Columbian museum and Savannah daily gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1821, December 30, 1819, Image 2

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.Museum Gazette. DAILY 11F HAPPEL # HART LET. at IlfiliT HOLLA ns A TKAB : TATA lit K IN AlfV ANCK THK COUNTRY PAPER Pvftlishe/l evert/ Tuesday, TarnsHAt'(MMl Satuh dat Mondiigti, contuins all the New* and new .9ih>ertisen:ents of the Duily Paper—price Five hollars. Thursday, Dec. 30, 1810. row THE MUSEUM ANII GAZETTE. Mcttr*. Editor* .• lam tlie happiest of fathers! my son Simon has commenced poet! 1 have often told him he should inherit the reputation of his fa ther. Only imagine, then, my pleasure this morning, when he came to me with his first es say in poetry—Here, said he, are a few lines I think as pithy as any of Pope’s Dunciad. The hint I took from the Frenchman who sold brick dust to kill fleas ! the amplification, is all my own.” My son’s modesty pleased me as much as his fines. All of our family, said I, have had genius, and von fortunate child, are more fa vored than all your ancestors! ‘Stop—said my wife Abigail, I think a mother may claim a share in a son’s genius—were not the Vantitantick- Jer’s great men too ?’ Yes wife, I allow they were. ‘ You have a mother’s blessing’ said site to Simon, and a father’s too said I. This must have cost you a great deal of labor ? no, said lie only two days ! Bless me—these in two days! YVhat may you not do in forty years!!!—and Such perfection the first effort!!! Orthogra phy, etymology,syntax, and prosody—in short, you have attended to all the laws of versifica tion. Simon has fears, that someone who may haye wrote long before his time, has stolen some of his best ideas—but I tell him not to be dis cotiragcvjVne misfortune has happened celebrated autho'nr I hate to be tedi ous, or 1 should say mure in\he praise of Simon. Here ore the lines, they w?HJ speak nice tor Id’M, than I can. I know, hovneveriLy.iu will be delighted: V ” Anew method for killing Fleas. Said mr. Quint to mr. Sqiiint Here’s moon-grease for, you! Thank ye, thank ye, mr Quint, Pray, how d’y e use it l Why, catch p flee asleep, Tickle him till he laughs, Then put it in his mouth-** He’s dend, by gar, sir. please give the above the poet’s corner, and oblige, SIMON GULLIVER,W> Market-Square, Savannah, 1819. v. Original and Authentic. A inyly residing in an August city, not very reWte from Savannah, while descant ing upon\the useful qualities of a little ne gro, whom\ she kept upon her person, observed, Cfyat “ he was the finest little fel low in existence} that he performed her commands vv’ith so much alacrity, that he altogether superceded tfilF ie of hell in *e house.” ** Indeed mother, it is true,” Ued her daughter, “ for I saw ydu the • day ringing his ears very soun Ay.” ontMurder.— 'lt is known that &.**• r Jesse BrownVwere convicted ot ■on strong circumstantial testi -o!( foijj execution. The l.jtobe murdered was called s iqd after inquiries, it ap- TUolvin is alive, has arri tl has for several years ’ Jersey. The ques hut testimouy were \ g ntleman from me Circumstan man of in acity to ter of ynd in frequently heard to threaten each other mysteriously. The wnys of Providence are hidden from us, and the discovery of Colvin’s existence rnay lead to the knowl edge of who the person was thus cautious ly hnried y-respecting whom, there is reas on to believe, if our information is true, that the Browns know something of—an other dream may be more conclusive. Nat. Adv. THURSDAY MORNING, Dec. SO. , We understand that a K tter lias been receiv j ed in town from an officer at Trader’s hill, giv ing information that the U. S troops in the vi cinity of that post and St Mary’s, had been j forthwith ordered to Fort Scott It is conjee tured by some of our wi eacres, that this move-j ment is preparatory to the occupancy of Pen-, sacola, when Congress may determine on taking possession of the Floridas. ... •- I On the first of January, Saturday next, being | the anniversary of the Georgia Medical society, an Oration will be delivered in the Exchange, at 12 o’elock, by elector Jacob Be La Malta. The public are invited to attend STEAM SHIP SAVANNAH. Arrived at this port on the 17th inst. the elegant steam Ahiu.Savanjwav sfiapt. Ro gers, Petersburg*, Russia;, via Sa fiiniialt, in 50 days from the formerVji lace, having torched, on her passage days at Copenhagen, and four days rundle in Norway. She a very heavy gale in the north sea, from Savannah to this port—one f\<4n the north east after leaving Savannahyoar, and one from the north west on tjjifs side of cape Hatteras—haviWonly ten h'iours fair wind on her passage from Savannah, which place she left on the 4thHnst. She ,also en countered many other gnlps on her passage out, and has met with no accident except ing the loss of a small boat apd anchmrs.