Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, March 04, 1861, Image 1

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teWSROU THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. "ITT ATLANTA, GEORGIA, MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1861. NEW SERIES: VOL. 1-NO. 17. r^tRem ClttCelerjug J*SC*IWTlOt4 A »D*f»Tl$INO SCMIOULI iAWVi . r .now *JJ{J U.Y, ptr tanas, ■ ©nt r^nlrod 'nrtrisblj In »««»•*. AUTimnaiNo. r« of 1© &■** *r lo©#, •*• H^rtlon, f I; *n4 fur ooeh subMquenl IniarUon lew thee one PAJXiY rates. "t no. 9 mot 3 no©. *4 no©. 4 ■ *17": l fiquor*,.. |7 , $10 | Square*10 ; If l Square*, If £ l Squares,. %* I fq«* r «*. 'i £ | Sqnaraa,. ti ) Squares,. 24 ) Squares,. 2ft If 41 CO [ Tearljr advertising, with tbe privilege of change, will t taken at tli© feUowlng rate© V r one Square, renewable once a month, $ 80 r three Squares. 00 r on# fourth Column, 60 rone-half Column,...., 110 r one Column, 990 | All Tabular work, with or without rules, and silver- lenient* occupying double column, will be charged Ruble the above v©tes- | Advertisement* >%>t marked on copy for a specified ne, will l>e pubU«h«-d until ordered out, and charged icording to the above ratw. 4* friuemepU Uiscrted In the Dill*. and W*nir 1 jtwfwlfT»?ch4nred fMk per cent, additional to the ruiar dally rates. f adrsitteers will he Mulled to the space con- ictqd for. They uill be ehargwd Sutra at rogular rates r Wants, Rents, Removals, Copartnerships, Notices to ees, Ac., amt payment demanded quarterly. TBAISIU.T AbYkMTISlXU MCST BS FAID Fo* IB JXASCS I No advertisement will appear In the Weekly paper as by ©pedal ssstrsot. advertisements te be tamer!ed !■ the Weekly paper on er at Irregular Intervals In slther of the papers, ©ill sharped $1 per square for ©very Insertion. IB advertisements for Cbaritable Institutions, Mflta- and Fire Companies, Ward, Town and other Public etlngs, will be charged half price. Marriages and death© are published ns news ; but Ituariss, Tributes of Respect and Funsral Invitations other advertisements. Idltorial Notices In Local Column will be charged 90 Ma per line. phe paper, under no circumstances, to be Included In l^etlucthm variation will be madeVrom tfie foro- tes. HANLX1TKR A ADAIR. FRATERNAL RECORD. ATLANTA L0D6K, No. ft$, F. A. M , meets on the s Jo©* M BoriMu, Secretary. r I8 LtWHlIJC, W. M. FULTON LODGE, Mo. 914, F. A. M., meets on the fir and third Thursday nights In each month. DAVID MAYER, W. M. R. J. Miasst, Secretary. mday nights In ea L. J. GLENN, H. P, C. R. Uamvmtkb, Secretary. JASON BURR COUNCIlToF ROYAL AND SRLRdT MAHTKK8, No. If, meets quarterly, on the first Job© M Boribq, Recorder. ulj and LEW 18 LAW8IIK, Th. III. C4BWR DR LION C0MMANDERY, No. 4. meeU ow the first and third Wednesday In each Bsontb. W. W. BOYD, M.-.R-. W. T. Mcad, Recorder. • odD*£bllowb. iM5R RAILROADS Railroad St BankLaf Company. Blta toAtlatitA,-1 Tt RH»©o—Fare,..; ..f • H. GEORGE* YONGE, Superintendent. MORR1RO »AA#■•©•© TRAia. re* Atlanta, dtaity, •• ^ M. ▼©• at AaglMat) Augtuta # Moil; Eves .. $.20, P. M. ... 0.39, A. M ... 9.46, A. M. .»*.#. 8.40, P. M. 1*. 5.5fi, A. M. t... 2.30, P. M. P. M. naction with the Trains _ u Railroad©, at August*. Atlanta It Wart-Point Railroad. t to West-Point, 87 Mil©©—Fare,..$3 £ GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. PAairxQaa mu. I Atlanta, daily, at.............10.10, A. M. ■ at Waat-Poiat at.. 3.10, P. M i WaattPoInt, daily, at - 1.00, P. M lAliuta, doily, et.. - 0.3#, A. M • at Weet-Point at 3.4«, A. M i West-Poiat, daily, el......... 1.15, A. M qei Atlanta at.. r ,.............. 