The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, November 18, 1879, Image 2

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;;====yggjifiE>R0iAi ” wg^a'wasSSpass »^^^°^" ftOTOtbCT ^- ¥“jirsp^a'sw 1 Jf* ^,- w York, odO day last wwk, and ® P hnried in Atlanta on Wednesday last I S been suffering for several M S f „nH was unable to fill his chair in r *- d " ring “ e ses - If tbe Legislature. He was a promi- rent nian and a wise and able legislator, au ,l his death i*A serious loss to the State. / _ iKtLa Mlj "SSZZmm. * >“ f*f> f “ were some oi the best talent in Georgia journalism, making it always a welcome visitor, and we regret exceeding ;;;;; it baa been compelled to suspend. CONS¥MMATEHYPOCEISY. The organs are again beginning the hvnocritical pretence that there will be SS?candidates in the political contests of S year in Georgia and therefore all cJiMffM.u usual, is taking the lead in this easily detected swindle. The Con- stitution need not think the people have forgotten its record on this subject. They remember well bow a year ago it heralded the candidacy of Holtzclaw in the Seventh District, how it predicted that Holtzclaw would be elected if the people did’ntvote for the nominee and against Felton, how it sounded the tocsin with tremendous clangor with “if you don’t vote for the nominee, the Radical will be elected.” The election came, the people didn’t vote for the nominee, Felton was elected. About 25,000 votes were polled in the Seventh District, and Holtzclaw, concern ing whom so much fuss was made, re ceived, we believe, ono vote, and we are not quite certain that he got that much. The people remember all of this. It is injurious to the reputation of our ester med eontemporary that it should re sort to artifices so very thin. Wo know it is keenly anxious to have all the Inde pendents defeated. We know that it recognizes the improbability of this result, unless the people can be misled by the pretence that Democracy can not be suc cessful unless the ring candidate is voted tor by the bulk of the Democratic party. This vote they seek to secure by hypo critical encouragement of Renublican candidates. Now, who is the best Dem ocrat t The man who in a manly and Independent way cornea before the peo ple, openly avows his Democracy and frankly asks members of the Republican party, ns well as Democrats, for their votes, or he who is so devotedly orthodox — that he must support the ‘^nominee,” and yet will seek to induce a Republican can didate to take the field T The man or fac tion who secures the candidacy of the Republican, endangers the party. This was the game successfully played by means of the candidacy of Archer in 1877. Archer was induced to take the field, and the people were sedulously imposed on by the organized papers, with the pre tence that Archer would be elected unless Mr. Bell was voted for, and yet, although Mr. Bell was elected, Mr. Speer received 2,150 votes more than Archer. Where then was the danger to Democratic suc cess! And yet, if there had been danger, the men who induced Archer to run, were responsible for it. The people of Georgia have not, all of them, the educated ability of the trained journalist, but they have perceptions quite keen enough to avoid an old snare by which the wily ring- *ter seeks to capture their suffrages. Candid at Least- The Atlanta Constitution thinks the Re publicans will cut loose from the Inde pendents next year, and run a candidate for Congress in every district of the State, n'e hope so. It is better to have an open enemy than a secret foe. b e clip the foregoing paragraph from the Chronicle d- Constitutionalist. We ad mire the candor if we do not admire the sagacity of our contemporary. The Chronicle & Constitutionalist hopes the radicals will run a candidate in everv dis trict of the State. They claim, we pre sume, to be better democrats than is the M atchtnan, but we hope the radicals will do no such thing. It is far better for the State and lor the colored people, that the Republican vote of Georgia, which is prin- cipally the colored vote, should be divided between an Independent democrat and an organized nominee, rather than solidified on a republican. The reasons are plain, n oorgia a contest between Republicans f Dd Democrats is a race contest in the * nost 1116 State, and nothing is so disas- mus to tho State, and especially to the "^caker race. Then too, in a contest where