The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, October 28, 1879, Image 4

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r -T3K ^ .. Special Anaonncenent “We take pleasure in announcing that we have oondnded arrangement* with the publisher of the Chicago Weekly Netc*—* paper not unknown in the South—by which we are enabled to club that journal with the Southern Watchman at a very small advance over the price of the Watchman. Both papers will be sent to any address for *2.25 a year, postage included. To those who are not familiar with the character ot the Chicago Weekly Nctct, we would say that it has an established re potation as one ot the best representa tives ot independent journalism in the country. Its political intelligence is free , ’ from partisan bias or coloring, and abso lutely without tear or favor as to parties It stands conspicuous among the metro politan papers ot the country os unsur passed In all the requirements ot enter prising journalism. Its telegraphic ser vice is especially complete, comprising ail the dispatches ot the Western Associated Tress and National Associated Press, be sides a very extensive system of special telegrams from all important points. As a newspaper it has no superior. In the tamily circle it has secured an enviable popularity by its peculiar feature of Six Complete Stories in every issue, to gether with othermattereapccially sought lor the home. Our special arrangement with the Chi cago 'Weekly Nctcs enables us to bring it within tho means oi every one. Si^cimen copies may be seen at this office. tobertson, Taylor at lcJ SUCCESSORS T Geo. W. William:? & Co.. Cotton Factors, W‘ ANL (iencral i ommlssion Merchants., 1 ft 3 Haync street, <Jh:ii-l«*Htoil, A C. Wi’: give all business their moot cartful attention. McKinnon & Rivers, if cottou solicited. twit***. iatStodiU* T*. ULcuRvcAAbl lo«c rtnadu-C in fwv*k,ordinary a, > / /* JKller'in.V«. pi| ahntfU. grid by *U - m, x f J p •* D.. , nV h l Ar - : Adticcfree. Blacksmithing Business, the old stand nf J M Ba—tt, on Jackson street. ATLAKTi, Ga., Feb. 4, 1879. This is to certify that I have used Messrs. Butchiusons’ preparation—“ Neuralgine" —for the cure of neuralgia, and believe it to be what, they represent—a sure cure lor neulaigla. Respectfully, W. M. Stocktox. For sale by E. C. Loxc. ft Co. Prom Eminent Dr. H. B. Hopson, Memphis Tennessee. “ This is to certif- that I have made use of Colden’s Liebig’s Liqu'd Beef and Tonic Invigorator in several cases of consump tiog and general debility, and bave found it to act admirably in such cases ns a nu tritive food, tonie and stimulant!” For sale by E-C. LONG ft Co., Athens, Ga. The ouly combination o the tree R&\F4iRli r & Jamaica Ginger which choice Axomat- d.VUUmi iJ ic . a , tll French Brandy for Cholera, tTho'.era morbus. Cra-i p# and Fain*, llUildl tdarrhma and J>y*. ntery. Diywli. JA.IlAil'A Plate:,ncy, \v«,t clToneMdptbrty in ll.e nnd lloweM. and irold- Uicdii jn- ol Of Wnler Stood GIXfiER a,‘>: lor 3A.NF0RPS JAMAIC A GINGEB Kennesaw House, 155 Broad Atlanta; Ga. One Oollai* Per Pay IkhiL' thoroughly repaired ard newly lurrisin d. offer* nlor ; tidar rmentA to boarder* nod the lr%veiingT»uhlte._ Au.2^-3m, Sirs. €5. J, fOIlTjT ALEXANDER R. JONES. .Attorney and Cminwcllor-nt-Law. Office | \ firA^t teilldinx, tomr Marietta and Broad street*. Entrance No. S N. Bros., Atlanta. GA. Will i.rvctlc*? 11 Atlanta Circuit and elsewhere .by agree- '••■I. Prompt rttrotlou given to all f ' fir” All mono col'.^cPil immediate! > day* on $1«V» invested, Official information Fkee. Li* fj’0to$5n. Addi “ \ W-dl afreL V* Y. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Lock and Gunemithlnr done" in the tnort superior style. Having engaged Urn service* of a And claa* Wood 'Workman, Oar facilities for all work in car Uae i* comp!rtc.