7.3*. A. M. lad connects with th. Montgomery A at Ro<2pt West-Point Jhe.l CKMXAL LODliK, No. XS, William UiLsoa,*c«*Mrjr. XUPLIUS OrCAUPHtNT, Nil. H, WKU on t*. and fodrlh Wedne*day nights. WM H. BARNE8, Chief Palrllrch, BANKING. A. Adstkll, Cashier. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM AGENCY GEORGIA RAILROAD A BANKING COM- PANY—Ofhoe oa Whitehall Street bear tbe Railroad. WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent AVthlfTA IHIUKAN.E COMPAFY—0«t«. Mil doer to Georgia Railroad Dank. J. P. LOGAN, President. Pbbibo Uaowx, Cashier. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT, Meets quarterly an th© third Monday evening In Jan* uary, April, July and October. WM. BAftNKS, Chief Engineer. 5 > ATLANTA FIRE COMPART No. 1, meet* fiat Monday In each month. . J. U. MFCAfLlR, President. W. K. MAsoa, SeereWry. MECHANIC FIRE OOM?ANY, No. 2, meet# first Friday night in each month. LEVI RICHARDSON, President C. C. Rents, Secretary. Joel Joan II*J. O. William©, a Atlantic Rallroaw. t to Chattanooga, 111 Mile*—Fare,....35 0HN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. tit^XCTiTdIvM..A.«. ‘ "MflzcnifiK:- *■ I at Atlanta a$«... A. M. .. 1.15, P. M. aya.ttWB riiiiMu train. _ \ kenta, nightly, at..,..,— 7M, t. M t Chattanooga at 4.3#, A. M. h.ttanoog. at ./..... 3.20, P. M. I Atlanta at .11.45, T. H. td oenneeta,eeeh way,with ©a Roma dlroad at Kipgiton, the Iwt Tan- nd Oaorgia Rialroad at Dalton, and tho ‘i Chattanooga Railroad at Chatta- k to Kaeon, 1#» Ullaa—Para $4 51. ECO L. TYLER, Suparlntandant. raatiaan tbau. .... La./. -1.45, pi k. t Atlanta at f .15, P. M. Santa at Vl#, P. 14. i at P. M *t rAaaaaaaa aaaia. **- — «.«.##, Night. •to at—7.15, A. 51. »»‘ ....11*4, Night. »®»k 7.16, A. W. I Traini will not b© run on Sun- . Sight Train from AtMfe, s Central Railroad for Satan- . M., and the South Waatorn for ilumbna, at 1.45, A. M. if* from Atlanta, eonnaoto wAh Tlroad for' Saraonah at l«.#*T. ith-Waatard Rail Road (hr Oo. i, T. U. gh Tlakata from Atlanta to New ( Om.iltu, tore Ik Saraa^gh, PAdnwau WAnmutv i rtMWSS 60VERIMEIT OF GEORGIA. WCCVTlVt’otPARTMINT. E. Blows, Governor. OawntLL,} v Secretaries. E. P. Watkish, Secretary of State. Jons Jiuriw; Yrsaaursr. l'rraasos Thwiatt, Comptroller General. A. V. BMtiM, Bar fey st GcnstaL LEQISLATIVR DEPARTMENT. Tasonoa© L. Gt sasr, President of SeuaAo. F. H. Wmr, Beorcury of 8enkt«. C. J. Williams, Speaker House of Rsprrsentatlve*. Giobob HTLunA, Clerk Houke of Representatives. PENITENTIARY. Eu McCombll, Principal Keeper. Cuabliui G. Tsksian, AseistauL W. A. William©, Book Keeper. Cma©. W. Lass, Chaplain. Bn. R. G. Cass, Physician. 3IJAT2 JUDICIARY DEPARTEENT. Gnoao# N. Last kb, of Marietta. W. DrBon, Of Sparta. r 8m i«—9d Monday In January and June,©! 2d Dirtier.—Pataula, Macon, South-WeflUni nod Chat tahoochee, Judicial Circuits. Tim© or Snaio*—4th Monday in January and 8d Monday la Jans, ©4 Ms so a, 3d Diataicr—Tallapoosa, Flint, Coweta, Ulus RlJgs apd Cherokee Circuits. Tim© or Ssssion—4tk Monday In March nod id Mon day la Augaat, at Atlanta. 4tm Dmraicv.- Western and NsrOjers Olrcslts. Tim© or.flndMW—4Ut Monday In May and Npvembsr, at A than© CITY QOVEHRMEMT. YfAroa—JARED IRWIN WHITAKER. OOUMCiLMMH. Ward I—Felix Hardman, V. 0. House. Ward II—William Watkln©, J. It. Crew. Ward III—8.1. Love, Robert Crawford. Ward IV—J. H. MecasUa, Jam©© Lynch. Ward V—S.