— Her machinery lyas met withVio accideVjt; her wheels constructed’ks to be m ken all on byrfid in from 10 toYp minutes; which lead's the vessel in the sYne sifua- 1 tion as j my other ordinary ship, and as ca pable or resisting the action of th\ waves. FropnjO miles this side of cape ffttteras, to this place, she came by the power of steam only, against the severe north\west gale we have had the last three days.V Capt. Hamilton, of the brig Alabama, ar rived here yesterday, in 17 days from Ha vana, states, that the Havana was very healthy, and no apprehension of war with the United States, nor any preparations making to send troops to Florida—the troops which had arrived from Spain, had been very sickly, about one third had died the governor had began to quarter them in the city, one regiment was already station ed in the convent of St. Domingo—.the planters were apprehensive that the Brit ish wished to possess themselves of the Island of Cuba, and were extremely oppo sed to such a measure—it is said the gov ernor solemnly assured one of the most respectable members of the chamber of commerce, that nothing was more distant from the thoughts of the king, his master, than ceding Cuba to Great Britain, * Baltimore American, vec. 21. ARKANSAW TERRITORY, The new government has gone into ef fect. The judges, who are by law the leg , ‘slature, met at the Post, and passed a ju icial law. James Bates, esq. is appointed trcult judge, The people are petitioning be changed into the second grade of gnv .iment. The emigrations and improve- I'.nents in the territory are immense, and the time is rapidly approaching, when the population will justify the establishment of anew state. [Miss. Gaz. Baltimore, Dec. 20. ■V* would ask some of our vigilant offi. s, nhiie duty it is to guard that portion >ur “ virtuous citizens,” whether a pri. ter with ninety or a hundred, men, did depait on Friday last, by stealth or r- ‘ise, without the shadow of a clear. V? If yes, whose fault was it? No t she will be sworn to hereafter as bo le Artigas or Venezueliar, entirely ijcd o.* manned abioad, merely put in > repair—that’s all. s the identical privateer, we are ’ , that damaged her rudder in Roads some short time since, left Norfolk, and gave us the ‘f repairs, although that port \atively a few miles distant. ‘hick way the wind blows.” From the Charleston Courier of Monday. Latest from Europe. By the ship Jane, capt. Gumming, arrived here yesterday in 44 days from Greenock, we have a | regular file of Scotch papers to the Kith Novem ber ; some extracts from which will be found in this day’s Courier. The spirit of the Radicals continues to display i itself in England, and is extending its influence into Scotland. A meeting was held at Glasgow on the Ist Nov. which was attended by the Re formers of that city and its vicinity ; the crowd was immense, and among them many females.— They separated at 5 o’clock without disturbance. A similar meeting of the Renfrewshire Reform ers took place the same day near Paisley. The | multitude assembled here did not proceed to any excesses, but the precautions taken by the ma ’ gistracy are alone supposed to have prevented it. , Many of the Reformers, it is asserted, were pro vided with pikes, daggers, and other weapons of defence. A meeting was held at Kilsyth on the j same day, where the assemblage was very great. Loyal and constitutional meetings have also ! been held in many places in Scotland, forthe pur j pose of addressing the Prince Regent, and ten dering him their aid in the present disturbed state of the country. j Details of these Radical and Loyal meetings ’ occupy nearly the whole of the papers we have received. Commercial letters by the Jane are to the 11th uit. inclusive, (the day she sailed) —They state ; that the Liverpool Cotton Market had been de- clining for some time. Private accounts from that place of the 7th quoted Uplands at 12 a 12td; Sea Islands, 2s a 2s The sales in Glasgow for the week ending on the 9th Nov. were, 31 j bales Sea Is! nds, at 2s 3d a 2s 3id; 196 bales j Uplands, 12dal2^d; 93bales NewOrleans, 12|d a 13 I d.