Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, August 20, 1861, Image 4
Southern (Eonfcderaai The Southern Confederacy Office, lias a reliable special letter and telegraphic correspondent at Manassas Junction—the great attractive Held of battle at present. We have also engaged reliable correspondents from, vari ous points in Virginia. Everybody wants to hear the news, and all important dispatches or news items received by us, will be promptly placed on the Confederacy bulletin. In these exciting times it is probable that ex- ( travagant rumors will get afloat. We caution i the people against them, and beg everybody to be careful what they believe. We have every possible facility for obtaining correct news. This, however, costs us heavily, and we hope every one who is so anxious to get war news will admit the equity of subscr bing and paying for our paper. Quite a number of names on our daily list and a few on the weekly, will be erased this week, unless the subscriptions are renewed. We in variably stop sending the paper at the termina tion of the time for which it is paid. jt-gT Our terms for the Daily are $5 per annum or 50 cents per month—the cheapest Daily in the South, that gives the same amount of read ing matter. jggf”ln all cases, subscribers to the Daily “ Confederacy” will be charged at the rate of 50 cents per month for any length of time less than one year. The Weekly is a very large sheet, full of the choicest reading matter. The cheapest way to get the news is to subscribe for the Confeder acy. ♦ NEW POSTAGE ACT. / The following law has been enacted by the Congress of the Confederate States of America : LETTER POSTAGE. An Act to prescribe the rates of Postage in the Confed erate States of America and for other purposes. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That from and after such period as the Post master-General may by proclamation announce, there shall be charged the following rates of postage, to-wit: For every single sealed letter, and for every letter in manuscript or paper of any kind, upon which informa tion shall be asked for or communicated in writing or by marks or signs, conveyed in the mail for any dis tance between places within the Confederate States of America, not exceeding five hundred miles, five .cents; and for any distance exceeding five hundred miles, double that rate; and every letter or parcel not exceed ing half an ounce in weight shall be deemed a single letter, and every additional weight of half an ounce, or additional weight of less than half an ounce, shall be charged with additional single postage; and all pack age# containing other than printed or written mat te)—and money package# are included in thia class —Khali be rated by weight as letter# are rated, and shall be charged the rates of postage on letters; and all drop letters, or letters placed in any post-office not for transmission but for delivery only, shall be charged with postage at the rate of two cents each ; and in all the foregoing cases the postage must be pre paid by stamps ; and in all the letters which shall hereafter be advertised as remaining over or uncalled for in any post-office shall be charged with two cents each in addi tion to the regular postage, both to be accounted for as other postages of this Confederacy. POSTAGE ON NEWSPAPERS, PAMPHLETS, AND OTH- ER PRINTED MATTER, INCLUDING BOOKS. And be it further enacted, That all the Newspapers published within the Confederate States, not exceeding three ounces in weight, and sent from the office of pub lication to actual and bona Jide subscribers within the Confederate States, shall be charged with postage as follows, vis: The postage on the regular numbers of a newspaper published weekly, shall be ten cents per quarter ; papers published semi-weekly, double that amount ; papers published thrice a week, treble that amount; papers published six times a week, six times that amount, and papers published daily, seven times that amount. And on Newspapers weighing more than thcee ounces, there shall be charged on each additional ounce In addition to the foregoing rates, on those pub lished once a week, five cents per ounce, or fraction of an ounce, per quarter; on those published twice a week, ten cents per ounce per quarter ; on those published three times a week, fifteen cents per ounce per quarter; on those published six times a week, thirty cents per ounce per quarter; and on those published daily, thirty five cents per ounce per quarter. And periodicals published oitener than bi-monthly shall be charged as newspapers. And other periodicals, sent from the office of publica tion