*B. Robsea, Tbeaia© Kile. Committee t Love. Committee o Committee Lynoh. Cosruaiuee on W*Us, pi i Finance—Gouncflmen Robson, Crew, Ordinances—Councllmen Watkins, Me* i Street#—Councllmen .Crew, Robson, ipa end GUtsma—Council* Committee on fire Department—Councllmen Mecas* Committee on Cemetery—Councllmen Hardman, Wat kins, Robson. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds—Coun- ellmen House, Crew, Mecaslln. Committee on Tax—Councllmen Watkln©, Crawford, Lynch. Committee on RolUf—Councllmen Crawford, Mecas- Hn, House, Watkins, Kile, Treasurer—E. J. Roach. Chief Marshal—Thomas B. Boggus. Deputy Marshal—Duke H. Brannon. 1st Lieutenant Police—B. N. Williford. 2d Lieutenant Police—J. M. Lester. City Surveyor—H. L. Carrier. Clerk Market—J. D. Wells. City Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. Superintendent Streets— H. W. McDaniel. BOAKD O© ©BALT©. Dr. II. W. BROWN, Chairman, G. B. Haygood, Esq., Dr. D. 0. O’Keefe, Dr. J. G. Westmoreland, Dr. T. 8. Powell. COUNTY OFFICERS. rvsriosa tnvuuoa entsat. Z. A. Rice, Clark Howell, William Watkins, J. N. Simmons, E. M. Taliaferro. She rig—C. 0. Green—Deputy, S. B. Love. Clerk 8uuerior Court—B. F. Bornar. Clark Inferior Court—Daniel Pittman. Ordinary—J. II. Mead. Treasurer—J. R. Wallace. Tax Collector—A. J. Collier. Tax Receiver—William Center. Coroner—A. R. White. Surveyor—Thomas A. Kenedy. DENTISTRY. HUNTINGTON, M. D., DHKTTI8T, ATLANTA, 0*0*01 A, OFFICE in Rnwson'© new build- itaf* corner Whitehall and Hooter 8treest — Residence first hois© to th© left of Col. Tan* oer'e. KiriRisoii: Hon. R. t. Lyon, Mr. E E. Rawsoa. Messrs. Beach A Root, Rev. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Ye»on, E#q., Col. N«l©on Tift, Col. W. J. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albaay. Jan If. OH. J. F. H. BROWN, DUNTMT, OFFICE over Massey A Lansdell’i Drug Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta,Georgii All operation© pertaining to Dental Surgery performed with tne greatest car© tw*wlyj©9 J* St B. If. CRAVEN, DENTISTS, HAEE removed to their new and splendid room in Parker’© Block, opposite Beach A Root©, where they are prepared to wait on all who may wish their serrices. Ministers, who are pastor© charged half- mine. Call© from a distance attended o with promptness. june!9 watw If. J. DICKEY, SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST ATLAWTA, OBORGIA. OFFICE—Up stair©, next door to Richard'! Book Store. sep24twlyr NOW OPENING —AT THE— at MBIsdasvUls. 1 Monday In May and November, SUPERIOR COURTS. COWETA CIRCUIT. Obvill© A. Bull, LaGraog©,^ Judgv. N. J. Hammoid, Atlanta Solicitor General. OoutkM. Tim© of Session. (Kaytoo—1st Monday In May and November. DeKalb—4th Monday In AprU ami jOotobcr. Fayette—2nd Monday In March a»d Septembpr. Fulton—1st Monday In April and October. Meriwether—«d Monday In February and August. Troup—8d Monday In May amt November. TALLAPOOSA* CIRCUIT. D. 7. Hammond, Kewnan r Judge. M. Rnmnn, Cedfer Town,.,. ‘ Osnatiee. Time Campbell—Id Monday In February aad A ague t. Carroll—let and 2d Monday In February and August Coweta—1st Monday In March and September. sat# Cdr; £ )a,r - Haralson—fid Monday In April and October. BLUE RIDGE 0IRCU1T. Cherokee—1st Monday la March and September. Cobb—fid Monday In March and September. THE ARMY OF GEORGIA. FIRST REGIMENT, f’olonel—Wm. J. Hasps©, U. 8. A. Ment. Col.—Coas. J. Williams, of Muscogee e MAJORS. 1. L. B. McLaws, U. 8. A. . 2. Edward R. Harden, Whitfield county. ' CiVTAiira. * 1. Win. D. Smith, U. 8. A Company A 9. Win. J. McGill, G. M. I 8. Wm. Martin, of Lumpkin county 4. Wm. G. GUI, U.S. A ft. Jacob Read, U. 8. A 4. John G. Patton, of Bibb county.., 7. Georg© H. Thompson, of Fulton county.. 