influential citizens, without regard to race ~7 r ’. ever T voter is protected in the free rcise oi the elective franchise. We ear this might always be true if the Chron- * d Constitutionalist should have its ay about things. We suppose too if the republicans cut loose from the Indepen- ents, they will cut loose from the nomi- S! 8 °’ Whlch would weaken the latter Mightily, whereas we don’t think they are A Woman Cuts the throat* of her five Chil dren. On Saturday night last, near Lancaster, S. C., a woman named Adams cat the throats of her five children—three boys and two girls—and then .attempted to bum her own body. The first intimation of the horrible crime was from Mrs; Adams herself, who appeared at the door of a neighbor at 12 o’clock at night, and aroused him by her cries, begging to be killed with an axe. Being in ajnude condition, and her body badly burned; she was co with a sheet and ctatiqd' to her own house, where in a short time death re lieved her of her terrible suffering. The bodies of the five ohildren—the eldest one being 11 years old—were found in an ad‘ joining room, the jugular vein of each child having been severed by some sharp instrument. This shocking tragedy stands without parallel in the annals of crime. It is said the woman bad led a miserable lift caused by jealousy—and in *a sudden frenzy had thus destroyed her children and attempted to take her own life. and great. It is a terrible thing to fall into the bands of the living Williams. For Mayor. Capt. C. O, Talmadge will be supported r Mayor od first Wednesday in Decem- >r ■ next, regardless ot any previous election or nomination that may be bad. Working men. Athens, Sept 22d, 1879. . Fair Announcement. The undersigned have long had the rep utation of keep'ng the best barber-shop in North-East Georgia, and are determined by good work and fair dealing to retain the confidence of the public. Prices mod erate, and all work done in the most su perior manner. Give us a call. Sapp & Brydie. Thi,- . AtLakta > Ga., Feb. 4, 1879. Hutchin to that I have used Messrs. —forth 8008 P re P ar ution—“Neuralgine” to be »h t^ ° f n ® ur * 1 8 ta . and believe it oeufafof ^ ^P^ent-a sure cure for "n?; W. M. STOCKTON 8816 by E. C, Long A Co. ** ' *° r «ale by Dr. E. S. Lyndon, New York Letter-. From oar regular correspondent. • New York, Nov. 4th, 1879. No theatrical season is perfect without one or more terrible dramatic failures, It occurs regularly in the order of Provi dence, or fatality that some enterprising author should think he can write a play and rush his own imagination as a second Shakspeare, and is willing to come for ward and invest a heavy amount, or in duces his friends to invest, in order that his production may be successfully killed oft on the New York Boards. Such tragedy occurred last night at the Fifth Avenue theatre. The venture of Mr. Ion Perdicaria was a most ambitious one. In a single night he endeavored to excel in tragedy, comedy and painting. This was too much. The whole affair was a dreary failure; and, yet, in one respect it was not a failure. As an old friend of mine used to remark when a very bad play was produced, “ It was bad enough to be good The author d id succeed by his tragedy in amusing ihe audience. They laughed heartily. The play ;yas very romantic and hosed on a high plane of spirituality, but the old fashioned materials were all there. There was the poor patutof in love wjth the rich Duke’s daughter, the jealous misr tress of tho poor painter in love with the painter, the heavy ..villain in love with the jealo ua piistnfs, the Duke’s daughter in love with the painter, tho dissipated high born noblo in love with t|)t) Duke’s dough ter’s ducats. Every thing same all right at the end and the finale involved the display of Mr. Perdicair’s picture by the heroine of the piece who pulled away the curtain from it, officiated as show wo man and explained the allegory of the painting to the audience. When an nu t hor lacks original materials for the con struction of a piece it is well that he should borrow from the pure old fountain of original composition as did Perdicair, in his play. Such phrases as “ Unhand me, villain,” “ embitter my whole life,” “ Heart hard as marble,” “ retire from the world and seek a cloister,” and at last the very old familiar friend, “ consigned to that bourne from whence no traveler returns, occui. d an average of about two a inin ute. In the