Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, August 20, 1861, Image 1
*” 1,. u ir : Bl min & SMITH. fcutltMu tafetarg Daily and Weekly “Confederacy” for sale at all times, at five cents per copy. Old Papers For sale at our Reading Room. Price fifty cents per hundred. J3*rThe “Confederacy” has more than three times the circulation of any paper in Georgia, North of Augusta, and is fully equal to that of any paper in the State. Our General Traveling Agent. Mr. J. T. Hall is our General Traveling Ag’t to solicit and receipt for subscriptions and ad vertisements for the “Southern Confederacy.” Mr. T. C. Duval, of Rome, is also author ized to receive cash, and give receipts for the “ Southern Confederacy.” Notice. Very often our friends hand in local notices and advertisements too late in the even ing for their appearance next norning. The printers leave our office at six o’clock; and for more than two hours before they leave no new matter can be got in. In order to insure in sertion, they should be furnished to us by two o’clock. Advertising. The Confederacy has more than three times the circulation of any paper in Georgia, North of Augusta, and is fully equal to that of any paper in the State. We do not make this state ment either as a boast, or in order to convey any erroneous impression, we say it candidly —knowing what we say—and because it is true. Proclamation by the President. Whereas, The Congress of the Confederate States of America did, by an Act approved on the Bth day of August, 1861, entitled “An Act respecting Alien Enemies,” make provi sion that proclamation should be issued by the President in relation to alien enemies, and in conformity with the provisions of said Act : Now, therefore, I, Jefferson Davis, Presi dent of the Confederate States of America, do issue, this my Proclamation ; and I do here by warn and require o-rer-j marie ■vt'CTZeii ’■UB United States, of the age of fourteen years and upwards, now within the Confederate Slates, and adhering to the Government of tl e United States, and aoknowleding the auhori ty of the same, and not being a citizen of the Confederate States, to depart from the Con federate States within forty days from the date of this Proclamation. And I do warn all persons above described who shall remain within the Confederate States, after the expi* ration of said period of forty days that they will be treated as alien enemies. Provided, how ever, That this proclamation shall not be con sidered as applicable, during the existing war, to citizens of the United States residing within the Confederate States with intent to become citizens thereof, and who shall make a declaration of such intention in due form, acknowledging the authority of this Government; nor shall this proclamation be considered as extending to the citizens of the s ates of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Mis souri, District of Columbia, tbe Territories of Arizona and New Mexico, and the Indian Ter ritory South of Kansas, who shall not be chargeable with actual hostility or other crime against the public safety, and who shall acknowledge the authority of the Government of the Confederate States. And f do further proclaim and make known, that I have established the rules and regula tions hereto annexed in accordance with the provisions of said law . Given under my hand, and the seal of tbe Confederate States of America at the city of Richmond, on this 14th day of August, A. D. 1861. By the President, [Seal ] JEFFERSON DAVIS. R. M. Hunter, T. Secretary of State. REIrt’hATION.H RF.SPKCTING ALIEN ENEMIES. The following regulations are hereby estab lished respecting alien enemies, under tbe pro visions of an act approved Bth August, 1861, entitled “ An act respecting alien enemies 1. Immediately after the expiration of the term of forty days from the date of the fore going proclamation, it shall be the duty of the several District Attornies, Marshals, and other officers of the Confederate