8. Francis T. Cullens, of Clay county 9. Alexander M. Wallace, of Fulton county. 10. 8. P. Hamilton, of Chatham county VIBST L1KVTKNA1TT©. 1. Arthur Shaaf, U. 8. A Company E 9. St. Clair Dcarlng, U. 8. A .. B 8. A. F. Cone, U. R A .* “• • • O 4. Thomas J. Berry, U. 8. A **....D ft. A. A. F. Hill, of Clarke eounty ** A 4. W. W. Kirkland, late Marine Corpi ...«....F 7. John Milledge, Jr., of Richmond jouaty ... **..,»€ 8. T. 8. McIntosh, of Chatham county “ H 9. John M. Branch, of Chatham county ** I 10. Tomlinson Fort, of Baldwin county “ J 11. Bedasy F. McDonald, appointed by the Colonel Quartermaster 1st Regiment, Company J. •SCOXD LIBUTXNAfcTS. 1. Thomas A. Mattox, of Chatham Company A 2. Garnett Andrews, Jr., of WlDces •• ... B I. John F. King, of Glynn “....€ 4 George P. Harrison, Jr., ef Chatham M ....D ft. P. M.B. Young, W. P. 0., of Oam “....£ 4. E. B. Willis, W. P. C., Chatham “ J T. J.«. Blouat, W. P. C., Talbot .F 8. J. A lex under, W. P. G\, Fulton "....6 $. John McPherson Berrien, Chatham •'....U 10. Michael Cass «....I 1L Joseph A Blance, Polk “ I SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. W. T. Wales*, U. & A Lieutenant-Colonel—E. W. Cbahtais, of Fannin. MAJOLR 1. Wm. M. Gardiner, U. 8. A. 2. Alfred Camming, U. 8. A. Q art aon. 1. James McIntosh, U. 8. A Company A 1 Thomas McCennsl, of Liberty “....B 8. Alfred Iverson, Jr., U. F. A *• C 4. John D. Walker, of Scriven •• D ft. John R. F. Tainan, D.fii •* k i EL Wayne, of Chatham •*... .F 7. JehaK Fain,of Ualca “....G & MU let Grieve, Jt, of Baldwin H 9. Lewis H. Kenan, of Baldwin.......,,....,.." ...1 10. Abner 8mead, U. 8. A J NBST LI SITKXANT*. 1 Jehu T. Mercer, U. S. A 1 Joseph P. Jen©©, I'.E A 8. A. B. Montgomery, U. 3. A 4. Robert H Andersen, U. 8. A A a M. Thomas, U. K A 4 Joseph Wheeler, U. 8. A 7. Robb A. Crawford, of Fulton 4 H. D. D. Twiggs, of Richmond — 9. Henry Cleveland, ef El cbm end. 10. A. P. Brown, ef fanyth, 11. G. Whitfield Anderson, of Fulton, ■BOOSD LIULTBXARTS. 1. John Howard, Jr.,of Muscogee. % F. L Berov©*,. 4 & H. Bowdre, of Btbb, 4. B. U. Atkinson, of Bit* ft. F. M. Myers, of Cobb. 4 J. Barrow, W. P. a, of Clarke I. Jeba * West, of »>rga*...'< 4 Lewie DeLagle, of Richmond... 9. (LB. Lamas, Jt,of BUhmood. 10. Robert F. Hunt, of Cobta 11. Henry W. Tripp*, of Honstoe. • Company A ",...F "....0 J Company A . PUflMliTOEIE STQil. FIR ST DOOR WEST OF THE FULTON BANK ALABAMA 8TREKT, ▲ great variety of Parlsr Suites, DlSaoLtrnow. JII (nk^sf duT.ll 5 mi* f. tklf dto- *>1*0,37 1 *■«. BMWofih* BoriU. mam am tho ri and is agtlla tba biniaAM mf fhltoto Inn. Thou indobtod iU^two.11 f . I Ml “r7*- Mahogany, A.nd Walnut, Covered in BROCATKLLE, KBPS, VEL VET. SIIALLV, and HAIR-CLOl’H. All made in a workman-lik. manner, combining Str«ngth, Durability and Beauty! Modelled after tbe atvie of LOUIS XIV, and many of tbe Oriental Style© adapted to American taste. Also may be found loo nooisin© Ladies’ Parlor Chairs, Mostly of new Patterns, from $5 to $30 each. Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, and Tete-a-Tetes, Of the latest and most fash ialiable styles. 200 BUREAUS, Of Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Imitation, from $1.25 to $80. LOOKING-GLASSES, Of every style, qi .lity and variety. Cane, Rush, «ud Wood-Seal CHAIRS, fo Parlor, Dining, and Bed-Room, with a large Yariety of Children's Chairs; Rocking and Nurse Chair©, with Can©, Rush, and Wood Bottom©. WARDROBES. Wash-Stands, Uat-Reeka, Corner Stands; Side, Outre, and Parlor TA BLES, Ladies' Work Table© and Quartette©. BEDSTEADS OF EVERY KIND. FRENCH IN ROSEWOOD, FRENCH IN MAHOGANY, FRENCH IN WALNUT ORIENTAL IN ROSEWOOD, ORIENTAL IN MAHOGANY, COTTAGE IN MAPLE AND WALNUT, COMMON IN POPLAR a MAPLE. Cottage Suites in a variety of etyle©. Hair, Moss and Cottoc liaUreeeea made to order. All kind© of common MaUreeee# usual Ly found in Furniture Store© kept on hand.