Newspaper Page Text
Coltiwtimtt fllitscitm
Vol. XXll.— no. 3447.]
For Liverpool,
The fast sailing coppcr
*/*/*sjf ed ship MARGARET,
jjLfWfot captain M‘Lcllan, now
loading, and intended to
j&f.tffK. I-w-Gris be rea y f° r se:l * n H
days, having 3-fourths or
i 1 jw*y her cargo ready, tor
freight or passage, apply
on board, or to
no. 3, Commerce Row.
Received per said ship, and fir sale low,
Clear and merchantable white pine Lum ,
of first quality and seasoned. ctcC
For Liverpool,
The British ship PATENT,
captain Barugh, carrying 500 bales
only ; has 300 engaged, and will be
inuneuiately despatched For/mght of the re
mainder, apply to A*. HICLARESO,\& Cos.
dec 4 80
For Liverpool,
The fast sailing coppered ship KEN-
JglPk SINGTON, Isaac Silliman, master ; only
wants 200 bales cotton to complete her cargo—
for freight of this quantity, or passage, apply to
Received per said ship, Fraser’s wharf.
300 barrels Flour
And a few kegs Butter
Which they offer for sale. dec 15 92
For Liverpool,
v4§j£'y The stanch, fast sailing ship Susan,
jfsfejsi Winslow, master, will have immediate
despatch, having 500 bales ready to go on board.
For freight of 350 bales, apply to
250 barrels pilot bread
25 do no. 1 Pork
50 kegs Richmond man. Tobacco, 3s.
10 hhds. N. E. Rum.
dec. 3 8z Johnston's upper -wharf.
For Liverpool,
The wood substantial sllir ,' r T°navintr
Wfayty Andrew iomOs, commander, hating
ku of her cargo ready to go bn board, and will
soon be despatched -.'for freight or passage ap
ply on board, or to Wx.TAkI.OR.
dec 2
For Liverpool,
t The ship Liver pool I rader, captain
Fenno, wants freight of 250 to 300 bales
cotton. _ , .
The ship Edwin Bolton, capt. Gardner, wants
only 300 bales. .
The British brig Scipio, capt. ..ladders, v ants
half her cargo, or about 25b bales.
A1 ,o, ‘the slop Belfast, capt. Bunker, for Havre,
has ail but 300 bales of her cargo ready. 1 lie
vliola will be immediately dispatched.
dec j 81 R. RIG. AItDSON & co.
_—— ■ 1
For Liverpool,
The well known jacket ship JOHN &.
EDWARD, S. S. Webb, master. For
freight of 300 bales cotton (the rest of her car
go being engaged) or for passage, the ship hav
ing elegant accommodations, apply to captain
Webb, on board, or to
For Liverpool,
THE fine well known ship GEORGIA,
.Tames Low master (a regular trader) is
now in readiness to receive a cargo and will
meet with immediate despatch. For freight or
passage apply to capt. Low, or to
nov 4 59 ANDREW LOW & co.
For Liverpool,
yl(4s\ The well known ship JUNO, John
Doak master, having 500 bales cotton
ready to go on board, will meet with immediate
despatch. For freight of the balance, or pas
sage, having good accommodations, apply to
eaptain Doak, or B. M‘KIXXE Sc CO.
nov 29 s 79
For Liverpool,
The well known fust sailing coppered
£&*£) s bip LADY GALLATIN, Seth Swain
master, will have immediate despatch, the great
er part of her cargo being engaged. F• r freight
es 2 or 300 bales Cotton or passage, applv to
Hunter's wharf.