States, to make complaint against any aliens or alien enemies coming within tbe purview of the act aforesaid, to the end that the several Courts of tbe Confederate States, and of each Stale having jurisdiction may order the remov al of such aliens or alien enemies, beyond the territory of the Confederate States, or their restraint and confinement, according to tbe terms of said law. 1. The Marshals of the Confederate States are hereby directed to apprehend all aliens against whom complaints may be made under said law, and to hold them in strict custody until the final order of the Court, taking spe cial care that such aliens obtain no informa tion that eould possibly be made useful to the enemy. 8. Whenever the removal of any alien be yond tbe limits of tbe Confederate Slates is ordered by any competent authority, under the previsions of the said law, the Marsha! shall proceed to execute the order in person, or by deputy, or other discreet person, in such man ner as to prevent the alien so removed from obtaining any information that could be need to the prejudice of the Confederate States. 4. Any alien who shall return to these States during the war, after having been re moved therefrom under the provisions of said law,.shall be regarded and treated as an alien enemy, and, if made prisoner, shall be at once delivered over to the nearest military author ity, to be dealt with as a spy mm a prison er of war, as the csee may require. SUBSCRIPTION &. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE TERMS Os SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, per annum * 85 00 Webkly, per annum, 2 00 Payment required invariably in advance. ADVERTISING. One Square of 10 lines or less, one insertion, $1; and Fifty Cents for each subsequent insertion less than one month. _ RATKgt 1 mo. 2 mos. 18 mos. 4 mos. 6 mos. 12 mos. 1 Square,.. "sT 810 |lB |l6 820 |BO 2 Squares,. 10 13 16 20 25 40 8 Bqaares,. 13 17 21 24 80 50 4 Squares,. 16 20 24 28 85 55 5 Squares,. 18 28 28 82 40 60 6 Squares,. 20 25 80 85 48 65 7 Squares,. 22 28 84 40 45 70 8 Squares,. 28 80 87 48 50 75 9 Squares,. 24 82 40 46 55 80 10 Squares,. 25 88 41 48 60 _BS _ Yearly advertising, with the privilege of change, will be taken at the following rates: For one Square, renewable once a month, $ 35 For three Squares, 60 For one-fourth Column, 60 For one-half Column, 110 For one Column, 220 All Tabular work, with or without rules, and adver tisements occupying double column, will be. charged double the above rates. Advertisements not marked on copy for a specified time, will be published until ordered out, and charged according to the above rates. Advertisements Inserted in the Daily, and Weekly editions, will be charged 50 per cent, additional to the regular daily rates. Yearly advertisers will be limited to the space con tracted for. They will be charged extra at regular rates for Wants, Renta, Removals, Copartnerships, Notices to Consignees, Ac., and payment demanded quarterly. I3F" Tbambibny Advertising must be PAID »OB IN Advance. No advertisement will appear In the Weekly paper unless by special contract. Advertisements to be inserted in the Weekly paper on ly, or at irregular intervals in either of the papers, will be charged 81 per square for every insertion. Announcing candidates for State, County, and Muni cipal offices, 85 each—to be paid in advance in every Instance. All advertisements for Charitable Institutions, Milita ry and Fire Companies, Ward, Town and other Public Meetings, will be charged half price. Marriages and deaths are published as news; but Obituaries, Tributes of Respect and Funeral invitations as other advertisements. Editorial Notices in Local Column will be charged 20 cents per line. The paper, under no circumstances, to be included in a contract. No deduction or variation will be made from the fore going rates. ADAIR & SMITH. FRATERNAL RECORD. MASONS. ATLANTA LODGE, No. 59, F. A. M., meets on the sec ond and fourth Thursday nights in each month. I.MWM L.WtUH, W, St. John M. Bobing, Secretary. FULTON LODGE, No. 216, F. A. M., meets on the first and third Thursday nights in each month. DAVID MAYER, W. M. R. J. M abbey, Secretary. MOUNT ZION ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. 