£OurMr. McKinunn ban been tba foreman and principal workman lor Mr. Bassett since hla coming t Athens, and we treat that the public will recognize this fact and favor os with a re of thdr patronage. To all in need of work In oar (line _ invite a call. W. McKinnon, Vfar ft—T m V. v. Riven*. $1200 - •kir on Stock i*M Sr. «v... v fash-st belling l*i- s».1 3Ttv^e.w.’. K'*t» MlaI.'.a, Ga.. o: St. Lot.i- SWIFT’S S. SPECIFIC. Macox, Ga, JuDe 9th, 1879. There are men in this community, well- known citizens, who were victims In early lile to this horrible disease, and who bave been cured by the S. S. S. medicine, and are now to ail appearances, and in their own belief, as free fropi taint oi disease ns the first man, (resh trhm th« hands of his male- r. '1'- L. Massuxbceu. Sold by E. C. Long ft Co. Rogers ft Sons’ Cutlery—Seth Thom as’clocks, McBride’s Spoons, Forks and Casters. Champion Ice Cream Freezers. Library Lamps, Dixon’s Stove Polish, Mad- dock ft Sous’ White Granite Ware. All proven to bo the best in the world. Sup plied by McBride ft Co., Atlanta, Ga, to the trade strictly,'at manufacturers’ prices. marll-tf Something New. Tho best Tea in the place can now be fohnd at Long’s Drag Store, and all who use the Teas will most certainly find that they have bought only a pure article. Ap.22—6m. WANT! tin-.-. J. S. SIcOov *!.: More Candidates. The undersigned respectfully announce themselves as candidates for the public patronage. They have made great and expensive improvement* in their fashiona ble barber-shop, having lately purchased an elegant new OqLfi£,ot shop furniture, and “put tbinguRn rights.” generally. They are the champion workmen of the eity—long experienced and perfectly skill ed In tho tonsorlal art, and guarantee en tire satisfaction to their customers. S>prft BRvntz Supreme Court Decisions. The Atluntii Dispatch m\\ publish reg ularly the decisions of the Supremo Court In older to get the lull reports subscrip tions should be sent in at once. Price *6,00 a year. Taken in the Act. Sister Jones called on Elder Smith a few evenings since. Being a next door neigh bor, she entered bis study unannounced, and waa greatly shocked at seeing him taking a drink from a suspicious looking bottle. He noticed her look of inquiry, and said: "This, sister Jones, is Tablets Portaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder, the only remedy I have ever found for the many trouble* arisiDg from a disordered Liver. I can recommend it” Price 50 cents. For sale by R. T. Brumby ft Co., Athens Ga. Do We Beieva In Witch-Craft 1 "I take the position that wo do not, in its broad sense,” said a gentleman of years and experience, and yet we find many ot the present day carrying a Buckeye in their pocket through a kind of superstition •when they might bo relieved by a few ap plications of Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Oint ment.” This Ointment is made from the Buckeye, and is reccommended for nothing else but Piles. Try it It will core you. Price SO cents a bottle. For sale by B. T. Brumby ft Co. Athena Ga. The Atanta Dispatch. The Atlanta Dispatch is mailed on all evening trains leaving Atlanta, and reach ea nearly every section of the State the day oi publication. Daring the session of the Legislature the Disp-'ch will contain . mil proceedings of that body, and will be mailed within one hour alter its adjourn -ansnt. Subscription 60 cents a month *1.50 tor three months; 83.00 tor six months; 86.00 a year. Address The Dispatch, Atlanta, Ga. A Man of a Thousand. When death waa hourly expected, all remedies having tailed, and Dr. H. James was experimenting with the many herbs of ^fWniwn.hesecMentnUy made* prepara tion which cured bis only child of Con sumption. His child is now in this try, and enjoying the best of health. He a -has proved to the world that Consumption c chn be positively and permanently eared. The Doctor now gives this Jteoeipt free, with frill particnlars, showing .that every one can be his own