Who has landing from said ship anil for sale,
, 18 casks best spermaceti OIL
22 hhds and 2 crates Stone Ware, from the
manufactory of John Crolers. nov 12 64
For Liverpool,
wiM\ The superior fast sailing-ship Niagara,
Ifijev Lombard, master, a vess.-l of the very
first class, is nearly new having made only two
Voyages anil wants, to comphlc her loading,
bales, or an equivalent. Applv to
JOHN THOMAS, Hire's wharf
fJ ho has fur sale, on hoard stud ship,
150 hhds Suit
40 firkins Butter
50 bundles Hay dec 8 86
t’ssse liters lor J.ivrrjiool
in he well accommodated onboard
’be first rate Hliil*llpliia built ship
•'\OV,.l s Woosti-c, mast i r, lm ing spa.
,'** * “"I handsome accoiuiruidntMint. Apply to
1 ‘ J I / tor/.YSTONV HILLS
For New-York,
JLjOfv The packet ship MARY AUGUSTA,
Porter, master, having the most of her
freight engaged, will meet with despatch : for
the remainder, or passage, having handsome
accommodations apply on board, or to
McKinne's -wharf.
JVho has landing from said ship and Jor sale,
5 pipes Pierpoint’s N. Y'ork anchor Gin
30 kegs Labby’s manufactured Tobacco
half do. do
bundles Hay
50 boxe> tobacco Pipes
dec 15 9i
Off* 150 bales cotton are On
ly wantimrprrTreigTu to fillup the ship Lady-
Gallatin, for Liverpool, the remainder of her
cargo being engaged and partly on board. She
will meet with immediate despatch, being under
a positive engagement to sail on or before the
25th instant. For freight or passage apply to
CHARLES COTTON, Hunter’s wharf,
dee 11 89
|l_j- 10U bales of COTTON are wanted
on freight, in the Lord Whit-worth, to sail in all
this week. Inquire of S. C. DUNNING,
dec 16 93
( £3“ The ship Mexico can
take on freglit 150 bales COTTON, for Havre.
Apply to B. M’KIXNE & CO.
dec 17 94
For Greenock,
The very fine coppered British brig
ELIZA ANN, Thomas Little, master.
For freight or passage apply to the master on
board, or to JOHN SPEARMAN & co.
Who have received per said brig,
400 pieces superior cotton bagging
about 100 hampers Potatoes
„ 50 kegs loch fine Herrings
and a small assortment of fine cut Glass—con
sisting of Tumblers, Decanters, &.c.
nov. 11. 63
For Greenock,
vfcj&V The very fiist_ sai!i u ng
bnfjbart of* her cargo biting engaged, she will
me A with dispatch. For ficigl t apply to the
captain on board, or to James Caurtjthehs,
run sAi-F,, [Smith’s wharf.
12 pair double Jack-Screws, received on con
signment —apply as above. nov 13 65
cant. Bell, for Greenock, only wants about 200
bales cotton to fill up ; freight of this quantity
will be taken, if early application be made to
dec 4 83 Fraser’s wharf.
For Havana ,
The schooner, HAL, E. Cowell, mas
ter, will be despatched soon, having the
greatest part of her cargo on board. For freight
of 100 barrels, or passage apply to the master
on board, at Wayne’s wharf, or to
dec 13 91
For St. Mary's,
The stanch, fast sailing sloop ANN
PIg&i&Z,MARIA, P. C. Greene, master ; having
superior accommodations, is intended to run as
a regular packet between Savannah and St. Ma
ry’s. No pains will be spared to give satisfac
tion. Enquire of the master on board, at the
Exceange wharf.
Who has on hoard and for sale,
A few bids. APPLES and CIDER,
doc 19 96
For New-York,
The superior packet brig AMELIA,
It Rodman, master, will have despatch.—
For freight or passage apply on board, at Jones’
wharf, or to GEORGE GORDON.
Landing from said brig,
10 puncheons N.E. RUM
nov 24 74
For freight or charter,
The stanch good brig LYDIA, J. M.
Nichols, master, burthen 164 tons, now
read} to take on board a cargo ; a freight for the
West-Indies or south of Europe, will be taken
low. Apply to JOIINSTON U HILLS.
dec 9 i 87
Just Landing,
8 pipes and 40 bids. Gin and Cider Brandy
Cranberries in barrels, or at retail,
Together with u general assortment of
Groceries and Liquors.