16, meets on the second and fourth Monday nights in each month. L. J. GLENN, H. P. 0. R. Hanlbitbb, Secretary. JASON BURR COUNCIL OF ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS, No. 18, meets quarterly, on the first lues day in January, April, July and October. LEWIS LAWBHE, Te. 111. John M. Bobing, Recorder. C(EUR DE LION COMMANDERY, No. 4, meets on the first and third Wednesday in each month. W. W. BOYD, M.-. 8.-. W. T. Mead, Recorder. OPD-FELLOWS. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 28, meets every Tuesday night. T. P. FLEMING, N. G. William Wilson, Secretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENT, No. 12, meets on the second and fourth Friday nights. WM. H. BARNES, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T. P. Fleming, Scribe. MECHANICAL. FULTON MECHANICS’ •ASSOCIATION meets 2d Frl day tn each month, at Engine House, No. 2. Q. M. CALDWKLI., President. Jams® Noble, Jx., Secretary. BANKING. BANK OF FULTON—Alabama Street. E. W. HOLLAND, President. A. Avbtbll, Cashier. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—Office on Alabama Street. A. W. JONES, Agent AGENCY GEORGIA RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—Office on Whitehall Street near the Railroad. WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent AGENCY NORTH-WESTERN BANK—Office at Wash ington HalL W. P. INMAN, Agent. ATLANTA INSURANCE COMPANY—Office, next door to Georgia Railroad Bank. J. P. LOGAN, President. Puiko Bbowe, Cashier. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT, Meets quarterly on the third Monday evening in Jan • nary, April, July and October. WM. BARNES, Chief Engineer. S. B. SHERWOOD, Ist Assistant. R. F. MADDOX, 2d Assistant. F. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN F. EZZARD, Treasurer. | ATLANTA FIRE COMPANY No. 1, meets first Monday in each month. 4. H. MECASUN, President W. K. Mkbom, Secretary. I MECHANIC FIRE COMPANY; No. 8, meets first Friday . night in each month. LEVI RICHARDSON, President C. C. Rodes, Secretary. , TALLULAH FIRE COMPANY, No.B, meets Ist Wednes ’ day in each month. JOHN F. EZZARD, Preside. I Jobr MeumooM, Secretary. . ATLANTA HOOK AND LADDER.COMPANY, N-o, meets first Saturday night in each month. FRANK JOHNSTON, Foreman. Noah R. Fovlbb, Secretary. ) TO ADVERTISERS. THE McKinney (Texas) Messenger, now tn Its seventh volume, is published in tbe heart of the richest portion of Texas,has an extensive circulation,and is one of the ’ cheapest advertising mediums in the South West, as wit- I ness the following rates per annum: (Half cash, balance In twelve months: , One square (19 lines) 810; 9 squares >ls; 8 squres 818; 4*squares 821 ; 6 square* 824; • squares <27 ; 7 square* - B*>; s square* >B3; 9 squares 884 ;10 squares 839. Ac. 1 g3F“ scßßCßimox m advkbcw two bollabb. « I Address, THOMAS A DARN ALL. April SO- Publishers. >■■!> ■!»■■■ ■■ I ■— I WANTED, IMMEDIATELY. [ A HALF DOZEN SHOEMAKERS, * Russet | A workmen) can obtain constant employ- j ’ meat at good wages and prompt pay, by ap plying al onoe. to STARR, ORR A STEWART, Just 15—dtf Oxford, Georgia. THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, IIIJST 20, 1861. Georgia Railroad & Banking Company. Augusta to Atlanta, 171 Miles—Fare, $5 50. GEORGE YONGE, Superintendent. MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 9.05, A. M. Arrives at Augusta at 6.20, P. M. Leaves Augusta, daily, at 0.3 C, A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 9.45, A. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 8.40, P. M. Arrives at Augusta at 5.56, A. M. Leaves Augusta at 2.30, P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at. 11.45, P. M. This Road runs in connection with the Trains jf the South Carolina and the Savannah and Augusta Railroads, at Augusta. ATLANTA & WEST-POINT R. R. Atlanta to West-Point, 87 Miles—Fare,..s3 50. GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 10.10, A. M. Arrives at West-Point at 3.10, P. M. Leaves West-Point, daily, at 3.00, P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 7.51, P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 0.30, A. M. Arrives at West-Point at 5.46, A. M. Leaves West-Point, daily, at 3.15, A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 7.59, A. M. This Road connects with the Montgomery & West-Point Road at West-Point. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles—Fare, JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at... 10.10, A. M. Arrives at Chattanooga at. 7.00, P. M. Leaves Chattanooga at 1.45, A. M. A.r«ivaa at Atlanta at.......... 10.00. A. M This Road connects,each way,with the Romo Branch Railroad at’Kingston, the East Ten nessee and Georgia Rialroad at Dalton, and the Nashville <fc Chattanooga Railroad at Chatta nooga. MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD. Atlanta to Macon, 102 Miles—Fare, $4 50. ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent. Macon <fc Western Railroad Company, 1 Macon, Georgia, July 30, 1861. J ON and after Sunday, 4th of August, the Passenger Train will run as follows : Leave Macon 10 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4 P. M. Leave Atlanta 11 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5 P. M. The 11 A. M. train from Atlanta connects at Macon with the Central Railroad 10 P. M. train for Savannah, and South-western Rail road at 11.45 P. M. for Columbus. IMPROVED METALIC BURIAL CASES. ALSO, a general assortment of WOOD COF- FINS, including Rosewood and Mahogany. Marshal's Sheet Metalic Burial Cases, Au entirely new article, nearly as light as wood, and closed up with India Rubber—air-tight— for sale at my Rooms, in Markham’s New Build ing, on Whitehall street, up stairs. , L. ROBINSON. Residence on Bridge street, near Col. John Collier’s. Orders, by telegraph, or otherwise, prompt ly attended to. Jan. 15, 1861—ly. COLE & W YLY, XJ Wholesale arid Retail c ' Dealers In CHINA, Glass, Silver, Plated Ware, Vases, Parian Figures, Kerosine Lamps, Candle sticks, Tea Trays, Table Mats, Baskets, Glass Shades, Table Cutlery, Ac., A., CHEAP FOR CASH. White Granite and common Crockery at wholesale, at Charleston prices, nearly oppo site Beach A Root’s, Whitehall street. Atlanta, Georgia. April Id, 1861. THOMAS F. LOWE, HHV Commission Merchant, For the purchase and tale of Western Produce, Colton, Groceries and Merchandize generally, FrstMAfrß Building, Alabama Street, ATLANTA G BORGIA. ■ April 5, 1861. SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, OR THE PRACTICAL SOLDIER, designed ■ tor the use of the Militia of tbe Confede rate State*—sent by mail on tbe receipt of one dollar. J. McPherson a co. dune 8 DR. H. W. BROWN. OFFICE —At his residence on Calhoun street, near the Medical College. march 20. DR. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND, OFFICE on Alabama street, opposite Market House. Can be found either at his office or next door above. March 26. DR. W. F. WESTMORELAND, Office and Residence JY&rlh Side of Jtla~ rietta Street. ktareh 2"1. DRS. ALEXANDER SHELBY, Office on Marietta Street, North side. DR. Alexander’s residence on Marietta St., South side. Dr. Shelby may be found at the Trout House. March 27. JAS. W. PRICE, M? D~ HOMEOPATHS PHYSICIAN. OFFICE in the Washington Hall, Atlanta, Georgia. July 13, 1861—ts. H. HUNTINGTON, M. D., -gsmgro. DENTIST, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, M 'OdJ_Llr OFFICE in Rawson’s new build ing, corner Whitehall and Hunter Streest.— Residence first house to the left of Col. Yan cey’s. References: Hon. R. F. Lyon, Mr. E. E. Rawson, Messrs. Beach A Root, Rev. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Vason, Esq., Col. Nelson Tift, Col. W. J. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. Jan 16. E» J. & R. W. CRAVEN, HAEE removed to their new 1 LXTjJ and splendid room in Parker’s Block, opposite Beach A Roots, where they are prepared to wait on all who may wish their services. Ministers, who are pastors charged half price. Calls from a distance attended o with promptness. junel9-w*tw PBING MILLINERY! Mrs. J. M. Boring HAVING just returned from Charleston, where she purchased her present Spring Goods, takes pleasure in inviting her friends and the public to an inspection of them. Hr,** u»to fail, and all tli<? latest styles, which will be offered at prices to suit the times. Rooms in Parker’s new brick building, on Whitehall street. April 11. COX, HILL & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DIRECT IMPORTERS OF WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &.C., Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 23. p. e. McDaniel, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Hunter Street, between Whitehall and Prior, Atlanta, Georgia. March 20. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in HAVANA GIBARS, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, he., Wholesale and Retail, at the Sign of Atlanta Cigar Manufactory, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 26. ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, _AND—- General Business Agent, WILL attend promptly to any business en trusted to him. Store in Franklin Building, on Alabama street. ml6-ly Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, (CONNALLY’S Block, Whitehall street, four J doors from Alabama Street aprll. THOMAS & ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A.tlaxita, O-eorsria. Office in Smith’s Building, Whitehall street. G. 8. Thomas, j»l6tf Ben. F. Abbott. Ifails! Nails! Nails! THE ETOWAH MINING A MANUFAC- I TURING COMPANY, located in Casscoun- | ty. Georgia, are now making, and prepared to ■ fill larue orders for any and all sizes of, a very j superior CUT NAIL. Address, or apply to W. 8. COTHRAN, | j A. SHORTER, I -trustees. | Rome. Ga, May 24, BODTIAG CLOTHS : A FULL SUPPLY of the best Ancor brand \ for sale by F. W. LUCAB, July 17—d3m. Athens, Ga. | FRESH DRUGS & MEDICINES. HUNNICUTT, TAYLOR & JONES, SIGN 0F THE jjfehsJk GOLDEN EAGLE MF ' r, Corner Peachtree or T 7 and Decatur sts., ATLANTA, GEO. HAVING unequaled facilities for the pur chase and Direct Importation of goods, the Proprietors would respectfully call the atten tion of Physicians, Merchants, Planters and the public generally, to their extensive new and carefully selected stock of DRUGS, MED ICINES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS, which they are now prepared to sell on the most rea sonable terms for Cash or approved paper In addition to their stock of Staple, Drugs and Chemicals, they have a full assortment oi TOOTH, NAIL, HAIR AND PAINT BRUSH ES, DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRU MENTS, Ac., Ac. They are also Sole Proprietors and Man ufacturers of TAYLOR’S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. march 30 '6l. SILVEY & DOEGIIERTY, ” . HAVE just received a i ar g e i°t new HOOP-SKIRTS from 3 to 50 Springs. VIRGINIA PLAIDS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, MUSLINS, BAREGES, DRESS SILKS, Military Buttons, Trimmings of all kinds, MOSQUITO RARS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and RIBBONS, of great variety A large variety of STAPLE GOODS. Also, a splendid assortment of .TI6WFILKY, WJkTCIYES, &o. A heavy stock of ALL KINDS OF SHOES All bought for Cash, and will be sold cheap. SILVEY & DOUGHERTY. Atlanta, July 3—dAwtf. 1861. 