to actual and bona fide subscribers, shall be charg ed with postage as follows, vis: The postage on the reg ular numbers of a Periodical, published within the Con federate Mates, not exceeding one and a half, ounces in weight, and published monthly, shall be two and a half cents per quarter ; and for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce, two and a half eents additional; If published send-tnoulldy, double that amount. And pe rloeicnls published quarterly or bi-monthly, shall be charged two cents an ounce; and regular subscribers to newspapers and periodicals shall be required to pay one quarter's postage thereon In advance, at the office of delivery, unless paid at the office where published. And there shall be charged upon every other news paper, and each circular pot aealed, hahd-bill, engrav ing, pamphlet, periodical and magazine, which shall be unconnected with any manuscript or written matter, and not exceeding three ounces in weight, and publish ed within the Confederate States, two cents; and for each additional ounce or fraction of an ounce, two eents additional; and In all cases the postage shall be pre-paid by stamps or otherwise, as the Postmaster- Qetieral shall direct. And Books, bound or unbound, not weighing over four pounds, shall be deemed mailable matter, and shall be charged with postage, to be pre-paid by stamps or oth erwise, as the Postmaster-General shall direct, at two cents an ounce for any distance. And upon all newspapers, periodicals and books, ns aforesaid, published beyond the limits of the Confed erate States, there shall be charged postage at double the foregoing specified rates. The publishers of newspapers or periodicals within the Confederate States, may send and receive to and from each other, from their respective offices of publi cation, one copy of each publication, free of postage. All newspapers, unsealed circulars, or other unsealed printed transient matter, placed in any post-office, not for transmission but for delivery only, shall be charged postage at the rate of one cent each. is Atlanta Post-Office Regulations. ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS, Ac. BY GEORGIA RAILROAD. Due, daily, at 1L45 P. M. and 9.80 A. M. t loses, daily, at .....7 .SO A. M. and 5.30 P. M. BY WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Due, daily, at 10.10 A. M. Closes, dally, at.......... . • 00 A. M. BY ATLANTA A WEST-POINT RAILROAD. Due, daily, at S.OO A. M. Closes, daily, at .9.00 P. M. BY MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD. Due, dally, at 4.00 P. M. . Closes, daily, at 9.00 A. M. OFFICE HOUKS. This Office will be kept open as follows: Open at 7 A.M. Close at 1 P.M. Open at P.M. Close M O'* P.M. SUNDAY. Open at S A.M. Close at 9.?4 A.M. Open at 2,H* P.M. Close at 8X P.M. Until the Confederate Government shall furnish a supply of Sumps, all Postage must be paid In Gold or Silver on depositing the matter In the Office tor trans mission. To accommodate the public, all sums for postage, or stamped envelopes of one dollar or monx will be receiv es! in bankable funds, bnt no specie change will be given for paper. No Postage Account will be kept, on deposit or other wise. Parties dwiring to do so, can have any number •f envelopes stamped “ Paid," with the Post-Office stamp, on the payment of the Postage—which will serve, when dropped in this Office, as a stamp. TIIOA. C HOWARD, Allo ts, IMI. Post-Master. notick to correspondents. PARTIES writ:ag to us for information will please eaeloee the postage lor the answer. W» will cheerfully wrtte replies to enquiries, but can't afford to pay postage also. June 7. McNAUGHT. OHMOXD A CXI QA BBLS LARD OIL just received on co«- t)v srnmont and for sal* by j«B* I BUTLER A PKTEB3. SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY. ; 5 ® ® J W® Bl 1 |H|h| B i ■H gMESI ]b j IS iti 1 E? 1 Bl j ? Hardware, Mechanical & Farming Tools, House-Furnishing Goods, i CUTLERY and FILES—A large and well assorted stock for sale by m2O McNAUGHT, ORMOND & CO. CHAINS —Trace, Coil, Log. Fifth, Breast, and Halter Chains, for sale by m2O McNAUGHT, ORMOND & CO. IRON —Sweden, English, Refined, and Cass county Iron, all shapes and sizes, of our own importation, for sale by m2O McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. SHOVELS A SPADES—Ames’ and other ma kers,‘for sale by m2O McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. NOW IS THE TIME TO FOSTER SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. ] ——o FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE BOOK-BINDERY. ' GO T ° THB I WOOD, HANLEITER, RICE & CO., S Desire to direct