—Many of the Cotton Mills are now on half employment, and some of them stopped al together. GLASGOW, Nov. 4. The meeting of the radical reformers at London, on Monday last, dr. Watson in the chair, passed over quietly ; it was far from being numerously attended. A se ries of resoultions, of the usual tenor, were unanimously agreed to ; as also, an address to the prince regent. The ad dress was of great length, it took nearly an hour to read it. , lord lieuten ant oi the west riding of the county of York, in room of Earl Fitzwilliam. The Yeomanry cavalrv in the midland and northern counties , of England, have, , by letters from the Secretary of the home department,been called upon to hold them selves in readiness to assist the civil au thorities in case of necessity. At a meeting of the county of North umberland on Saturday last, called by his grace the lord lieutenant and custos rotu lorum, it was resolved to form armed as- sociations in the chief towns in the county and throughout the country. , N- 9.'—We feel much satisfaction in sjtatin. that trade was much brisker last wVek tit has been for a considerable peikipt Not only the cotton and wollen mannVactures, but colonial commodities have riqen in price, and the transac l '’ “* have been rfFstich afl extent as to effect some improvement in the foreign exchan ges. This gratifying t e*ul tis chiefly ow ing to the yjYacity of the last Leipsic fair, where all tlii British goods offered for sale met with purchasers.—There is no doubt that our manofactures will long continue to be wanted in large quantities ; and, if the supply could be judiciously regulated, they would ot course yield fair profits. It is however to bp regretted that for some years the supply has overgrown the de mand, and the great overplus of weavers makes it but too probable that the same distressing circumstance will continue to impair the general trade. It is otherwise with those branches which depend upon the fashions; in which the difficulty of procuring information obviates the danger jot an over-stock. It meiit^lspecial re mark that these manufacturer |who have brought forward goods for home consump tion or fora foreign market whose fluctua tions were properly attended to, have gen erally prospered. Every prudent person will consider the circumstances of the con sumption, and not embark his fortune in making goods about which he can tell nothing but that they were in demand a month or two ago by exporters in London. Stocks are recovering though slowly, from their late fall. On Saturday Consols for account closed at 67 5-8. LONDON, Nov. j. Our correspondent at North Shields, says—“ The duke of Northumberland, fol lowing the footsteps of his gallant father, has sent notice to all his late volunteer tenantry, infantry and cafalry, that their sei vices and those of other patriotic defen ders of the crown and constitution of the country, will be accepted, and means ta ken to lit them for service forthwith. There needs but the sound of a bugle horn and the regimental bagpipes, to rouse Northum bria to join the standard of the illustrious Percy in support of king Geo. 111. and the constitution as by law established.” Nr.v 7.-—The Paris journals of Wednes day contain nothing more important than the rich promise of the wine harvest. LIVERPOOL MARKETS, NOV. 6. Cotton. —The demand has revived, the sales this week amounting to about 11,900 bags, viz. Sea-Island 140, 2s to 2s 5d and 2s 9d. Pernam bucco 1550,17d to 17#d and 18£d. Bahia 250, 16d to 17d. Mararrham 3250,15$ to 16#d- Mi na 950,13 to 13#d and 15$d. Demerara 100, 16 to 18d. Carthagena 30, 11# and. Orleans 1200, 13 to 15jd and 17d : and 45 do. (by auction) 12# to 13#d. Tennessee 160, 11# to 124d. Bowed 3400,12# to 13#d and 14d. Toomel 200, 10 to 10#d. Madras 10, lOd. Surat 60, 7# to B#d. Bengal 310,7# to B#d. Bowed are about #d per lb. and New-Orleans and Maranhams id per lb. higher than last week; but in other sorts there is no alteration The trade are the principal purchasers. Imports 1007 bags. Rice.