physician and prepare Jdliattf medicine, only asking that each * remit two green stamps to pay This Herb also ernes ni£ night-sweats, na fill break a fresh cold At tho up in twenty-1 Address. :■ CtADOocx ft Oo., 1032 Bace SL, Phila., naming this paper. ilc* profit* T. Rotter l'.VT-d- invest'-*! in \V»!1 ptrret stocks. Make* lortane* \.i>l:*ixitug everything. Ad- n», 17 Wall fttreet, N. OEN'I X \V AXTED-Ki ii Kook* and Pric* the V-staiC «*. Pric* • re *>.. Phila. P* YELLOW FEVES-BLACK VOMIT. It 1* too Mxra to forget the ravage* of this terrible die* ease, which will no doubt return a more malignant and virulent form in tbe fall montha of 1S7». MEKRELL’SIISPATIXE a remedy Diacovered in So3th- ~ la amd ojpd-Xo such wonderful remits In Sooth ■ Sin pi i lal aggravated eaaeaaf fever are foond. ■on om to two ounce* of bile to be filtered cr strained from the blood «ach time If pesaes* through the Liver, a* kx>x a* tbe bile exist*. By be wonderful ae*km on tbd Liver and Stomach the HKPATINK rot only pre vent* to a certainty any kind of Fever and Black vomit, butaiac. cure* headache. Constipation of the Bowel*, Di*- pepala and ail Malarial discares. Si on a need fear Yellow Fever who will e*r>el tbe Mahri- . Poison and excels nf bile from the blood by ua : ng MER RILL’S UEPAT1NE, which 1* sold by *11 Dreggkfts in S3 Dr. Ptobcttn't StOEi^r« Queen's Might. — ."he reports of wonderful cure* of Rheumatism. Scro fula, Sarit Rheum, Syphilis, Cancer, Ulcer* and Sores that come from all part* of :be country, are not only remark able but ao atreealon* as to be doubted was it not for the abun dance of proof. Remarkable Cure of Scrofula, &c. CASE OF COL. J C. BRANSON. Kixoston, Ga . September 15,1R71 Gent*:—For sixteen year* I nave been a great sufferer from Scrofnia In its moat distreesing erns*. I hav* been confined to my room and K-d for fifteen year* with acrofo- loua nlccratioL*. Tbe most approved cemediea for such cases had been used, and tbe most eminent pnyriclana con sulted without any decided benefit. Thus prostrated, dl*- <1 article* iu the world. Tip World 'WMMiifcctur’ng Co.. BUFFALO T.TTHTA WATERS. For Stone in tho HI adder. a-e* of i-D* t< LULL CONSUMPTION! h is been tu’e\ JUcipo.wIth full dir r| Kirtb-a.t. *sk> Of rewpecte riTEiTiriU.iutr :r. a-hP.«wtoM,(G60. . (ELASTIC TBOSS T Mtohlsarsf Ik* My. «Uk tiw r»MWH »« HswUhhaM mwlt *ay as* sight, m*4 • ra-lkal r.r* rartala. Ula **J, 4atakl« ^8«llWto*lL OrcmUmfiM. EGOUSTOX TBCM CO- CUfltd. III. , Ckm, I _ % wtthoat t f klH, M BUlsyato. r.rl iteMtlM, (kilan an* nfsvarav ■ I l»i Dr. r- U 1-OXD, Amrora, Xu>Co.,m. ORGANS- BE ATTY^ WaiiSTngton, N. .1. i*. 3 -i t rred*. f swells, i..I iMK.k, onb I9S. 7 Oct. Piano Cover mid Book, only $143 Address, DANIEL A LIFE IN A BOTTLE The Most Valuable Medical Dis covery Known to tho "World- No More use for Quinine, Calo mel or Mineral Poisons—lute for the Blood and Strength for the Nervous and Health for All An Open Letter to the Public. * of the Jung*, catarrh, v«ry s only «i bciur troubJcd with weaknt —- - . - . . - m«yh broken d .w:« in constitbUon, Ac., and after trying the h«*c why aidaii” atd paying cot my awmey for many kind* ut utedkriuc* advettired without udbga permanent cure. T benn doci'.ri«g myrejf. nsinc medteines msde from i*ud herb*. I t‘>ncna:o!y discovered a wonderful Blt- or Blood Cicanser, the fust bottle ol which gav m c sad vigor, and iu time effected a i*ra*ancnt a was iroe from catairh. my lung* necame mropgand * being *bie to stand the most revere com rad eroorere, have gained ov r thirty pound* in weight. Peeling dent that I have » ade a wouicrfnl dircovvrv hi medtcteck I prepared a quantity of the 1U .H Bluer*, and waa in tbe haiv UoCgivUigUum awav to sick friends and neighbor*, found the mcd'iim: effectod ti-e most wonderful curea c ' disnuHw cau*«*tl from hemors or rcrofula hi the blood. iradectv. Pa.1 stomseb. Weaknc*. Kkloey Disease. Torpid ,|rer, Ac., Ac. The new* ol aiy discovery tn this way spread from one per*» auotbtrnnill I found myself called upon to supply patient# with medicine tar and wide, and I wa« *- dueod to parx'uist a la»*yrutory for o impounding and bottlL., the Root Bittexaio large quanlitke,and I now devote all my me t-*> this bnalBcre. I wae at first liscaward in presenting either myrelf covery Iu this way to lb*. j.chUc. ik-i Wing a patent ciae man and with amid! apltal, hot r over that. Since I flr>» advertised tnia crowded with aiders irotu '•re^kd* ^ _ the hcutlred# ot letter* i have tverhe 1 fTo* prove the fsc* that no tenn-dy ever did *o mu short a time ard had no much see**-** as the Root Bitter*. In feet, I am convinced that they wi I soon take the lead all other medicine* la nao. Nmr»y one hundred retail * here at home in C’eaveKcd. a* w of w hom have already *uhi over botxk*. Boot Bitter* are mrictly a preparation, waa used in toe good ©M day* ut oar foirfa'lwre. wh pis were cuml by some simple roo« or p!«M, and u omd and other pulsou* of tar mincraL kii-gdum t They act atronfftr <m the liver and kidneys, keep the *«w- cl* rcgulsr and imild up *he nervou* system. TV«*y pene trate every part ot the body, acarchira out cvrry nrrvs,' and thm trem the bead to the U*t, clsanaing and strei tbe foumntaa sprit g» of l«fe, hence they by padfcsd’S arJ nucrMnat — vosr xeetieg* or ajirptoareare. what Pot V, are Hoot Bitiere. Don't wait u*tfl f yon only lest bad or mirerehlr, uae Kt- —, pans or ttr ennky are a)- being a pa»ent medl- e.SSS isrsa ATHENS Ffliiy&“ “ " * O.ilf lit;IIS. trSiO GEHEBALFOOSDBki '-J HCHISISfS. PATTEHS WORK.SMITHING ft l.’Ei’AlKING. Hacing an extensile ccli'iUon of Pattern* manufacture Iron and Boss Castings, Mil! and Gin Gearing, A, Madison county. Iu the nutter «*t the probate of the will of Jame* y. dic’d. Iu the ('ourt of Ordinary of Mndisou .Octnljer turn. Jj;#. Jeuur* B. t ra* fi»rd, Ex< Si MINIflC ft MILL KACHIttETY. e>iiti2s. iioisTis »4-at a S.^TrLKoTAMILL Cli UDRSE-roWHlf. TI11.BSUKK3, VAX the xtthout any d _ tressed, «Ie*pood!ug, I was by Dr. A>er, nf Floyd County. Ga., to commence the uae of your Compound Ex tract StllHngi*. Largusge I* as iDsafflcient to dercribe the relief I obtained from the uso of iheStillingia as It i* to con vey an adequate Idea of the intensity n l my suffering before using your medicine; sufficient to say, I abandoned all oth er remedies and comicu«*i the u*e of your extract of Stil- lingia, until I can say truly, •* 1 am enred of all pain,** of all direase, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable rule, without any rrtore of tbe disease. For tbe truth of the above statement, I refer to any gen tleman in Bartow Coun*y, Ga., and to the no mbere of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. shall ever remain, with the deepest gra itudr. Cotton ’Seed Crns:liera. etc* etc,, etc. Manufacture, ami are agent* t *r, the mod a,. Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks' Pate. ■>* Port able Revolting ami Colt'scelcbraii ? Cot ton Presses, Iron Fencing, Omuc Enclosures, Ba7c<-> ies, ic. Address R. NU KGFSON, Att't rtntf ,<vp't. r* MiU Flitilings fnmlsbcd at M -tnufactur* r s pric« s. HiyiE All of the'-^cifeol Books in use at e iucy Cobh Institute. HiD. soseTowIrtsschooi., and all the VARIOUSSOHOOS IN THE CITY As well as Pens, Ink, Papt-r, Slates, 4c., for sale at the LOWEST PRICES. Thomas Black, Blue or Viol IJXTESL, The Best in the World, at o cents per Bottle. For Bargains in Everything, call Burke’s Book Store. ep. i 0—tf Your obedient servant, J. C. BRANSON, Atfy at Law. A MIRACLE. West Point, Ga., Sor t. 7«, 1S70. *-• a on the X5th day of June >e Acute Rheumatism, an< sticcess. In March, fol- .... . orkoatoftne right arm. am) continued to appear til) all tlie bom- ftoci the elbow to ‘^psboulder tolnt csuic cut. Msny piece* of Ixme cxumj out _ the right foot and leg. The esse was