No 2, Exchange st., South Atlantic Wharves, CHARLESTON, 8. C. G IVE their personal attention to the sale of Cotton ascustom iry, or special contract, all other kinds ol Produce and Manufactures, and moke prompt returns of the same, for 2} percent; commission., W e shall continue, as heretofore, to give our special attentioo to the receiving and forwarding of all goods consigue d to ns.for ten cents perpackagfe. Machinery, large packages 6f Furniture. See., charged in proportion to trouble and re sponsibility:, for advancing freights and charges, ?4pc rcen tnm. Persons shipping goods or produee through this house mav rely upon their interest bei ng POSITIVELY PROTECTED, both against over-aharge and loss ot goods. We have in no instance, nor will we de tain any goods for freight and charges. We would respectfully beg leave to. refer to the following gentlemen, with whom we have had business transactions: John Caldwell, President ofS. O. R R.,Co U. Passailaigue, Superintendent of public works, Columbia, F WMcMaster, Librarian of SC. College Co. *,**»-.. fe* P. W. Fuller, Columbia. John King, jr., S. C. R- R-, Agent, Charles ton. Henry Misroon, Agent of New York steamers. Holmes & Stoney, Agts. N. Y. sailing packets. H. F. Baker A Co, Agents of the Baltimore and Philadelphia sailing packets. J. W. Caldwell, Agent of Baltimore steamers and Boston sai ing packets. H. L. TINLEY & Co, . Late of Knoxville, Tenn JAS.H. ARTOPE, Dec.fitf _ OfCharleston, S. C. property to wit 110 pc shoes, 6 pr hoots, 41 fur hats, 11 leghorn do, 21 wool do, 37 cloth and glazed caps, 35 ps ribbon, 23 pg silk fringe and gimp, 24 ps velvet ribbon, 7 ps alpaeba, 4 p3 apron check, 5 ps wool anil cotton drawers. 21 ladies worsted hoods, 10 boxes artificial flowers, 23 bonnets, 37 pr gloves. 18 pr silk mitts, 1 box buttons assorted, 2 boxes ball cord, 1 ps fine dimity, 1 ps red padding, 1 ps pillow-case linen, 1 ps 6-4 bleached sheeting, 10 ps calico. 14 ps ginghams, 10 patterns lawn, 1 pattern fancy silk, 7 ps bernges, 34 shawls, assorted, 2 ps delane, 4 natterns drape ' : ete. 3 patterns linin drill, 1 lot nndersleeves. 2 ps plaid handkerchiefs. 3 fine cloth coats, 1 bed blanket, 1 ps rub ber cloth, - 1 ps crash, 12 wall and furniture brushes. 1 pr scales and weights, 5 boxes gnn wadding, 20 boxes hermctical sealed oysters, 1 bellows and vise, 4 1-4 boxes tobacco, 8 shovels and forks, 1 lot grind stone cranks, 27 ps easting, 1 lot crockery, 1 lot hardware, 3 large stillyards, 8 sythe- blades, 1 pr ceilng match planes, 3 guns. I 2 saddles. 1 lot willow baskets, 8 trunks, 1 j lot saddlers silk and 1 lot sundries too nu merous to mention. Levied upon as the property of William P. Turner, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Clarke Superior Court, in favor of Doughty A Beall, vs W. P. A J. 0. Turner. Sale to continue from day to day. Property pointed out by William P. Tur ner. This Nov. 8th 1655. $5 ALSO, at the same time and place, wil’ be sold, a house and lot in the town of Ath ens and connty of Clark, joining Thomas R. B. Cobb’s lot, now occupied by Shackle ford, on the north, and joining F. W. Lucas on the south and east, and John H. Newton’s lo ton the west, containing one acre, more or less: also, 1 sofa, 1 dos oane bottom chairs, 1 candle stand, 1 fine mantle glass, 1 center table, 3 common tables, 6 lamps, 1 carpet and rug, 1 pr brass and Irons,4 vases, 5 waiters, 8 Imds, bed-steads and furniture, 2 rocking chairs, 1 bureau, 1 clock, 1 ward robe. 1 pr shoved and tongs, 1 folding table. Levied on as the property of William Gar vin to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of CTnrke countv in favor ofWilUatn H H White. This Nov. 27th. 1855. 