— A few sffisJl lots of good Carolina Rice at 20s. ditto in bond, 13 to 21s. Brazil 14 to 17s. East-India, free, 12 to 20. From the New-Tork Com. Advertiser, Dec- 20. A large square rigged vessel was driven ashore last night to the southward of the Light-house, and it is apprehended has gone !to pieces. The pilots who 6-me up this morning, report that the cargo, consisting of bales, puncheons, barrels, &c. is floating nearthe beach. POSTSCRIPT. Jin If past one o'clock. By mr. Schenck, from Sandy Hook, we learn that the vessel reported to have gone j ashore near the Hook, is a large ship from the East-li.dies; and that part of the cargo consists of sugar in bags. It is stated that fifteen of her crew have perished. Sir William Lumley, the new govern or of Bermuda, has arrived at that Island, in the ship Europe, from London. We have seen a letter, received by capt. W ilson from the Secretary of the Navy, acknowledging the receipt of two commu nications from him, respecting the acts of piracy committed by the schooner Sisters, of this port, acquainting him that the U. S. brig j Enterprise is ordered to proceed from New-York to the Gulf of Mexico, to cruize for her and other vessels of a similar description.— Alexandria Gaz. 21 st inst. Captain Shankland, of the Morgiana, arrived at Philadelphia 17th inst. in 30 days from Maracaibo, reports that the pat riots were within 100 miles of (hat place, and an attack was daily expected. Gen eral Morillo went up the Lake a week be fore five Morgiana’s sailing. The Royalists had left the forts and gone toZufia. They were few in number, but determined to make resistance. % NEW-ORLEANS, NOV. 16. A report is in town, that the noted pri vateersman Gambi, has been murdered by the crew of his own vessel, on Grand Ter re, Barataria. Harriet), On the 16th inst at Waterloo, the residence of mr. Samuel Dowse, col Wm. Davies, of Forest Manor, to miss Jane Douglass, both of Burke county On the 16th inst. by the rev. mr. Boyd, mr, Joseph Jit. Lawton, of Robertsville, S. C. to miss ! Mary-Jinn King, of Athens, Geo. At Georgetown, S C on the night of the 22J inst. mrs. Anna, consort of Eleazer Waterman, esq. editor of the Winyaw Intelligencer. ]gf||£ Port bf Savannah. DECEMBER 30. Arrived since our last, French brig- Deux Alexanders, caprCuhagnet, 59 days from Havre, in ballast, to SJ Borgeaux. CLEARED. Ship Liverpool-packet, Birkett, Liverpool Brig Adeline, Rich, Boston. MEMORANDA The brig Patrick. Tucker; schrs Harvest, Emery; James-monroe, Howland ; Warren., Mason ; and sloop Express, Brown, from this port, arrived at New York on the 9th inst. The sloop Adeline, Bradley, from this port, ■ arrived at Charleston on Monday last- The ship Solon, Smith, cleared at Ncw-york I on the 20th for this port. The brig Georgia, Thompson, arrived at New, ] york on the 20th, 10 days from this port. The brig George, arrived at Hartford, Coni spoke in lat 28 30, lon 75 30, the brig Spartan! of Petersburg, Va. 8 days from Havana for Gib’ raltar—bad lost two men, the rest all well. BALTIMORE, Dec 21. Arrived— brig Alabama, Hamilton, Havana 17 days, sugar and coffee. Left ship Ea, Grant, of Balt, discharging; brig Actress, Parker, of do for New-orleans, put in and sailed same day ; sch Alexander, Tnompson, for Balt in 10 days i brig Fox Frazier, for South-america; ship lno Watson, from New-orleans for Europe, in dis tress; Br brig of war Ortaro, from Jamaica in distress, dismasted; Br ship Robert, from bay of Honduras for London, in a sinking condition ; brig Florida of Boston from Hamburg ; schr Jane, Miller, of Boston, to sail in 5 days ; brig Despatch, Howard, loading for Mediterranean ; Martha, Lincoln, of Boston, loading for do ; Mechanic, from Portland, just arrived ; schr Coquet sailed same day for Alexandria. Freight low and dull- Coffee best 23 cent s, new crop scarce, just come in—Sugar 14 a 18, and 15 a 19 reals—Molasses 7 and scarce—inferior Flour 18 and dull—Beef 17—Pork 24. Brig Chatsworth, Thompson, 17 days from Auguilla, Porlo-rico, sugar. Left schr Junius, Adams, of Baltimore, waiting cargo, for New orleans in 6 days. In lat 37 27, lon 74, spoke and supplied schr Leo of Kingston, from Eliza beth-city for Bermuda, out 25 days ; she was much in want of provis ; ons, but had no boat,and we stove ours in attempting to board him. We then headed up some bread, etc. in a beef bar rel and threw overboard, which they got after much difficulty, and appeared very thankful During the passage experienced severe gales from N. Brig Leopard, Alvey, 25 davs from Port-au- Prince, coffee. Left