— Also a full tupply of Window 8had©a, new Pattern©, togetuer with many other article© common to tnii line of trade. Particular attention paid to Repairing and _ INSURANCE.^ ATLANTA iFSURlHCECfiMPAIf > JOS. P. LOGAN. Preaidaat. PEK1NO BROWN, Cuhier. DIRECTORS, L. P. GRANT, JOSEPH P. LOGAN, TH0MA8 L. COOPER, JOHN W..DUNCAN, GEORGE G. HULL, JOS. D. LOCKHART. D EPOSITS received and commercial paper discounted. Collections received and remitted for at cur rent rates of Exchange on day of pavment Uncurrent money, Gold and Silver Coin, bought and sold. Loan© and Note© negotiated. Stock©, Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on commission. pm- Prompt attention to correspondent©, aprilld FIHE AND LIFE INSURANCE! W K are Agent© for the Augusta Insuranoe Company, and the Insuranoe Company of the Valley of Virginia. Our rates of premium will compare with anv of the. Northern Companies. We trust our citiaene will patronise Southern Institutions, especially when they are strong, solvent and prompt in redeeming all losses. 8. B. ROBSON A CO. april!7 Atlanta, Georgia. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE RlliCY T HE .ubsrriber represent, the following Ant clue CompnoiM, aoma of wbiob are now tbe leading Comp' .iea in the country— ell having Caith CapilaJs and a largo ntryhi*. The Companies thus* designated divide twenty-/he per ct. of tAe net eaminge with the policy holders: HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital end Surplus,.. 31.4384)00 an •CONTINENTAL 1M8URANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capita! and E.rplue, *1,000.000. •SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, N. T. Capital end Karpina, *000,303. CITIZEN INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Burpl.a, 3324.3U2 NIAUARA INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Burplna, *304,084 SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, MASS. Capital and Surptue, *404,000. •MARKET INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Serplui, *300,000. HUMBOLDT INSURANCE COMPANY, N. T. Capital and Snrplne ....*235,000. METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO., N. Y. Capital and *400/700. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital *1,800,000. This Company often security ana advan tages unaurpused by any Life Insurance Com pany in the country. It accomodate, the in- anrer in the payment of premiums, annually, half yearly, or quarterly. Premium, on poli cies for life, if over 350 per annum, sirty per cent, it only required. Annuitiea granted on the most liberal terraa. All tbe above Companiee oourt inveetigatioe into their condition and system of doing busi- Ofllce on Whitehall street, next door to T. R. ipley's, opposite tbe “Inulligenoar" office. July 12 SAMUEL SMITH. MECHANICAL. CARVIWG IN WOOD. FPHE subscriber reipectfully announces to X the citizens of Atlanta, that he i« now fully prepared to execute in the best manner, evary description of CARVING IN WOOD. He will also give particular attention to the fitting up of Stores, with Shelves, Counters, Ac., after any plan ; also, the internal decoration of public Halls, Churches, Ac. W9,. Old Furniture of good auality will b© repaired at short notice in the neat manner. THBO. MROCEKOWBKI, Marietta street, opposite Oa© Work©, lyjantl ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP —AND— BRASS FOUNDRY, ON H(INTER STREET, B©twskx McDoxou© ©ao Butlkr Strrkti, Near the Citv Hall. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform bis (Viands, and the public generally, that he baa established, as above, a Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, and alao a BRASS FOUNDRY, where he i© prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, lio solicit© a share of patronage, and will guarantee to give entire satisfaction to all tb»t may entrust him with their orders. Order# promptly attended to. JAMES E. GULLATT. jWHehea oo hand and for sal© two DR ATS. Cheap for Cash. Atlanta, Jan. 3$. •V • .... .'LIE JLL-LJ -1 ...J 1 PJLLJi kept making to order. Looking Gh constantly An hand. D. CHAFFER, Agent. Atlanta, Sept. “ Louisa h .fihean, j Jshn F^Bhean. j TT Appears to the Court that the Defendant JL resides ootalde the YiraM© of the Stats of OeoTgH. It isord«r©d byth* Court that service upon uM Dsfsadant h© petintad by pahUoa- LIliEt, FOR DIVORCE. AngniiTerm, ttM. Rale to Perfect fenln. Stillman noiilngton 1 libel FOR DIVORCE Jan. Hatetogton. J ■“ Fulton Sup. Ouurt. MaryS-Bniaa 1 UBEL FOR DIVORCE j in Fulton Superior Court Jamoa B Buia* I T appaariag to tba Court by tba rvLura. of lb. Sbarifl, that neither of tba a boro defend ant. reoide in thi. county, and it further ap pearing, that neither nf them reaidea in lae State, Tt ia, to motto., ordered that eaoh of •aid dafandanto appear and anawer, at tbe next term of thi. Court, or that Mid caaa be oon.ldend In default and that tba Plaintiff fa each mm be allowed to proeeed. Thie let day ef October, USA. By Ua Court ' J. M. 3 W. L. Ca Leona, Attornaya pro Llbolanta. - A tome oxtraal from too MlmatM of Fallon rwisw-A Nov. 23. wlettlta # aHthetn Popular- Errors Corrected. Do not aoeavocation for vooatioa ; tbo lat ter aipniiee oeoepatiea. empleyMtol, baal- aaea; ibe former aigalflM wherever witb- 4raw. or divorl. ao from the. boslaooo. It was lmpoaeiMo to .aoyael lb# teraoity of this story; it should ba, truth of tblu ttory ; veracity la applicable to pereoae oaly. I bad rather walk; it ehould bo. I would rather walk ; bad dcaotea peat pomaiiioe, not will or deeiro. I doubt not but I obeli ba able; it abould ba, I doubt not I aball bo able. He was too ywng to bnvo fait hia lose; it should be, to feel his lose. I Midom or over aoa him now; it ekoald ba, I seldom or never, or Midom If over. Do not My rather chllish, rather saltish, aa the termination ith aad the word rather have the same messing; such axpressLons, though very commou, are leutologieaL 1 expeeted to have found him ; it should be, I expeoled to Ind him. I intended ta have visited him ; it should be, 1 intended to visit him. I hoped you would have come; it ehould be, I hoped you would oome. I rode la n one-hone ehey ; it ought to be, one-borea chaise; there is no such word as sbay. 11a can write be.ler than me; than I. Whan two things are compared, we muet say, the 'elder of tbe two, not the eldest ; the richest of tbe two, not tbe richest; my brother is taller than I, not tbe tellMt. Though who is applied to persons, aad which to inanimate things, yet to diatiaguieh one of two or more pereoae, whioh mutt be used : Which is the happy man T not who ; which of these ladiee ? The observation of tbe Sabbath ie a duly; it ihould be, observance of the Sabbath; ob servation means remarking or notioiag; ob servance, keeping or obeying. A obi