3$ Nov. 29. LEWIS J.LAMPKIN, D. Sh’ff. Ragging and Rone, For sale by SUMMEY & JONES. Safety .Fuse, For sale by SUMMEY A JONES. LUALAM'S IMPROVED MEAT CUTTER. W ITH detached knives, fo sausage and pie meat, will cut from 150 to 200 lbs. per hour. For sale by do vs. Stroud Melton for $84,191 do vs Wm Summers, for $9,0o “ do vs do for $12.00 ** do va do for $12.00 “ do vs John Yarborongh. for $300.00 do vs John Biggers, for Lift “ do vs Moses Vinson, for 2.65 “ do vs John Reynolds, for 29.00 ** do vs do 20.25 “ do vs do 18.00 “ do vs John W. Shaw, for 1.874 ‘ do vs James Wilson, for 6.00 “ do vs Eleazer Hamilton,for 4.87J “ do vsD. C. Baldwin, for 10.93| “ do vs Noah Segraves, for 911 ** do vs Wm L Parr, for 4.00 “ do vs James Starks, for 10.62 “ do vs Lundsford Long, for 11.624 “ do vs Noah Segraves, for 888 “ do vs John B. Hartley, for 7.00 “ do vs Thomas Baxter, for 4.17 “ do vs do for 4.10 “ do vs Symon D.Smith, for 1.624 “ do vs Oren Jarrelt, for 2.60 “ do vs Joshua Stanford, for 16 55 “ do vs do fir 3-H7J “ 1 Note on Henry Anglin, for 82 cts. prin. do 'John S. Anderson, for 4.48 “ do John Asbel, for 7.82 “ do B.J. Evans, for 25.00 •* do John Williams, for 3 65 “ do James M. Williams and William N. Evans, for 18.00 “ do William N. Evans aid James M. Williams, for 18.00 “ do George -E. White for 15.00 “ do James Welch, for 13.14 “ do Martin Venable, for 6.25 do William Venable, for 3.934 “ do James M. Varnum. for 19.38 “ do Alexander Veal for 1.40 “ do John Talbert, for 9.26 “ do J. C. Thompson, for 7.00 “ do Daniel ana John Towns, for 30.00 “ do John R. Towns, for 2 60 u do James Sansom, for 550 do J. C.Btephens. for 46.00 “ do George H. Stewart, for 2.81$ “ do Tilman Stanford, for 6.00 “ ■ do William Smith, for 4.60 “ do Noah Strickland, for 2.65 “ do do for 8.93J- “ do R. Rogers, for 27.75 “ do Joseph Roberts, fey-8124 “ do Joseph E. Rumley, J. M. Royal and Benj. W. Rumley, for 9.60 “ do J. M. Roval, for 29.12 “ do do * for 17.70 “ do J. M. and J, E. Royal, for 20.00 “ do do for 18 36 “ do William L 'Parr, for 25.00 “ do Owen Blackman, for 5.76 “ do James Barnett, for 6.184 “ do James Bone, for 6.124 “ do Job Bird, for 30.00 “ do do 1 for 80.00 * 1 do Elios Busby for 4 SO ** 1 Note oa Elijah Mattox for 82.43 " 1 Receipt of John Reynolds, const, for not* on Anderson Nichols for $1840 prin. Oneopen account on B J Evans for One do on Harper Connolly for 1.40 Tandy Eubanks for 7A0 John Alexander Jr for 95 etn George Uardeu for 85 ct« Thomas Baxte- for 8.80 George Muse for 58 ate Perrin Benson for 3.15 John McCordy for 1.28 J R Addington for 67 ete F M Carson for 8.16 I W Wooldridge for 2-37 Isaiah Whitmire for 6.77 O H C Willingham for 1.73 R D McCroskey for 8.45 Jeremiah Jones for 55 cte James Holmes for 1.41 Stephen Tilman for 8.20 Fields Ramsey Aar 9.27 Clem Segraves for 150 Sely Chesser for 2.25 Mr Lunv for 1.75 William P Rice for 6.5Q John A Booth for 14.00 Jesse A Pate for 70 cte James M.Booth for 2.90 Calvin Kirkley for 50 eta ( John L. Lester for 933 O W Parks for 1.31 James Hoopaugh for 7.2$ William Curlin for 1.60 Elam Farmer for 6.23 v Joseph Boyce for 4.00 Willmm S Smith for 275 James Benson for 2.7$ F J Freeman for 112 Frauds Rnwson for 4.00 David H Winn for 8.06 James D Johnson for 180 John S Sailors jr. for 2.48 William D Smith for 2 00 It H Clealy a Bro. fir 9.74 John Lavender for 2.80 John Leachmnn for 6.05 Edmond Strickland for 1.12 John A Parks for 7.95 Joseph Hodges for 6.00, Dr Hay for 2.26 B Starks jr. for 600 -Henry Shore for 1.1ft Martin Venerable for 8.30 James Boggs for 1.70 Rebecca Connei for 2.30 J M Hunt for 2.50 Joseph Hnbanks for 8.89 J H Hays for 8.75 Willinm Watson for 1.25, Charles Mason for 2.20 John A. Nunnally for 2.50* John Langston for 2 00 n S Butler for 2.00 R Stephenson for 50 cts. Jesse H. Torbert for 6.18s H J Kisselburg for 2 85 Pleasant Williams for 2>t8 J b Frierson for 1.00 Baly Wilson for 200 Harris Boroan for 3.12 Hubbard Hampton for 5,69 Dr Nesbtt for 76 cts L B Thompson for 75 titt- Jamea Gann for 4.98 Henry Stephens for 1.15 James B Lord for 3.48 James Nixon