public at- OLSHJ franklin I tention to their unequalled i facilities for the superior l&k '■ and prompt execution of I) jil \ ' $ all work in their line, from will rill IM lAb - .. pj . T , Small Card to the Largest Volume! ■ J The establishment, in its various departments, HOUSF ' l >er^a P s l * ie most complete in the whole Southern i•' '■ I co, ’ nlr y. It is the object of the proprietors to es- ° n R ern,anent l,ag ’ 8 a Southern Publish- 1 ING Botss ' thereby effectually removing every /I necessity for sending North to have works issued. ’ tiL Thus far the enterprise has proved highly success- ful, and the proprietors feel assured that the beneficial results of such an undertaking have yet to be more fully appreciated by our people. The several departments receive the personal su pervision of the firm, and satisfaction guaranteed to each and every patron w=> THE BOOK-BINDING DEPARTMENT handsomely fitted up with ail the modern improvements and conveniences of that branch. Blank-Books ruled and manufactured; Law Works, Medical Works, Music. Magazines, tec. bound in any style desired, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is specially complete in every particular ; constant additions are •'Vssss, tv I i being made in the way of such improvements as are introduced into the Typographical world, by which the proprietors are ena bled to furnish the handsomest printing in the Confederated States! Everything, from a Visiting Cardio a Mammoth Poster, tastefully executed in any style and color desired. Three otw their six Presses are prope’led by Steam, and kept in operation /Mm day and night! ’ Bank Checks, Bill Heads, j I- X ’ , Railroad Blanks, Professional Cards, < Programmes, Circulars. ' 1 Legal Blanks, Letter Heads, -~ And every imaginable variety of Printing promptly attended to at prices but a small advance ou New York rates! Printing in COLORED INO, AN I > XVITH O O T.I > VIV 1) KII. VK K HK O ZH S , IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART ! .KP'The Proprietors, confident of their ability to give entire satisfaction, solicit a share of public patronage. Orders from all parts of the country will receive their personal attention, and all work promptly forwarded per Express or otherwise, as may be directed. All letters should be addressed to WOOD, HANLEITER, RICE & CO. ' Atlanta, Ga., 1661. ] - ■ — ( SOUTHERN FURNITURE! — M.IXI'FACTORY AT GRAYSVILLE, CATOOSA COEXTY, GA. i t I AM Manufacturing ami have*constantly on baud a large stock of FURNITURE, at my Factory at Graysville, Catoesa county, Goorgia : also at my Store in McNaught, Ormond A ! C° ’ 8 Block, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., 1 - X where I keep an extensive assortment of ’ < SEOB6I* MADE FURIIITURE, got no in the latest styles, and in workmanship . and finish equal to any made in the South or im- ported from any other section. Those wishing to purchase Furniture in small or large quantities, will find it to their interest to call and examine my stock and prices before 1 purchasing in any other market. To those who purchase wholesale, to sell again. I will say that lam prepared to fill orders * for custom made or knock down Furniture, finished or iu the white wood, as low as you can 1 purchase the same class article in any other market If you are disposed to encourage heme enterprise, give me a trial. I likewise manufacture a superior article of COTTAGE CHAIRS, which I am prepared to sell wholesale or retail on as stood terms M any other Factory. In addition to my slock of Furniture, at my store m Atlanta will be found all the articles usually found in a Furniture Store, such as Looking-Glasses, Mattresses, Window Shades, &c. COFFIN’S furnished st shortest notice, and Undertaking prompt.; attended to. All kinds of ' Furniture repaired with neatness and dispatch. AU orders addressed to my Agent, Charles I. Grady, Atlanta, or to me at the Factory, Grays- Tilie, Ga., will have prompt attention. JOHN D. GRAY. Joly 20,1861.—d1y. HOES —Five sizes superior Cast-Steel Hoes, for sale by < m2O McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. LANES and EDGE TOOLS of the best make, in great variety, for sale by < m2O McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. THE attention of HARDWARE merchants, , and others, is respectfully called to the fore- J going advertisements. We are prepared to fill orders for all goods in our line at the lowest prices for Cash. McNaught, ormond a co. Keystone Building, march2o Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. ] MILITARY iMfllS. Army Regulations, for Confederate States. $3.00. Hardee’s Tactics, 2 volumes, cloth. All the Plates. $2.50. Hardee’s Tactics, 2 volumes, paper. All the Plates. $2.00. School for the Guides, 28 Plates. sl. Camp Duty, for Infantry, Guards, Pa trols, &c. 60 cents. Rules for Field Fortifications and their defence and Coast Defence. 