mouth of a six year old boy Mr. perdicaris put. sentiments Baconian weight and Emersonian in wisdom. This was one of the subtle triumphs of the play ; ior this child, trained to his part without the remotest idea of the effect of his weighty words, delivered them with gravity, diguity and* self-consciousness which told heavily on the audience ; who, after seeing the point,, applauded him heartily and called him before the cur tain. The culmination was r/agpbed when Master Woodruff, in the course of the dia logue, remarked : “ It this thing goes much longer we shall all be corpses.” This was intended in perfect soriousness as a part of the tragedy. There was not a dry eye nor an unshut mouth in the house. This piece was succeeded by a so-called farce—a burlesque on Sara Bernhardt. The farce was eminently successful in its way. It developed a vigorous hiss, in conse quence of the indelicacy of some of the allusions to noted actresses in it. But the hiss has long been needed from a New York audience. That a play has been pro duced bad enough to develop a hiss js enough to save it. The hiss is an undoubt ed expression of the vox populi. It is above all oritics and all written criticism. When the critic hears the hiss bis occu pation is gone. No critic can write a hiss. The hiss has not been heard before in any New York theatre for nearly forty years. Indeed, it has been deemed that people have no right to hiss. A man may applaud but he must not hiss. A man was put out of a New York theatre some two years ago for hissing. It is suspect ed ^thftt Mr. Farffiowi# has constituted himself a martyr for tbo pwblfo honest and sacrifices himself by writing mid pro ducing a most miserable farce solely in order that the hiss should he revived. Or Mr. Rerdicaria might have introduced the broad allusion in his fares iff order to show the public the license that 1b tolerated op a French stage. If bo was vile because it is the fashion to be dramatically vile in France, he ought to have been hissed. The author was called before the curtain and a little speech, in which he thanked the audience for Paviug been entertained. Capt Williams is reportal Iff fee busily engaged in banting up evidence against Whiteohuroh, his accuser in the Madison Square dabbing afialr. Poor Whitechurch whe has lallen. He has had the impru dence to constitute himself the champion __ “ the champion clubber of the public. Wbitecffiircfe yw thought pretty well of by bis friends previous to this af&ir, and was supposed to fee a man ot tolerably good moral standing, bat be will retire from the contest with a charac ter besmirched and blackened, as all wit nesses and complainants against Captain Williams do, Tfee Captain and his detec tives are busy with tbetehorse rakes, gar- den rakes and even fine tooth combs, rafc A T the Georgia ?>c{0i7 etorc, a man competent to take charge or It at the end oflM rear) ope with a email a family. Apply at the store any <lay In the week except Tuesday. between the hours of 10 and IS o’clock. Nopl8—tf. JOnN WHITE. Port of Baltimore, writes: “I take pleasure in recommending Colden’s Lei big’s Liquid Extract of Beef as a most ex cellent Tonic and invigorator of the sys tem. I have tested it with universal sue cess.” Alderman—4th Ward. JUessrs. Editors: Please announce that Wm. W. Thomas will he supported by his friends at the coming election for Alder- an from the 4th W9rd. Many Voters. Second Ward. We are authorized to announce G Jacobs, Esq., as a candidate for re-election as Alderman from the 2d Ward. * Smokers. Call on E. C. Long & Co. for your Cigars The Bed Gauntlet and the Royal Bull, the two leading cigars of the city. Wanted. HOGS ! HOGS IE undersigned are pow prepared to furnish nogs _ either onrobt or nicely slaughtered, in hny quantity desired. We will continue to keep theip on hand nntil the 1st of January next, and cap supply all who favor ns with an order at 1|ic loprest prices. WILEY P. HOOD & CO. Norm, w A Elegant Cards, 50 prettiest styles, with name, 10c. OlJstamps taken. W. H Moore, Brockport, N. X. POSITIVE!.Y NO IRMBPC GOLDEN. JJfT HO CAPITAL REQUIRED. IWnKTPV made dftrjog ute winter month* at home' JxLV/XlI!l X by male or fpmaje; no piddling ; nice baldness : sure pay , donJt interfere with Other business ; suits any one; can't explain here; B end a three cents stamp and you will get a beautiful specimen of ore from one of our gold mines, bv mail, free, and full particulars of bus iness. Address, HOME MIUUuR. Longmont, Colo Races f Races ! Races Augusta Pair Ground Track T HKKfi will b j Fon Da commencing lavs 1 Raping at the above track, AVi *T\Jj ARY C, 1850, under IU w- p- the auspices of tnc Citizen?