For sale by C. BRUEN & co.
No. 33.... 801t0n's central wharf.
nov. 16. \093
3J. YV. McKenzie,
Htct’s wiiAitr
nAS just received per ship Adonis, and sev.
. end oilier arrivals from New-York, the fol
lowing articles: which he oilers for sale, on
accommodating terms, to suit purchasers, viz.
43 boxes of Hats, assorted
a lew dozen morocco Caps
41 crates stone W are
11 hhds. do. do
8<) bids first quality Newark < idi-r
2u dozen sou y cfi . , ofdill'm-iit patterns
and low pro i ,
9 krg Got-lien Hotter
■i lev bali’h'.d. Ist qua) fl, •niaik- ‘ Brel
dec 17 i m
BILLS on London, Liverpool and Glasgow.
payable in London, on New-York and Phi
ladelphia, for sale by JOHN SPEARMAN, 8i co.
Fraser's -wharf. 60 nov. 6
Bills on Liverpool,
Payable in London, and on Boston, for sale by
nov 27 77 Hunter's wharf.
On Boston, New-York and Philadelphia,
at short sight. For sale by
nov 24 74 Hunter's -wharf.
On New-York, and on Providence direct, or
payable in Boston, for sale by
A X S O,
tJ. S. Post Notes of §SOO each,
dec 3 82
Bills on New-York,
For sale by Charles Cotton.
rov 12 Hunter’s wharf.
Bills on New-York,
At short sight, for sale by
sept 9 35
Price § M’Gran,
Market-square, Have for sale,
Prime muscovado Sugar, in hhds. and bbls.
Double refined loaf do in bbls.
lump do. in bbls.
Prime green Coffee, in bbls. and bags
Chests hyson Tea, latest importation
Boxes Soap and Candles, warranted good,
Best richmond Tobacco, in kegs, 8 to the
Holland and anchor Gin
Cognac Brandy
Slalaga and J teneriKe Wine
Pepper, Allspice, Ginger
Together with an assortment of
Broadcloths, white and blue Plains
Linen, cotton Bagging, Bic. Btc.
dec 12 90
The Subscriber
Offers for sale an Invoice, consisting of the follow
ing articles :
Single and double bolted Padlocks
Do do patent do
Pen and pocket Knives, children’s do. assort
ed, and low charged
Scissors chest Locks, Knives and Forks
Stock Locks, Augers, pin Mauls, iron Butts
Carpenters’ Hammers, Sad Irons
Scrubbing Brushes, ship Scrapers, tec.
20 crates crockery’ Ware
25 cases Tumblers, 15 boxes tea China
10 tons Russia and Swedes Iron
The above goods will be sold low, and on ac
commodating terms, for the purpose of closing
a concern. Apply to ISAAC COHEN,
nov 15 se 77
Tea China
Received per sloop general Washington
100 boxes india tea China,
fir sale by ISAAC COHEN.
oct 28 56
John Spcakman § Cos.
Frazer's wharf,
HAVE received on consignment and now
landing from the British brig John Wins
loe, Henry Hodges, master, from New Port,
(South Wales,) a quantity of
Copper Bolts and copper Spikes
Tin Ware, consisting of household utensils,Bcc.
New Cordage
Woollen Slops, consisting of jackets, trowsers,
10 pair Boots and 140 pair Shoes [Sic
140 tons excellent Coals. also,
From the Juno, from Liverpool,
A few tons Shot Which they offer for sale.
66 nov 14
“ By the dozen, piece or package.”
Stoutenburgh Thorn,
Have received, and daily expect from England,
Scotland and France,
A more general and extensive assortment of
DRY GOODS, than was ever imported to this
city before.—Likewise, a few packages of
HARD-WARE, all selected by a person well
acquainted with such articles as are suited to
this place and the upper country.
nov. 10. 62
Genuine Madeira Wine.