then prononncol one Of White Swelling. After having been confined about dx year* to her bed. and the case considered hopeless, I indue* d to try Dr. P- mhcrton’* Cnni]>onrid Kxtract of l Ungla, and waa so well ssrisfled with Us effects that I bave continoed the uae of it ucti] the present. ,. My daughter was confined to her bed about six year* be fore she mi up or even turned over without assistance. She now sit* up all day, and sew* m st of her time—ha* walked acrofs tbe room. Her general health Is good, and I believe ahe will, as her limb* gain strength, walk well. I attribute her the blessing of God. to tbe us<- of your inval '* ’ your* truly, W. B BLANTON. Wist Point, Ga., Sept. 1A1870. _ tide*te of Mr. W. B. Blanton w know and certify to as being tree. The thing Is so: hun dreds of ibe most respected dUxe* * will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Youra truly, CRAWFO nON. H. V. WILLIAMS. 3RD A WALKER, Druggist*. r DR. PEMBERTON’S 8TILLINGIA la prepared by A. F. MERRELL A CO.. Phila. Pa. Sold by all Druggist* in $1.00 bottles or sent by express, gents wanted to canvass everywhere. Send for Book—* 4 Curious Story”—free to ail. Medicine rat t o poor people, payable n installment*. axTEs-w- Wonderful Discovery, ^ Mrs. Bush’s Specific Cure —for— BURNS AND SCALDS. An Uxilailing Remedy, This wonderful remedy, although it ba* been before tbe nubile only a very short time, has woo considerable popu larity wherever it has been tried. As an evidence of this the following voluntary certificate from the kad’ng . ^ iclai.* of Walton c ’* ’ -- 5 used it in their practice: In justice to. and for the protection of Mr*. Laura u*b, we gladly certify that w * — je good effects of tbe app'icat Cure for Burns and Scald*,” and we feel no hesitancy saying to tbe public at b.rge, that ir is a nostrum * needed and sough* for, but never obtained until introd by Mr*. Bush, who first introduced and offered ft for sale Mrs. Bush is wall knows to **, and from our knowledge of her and this compound, we aay, without ostentation, save in tbe fact that we da m. with pewT *- — *“ *“ J •bare in her good name by reason acta of kindneea and benevolence, t have, and will finally attain, general use tl country. N. L. Gaxxawat. M. D., W. S. TL Habdvax, If. D. M. M. Jackson. M. D.. M. A- Robert#, 5L D. J.G.CAxmUB*,3f.D n D.S.McBkan. i pnde, her ciilzenrhrp, and aeon thereof, and her many nee, that this remedy should To tlie Public. Mr*. Basb*# Specific, as will he learned from tbe folion lug tssrimonlal* ol sane of the most prominent ddxcna and physicians of the country, baa been found to be as effles- cion- in tbe treatment of Erysipelas. Rheumatism, Spa*- C Croup. Scald-liead (Tinea capitis) and Eruptive dl*. 1 generally, a* In the treatment of burn* and scald*. It need oniy to be tried in order t4>*fcocvince even the most sceptical of its power in tbe core of these diseases. TESTIMONIALS Atlanta, G* j w . jaif. Dr. WOfjf B. BuaS or Jfra. Lush, Jug Tavern, Ga —Ds Sir: I send yon enclosed $$5.oo for wdeb I w«»h yon ship me anotner $8 00 box of your medicine. 1 have i cently had some operience with it In a revere case of burn, and it has acted admirably. I desire to keep a supply ail tbe while. Very truly, yours, Joseph E. Brown. spaedy relief, helnr vurr soothing and healing. 1 would not he without tbe Specific were It to coat four times the amount I* Bella for. A. D. L'unaru, Prop’r. Th i* is to certify that I baveuse .Me for scalds, bums, erysipelas, hntiaea, etc.. to be all that Is claimed for It-and more than! O* e child li eralhr raw all over, except ‘ ‘ t of one bottle without leaving * every fam- _ l wouia nor ue asiiwirn it *■ It one day and bh Bun* fce- c.. and find X breast, was relieved with rart or cue b» a -car. I wcuM hereby par iculari j re ily to L<vp it cu baud.1 woa!d not be out it occ day and never expect to ■ H. Pm**,M. DeHartco,Ga. "JS. H. Hcxx.ll. Tbe price of tbe Specific haabren redne bottle* formerly sold at $1X0 be the id cents bottle* at» car ta. llanulacturcd ^m, For re**, wboksak and retail, by Dr. E. S. London, J by Hrs-'L K. BUSH, Jug Tav- , tVallon county, Ga. .0*. you are tick, Iwt if you tec*aa* of Cattarrh. Scrofnia, HlM-umatiea, Dmepria and I Skin DUto.ivea, where ail other ueatuunta bad UIIrL fire you troubled with sick headache refiraMatodbagfito Wi ii.r.v... I idtif?