for 2.87 Miss 1* Evans for 44 cts Also, one Buggy and one two-horsc Wagon. ^ All to be sold ns the property of Thomas Sansom, teceased, for the benefit of his lega tees. Terms on the day. NovlS JAMES T SANSOM, Ex’r. One dfo One do One do One '• do One do One do Ono do Oue do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do Oue do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One ko One do One do Oue do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do Oue do One do One do One do One do One do One do Oue do One do Oue do One do One do One do One _ do One # do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do One do Ono do One do Ono do One do One do One do do Nov22 SUMMEY &JGNE8. CRANBERRIES. F OR sale by Nov22 SUMMEY A JONES. Ho. For 9ale by 1 JfTackerel SUMMEY A JONES. Fresh Buckwheat, For sale by SUMMEY A JONES. for 30.00 Wilson M. Burrett, for 2.00 Perrin Benson, for 2.40 James Calaban, for 2.10 do for 2.40 Duniel M. Glower, for 25.00 John R. Cosby, for 54.25 N. L. Collins, for 25.00 do for 25.00 William R. Cofer^4.50 Francis M. Carson, for 4.88 T. B. Cooper, for 16.00 do for 28.10 do for 30.09 on do. and James Garrison, 25.00 ADAM’S & CO.’S EXPRESS OP- , FICE, ATHENS, GA. A FTER this date, no package shipped by the above Company, will be delivered from this office, until expenses are paid npoi^ said packages. Consignees will please “ take due notice, and govern themtelve* accordingly* T. M. LAMPKIN, Agent. October 25 CORN SHELLERS&, STRAW CUTTERS. 0 , y F the most approved pattern for sale low by T. BISHOP & SON, Oct. 25, 1855. '* $3~L00K REYNOLDS & BRO (Over Sinsom <k Pittard* BOOK 4.ND JOB PRINTERS, ATHtKS, Invite the attention of the public'to preparations for PRINTING, in nil its de partments. They are prepared for the execution of Bills, Circulars, Cmrdsfliekets, Pamphlets, dte, tomerswill come and are Printer® of Cobb’s RrroBs. Sept. 21,1854. 1j * B. LondonPorter & Scotch Ale For sale by SUMMEY tb JONES. Old Gov’t Java Coffee, For sale by SUMMEY A JONES. ITIFRCHAIVT’S PERFUMERY AND SOAPS, Are the Best Made. 567 BROADWAY, Corner of Prince Street, New York. Ask for them when Shopping. Oct. 18 Boots and Shoes LARGE supply of Lawrencerille and A. other negri SHOES. Also a variety of Ladies and Geutlemens’Boots apJ Shoes, at Oct 18 ISAAC M. KENNEY’S. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Court of Ordinary of said County. 'HEREAS Seaborn R. Ayeock Admin YTT VV istrator on the Astate of Isaac P. NOTICE. P URSUANT to'an order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke connty, will be sold Aycock, late'of said comity, deceased, petit- at the plantation of John W. Cook, late of ions the Jourt for a discharge from saia Ad- snid county; deceased, on Thursday the 13th I ministrator. dayof December, inst., near Aquilla Greer’s j Therefore, All persons concerned, are here- old place in said connty, part of the perisha- ] by required to show cause, (if any they have) ble property of said deceased—consisting of j why said Administrator should not, at the corn, fodder, shucks, oats, seed cattun, mules, j regular term of said Court, to be held on the oxen wagons,lows, calves, sheep, pork and first Moeday in July next, be discharged from stock hog* and plantation tools, and other] said Administration articles not necessary to mention Also, at the same time and place, willbe RENTED the ens ing year the said planta tion. Also, will be sold at Watklosville, on Sat nrday the 22d day of December, inst, one mnle, one rockaway, one cow and calf, one lot of Prolific seed cotton, and all ft* House hold and kitchen furniture of said deceased. Also, will be HIRED,on the first Tuesday in January next, before the coart house door in Watkinsville. for the ensuing year,all the Negroes belonging lo said deceased. Sale at each place to continue :rom day to day all is sold. Terras on the day'ofsale. Dec6,1855 