schr Valona, Smith, for Balt in 8 or-10 days; Comet, Banks, of do and a number of others. The brig Francis F John son, Barry, for Halt sailed the day before Dec 5, in lat 29, lon 76, spoke schr Sisters, 7 days from Xew-york ; 7th, lat 31, lon 76 50, schr Alexander, from Salem for Bermuda, 15 days lying too under her foresail. The L had a pi lot on board 12 days—experienced continued gales from the northward. Brig Morris, from Savannah Dutch brig De. Vrow, Derwertje Viger, 20 days from Havana, coffee and sugar. Schr Hornet, Hall, 25 days from Aux Cayes, coffee. Left schr Elizabeth, for Boston in 5 ds; sloop Ruby, for Newburvpoi t; brig Channcej for New-vork in 12 days; Peace, Ross, do in 4 ) schr Gen’’Hamilton, Balt 27tli; Sterling, Marti * do 2Stli. The brigs Alliance, for Keiinebun r, and Connecticut, Blinn, tor Turks-island, suih and 7;h Nov ; Fame, Jones, for Balt, sailed 20th. Schr Argo, Waist rum, 4C days from St Jaj a de Cuba, sugar and coffee. Cleared —schr Three-daughters, Allen, L t guira; sloop Active, Griffin, Cape-henry ; sh t’lato, Conkling, Bermuda ; Triton, Jenkins, HP Orleans; brig Agnes, Nichols, Port-au-Prince, BOSTON, Dec ll- Arrived —schr Wiscasset and Boston Pact* f, Erskine, Wiscasset, 2 days /1 J Cleared— brig Almira, Atwood, Savanja ts schr Aurora, Hall, dq; sloops Packet l(e ’a, West, Bath; Eliza, Douglass, do; k, Crandall, Newport ; Thomas, Castrer, W'Uda borough ; Mentor, Bailey, Wiscasset. V For New-York New-Haven, The sloop LEONIDAS, Stocking,m.v ter, will meet with despatch: T. fVeTgiit. or passage apply on board at Bullae. .. wharf, or to L. 11. SAGE & C<f> Rulloch’s wharf. dec 30 19 For New-York, The fast sailing packet shipijKJ.EN, XE&Hsf. Rowland, master, to meet dispatch, having the principal part of her cargo engaged. For freight of the remainder or passage, having elegant accommodations, apply on boaid at Tay lor’s w harf or to C. C. GRISWOLD & CO. Taylor's stores. dec 30 19 4 * For New York , ££&* The well known coppered packet ship RUBICON, N. H. Iloldritlge, inastdr, will meet with dispatch, having part of her freight engaged: tor the residue, or passage, having superior accommodations, apply tocapt :l. ’ on board, at Jones* upper wharf, br to HALL &.HOYT. Who have landing from said vessel and for sale, 140 hhds. prime St. Croix SUGAR, dec 28 17 For New Fork, The ’elegant packet ship Kb-sllsL Capt. Chain;-.lin. ..will meet immediate despatch, having a considerable part of her car go engaged For freight or passage, having-el-, egant ac; omdations a, ply on board ac Jon tier wharf, to capt Cbainplin, or at tW * boat v barf, to WYI.SCARBI ‘hr 25 li 16 —t —— For New - Yorkf*’ | ,The brig M'• Reuben £&&&£= Fosdick. masJqiSF’ dl mei t immediate dispatch, for pa sage apply to the master on boartPat Taylor’s w hart or to P. STANTON. s ‘ 11 F^KCharlestan. w&SrcN The rqjbdar packet sloop I TON, Charles Jlrfaster, will positively sail on Thursday 30th'Vist wind and weathey permitting having a. freight engaged for remainder or passage, luvW excellent accom modations, apply/on boarcNat Telfair’s wharf or to | regu JAhfiK T iver, will sai, K\ rimrsdby permitting. ll f'tight nr pas:, aconvpi clarions, aprdWrc the mastergWWfc|Lat s ■ Exchangyjlffnrf or to ! ‘ ’ JAMES KENYON. ton For , -iai’ T‘ .■■ j•;?i wY 13 YAC COIIKiP’’ Wpor Wilmington , N. C. | The news tling schr WILLIAM jSsMsfi BARKER, Joseph Tovme, master, will receive immediate dispatco, for eight or pas* sage aipiy on board at the Ice house or to HOMES TUPPER. Alio for Freight or Charier, The new fast sailing schr. CASH, N Langdon master, now lying at Bulloch*? wlvalf lec 21 12 fror Wilmington N. C. via. t Charleston, The Schr. TWO BROTHERS, Jair Best, master, will meet immediaf dispatch for freight to either places or passar - apply to tlie master on board or to y P. STANTON. v dec 25 h 1^ For Providence, . jMiA „ The regular packet brig RQLL7 , l£b£3l!* capt Martin, to sail in six day* j freight or passage apply to the master ofi ie ‘ r at Riqe’s wharf or to r JOSEPH RO6L dec 23 14 For Greenock. l L /- The well known coppereand Robert Ker, master, wj| 9 * a with despatch. For freiglit of 150 or flF.* cotton, or passage, apply to the masters kt Fraser’s wharf, or to M JOHN shearman tM w f jt yJunet \ iSls of Exchange, I*’ ° r On Liverpool, C.lsgow and Manchester, ble in London, for sale. Also, a few eus superior London Porter, dec 4 9g