Id of four years old; it should be, a child four years old, or aged four years. The negligence of this leaves ua exposed; it ought to be, Ibe neglect of this, etc. ; neg ligence implies habit; ne-lvct expresses an set. No man bad ever loss friends ; it abould br, fewer; lets refers to quantity. Ba that M it will; it should ba, as It may. The above diaoouree; It abould be, tbe pro ceeding discourse. Tbe then ministry ; it abould bo, the minis try of that lima. All over the country ; it should ba, over all the oountry. I’rovislooewere plenty; any plentiful. I propose (o visit them; It ehould be, I pur pose to visit them. I done this aad I aeon that, abould bo writ ten I did this and saw that. 1 euspioioned him, abould be, I suspected him—there is no such verb as suspicion. Important from Japan—Trouble with Fore igners. Advices from Japan to tba last of Decem ber report serious (roubles batweaa tba sa tires and tba foreign reeideute. A latter in the New York 'Herald,' dated Yokabama, De cember 29,aeyi: Matters hare are in n very bad elate, I can aseure you—n war or n fight being certain between tba English, Frtnok, and in fact all tba European residents on tbo one aids, and the Japaneaa on the other. Tbo cut ting down of tho French Consol General's butler by tbe Japaneaa, iu the manner they did, hM eacited the moat deadly hatred—they are sworn to have ravanga. Tba French baa removed from Jeddo down to Kanawaga, be ing afraid to reside then any longer. Every on. kora carries hia sword and bln revolver whenever ha gaM out altar dark. Than in no doubt tbo French and English an going to compel Japan to give Prussia n treaty, which eartainty would not bo gnntod without com- f iulaion. Wbnt is slilllwono is the quarrel go ng between the Engllen residents and Mr. Al- eook, tba Britieh Miniater, and Captain Van, the Coaaal. Neither of than gentlemen dan go into tba atnat alone after dark, although they both carry pistols. They appear le bo univaraalljr disliked, althouga both are of high standing at boms. At Kanawaga, aa Eogllstman named Mosa wav arrested far mortally woaading a Je- polios officer The sot ie believed to iovo been done aocidantly, end not by Mom. Upon bearing of bis arrest tbe Britieh Minis ter end Consul expressed great Indignation, and demanded bis Immediate sumnder, oou- >led with a threat to blew op tho Gsnnor'a 'olaM in tba event ef noa-oomplieaoo. There being el tbo lime ao English veeeel-of-war in port, tfie Minister enlisted the aid of the Prussian commodore, who placed aien, ho wit- sere, and boats at hie disposal, but theM were fortunately not called Into requisitloa. After twenty-bnr hours Imprisonment Mom was delivered np, and Mhaeqauntly tried before the Consular Court, aad eeoteaeed ta throe months' imprisoament, and to pay a fin. of ana thousand dollars and suffer deportalitm from Japan. Tba affair crested muoh III— fseling between Ike foreign rveldente and na tives. Tbe Prince of Bun go, third am be seeder to tbo United States, or, aa bo wan generally called, '< Censor or Advisor," baa been re cently appointed one of the Governor* for Foreign Affair*. All three of the smboMa- dors aro now to th* offie* of the Minister rf State, at Jeddo. Thi next point of lotereet la the sows is the f roposod embsMy to England nest iiintr. ho Japanese have applied to Mr. Towneend a to kaew if American offieera oould bffpncurod to navlgatt a steamer then and ban. J. W. HEWELL, viouilu aii ©aria, nasi— i© Fanoj and Staple I)BY GOODS, MARKHAM'S BLOCK, ConuwVfhitohall Aa Alabama Bto- ATLANTA, ONORaiA. F*». 13—ly.