THOMAS 3IM — By order of said Court, at a Regular term, held this 3d day cf December, 1855 ASA, M. JACKSON Ordinary. Dec ember, 6, New Merclinnt Tailoring Estab lishment. A T R. L. BLOOM FIED’S old Clothing }kam&, will be found, in addition to his : of CLOTHING, (lent of , Vestings, & Billups return dny\ having left I ‘ to put the | out ourcus- set'-le. LUCAS & BILLUf Athens, Dec.. 8, 1855. i do Atlas A. Daniel, for 26.64 i do Martin S. Howell. John Evans and David Thomas, for 18jOO i do on dittos, for 1800 i do on dittos, for 18.00 i do on dittos, for 18.00 i do William Fern, for 2.26 i do J. Dl Frierson, for 8.124 i do James Farris, for 8.00 i do Samncl Gann, for 5.28 i do Hubbard Humphrey, for 10.71 i do Joseph B. Hunt, for 4.25 i do Basil Human,for $151.52 i do William S. Hemphill for 28JJC i do James R. Harrison, for 6.75 i do Williaa Hay*, for $.75 i do David A. Hamilton, for 4.16 i do Lawrence House, for 8.87 i do Thomas Haney/for 4.00 Edward Harden, for 52.00 i do i do Alexander Johnson, for 3.50 i do James D. Johnson, for 7-6-3 i do A. W. Isler, for 25.00 i do do for 25.00 i do John Kirkpatrick,, for 100.00 i do John Kirkpatrick, for 6.Q0 i do James D Carlin, fob 7.17 i do do fur's. 36 i do B. F. King,for29.00 - do George W. Lawlis, for 5.00 T. J. London, for 12.00 i d} i do James Meelor, for 17.00 i do do for 17.00 i do do 17.00 i do do 17.75 i do do 26.00 i do W. McNorton, for 23.00 i ' do Alex. S. Martin for 9.18 i do Wm <4 Francis Martin for 8.Q0 i do do 2.25 i do G M Maxwell for 6.17 i do Richard Moor for 6.00 i do do 18.55 i do do 6.76 i do R J Maynard for 80.00 i do do 80.00 i do do 4.00 i do S J Nunn for 7.51 i do Anderson Nichols for 4.00 i do John A. Nunnally for 6.62 i do Alexander Power for 4.45 ' i do Daniel McDonald for 8,90 i do P S Moore for 4.00 1 do Moses Vinson for 22.00 1 do W H Hnnt.for 32 81 2 do Russel Reneau each for 25.06 R 9 Scbcvcnell for 165.76 1 do 1 do do for 18.75 1 do F Rawson, for 5.50 1 do E B IliJen for 4 55 1 do H S Butler for 200.00 1 do L R A H S Butler for 272 50 1 Dne Bill on Job Bird for 8.18 . TO HOUSE KEEPERS. W. LUCAS, has just received a feel}, . .supply <>f Elegant Gilt Cornice. Lace and Muslin Curtains, and Ifftgdsptq# Window Shades from $2 to $8 pair, Oct, 11 TO MILLERS. F ’ W. LUCAS, lias just received a . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ * ‘ full assortment of the beat Anchor brand. Bolting cloths. Oct, 11- NOTICE. ^ LL persons indebted to John W. Cook, late of Clarke comity, deceased, arc re quested to make immediate payer,ent—and those having demands against said deceased are hereby notified to present them, duly au thenticated, within the lime prescribed by law.• THOS. SIMONTON, Adm’r. Dec 6, 1865. CLARKE MORTGAGE SBFFB BALK. O N the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold in Watkinsville, Clarke county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One grey horse about ten years of age, one sorrel do about nine years of age, and 1 dray and harness. Levied on as the property of Willis Thompson, to satisfy two mortgage fi. fas issued fro*a the Inferior C> urt «.f Clarke county, one in favor of Bayru n A Ritcb, and oneiu favor of Jeremiah E. Bitch, and other fi. fas. in my possession. Dec6 LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, D. Shf£ GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY, Court of Ordinary of said County. WjlBREAS, -Moses, N. Davenport and * * Jesse Davenport Executors of Martin Davenport, late of said eoonty, deceaen’. petitions the Court for a discharge from sai-1 Executorship. Therefore, A1J persons concerned are here by required to show cause, (if any they have) why said Executors should not,at the regnlsr term of said Court, to he held on the firsf Monday in July next, be discharged front said Executorship, By order of said C held this 3d day« December 6, ■i-*!* J 1 i&SHM ■