5 half pipes superior quality Madeira Wine,
just received on consignment, and for sale by
dec 13 91
For Sale,
First proof Philadelphia Whiskey
Northern Gin in barrels
Cheese in boxes and i asks
lire 1. 92 Rife's >horf.
For Suit*,
(hi hmirdthr “hip 17i 1 unii Chimin at Smith's t.'harj
65 tons best ('ll \ MIIF.It GOALS,
Apply to JAMES DICKSON k rn
not i $•
Fall and Winter Goods.
The subscribers have received by the ship Georgia,
and other recent arrivals from Liverpool and
Greenock, upwards of
Seasonable Dry Goods,
Comprising a complete assortment of Woolen,
Worsted, Linen, Cotton and Silk GOODS, which.
have been carefully selected by one of the part-)
ners, and will be sold by the piece or package,
at a moderate advance for cash, cotton or un
doubted paper.
Cgy* Families can be supplied, by the piece or
dozen, on reasonable terms.
net 28 56 ANDREW LOW & CO.
Just Received,
„ Beaver
„ Beaver fleecy lined
„ Castor
„ black and white, English and
French Silk
„ Cotton
Ladies’ Beaver
„ Beaver fleecy lined
„ black and color’d Castor
„ black white and fancy Kid
„ black and white English and
French Silk
„ Cotton
Misses’ Beaver
Children’s do.
Gentlemen’s white Lamb’s Wool
. grey
„ wli ite, grey 81 black Worsted
„ grey Angola
~ white and color’d Cotton
„ white and black Silk
Ladies’ white, black & col’d Worsted
„ black, white 81 col’rd Cotton
~ black and white English and
Children’s do.
Misses’ white Cotton
Gentlemen’s white Lamb’s Wool, half
„ color’d do do. do.
„ white & col’d Worsted do.
„ Angola do
dec 8 86
Stebbins Muson
Have received, By recent arrivals,
An assortment of english, french and india
which will be sold on the lowest and most ac
commodating terms Among them are
4-4 6-4 7-4 8-4 and 10-4 irish Damask and
Diaper, for table cloths
3-4 bird’s-eye Diaper
russian Diaper
german Rolls
irish Sheetings
irish Linens, very low charged
linen Cambrics
do Handkerchiefs
linen and cotton Bedtick
marseilles bed Quilts
black and colored canton Crapes
black and white italian do
florence and levantine Silks, a complete as
high colored changeable Sinchews and
blue Sarcenetts
svvansdown and plush Pelerines
silk Shawls
elegant merino do
bandanna Handkerchiefs
black canton do
black and colored sewing Silk and Twist
silk Hosiery and Gloves
black and col’d castor and kid Gloves
satin, taffeta and velvet Ribbons
chenelle Cords, Cords and Tassels
artificial Flowers
velvet Indispensables, with gilt clasps
silk Netts for the head
6-4 mull Muslins
inserting Trimmings
thread Laces, a good assortment
A variety of rich garnature Trimmings
white and black thulle Lace
ostrich and down Feathers
Cloths, cassimeres, vestings, carpeting
Furniture calicoes
Rose and duffil blankets, plains,
India muslins, checks, 81c. Sic.
rmv 17 68
George Relpli,
WO. 2— gibbons’ BX7IEDING,
Has just received and opened,
superior chintz Furniture and dress Calicoes
white and colored muslin Robes
plain and tambored jaconet 81 mull mull .Muslins
Counterpains 81 marseilles Quilts, from 8 to 12-4
plain and figured 9-8 and 6-4 Cambist ks
Irish Sheetingand Linens, well assorted
linen and cotton iled-tirk do
worsted t.',d cotton Hosiery, very cheap
union Stripes and Dcrries
and a large assortment of Plains, Blankets and
Flannels, which will be sold at very reduced
ALU (>,
A few Indies* l’elis-"s, and gentlemen’s toilinet
NVai.'ioals, of superior quality, and the
tali st I end *'i fed )’
, 84
[.Vert Series —Vol. I.—No. 199.