*’ Association. First T>ay—First race, tinet'qua* ter* of a mile dasb, for two yesr olds. Second race, mile beat*, weights for a«e. Second Day—One and one-half milts, for t tree year olds. Second race, two mi e hurdle race over eight hurdle* Day—First race, one and one-eight miles for ** ages. rare, two mile heat* all ages Fourth DAY~T»otti»* # * race, free to all, m le heats, best three in five to harnefa. Grund sport may be expected, as many of the noted flyers of the Tnrf are bcoked to participate. THE GEORGIA RAILROAD will sell Special Excursion Tickets, good for five days, from all stations on its line and branches at thsjow price of FIVE f ‘ENTS PKH MILE. e Time and Jb*luce. Ey, Gen'l Passenger Agent. OUR HATGRLESS BARKER TO THE Oh, Boat You Forget it, that the Regulators»GRAYS, sells Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloahs iaiEd shoes Cheapi^rthanany House in Georgia. Few words well spoken. Who are the Leaders of low Prices in Athens ’ THE GRAYS. Where can yon buy all wool Black Cashmere full 6-4 wide at 62 l-2c ONLY AT THE GRAYS. Where can you find such a variety of Silks? Have you seen ours from 60 to $>4 Or our Black Ca.‘hmere Silk at.$l? Where can yon find all the New ’ Styles of Pekin, Damask and Silk Velvet and Satins at 60c to &1 25 > ONLY AT GRAYS. - Where can you find Wool Filling Cashmere at 12 1-2, 14. 16 and ISc and up wards. New Shades 27 inches at 28 to 32 1-2. ONLY GRAYS. Who sells Standard Brand Best Prints at 4c. Where find Hamilton Prints at 2-12c ? ONLY AT GRAYS. Where can yon find Dress Goods at 5, 6, 8 and 10 to all at 12c : also Fruit of the Warnsutta and Lonsdale Shirtings one yard wide at Sc, and Zephvr at 8c ONLY AT GRAYS here can yon find Cloaks from $1.50 to $4.00 ; also 3 Button Kids at 25c, and Ladies’Vests.from 40c to $2.00, ONLY AT GRAYS. Where can you find the King of all Shirts and Warnsutta Guaranteed at prices 33 1-3 per cent lower than old time merchants can name, viz, 75c ONLY AT GRAYS. Where can yon find 10 1-4 Bleached Shirting at 15c and the finest one yard wide Sea Island at 6c, or B Shirting at 4 3-4, 3-4 Sheeting at 5 l-4c, ONLY AT GRAYS, Whose Store is always crowded ? Who makes the business impression of Athens THE GRAYS. Who employ the most experienced men ? Who dpfy any house to meet their prices ? THE GRAYS. Who lias the most extensive Stores in tho prominent cities in the State? Who lias tho oldest Stores in the State ? Who liny a| 'd sell the most Goods in the State ? TIIE GRAYS. Whose Stores are better known for Fair Dealing, not pushing customers or mis representing Goods? What Stores produced the best business men in the State? THE GRAYS. Who has the Largest Stock of Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloak*, Boots and Shoes in Atiiens and don’t charge exorbitant prices and have proved it? THE GRAYS. Which is the House that don’t have to apologize for the business transacted for the last fifty years, or more ? THE GRAYS. Who sell the Cheapest and Best Goods in Northeast Georgia ? THE GRAYS. The old Reliable Christopher Gray‘don't have to send to Jerusalem to buy goods then fool the Public by telling them they are selling at cost for 30 days. Facts for Your Consideration! l^*What wore the prices of goods before Gray opened this well-known branch house I Who inaugurated low prices 1 Ask yourselves who can buy goods Cheaper and suit the people better than Gray, who has conducted the most Extensive Stores in prominent cities ot Georgia ior the past fifty years. These undying truths are placed before you, and though y.nt may never deal with th a house, if they change you from the dreadful road to ruin, if they induce you to bury your credit system in ths ruins of oblivion and trade only for Cash, we shall be satisfied. We have facilities that no other house can boast of. We are not under the expense of book-keepers or collectors, as our terms are strictly Cash, and besides, the Old Reliable Christopher Gray is always in the market, thereby saving a buyer’s expense every season, which is an important item in itself. All orders for SAMPLES promptly attended to and Express Paid on any Paobage over 85.00. With sincere thaaks to our Friends and Customers for their continued favors and confidence towards us, and with earnest sympathy for those who have felt the affliction ot that great pestilence known as Credit, which has to-day left many a home in poverty. TTaaf'txz-X Your Sax3.1a.e2z and Show Your Colors! THE PECULATORS OF LOW PRICES >ran£neff at tne low price ot * DMINISTRAfOR’S Sale. 4J Agreeably to an pijfcr-pf flic Court of Ordinary of Madlfion county, will h«? aoM before t K e con»t hou.