60 cts. Trooper’s Manual, for Dragoons and Mounted Riflemen. $1.75. Science of War, Strategy, selection of ground, tec. SI.OO. Cavalry Tactics, for Trooper, Platoon and Squadron. 3 volumes, $5.00. Cooper’s and Macombs’ Tactics, for Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. $1.75. Robert’s Artillery and Maury’s Skirmish Drill. 1 volume. $1.50. Ward’s Manual of Naval Tactics. $4.00. Haswell’s Engineer’s Hand Rook. $1.75. Haswell’s Mechanic’s Tables. $1.25 Law’s Civil Engineering, (London Book.) $2.00. Glynn’s Cranes, &c., (London Book.) 75c Wilson’s Builder’s Price Book. $1.50. Henck’s Field Book for Engineers. $1 Templeton’s Mechanic’s Companion.— $1.25. j e 27 j. McPherson & co. BUTLER & PETERS, (Successors to High, Butler A C 0.,) Commission Merchants. FOR THK POKCHABK AND SALK OF rA' wV.V ESS E K fKHD V( E Cotton, Groceries, rfcc. ATLANTA GEORGIA, HAVE in store, at their Fire-Proof Ware House, on the corner of Forsyth street and the Railroad, (opposite tbe State Road Depot,) 100 BARRELS LARD OIL; 50 BALES YARN ; 100 BARRELS LARD; 200 KEGS PRIME LEAF LARD; 1,000 BARRELS FLOUR. May 4. Water Pipes, Fire Bricks, &c. The southern porcelain manu facturing COMPANY, Kaolin. South Carolina, are now prepared to furnish at short notice, ’Vtz-A.TJSTT FIFES, double glazed, with a perfect vitrious body suitable for conduit pipes for cities, Ac., from twenty-six inches diameter to one inch, capa ble of sustaining a pressure of 150 head of water. Also, FIRE BRICKS which have no superior. We also manufacture all kinds of C. C. and Granite Ware, and would most respectfully solicit orders for the above Goods. W. H. FARROW, Agent, Aug 8-ts Kaolin, S. C. CONFECTIONARIES? F. NT. J ACK, Agent, NKXT DOOR TO W. F. HKRRIN6 CO., Whitehall St., Atlanta, G-eorgia. KEEPS constantly on hand an excellent stock of CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, CAKES, NUTS, CANDIES, PRESERVES, JELLIES, PICKELB, Ac., Ac. Also, Fine Imported WINES, BRANDIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ac., Ac. Also, a great variety of Fancy Articles—Bas kets, Toys, Ac. The Ladies and the Public generally are re spectfully invited to call. marß. THE SEAT OF WAR. TI7ILL be published, in a few days, a full, »' authentic and carefully compiled MAP OF THE SEAT OF WAR! Showing the location of every important point In Virginia. The Map is now in the hands of one ol tbe best Lithographers in the South, and will be for sale during the coming week. Size, 20x24 inches. Price, 75 cents per single copy; three copies, $2 ; five copies, S 3. A liberal discount will be made to dealers. Orders accompanied by the cash, will meet with prompt attention. Ad dress T. A. BURKE. aug3-tf Morning News office. Savannah. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. PORTRAITS taken from Life, or copied from Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., by the Pbotgraph ic process, and ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, from Miniature size up to the size of Life. Persons having Daguerreotypes of their de ceased relatives and friends, now have tbe op portunity of having them copied to any size hey may wish, and painted up to the Life in OIL OR WATER COLORS, OR PASTEL, with the certainty of getting a perfect likeness in every respect. Gallery on Whitehall Street, Atlants Georgia. C. W. DILL, Apri 3. Photographer . i. o. McDaniel, WBODESALK DKALKR D» BRAIN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, AND LEADING GROCERIES. flufUar SD-Ms, between WhiUhaU Loyd Street#, ATLANTA, : GEORGIA. April 13, 1861. WM. H. BARNES, THOS. P. FLEMING. s’ WHOLESALE PROOMEE ©SAILERS AND GENERAL MASONIC HALL BUILDING, (Opposite Passenger Depot,) -A.TL JkISTT-A., G-EO. ’ o JSS- PROMPT ATTENTION J®* PAID TO JBB- FILLING LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE OJNT BUSINESS TRANSACTED ON THE CASH SYSTEM E—X—C—L—U—-S—l—V—E—L—Y I Prices Current mailed to customers weekly. Wholesale Produce House, NOW ON HAND, LARD, ) at f CORN. LARD, !■ Barnes, CORN. LARD, J Fleming, ( CORN* MASONIC HALL. In Store, BACON, ) at f FLOUR. BACON, 1 Barnes, 4 FLOUR . BACON, J & Fleming, ( FLOUR. ALL ORDERS ) at f AT THE WILL BE L Barnes, 4 LOWEST FILLED, ) & Fleming, ( PRICES. FOR CASH. Consignments solicited. Liberal advances made. Large Stocks kept od hand. Orders filled with dispatch. 50 Casks Bacon—to arrive. 800 Barrels Flour—to arrive. 