-- Lnt^e t-j.'Uth.Ec'vcuscc^i, t in con*utu»x.n T Ycu will to cured 11 you Uk«s Iters, lUyeyouhmxog*^^ cere not. It w new my deslrel i 3T«SS!ffi55SSS. , SI MsSiMggBSBjB 9M o^I^S& m tT!lSduS! n isS\fftlSm A WEEK to your own town. scd.J IlK.e to wvxt Too tboald forepec'aTrrivaletcrr-s »l«! free. $l-fitftfivw. Deri oiPI ©w* locality. reMf 11 haw tbe a •OcentatotLCOanbcsr bjrC the Coiirf that Nancy K. Sgravr# and . have died their Cavia* to the last will and test* w Bred ey, d< c'd. tvqninor James C. Craw- foid, the Fxecnfor of raid will to have said will proven in s^le» nfonu. aud it appearing to the «'onrt that William Fradiey. cur cl il»e heir* at Ijw, doe* not icaide !n this State, but live* in Arksrsa#. It i# there’ore or 'end that -aid VViilir.m Bradley beat my office on the 1st Monday in December next, to -Uow why said vil> should not be proved foim A-*- w * ‘ Ideut |wity abov '. Ga.. I'J.EOltGIA, Madison connty. ' J In the matter of the) Iu the Court c probate of he Wills ot v iron County. Elijah Williams, dec'd ) her term ISIS. It appearing to tbe Court thst Blrdy O, Williams and Joh . William-. Executor* of Elijah William*, dec’d have'flled their peti'ion t 1 at the ten la*t wi’ls and te*t#men*s of said Eiiiah WFIiam- -hall be »>roven In solemn form, and hav- * i? produced said wills in Coatt, and move for the probate -J mine in *o!e:un form. And i» appearing to the * ourt that eight of th** rrendckUdren and of faid Eli- jah WiUism*. reside ou» of the Sr»te of Georgia, to-wit; Rertnclin A lloww, its Ji-cka^o county, Indiana. Jnda T. Baxter, iu rh- state «»f A!nh.;ma, Hiram A. Williav *. Mary F. BMlktn*,.fames D. Wiil gui-. George R. WiPtam**, in sa\ii»ti?in county, Arkansas, and Rboda A. Williams, in the St**t»? of Mi-rouri. it Is therefore ordered by the Court that the above named helrs-at-Iawnf Elijah William*, •'ec’d, be and an- ie «*o«rt of Ordinary to l*e held in aud for the said muntv. on the first Monday in Deceuib**r ncx», theu and ■re to »hov.- cnn*<>, it auv t’.iev have, why *ai«l last wills d testaments of *.ii«! Elijah William*, shall not be prov- in * ilcinn foim and admitted to record lu term* or the And li l# further ordered that the non resident parties nice »»nn.*d K served by publication nf a copy of this or- in tin* Nouib'TO Watchman, of Ath-m*. Ga.. once a e. k nini! the dr-l M-‘t»*’av in t>ecetnher next, and in the Weekly Cco-»idon, published in Atlanta, Ga., once a.week aid 1st Monday in TVcember next. G. C. DANIEL, Ord’y. Through Tickets. NOllTH, SOUTH, EAST AND WEST, Via the Old Reliable. iSOMA RAILROAD, WALTON if OT i , BY Mrs. M. A. E. SELMAN MONROD, OA. Newly opened, repaired aitd r.-furnlshed. Table supplied with tbe !m»1 tlie ;ua: kei nffoui*. i ud price* moderate. Paa- icutiveyed to r.o*! fro-v '■ ;'ui Ltrcle. ten.Xfi-ly. T2jJLi- .fSj € [ur Sclcf- X°{ i examinati<’inand a*ot<•. os !>at Vj ofrharnr. Ml corrt. • ''tntftnce' clUtum- fdamtial. Prirey /„ r . .tv-l .VO UX- JeXss ratext is ss?r i Jtr.u. B'crc/** in Wnshixr' i. t>t Hon. Pvstmnstcr Central D M K u Prv. F. 1\ Power, 77., Gsrtanw- American Sat tonal liani,i.,»tScta. , 9 [ : , ,y. Patent Office, amt t > Smnt r atfl , ntaUtee U • Standard FamUy Bemedy for dUeuo of thsliTtor, Stomach and Borela.—It ia Pniely , table.—It, Debilitate!—It i Oathartiaaad Tonito Utm irigaittox b«*n cacd „ my practice and by the public, for more than C5 yean, with unprecedented results. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. S. T. w. SAlFORD, B.D., SJESSSSSl inNCNnr tnu.T(u toc in iirrrtTui. S »m%awwa%wam»%vv*vtaw HUfHiSUSSHHl'fa Kit ilati a^itzairtit M a gins. Fpleaei. t t» wrni.. ■ "S' tUMUUfin tSTMDCIOPEST. IHQJJNfi a Fiont!. gnar'.nneA, OfiU-tra a day «i! ht ^e by the indu trlou.-* tat net nquired; we •tart you- Mm, women. >»ya siNi £'rt* u-uke u.ou- *y faster ** wone for ca than at else. The work ia U«-bt ard pleasant, aud such -#»ay iwc tf ... -. e wt!« Curtly indlm«<awarabton oust ud mm bn. SowtotheUm. T|me»tndr : iWUmn-eL H.noutto mkWnb-nMptuHiirwnr. AUOmJlIfl mfaun»a n— itm *co-mtiuc-i^c. Madison County. KOBGli. Madison county. Foar week* after ilte (•nVicaliun of this notice appli- k>u wtU be m tde to th.-1ourt »*f Ordinary of said coun- lexv# *o sell the l.nud- ’lektoging to the estate Of Na- FOR THE FALIcTRADE. i cy F.. Fegtav* t catt-n* U. W. Bradley. it. Oct this notice iu the Southern Watchman, f a w *ek untii the fi st Mondav in Pecem- . 1»7F. G.C. DANIEU Ord’y. IDMlMSTRATOR’SSnle. L In accordance io an order iron - .. from tbe Coirt.of Ordinary Madtoon ««*tn!j, will he sold before the ‘court house in Danie ; i-ville, o- the fij*t Tuesday in DecemNr e k % «i hours of sale, one tract of land in said mmw WHOLESALE and t: Mobile. New * puls. Lit .. . n, Vicksburg. 1 Galveston and the South. Nashville, ? Hock, Louisville, Cindnuatt, St. Louis Chi- Clothing, Notions, ago »!*• West and North Wert, ColumbusCleaveland, Tole- '* Detroit and the North. No other line can offer such variety of Choice Route* Rater always a- low a* the lowest. Only one change of irs Itetwea Augusta tu New York. If you -I..*ire to romhinc Interest with comfort, take the Georgia Railroad. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pa*. Agt. If. N. HARRIS, Agt. Athena. patents” To Tnvftiiors and Manufacturers. Established in jS§5. GILMORE. SMITH & CO. Solicitors oi f ttents & Attoraeys at Law andFOEFIGNPATENTS. 029 F Street JI. W., Washington City, D. C. T.iiCt* nor nntil a Patent I* u!lowed. No Fee* inking PreMutioary Examinationa. Special attention given to Iotcrferenc* Case* before the Office, Infringement Eaita in the different States, and AND HATS A SPECIALTY 3XTO. 14, BROAD ST. Athens - - Georgi. FALL ATTRACTIONS. Arrival of an Immense New Stock at W_ IP- HOODS I have just received a all and complete stock of the MOST DESIRABLE GOODS ever brought to Athens, and offer them to the public at tlie LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES, FOR CASH. Sugar, Coffee, Flour. Itiieon, &e. Crocker}, Gla-*w«re nnd Lamps, Oil, Lamp Goods, Ac The Excelsior Cigar, ed for the Table or the Household. Chill and see r. W. I? 1 . HOOD. Liquors! Liquors! LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. R. 3E2. T ABGFKIItf, A T his ratal isbment on Wail street (a few dooca from Broad ia now offering a large stock of Pure Wines and Liquors, At rehofe-mle o* .eta!!, as cheap or cl bough, at any uthcr establishment to U'v se-4)r * - e-y liefct. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. Athena. Oct M. r han they can be as-irtment embraces aU qualities,from ordinary to the "d every ulng want* AtluMlS Cif*. NEW NAME. NEW GOODS AND ZEsrjED'W PRICES. “THE ACME FUmTURE STORE.” tly on bar g Burial C sa,sili f Wholesale M Retail Druggists. Who have jtM l»ouglit the entire stock of O. W. Long A Co., !'»w offer e%e>thing !