3 861. SALMONS & SIMMONS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers tn FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Sts., Atlanta, Georgia. NEW SPRING STOCK! ONE of our firm having returned from Mar ket, where he has just completed an exten •»ive purchase of our Spring Stock of DRY GOODS, we take this method of advising the pub lic of the same. Our stock of Stable andi Fancy were never more attractive. The supply of BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, Ao., is ample. Crepe WAnglaio, Barege Anglaio, French Chintz, Mozambique, Grode Rhine, and a splendid assortment of Plain K Fancy SUk». Silk Mantlet, j Rasters, Kc., may be found among our assortment also, Ladies' ALEXANDER KID GLOVES, SILK MliS,<kc. ■ Every variety of Ladies’ and Misses’ SHOES, i manufactured in Philadelphia expressly for our trade. A more beautiful lot of CARPETINGS. OILCLOTHS AND MATTINGS ■ we have never displayed in this market. All of which we will sell low for CASH. Orders promptly attended to. SALMONS A SIMMONS, Atlanta, March 23, 1861. TITHISKY!— 300 barrels Pure Corn Whisky ! » V in Store andfor s ale by I junelt .BUTLER 4 PETERS. NEW SERIES: VOL I-NO. 159. HAMILTON, MARKLEY & JOYNER, (LATE G. K. k J. L. HAMILTON,) DRUGGISTS AM APOTHECARIES, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ——— THIS firm has been formed for the purpose of carrying on the DRIIG " if ’ n branches, have lately been to replen ieh the Stock with about twelve hun- ~~ dred gallons of va- rious kinds of OILS, ALCOHOL, &c. We can also now offer Gum Opium, Cream Tartar, Sulphate Quinine, Super Carb Soda, Sulphate Morphine, Sal Soda, Gum Camphor, Sulphur, &c., Ac., With the usual assortment of CIIEYIICALS, DRUGS, &c. We give notice to our customers that the earliest day ships can come into a Southern port we shall commence to IMPORT DIRECT our supplies of Foreign Drugs, Spices, Cognac Brandy, Wines, Glassware, Ac. Terms strictly and invariably CASH. HAMILTON, MARKLEY & JOYNER. July 27, 1861—ts. ATLANTA CLOTHING JAIL I HAVE just returned from the North with a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, rf/Vl rrtlfl and am read F 40 supply the cit- .W h izens of Atlanta and the sur- Mm L£(|l!y rounding country, with COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, Handkerchiefs, Neck-ties, HATS, CAPS, SOCKS, and everything else vx -- in the Clothing line, oi good quality and at LOW PRICES. ts who d6sire bargains Should give me a call. ' . —AT.SO, ON Jewelry! Knives I Combsl A.n<l other Notions. M. OPPENHEIMER, Whiteall street, nearly opposite marchl stf Eddleman A Bank Me NAUGHT, BEARD CO. Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia. Wm. McNaught, | I Wm. K. Bbabd. Jambs Ormond, j mar2o ( John Denham. J . W. HEWELL, • Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, markram’s block, Corner of Alabama and Whitehall Street*, ATLANTA, GEOB GIA. Feb. 16, 1861—ly'. DK WITT BRUYN. THOS. W. SAVAGE. BRUYN & SAVAGE, ARCHITECTS, Savannah, Georgia, In Battersby’s new brick build * corner Bay and Dray ton Streets. WILL furnish Plans and Specifications, and give their personal attention to the erec tion of Buildings in any part of the State. Refer to the Citizens of Savannah generally. March 18-ly. TO KEISTT, A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE of six rooms, with closets and conve niences throughout the building, and 150 feet of verandah running round three sides of the house. This lovely suburban retreat is aituat ed upon a beautiful sheet of water, one mile and a-half from the city, and presents induce ments which are unequalled for a retired, Eleasant and* convenient location near At tn ta. For terms and particulars apply at this of .fice. June 2 6—ts. ICE-CREAM SALOON. A THE subscriber has fitted f P. up a neat SALOON, in con fl {I nection with his Confec ' ! tionary, on Whitehall st, where Ladies and Gentle men may procure a first flTi rate article of Ice-Cream ■ any hour during the day A— or evenin ?- A share of patronage is solicited. F. M. JACK, May 24. Agent. WANTED! QOM£ eight or ten good journyemen Hatters, to O make Wool and Fur Hats. Steady employ ment and good wages. Apply to m!9. J. M. HOLBROOK, Atlant#. Ga. Air-Tight Fruit Jars : A SMALL LOT FOR SALE BY aug.lß-lw. T. R- RIPLEY.