5,000 Sacks Prime White Corn—in store. 40 Ferkin K’gs Fresh Lard—in store. General Commission Business attended to by BARNES & FLEMING, Masonic Building, March 18, 1861. Atlanta, Georgia. THE VOLUNTEERS' MANUAL AND DRILL BOOK. 1 Vol. 18mo., 312 pp.J price $1.50. COMPILED from the best and latest author ities for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States, by Lieut. Col. William H. Richardson, graduate and formerly assistant instructor of Tactics, Virginia Military Insti tute. This valuable book is a liberal abridgement of Hardee’s Tactics, including the School of the Battalion, and instructions for Skirmishers. The balance Step and the Manual of Arms for the Musket, being introduced from GILHAM’S MANUAL: Also the forms of Parade for Reviews, Inspec tion, Dress Parades, Guard Mounting, Duties of Guards, duties of Captain in Camp and Gar rison, Marches, Camps, &c., Ac., together with Soldier’s Rations, and mode of cooking them, and a few important sanitary suggestions to soldiers. A. MORRIS, Publisher. Sent by mail on receipt of $1.70. For sale at the publisher’s price by j. McPherson a co., July 12—3 m. Atlanta, Ga. Steam Tannery for Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale their STEAM TANNERY, situated on Decatur street, near the Rolling Mill. There are attached thirty-six Tanning Vats, Lime-House, Curry ing Shop, Drying Lofts, and Shoe Shop, with all necessary Machinery and Tools. Also, on the premises, a two-story Brick House, two frame Dwellings, two wells, and a branch of water running through the lot. Capitalists will find this one of the best investments ever offered in this city. Apply, on the premises, to MoMILLAN A BELLINGRATH. March 18—ts. ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP —AND— BRASS FOUNDRY, ON HUNTER STREET, Bbtwekm McDonovh and Butler Strkkts, Near the City Hall. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and the public generally, that he has established, as above, a Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, and also a BRASS FOUNDRY where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. He solicits a share of patronage, and will guarantee to give entire satisfaction to all that may entrust him with their orders. Orders promptly attended to. JAMES E. GULLATT. has on hand and for sale two DRAYS. I Cheap for Cash. Atlanta, Jan. 30. IN STORE- 150 Gallons Kerosene Oil—-(of light color, and odorless.) 1,000 Gallons Alcohol. 100 Bottles Chloroform. 1,000 Gallons Spirits of Turpentine. 25 Bottles Calomel. 25 Bottles Blue Mass. 1,000 Bottles Quiniue. 150 Bottle Morphine, july 30-ts MASSEY A LANSDELL. SPECIAL NOTICE. AFTER this date we shall sell Goods for cash exclusively. Owing to tbe state of the times, scarcity of stock, Ac., we are necessarily compelled for the present to adopt this system, and trust our friends will appreciate this and no one will ask for credit. We have now in store a good stock of Boots, Shoes, Leather, Lasts, and Findings, which we will aell at the lowest market prices for CASH. As we are anxious to close our Books as soon as possible, we would respectfully ask those having unsettled accounts with ns for last year, and previous to Ist July, to call and settle, either by note or cash. DIMICK, WILSON A CO. Atlanta, Aug. 7-lm J. H. LOVEJOY, C Wholesale A Retail grocer, And Dealer in To l)acco» Wines, Li quors, Cigars, Ac., Cherokee Block, Feach-Tree Street, /Atlanta, Greoi’gria. feb2s-ly DR. J. H. McLEAN’S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL —AND— BLOOD PURIFIER, tTHE GREATEST REMEDY In the World, AND THE MOST DELICIOUS AND WMmLF Delightful Cor dial I V EVER TAKEN. WB nnHE thousands up- 4 X on thousands Cordial, certify that it is absolutely an infalllable rem edy for renovating and Invigorating the shattered and diseased system, purifying and enriching the Blood—re storing the sick, suffering invalid to HEALTH AND STRENGTH. There is no mistake about it; it will cure Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Headache, De pression of Spirits, Fever and Ague, Inward Fever, Bad Breath, or any disease of the Liver, Stomach, or Bow els. |y GENTLEMEN, do you wish to be Healthy, Strong and Vigorous ? LADIES, do you want the Bloom of Health to mount to your Cheeks again ? Then go at once and get McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. Delay not a moment; it is warranted to give satisfac tion. It will cure any disease of the Kidneys, Womb, or Bladder; Fainting, Obstructed Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, Barrenness, or any disease arising from Chronic or Nervous Debility, it is an Infalllable Remdy. For Children. Do you want your delicate, sickly, puny children to be Healthy, Strong and Robust? Then give them Mc- Lean’s Strengthening Cordial, (see the directions on each bottle,) it is delicious to take. One table-spoonful, taken every morning fast ing, is a sure preventive against Chills and Fever, Yel low Fever, Cholera, or any prevailing disease. er- Caution.