«edoor In Daniei*rille t Madiaon c- unty, between the legal hour* of aale, on the first Tuesday In December next, the following property, to-vrit: Three hundred and seven acres of land more or It**, in said county, on the South Broad river, it being the rraWne after the widow’s dower of the tr-ct of land on which Wilson *. bird lived at the time of hi* death, joining aaid dower on the North, Mrs. Margaret GriffethV lahd on the Wm. ThreatCS land and Sonth Broad River on the South, tLo lauds of Gr«nville Duudwyler, a«d R. P. GrHJfeth, op 'the We^t. There are abont « ne hundred acres of land under fence, thirty br more of which &rg fn cultivation, and the aersa roto fence, could be r* next ye r. soma of tfcl* &u.i<- .... The land not under fen^e ( i;OQtain|iig more than two hun dred acr-*s consists of original f^rosr, fjlgh bottom and regular river bottom. Ter*n* nne-hnif cash &nd th- other half notea payable on the first day of Novenritcr. 1880, with interest at 8 per cent, and title mad** when the land la paid for. S. C. O’KELLEY, Adin rr.f W J. Bird, dec’d THE GENUINE PR. 0, Gckbrated An^ca^ WORM SPECIFIC VERMIFUGE. r SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. Wjff E pftfUjlenppce is pale and Icaden- A- colored^ fluctyes, or S circumscribed spot qg opVqjr'fe^ cheeks; (lie eyes become duli; ifee pu pils dilate; an azure semicircle nips along the lower eye-lid; tho nose js if- m ritated,' swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing kf fpe ears; an unusual secretion of saliva} Mihi? or furred tongue; breath very foul, pfrfjcjj&iy ju piorning; appetite variable, sometime* * 0)4*4^, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive; stools slimy; unfrcquently tinged with blood; belly swollen j»pd jipjd; urine turbid; respiration occasionally flittrcuif., and accompanied by hiccough; cougfi sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, \yj(h grinding of the teeth; temper variable! but gener ally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE’S VERMIFUGE Kilt ceritHfiJy effect a cure. IT DOES H&r tCC*TAtN *fK#CUE7 in any form; it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane’s Ver- utfOOt- the signatures of C. Mc- Lane and Fleuiuo on the wrapper. —-:o:- DR. C. McLANE’S LIVER PILLS Iwe pot BSOJjnmended as a remedy “for all the ills that flesh put in affections Of the liver, *ad jn aij Djiipi;. (foinplaints. Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they ttautl without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. Nobetter cathartic can be used preparatory :o, or after taking Quinine. As a supple purgative they are unequaled. PpWAUE 0|' fJfITATlUXS? T&PJtfnpinpMf npjsy jpgjif coated.; Eaeifbox h*sa r?<i *»a* Sti’l pn the lid with the impression Dk.M. I.anVs LIVE* 1-u.s. Each wrapper bears the signatures ot C. Me Lake amt FiRwixi; linos. Insist upon having the genuine''Dr. C. Ales'. Lane’s Liver preparol l>y.Fleming Bioi,, of W/ftk’lfgh. IV. thr market being ttw'njme Mcl.aue, spelled pre inn J. S. ROBISON, Jr =-PKAhEBXH Beef, Pork and Sausage, ing ba8iTy**in the garden ofTErTvfaii to- j BLkhJiSdUilrtetWniiS.’tolbeSl'ls CUv^nSS caret’s past eh* and peccadilloes, ,h " THB LEADIKS AND POPULAR DRV GOODS HOUSE OF PHILADELPHIA. SHOPPING With us through our SAMPLE amp MATZ. ORDER DEPARTMENT [s simple, easy, and advantageous. Anyone writing to ns for Samples, mentioning the kind of goods needed, will receive, by return mail, tho desired samples and information. Goods sent BY MAIL On EXPRESS. Through this means ladies everywhere throughout the United StatC3 avail them selves of a very convenient plan of receiving Dress Goods. Trimmings, and a General Outfit from tho head-centres of trade, where they can at all times obtain the best goods, newest and latest styles to bo had for tho least money. HOMER, COLLADAY & CO. Jlanufacturtri, Kefa tiers, and Importers of Choice Novelties in Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, etc., CHESTNUT, ABOVE BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., (ESTABLISHED 1842.) ’ And 13 Rue Richer, Paris. Prance. XT-Have the children tend for a set of bur fancy Advertising Cards.t* AH Samples end Infsmation sent free to all pails of &o United States. COTTON BUYERS, AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Gullet’s Steel Brush, taps TAILSS Is con tajitly pe-;f 4 ceiving additions to ais aiready large slock or imported •suitings. Cthebcst *rnt world^ sold By so simple: . WARFAUTEO 1500.GO. BEWARE WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. To Rent for 1880. T Hfi stand on Broad street, now occuiied by Burk«> Book store: Possesion given 1st December. If do- BUFFALO LITfflA WATERS. For Stone in the Bladder. A discharged stone or gravel placed in th fe watei dissolve to a powder in a few day?. The w.itcr, in « six gallons, $5 any address Spring*. Va. Wanted. A FIU ST-CLASS Biker, of sober, steady habit*, who thor- ftoughly understands his business. Apply to Novi 8 C. B^DE, Corner College avenue and Clayton st., Athens, < TAX NOTICE. r |'AX PAXKRA oi Clarke chanty will please take notice I fha.'th. k. 1 -I- 1 > X that the digests have been placed in my bauds and that I am now ready tp receive their taxes for 1879. Although commencing to collect *axes two months later than Is usually the caso. I am still required by law to make my returns at the usual time, via : Doc. 20. They will t K erefore *ee that there Is no time to be lost, and I hope t lC Z U J yP * l U0 *" U r : <*** I ‘hey will come forward promptly and pay their taxes w’tb- iivr{£ ,L V’ I out P nttin K to the disagreeable necessity of issuing ex- TJIOS. b GOODE, Drop. Buffalo Lithia | ecurons against them. Hj U. LINTON, T. C. ?C. % OflKe at rear of Dcnpreo Uall, formerly occnpied bv t Messrs. Itucker & Hull. Conjmfssiprkeirs? ^aje. within the legal hours of aaln, on the flr-t Tuesday in De cember next, Ihe fallowing property, to wit: A tract or parcel of land known as the Johnson Williams’ tract, lying and being in raid connty, on Middle river adjoining lands of Tbos. J. Langston and others, containing, agreeably to Surrey, two Hundred eod seven acres, more or has. Also ohentberitaU dtpar-nl ot land iying on il;o waters of Nail’s Creek, in said fr'only, iwjohiing lands of Job . Dun can, A. IL A j res and containing, agreeably to tho original survey, seventy acres, more or E-ss. The first ili-r-crllk d tract of land known as the .Johnson Williams place. I» well imuremd, conlaias ..boat seventy acres of bottom land in a good state of cultivation, and is one bfthhtnost valuable pl-ccs in Franklin bounty. Phe above property wiV be sold for the purpose ot di vision ainrtnethe ttMarirs jn'common, to-v, i;: .Marion W. WlUUms and others. ' Terms one-bait dash, the remainder on credit until the first df IrcgCmbpr, ISSi). at Seven per rent, in’crcst. flood will bp eivpn for'titifi, and a qeed will be executed whrn the remainder of the purchasc^mOTcy^^n.i. V?. d. MrB’iTniK.l Coromisslon’s G.T.BKOVIN, f S^nTH?8 WORM OIL. Dr. D. 0. C. Heery, H AVING permanently located in Ath ens, offers'his profeAsjOual services to tb© Pitif5©fl8 of fhe.cjty anti ^irVo'unding country. May be found daring thn day at the drug store of E. C. Long & Go., on Broad street, and at night at the Xowtdn House. Jtt-ENXlXJiVi trl Ottered by (he Oeonm’codnty Fair Association !or, the fullowinacrop*. attbelrsni.fialWe irgtn ti e I,it orlESO: /ortheb*strctn’t<tone acre lu wheat...........;* s.oo .. ti u .r .. .. .. . .. T>50 For ths beat result of o-o acre In Cat. 15.00 *• *d “ - ” “ “ “ “ 7.50 got the brat result of oaa acre tn Corn...., J500 “ *d “ “ “ •-" ;:..V..::...i... T.M The above c*ops mu*-t be grown cm upUmd. ___ „ „ rTITfTTO _ M JNO. W. JullNSON, SccY« /NO. IL WHITE, VrcsdOcuU Athens. Ga., Dec. 8; 1877. A few nights since, I gave my son one dose of the Worm . 51 the nexf day he passed 16 large Worms. At theeans ime I gave one dose to my Httls glrL four, yeaia. and she paaecd sc worms from 4 to 75 Inches lomr. r ’ •' • j-- w. p. pmuT ■ _£*rj f Th« Worm OH can hf had as thf Nwr nmg I Vegetable & Fruit Plantsl 1 p, axi> six ratn* or ( 1 I T ! L_ ta r**_* r s»U (|.»UU«. idlk 'Mr * 3* Oortlandt Street. New York. I Ssmssmsam^wts. j- COTTON BLOOM CIN. THE LUMMUS GIN, THE: TANNER ENGINE. & Son’s Engines '- ...lx , T. •. «.f JL ^ 4 . i *'. * V * * - * SOLUBLE PA(BFE€ OTA10, CUMBERLAND GUANO licholSoijjs new ite MbKio & Co.