Gillett S, Milne,
Have just received, by the Olynthus from PkilH
2 cases black and changeable Sarcenets
2 do best quality Florentines
1 do fringed Barcelona black silk Handk’fb
2 do superior bl’k &. col’rd nankin Crapes
2 do do do do canton do
dec 3 se 82
Rough Rice
Will be purchased by
dec 4 83 R. & J. HABERSHAM.
Tefft Perkins
Have received by late ai-rivals,
Tea-tr iys, elegant and fashionable patterns
plated Castors, do do
brass Fenders do do
wire do do do
curtain Pins do do
cases of single and double-barrelled Fowling’*
pieces and Rifles
dutch Rrooms—Head-brushes
japanned and plated Bread-baskets
crown W indow-glass
Chafing-dishes, Dust-pans, Anvils, Nails
Powder, of superior quality
Jewellery, &c, Sec.
Which they are offering On their usual fair
terms, at their store, opposite col. Shellman’s
boarding-house. dec 3 82
a A--
Piano Fortes,
Seven fine toned PIANOS, just received and
for sale at the New York prices by
nov 18 69
’ ■- - ■ ~ 1
Just received,
A few pieces of elegant French blue and black
Broadcloths—No. 10, Gibbon’s building.
JOHN PIiEJ\'TICE, Merchant-tailor.
dec 1 80
From ship Prudence,
20 lihds n. r, Rum
1 cask Hard-ware—
For sale by
nov 25 75
6 JRiding Gigs,
An invoice of fancy Chairs
7 barrels buck-wheat Flour
Just received and for sale bv
nov 25 75
Just Received,
per ship Prudence
3 bales and 1 case superfine Cloths
4 cases assorted Hats
6 trunks Shoes and
A few articles of Furniture—For sale bv
dec 8 _6()
Has just received,-by numerous arrivals,
Choice and Seasonable Goods
Which are ottered for sale, wholesale anc
retail, and at reduced prices, for cash,
cotton or short credit,
t OF
Blabk aiujjColoreti Sinchews and Sarsnets
do . * *do Canton Handkerchiefs
do do Florence and Levantine Sil. ►
fashionable colors
do Tatt'etas and plaid Silks
do and white Thule Lace and silk Gauze
Silk Hose and Gloves; kid Gloves
do Shawls and 1 landkerchiefs
Satin and lustrings Ribbons
White and colored Feathers
Flag Handkerchiefs and Bandannas
Lace Handkerchiefs and Shawls
Silk and cotton Florentines
Black, white and colored Crapes
Silk net Sleeves
Rlack and white figured Laces, with
A general assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres at
and Cotton Goods, British and domestic
—also, —
Consisting of a general assortment, put up ex.
prcssly for the country, and for sale at a smaP
advance from the auction cost in New-York
50 barrels N. F.. and rectified Bum
It) do common Brandy
5 do apple do
10 do Gin—.B hhds Jamaica Rum
5 hhds West-India Rum—2o bags Coffee
15 chests hyson, young hyson & hyson skin Teas
50 kegs manufaetr’d Tobacco, Ist & 2d quality
50 m. Spanish Cigars—2s in. N. Orleans Cigars
10 boxes Raisins—lo jars l.orillard’s Snuff#
80 pieces cotton Bagging
5 crates stone and F.artlu rnwave
80 dozen Fryingpuns, assorted sizes
10 casks patent and Carolina Hoes
It) casks eight and ten link trace Chains
50 cases rorrun, castor and wool I lata, at very
low prices nov 26 76
Goshen flutter ft dip'll Candles.
27 firkins first quality Goshen Butter, and
60 boxes dipped Candles
Landing from ship Mary Augusta, for sale bv
dec 16