—Beware of Druggists or Dealers who may try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitters or Sarsa parilla, (which they can buy cheap,) by saying it is just as good. There are even men base enough to steal part of my name to dub their vile decoctions. Avoid such infamous pirates and their villainous compounds 1 Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. Take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify your Blood thoroughly, and, at the same time, Strengthen and Invigorate the whole organization. It is put up in large bottles—ll per bottle, or six bot tles for $5. DR. J. H. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Sts., St. Louis, Mo. DR. NIC LEAN’S UNIVERSAL PILLS, For Liver Complaint, Biliousness, Headache, <kc. THERE has never been a Cathartic Medicine, offered to the public, that has given such entire satisfaction as McLean’s Universal Pills. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly innocent, and can be taken by the most tender infant; yet prompt and powerful in removing all Bilious secretions, Acid, or Impure, Feted Matter from the Stomach. In fact, they are the only Pills that should be used in malarious districts. They produce no Griping, Sickness, or Pain, in the Stomacn or Bowels, thoogh very active and searching in their operation, promoting healthy secretions of the Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer from Biliousness, Headache, and Foul Stomach, when so cheap a remedy can be obtained 1 Keep them constantly on hand ; a single dose, taken in season, may prevent hours, days and months of sickness. Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean’s Universal Pills. Take no other. Being coated, they are tasteless. Price only 25 cents per box, and can be sent by mail to any part of the United States. J. H. McLEAN, Bole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Lini ment. Jsesf External in the World, for Man or Beast. THOUSANDS of human beings have been saved a life of decrepitude and misery, by the use of this inval uable Liniment It will relieve Pain almost instaneous ly, and it will cleanse, purify and heal the foulest Sore in an incredible short time. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment will relieve the most inveterate cases of Rheu matism, Gout, or Neuralgia. For Paralysis, Contracted Muscles, Stiffness or Weakness in the Joints, Muscles or Ligaments, it will never fail. Two applications will cure Sore Throat, Headache, or Earache. For Burns or Scalds, or any Pain, it is an infalllable remedy. Try it, and you will find It an indlspensible remedy. Keep It always on hand. Planters, Farmers, or any one having charge of hors es, will save money by using McLean’s Volcanic Oil Lin iment. It Is a speedy and infallible cure lor Galls, Sprains, Chafes, Swelling, Lameness, Sweeney, Sores, Wounds, Scratches, or any external disease. Try it, and you will be convinced. J. H. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor, March 7,1861-dAwly. Saint Louis, Mo. For sale in Atlanta by G. K. A J. L. HAMILTON, and by MASSEY A LANSDELL, and Dealers everywhere. SB. OATMAN, proprietor, and dealer in • Italian, American and Egyptian Marble, Monaments, Tombs, Tablets, Head and Foot Stones, Urns, Vases, Marble and Enameled Slate Mantels, Statuary Figures, and Furnish ing Marble of all descriptions. Always on hand a fine assortment of Monu ments, both Plain and Carved, of all sices, and prices to suit Call and see specimens, at Ware Rooms and Yard, opposite Georgia Railroad Depot. teb2s-tfi MARSHALL HOUSE, BY WM * COOLIDGE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. March 18,1861—ts. Notice. CW. HUNNICUTT, Esq., at Hunnicutt, Tay- • lot A Jones’ Drug Store, is my legally authorized agent to transact all my business during my absence from the State. My broth er, John 11. Whaley, and Mr. Wm. James are fully competent, and will contract for any kind of brickwork in my name. aug 14-dawtf. C. A. WHALEY. HAVING secured the services of Dr. H. Warmouth, a graduate of several French and German schoolsof Pharmacy,our Prescrip tion and Chemical Departments will be under his entire control. Pharmaceutical Chemicals aod preparations can be furnished at short notice. july 30-ts MASSEY A LANSDELL.