•» the Drug line, such as I)rn"S Oil and Varnishes. White Lead and Colors. Men M A1 Ml Having recently purchased tbe interest of all parties coucetixd in the Athens Furniture Man. Co., and put in charge JTJkTY- O. G-AIIaKY, who has been long and favorably known in thblmc, t am |ireparedto turnl-'i Furniture from the Cheapest to the Best, at prices which defy competition. A large stock cl Coffins and ^Burial Cases hand, and at lower price- than ever heretofore ctfeml. Our splendid Hearse will be furnished * Cases or Coffin* of ns. I shall keep comtauty on hand at my store on Urond street, doors Slinds a*d respectfully ask an Inspection of my stock and j»r!ce- to all who neod g-HHls In my line. Don’t Forget that my prlc are MATERIALLY REDUCED, and be sure and give flic Acme Store a call. mar IS—in J. O. GAILEY, Snpt. M. B. McGINTY, Prop ATHENS MUST BE THTT mARKETFFOR N ORTH EAST GEORGIA. iiisfessib -js&M HORSES & MULES. ^HEiiaamgru J baveertabllshed, in addition to thdr Liv- SAITE STABLE, And will, from tbl# dste, keep on hand, stall time*, a full sup ply of HOUSES & MULES. Thoecin vanto Slock can b supplied at ^Reasonable Figures. t^TQivcne aciU. Mber. >. Novi—tf GANN A REAVES. MARBLE. A. R. ROBERTSON, DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER OP MOHliMEHlS&TfiMBSTOHES A 1 otiior Marble Dealer. Give me a call. nur.19 4. R. KORFRTMON. ► sillier *nd rant HnIWW. Athens. Ga. *• c ’.refally boxed at d shipped. AH order» and lonunnce caref oil jr at tender! to. Specimens of my hand. I sell at 10 per ceut leas than an) Ogoh3 f HWtoiav It October, January tod April ’in each and every mbere ol the al>ovo Association will take notice r-*‘ regular meetings of said Association will meet kmsvi!*c f. n t he 3*1 Tuesday io Ju?v, next, and cn tbe Sd PABE, & BROS., H OUSE and S!c;n Fainting. Graining, Marbling, Glazing. Paper Banging, Ac, kalsomining on Hard Finish nr »d Lium Walls neatly done. Work in the country prompt]} t nr>topji p stair*, oooortte Reid A Harris’ Barber 8hop t LEGAL BLANKS, A m;.i—~ ms, ittiw at Behold and Bead Attentively. — waa fortunate ewwxh to hjay tM* wotdei ■ a* a om of the moTt eminent phraJctor * 'A Ir.: :ad, »d Am^LU. 5.y lureffuJiwg.. U2, e. u. koi ia. Porina |pr Sale. aaarm> xur uom *ut » iwawr p< <»»« Atlanta Medical College. The Twentj-Swonil AtmvSame ot Lect.ra. win cob naic- October 15tb. JVto, ud cka. Morch <tk. 1680. Faccur —I. O. WutmoKlnd, W V. Wctmorelud. W., A. Low. v. H. T^tatoo. loo. Tb^. JU—. A. W. OtlboLD, J. II. lojin, J. W. Buko; DutouUbUr, I. W. contiz d l.j mrerr (udts, aadfcale Bttj' kesneat* tor craduatluo a* t _ Send for Annnunceutet*v,civlBS ful JNO. TU AD. JOHN9 »N, X. D J. S. ROBISON, Jr. DKAI4ERIM Beef, Pork and Sausage, IT Ad rrmmdbi. am aulict ton ik« control Lnp. JJ. Ida ud Market MracU. to tb* tullt at tho fllj HmJL Uc iotllto bl« rmratrr b, ooto Iho rhoop nil and thdr ariauMtoSIhaiaat lbjlM Pianos and Organs Of celebrated makers a cheap as can be bought in the United States. Persons in want of instru- intMtls will do well to on.ll on WURM & JONES, Agt’s, rVtllfllH, Ci a. F. L. FRYER, Gen. Agt., 38 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Tuning and Repairing promptly executed by Prof. A. 0. WURM. H. T. LYNCH, -DEALER IN- Honse Furnishing Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Lnjnpw, Woodenware, WHIJPS, ETC, ETC, Southern ageut for tbe celebrated Whip Manufacturing Co-apany of I. S. Van Deusen A Co. Slay IS—tf. Broad Street, Athens, Oa., Dr. It. M. Smith’s old stand. THE southern j We Musi Economize HnmallBsnauce Coip’uy ATHENS, GA. ?8g£lr&£8£?:. GBtouium, April 1,1 nit. S7N*,ass an. BSSDEMT 9JBE6T0BS: YOUNG L. O. HAKJtlS. HTgYgHS THOMAS, *' EI.IZUR IhNSWTOS, FERDINAND FHINiA Da. R. M. SMITH, JMO. W. NICHOLSON. C ^r I ^Sy? TTBO ‘ , ' AJ, ’ BTDr. Daniel’s Magic Oil tor sale at Dr Lyndon’s Store. . A icJ • Ilff HARD TIMES! By send! ug your okl clothes to DY1 WORKS, Where you can have wmboi cloned, or dyed aay color deshed, gjktogOwmlock like new, find thus saw money. Price LADIES’ GOODS. Dreaaes, trom..flA0 to $2.75 | hklrts, from 76e. to $1A “ “ ...35c. to $1.00 j Kibla-ce, from 3 to Iffc. jiev y Ties, 10 cents each. | bhavris, ..Me. to $1.0 GENT’S GOODS Costs, from....$1.00toSX.00 I Pants, from $1.00to$1.0 Vert-- “ .... 60c. to 75c I Talmas, “ 2.00 to 2.6 Orerepat*,from21.50tot2AO l 2* r AU order* promptly aitUMlrd to. Good# received a delivered par Express, from and to ^Ipai^oUkaMromntry , tl» 45 B. Duutcxrtx«t L AtUnte^iaj ■J